The Peacock and Gamble Podcast - The Peacock and Gamble Podcast: Episode 36

Episode Date: September 29, 2019

"Episode 36" from was assembled into the "The Peacock and Gamble Podcast" podcast by Fourble. Episode 36 of 128....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Peacock and Gamble podcast. Ready to begin, Your Majesty? Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you, Your Majesty. Okay, Your Majesty, then I will introduce myself. My name is Ray Peacock. Hello. Hello, Your Majesty, Ray Peacock. I am Ed Gamble. Oh, hello there, Your Majesty, and now welcome to the Peacock and Gamble podcast, Your Majesty, which I'm going to put on for you now. Thank you very much. Please join us in the ceremonial dining room for a big feast of chicken legs. People, right, people go on about me and you and say, oh, they either go, oh, they're not mates
Starting point is 00:00:38 in real life, or they go, oh, they are gay, with each other, do a kiss on the... And no one ever says, oh, they are royal. Yeah. But they always say they always make out with disrespect to each other. Yeah. Either by not being friends and having a go at each other or by sticking our knobs
Starting point is 00:00:51 up each other's bums. Right. They always do one or the other. Yeah. But sometimes in private me and you we will be very courteous and address each other
Starting point is 00:01:00 in a proper royal way. Yeah. Like we are two kings from different countries come to a summit in another country for look after the poor with our big crowns on. Yeah, like we are two kings from different countries come to a summit in another country for look after the poor with our big crowns on. Yeah, I am King Claudius
Starting point is 00:01:09 of Hamlet and you are King Ralph of John Goodman. So we are both nice kings. Yeah. And then sometimes there will be a jester in our court who we just can't be bothered with. Right? And he's going Oh your majesty, look I'm eating a poo.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And we're going Come on. I know that you're improvising and you're desperate, but don't eat a poo mate. What jesters have you seen that ate a poo? I imagine that some jesters got to the point, it's probably like TV Walmart work. Well, you know, you start really strong
Starting point is 00:01:44 but like two and a half hours later you're like, shit what am i gonna do now i can't ask this woman where she's from again so you think there was some gestures i'm gonna eat a poo there were some gestures where the banquet was so long that they had to eat they just had to eat a poo they literally they were just dripping wet in their own stuff that they were wearing they'd shook that little jangly bell thing all day long. The bells had all fallen off the corners of their ass. Yeah, they were just bedraggled. And they're not allowed to touch anything from the royal personage.
Starting point is 00:02:12 No. So they can't mess about with the food or anything. They literally had their own body to entertain with. They were too tired to do any gymnastics. They were desperate for the toilet anyway. Yeah. And they thought, fuck it, I'm just going to do a poo and eat it. I don't think I'll get away with that.
Starting point is 00:02:24 But that's what I mean. They underestimate me and you as kings. Because even though there is a degree of shock value to that, we don't like it as entertainment. We don't like it when a jester eats a poo at our banquet. Say what you want about this podcast. We do not like it when a jester eats a poo at a
Starting point is 00:02:39 banquet. So review it however you want, but don't be levelling that at us. Welcome to the show. How've you been, Ed? I've been alright, mate. I really ask you, you know, often we just do the podcast and that, don't we? And we get along just fine, as we were saying in the intro there.
Starting point is 00:02:59 We are mates in real life. We're mates in real life, but I'd very rarely ask you how you are. How've you been? I've been alright, mate. Yeah, I'm fine. Still doing your right mate yeah i'm fine yeah just plugging away at that yeah is it working it's working slowly that was lovely when i looked at your tummy you just sucked it in a little bit that's really nice well i didn't even know that it's just i think it can feel when there are eyes on i think i would look good in a kiss t-shirt yeah i think you would as well you've got a kiss t-shirt i might get one as well i ordered a t-shirt the other day. I ordered two T-shirts, actually. One with Flash Gordon on it.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Right. The writing from the film. Yeah. And one with the Bat Out of Hell cover on it. Nice one. Which I should have got free after we sang that song off it. Yeah, you're going to look perfect in the Bat Out of Hell T-shirt. Do you think I will?
Starting point is 00:03:38 That was a fear. Yeah. That was a fear, that it would be like... I think you could only look more perfect in it if it had ketchup stained on the front and you were wearing quite tight jeans that fitted you in 1985 and rubber shoes.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Okay. Like rubber jelly beet shoes. Why are you... Sitting at the tube station going, anyone got any dinner? Right, well, okay. I mean, I started this section nice, but... Sorry, I just...
Starting point is 00:04:07 No, but I think what's going to happen is that you'll look very smart... You've got to cocksure of yourself. and thin in it, and you'll look like a proper good rocker. Well, I will look thin in it, because here's the problem we've got at the moment. Me and you, right, have now got tele-commitments. I don't. No, we sort of have, but listen. I'll tell you what our problem is at
Starting point is 00:04:25 the moment here's the problem this couldn't be worse for me and you right because you have been on a diet since january yeah right and you're losing all your weight and that and looking slowly you're losing it's fine you think you have saggy business don't you you're losing it at a nice rate and you know you're slimming down on that yeah looking great me on the other hand proper fatty bum bum no i am since it's not smoking, on the other hand, proper fatty bum bum. No, you're not. No, I am. Since I stopped smoking,
Starting point is 00:04:48 I've gone proper fatty bum bum. Right. And what's happened is, now, we have both got telly jobs, right? One that requires you to be fat, and one that requires me to be thin.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It couldn't be, we couldn't be worse off. Yeah. I'm doing my stand-up on a telly and a thing. Yeah, we're excited about that, aren't we? Yeah, and you're,
Starting point is 00:05:03 you're going to be the new John Smith's man. Well, I'm not. Well, you are. I'm not. You've just had the script through for it. I've had the script through for it. So why are you lying about saying you're not?
Starting point is 00:05:12 If you've had the script through, why are you lying about it? I've got to go in and they will point a camera at my face, realise, oh, he's not Northern, he's got two big spots on his chin. You've been slagging Peter Kay off. You've been slagging Peter Kay off loads and loads and loads. Yeah, you're happy to follow in his footsteps. You're happy to go and be the new Peter Kay.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I'm going to kick the doors in and before they even say hello I'm just going to go iPhone! You're brilliant. You should do. I had an idea earlier on that you should fill your mouth
Starting point is 00:05:36 with a grape onto your lip and be the godfather. Be the godfather just to show all my range. So you're going for the no-nonsense man. There's still perseverance
Starting point is 00:05:44 with that yeah we can't really give details of them because it's not fair and it's probably confidential isn't it yeah
Starting point is 00:05:49 so we won't tell anything all we will say is that at some point in it and you're London man you are London man you've got to say flower yeah as in an affectionate name
Starting point is 00:05:58 yeah I think they are just trying they are still got their fingers crossed that Peter Kay will come back do you think he will yeah I'm not sure he will
Starting point is 00:06:04 I just think that they have got their fingers crossed. I can't see any reason why you can't be the new John Smiths man. Right. Right. And do you know what? As far as I'm concerned, if you don't get this tomorrow, which let's face it, you won't. Right? But if you don't, I think we should start a Facebook group where we just say that you're off.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Don't, because someone will do that. No, we'll just say that you're off. All right, then I won't do it. Right? No. And I'm telling our fans now, don't do that. Don't do that. We don't want you to do that.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Don't set up a Facebook group with pictures of Ed in it where he is the John Smith man, please. Don't do that. Don't. Please, actually don't. No, don't. You mustn't do that. Well, you're on the telly soon, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah, doing stand-up. Stand-up comedy on it. And do you know what? I'm going to talk all about you on it as well. Oh, thank you. If I can get clearance. Well, I am very proud of you, young man. Thank you very much, Andrew.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And we will let you all know when it is on, if it is filmed properly. I think it will be filmed properly. All right, then. Well, if it gets past the legal people at the BBC, then we will let the people know when it's on. But it's quite soon. I would like them to film it in very, very soft focus,
Starting point is 00:07:00 with you on a chaise longue, wearing quite a sort of, like, a feather boa dressing gown. I want it in 3D. Oh not 3d not in my busters business time yeah taking care of business as i as i do this is my section you do take care of business raise business section yeah in which we find out our podcast fun of the week and we also find out what groups i've joined on facebook look i may i'll let you have the business section. Yeah. In which we find out our podcast fun of the week, and we also find out what groups I've joined on Facebook. Look, mate, I'll let you have the business section, because, let's be honest, it's never going to get anywhere.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Well, it's not. I think people like... Do you know what? I think most people, if given the choice, would have Ray's business over Ed's birth. What? Compared to Ebe. There's more chance of them being mentioned in Ray's business.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Well, if you were an amazing birth, or you've had an amazing birth, get in contact, and you can be an even. You were whining earlier on, because people were putting amazing births, links up, and you were going, great, there's another one I can't do. No, what I'm saying is... Because you're having trouble finding them anyway,
Starting point is 00:07:57 and other people are finding them, but we can't do them if someone's put them up, because then we're just robbing their idea. No, it's because they're not amazing. If they've seen it already, then you can't do it. Come in a garden. Oh, that's amazing. I think race business is like a comfy blanket on a winter's evening.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yeah. And Ed's amazing birth is like a sort of skateboard ride down a fire. See, I disagree. Because I think my one is quite sexy and exciting. Right, okay. In fact, I don't think it's like a blanket at all. Do you know what I think it's like?
Starting point is 00:08:23 What? I think it's like, right, I think it's like a sex game, right? Where you're in public, right? Right. With a woman. Yeah. Right, and you're inside there, right?
Starting point is 00:08:33 And there are loads of people all around. And under the table, you're rubbing your legs. And then you get, right, you get her hand, or, right, the man gets someone's hand, or vice versa if you want it that way, right? But I'm going to say it from the man's point of view. All right. The man gets someone's hand, right? Yeah. And it that way right but I'm going to say it from a man's point of view alright the man gets woman's hand
Starting point is 00:08:45 right yeah and he gets one of them stirrers for coffee do you know the wooden ones you get right okay
Starting point is 00:08:50 at like at Costa Coffee you get on there right you snap it in half right and the sharp edge right you stick it right in the soft bit of her hand but she can't
Starting point is 00:08:58 she can't let on because you're doing it in a sexy way right and you just you push it in the soft bit this was a sex game originally and now you're trying
Starting point is 00:09:05 to make a woman have stigmata no no she's enjoying it because it hurts ow ow ow and then it goes oh ow ow like wax
Starting point is 00:09:13 just like hot wax it hurts for a bit and then oh it's drying oh it's drying that's alright exactly that's exactly what it's like
Starting point is 00:09:18 or like a big sharp kitchen knife in the ear I always take the sex games too far yeah well anyway that's what my section is like sticking a stick in an hand sharp kitchen knife in the ear. I always take this as it's too far. Well anyway, that's what my section is like. Sticking a stick in an hand. Right, anyway. So, last week we asked for Richards and Louises. We asked for that
Starting point is 00:09:36 because we found a Richard and we found a Louise on our fans. We did, so we were laying a little bit of bait outside the cage that we live in to try and draw them in from the outside of the zoo. We were, that's what we were doing. As usual, the boys are playing in the girls' arms. So that Louise that we mentioned hasn't said,
Starting point is 00:09:55 so she clearly doesn't listen to it. So why doesn't she just fuck off? At the moment, we've got 1,112 fans. Now, I'm annoyed about that because I wanted, I was looking forward to seeing 1,111. 1-1-1. 1-1-1-112 fans. Now, I'm annoyed about that, because I wanted, I was looking forward to seeing 1,111. 1-1-1. 1-1-1-1-1. My very favourite phrase.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So Louise, you can fuck off whoever you were. Louise she was. Yeah, that's it. To the Richers that entered. Rich Hughes. Now, here's an interesting one. Richard Poiner, who then changed his name to Pilchard Poiner,
Starting point is 00:10:22 to try and become the fish of the week. Trying to cover all bases. Yeah, but he was going become the fish of the week. Trying to cover all bases. Yeah, but he was going to win Richard of the week, and now he's not. He's been disqualified because he changed his name to Pilchard. Richard Callaghan, Richard McAllister, Richard Young. Which one of them do you want to win it? Richard Callaghan.
Starting point is 00:10:37 You want Richard Callaghan to be fan of the week? Yeah. He is the king of the week for the podcast. He is, but we are kings as well, don't forget. Don't forget we are kings, right? So stop eating your poo, you dirty jester. Yeah, and Louise is jester of the week for the podcast. He is, but we are kings as well, don't forget. Don't forget we are kings, right? So stop eating your poo, you dirty jester. And Louise is jester of the week.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Eat your own poo, you mucky little jester. And another thing, right? What's the cook doing in here? If this is our court, why is the cook hanging about in here? Get back in the jail, stupid cook! Now, the Louise, we did have entries though. One bloke entered and said that he was about to have a baby And if he could be fan of the week Then he would call his baby Louise
Starting point is 00:11:09 And I said that's fine But then that post has since been removed Yeah, his wife probably saw it And gave him the biggest Bollocking of his life Because for days before He'd put that and then he'd gone Oh, I tell you what
Starting point is 00:11:23 If it's a girl, I think her lovely name is Louise. Louise was, of course, my grandma's name. No, your grandma's name was Elsie. I'm checking the Peacock and Gamble Facebook. Yeah, but Louise is nearly an anagram of Elsie, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:11:36 If you pop a no in it. And a you, of course. Right, well, Ellie Coutts, she says her middle name's Louise. Yeah, do we have any proof of that, though? Not really, but we did go and look on her profile, didn't we? Yeah. And we're going to reserve judgment until we find out how old you are. Right?
Starting point is 00:11:57 So you tell us how old you are, and then on next week's show, we will tell you what we were saying while we looked at your profile, right? No, no, we will say what we were saying. If she tells us how old that she is. All right. I'll tell you what we were saying when we locked on your profile, right? No, no, we will say what we were saying. If she tells us how old that she is. All right. I'll tell you what Ed was saying. So Ellie Cootes,
Starting point is 00:12:14 you are our Queen fan of the week. Queen fan of the week? Queen fan, yeah. What's your best one? Is it Radio Gaga or not? And as well as the, don't forget, as well as the fans of the week,
Starting point is 00:12:22 we've got Top Fish of the week this week as well. Yeah, new one now, Top Fish of the week. So here are the people who have entered that dylan savage said his mom's name is annette but he provided no proof it might his mom's name might be a now it might be never there's no good tools is it it might be and it's not him she needs to join facebook exactly come and be a fan of it i've been telling people this all week i know i'm i'm bored of telling them. Nigel Wallace says he knows someone called Haddock McPilchard. Again,
Starting point is 00:12:47 I'm not, well then, make them come on Facebook, show their date of, you know, show their driving licence and then they'll maybe win it.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Jim Sterling sent a link to some cufflinks of fish. Right, so that's not getting it at all but he's managed
Starting point is 00:13:01 to get himself mentioned again. Were they Sterling Silver cufflinks? Yeah, it's a Jim Sterling stuff, yeah. I mean, they Sterling Silver Cuffling yeah it's a Jim Sterling yeah I'm going to get it
Starting point is 00:13:06 but I mean this is now the Jim Sterling show Peacock Gamble and Sterling just because he whacked a video that probably took
Starting point is 00:13:12 him five minutes anyway you didn't win the winner was and I know that this is his real name because he's been
Starting point is 00:13:18 a fan of this podcast he was a fan of the old podcast as well he used to do and I know it's his name he couldn't have possibly predicted
Starting point is 00:13:23 that one day we would do a top fish section. So he's won it fair and square. I've got a feeling he'll be the only person who ever wins this fair and square. And if he is, he'll be it every week. He will be our top fish every week. And the winner is Mark Salmon.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Top fish of the week this week. And if nobody beats it next week, Mark Salmon will be top fish again next week. Anyway, come on. Now it's time. we've got to pick the names for next week. So what names do you want for next week? What do you reckon? Terry. Terry, okay. Yeah. Terry and June. Terry and June. Terry and June.
Starting point is 00:13:57 We're not helping to get a woman, are we? Terry and June. Terry and June, please. Right, I joined some groups this week on Facebook. Good. To reach my goal of one million before 1st December 2010. Here are the groups that I joined. Ray became a fan of. He Ping Ping. He's the littlest man in the world who sadly died today.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Oh. The official Amit Chana group. Hanging with Mr Cooper. The smell of petrol. When I was your age, photos were only 10p. Sitting in your towel after a shower because you're too lazy to get dressed. Foolhardy comedy. Spooks. Pilkipedia. DIT crowd.
Starting point is 00:14:41 My door was closed when you came in. Don't walk off and leave it open. So, how many other girls are you saying this to? Sexy boys on motorbikes. Oh shit, I texted the wrong person. And reluctantly, Ed's Amazing Births Appreciation Cult. Yes! Yeah, which had 30 members when I joined. Well, 18 members when I joined.
Starting point is 00:15:03 It's got 30 now. Yeah, it's got more than that now. That's just not very popular, is it? Well, no, it was only set up late last night, so... It was by... Apparently by Ed Gimble. Yeah, I'm worried that people think that it's me who set this up. Well, I think it's you.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Well, it is you. Well, I think I could come up with a better pseudonym than Ed Gimble. It is you, mate. Of course, everyone knows when I disguise my name, I call myself Egg Hamble. But everyone go and join it, because I give it my stamp of approval. It's time for our weekly regular section.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Ray does a food and says it out loud out of his mouth. Enter your ears on the podcast and you think of the food and because I have said it, and you think of the food and because i have said it that makes you want the food or drink that you will remember one and that will be it now as you might have heard i am doing a diet at the moment i've got two weeks to lose two stone so this week's food is water that's right water oh i have a bit of water. Oh, do you want some dinner? I'm not hungry.
Starting point is 00:16:08 It's water. Oh, I'll gallop it all up. How unlovely. A bit of bloody water. You'll gallop it all up. I'll gallop it all down my throat. Oh, what's that in the distance? What, that tree?
Starting point is 00:16:24 No, look there beyond it. Oh my god, it's the sea. I'm going for a drink. Because I like water. Have some water. Good for your skin. Water. Most of your body's that anyway. Have a bit more. Drink up your water
Starting point is 00:16:40 in a nice glass on a summer's day. Water. Water. God, I on a summer's day. Water. Water. God, I want a Mars bar. We've been doing a bit of a diet up and all that. Yeah. At the moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I thought, oh, brilliant, because I've been on beef jerky which is good for diet yeah it's protein and it's not fat yeah it's good for weight lifting and that which I've done some of today yeah I can see
Starting point is 00:17:11 you've done some weights and I've done some bit on the exercise bike I've just found out I'm not allowed it what kidneys oh
Starting point is 00:17:17 you know bad kidneys yeah high protein bad for your kidneys shit man I'm sorry I've got a beef jerky I'm still allowed it though right
Starting point is 00:17:23 you're still allowed it yeah don't cry again I'm not crying I've got something in jerky. I'm still an addict though, right? You're still an addict, yeah. Don't cry again. I'm not crying. I've got something in my eye and my mouth. Is it beef jerky? No, it's not. It isn't, unfortunately. It's water. It's water. Yeah? You don't like water? I know I'm a beef jerky now. Oh, well. No, I just found that out. And, right, and do you know what? I found it out and I thought, right, well, I was going to eat this bag. Yeah. I was going to eat this bag anyway. Yeah. I got some massive Jack Link's one, right? Hot and hot and sweet no i didn't like that i ate it all but yeah a bit too hot but i also got that same size bag yeah just original and i was like right well then that's my last bag of it can't have it
Starting point is 00:17:54 again then say goodbye not allowed it but i was gonna eat that bag today anyway yeah so i'll just eat it get it out of the way and then i'll be a good boy from now on was right driving to my gig last night in the daytime driving yeah at the roof down, nice hot day. Sexy. Yeah, I had my sunglasses on, I had my hair tied back, I've got to do that otherwise it goes in my eyes. Duffing your face with a bit of beef. Well, potentially, yes.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Opened the beef jerky, popped it on the passenger seat, got one bit out, in my mouth, oh, it's going to be lovely, I'm going to savour any bit of this. Yeah. Yeah, straight out the top of the car. The old bag, straight out the top of the car. I was getting caught in a bit of a spin. Yeah, I put my window down. Straight out of the top of the car. Caught in a, like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Yeah. I put my window down. Yeah. A mini tornado came right through. And do you know what? It was like,
Starting point is 00:18:30 remember when JFK was shot and Jackie O is leaning out the back trying to get his head? It was like that. I literally, and I
Starting point is 00:18:37 was driving. Yeah. I literally reached to the back like, no, my beef jerky! Gone. Gone for good. Wouldn't it be weird
Starting point is 00:18:44 if you watched The Wizard of Oz now and the bit where all the things are going past the window and you saw! Gone. Gone for good. Wouldn't it be weird if you watched The Wizard of Oz now and all the things are going past the window and you saw a bag of beef jerky? Wouldn't it be weird, right, if somebody was driving a North behind me and was practising their singing at that point and the beef jerky went straight in their mouth?
Starting point is 00:18:58 They got a taste for it and then they just carried on where I left off financially with the beef jerky companies. So Jack Link's never lost anything, because they just carried on eating the ones I would have had. Yeah, it would be weird, that, wouldn't it? If someone was on a horse on the motorway. I mean, you can say what you like about The Lion King,
Starting point is 00:19:14 but that is the real circle of life. It's right there. It's when fat blokes go on a diet, and then somebody else carries on buying the food what the fat blokes would have had. That is the circle of life. go on a diet, and then somebody else carries on buying the food what the fat blokes would have had. That is the circle of life. Hey, yeah, get beef jerky, get myself beef jerky, get beef jerky, get myself beef jerky, get myself, get beef jerky. I've got to be Pumba.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Sorry, Bill, you used to call me that. I'll be Zimba when I'm on the telly. People call me Pumba and Bebop or Rocksteady. Yeah, at the same time. Yeah. Bumming each other. so it's time for EAB EBE
Starting point is 00:20:10 Ed's Amazing Birth you guys know the score by now pretty rocking section yeah yes Ed's Appalling Section you say what you want that's just going to make you more and more unpopular
Starting point is 00:20:18 with the legions of fans I like being unpopular with them I think they're all idiots I genuinely think they're idiots not jokey not jokey I genuinely think they're idiots if they like this section're all idiots. I genuinely think they're idiots. Not jokey. I genuinely think they're idiots.
Starting point is 00:20:28 If they like this section, they're idiots. That's fine, but they're idiots with money and they'll be buying the t-shirts and the CDs. In fact, I'm going to call my sociology training and I reckon if we properly looked over them all, I reckon that you'd find a real minority of inner relationships on their Facebook accounts. I bet you they're predominantly single. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Single teenage boys. Okay, well, these are single teenage boys. They don't have a girlfriend to take out. They've got a disposable income. They can buy the t-shirts. Obviously, the parents...
Starting point is 00:20:54 What t-shirts? The parents will be... What t-shirts? I'm working on a line of t-shirts. Buffalo Girl? The Buffalo Girl's on one of them, yeah. Buffalo Girl is actually
Starting point is 00:21:01 on a little sort of... What? Bib. Right, okay. A bib for babies and also for um when you're going to eat buffalo wings yeah so buffalo i'm actually starting a buffalo girl restaurant wings buffalo's not got wings yeah yeah but that's what they call like um chicken wings marinated i suppose i mean if you if you were any good at ed's amazing births yeah at that
Starting point is 00:21:20 point you'd say well i have found on the internet a buffalo that was born with wings that would have been an amazing birth. Should I say that now? No, no, no. Because if this was my section, I would have said that. I would have gone in with that. This is the thing. I don't think people are giving me enough credit for this section.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Baby grows. I'm doing baby grows. One week. I am one of Ed's amazing births. So they can be proud of their children. An extra leg on it and that sort of thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What am I...
Starting point is 00:21:40 I mean, really, a lot... This section could be called... Starting up a Chinese restaurant called Chinese Dog Woman. Right. This section could be called starting up a chinese restaurant called chinese dog woman right this section could be called ed's disabled children it could be it could be called couldn't it really yeah i suppose if we're honest i mean you're saying amazing but ed's disabled children well i'm i like i like to think i'm bringing you know a little bit of knowledge and uh and interest to the disabled community i mean one week people can understand it more and then and then it's a more open world. Yeah, yeah. I don't know what's bad about it. Yeah, rather than being all locked away
Starting point is 00:22:07 like they are at the moment. Yeah, exactly. And hidden from society. Exactly. Yeah. One week I'm going to let you just do it on your own. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:12 And then we'll truly see who's the star of Ed's amazing births. Oh, I do do it. Well, we'll see who the star of Ed's amazing births is when I say nothing and it's just you reading out a story from the internet.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Well, what I'm going to say is could you not do that this week because it could genuinely backfire. Why? Because it's pretty dark. It's a sad tale. Is it? What, a real sad tale?
Starting point is 00:22:28 When I say a sad tale, I don't mean that they had a tale. Yeah. I mean, the story is... They had a tale, but they didn't want it. But then the Doctor couldn't cut it off. That is a sad tale. Or a sad tale that they did want. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:40 But the Doctor put the thing around it and tied it tight, but it wouldn't fall off. And the tale kept crying. That's a sad tale, isn't it? I think it's more poignant because it's written by a woman who was involved. What is this? Is it like an email or something? It was on sort of a forum. Like on a forum.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Oh, Jesus. You can't do this. What is it? I don't want you to just read out a testimonial from a woman who's had a miscarriage. No, it wasn't her. Oh, for fuck's sake. Is it an amazing birth, though? Yeah, I think it is. No, and I think the baby's still alive. You think the baby's still alive? And it's in America. Right, read it. We have a lot of American fans. Yeah. My 19-year-old stepdaughter came to visit last summer. You could probably put some sort of sad music i'm not putting sad music under it my husband and
Starting point is 00:23:27 i hadn't seen her in a while to me she was very pregnant i told my husband instead of asking her if she was and trying to talk to her about it he asked you're not pregnant are you of course her response was no right next day they both went for tattoos. Who was this? The girl and... The girl and her dad. And her dad, right. Later that day, my stepdaughter was... Wait, the girl and the dad went out for tattoos? Yeah, they just went out for some tattoos.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Right, okay. Right, so it's the standard sort of day out. Yeah. Later that day, my stepdaughter was jumping on a trampoline. Ed, seriously. No, it's all right, it's all right. This is the pregnant one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Ed, we can't do this for the amazing births. The next day, we were driving her home. I'm sorry, we might have to find another one? Yeah. We can't do this for the amazing first. The next day, we were driving her home. I'm sorry, we might have to find another one for this. Oh, fucking hell. Well, can we warn people? Does this warrant warning people? Yeah. Well, do it now, then.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I don't know what you've got. What a spoiler warning. She stated that she needed to stop to use the restroom. After waiting ten minutes outside the door, she opened the door, and to my horror, the entire. After waiting ten minutes outside the door, she opened the door and, to my horror, the entire bathroom floor was covered in blood. She told me something was in the trash.
Starting point is 00:24:37 To my horror, it was a six-month-old foetus that was born without its head. You can't do this! I took it out of the trash. We can't put this out! I took it out of the trash, put it in a box and drove her and the baby to the hospital. For fuck's sake. No, good news now. I think good news.
Starting point is 00:24:55 The head was born at the hospital. Big investigation. Oh, fuck. Big investigation, but nothing further. How could this happen? Was it the tattoo? The trampoline? Or something done purposely, perhaps?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Could the baby have been coming out and she tugged it too hard and the head came off? Oh, for fuck's sake. My husband is in denial and has the attitude of, oh, poor her, it's not her fault. I, however, cannot look at her the same again. Right. Now, hang on. You said, before you said all that, you said, no, I think the baby's still alive. Well, it doesn't say it's dead.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I mean, wouldn't the... I'm not sure whether they... Because they said the baby was... Their head was born at the hospital. Whether they either sewed that on and it was alright or they live as two separate things with the body walking around
Starting point is 00:25:50 and the head lives in a jar. Yeah, where did you find this? It was on a forum. It's an inappropriate section that you found. It was on the forum.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's amazing, isn't it? It's not amazing, no. It's a fucking disaster. It's horrible. But it doesn't say it's died.
Starting point is 00:26:04 What do you think would happen if somebody contacted that woman now and said, hey, on the bright side though, you've made it onto a British podcast amazing birth section. No, but it is amazing. It's not amazing.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'd like to speak to the head. You won't be able to speak to the head. Why not? So you think it's a whole thing again and they've sewed it back on? No, I think that both bits are sadly dead. Oh. Clearly. If it doesn't say that, I thought she would have mentioned on no I think that both bits are sadly dead clearly
Starting point is 00:26:25 if it doesn't say that I thought she would have mentioned that I think it was sort of tacit innit I think it was I don't think that she needed
Starting point is 00:26:31 to say that she might have mentioned it that it died yeah I think yeah she might have right so Ed's Amazing Births
Starting point is 00:26:37 this week was and for some reason he thinks because it was in America it's alright Ed's Amazing Births this week was a girl. She was pregnant
Starting point is 00:26:45 and she had a baby. She'd been on a trampoline and had a tattoo. She went to a garage at a service station did half the baby out with no head. Three quarters. Blood everywhere. And then went to the hospital where she'd done the other bit. Isn't that an amazing birth? I thought it was
Starting point is 00:27:01 amazing when I thought the baby was alive but I've just scanned it and it does say that it died, so I'm sorry about that. That's not amazing. Right, and you think that we can... In fact, do you know what? We are putting this out. That's going out.
Starting point is 00:27:16 And do you know what? I think that Ed's Amazing Births fan page is going to be mighty quiet this week. I think people are just going to go, I can't join in with this. This is really bad. I thought it was amazing though. So when the girl
Starting point is 00:27:28 opened the door from the toilet, was she still maintaining that she wasn't pregnant? Because it said in the thing that the step mum
Starting point is 00:27:37 went in there and the daughter went, oh, there's something in the bin. No, you've put that, you've put that. No, she said that she told me there was something in the trash. Yeah, but she was probably... No, she said that she told me there was
Starting point is 00:27:45 something in the trash. Yeah, but she was probably crying when she said it. I'd imagine her going, there's something in the bin, let's go, let's go. How have you read that story? She was going,
Starting point is 00:27:54 I'll tell you what, are you ready to go? Yeah, I've got blood on my face. No, come on, let's get going. No, don't bother looking in the bin.
Starting point is 00:28:00 It's fine. Let's go and play Time Crosses 3. I'm still a bit constipated. I feel like there's still a bit left in me but I'm going to
Starting point is 00:28:06 come on we'll get back on the road you've read that to suit you in your head that's exactly what I've done you've changed it in your head you've given all different voices I wouldn't be surprised
Starting point is 00:28:19 if some of them are Mr Men and Little Miss characters in your head Mr Messy and Little Miss characters in your head. Mr. Messy and Little Miss Carriage. Peacock and Gamble podcast was devised and performed
Starting point is 00:28:33 by Ray Peacock and Ed Gamble. All music by the Tiger Lilies, except for the last one, which is performed by Frank Sidewit. Peacock and Gamble podcast is a ready production hosted by See you next week. We'd normally put a funny bit at the end now, but no-one's listening.
Starting point is 00:28:54 What? Everyone's gone by now. I'll do another one. People now are sat in their office, or on the tube, or in the car, in a state of sheer horror. right i think no before no this is good this is good though because what i've been saying yeah the past however many weeks about this section that's amazing births being a ridiculous stupid section is now all coming i have this has
Starting point is 00:29:18 validated me yeah this is validate what i've said and you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna pull you further into the fucking mire right what was theire what was the web page you found that on it was a forum for what for what for sudden infant death syndrome right okay now first of all
Starting point is 00:29:34 yeah how old are you 23 do you have children no right what were you doing on a forum for sudden infant 24
Starting point is 00:29:39 alright well done you were 24 the other week what were you doing on a forum for sudden infant death syndrome? Well, I googled baby born without a head. Right, well, that's the problem that we've got here now. Right. What you're doing is, the things you're pre-empting to try and make your Ed's Amazing Birth Session good, are going to just always throw up results like that.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Right. I mean, in weeks to come, we're going to have things like, you know, baby born paralys born paralyzed twins born both dead we're gonna have baby born with no face tried that tried that baby too sad i saw a video because it didn't even look like it's born without a face it looked like it had an octopus face i because I think in a positive way I think there's people
Starting point is 00:30:28 going to be sitting there going oh I'm not sure I like that but I think there's going to be one person driving around in their car with stitches all around their neck going
Starting point is 00:30:34 that's me

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