The Peacock and Gamble Podcast - The Peacock and Gamble Podcast: Episode 18

Episode Date: May 26, 2019

"Episode 18" from was assembled into the "The Peacock and Gamble Podcast" podcast by Fourble. Episode 18 of 128....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, I am Ed Gamble. Hello, and I am Ray Peacock. This is the Peacock and Gamble podcast, live from the big one at Blackpool. 200 feet in the air, we are passing the 200 feet mark now. We're going to be a welcome show now because we are on a roller coaster in Blackpool. What's this bit now? Here we go. Oh shit!
Starting point is 00:00:23 Oh shit! Whoa! What's this bit now? Oh shit! Woah! Woah! Oh my goodness me! Did you hear that then? That's amazing that. That was a brilliant intro. Yeah? That was great but unfortunately the rest of it you can't really hear it very well because of the clatter clatter clatter. And wind wind wind. Yeah so that's what happened when you go on the big one but you got a bit of the
Starting point is 00:00:50 big one on there at the beginning. Yeah and the rest of it was just screaming as well. Yeah and do you know what that is a totally unique way of starting our podcast up. It is though isn't it? Yeah. This is our Black Pill special podcast we're doing today. Hooray. Hooray. And I don't reckon that anyone ever before has recorded an intro to our podcast up there. You're probably right. At the top of the
Starting point is 00:01:09 big one. I don't think anyone has recorded a Peacock and Gamble podcast introduction at the top of the big one. Yeah, we are the only ones to do that
Starting point is 00:01:15 defos. I'm 90% sure of that. I'd be surprised if anyone from any podcast has ever done it. Well, we'll have to find out.
Starting point is 00:01:21 If you know of anyone in a podcast who's done it before us, then let us know. But I imagine they'll all start doing it now. Yeah, we find all of them doing it. Oh, they'll all be doing it. We'll all have a turn of that now. We are a comedian as well. We will do a podcast as well.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Are we all going to do it and copy it now? Yeah, well, we've done it first. On the top of the big one. On the top of the big one. On the top of the big one, yeah. I don't think we did a podcast first. I think, um, what did Ricky Jingle did it? What did he call it again? I think it's Ricky first I think Ricky Jingle did it I think it's Ricky Jingle Ricky Jingle off to an office
Starting point is 00:01:49 Yeah Yeah he'd done one definitely Yeah but he didn't do one on the big one and that's what we're saying Yeah Ricky Jingle why have you not done a podcast on the top of the big one yet Too successful are you
Starting point is 00:01:59 Oh you're too rich are you and too popular and famous and everyone likes you. Well done. Me and Ed like. Oh. I don't feel like doing it now.
Starting point is 00:02:19 See what we should do in this podcast? What? Tell them all about Blackpool. Yeah, we should do the Blackpool special. It would seem appropriate. Yeah, but as it's the Blackpool special, then that means that it is different them all about Blackpool. Yeah, we should do the Blackpool special. It would seem appropriate. Yeah, but as it's the Blackpool special, then that means that it is different to all the other weeks. So here are the things that are coming up on the show today.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Right. Stuff about Blackpool that we've done. Yeah. Tesco update. Yeah. Free stuff update. Right, that's not really Blackpool specific stuff. Shh, don't say nothing.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And that is it. Yeah, no, there yeah no complaint letters this week why not because sadly this is the Blackpool special so if you want to
Starting point is 00:02:50 hear about Blackpool and us getting barred off the Pleasure Beach that really happened as well we got barred Blakey barred us
Starting point is 00:02:56 off on the buses that's who it was we'll talk about that in a second but can I sadly there's no time for complaint letters this week
Starting point is 00:03:04 have you just not done one so I didn't bother writing Sadly, there's no time for complaint letters this week. Have you just not done one? So, I didn't bother writing one because there is no time for it. You forgot. I didn't forget. Well, what's happened then? Right, I've had a sore knob. Right, oh God, here we go.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I have had a sore knob, though. Yeah. It still is sore. And that's, it's not, I've not been feeling very funny. Unless you've got a sore knob because you had a pen up it while you were trying to write the complaint letter, then that is no excuse. It is an excuse because it's i think your knob is the fulcrum of your body okay for a boy keeps you balanced yeah for a boy the fulcrum of your body is a knob yeah and for a lady the fulcrum of your body is your rudy it is no you're really
Starting point is 00:03:38 what women have yeah you're really in the middle of the legs in the middle of it they've got a rudy in their bum yeah and i think that is where the fault is yeah but i think for a man it is your knob is your knob and you've you felt a bit off kilter yeah i don't know what's wrong with it i don't know what's happened yeah i'm sometimes get kidney stones but i don't i've never passed one or never had a knob stone no i've never noticed passing one before and i don't know if maybe it's that maybe there's a stone going all down my knob yeah yeah it could be that be that. Or maybe it could be anything. Maybe it is having a protester attached to your body.
Starting point is 00:04:09 You think my knob is in protest? I hope it's not. It does hurt, though. It hurts just on the end bit. You know, the big bit on the end. It's inside that. So I don't know if any listeners can help me on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:19 On what is wrong with Ray's knob. Maybe it's a little flea living in there. Don't say things like that. That's horrible. Imagine that if, in the end, right, you just go mad in the night and you have to chop it open, right, with a knife and a wasp flies out. I'm not chopping it open. No matter what happens, I'm not chopping my knob open.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Even if it starts buzzing. I'll tell you what I've decided, though. What? If I go to doctors, right, and they say, I'm awfully sorry about this, Mr Peacock, but we're going to have to cut it off. Otherwise, you'll die in that. Then I gonna have to cut it off right otherwise you'll die in that
Starting point is 00:04:46 right then I think I'd go alright I'll die or I might go do you know what I'm gonna have a full sex change if I also have
Starting point is 00:04:55 my nub off yeah I'm gonna have a full sex change yeah and wander around as a lady from now on that'd be brilliant
Starting point is 00:05:01 because there's no work to do on the tits yeah tits are already there I've got the long hair keep the beard no no no join long hair. Keep the beard. No, no, no. Join the circus. No, shave the beard off,
Starting point is 00:05:08 put a bit of lippy on. Hey, Presto. Nice pretty lady out of the roly polies. Have you ordered them ones? Yeah, I mean, I think a lot of people will be walking around going,
Starting point is 00:05:16 I saw that fat lady off the chef programme and she's come back to life. Right. I'm not doing a podcast today now. Forget it. I've got a sore nub, I told you. You're so sensitive, Clarissa. Yeah, because I'm not doing a podcast today now. Forget it. I've got a sore knob.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I told you. You're so sensitive, Clarissa. Yeah, because I'm... Ray. Join in with the podcast. No, I don't like it anymore. Why? I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I don't like the way you shout at me. I didn't shout at you. I didn't have a go at me and hope that I die from knob rot. I hope it isn't that. I've not done anything to make me get knob rot. No. God, I hope I've die from knob rot. I hope it isn't that. I've not done anything to make me get knob rot. No. God, I hope I've not got knob rot. I hope I've not got knob rot like a virgin birth.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I hope I've not got virgin knob rot. I hope I'm getting that. Maybe you have to dip it in vinegar to perverse it. Alright, I'll do that towards the end of the show today. We'll do that instead of the complaint letters. Alright then. Ray dips his knob in some vinegar. That's a good sex, isn't it? We should make that a weekly thing. Oh. Alright then. Ray dips his knob in some vinegar. That's a good section isn't it?
Starting point is 00:06:05 We should make that a weekly thing. Oh can I just say to our fans who came to Lincoln on Saturday night thank you for
Starting point is 00:06:09 coming to the show and you were a great audience. Yeah thank you and we're doing Bradford Uni on Tuesday the 6th
Starting point is 00:06:14 so that's tomorrow night if you're listening to this on Monday. That's true yeah tomorrow Bradford Uni. So we're both doing that one.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I don't know whether you're allowed in if you're not a Bradford Uni student. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:22 What are you fucking asking us for? Right it's okay that's the admin out of the way. That's done. Right and I'll tell everyone about Blackpool now Ray. Are you going to join in or not?. I don't know. I don't know. What are you fucking asking us for? Right, it's okay. That's the admin out of the way. That's done.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Right, I'm going to tell everyone about Blackpool now, Ray. Are you going to join in or not? Well, I will listen and see if it's interesting me. We went Blackpool Pleasure Beach, didn't we? Yeah. Had a lovely time on it. Yeah, got sacked. Got sacked off it.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Got barred off it, didn't we? We got sacked. We were working on Blackpool Pleasure Beach and got sacked off it. Yeah, well, we shouldn't have been sacked, I don't think. No, I would dispute this one. I think we were just having a lovely time at the fair like nice boys.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, and even though we were trying to get sacked, then we shouldn't have been sacked, I don't think. No, I would dispute this one. I think we were just having a lovely time at the fair, like nice boys. Yeah, and even though we were trying to get sacked, then we shouldn't have been in the long run. I think they should have just been a bit nicer about it. Yeah, all we were doing most of the time was shouting. Yeah, and they didn't like that. Like, kids go to the fair and shout all the time. And then as soon as two grown men do it, go around shouting, they say it's scary. Oh, you're frightening the children. And we weren't.
Starting point is 00:07:02 We weren't. We were going, whoa. Yeah, we were going, whoa. And that's us being excited about seeing things. And policemen. Yeah, when we frightening the children. And we weren't. We weren't. We were going, whoa. Yeah, we were going, whoa. And that's us being excited about seeing things. And policemen. Yeah, when we saw the security man. Policemen. He became our nemesis.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah, he did. Blakey from On The Buses. That's what he looked like. It was like we were Beano characters. And he was our nemesis. He was the figure of authority. He was the teacher of the Bastard Kids. Yeah, that always gets in the way and ruins all our pranks.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yeah. And he kept telling us off every ride we went on we went under rockets going round and round oh you can't use your phone on there right under
Starting point is 00:07:29 merry-go-round we've done what do you call them animals like big dogs horses horses right went all round on the horses
Starting point is 00:07:35 oh you can't use your phone on there in the ghost train oh you can't use your phone on there even though I was ringing the police because the ghosts
Starting point is 00:07:42 I'm not kidding you right go back to the pledge it's a thing called ghost trade you think it's going to be a pretend you go in it right there are real ghosts
Starting point is 00:07:49 in it yeah so if you see a real ghost do call the police or Derek Okora or get 118 and try and find out where Derek Okora lives
Starting point is 00:07:56 yeah or do the other thing which is another thing I tried towards the end which is just scream as loud as you possibly can but they couldn't do you for that though no but they did
Starting point is 00:08:04 but they're going on I was going oh girl you've got to keep quiet oh you for that, though. No, but they did. But going on that, I was going, oh, girl, you've got to keep quiet. Oh, you're being too loud. But there's women on there screaming. Yeah, exactly. And children screaming. Not a fucking word to them lot.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I can't believe it. Oh, you can't stand next to a stall and shout scab at the postman Pat Dold. Why not? Why not? Here's a scab. And then, well, we found out we could record on my phone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 So we got on the big one, biggest ride in, I think, the world, right? Yeah. And got on that and recorded the intro that you've just heard at the beginning, right? Which is brilliant. And we carried on recording as well all the way around. All the way around. A lot of it was screaming. Yeah, not very good sound.
Starting point is 00:08:36 That's why we not used it. Yeah. And then we got off the ride, right? Yeah. Blakey from On The Buses follows us down the ramp, right? For I've told you about using your phone. Yeah, you can't use your phone. You can't use your phone. And I went, I didn't. I went told you about using your phone. Yeah, you can't use your phone, you can't use your phone.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Like, I went, I didn't. I went, it's in my pocket. Yeah, and I went, with a button down.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah, so I don't, so we thought, To make it official. Yeah, we thought we had him there, we thought, how do we get the button undone on the ride,
Starting point is 00:08:55 right? And then he pointed at us. Yeah, well, it wasn't at us, it was just sort of between us. that's what we thought. And we both looked at each other,
Starting point is 00:09:01 and then we realised he was pointing through. At the big bank of screens with the souvenir photos on. Yeah, and we were on there on the phones. There was a picture of us, literally the most incriminating picture ever. It was bang to right. I mean, they did get us completely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:17 But can't trick us out for that. No, can't trick us out. And they didn't. They didn't. In their defence, they didn't. So we started going on rides that were mainly inside then. Yeah, like Valhalla, the wet one. Yeah, Valhalla,
Starting point is 00:09:25 we went on that four times. Absolutely soaked. My favourite ride ever. And then we went on Ghost Train again, a bit more screaming. Yeah. And then Alice in Wonderland.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Alice in Wonderland, which is a bit like Ghost Train, isn't it? But for children, about Alice in Wonderland. Yeah, I used to like it as a child. I used to like Ghost Train
Starting point is 00:09:39 as a child as well. Yeah. I liked them both. Yeah. But I liked the Alice in Wonderland ride because they played the golden ticket music from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory inside it. Which was a bit incongruous, I thought. I like it. All right like the Edison Wonderland ride because they play the golden ticket music from Charlie and the
Starting point is 00:09:45 Chocolate Factory inside it which is a bit incongruous I thought I like it alright well we all packed me and you
Starting point is 00:09:51 it felt like a crowd didn't it we still did pack into one Cheshire cat you were in the front I was in the back I was driving
Starting point is 00:09:58 I was a passenger went round it once loved it absolutely loved it I suggested that we should when we go because it was quite quiet it was on it I suggested that we should when we go because it was quite quiet it was on Monday we went
Starting point is 00:10:06 so I suggested when it finished we should get off it and run top speed round to the front and go on it again which we did yeah and the girl who was operating it
Starting point is 00:10:15 she was laughing in fact yeah she was laughing it seemed like a boring day for her and two sort of giddy possibly disabled fat men running around and sitting on the jetty cat was exciting for her
Starting point is 00:10:23 yeah and they didn't have a chuckle yeah so we got in there. Yeah. Started going round again. Yeah. I thought, seen it all before, mate. Seen it all before. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:30 And then there was a suggestion. I'm not, who did it come from, the suggestion? I think it was you. Right, okay. You're blaming me for this one, aren't you? Yeah, it was Ed's idea, I think, to do it. Well, I came up with the idea that, wouldn't it be funny if the people working there saw us go in and then an empty
Starting point is 00:10:45 cat come out and then not come out it was like what would be the course of action if our cat comes out empty so we tried it
Starting point is 00:10:53 yeah and it didn't take any discussion we didn't go oh we can't I mean we both literally stepped out of it at the same time yeah before I'd
Starting point is 00:10:59 finished the idea straight away straight out of it standing still by this big massive chess set and with the queen on it and that, and she moves around it. And we just, well, I say she moves around it.
Starting point is 00:11:10 She doesn't move around it when there aren't any cats going by. She just stops, mate. There's a little secret. They didn't know. So we just stood there. And that was when it got a bit weird. It did get a bit weird because we heard the rumble of another car coming around the corner. And it was some children, wasn't it? It was, yeah, a little boy and a more grown-up girl.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And a more grown-up girl, but it was a very little boy, wasn't it? Oh, the boy was little, yeah. Yeah, and you decided... But the girl was probably about 13, 14. Yeah. Maybe older than that. Yeah, but that... No, I'm saying, though, but it wasn't like two little tots.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah, but there was one little tot. There wasn't that little of a tot. All right, you still decided to do your Mad Hatter slash Leatherface impression. It wasn't! I played the Mad Hatter once and I played him really sort of aggressive and violent. And mad! Did you do it as an unexpected play?
Starting point is 00:11:55 Did you jump out at people and go, I'm doing a play! I'm a Mad Hatter! Right in the child's face. And he cried like, I mean, that was one of the quickest cryings I've ever seen. I felt really bad. There was a little moment of shock and then proper crying. Yeah. The car trundled on.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yeah, off they went. Off they went. A few minutes later. Thinking that's just part of the ride, I imagine. Yeah. A few minutes later, lights come up. Everything stops in the ride, doesn't it? Yeah, they shut down the ride.
Starting point is 00:12:19 This is what we find out later on. Apparently, if somebody goes missing in the ride, they shut down the ride. Footsteps around the corner. We did a very clever thing. ride they shut down the ride footsteps around the corner we did a very clever thing yeah it was Blakey coming around the corner
Starting point is 00:12:28 we froze yeah really still in a sort of in an Alice in Wonderland style motif as if he was a T-Rex and his
Starting point is 00:12:37 vision was based on movement but it worked and he walked past us one time and he only turned back
Starting point is 00:12:43 because he heard us laughing because we laughed so much and then marched us out right down the if you've ever
Starting point is 00:12:49 seen the Alice in Wonderland ride it's a big ramp comes out the outside of it marches down that going round in circles
Starting point is 00:12:53 that felt weird being marched out in a circle straight out the park and I'm going when can we come back
Starting point is 00:13:00 when can we come back and he said not this season not this season not this season so we're season. Not this season. So we're not barred forever. No, I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:07 isn't the season nearly over? Yeah, so we probably wouldn't have gone back anyway. So we could go back next year. Let's go back. Right, us and all the fans of the podcast, we're all going for a day out
Starting point is 00:13:14 at Blackpool Pleasure Beach on the opening day next year, 2010. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, deal. Ed's paying. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Competition's fan competition has a winner. Hooray. The other competition we were running about the iTunes blurbs. Yeah. About what films they were relating to. That's not been one yet. No, it's not. People are close. They're still missing one, though.
Starting point is 00:13:50 They're missing at least one. On the whole, yeah. Which is, it's a difficult one, but if you get it... Do you know what? It's astoundingly difficult. It's astoundingly... Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:58 I think we should just tell them what episode it was. Okay. Episode 15. Ray and Ed upset their publishers. Ray and Ed really upset their publisher by drunkenly denouncing the content of all their previous books. Yeah, so you're not getting
Starting point is 00:14:07 that. That is a film. Yeah. That is from a film, albeit a film that's perhaps not out in this country. But it is out, the film is out. It is out. But not in this country. Keep trying but you've not got it yet. So that Cleopatra poster is still in my possession, you haven't got that yet. But anyway, competition to win a competition, the winner is Ben Cawthorn. Hooray for Ben. Ben's entry was as follows. What happens next? Ray and Ed come up with a situation to put Fraser in. Then, next week, contestants put forward what should happen next.
Starting point is 00:14:33 The winner is the person with the funniest idea. One rule, Fraser cannot die until Ray and Ed say so. So here's Ed with the opening line of that story. I was shopping with Fraser in the DIY shop when I suddenly realised he was missing. Right, that's the first sentence of the story. So do we want one sentence? We want one sentence, we want the next bit of that. Okay. The next bit of that. You can have one, maybe two sentences.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Sick as you like. Yeah, however sick you want. I mean, bear in mind this is the beginning of the story so we've got to go somewhere from here. Yeah. But that's the start of it. You've heard the first line, now put up the second line and we will announce the winner of that next week and then we'll start this chain story going. Yeah. And hopefully by the end of it you've heard the first line now put up the second line and we will announce the winner of that next week and then we'll start this chain story going yeah
Starting point is 00:15:07 and hopefully by the end of it it will be illegal Tesco update little update about the present situation with Tesco just to recap I was chucked out of Tesco essentially yeah for having my about the present situation with Tesco. Just to recap, I was chucked out of Tesco, essentially. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 For having my hood up. A lot of this podcast seems to be you getting chucked out of stuff. It is, isn't it? Yeah. Not bad, is it? I think one day I won't be allowed to record the podcast because I will be chucked out of my house. I'll be chucked off my computer.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. But anyway, I got chucked out there. I got a bit of a bee in my bonnet about it. And people are going, what do you want? What do you want to happen? You're not going Tesco anymore, are you not? No. What do you want to happen? Don't know. Want to bring them down to their knees? Yeah. Oh, you'll never bring Tesco down, people are going. Oh, you'll never bring them down. That won't happen. They're too big a company. Oh, they're far too big. You'll never bring them down. Ahem, Woolworths. Oh, you'll never bring Tesco
Starting point is 00:16:03 down. Ahem, Woolworths. And that was you, Oh, he's never been Tesco'd out. Woolworths. And that was the year, was it? Came into it. Right, so here's an update on what's happening with Tesco. And we just had some breaking news as well.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yeah. Because we're recording this, it's Sunday. If you're listening to it on Monday, we're recording this yesterday. Yeah. And we just had some
Starting point is 00:16:14 breaking news, which I'll tell you about in a moment. But some people have wrote to us. Gavin Almond has wrote in, demanding a public
Starting point is 00:16:19 apology on television to me by Tesco. Yeah, well, quite rightly. That is one of the things that I want. I do want that. I want a public apology by Tesco on telly. And I want Mr. Tesco, stood in the middle, right? And I want all the people that have ever done voiceovers for the Tesco adverts lined up behind him, but with sad faces and very funeral-like clothes. Who is Mr. Tesco? What does he look like? Billy Tesco. Billy Tesco. It's Billy Tesco,
Starting point is 00:16:43 isn't it? But I want them all at the back like Don French and old David Jason and all that lot. I want them all lined up. I like that. All with their head bowed. And Billy Tesco at the front right
Starting point is 00:16:51 just going with his walking stick and that. He looks a bit like Richard Attenborough but you know in Jurassic Park. Okay, alright. He looks like that.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yeah. That's how he looks and he just stumbles forward with his little walking stick. Hello, I'm Billy Tesco. Hello, I am Billy Tesco. And I want him to go we are terribly sorry to Ray Peacock for doing the chucking him out. And the staffing question has been tapped.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And here is a special plastic pass, which means that you can do shopping for free in Tesco all your life. And then they all put their heads up. Yeah, and I won't even use it. I will give it a nomeless. Jack Metcalf. Love you, little Jack. We'll talk about jack later on as well but he wrote a slightly intelligent letter did he it's only slightly
Starting point is 00:17:29 yeah to tesco he wrote it all out it said on it the byline was fight the power okay which i thought was ironic given that jack works at starbucks i thought there was a slight discrepancy there but yeah i think considering he works at starbucks well maybe he's bringing down the system from the inside possibly so but why is he working at Starbucks and bringing down Tesco? Okay. Yeah? Alex Crone wrote a Tesco letter. Well, he wrote to Tesco complaining, and I'll be arsed.
Starting point is 00:17:52 We don't normally read out the letters, but I'll read this one out. Alex Crone wrote, Dear Tesco, fuck's sake, regards, Alex Crone. And I thought that was bang on the money. That's exactly right. He's captured the spirit of this. That's exactly what's going on here. The things that have been happening in the news about Tesco,
Starting point is 00:18:04 because it seems that since we started doing this, I'm not saying that we're responsible for this, but since we've been having our little Tesco campaign, our little Tesco prod, that things have been happening. There have been a lot of Tesco news. People have started kicking off, haven't they? Yeah, there was the little lad dressed as a Jedi.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Yeah, chucked him out. Chucked out. He was in the news after we started this. Last week, or I think it was the week before last, Kev Mara sent us a thing on the podcast page about a bloke in Andover, Robert Caton in Andover. Yeah. Now, I love this story, but one thing ruins it.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Okay. One thing ruins this story, and I'm really disappointed in it. He basically had been having a bit of a row with his local Tesco over a bed. He'd bought a bed there, apparently. Right, well, if you're going to buy a bed from Tesco... I mean, you are asking for trouble, aren't you? I would have thought.
Starting point is 00:18:43 But he got so wound up with the whole situation, he drove his Rolls Royce through Tesco's window. So he had a Rolls Royce? Yeah, he had a 1983 Rolls Royce. Why was he buying a bed from Tesco then? He just ploughed it into the supermarket. I mean, that's what happened. But also, apparently, he'd drunk two bottles of whiskey.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Right. Which ruined it for me. Yeah. I didn't like that it was his drunk. Okay. And I also don't know why he drove it into the window unless he thought that would be a good
Starting point is 00:19:06 swap for a bed. I would drive me a Rolls Royce in there and swap it for a bed. Will that work if you're pissed? You know, you can,
Starting point is 00:19:14 that's the sort of logic you can have, isn't it? I thought the thing that the judge said, because it's bent to court this, and you want to
Starting point is 00:19:19 talk to him, he honestly, he got arrested for it, no problem. Quick wrap on the rest. Yeah. It was Judge Keith Cutler
Starting point is 00:19:24 and he said a very interesting thing. He said, if every citizen of this country who felt aggrieved against a shop or a bank acted like you, there would be complete mayhem. Frustration is no defence
Starting point is 00:19:34 or mitigation. I take great exception with that. Well, surely that's more of an indictment on the state of customer services. Completely it is. It should say, if every shop or bank
Starting point is 00:19:43 did their fucking job, it'd be utopia, this country. Yeah, there would be fucking mayhem because they can't do their fucking job and everyone would be flipping out. If everyone flipped out, then customer services would get better because they'd just be scared. Yeah, if every citizen of this country who felt aggrieved against a shop or bank
Starting point is 00:19:59 acted like you, customer service would greatly improve. So I'm not telling you what to do, but if you've got a Roll improve. So, I'm not telling you what to do, but if you've got a Rolls Royce, I'm not saying that you can't drive it through a Tesco window.
Starting point is 00:20:09 It is your choice in the end. And this is the stop press thing we've just had. I've literally just had this email to me, which has been
Starting point is 00:20:15 in the Sunday papers today, about a Tesco store in Clacton, Essex, where apparently security guards beat up a disabled teenager because they thought he was shoplifting.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Okay. Right? Do you know why? Why? Because his mum had given him a bit of chicken. When they were shopping
Starting point is 00:20:28 she got some chicken and she gave him a little bit of chicken. Yeah. Right? Which apparently the quote is it's what I usually do
Starting point is 00:20:34 and it keeps him quiet while we are shopping. Right, okay. Fair enough. I'm the same. I'm the same. This is Jenny Roche or Roche is it?
Starting point is 00:20:42 She's his mum. Charlie Roche is the teenager. Yeah. Apparently his disability he's got a bit a part of his brain missing that affects
Starting point is 00:20:50 This was in Essex was it? That affects behaviour. This is in Clacton in Essex. Tesco in Clacton in Essex. I mean it doesn't really matter that he's disabled. It's like Well it does to him.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Well no I mean it doesn't matter within the story that he's disabled. No no no. Because essentially what happened was according to the story
Starting point is 00:21:04 security guards just twatted the fuck out of him. For having a bit of loose chicken? Yeah, but in Tesco. I don't know how that would even look like it was shoplifting, though. I tell you what. That it was a bit of loose chicken. Like he'd gone behind the deli counter, like some sort of food ninja,
Starting point is 00:21:18 and just snuck a bit out of the box and walked around eating it. But either way, I don't care if he'd put an entire chicken down his trousers and was walking out the doors. That doesn't warrant smacking him in the face. No. Or having his arm up his back and kicking him when he's on the floor, which apparently is what happened as well. And it only stopped because there was an off-duty copper in there who told them to stop.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Did he have his hood up though? Oh, maybe that was it. Yeah. I'll tell you what, Tesco, seriously, you've got to sort out your security. Yeah. If this is true, or even if there's a modicum of truth in this story, you've got to sort out your security they're really heavy handed and something needs
Starting point is 00:21:47 to be done otherwise I'm going to start an army right it's going to be called an Ed's Elpin even if he doesn't want to
Starting point is 00:21:53 it's the Peacock and Gamble Army right we're going to rise up and we're going to take on your security guards in the car park after Tesco is shut right
Starting point is 00:21:59 I will help right but I don't really want to yeah but you've got to I'll come right you just give me a bit of chicken and I'll keep quiet alright yeah I will if you're whinging about being, right, you just give me a bit of chicken and I'll keep quiet. Alright,
Starting point is 00:22:06 yeah, I will. If you're whinging about being there, I'll just give you a bit of chicken and you'll keep quiet about that. Yeah, that's what, right, and I mean that,
Starting point is 00:22:12 I mean, it sounds like a joke, I mean it. If all Tesco security guards want to take on me and my army, round the back of Tesco is when it's shut, it's fucking on,
Starting point is 00:22:21 right, that is on. Right, you know what I'm going to do, right? What? I'm going to put you in a trolley, right, and I'm going to push you in a trolley, right?
Starting point is 00:22:27 And I'm going to push you out the security guards full pelt, right? And it will go well fast and you'll be like the big ball in Indiana Jones, right? And you'll take them all out like security guard bowling. I've got a better idea. What? Let's just arrange the fight and then just go in Tesco on the rob. Because all the security guards will all be out the back waiting for our fight. Lock the doors.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Because they're all thugs by the sound of it. Yeah. Certainly from the information I'm getting from the press at the moment after my own press experience Tesco security guards are fucking thugs and let's get them out of there
Starting point is 00:22:49 and then go in there right and nick all the top trumps but keep that quite right that is the master plan over all this Tesco shit I don't care
Starting point is 00:22:59 how they operate the business I just want free top trumps alright it's time for Clock Cat now oh well we watched Watch Dogs and the List and didn't have to
Starting point is 00:23:11 yeah that one did you watch it no I didn't watch it either alright because Sky Plastic for next week yeah alright sorry about that cancelled
Starting point is 00:23:17 so the next day we went back to Blackpool yeah we thought hey come on let's get barred from another thing. We even said it on the podcast Facebook page. Yeah, that we were going to try and get barred. We were going to try and get barred from Louis Tussauds. Louis Tussauds. We thought we'd go for the second cup.
Starting point is 00:23:34 We'd go for the bra. Which is the way, yeah, if you get two cups, you get a bra. Yeah, we went to Louis Tussauds, which is, he is a relation of some sorts to Madame Tussauds. Disabled brother, we reckon, by the state of some of the waxworks. With one hand. Yeah. He is a one-handed disabled brother. So we went in there and we properly misbehaved.
Starting point is 00:23:54 We misbehaved immediately as well. I mean, I'd say no sooner was your ticket money in a tild than you were bombing Lawrence Goyle and Bowen. I was right behind him, wasn't I? Yeah. I mean, because that was the thing. The best thing about it is, is you're allowed to take photos in there, or it didn't say you couldn't.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Yeah. And it never said anywhere, don't touch the waxworks. Yeah, don't bum the waxworks. Yeah, don't undress the waxworks. Don't kiss the waxworks.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah. Don't break the waxworks. Don't go up at Marion Monroe's frock. I bet everyone does that. Yeah, I reckon they do as well. But not everyone looks up
Starting point is 00:24:22 Whoopi Goldberg's habits. That was dirty, wasn't it? It was. It felt wrong, didn't it? I don't mean what we found. well. But not everyone looks up Whoopi Goldberg's habits. That was dirty, wasn't it? It was. It felt wrong, didn't it? I don't mean what we found. I mean... It was lovely, Whoopi, if you're listening.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Whoopi, if anything, you should be very proud of yourself. You've got an A-grade Rudy, Whoopi. You've got a proper nice Rudy in there, Whoopi, so don't you worry about that. Your Rudy was better than Angelina Jolie's one.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yeah, it was a lovely Rudy, mate. We got our top Rudys out, didn't we? Yeah. Angelina Jolie, we did that. Again, the staff, nothing. I stole Winona Ryder's top Rudys out, didn't we? Yeah. And Gina Jolie. We did that. Again, the staff, nothing. I stole Winona Ryder's handbag and said,
Starting point is 00:24:49 see how she likes it. Nothing. They just laughed that off. Thought I was hilarious. Now, earlier I said there was no sign saying, don't break the waxworks. Obviously, that should be a given, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 But what happened... I didn't break it on purpose. Well, you went to meet Barack Obama, didn't you? Yeah, because I like him. Yeah, and it was a thing where you could take a photo of you shaking his hand, because he had his hand outstretched. Yep. You forgot it was a waxwork and not a human. I don't
Starting point is 00:25:14 know why they can't employ someone. Right, if they're going to do that, if they're going to go, have your photos up with Barack Obama, I don't understand why they can't go, right, here's what we'll do. We'll push Barack Obama right against this wall here. Yeah. Right, we'll cut a little hole in the wall we'll employ a man yeah
Starting point is 00:25:28 to stick his arm through but I don't why can't they do that so instead I went I shook his hand yeah it said shake hand you shook his hand off
Starting point is 00:25:35 I shook his arm off and it stayed in his jacket yeah but I could feel it was loose and you were worried that you were going to have to stay there forever holding his arm on well there's a queue of people.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And then they're going, oh, Ed, I don't have dislocated Barack Obama's arm. And we had to stand there and then had to let it slowly go to the floor. Well, I was busy touching up Princess Di. And I ran over and you were holding onto Barak's hand. If I may call him Barak. I think we got to know each other that day. Holding his hand going, will I have to stay here forever. He was frightening.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It was terrifying. And in the Chamber of Horrors, afterwards as well, we got in bed with Linda Blair off The Exorcist. And don't forget, they had this little tabloid bit where it's the bed for The Exorcist with the vicar near it. Yeah. And Linda Blair in the bed, right, all in the dark, actively, as we found out when we used the flash on the camera.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Because it just looked terrible. It looked like a lime on a toothpick. Yeah, but we got in bed with her. And she was underage when she made that film. I know. Even if she was possessed by a 300-year-old demon,
Starting point is 00:26:32 she's still underage. That makes it alright, doesn't it? Yeah. Or does it? If they've got a 300... Yeah, there is precedent in court for that. If you sleep with
Starting point is 00:26:39 an underage child who has been possessed by an overage demon, that is alright. They take the average. But still no boring.
Starting point is 00:26:46 No. Not having none of it. It was like it was all YTS there that day and they were going we didn't make them.
Starting point is 00:26:52 You can break them all you want mate. I don't care. Do you know what? When I watched you sat there on that piano next to Elton John with your hand
Starting point is 00:26:58 down in front of his trousers I thought that was hilarious. I thought that was brilliant Ed. So we tried to up our game we followed the man round for a bit yeah
Starting point is 00:27:08 and every time he stood still we took a photo of him yeah right and he sort of chuckled but I don't think he understood what the joke was no
Starting point is 00:27:15 like we thought he was a wax work yeah but he was chuckling to start with but then he was worried that we were stalking him yeah but then I wanted I thought he should have just gone and complained
Starting point is 00:27:22 about us he should have gone to the front desk and complained about us and got us thrown out yeah even about us. He should have gone to the front desk and complained about us and got us thrown out. Yeah, even though if he'd gone to the front desk, we would have followed him still shouting, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Yeah, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods. He looked like Tiger Woods. All right, he was a different skin colour, I admit that. And all right, he was a lot older and probably shorter. God, I mean, why didn't he complain about us? I don't know. So his dad went to two swords. Try and get barred.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Got failed. Yeah. Didn't win it at all. And I thought that would be good. I thought this would be a brilliant end to the podcast today. And all we have got out of it is some photos that we will put on our Facebook page. Because we were allowed to take photos. I mean, we couldn't even sneakily take photos.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Because we were allowed to take photos. So we took photos of a sexually assaulted Angelina Jolie and Whoopi Goldberg. And we're going to put them on the internet today. You can go and look at them and we're not even going to get in trouble for it. I didn't even bother writing a letter this week. I'm not going to write a complaint letter. I don't need to
Starting point is 00:28:13 because we've got to put an end to the show when we get bored from Two Swords. Everyone will be laughing and carrying us on their shoulders around Blackpool Front. And what happens is the Two Swords just laugh it off. It's like they are the sort of people
Starting point is 00:28:22 I've always wanted to meet. The sort of people that don't take it seriously. And's like they are the sort of people I've always wanted to meet. The sort of people that don't take it seriously. And yet I meet them on a day when I want them to. This has been the worst podcast there's ever been, ever. Because we haven't got
Starting point is 00:28:35 barred from the Louis Tussauds on Blackpool Front. I hate Louis Tussauds on Blackpool Front now because they've got let's get away with it. It got to us that much that when we went around and met
Starting point is 00:28:45 Michael Jackson right we were that depressed about getting barred we couldn't think of anything funny to do. Free stuff. Yeah I got some. Yeah I know you got
Starting point is 00:28:58 some. I've got nothing mate. You've had stuff over the years though. Over the years when we've been recording this you got that cap didn't you with Peacock and Gamble written on it. Yeah well what we're going to do is send years though over the years when we've been recording this you got that cap didn't you with peacock and
Starting point is 00:29:05 gamble written on it yeah well what we were going to do is send them to girls for our naked pictures we've done well the bobble
Starting point is 00:29:10 hat is gone by the way thank you to the girls that sent us naked pictures but as you wish we're not going to say your names
Starting point is 00:29:15 or your name I should say you dirty girl so I got I mean I've very subtly over the past few weeks
Starting point is 00:29:21 been doing subliminal messages on the podcast. See, someone told me about this. I'd not even picked up on this. I know. Apparently, you've been asking for a harmonica, and I genuinely never picked up on it. We have subliminal messages.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Yeah. I've been doing harmonica, and I got more than one. Yeah, well, can I have one or not? I've got four now. Yeah, well, I must be allowed one of them. I got three from Chester Travis, who works at Hank's Guitar Shop on Denmark Street in London. And they're proper good ones as well, I must be allowed one of them. I got three from, um... I got three from Chester Travis. Yeah. Who works at Hank's Guitar Shop on Denmark Street in London. And they're proper good ones as well, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yeah, they're fucking brilliant. They're Hohner ones, right? And he got me an E cross harp, an A pro harp, and a C pro harp. Okay, can I have one of them, then? No, you can't because they're all different ones and I need them for my band. What band? Right, Monika band. What Monika band? I just need them for it. You can have the one that Jack got me.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Oh, why? The shit one? Because Jack Metcalfe got me one. I felt ever so bad. Because he presented it to me at a gig. Yeah. So Bratton, a comedy seller, and he went,
Starting point is 00:30:12 yeah, Ray, I got you a present. I'm Monica. And I got them three posh ones that morning. And I felt bad, but me luck, I didn't say nothing. You know, I just let Jack believe. Yeah, he didn't announce it on stage or anything. Yeah, I didn't say that I'd got them
Starting point is 00:30:22 from Hank's Guitar Shop in London and that they were miles better. And I think now to close the show, I will do a bit of Monica playing. I'll play us out, never mind this stupid little girl saying all that business. Podcast. Yeah, you do it. All right. Instead, right, you do the outro and I will play the music for it.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And also, I think there's not enough national pride in this podcast. I've felt. Let's wave the flag for Queen and Country which I don't agree with. Ready? Action. Hey, it's the end of the Peacock and Gamble podcast now. Thanks so much for listening to it. It's been a
Starting point is 00:30:58 big enough production. Hey, stand up, it's the National Anthem. Put your hand on your head. And thanks to put your hand on your head. And thanks to for putting it on the website. Thank you, Chortle. Anyway, we've had a good time and I want an harmonica, so send me that. And most of all, thanks to the Queen for being saved by God.
Starting point is 00:31:20 But that's the end now. See you next week. I touched the Queen's tit in Louis Tewsford.

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