The Peacock and Gamble Podcast - The Peacock and Gamble Podcast: Episode 31

Episode Date: August 25, 2019

"Episode 31" from was assembled into the "The Peacock and Gamble Podcast" podcast by Fourble. Episode 31 of 128....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Peacock and Gamble Podcast. Well, howdy there. Welcome to the Peacock and Gamble Saloon. Come indoors and go through them doors at the front, but make sure they don't swing back and hit you, otherwise you look like a rat chump in front of all the other cowboys. Right, I'm not doing this podcast. Put your hat on the bar and have a sarsaparilla.
Starting point is 00:00:31 If you're being a cowboy, I'm not doing the podcast. Oh, look, there's a man tinkling on the old piano. Yeah. Go upstairs and maybe have a whore. A whore? Yep. Oh, go play poker on the downstairs floor? But it might kick off, and if it does,
Starting point is 00:00:48 push the table up and hide behind it, and don't be a drunk, or we'll put you in jail, or dunk you in horse trash, or sober you up. Right. Are you going to do all of Bats the Future 3? Yep. Oh, don't... If you crash into some manure, if you are the bully one,
Starting point is 00:01:04 then that's bad, because you don't like it. And I remember that from the first two. To get on the train at the end and get up to 88 miles per hour. Well, that was Ed Gamble there with a... Sheriff Ed Gamble. Yep. A lovely look back at the Bats of the Future films.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I'm Ray Peacock. I'll be the voice of reason for the next half an hour. And I'll be the voice of America. You're not being a cowboy all the way through it. Alright then. I'll mosey off on down to the prison and I'll get Ed Gable, the
Starting point is 00:01:35 real one from the future, to come in and do the show. Right. You've got to see Spurs on the floor. Ed, we need you in the saloon to record. For fuck's sake. Okay, coming, Sheriff. Sheriff Ed, my great-great-great-grandfather.
Starting point is 00:01:54 All right, bye. See you later. Oh, hey, Ray. What was that bloke on about? Welcome to the show. I'm glad you're so chatty today. I'm glad that you're leading it and being a cowboy. Yeah. Yeah, because I'm not in the mood.
Starting point is 00:02:12 What, you're not in the mood for being a cowboy? No, I'm not in the mood for doing a podcast. I'm low-key. I've had a week of leisure. Really? Yeah, I reckon I've had more or less a week of leisure. What have you gotten up to? Just playing on games on my PlayStation. Dante's Inferno. I've been fighting all in hell. I've watched you play that one.
Starting point is 00:02:28 That's brilliant, isn't it? I know, it looks brilliant. It's made me want to get a PS3. There is a woman in it who comes out and she has got her bosoms out everywhere. And at one point,
Starting point is 00:02:37 her buster ends, they open up and babies crawl out of it and they've got metal arms. That is all I want from a game. And a woman. Yeah, and a woman if that's alright. And you can see proper nice busters in it as well.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Yeah. And busters and blood, and that is the best thing about a game. Busters and blood. I reckon so, yeah. We're at The Walking Dead. Yeah, I know that one. Yeah, I read Volume 1. I got you Volume 1.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Don't say it like I don't know about it. And I got you volume two for it. Yeah, and I've got volume three and four all by myself. And I now can't get volume two. Oh, right. On Amazon, I can either get it from America, which might have a different spine, and we know that spines are important to me
Starting point is 00:03:15 because I display them. Yeah. Or I can pay 50 quid for it over here. It's all gone to shit. The last two presents I've bought you have been the first ones in a run of something where you can't get the second one. Oh, yeah, you bought me that Samuel Beckett one, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yeah. And I can't get the second one. No. It's like I'm trying to annoy you with it. Your presents get on my nerves. Right, well, you're not getting any more then. Right. Well, I dare you.
Starting point is 00:03:37 All right. I dare you to not get me any more presents. Okay. I'm going to see what happens then. Right, all right. Right? All right. Do you know what will happen if you don't do that?
Starting point is 00:03:45 What? I will get a bottle, right? Like, just a Coke bottle from a pub, a metal glass one. Right? You know, metal on the top and then glass underneath it.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Metal lid and glass. I'll take the metal off the top, right? I'll drink the Coke to get all energy in front of you and you'll be going, oh, I'll be shaking a bit
Starting point is 00:04:04 and I'll say, well, you can't because you're diabetic. Right? And you'd be all jealous. Yeah. And then I will smash the glass and I will stick it in your eye, the jaggy end. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Right? Straight in your eye. Right. Okay? And then I will spit on your leg. And you'll be like, what are you doing? Please stop it. And I'll say, no, you brought this on yourself.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And then I'll go, actually, I'm sorry. And you go, are you? Are you sorry? I'll say, yeah, I'm sorry. Just come here now and give us a cuddle. And you go, no, I brought this on yourself. And then I'll go, actually, I'm sorry. And you go, are you? Are you sorry? I'll say, yeah, I'm sorry. Just come here now and give us a cuddle. And you go, no, I don't want to come near you. I'll say, come on, let's be friends again. We're mates in real life.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And then we will have a cuddle, right? And you'll put your head against me and you'll be like, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to not get you a present. And I'll say, it's all right, Ed, I don't mind. And then we will lie on a bed. And I will sing you a lullaby and stroke your hair, right? Right. And you will start
Starting point is 00:04:48 nodding off to sleep a bit. Yeah. And I'll be going, if you like it then you put a butter in your... Right, sing a lullaby like that. Yeah, yeah. Then you will fall asleep
Starting point is 00:04:56 not knowing I have lulled you into a false sense of security. Right? Because when you're asleep, right, I'm going to cut all your air off. Right? And I'm going to cut all your air off. Right, and I'm going to glue it to my own face. Right, then I'm going to wake you up and you're going to go, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:05:13 And I'm going to go, rah, rah. And you're going, oh, what is happening? What is happening? Right, and I'm going, rah. And you go, oh my God, it is a Yeti. And I go, yeah, I am a Yeti. And do you remember, i met you at that club last night a bloke came and glanced you in the eye and then i looked after you and then you came back here we went to bed and we did it and you're and you're going oh my god i have a i can't believe it and you're having a mental breakdown because you're going you're just in your head
Starting point is 00:05:41 going i have a sense of the abominable snowman. I can't believe it. I'm never drinking again. Right? So it's in your best interest just to buy me a fucking present. We've not announced our fan of the week yet. No, we've not, no. Our podcast fan of the week. For last week, it was Graham Scott. Well done, Graham Scott.
Starting point is 00:06:03 It's champagne. Graham Scott was the first Graham to make fun. Yeah, the first time Graham, yeah. Graham came on our Facebook page and said, hey, I'm Graham. So Graham is the fan of the week for last week. You might remember we asked for a Graham or
Starting point is 00:06:19 a Julie. Yeah, and thank you, Graham. So far, we've not had a Julie. No, Graham's a single king. Yeah, Graham is just a single king, and the Queen has died. And that's sad news. So, Julie is cancelled now. Julie's cancelled. Yeah, we need new names for the podcast fans of next week.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah. I'm going to go with Sally. Yeah. And Clinton. So, if you're a Sally or a Clinton, and you're fans of the podcast, then that is now, and you can be our podcast fan of the week next week,
Starting point is 00:06:53 the king and the queen of it. Yeah. If there is just a Sally or just a Clinton, then you will be a singular one again. Also in our regular sections, of course you may recall that last week I said, for a regular section, I'm going to start joining Facebook groups.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah, you did. I've done that. I've been in charge of that. Okay. Here are the groups that I joined this week. Ray became a fan of. Laughing until it hurts and you can't breathe. Sex on fire. I hate battery low. I bet females can reach one million before males do. When I was little, I made a tent with duvets and chairs. I hate it when mascara misses the tub and goes all over your hands. Kissing on the neck is a turn on, lots of
Starting point is 00:07:31 exclamation marks. Ever looked at your ex and thought, what the hell was I thinking? Fine, don't laugh at my joke, make me look stupid. I hate you. I say suck my dick, but I never say lick my fanny. I ask for a dick, but I never say lick my family. I asked for a drink, not a shitload of ice.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Giving your best friend a look and they know exactly what you're thinking. I survived 2009 without getting pregnant. It's obvious I'm ignoring your text. Why are you still texting me? Retro sweets. I need a massage. Why are you still texting me? Retro sweets. I need a massage. I love you. Suddenly I hate you and then I miss
Starting point is 00:08:09 you. When I die, I give my friends permission to change my status to, he's dead. When I see someone walking by me at night, I assume they're going to kill me. And I love it when, in the middle of our kiss, I can feel you smiling. What a lovely group
Starting point is 00:08:26 of groups you've joined. Yep. I've done a bit of writing on some of them. Yeah? Which ones have you written on? Well, I'll tell you the one about I love it when
Starting point is 00:08:33 in the middle of our kiss I can feel you smiling. Right. Because I thought what a lovely group. Yeah. I'll join in with it though. So to give you an idea
Starting point is 00:08:43 people write and things like I've actually got them down. I love that too. And then I start laughing. Lol. We're just in with it though so to give you an idea people write and things like I've actually got them down I love that too and then I start laughing lol we're just comfortable with it that's what somebody put this is like the sweetest group ever
Starting point is 00:08:53 aww love it I am absolutely in love with my boyfriend two hearts this is the most awesome feeling when two people can feel such a wonderful thing together it makes it all worth it
Starting point is 00:09:03 doesn't it someday that's what somebody else has put. So I've joined in. I remember one time when I was kissing a woman once and I thought she was smiling so I'd done it a bit harder and faster like what they like sometimes. But it turned
Starting point is 00:09:16 out that she had actually dislocated her jaw and I had made it worse to the point that she ended up having her head amputated. So just think about that. And then a woman has put, oh, this is so sweet. And I've put, what's sweet? That my wife had her head amputated. What a horrible thing to say. So I'm thinking of leaving that group. Yeah, you should do, mate. If some of you could go on there and verify that you were the woman in question
Starting point is 00:09:38 or women in question. Yeah. I'd quite like that. And if you are Sally, then you will definitely be fan of the week. Nice one, Sally. So that's been my Facebook groups of the week. You have had a nice week at leisure, haven't you? Yeah, I have. I'm going to put a load more up next week. I want to be the first person on Facebook to be a member of a million groups. And if I get to a million groups, then Osama Bin Laden will give himself up.
Starting point is 00:10:00 They will bring Gavin and Stacey back. You will get a free laptop. And the person what you like will like Gavin and Stacey back you will get a free laptop and the person what you like will like you and all it's time for our new regular section starting this week
Starting point is 00:10:22 it is called Ray puts a food in your head that you've not had for ages and makes you really want it. And this week, it is Parma ham. Yeah, you've not had it for ages, have you, Parma ham? And you always enjoy it, don't you? Yeah, you're craving some Parma ham now, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:10:41 I bet you're anything you buy some Parma ham when you go to shops. That was our regular section. Ray puts food in your head that you've not had for ages and makes you really want it.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Got a right busy weekend coming up there. A week of leisure. Have you? Yeah. Got to do two gigs and then we've got to
Starting point is 00:11:02 go on Sunday. We've got to go wedding me and you. Yeah, we'll go wedding. Which is a long way away. Yeah. In fact, it gigs. And then we've got to go on Sunday, we've got to go to a wedding, me and you. Yeah, we'll go to a wedding. Which is a long way away. Yeah. In fact, it would have been yesterday we've been to it. Oh, don't say that.
Starting point is 00:11:10 When this podcast comes out, it was yesterday. Yeah. I wish it was that day now. Yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the wedding. Yeah, we all are, aren't we? Yeah, I think all of us are in a way. I mean, we can't tell you who it is.
Starting point is 00:11:22 No. Who is getting married, right? But it is a mutual friend of me and Ed's. Yeah. He's getting married on Sunday. Yeah. And it's dangerous, isn't it? What, me and you going to a wedding?
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah. We can't tell you who it is, but he may have once been one of the Ferraras on EastEnders. And that is all we can tell you about it. Yeah, but I'm worried about what's going to happen. I'm dreading it. What's going to happen if we sit next to each other at a ceremony? Well tell you about it. Yeah, but I'm worried about what's going to happen. I'm dreading it. What's going to happen if we sit next to each other at a ceremony? Well, we are doing.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah. I mean, we should agree to both put our hands on each other's mouths when they ask if anyone knows of any legal reason. Yeah, because, I mean, we could say anything at that point. Yeah, exactly. I'm going to go for pig aids. I'm going to say that's the reason that he can't get married. I'm going to leave my hand off your mouth.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Don't do that. I said to Raji that in that bit, the only way he can avoid me saying anything is if he turns around and looks right at me. And he's got to look under his eyebrows. He's got to look cross. If there's any hint of a smile, then I will say something. You're going to say something. Pig aids. So it's got a look under his eyebrows. He's got a look cross. Yeah. If there's any hint of a smile,
Starting point is 00:12:26 then I will say something. You're going to say something. Pick eight. So it's up to you, RGO. You know, you can... Well, it's too late now, isn't it? It's happened now. We're probably not mates now, anyway.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I've probably been punched by several members of your family. But thanks for having us. Yeah. We should talk about our gigs last week because we did... Leicester Comedy Festival. Leicester Comedy Festival. Leicester Comedy Festival.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Now, I didn't realise, and by association, nor did you, that people take it quite seriously. Yeah, people are going up there doing full shows and that. Yeah, that they've prepared. Yeah. I mean, we thought there'd be no one there. And there was, though. I know. We went on the radio first, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, we did an interview on BBC Radio 7, which is a bit like Thunderbird 5. No, it's not. It's the top one. Oh, right. It's the biggest number. Yeah, 7 is the biggest number. Radio 1 is the smallest number. That is the biggest number. Yeah, wow. So we must have been heard by lots of people. Yeah, we went on that with
Starting point is 00:13:19 Alex Parry. Is that right? Perry? No, Alex Riley. Alex Riley we went on with. Yeah, but we did keep accidentally mistaking him for Alex Reid off of Jordan. Which I think he found quite tiring. Yeah, we did do it for over 20 minutes. Yeah, we kept asking what it was like wearing a frock at a premiere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So the show itself, we genuinely thought it was going to be like five tickets sold. Because we didn't do any promotion for it. Absolutely not. We didn't bench it on the podcast even last week you know we just thought it was a little thing and we got there then we started our show yeah and there were all people sat there yeah what waiting for a show yeah if i'd have known there were people out there i'd have done a turn yeah but as it was we actually wrote our show yeah 10 minutes before it started With the audience in the room. Yeah. And we were just rooting through the dressing room.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And we found a Father Christmas outfit. Yeah. And a big Aztec head. A big Aztec head which you wore.
Starting point is 00:14:12 We went out at the beginning and we did a quick register didn't we? Yeah. Because we'd had people confirmed on the Facebook event
Starting point is 00:14:17 that we didn't set up but we saw there were about 13 people confirmed. So we just quickly checked who was in and met some of the people.
Starting point is 00:14:24 But then your phone rang which I thought was quite unprofessional. Yeah my phone rang in the dressing room didn't it? So you had to go and get it.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Now I don't know if you noticed mate when you went off to get your phone I was joined by a special guest on stage. Who was it? Santa Claus.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Shut up. No seriously Santa Claus the real one. Was on the stage? He came on the stage and gave out presents to all the boys and girls.
Starting point is 00:14:44 That's amazing. Was a nice big fat jolly man the stage and gave out presents to all the boys and girls. That's amazing. Was a nice, big, fat, jolly man. What? He was a massive... I tell you what, you know about Santa Claus, right? You've seen him on some things. But only when he is in the flesh do you realise quite how massively fat he is. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And he's got a really screwed up little piggy face. Yeah, it's weird, actually. Because when I was driving home from the gig, I stopped at some services put Petra in and Santa Claus was there yeah
Starting point is 00:15:09 he was obviously on his way back oh I didn't see him no he was on his way back from the gig and I went alright Santa Claus how are
Starting point is 00:15:13 you he went yeah I'm alright thank you I went you look quite handsome today he said yeah I always do and I went I know
Starting point is 00:15:19 and then I said what have I got to you tonight he went well do you know what I've had a really weird thing happen to me tonight because I
Starting point is 00:15:24 went on a program but live and gave presents out to the children and I met someone that made me look thin right I met this bloke right um I can't egg something all right and I went out on the stage with him and he was so fat right yeah at one point I gave him a cuddle, and I could smell cheese. And I was like, what's that smell of cheese? And I sniffed around everywhere. It was under his tits. And I went, oh, Santa, you have had a busy night, haven't you?
Starting point is 00:16:02 And he went, yeah, I hope I don't meet that cunt ever again. And I went, what, egg? And he went yeah I hope I don't meet that cunt ever again. And I went what egg? And he went yeah oh no Ed it was and I went oh shit and I didn't say nothing then because I realised
Starting point is 00:16:12 it was you. Anyway big disgusting fat ugly Santa came on and he was but he was a nice man and if I saw him again I would be friends with him.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Right. And he came on and gave presents to all the boys and girls. That sounds like a brilliant show. And then what did you do for the other 50 minutes? Can't speak about
Starting point is 00:16:33 your driving for ages. You've had a crush. I've not had one crush yet. Are you still doing your lessons? Yeah. Have you done a three point turner? Yeah. How did you get on with it?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Done it in three points. That's all you need? Yeah, but I mean it was the thing about the wanking again, whatever that was. Oh, he'd done it for you? Yeah, he was wanking me off
Starting point is 00:16:47 when I did it and that put me off. If the driving instructor will wank you off while you're doing a three point turn, that makes it even harder for you to pass.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Like, it did help a bit and taught me through it. Have you done emergency stop? No, not yet. Actually, I did one by accident on the first day. Right, well, no, you're not having that.
Starting point is 00:17:01 You can't do an accidental emergency stop. Did you press the wrong pedal? No, I just went too heavy on the that. You can't do an accidental emergency stop. Did you press the wrong pedal? No I just went too heavy on the brake and he went that's your emergency stop
Starting point is 00:17:09 for the day. Oh he did a good joke. Yeah he did a funny joke. Brilliant. I remember my driving instructor
Starting point is 00:17:14 when I was doing my driving years and years ago. Yeah. He did a brilliant joke when we were going past his school.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yeah. And then I felt his bang. Right. And this little girl just sort of face on the windscreen and then bounced off very quick. And the driving instructor didn't believe it, so he went, well, she's dead.
Starting point is 00:17:34 That's a good one, isn't it? That is a brilliant one. That's a priceless one. We never reported that. We just drove off. Yeah. Do you remember when we were in the car with Raji James, who, of course, used to be in EastEnders?
Starting point is 00:17:46 But he's getting married. One of the Ferris, but he's getting married now. And he was driving on the M4. I think he was doing about 80 or something. And I did a brilliant joke of putting my hands over his eyes. When I was sat behind him. Yeah. Have I told you the story about my cousin in Romania?
Starting point is 00:18:04 They had a cousin in Romania. No, they went on holiday to Romania. I thought you meant you had a secret cousin. My cousin and his friends went on holiday to Romania. And they got drunk and he sat in the back of a taxi. They got in a taxi. And he thought, oh, it would be a funny joke to put my hands over the eyes of my friend in the front seat. In the passenger seat.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So he put his hands over the eyes of my friend in the front seat, in the passenger seat, right? So he put his hands over the eyes of his friend in the passenger seat, and then there was a scream and he realised that he'd forgotten they drive on the other side and he'd put his hands over the taxi driver's eyes. Okay. And did they crash? No, they got to their destination safe. Well that is a lovely
Starting point is 00:18:40 story. Thank you. And that was our regular section, Ed's Happy Endings. We keep trying to stop doing the Tesco section. Yeah, because it has just turned into two men whining
Starting point is 00:18:58 about stuff. And we want to do new sections. Yeah, we don't want to be bogged down with Tesco. Yeah, and every time we say Tesco, technically, I mean, we're not plugging them. Well, it's definitely not plugging them.
Starting point is 00:19:09 But we're keeping their name out there, aren't we? We're giving them the oxygen of publicity. Exactly. That's certainly right. And what we want to do is hold them by their publicity throat and press down on their Adam's apple of publicity until we crush their windpipe and they don't get any oxygen and their face goes all blue, but with white bits on and then every little help's written across their eyes with a knife. If anything, right, I want to put Tesco in a Tesco bag, right, and tie it at the top
Starting point is 00:19:35 and they've got holes in them so they can still breathe, but then chuck it in a canal, right, and then it'll keep floating to the top and we'll have to throw bricks at it until it eventually goes underneath as well. That's what I want to do to Tesco. They keep giving us reason. Yeah, they keep struggling and getting one more breath in. They keep going, oh, let's just do one more stupid fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yeah, exactly. Together's in the news again. I don't know what is wrong with them. This latest one's stupid. This is the one that came out today. Martin Dunkley. Dunkers. Dunkley Donuts. today. Martin Dunkley. Dunkers. Dunkley Donuts.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Martin Slam Dunkley. That's a good one. Cheers, mate. Martin Duncan Holmes. He's a bloke at university. Right, yeah, that was pretty good. Martin Dunkley, 45. This is from Metro again, by the way.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Was entering Tesco's Bar Hill Superstore in Cambridgeshire with daughter Natalie six on his shoulders when a security guard had challenged them? Now, you're probably sat now thinking, oh, what's it going to be, too? What, a duel? Yeah, I was going to go thumb wars. Thumb wars would have been a good one. Mr. Dunkley was told Natalie would have to be taken down for safety reasons, otherwise they would have
Starting point is 00:20:40 to leave the store because they presented a potential danger to other shoppers. That That's ridiculous. mental. I mean, Mr Dunkley countered with, I think she was actually safe on my shoulders rather than running the risk of being hit by a trolley. I'm not... I don't know if that's right or not.
Starting point is 00:20:54 No, I mean, I can see he's struggling to find a point. Yeah, and I don't want to support Tesco in this, because I don't, but Tesco sometimes have big, angy down boards, don't they? Yeah. Now, what if, Mr. Dunkley, I'd suddenly seen
Starting point is 00:21:07 something on a shelf that he'd not seen for ages? I'm thinking those frozen beef sort of square things that are paper thin. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And you cook them in the frying pan for one minute and then eat them. Right. I think they're called minute steaks. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And he went, oh, I've not had that for ages. Yeah. And he went to go and get them. Swung around. And Natalie. Was decapitated. Right, okay. And he went, I've not had that for ages. Yeah. And he went to go and get him. Swung around. And Natalie.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Was decapitated. Right? Decapitated by an every little help sign. Yeah. Right, so I understand what Tesco are saying,
Starting point is 00:21:33 but it is a bit ridiculous. Yeah, of course it is. Well, the person who sent you this story had a theory as to why they
Starting point is 00:21:39 didn't want. She said that it was a human hood. Yep. So Tesco have banned human hoods now. Yep. Unless Natalie was wearing her pyjamas trying to smoke a quiche.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I don't see why they banned being on the shoulders. Well, I just think you take responsibility, don't you, for your own child. Absolutely, yeah. If his child is attached to his shoulders, then it's his problem. I'm sure he wouldn't then sue Tesco if he dropped her on her head. Right? That would be his fault. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:22:09 You can't... Like that bloke that time, do you remember that bloke who got his child and threw her in the air but he'd forgot that he was stood next to an helicopter and then... I don't remember that. That sounds horrible.
Starting point is 00:22:20 That is true. Is it? Apparently so. He came to a bad end, that. Oh, he screwed that up, didn't he? Yeah, but he didn't then go on to sue the helicopter. To my knowledge, anyway. He realised it was his fault, though.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah. So, you know, Tesco, you're just being pricks. We're literally running out of energy to slam them anymore. I can't come up with anything beyond, like, fuck off. Yeah, you stupid idiots. You arseholes. And our spokesman has urged Mr Dunkley to return to the store and talk to the manager. We take the safety of our staffing customers very seriously, she said.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Each store can make these decisions on an individual basis. There is no blanket policy. They keep doing this. When they wrote back to me, they were saying that. There's no blanket policy. There's no blanket policy. There's no blanket policy, but try and bring a blanket in. And have a picnic on Tesco's floor and see what happens then.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Sometimes I like children. Yeah. And I like the way people have children. Because it's time for another Ed's Amazing Birth. Right. So are you ready for this one? I've done a lot of research on the internet this week. And I found out about quite a wonderful birth. Right. So, are you ready for this one? I've done a lot of research on the internet this week, and I found out about quite a wonderful birth.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Right. Is it going to be as much bollocks as last week? Well, last week wasn't bollocks. This has got to do with bollocks, though, because, of course, that's where sperm comes from. Right. Right. Now, this is a very interesting one and true.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Okay? Are you ready to hear about it? Yep. The title of the article is Son of a Gun. Right. Where have you found this, first of all? From a reputable source. No, that doesn't mean nothing. What one?
Starting point is 00:23:49 The library. You got this from the library? The World Library. So why have you now got it on the internet, on the computer? That is what I call the internet, the World's Library. Right, it is on the internet. Yes. What's the site called?
Starting point is 00:23:59 Snopes? Yeah. What does that mean? It means true in Spanish. Is that true? Si. Now, right,? It means true in Spanish. Is that true? Si. Now, right, this is Son of a
Starting point is 00:24:08 Gun. Now this is an amazing story. It was a pretty amazing story last week, but this is, I think, an even more amazing birth. Come on. This is about a story during the Civil War, when a woman got a baby in a baby factory, from a bit of sperm, from someone she had never met or had sex with. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Do you want to know how that happened? It was in a war, that is a clue. A man, a soldier nearby, a bullet went through one of his balls and came out of him. Ed, don't be so fucking stupid. Listen, got a bit of sperm on the end of the bullet and went through into the woman's womb. Don't be so fucking stupid. Into the woman's womb, and that's how the sperm got in there. What civil war was this in?
Starting point is 00:24:45 America. The American Civil War. Yeah, and I'll tell you where it was. Let's have a look. into the woman's womb and that's how the sperm got in there what civil war was this in America the American civil war yeah and I'll tell you where it was it was the civil war it was 1863 right first of all no before you even
Starting point is 00:24:52 carry on talking about this a young Virginia farm girl look on the website it says son of a gun claim during the civil war a woman was impregnated
Starting point is 00:24:59 by sperm carried on a bullet that patted the scrotum of a soldier and penetrated her ovaries and then it says status and it says in red letters, false. The website you've got this from is saying it's false. I'm not sure that relates to the story.
Starting point is 00:25:12 It says there, look, the story in fact is completely false. Right. The claim for the miraculous bullet pregnancy originated with an article that was printed as a joke in the journal, the American Medical Weekly on on 7th November 1874. So go on, let's listen now to your miracle birth. Right, a man got shot through the ball. Right. Are you denying that that could happen?
Starting point is 00:25:33 That's possible. Right, there you go. First bit, true. The bullet carried on. Do you admit that it could be true that the bullet went through a man's ball, like destroyed it and then carried on going? Okay. Okay, you take that. Right. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:25:46 We're 50% true already. So it says completely false there. Wrong. Right? And what's balls got in them? Yeah, but... Right? Do you deny that balls have sperm in them?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Well, some have, some haven't. Okay, so these balls did, right? Yeah. That is true. Fact, right? Do you deny that if a bullet went through a ball, that if the ball had sperm in it, it would get sperm residue on it? Yes, I do deny that if a bullet went through a ball, that if the ball had sperm in it, it would get sperm residue on it? Yes, I do deny that.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Right. It would be travelling far too fast to get anything on it. Yeah. It would go straight through, and also it would probably be too hot for anything to settle on it. No, it's not. Why would it be hot? It's getting loads of wind on it. Right, okay. It's getting quite a lot of breeze on it. If anything, it would be freezing. Quite a lot of breeze from outside?
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yeah. That would probably kill the sperm. No, it wouldn't. In fact, it'd be freezing. Quite a lot of breeze from outside. Yeah. That would probably kill the sperm. No, it wouldn't. In fact, it would definitely kill the sperm. Oh, so why when men go in and give sperm, do they freeze it? Uh, next, right? So, the bullet was carrying on, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I'm not saying it would be loads of sperm on it. I'm not saying that you would see it in the air, like a big gunkus bunk flying through the air with a bullet in it. Okay. I'm saying it wouldn't look like a jellyfish having a race. Yeah, no, I've changed my mind now. I think the story is true. Right, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:49 And then it went into the ladies' baby factory. I think this is how artificial insemination started. Yeah, well, there you go. Yeah, I think that, that's an interesting point which I was going to bring up. Yeah, this is the original way it happened. Yeah. Somebody shot it, and it was, the bullet was going so fast with a sperm on the end of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And it froze the sperm, that's where they got the idea from that from. Yeah. And then it went straight into the lady's baby factory. Yeah. And then made a baby. You're right. That is, and that is now exactly,
Starting point is 00:27:08 that is how they do artificial insemination now. Yeah, there you go. Then that must be true. What I think. The downside of it is, is sadly a lot of women who get shot in the fanny
Starting point is 00:27:17 die from it. Yeah. I mean, that's why this story, which I'm not arguing. It doesn't, it doesn't say it goes in, it doesn't go up her fanny.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Where does it go then it just straight into her womb oh sorry I thought it meant she was shot in the fanny no I didn't realise she was shot in the womb
Starting point is 00:27:30 see that's why which of course has a massive survival rate see that's why you're not getting it it goes into the womb and just stops and I want to pull you up
Starting point is 00:27:37 on last week's one as well no you can't because sperm travelling downwards would not make a baby even if all the things that you said last week's one
Starting point is 00:27:44 I thought it was afterwards yeah it would make an upside down baby it wouldn if all the things that you said last week's one, I thought it was afterwards. Yeah, it would make an upside-down baby. No, it wouldn't make... Well, you didn't say that last week's one was an upside-down baby. Sometimes babies are the wrong way around when they come out. Right, well, sometimes... In this section, which we're going to carry on doing, right? I warn you now, listener.
Starting point is 00:27:57 You're not giving the full facts, so I start going, no, it's not true. Right. If you'd have said, yeah, she had an upside-down baby, I'd have gone, right, oh, right, okay, then find out it's probably true. Now, we've established that this one this week is true. Right. If you'd have said, yeah, she had an upside down baby, I'd have gone, right, oh right, okay, then fine, that is probably true. Now, we've established that this one this week is true, because you said that's how they do artificial insemination. Yeah. I was being facetious. Oh, thanks. Do you think the baby that was born had, like, a taste for speed? Like, it was like a racing driver when it grew up, because of that first experience as being a little sperm hanging onto a speeding bullet.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Possibly. I mean, it is sad, it is heartbreaking that somebody so young should be shot. Yeah, exactly. I mean, that must be a record for the youngest person ever shot. Yeah. They were shot as a sperm. So that is quite a claim as well, isn't it? But anyway, I think we've all learnt something.
Starting point is 00:28:43 What have we learnt, Ed? Never get your bollocks out in a war when there's a woman nearby. Another thing that our listeners have learnt is stop listening to the podcast when Ed announced it's time for Ed's Miracle Births. Ed's Amazing Births. Whatever the hell. Peacock and Gamble podcast was devised and performed by Ray Peacock and Ed Gamble. All music by The Tiger Lilies,
Starting point is 00:29:05 except for the last one, which is performed by Frank Seidmorton. The Peacock and Gamble podcast is a ready production hosted by See you next week. You know that there is that bit at the end, after the credits,
Starting point is 00:29:22 just a little funny bit at the end. Yeah, like in Hollyoaks yeah well this is it what there wasn't anything in the episode well this isn't funny though
Starting point is 00:29:29 I know but this is all I've got when I'm doing the editing bring the funny now do your funny alright I'm trying to right
Starting point is 00:29:37 I can't think of any jokes at the moment have you got any jokes yeah I've got loads of jokes alright tell me one then one day there was a man and he went down
Starting point is 00:29:43 to shops he was going for eggs, butter, bacon and chillies. I think I've heard this one. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Okay, yeah, it's the one about the crocodile. Yeah, they didn't have the chillies. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard it already.

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