The Phonebox Podcast With Emma Conway - Emma & Claire: Listeners Letters Sister, Sister Special!

Episode Date: August 14, 2023

To end Season 2 of The Phonebox Episode my "Sister, Sister!" Claire Wetton and I talk about what YOU suggested. Why did we wear dummies? Why did Marathons become Snickers? Why did we never use what we... bought in The Body Shop? WHY WAS THE 90'S SO WEIRD?The "Magic Shoes?" advert! more of me follow @brummymummyof2 on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and TikTok and follow the all new @phoneboxpodcast account on InstagramIf you have any guest suggestions, topics you would like me to cover or send in a voice note to be featured email and be sure to tag so I can see where you are listening!Editing by Soundtruism. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With the Fizz loyalty program, you get rewarded just for having a mobile plan. You know, for texting and stuff. And if you're not getting rewards like extra data and dollars off with your mobile plan, you're not with Fizz. Switch today. Conditions apply. Details at Hello and welcome to another episode of the Phone box podcast with me emma conway how the devil are you well we've reached the end oh i'm doing a blog guys i said to my sister i don't want to have to edit this podcast i said go on mute and now she's pulling faces and she looks like nanny count duckula um we are doing the final episode of season two of the phone box podcast which has now had over 120 000 downloads that is crazy so thanks so much for listening we're going to take a couple
Starting point is 00:00:54 of weeks off and i'm going to be back in september so when you're back to doing the school run or going to college or whatever you're doing we're going to be back for a special autumn season i've already recorded a few episodes they're going to be brilliant they're going to be back for a special autumn season i've already recorded a few episodes they're going to be brilliant they're going to be blinking brilliant but this week it's going to be called claire you can unmute yourself now unmute speak i thought you'd do that thing where you know you freeze um i asked i want to call it readers but they're not readers followers listeners no they're listeners but i'm gonna call it readers so i asked the readers over on instagram to send some topics
Starting point is 00:01:35 they want us to talk about any letters they wanted to send us they could much like they were writing to a pen pal with a friendship book in 1993 and they did send some in do you remember you can always did you know you can email voice notes claire what what you can email a voice notice if say if somebody wanted to voice note us to go on the podcast, they can email it. I feel better to understand WhatsApp voice notes. Oh, you're a genius now. Anybody out there, if you want to ever send us something that wants to pop up, you have your lovely voice on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:02:17 email admin at All the links will be in the description. And your voice can be on here. That'd be amazing, wouldn't it? I mean, I can't think of anything. What? What happened? Dog barked.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Can you not hear the dog barking? Did you just hear me screaming? Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. That's so embarrassing. It's like I have a phantom dog. This going to be a car crash I do apologize if I bushed your eardrums when I screamed as well okay so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to read out a reader's letter that made me titter and I think it really summed up going to school in the 80s and the 90s so this is from Laura Mockford hello Bedford Warwickshire
Starting point is 00:03:06 lovely hello Laura what a lovely place you live Claire loves Warwick Castle don't you can't get enough I know Bedford's nowhere near Warwick Castle but it's in Warwickshire but oh Laura Mockford when I was at primary school we went on a school trip where they tried to teach us health and safety based on different scenarios oh this already sounds like it's gonna be an absolute nightmare what they'd be like don't don't climb up the bylons here's some glue don't sniff it his sparklers don't hold them. Okay. They sent us out to the back of the building to demonstrate what we had learned.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And unbeknownst to them, the primary school children, there was actors there. So they went round the back, primary school children, actors. They thought they were people. There was one of them in a green, there was one of them green electrical boxes you see on the streets, but it was open. So they must have had a lesson, which was, if you see the green electrical box open in the street, don't touch it. One of the actors went to touch what they thought was a live wire. She tried to stop him with no success and he electrocuted him. What is wrong with people?
Starting point is 00:04:35 Obviously, she didn't know he was an actor, did she? She thought, as a primary school child, she killed a man Emma I still can't walk past a green box without having flashbacks and breaking into a sweat no
Starting point is 00:04:55 no this is not acceptable also a trip to learn about electricity boxes that is the worst trip ever I hope they had a good fat lunch I just love it Also, a trip to learn about electricity boxes. That is the worst trip ever. I hope they had a good fat lunch.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I just love it. No, don't stop. He's like shaking. I mean, who thought that was a good idea? That is fully traumatic. That sums up 80s and 90s, the fear that they put into us the absolute unadulterated fear of sparklers green boxes new fear unlocked what else escalators paintballing paintballing and and turkey can he see, man? I can't even see, man. I can't even see.
Starting point is 00:05:54 If you've got any stories like that, guys, send them our way. Because to be honest, that was an absolute belter. It was an absolute belter. A health and safety trip. Oh, Claire, you look like you've got something to say. I was just thinking about my friend once had a, it must be a school thing. My friend once had a, it must be a school thing. My friend once had a job interview in a primary school and the head teacher was like,
Starting point is 00:06:09 I just need to pop out for a second. And then a parent came in and was like really violent and was like throwing things around the room and like screaming and stuff. And it was an actor and it was part of the interview to see how they would deal with violent parents. How did would know violent parents did they punch them square in the face i'm afraid so you've not got the job i just said i'm gonna go and get someone who works here we walked out i'm sorry unacceptable okay um the next thing people have just this is just prompts that people want us to discuss
Starting point is 00:06:47 we're just going to discuss it okay we're starting off with a real hot topic a burning issue two words dummy necklaces bring them back bring them back claire did you ever chew on a dummy necklace and slightly crack your teeth? Because I did. I'm sure I did. I mean, I know that there must have been so many germs on those dummy necklaces. But I never washed them. I would suck on a dummy necklace all day long.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I feel like if we did a deep dive in a google and somebody please do that i reckon it's a drug reference i do but i don't know what yeah probably for what jennifer what but i used to have a dummy necklace um i feel like i had maybe like a red one but i don't know if i'm confusing that with a sweet necklace. Oh, God, they're even better. But I had a blue one. I know that much. Yeah. And we had, like, different sizes as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:51 A big one, a little one. Did you know any ones? Yeah. And you're like, I'm going out. Hang on. Got to put my dummy necklace on. What a strange thing. And then suck it on the bus.
Starting point is 00:08:02 What? Suck it on the 97 into town through flipping small leaf and wherever we were going no germalicious the most germy place in the world is the 97 bus if my kids were in dummy necklaces now i'd make sure i'd like disinfecting them or put them in no unacceptable because people listen if you never wore a dummy necklace they weren't actual dummies they were plastic yes or did pop stars't actual dummies, they were plastic. Yes. Or did pop stars wear actual dummies? No, they wore plastic ones. For why?
Starting point is 00:08:32 I think Robbie Williams started it and you're right, it probably was a drugs thing. I don't know, when you... Do you dip a dummy? I don't really know anything about drugs, but they're like chew a tummy
Starting point is 00:08:47 you can't chew a plastic maybe that's why they put it in their mouth I don't know, gurning and stuff chew it on a plastic the teeth would be cracking open, the drugs would be the least the worries would be like toothless okay, dummy necklaces and this
Starting point is 00:09:01 there's two here marathon becoming snickers stop opal fruits becoming starburst thoughts i mean i i don't like a marathon i think i still do call it a marathon in my head i definitely call opal fruits opal fruits I mean starburst opal fruits Starburst was stupid Opal fruits is a good name Even though it means nothing
Starting point is 00:09:33 Opal fruits is a good name Opal fruits is a great name It's fruity And I presume opal means different like colours Starburst is stupid Because they're not made of stars And they don't burst They don't even burst
Starting point is 00:09:45 when they're in your mouth but i do think i do i call them i don't because i don't eat sugar no a marathon i presume if back in the day i think if you were going to do a marathon you'd have a cup of tea and you'd give you some energy and you'd be like do you know what I'm going to eat a marathon what was the chocolate bar that was only allowed for men Yorkie a Yorkie tagline for men only or something
Starting point is 00:10:15 like that I don't think I have had a Yorkie so that that obviously worked it's a good campaign it's a good campaign if they want to get rid of half of the That obviously worked. It's a good campaign. It's a good campaign if they want to get rid of half of it. Oh, I'm elected. I couldn't possibly eat to York. It would be too big for my mouth.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I don't know why you're going in that. I know. It would be too big for my mouth. Oh, no. I just need a little tiny curly whirly. Oh, could you pass me a Freddo, please? I could just about manage that. It's a whopper thing after eight minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It's one after eight. Don't understand it. I'm going to go marathon being called Snickers is fine, but I stand by Opal Fruits should be Opal Fruits. But do you know what? When was it like 30 years ago and people still make marathon jokes about, oh, I did the marathon today. Oh, it was lovely or something.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Like people still make this. Claire, you're hanging around with the wrong people. Yeah, really bad comedians. That's who I'm hanging out with. I don't like people, man, because that's a terrible joke. So we've discussed that. Sometimes they do do limited edition Starbursts called Opal Fruit. Stupid. Stupid.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Stupid. In Poundland, I still buy them, though. Okay, now this is one I have no experience of. You, May. Hair mascara. What, what? Hair mascara. No, hair mascara.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Hair mascara. Oh, yeah. Yes, I did have experience of it. I don't think, you know me, I'm not very artistic when it comes to things like that. I'm quite a slapdash. I'm not good with details. I'm good like, this is a good idea. I'll put some purple hair mascara on my hair and I'll look wicked. And then I'll go and shove it all on and then it's all just a big clumpy mess so I never really mastered the art of making myself look good but I did use hair mascara
Starting point is 00:12:12 so was it literally a mascara like the same as a mascara a bit thicker yeah like purple or pink or whatever and you just like put it on your hair. You'd just, like, painted your hair with it. I think I'd use a pink one now. If I had one. Bring them back. I think I would. What did you say if I was going to a concert? Put a bit of pink on. Lovely.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And then did it wash out? Yeah. And also, like, get all over your clothes and then in your hands. Yeah, you had, like, a a big thick polo neck on just tinged with purple very strange and like it was like when you like wanted to be like jerry halliwell and you were like let's just paint my hair red and with some blonde streaks in or you did dye your head hair like a reddy color it was really nice i dyed my hair red with blonde streaks because I thought I was Joey Halliwell so did you dye it red and then add the blonde streaks in I don't understand how did
Starting point is 00:13:12 you do that I think I went to the hairdressers I know that's not like us is it we're home dye gals through and through there was a hairdresser in town where if you got like a student it only cost like five pounds oh my god 100 what was it called what was it called what was it called oh I went there all the time in town and you'd go in and I remember I had a boyfriend and he got his hair cut like Liam Gallagher I feel like it was a really fancy it's not there anymore is it no was it like a Tony and Guy no I charles worthington but that might be wrong it was fancy and it was five pounds yeah because it was the students god claire we were right old tight to be honest i'll do it today i'll do it today if it came up on facebook five pounds you
Starting point is 00:14:03 get your hair done in time i'll be there I'll be queuing up like Geri Alleywell I'll be like Geri Alleywell okay there's a goose loose about this who's
Starting point is 00:14:11 da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da I think we've got I think I've got a really high brow audience I think they're sat there and they're like
Starting point is 00:14:23 what can we talk about and somebody is just tied up goose loose about this hoose and she spelt it a boot a b o o t and the hoose h o o s e she just wants to say i want you to talk about the goose loose about this house wine gum advert yeah i mean what has that got to do with wine gums i don't know i don't know but you know what if there was a goose loose about me hoose and i had a packet of wine gums to cope with the stress of it i probably would shove a few wine gums in my mouth i mean but you're sugar intolerant and then you'd have really bad paulie bella sugar-free wine gums okay so you want it to be sugar-free
Starting point is 00:15:06 wine gum and then you'd be all right yeah if there was a goose loser boot this hoose i'd be like oh my goodness i need either a plastic dummy to shove in my mouth full of drugs free wine gums and then i can cope with the situation it's makes no sense. The stickers makes no sense. The goose loosey-boosey. I wonder what the plot of the advert... I can't remember the advert. I can only remember theme tune. I think there was just a goose loose about the hoose.
Starting point is 00:15:33 About the hoose. Do you remember Armadillo as well? What was that all about? Armadillo. For Dime Bars, that was for. I don't know. I feel like Harry Enfield was in it there's some quacking adverts name who adverts you loved the well the tango man was a big thing wasn't it when
Starting point is 00:15:52 he used to slap me around the face yeah dangerous wouldn't wouldn't be allowed these days oh no and everyone used to get into trouble at school for tangoing each other. Yeah. Happy days. Do you remember happy slapping as well? That was a thing, wasn't it? Was that to do with the tango thing, or was that years later? What's happy slapping? People would just walk up to strangers in the street and just smack their faces like it was happy slapping.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I don't like that. Oh, now I'm scared to leave the house. What, have somebody come and happy slapped me um yeah tango adverts were very very good um would not be allowed today i also really like mr um soft advert which i put on my instagram why the world in which you're living so strange we're talking about adverts obviously red car and the blue car let's see how if we know the words everybody at home stop what you're doing pull the car over um put the baby in its cot whatever you're doing three four three four five that's not how you count down five six seven eight red car and the blue car had a race all red wants to do is stuff his face i think there's an annoying time delay
Starting point is 00:17:13 from trucks to prickly tree but smart old blue he took the rookie way he's looking for a snack fluffy and white So he knows it won't spoil his appetite Oh no, the bridge has gone Poor old Red can't carry on But smart old Blue here took the milky way Now I feel like there was one set in space as well That one had two different... They had to change the lyrics
Starting point is 00:17:44 Because the lyrics was like He's looking for a treat, it's fluffy and white, so he knows he won't spoil his appetite. And then people were like, that makes it look like it's healthy. So they had to change the lyrics to something else, but I can't remember what the new lyrics were. Spoiler, Milky Way is not healthy, but I tell you what, I could eat five. I could eat five in one sitting, I wouldn't even touch the side. With every spin and a guaranteed winner by 11 p.m. every day. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Or visit Select games only. Guarantee void if platform or game outages occur. Guarantee requires play by at least one customer until jackpot is awarded. Or 11 p.m. Eastern. Research and supply. See full terms at Please play responsibly.
Starting point is 00:18:37 With the Fizz loyalty program, you get rewarded. Just for having a mobile plan. You know, for texting and stuff. And if you're not getting rewards like extra data and dollars off with your mobile plan, you're not with Fizz. Switch today. Actually, in my head, if I was going to a shop and there was a Yorkie on offer and a Milky Way on offer, I'd be like, Milky Way is healthy. Advert advertising has worked Yorkies are for men Yorkies are for men Milky Way I want to lose a bit of weight I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:19:12 have a Milky Way did I have five sure sure I do like a Milky Way I don't think I've had oh they have Milky Stars now don't they I don't know she don't know she don't eat? I don't know. She don't know. She don't eat sugar. One more advert before we move on. I thought you were going to give me one and now I've got to come up with one. You've got to come up.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Don't create one. Just think of one. Magic shoe. Magic shoe. We never had a pair of magic shoes, did we? Never had a pair of magic shoes they were too expensive they were really expensive so they're like 50 quid or something which in the 80s was like you could buy a brand you could buy a house we never had a pair of magic shoes if you don't know what we're talking about i think they were clark's shoes they had like a little key in the bottom of them and the advert was a
Starting point is 00:20:10 goggle magic if you don't if you haven't seen the advert or if you would like to see the advert again look it up because me and my friends watched it recently the production values on that it's like a little movie no wonder people wanted the shoes no wonder they were so expensive they were like trying to but they've got a movie budget it is such a good advert little girl she's got these shoes she ends up going to like some fantasy world shoes magic then she has to collect a key the key goes into the show and then she's back in the shoe shop and at what point does she say magic shoes
Starting point is 00:20:48 I think she's like climbing up a mountain and someone says the shoes are magic and she goes magic shoes do you think maybe we remember it so much because we never had magic shoes no I think it was a big deal
Starting point is 00:21:03 it's like a Lely Kelly nowadays my kids never had a L no i think it was a big deal it's like a lely kelly nowadays my kids never had a lely kelly they're expensive lely kelly well no don't they're like magic shoes but not quite as good then after that was het tiktok shoes what tiktok they had like a little clock in them i think i remember they were a big deal and our english teacher had them and we were like a grown adult had tiktok shoes what tiktok is shock resistant tiktok oh no it was flick flack it's all resistant like you're gonna sit there and you go right flick flack so flick flack was a watch it's
Starting point is 00:21:41 water resistance brilliant is it swiss made flick flack is swiss made brilliant i'm gonna go and get it i had a flick flack wish i kept it i had a flick flack i had a baby g watch and i had a storm watch what an absolute legend i was yeah you were like the if you'd have gone to switzerland i'd have been like one of ours if i'd gone to switzerland what they said been like one of ours people come to switzerland what they said she's one of ours she's one of us is she swiss made i'd have been like no i'm from birmingham right okay a penultimate discussion mood stones now unsure what a mood stone is. I know what a moon ring is. What's a moon stone? It's like a mood ring.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Okay, so yeah, we're thinking mood rings. Yeah, so you put it on and then depending on your mood, it tells you how you're feeling in case you are so completely unconnected to your own emotions that you need a ring to explain that you're you're sat you're sat on the number 97 going into town you're like i'm happy am i sad am i angry i need to check my ring oh it's all right i'm complacent my friend bought us mood rings a couple of Christmases ago for our Christmas events and mine just was always black
Starting point is 00:23:08 so I think I am just dead inside to be honest Claire you didn't need a ring to confirm that you could have just asked me I have a feeling oh dead inside
Starting point is 00:23:17 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas it's similar to the little fish that you get in the crackers have you ever had those we ever do the cracker and you get the little fish and it turns up or and it says you're in love if the tail goes up or whatnot okay i want to say also alongside the mood ring do you remember those balls that we used to have yeah chinese balls yeah the little like oriental balls that would be in a very intricate box i feel like either i had
Starting point is 00:23:47 some or you had some or did mom have some dad had some the only member of the family you didn't mention yeah it was they were dads oh why um they had like that was their vibe wasn't it in the in but did you used to like move them around and then it would like relax you yeah relaxing both of us are doing the hand movement as if and no one can see us but we're doing a hand movement with a pair of balls in our hands um okay last thing and i have chatted about this on the podcast before actually if you go back and listen to the episode with knee deep in 90s we're just going to have a real short chat about the body shop this specific one is body shop soaps but i'd like to just discuss the body shop in general and how it was a banging yeah it was i also remember
Starting point is 00:24:48 spending quite a lot of time like trying to recreate that with like rose petals from the garden or like leaves or whatever just like you know what if i just put this in some water and like leave it for six weeks it will definitely smell like jubilee as the body shop stuff and then i can just start my own business but it would always get thrown away before oh and if only mama just left it then we never got the experiment done and what was your favorite scent and what scent made you physically sick um i think i don't think any of them made me physically sick I always like the kind of fruity not fruity flowery like rosy kind of yeah anything anything flowery I liked what about so the main ones fuzzy peach yeah I think I liked all of them I did not like jubilee
Starting point is 00:25:42 not at all I don't remember disliking any of them remember it did not like Jubilee. Not at all. I don't remember disliking any of them. I remember it always being just a little bit out of reach price-wise. So you'd go in and you'd smell it all and then you'd leave. Or you'd go in and you'd buy three bath ball things, which you'd never use. Or, like, you'd get some for Christmas and then you wouldn't use it because you just didn't want to like like you save it for best but then it's probably still in mom and dad's house like some little tiny i genuinely think if we went to mom and dad's house there would be a
Starting point is 00:26:18 slightly faded basket with a jubilee basket with i think i had the fuzzy peach body wash that i probably had for about five years and never actually used just sniffed it every so often i'd be interested to see how much it really was because it wasn't like chanel i wonder why we didn't use it hair mascara yorkies no we weren't spending that money on yorkies yeah i did i did like the body shop i thought it was great it felt like a real treat it made me feel really grown up like i was a teenager i never had a spray or anything it didn't sink like um lush i can't going into lush gives me a headache there's no lush slander on this channel can't be in there for more than 10 minutes not even 10 minutes more than 30 seconds it makes me feel nauseous it smells
Starting point is 00:27:13 so strong lush if you are listening she's wrong i love lush i love twilight erin is is snow fairy if snow fairy was a person it would be my daughter. I love it. I don't really want you to talk about this. I had to go in once to get by something for someone's birthday. And I kind of ran in and was like trying to be as quick as possible to get back out. And I said to the man, I just need to be really quick because it makes me feel really sick. Apparently, it happens to a lot of people. And then he went into a 15 minute discussion why and i was like can you just hurry up please whilst i was even and what was his what was the consensus just certain people i don't know i wasn't really listening because i just wanted to get out there but he said there's
Starting point is 00:28:00 certain there's something to do with the smell there's certain people that it just hits a certain part of your brain that makes you eve. Don't hit my part of my brain. I love it. As we know, I go there every Boxing Day and I queue up and I buy 40 bath bombs. But Body Shop didn't ever smell like that, did it? The Dewberry, I didn't like the Dewberry. The actual shop didn't smell?
Starting point is 00:28:19 No, because everything was wrapped in cellophane. Every single thing. If you wanted a bit of oil, it was in a plastic like thing that would melt and then would just live on the bath for the next six months. It was, it was a joy. It's still there, but the body shop is. I don't know if Dewberry is still there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:42 There was one in Grand Central, but I think they closed it recently oh sad times they opened an Oliver bonus you what sorry? they opened an Oliver bonus instead I really do like an Oliver bonus we're alright before we go I'm just going to ask you
Starting point is 00:28:58 a couple of quick fire questions favourite 90s boy band go Mamma Mamma why? questions favorite 90s boy band go my mom why you got my body shaking but why did you fancy them or did you like their songs um i liked their songs obviously i did fancy lee i also like the fact that they hang on stop obviously i fan Lee. Like, we were all supposed to fancy him, obviously. Yeah. I mean, it wasn't going to be Spike or Jimmy, was it? No, Spike or Jimmy Slander.
Starting point is 00:29:32 They're great. They could be listening. Hiya, Spike. Hiya, Jimmy. Hiya, Spike. Hiya, Jimmy. I like the fact that they took the mickey out themselves. I remember on their tour they they performed
Starting point is 00:29:47 body shaking wearing you know like batman suits but like fat batman okay up and down on mini trampolines and i was like yeah why wouldn't you why weren't you there weren't time to be sexy they were just having a lovely time i enjoyed it i like a boy band who can take the mickey out themselves did you I feel like you once met them had a photo when you got it developed either you or Lee was cut off the photo I can't remember no I was in the photo Lee wasn't and do you remember we see Rob Williams and you took a photo of me and then we went to get this developed and there was no film in the camera and exactly the same thing happened when we met Declan's Emily the first time it was a very perilous time with cameras wasn't it I'll have to try and find that picture of me and Lee from 9-1-1 because he wasn't cut out of the photo because it's hilarious
Starting point is 00:30:40 he wasn't cut out of the photo the photo like half of the photo is just me and then the other half of the photo is just a white light maybe because he's just so spiritual yeah or maybe your black soul i don't know repelled him and he had to turn into a white light to combat you and then i remember the first time we met Ant and Dick, it was my 13th birthday and I had a photo with him and then we realised there was no film in the camera and I cried so much that Dad gave me the money to go
Starting point is 00:31:17 and watch Aladdin at the cinema the next day to cheer me up. We really didn't get our act together when it came to camera. Did we just used to pick up a camera leave the house just hope for the best i just hope the best and i think we would prove that it was always the worst it never never quite worked out okay um a favorite song from the 90s oh my gosh that's so difficult just pick one nice one you like well i really loved stay by lisa lobe and it's still a banger but you say i only hear what i want to i don't pay attention don't pay attention to i wouldn't sang that on a karaoke with my good friend rachel and cleared a room. That's a great song to sing. Yeah, but is it a great song?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Just two women, you know, in their 30s, screaming. Tell you what, cleared a room. Me and you singing Light of My Life by... Me and my friend singing Shakespeare's Sister's Day. Stay! You're going to go to the bathroom.! You've only got to stop it. You've only got to stop it. There was literally men rolling around on the floor, screaming with their hands on their ears,
Starting point is 00:32:34 going, make it stop, make it stop, as we, like, fully committed and went forward. Because it's both high and low. I mean, horrific in so many ways and we literally gave it our absolute all whilst people were fake crying they might have been actually right i tell you what we used to do a bit too often chains by dina arena that's such a great song to sing until the key change and then it's awful. It's almost like at the key change you need to like
Starting point is 00:33:09 drop the mic and just leave. Yeah. Even in your house I'll be singing Chains and I'll be like do you know what I should be our next actor I'm so good at singing it and then the key change comes and you're like oh no I'm actually horrific. Your arms are warm, but they make me...
Starting point is 00:33:28 Chains is an absolute banger. Also, Would I Lie To You. Would I lie to you, baby, would I lie to you, oh yeah. Charles and Eddie, absolute classic. There's some great songs. I think I need to do an episode at some point in the next season, which is like top 10, and we'll ask followers what they like, and we can chat through songs, boy bands, girl bands,
Starting point is 00:33:53 the whole shebangs. What do you think? Are you up for it? Yeah, because there's like indie 90s, there's pop 90s, there's dance 90s. Set you free. No man in the world. What's that? No man in the world.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's Cece Penniston, isn't it? I can't think what the song is. Do you know what? As soon as I get off this podcast, it's going to pop into my head. No man in the world. I love your smile. I love your smile. I check on her door.
Starting point is 00:34:36 What was that? My podcast listeners are really sad that you couldn't see her face. I check on her door with gonna do With a chimney on her What was that song I didn't know that's where you were going with that Because that is not what it sounded like What is that song It sounded like a troll
Starting point is 00:34:55 What you gonna do with a chimney on her It's the Rumpelstiltskin remix What song is it What you gonna look like with the chimney oh yeah it sounded a bit more like what you sound like you're gonna look like with the chimney on you anyway we're descending into madness right guys this is the season finale if any of you listen to this and stay to the end you need a flipping medal you need a smash hits poll winners party award for best reader listener um i will be back in two weeks for a another wonderful season thanks so much for sticking
Starting point is 00:35:35 with us for season two i've got loads of great guests coming up in season three as i said i've already called claire i have got um i'm working on an absolute icon to come on. So that's very exciting. Charles and Eddie. It's Charles and Eddie. Now I'm hoping they're both alive. Now I'm hoping they're both alive and I made that joke. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:35:56 They'll live forever in our hearts. Forever in my heart, always. So guys, I love you lots. Come and go follow me on Instagram if you want to check out what I'm doing over the next couple of weeks. And I will speak to you very soon. Say goodbye, Claire. See you. I see you.
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