The Peacock and Gamble Podcast - The Peacock and Gamble Podcast: Episode 79

Episode Date: August 2, 2020

"Episode 79" from was assembled into the "The Peacock and Gamble Podcast" podcast by Fourble. Episode 80 of 128....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Right, it's podcast. What are we going to talk about? I don't know really. We're not planned this, are we? I've written down fringe. Okay. We'll just talk about general things about the fringe. Talk about general things about the fringe.
Starting point is 00:00:09 Talk about how our previews have gone. Have a big yawn, that'll be. Yeah, that'll be not very long, will it? No. And my voice has gone as well. Yeah, I know. So you better keep a bit quiet this week. Right.
Starting point is 00:00:18 And we can talk about sort of things from our lives. Yeah, general chit-chat. Yeah, just do a podcast basically. Right. Time for the whole hour. Yeah, you chit-chat. Yeah, just do a podcast, basically. Right. Time for a half hour. Yeah, you can be the stupid one sometimes. Okay. And I'll be the stupid one other times.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Oh, yeah, it doesn't have to have any consistency, does it? No, I'll keep it quite fluid, dynamic-wise. Well, why handcuff yourself to a certain premise? Exactly. Right. Idiotic, isn't it? It's not. We're not cannon and ball.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. We're certainly not, are we? No. Right, pass her that box. There you go. Right, get her out of the box. Yeah. there she is. Oh, look at her, she's crying again. Look, you're not going back. You're not going back until we've finished this run of podcasts. They hated you there anyway. Right, say it. Welcome to the Peacock and Gamble podcast. Hello and welcome to the Peacock and Gamble podcast episode... I don't know the number so I'm just saying that and you can cut that out later.
Starting point is 00:01:16 79 mate. Alright, episode 79. Oh, cheeky, 79. Like, I'll have a 79 with a lady. Yeah. What would a 79 be? I don't even know, Dan. It's when you're doing all the things you do in a 69, but you've got elbows in the way. Yeah. Pretty much a dead school. I'm Ray Peacock. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Hello, I'm Ed Gamble. And I'm saving my voice. Yeah, because we've got our final Edinburgh preview tonight. Yeah, we're recording this last Wednesday. Yeah. Which is our final Edinburgh preview at the Pleasance in London. So I've basically got to keep as quiet as possible for this show. Yeah, so unfortunately, everyone,
Starting point is 00:01:50 this one will be me just laughing and then we're going to leave gaps where Ray would talk and then you can imagine what he said. Basically, it's like a grow your own podcast. Yeah, it's like Choose Your Own Adventure, just play Ray. So when you listen to it. Choose Your Own Adventure makes a lot more sense than grow your own podcast. I liked them both, Yeah. So when you listen to it. Choose Your Own Adventure makes a lot more sense than Grow Your Own Podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I liked them both, mate. I wasn't trying to usurp you. All right. If usurp is even a word. Someone's doing his word of the day, haven't they? Yeah. Somebody I saw in the dictionary, and it's upset his vocal cords. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And my voice has gone because I shouted too much on stage last night. You shout quite a lot in our show. Yeah. At the top of the show. But I did extra shouting last night because we were in Chelmsford. Well, quite a lot in our show. Yeah. At the top of the show. But I did extra shouting last night because we were in Chelmsford. Well, you might have been in Chelmsford and you had to shout all the way over to Colchester. Where were we? Colchester. I think I said Chelmsford on stage last night. No, you didn't. You said Colchester. I don't think you said Chelmsford. Definitely. I would have picked you up on
Starting point is 00:02:37 that, mate. I thought I had a bit where I went, oh, it's nice to be in Chelmsford. Yeah, you said that, yeah. Because I thought it was going to be Chelmsford. Alright. And then I wasn't certain it was Chelmsford. No, it was Colchester. All right, well, anyway, either way. Yeah. It's all Essex, isn't it? Yeah. It's all Essex.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'm not a fan of Essex. No, you're not. I've got to say, I'm really not. I've tried to. I've tried to be friends with you. Yeah. I've tried to meet you halfway. You never have nice gigs, though.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I've just never... I mean, can we now stop saying that the Essex girls thing and everything about Essex blokes is a stereotype? It's not a stereotype. Those jokes can't even be offensive. I think it was a stereotype 20 years ago. Yeah. A stereotype that they enjoyed and
Starting point is 00:03:15 now everyone has grown into it. Yeah. And I don't think programmes like The Only Way is Essex has helped that. No, but they should be livid about that, not celebrating it. Yeah, exactly. That's what I think, anyway. Well, look, I didn't enjoy being in Chelmsford last night. You are, and well, neither did I, because we were in Colchester.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yeah, so basically, I just want to get that out of my system. Right, okay. And I'm annoyed it's left me with no voice. Yeah, I'm sorry, mate. Tonight, we're at the Pleasant's London, tonight, as we're recording this. Yeah. Next week, when this is released, so if you're listening to this on the day it's been released, on Tuesday. On podcast Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Our Edinburgh premiere is tomorrow night. Yeah, the 3rd. Wednesday the 3rd of August. Yeah. Terrified. Are you really? Knees knocking. I have...
Starting point is 00:03:56 Knobbly knees all knocking on the door. I have an odd calm about it. Yeah, see, that's worrying, isn't it? It's not a good sign, is it? Yeah. No, I really do. It's not a good sign. It might... I mean No, I really do. It's not a good sign. It might...
Starting point is 00:04:05 I mean, the third might just be me with you just sat on the floor of the stage. Crying. Me just... No, just staring at the audience. Yeah. As they don't laugh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But with a little slight smile on my face. Yeah. Just a slight little smile for an hour. You say audience, but I don't know how many people in the army have bought tickets yet. Mate, I'd be rammed. The army's been awful, by the way. Do you know what? I don't even want to discuss that.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Okay, well, let's leave it. Let's just not discuss it today on the show. Let's just say we've made the wall a lot bigger. Yeah, the wall's a lot bigger. All of you get against it. Every single one of you get against it. Yeah, and pull your trousers down. Yeah. Let's have sex with our entire
Starting point is 00:04:44 army against the wall and then shoot them in the head welcome to the show you say if they're listening to it on the tuesday but a lot of people tried to listen to it on tuesday last week didn't they and couldn't get it yeah no it wasn't on itunes properly yeah in fact our whole podcast wasn't really on iTunes, because you tried to download it if you subscribed to it, refresh it, and it said that the podcast URL wasn't valid. Well, whose fault is this? It's like we went into iTunes and went, oh, listen to the
Starting point is 00:05:13 Peacock and Gamble podcast, and iTunes went, do what? Wow, okay, so we didn't exist as a podcast. No, no one, no, no, we didn't exist. So is this Steve Bennett from Chortles' fault? Yes. So should we publicly chastise him? I don't know anything about science. Neither do I. Or the internet. Same. But I know it's his fault. Right, I suspect strongly it's the fault of Chortle. Yeah. Let's give him a dressing down then. Alright then. On the internet. Yeah. I'll give him
Starting point is 00:05:36 a dressing down. Right, pop your polo neck off. Are you thinking of a dressing gown you're going to give him? Oh yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah. Now dressing down's a different thing. Right, okay. It's when you just tell him him off I've been getting that wrong for years Right Steve Bennett Get against that wall First of all Ignore them Ignore them dead sexed bodies
Starting point is 00:05:51 Ignore those four Thirteen year old bodies over there With no trousers and pants on Right Right He gets this wrong all the time But the thing is right This podcast this podcast goes up wrong more often than it goes up right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:11 He has got this podcast wrong more times than stars he has given Daniel Kitzer. Yeah, exactly that. Yeah. I think he's doing it on purpose. I think... But why do you think he's doing it on purpose? I think he's doing it on purpose. I think he deliberately makes it not go on iTunes to make people go and get it from Chortle.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Do you? Yeah. Oh, that's a serious accusation. Yeah, that's my conspiracy theory. Right. So would you care to reply on your front page? Yeah. Steve Bennett.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I think you're fiddling the numbers. And the only way... This is what I think. I think he does it on purpose. Yeah. So we have to get in touch with him which we do which we do right so he can be in like a business meeting with an advertiser or something like that and his phone will go go oh excuse me that is um chris rock yeah has just got
Starting point is 00:06:56 in contact with me asking me if i want to go um for a 99 yeah oh i beg your pardon. It is Arlo Anden asking if I want to go for cocktails this evening. Yeah, it could be that, couldn't it? Oh, sorry about that, everyone. It is Joan Rivers asking me if I want to buy tickets for the Rock of Ages musical. Oh, I beg your pardon, everybody. Benny Hill's just sent us a text. Saying do I want to go down Spearmint Rhino tonight? And chase the women.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah, chase them all around. Yeah. I've no idea what happens. I mean, it's not... I think he's just got a lot of work on his wallet. Yeah, no, I think that's what it is. And I think he just... But I think to apologise,
Starting point is 00:07:34 he should put a little... It could be a little picture, like the size of a postage stamp on the front of his website of him praying, like, hands together like that with his eyes closed and at the bottom it just says please
Starting point is 00:07:45 forgive me. Yeah please forgive me. In fact do you know what Steve I think you should have that on Chortle anyway. Particularly during
Starting point is 00:07:53 the next month. Yeah. At the Edinburgh Fringe. Hey what happens if we get a bad review on Chortle? That'd be awkward.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah it would be. Oh mate right I'm not I know that it's got to be professional on that. And I know that they've got to go after it. Unfortunately mate he's got to be professional on that. Yeah. And I know that... Yeah, he's got to... Unfortunately, mate,
Starting point is 00:08:07 he's got to look at it as a show. Yeah. But I'm not messing, right? If we get a bad review of Chort, I'm going to kick his fucking head in. Right? I know that he's got to be professional. I get all that.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I get all that, right? But I will punch his fucking lights out, right? Yeah, you know what I will do, mate? What? When you do that, I will be there and I will not panic. I will not call anyone, I will be there and I will not panic. I will not call anyone. I will stand there
Starting point is 00:08:28 and I will just smile. Yeah. Maybe do a wee on him. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. You know what? I think we should, if it gives us a bad review, right?
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah. We get dressed up like the boys off Clockwork Orange, right? Actually, do you know what? This goes for anyone giving us a bad review. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Not just Chorl. And women. We're not sexist. Yeah, including women. Get dressed up as the boys from Clockwork Orange
Starting point is 00:08:46 right take Steve Bent out get him drunk right put him in the
Starting point is 00:08:51 underpass near the Pleasant Stone right and we do it like
Starting point is 00:08:53 beginning of Clockwork Orange we get changed and we walk in and we
Starting point is 00:08:55 go singing right and just kick the shit out of him like the
Starting point is 00:08:59 trumpet and start off Clockwork Orange let's do that let's make
Starting point is 00:09:02 sure it is him and not just an Edinburgh tramp because I wouldn't want to kick a tramp
Starting point is 00:09:05 because our show's been called Childish. Yeah. Right, and I think... But it is going to be called that. That is a good rule for life. Hopefully they call it that in a good way, not a bad way. What other things would you do
Starting point is 00:09:17 to somebody who gives you a bad review? I would... I might, like, take some of their family away. I might swap their shoes around in the corridor so they put the wrong shoes on. I might do, right? If we are doing the show and we know there's a reviewer in
Starting point is 00:09:34 and we suspect that the reviewer isn't enjoying it, sometimes you get a reviewer and you're like, oh, this is going to be awful. And sometimes it's fine. But other times you're like, oh yeah, I was right. I was right. Got a feeling, right? What I would do, you'd be on the stage,
Starting point is 00:09:47 and you start doing a dance on the stage. Right. And I would creep around the back of the theatre, and I would put itching powder in there, roll down the back of the shirt, and fart spray. Yeah, that was fun. Fart spray. I would do fart spray on your hair.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I would find out where they live and burn it down when they're sleeping. Yeah. And then turn their toothbrush upside down. I would go around the reviewers' house, right, and I would do when they're sleeping. Yeah. And then turn their toothbrush upside down. I will go round the reviewer's house, right? And I will do a poo in some toilet paper. Good boy. And I'll put the poo in the toilet paper on the doorstep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And set a fire to it, right? Yeah. And I will ring the doorbell. And then when they open the door, right? And they see the fire, I'll throw a dead dog at them. Right. This is what I will do if we get a bad review. Yeah. I will stay in get a bad review. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I will stay in my room all day. Yeah, and like sulk about it. And really sulk. And then the show will be a bit off that night. Yeah. Because I'll be really annoyed. And we won't be able to stop mentioning it on stage. And it will annoy people.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, I think if we get a bad review, I will just like lose my sense of humour about it. Yeah. lose my sense of humour about it. Yeah. Quick public notice for people who use our website, Yep. Could you not send us private messages that could just be things on the forum? Yeah. Because it's really,
Starting point is 00:10:56 really clogging up my inbox. Whack them on the forum. And we can't reply to them. Do you have any examples of things that people have sent? People just send things, like joke things. Yeah. Which is fine. Yeah. Or say, I've done this for publicity, can I be in the army? People just send things like joke things. Yeah. Which is fine. Yeah. Or say, I've done this for publicity, can I be in the army? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And it's something stupid. Yeah. And it's like, well, why are you just telling me on my own? You want to tell everyone that you're doing jobs for us. Yeah, put that on the forum, under the army section. Yeah. It's just that we get loads of them and I can't reply from my own email. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I then have to go and log into a different email. Yeah. To reply and even, and then cut them. But it's a really annoying job yeah and it's also that's contacts us is kind of for professional things yeah you know if people wanted to book us for gigs and stuff not for hello how are you yeah the answer is fine by the way yeah fine almost always fine if you're ever thinking i wonder how they are yeah fine fine or asleep and neither which of which requires an email yeah it's not we don't want to be in touch the thing is though as well i mean you can't say hell they are. Yeah. Fine. Fine or asleep. Neither of which requires an email.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah. It's not we don't want to be in touch with you. The thing is, though, as well, I mean, you can't say this, but I can say this. Yeah. I reply to them on the forum. Yeah. So when people ask me things on the forum, I reply anyway. You will reply.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So unless you ask me something like, unless you're going, hey, here's a picture of my boobs. Send that private. No, don't. By all means. Don't send that. Send it to me if you want, private. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:12:04 No, he won't like it. I will like it if you send me a picture of you. It drives him mental. It does drive him mental. Yeah, but don't send them if they're a bit horrible and don't get
Starting point is 00:12:12 arrogant about it. If you rate yourself an eight and realistically you think you are an eight, then send them. Yeah, if you are eight and above and that's a realistic rating.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And it's not just positive thinking. If you just know in yourself that you are an eight and above. In fact, send them to me first. Send all of them to realistic rating. It's not just positive thinking. If you just know in yourself that you are an eight and above. In fact, send them to me first.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Send all of them to me. I'll then sort the wheat from the chaff. Well, they can't send them to you, can they not? I'll give out my
Starting point is 00:12:35 phone number. Your personal email and then you can text me the pictures. Good idea. Speaking of boobs, by the way. Only on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Ted, I don't know if it's Tina, right? It's Ted on Twitter. Ted09, yeah. Is that what it is? Brought us loads of boobs, by the way. Oh. Only on this podcast. Ted. Her name's Tina, right? Yeah. Ted on Twitter. Ted09, yeah. Is that what it is, yeah? Brought us loads of boobs.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Box of them. A box of boobs to Leicester for our baby in Leicester. She made us some boob peri cakes. Yeah. Which, do you know what? I know. I know you've put stuff in them. I know that and I still let them.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, I mean, they were very light, but I think she did put ingredients in them, mate. No, I think she put proper milk in them. Proper milk? Yeah, you know what I mean. Dirty. So you're saying that she... Dirty stuff. I think there was dirty stuff in them. So you're saying that she couldn't produce milk at any given moment? Possibly. Which some ladies can do, can't they? Can they? Some ladies just lactate
Starting point is 00:13:18 generally, don't they? Oh, stupid idiots. Yeah. They were nice. Apart from the fact that when you bit into them, you'd put jam under the icing, so it looked like they were bleeding. But I loved that when you bit into them you'd put jam under the icing so it looked like they were bleeding but I loved that I loved the jam
Starting point is 00:13:28 I taste them I love after a while I started forgetting that they even were boobs that and that is the biggest compliment you could ever receive
Starting point is 00:13:34 for your cooking Ted that you made him something in the shape of boobs and the cake was of such a high quality that he ignored the fact they were
Starting point is 00:13:43 in the shape of breasts he started enjoying them as cakes on their own terms. Yeah. So well done. I'll show us your boobs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Do we have an army update this week? No, they were shit, weren't they? They've not been great, have they not? I mean, recently as well,
Starting point is 00:13:57 someone this morning, just this morning, put on Twitter you should go and see Peacock and Gamble. That's nice. Which is good, which people should do,
Starting point is 00:14:04 just get it out there on Twitter. Yeah. And then immediately said what rank do I get and Gamble. That's nice. Which is good, which people should do, just get it out there on Twitter. Yeah. And then immediately said, what rank do I get for that? Oh really? Yeah. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Nothing, because you've got 60 followers. Yeah. Well it's not that, 60 followers is fine, and I'm not judging you on that. It's more, you don't get a rank for just...
Starting point is 00:14:20 No, but thank you for doing it. Yeah, thanks for doing it, but that should, I mean, that should be something you just do.
Starting point is 00:14:25 If you can prove, if you can send us through that from that tweet at least five people have bought tickets for our Edinburgh show and you can prove it, then you can have a rank.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Yeah, right. So your rank is, whoever you are, I don't know who you are. Rowan Searle. Rowan Searle, right. Say what, Rowan Searle? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:39 If you can prove that five people have bought tickets for our Edinburgh show as a result of your promotion, then you can have the rank of bloody great fella right near the top of the army. Right, I should keep doing the ranks. All right, well, you do a rank then.
Starting point is 00:14:53 All right, then. Star Child. Of the universe. Well, that's a good one. Well done. Star Child of the universe. Earrings. Yeah, so you can have that.
Starting point is 00:15:02 You're potentially that, but you're not that now. No. universe earrings yeah so you can have that as you're potentially that but you're not that now no if you put on any of your documents or any of your literature that you are that star child of the universe earrings if you go around saying that i will sue you i will take you to court and you'll be in massive trouble yeah and i will as well and i will as well so you'll be double sued double court you'll be what they call spit sued. Yeah, and it will be on the same day, so you'll need to get a cab. You'll need to pay a cab to take you in between the courts all day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So not only will you be sued for all your money, then you'll have to spend a lot of money on a cab. But anyway, I'm sick of speaking to you, because it's time to do our regular section that we always do, which is raid the ingredient of the food. And it's all out, and then you've got to spot the rogue ingredient. Ed said I couldn't do it. Petrol is petrol.
Starting point is 00:15:47 No, it's not. This week it's Galaxy Counters, so you're wrong straight away. Rogue ingredient will be petrol. Galaxy Counters. Right, here's some... I think Galaxy Counters make themselves sound like they're a health product. Yeah, they are. No, they're not.
Starting point is 00:15:58 They're chocolate. Hang on a minute. Here's the nutritional information. A portion, 35 gram standard bag, contains 185 Kcals, 20.6 grams of sugar, 10.2 grams of fat, 6.0 grams of saturates, 0.10 grams of salt. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Which are, in terms of what I said then, the calories are 9% as of your recommended guidance. That's for a small bag. Your guideline daily amount. Your sugar is 23%, your fat 15%, saturates 30%, and your salt 2%. But rather than making the section just a list of stuff, small bag. Your guideline daily amount. Your sugar is 23%, your fat 15%, saturated is 30%
Starting point is 00:16:25 and your salt 2%. But rather than making the section just a list of stuff, let's now go through the ingredients of Galaxy Counters and I'll put a rogue
Starting point is 00:16:34 ingredient in there. And you'll say petrol at some point. I'll say petrol at some point and then when you spot the rogue ingredient, enter it to competition
Starting point is 00:16:41 and you will win an honorary rank. Oh. If you get it. So there's a prize this week. Smooth, creamy milk chocolate pieces. Ingredients. Sugar.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Petrol. Cocoa ingredients. Cocoa butter. Cocoa mass. Skimmed milk. Lactose. Vegetable fat. Whey powder.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Milk fat. Emulsifier. Brackets. Soylacithin. Dextrin. Glazing agent. Brackets. Pectin. Milk fat. Immulsifier brackets soya lecithin. Dextrin. Glazing agent brackets pectin. Petrol. Starch. Natural vanilla extract. Petrol. Vegetable oil. Petrol. Petrol. Natural flavour. Traces wheat. Petrol barley. Milk chocolate contains milk solids 14% minimum and cocoa solids 25% minimum petrol. Trademark designs copyright Mars. Best before sea base.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Milk chocolate contains vegetable fats in addition to cocoa butter. Free post Mars Consumer Care 0845 045 0042. For Ireland, Mars Ireland, Box 3856, Dublin 4. 1890 812 315, petrol. See, but you said there's not one rogue ingredient in there, is there? You said petrol a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:07 But which one was it? Which one was the rogue ingredient? All of them, because there's no petrol in that whatsoever. But which one was the rogue ingredient? Petrol. All those petrols. Rubbish. We are heading up to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, as you all know, because we've been banging on about it for ages. Big laughs, the times. Yep, so that's one of the quotes that we're hoping to get.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Now, we are doing two shows. The main show that we're doing is the Peacock and Gamble Emergency Broadcast, which is on at the Pleasance Dome every night from the 3rd to the 28th of August at 10.50pm, that's 10 to 11 at night time, so if you can stay up that late please come down and see us there. Very, very, very funny from the Scotsman. Yeah, we're really rooting for that one. And also we'll be doing
Starting point is 00:18:53 this podcast, what we do here live, but we won't be saying this sort of thing. We'll be doing a lot of mucking about. That's every Sunday we'll be recording that. That's also at the Pleasance Dome at 8.20pm. So if you want to get tickets the best place to get tickets online if you're that sort of internet demon
Starting point is 00:19:09 as you are, you should be if you're listening to the podcast is from or if you want to go to the official Fringe website which is if you're more of a phonio you can call the Pleasant's Dome which is where both the shows are on ask for Julie on the box office can. Ask for Julie on the box office.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Say, can I speak to Julie at the box office? And if Julie's not there, say, okay, can you put me through to somewhere you can do tickets? Right, you don't need to do any of that. You just call it and whoever picks up with you will be able to put tickets for Peacock and Gamble emergency broadcast or Peacock and Gamble podcast live. State the show you want to see. State the show and the date you want to see it on. And the number for the Pleasant Stone is 0131 556 6550.
Starting point is 00:19:49 If you want to dial that in now, I'll read that out again. 0131, get that in there. Yep. 556. You got that typed in? Yep. 6550.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Right, now wait for it to ring. Is it ringing? Right. When the answer say you want tickets for Peacock and Gamble Emotion Broadcast, Peacock and Gamble Podcast, any day between the 3rd and 28th of August. Yeah. Just say it. Have your credit card ready now.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Podcast on Sundays. So this be the last podcast we're recording. This be? Yeah, this be the last podcast we're recording. You're slipping in a bit of pirate vernacular there. In my house, isn't it? This be the last podcast we be recording on your ship. Not ever.
Starting point is 00:20:28 From now on. Possibly ever. Well, from now onwards, from next week onwards, for four weeks, there'll be live podcasts. Live from the Edinburgh Fringe. They weren't going out live. Live. We were going to do that. Yeah, couldn't.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Couldn't. No, for legal reasons, really. Couldn't do it at all. No, we could do it. Couldn to do that. Yeah, couldn't. Couldn't. No, for legal reasons, really. Couldn't do it at all. No, we could do it. Couldn't do it. How do you get the sound all the way down the wire into everyone's headphones? We need to do a podcast per headphones. No, well, what we decided was, we decided that the show's going to be an hour.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Yeah. Well, we thought, well, that's not fair on people that come and actually see it. Yeah. If that hour just goes straight out. Yeah. That's not fair. If they pay to see it. They need to come and hear all all of it don't they and then and then they get a little sort of not even the
Starting point is 00:21:08 highlights package put out well it won't it won't even be a highlights package will it it'll be just a bit of just a chunk of it cut out of it yeah i'll be too tired and then after that probably quite a long break yeah so you've got four more well not a break because we're on tour mate oh not not for us yeah i mean a break from doing the podcast. Yeah. So there won't be any more podcasts, I think, until December. We're doing another live one in December. We've got a big live one, which, knowing us, will probably be the last ever one.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Knowing the way we get about these things. Yeah. So now how do you feel? Now how do you feel about not supporting the army? Big live ones in Edinburgh. We want to see as many of you there as possible, please. Yeah, and we're also aware it's difficult to get up there for some people. Particularly invalids.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Or just the very lazy. Now, I'm not saying... Oh, God. What? That's gone wrong. Well, some of them are very lazy, aren't they? Yeah, but no, some people are, but I wasn't saying that invalids are. No, invalids aren't very lazy.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Although, there's a bit of grey area, isn't there, with ME? Like, which way is it? ME, the only disease you can still laugh at. Yeah. Circa 2011, if you're listening to this in the future. Speaking of what things you can still laugh at, you keep having a go at me for doing brilliant improvisation
Starting point is 00:22:23 in our emergency broadcast show. I do, it's not brilliant improvisation. And you keep telling me off for it. I'm not even willing to have a laugh at a joke about this. I know, and that's what's making me do it more, I think. Well, you were alright last night. I know I was alright last night because last night was Harlow, wasn't it? No, it wasn't Harlow. Where was it? Colchester. Right, Colchester. I nearly forgot then. Yeah. You've done a Derren Brown on me. Colchester, which I didn't want them to have the fun of my improvisation at that gig. Basically, there's a bit in the show where I need to say,
Starting point is 00:22:50 oh, maybe he's a gay gentleman. And that's all it needs, right? But Ray has decided that he will chip in now with his own lines where he goes, yes, maybe he is a gay. Right, but you've just said a gay. You've said it. Yeah, I'm telling people what you say. No, but you say it.
Starting point is 00:23:06 When you say it, you say, maybe he's agay gentleman. Agay gentleman. Yeah, but you say agay, isn't that? Yeah, but I don't know. I'm just saying the same words you've said. No, agay is a derogatory term. Why? Because it's dismissive and it's quite aggressive.
Starting point is 00:23:17 It's not dismissive. Oh, agay. You are agay. Yeah, he might be agay. Even labelling someone as agay gentleman. You shouldn't be putting labels on anyone just in the street. Yeah, but you do it. What, a gay gentleman?
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah, you're always going to put labels on people's backs saying they're gay gentlemen. Sometimes ladies. No, you say maybe he's a gay gentleman. Yeah, no, I just think the way you say it, you shouldn't do it. Plus, that's not even the bit that's under... That's just you being over- The other night, you said, maybe he is a massive bender.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And I'm not even joking about this. I know usually Fun Fun Ed will pretend to get angry, but I'm not joking about this. It ruins that bit of the show. But I was saying that for that reason. Because you turned me off. But why are you saying things to annoy me? Because you turned me off at the same time. saying things to annoy me because you turned me off
Starting point is 00:24:05 at the expense of the show there are people sat there they were laughing at Massive Bender they wouldn't they were not laughing they were well laughing at it they weren't mate it makes everyone feel awkward
Starting point is 00:24:13 no it doesn't next time you do that you'll see what happens what will happen what will happen I know I just won't join in yeah what will happen the next time you do it
Starting point is 00:24:19 will you put a frock on and give us a kiss is that what you're going to do no see that's how you love all the gays so much. All the gays? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I can't help it. You can. I literally can't help it. You can help it. I'm being deliberately naughty. Yeah, so you're being deliberately naughty so you can help it.
Starting point is 00:24:36 But I can't not do it. Yes, you can. The other night... That's a stupid excuse. The other night... I'm a naughty person. I can't help doing it. That is true, though.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It is absolutely not true. You've got self-control. The other night... I'm a naughty person. I can't help doing it. That is true, though. It is absolutely not true. You've got self-control. The other night, on stage, right before I said massive bender, right? Yeah. Right before I said that, I looked you straight in the eye. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:53 We had a proper eye-to-eye moment and I could see that you were cross that I'd said a gay. And I thought, I'm gonna go even worse now because he is telling me off with his eyes. It was not helpful. It's just awkward in that bit of the show
Starting point is 00:25:04 and people don't go with it. I actually don't want to talk about this because it shouldn't be a thing. You shouldn't be doing it because you should be trying to make the show as good as possible and that's actually ruining the show. Oh, I do. It's not ruining the show. That bit is. It's really awkward. It's not awkward. We should be taking out everything
Starting point is 00:25:19 that creates an awkward atmosphere and doesn't get a laugh. It has. It hasn't. I'll try a few more times then. No, I'm not joking about this anymore. How about this? I will stop saying it. Can I say I'm gay? No.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Right, what can I say in that bit? Nothing. I will say, maybe he's a gay gentleman and then I will move on to the actual joke that we're trying to get to. So you've taken my lines out. The problem is, we've got the jokes, right? We need to get to those jokes.
Starting point is 00:25:44 You seem to insist on getting on the path to the joke and then going, I'm going to set up a little campfire here and have a chat with my mate Ed. Yeah. I enjoy doing that. No. I don't know why you're throwing it back in my face. Get on your fucking bike and cycle to the joke.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Hi, Jimmy Carr. Right, well, listen, here's the deal. Here's what I will agree to this, right? This is what they call cooperation. Right, I immediately know that I'm not going to be happy with this. Listen, right? I am going to meet you halfway on this. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I've listened to your argument. How can you meet me halfway? Just say bender and not matter. I understand it a bit, what you're saying. Right. I get it a bit. You get it completely. Yeah, I understand a bit of it.
Starting point is 00:26:24 What I'm saying is, for my fun, for my well-being, and by the way, I am diagnosed with depression. If you keep going on at me like this, and having a go at me for speaking just words, you're going to bring my Stephen Fry depression back. I'm not. No, you are. Do not.
Starting point is 00:26:39 So in order to stop that, in order to stop you from... Do not threaten me with a depression source. Well, listen. We're going to be living together. If my Stephen Fry depression comes back in John Edinburgh, I can't say for definite that you won't just come back one night and find me, right? We don't know that that won't definitely happen. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Especially if we've had a bad review, right? And why do you think one of the reasons we'll have a bad review? Bear that in mind as well, reviewers. What, has the Scots Gay come and see us? That's something else. One star from the Scots gay. That's something else for reviewers to bear in mind. Not only am I liable to twat you if it goes bad with you,
Starting point is 00:27:11 I might commit suicide. Right. And you will have blood on your hands. Right. As we'll add. Right, so, here's what I will agree to. No, already no. I can say, a gay. Nope. No, listen, for ten performances. Absolutely not! Ten performances that I choose. No. On top of that, how many performances are we doing? 26. No. No, listen. For ten performances. Absolutely not. Ten performances that I choose.
Starting point is 00:27:26 No. On top of that, how many performances have you done? 26? Yeah. Right, for another three of them, I'm allowed to say, maybe he's a big massive bender, right? Now, that is half and half. We're doing them half your way, we're doing them half my way. Because your argument has always been that no one has ever laughed when I have said a gay or big massive bender, right?
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah. Now, I agree with with that but there are also other bits in the show that people haven't laughed at on some days so I've not done it enough to check whether or not
Starting point is 00:27:51 it's funny. You've done it every day for ages. Not big massive bender I've not. No. Big massive bender has had one time.
Starting point is 00:27:57 A gay does not get a laugh. Yeah. Big massive bender is certainly not going to get a laugh. Not true. Maybe the joke isn't ridiculous enough.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Maybe the joke isn't ridiculous enough. Maybe that's what it is. It's a problem. You self-sabotage, you know. It'd be a better show if you weren't going a big massive bender, a gay all the time, right? Right, right, right. Something in your head, you won't let the show go well. There's something there because you're afraid that people are going to like it and like you. So if you don't do that and we have a good show, right? Yeah. People say, I really enjoyed that. And you'll go, oh fuck, I'm panicking now. People are appreciating it.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Right. So, what you're doing is you're slipping in bits to make people hate it. Yeah. Why can you say that? Because I'm doing proper psychoanalysis.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yeah, but why are you allowed to go, oh, you can slip in a bit? Yeah, well, I'm not. I'm just not. You're not doing it. All right, well, all right. I'm not doing the show. All right, fine.
Starting point is 00:28:39 All right, fine. Right, I'm not doing the show then. Right. Right, well, I'll have a nice time in Edinburgh at the Gamble emergency broadcast. Right. Don't worry, it's quite a serious play. You'll enjoy it up there. Yeah. It's on in the middle of. Right. Right, well, I'll have a nice time in Edinburgh. I had to gamble an emergency broadcast. Right. Don't worry, it's quite a serious play.
Starting point is 00:28:46 You'll enjoy it up there. Yeah. It's on in the middle of the night. Yeah, anyone's welcome. Anyone can come it without fear of being, of having derogatory terms about their choice of lifestyle chatted about. Oh, it's a choice. Oh, that's right, homosexuals.
Starting point is 00:28:58 You have made a choice. It's not just in your brain. Ed is saying it's a choice. You have made a choice to be a homo. That is what Ed is saying. You're not just born an homo. You've made a choice to be a homo. That is what Ed is saying. You're not just born an homo. You've made a choice to be it, apparently,
Starting point is 00:29:07 according to Ed. I don't agree with that. I think you are born a big bender. But Ed has decided that you haven't made a choice for doing it. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Oh, I think I will put a willy in my mouth. That's what Ed is thinking you're thinking. Rather than, as we all know, you're thinking, I need to.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I need a willy in my mouth now. Turn this off now. All right, bye. Peacock and Gamble podcast was devised and performed by Ray Peacock and Ed Gamble. All music by the Tiger Lilies, except for the last one, which is performed by Frank Sidewater. Peacock and Gamble podcast is a ready production hosted by See you next week

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