The Phonebox Podcast With Emma Conway - Kickers, Nappy Nights & Snogging In The Park: Laura Mountford (lauracleanaholic)
Episode Date: August 12, 2024Who still thinks she is still going to marry Craig David and misses a free local radio roadshow? Laura Mountford that's who! She joins The Phonebox Podcast to reminisce about life growing up in 1999, ...going to Nappy Nights and her years loving JT and his wormy like hair.Sign up for your FREE Reading Eggs 30 day-trial here Laura over on instagram here and listen to her fab The Home Birds podcast here.For more of me follow @brummymummyof2 on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and TikTok and follow the @phoneboxpodcast account on Instagram for polls and nostalgic fun.If you have any guest suggestions, topics you would like me to cover email and be sure to tag so I can see where you are listening!#90s #90smusic #90sfashion #1999 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Hello and welcome to another episode of the Phone Box Podcast and I am really excited
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it really is fab before we go any further i just need you to know i've sat down and just watched
brats on disney plus you guys will love it it's about Brat Pack starring one of my all-time favourite heartthrobs of all time, Andrew McCarthy.
He's fit.
If you think he's fit, direct message me.
But you've got to go and watch it.
It's really, really, really, really good.
Laura, I'm bringing you straight in.
Brat Pack, do you like them?
I've not really watched it.
You're going to hate me now me now Laura what do you mean okay I think you have
watched it have you ever watched Pretty in Pink no do you know what I'm gonna be one of those
really annoying people that you could say a film to me and I'll be like I've not watched that oh
you could say to me Laura have you you watched top gun the first top gun
not the second one and i'll be like i haven't watched it like i am that sad person that has
only really watched disney films you you need to at some point not now we're gonna we get shell
this for autumn because this is an autumn activity. You need to get hot chocolate, right?
You need to get your dogs.
You need to get a big blanket and you need to watch John Hughes films.
Pretty in Pink.
There is The Breakfast Club about last night and watch them and you will love them.
Do you know what?
This is going to be another thing where people are going to be like, oh my goodness.
Oh my God. If you say you don't like hot chocolate, Laura, people are going to be like, oh my goodness. Oh my God.
If you say you don't like hot chocolate, Laura,
I'm going to have to shut the computer down.
Oh, stop.
Of course I like hot chocolate.
Harry Potter films.
I only just started watching them last autumn.
Do you know what?
This is the situation that we're in here.
I am like 10 years behind everyone on anything
it's fine it's fine that's okay have you finished Harry Potter no I've watched the first four
because I was because last autumn I was like right I'm gonna watch one you know have a day
off each week and I'm gonna sit down and get cozy and watch Harry Potter and I did that for four
weeks okay well autumn's just around the corner you can finish them up the autumn gals aren't we
cozy autumn gals have you watched Gilmore Girls no we haven't geez like the pop culture um then
also that is a gorgeous that is oh my god that's the cozy that is I'm can't really say I'm a cozy
girl because I've not watched that you need to watch it Erin and I watched it um we did it in a
year then we went to visit Stars Hollow which is where it's set in um California and we we did have
a discussion yesterday which was like shall we just go back to the beginning and start again
and I think that's what we're going to do.
I think we're just going to watch it to the end
and keep going back to the beginning and watch it all again.
But anyway, Laura, I haven't even introduced you.
Today we've got Laura on the podcast.
Laura, where can the people find you?
You can find me over at Laura Cleanaholic on Instagram,
TikTok, Facebook, and over at the Homebirds pod as well.
The Homebirds, I will leave links in the description to everything that Laura does.
She does some amazing hacks.
There's Cookery.
She's got a new podcast so you can learn a little bit more about her.
Do you chat about your personal life or is it just like a little gossip?
Yeah, we have a bit of a gossip gossip but we also do get quite deep yeah yeah we talk about um
like how we got to where we are now like the past like lots of positive vibes nice um lots about
like what's on our mind with it being called the home birds we've got a feature that's called
what's ruffled your feathers love it what's ruffled your face
so you just get angry every week about something so it's like what's what's it what's annoying us
that week what's giving us the ick like just you know like you've got to have a little bit of a
mind you've got to get things off your chest sometimes haven't you 100 okay definitely go
check that i love cleaning listen to a podcast that's my favorite um sorting
my pants drawer out listen to a podcast that is peak emma's favorite time of the week which i
don't know what that says about me actually you'll like that won't you because you you know it makes
you relax as well didn't it love a bit of tidying like cleaning's like therapy for me yeah and not
so much the cleaning i love an organizing organising. I love organising things.
That's my favourite. Okay. I asked you before we started the podcast, what year were you 40?
Excellent. So 1999. I am going to go through and ask you the top five singles, the top films.
Not hopeful you'll know the top films.
I'm not going to know any of these.
You will. Do you know what? Have faith. And the top programs. If you get one the top film i'm not gonna know any i'm not gonna know any of these you will do you know what have faith and the top programs if you get one that's good enough for
me okay so have a guess of the one of the top five singles of 1999 like do you would you like to give
me a clue me to give you a clue yeah you could do yeah okay a female artist. Celine Dion?
I can just think you just go through any female artist.
Madonna, Kylie?
No, none of them.
He's American.
She once shaved her head.
She once shaved her head.
Oh, Britney Spears. Okay okay so for the top five singles
of 1999 we have got what's the song 9 p.m by atb do you know that oh yes till i come
i had no okay number four was mambo number five Lou Bega yeah that's a great song number three
the Millennium Prayer by Cliff Richard do you remember that was that like a Christmas song
or something yeah it was um oh what's the oh my gosh why I've forgotten the what's the prayer
that we all say that we all know off by heart that we learnt in primary school?
Oh, the Lord's Prayer.
The Lord's Prayer, yeah, but it's a Millennium one, okay.
Number two, Eiffel 65 with Blue Dabba Dib.
Dabba Dib, Dabba Dib.
And number one was Hit Me a Baby One More Time by Ms. Brittany Spears.
It's a mixed bag there, isn't it?
Okay, shall we go, would you like to do programs or films well I think I'm going to be pretty useless at both Emma to be honest
you know what I've got faith in you got Britney Spears yeah I had to give you a couple of clues
but we got there in the end okay let's do um let's do films if I can zoom in i've got i feel like my i've got i've gone a bit old lady
with technology recently right i've zoomed in okay 1999 guess what are the top films
my goodness what would a film have been in 1999 give me a clue i need need a clue. Okay, I'm going to do some acting now. You ready? Oh, behave.
I don't feel like even the clues are going to help me.
Laura, how could you not guess Austin Powers from me saying,
oh, behave, like that?
Oh, behave.
Jeez, man.
Okay, number five was The Matrix.
I've never seen that.
No, I've never seen The Matrix. I mean, that's probably not a surprise to you now you will have seen this one toy story 2 oh yeah i love toy
story 2 yeah okay number three my excellent acting with austin powers the spy who shagged me
number two the sixth sense have you seen that no i saw that at the cinema very good is that good
yeah it's really good.
I shan't ruin the twist.
It's a very good twist.
It's a very good twist.
And number one, Star Wars Episode I, The Phantom Menace.
Oh, no.
I've never watched any Star Wars.
Do you like Star Wars?
Look, if I go to Disney, I'll happily have a blue milkshake in Galaxy's Edge
and love all that.
But no, we're not a Star Wars family we have tried and several times we've suggested oh should we watch them you
know from the beginning all the prequels but like no one's that interested in this house with Star
Wars no I suppose if like someone else in your house was interested you'd be invested in it
wouldn't you yeah no not i'm not too bothered okay the
programs and these are just five nice programs oh i'm looking at this list these are very american
programs actually uh 1999 five programs think american ones
the oc no but that was a great program that was that was one of my favorites we've got the west
wing family guy law and order and the sopranos i think though this list is just american have
you seen the sopranos no no neither have i neither have i we can be twins we can be twins i've not
seen it either so maybe i should watch The Pranos. Let us know on...
Don't message me if you've seen The Pranos,
if you think it's good.
And I do a poll each week.
And I think the poll this week will be
1999 films and songs
and people can pick the best one.
I will riot if Blue Dada Bee wins
because that's absolutely crap.
It's got to be Britney, hasn't it?
Surely. It's got to be Brittany, hasn't it? Surely.
It's got to be Brittany.
Is she listening to this podcast?
Does she?
In fact, sometimes she phones up to come on it and I'm Brittany.
No, I don't want an exclusive interview with you.
Leave off.
Leave me alone.
14, where were you growing up and what was on your bedroom walls?
So I grew up in
southampton down on the south coast and yeah on my bedroom walls so i i've got to say i scouted out
justin timberlake before he was like hot stuff before everyone was like oh yeah Justin Timberlake he's you know he's a he's a
bit fit when he when NSYNC first started I remember I bought their album and they had like
all their pictures on it with their names and I remember my friends were like oh which one do you
fit and I was like Justin when he had his curly hair
he had like proper like almost like worms on his head yeah like I could see past the hair yeah and
I was like yeah yeah him and they're like oh oh no not him and I was like oh no no him yeah
and then yeah that was it just true love from that did you hate Britney Spears then
no I didn't actually I loved I loved the fact that they were together and I was really upset
when they split up because I thought that you know they were it was like a fairy tale kind of
romance sort of thing the double denim was a classic wasn't it? Double denim. No, I just thought she was so pretty.
Like, I just looked at her and I thought, you are beautiful.
So, yeah, it was all about music for me.
Like, I just loved my music. What kind of music were you listening to?
Such a variety.
So I loved my usual pop, you know, boy bands and all that.
So NSYNC, Backstreet Boys Boys loved a bit of Backstreet Boys
Five yeah loved Five um but I also liked a lot of like R&B and like dance music so I'd bought like
I think it was the following year 2000 that, that I got Kiss Club Life 2000.
Oh, that'd be a good one.
And it had some, I have to dig it out actually, because it had some real bangers on there,
like ATB 9pm till I come, On The Beach.
Do you remember that song?
No, how does that go?
You sound like you were trendier than me.
Oh no, not at all.
But yeah, I liked just, I just remember having this Sony stereo and it was like a humongous stereo
that had like a three CD like turntable. And I remember having the windows open and the house
was shaking at how loud my music. What on earth did my parents put up with that
do you know what though I think that maybe I wouldn't my dad would have listened to his music
that loud when he was younger I reckon on like the records and stuff so maybe they just think
it's just like that's just what young people do but you know what um bring back double cds they
were great weren't they?
Because now you just make your own Spotify playlist,
wouldn't you?
But they were, I used to get like Cafe Del Mar and like Ibiza ones and stuff like that.
And I liked Garage as well.
Like my ultimate celebrity crush would be Craig David.
Like I still think me and Craig David
are going to get married one day because he's from Southampton I'm from Southampton I mean that
alone means you're going to get married if he's from Southampton you're from Southampton there's
a nice outlet set that Southampton that's what I know so maybe you might meet there if you knock on the door and
you open it there's Justin Timberlake I'm gonna say Justin Timberlake as he looks now and Craig
David as he looks now and they both at the same time go Laura will you go out with me who you
going with Craig all day every day there's no wasn't even a sniff of hesitation.
No, absolutely not.
So I went to see him live at Goodwood.
They do like every Friday night for a month in June.
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And Craig David was at this one, so that's why
we booked that one.
And I'd not seen him live since probably I was 14
and we had like power in the park in Southampton I don't know whether you must have had that like
the local radio station put on like a yeah party in the park yeah yeah exactly and oh I just
remember living my best life going to that um Craigig david was live and i just that was when i
was like oh craig they don't seem to do stuff like that anymore they always was like little
free road shows and now to go and see a concert you're looking at 150 quid but back then you'd
just be rocking up to your local park and they'd be like bringing out like i don't know
take that or whoever or it wouldn't happen today no it wouldn't would it wouldn't happen today i don't i don't
know why maybe secure i don't know it just seems everything seems a bit more dangerous now i don't
know or maybe people want more money or i suppose then they didn't have the internet and the only
way to get seen by lots of different people is to just go to those free events yeah and stuff like that um
Craig David he's still quite fit isn't it and he doesn't look like he's aged at all
no I think it aged well yeah it looks well mostly yeah it was it was good he did like his t4
uh like dj set with all the bangers on there but the thing was Emma it did like there was a lot of like
people in there still teenagers early 20s and I thought you don't even know this song how dare
they they need to do one why they don't know we've got to get through this oh no that was
Daniel Bedingfield no hang on was that Craig David or was that Daniel Bedingfield? That's Daniel Bedingfield. Oh, what's a Craig David?
Craig David was...
Amanda, Amanda, yes.
Fill me in.
Can you fill me in?
Oh, yeah.
They don't know that.
And Artful Dodger, because he was with Artful Dodger.
So that's where he became big was because he was the MC on the Artful Dodger track,
which was the... When the Artful Dodger track, which was the re-wind.
When the crowd say bowl selector.
Oh, when I went to see Liam Gallagher a couple of weeks ago with Stephen
and he even, and Stephen is not a man of many words,
he even said, why are all these young people here?
It's like, they can't possibly know who Liam Gallagher is,
but maybe are they vintage now are we vintage I think we are
vintage yeah and maybe they're just like literally listen this is I'm listening to some retro music
like we listen to the Beatles what but do you think in your head are you still like in your 20s um the head says the head says unfortunately about 18 the body says 65
same the head says yeah I'm like late teens yeah I'm I'm in my head I'm pre before I had to get a
proper job that's what my head's doing.
But the body is not complying with that.
But in my head, when we were teenagers was like five years ago,
but it wasn't.
It was like a couple of decades ago.
A couple of decades ago.
When I was 16,
it was 30 years ago.
That was three decades ago. So yeah, no, it was 30 years ago. That was three decades ago.
So, yeah, no, I still feel my head still feels young. The body, sadly, is fully going into the menopause, which is one of God's greatest horrible tricks on women.
But yeah, no, they must class us as vintage. So we know your music. We know who you fancied.
What kind of school did you go to and where were you in the hierarchy so in the hierarchy I was definitely like middle of the road like I was so I was a
bit of a geek so I was in like all the top sets at school I got good grades I was you know studying
hard um but I don't know I think I was I wasn't like one of the geeks even though I what kind of was
do you know what I mean I can't explain it um I feel like a lot of my friends were
not geeks but not the really cool you know like the yeah just middle of the road
yeah you know like the really cool kids that were like smoking in the bike sheds and
like doing things that they probably shouldn't be doing at that age and stuff um I was definitely
middle of the road and I was happy I was happy middle of the road really it's interesting I've
said this before I've had I don't know I've had like 60 plus people on the podcast no one ever thinks they were in the cool kids group so do i a not know any cool people
b nobody thinks they're in the cool kids they all think other people are the cool kids
do you know what i mean like what is it do is were people looking at you thinking you were
the cool kids like i i'm quite interested or is it c people don't want to come in and go hey I was one of the cool kids because I'd be like oh what a knob yeah actually I was super popular in a secondary school I was
like you'd be like but it's just fascinating like the concept of cool and it still even happens now
I think you know my kids talk about who's cool who's popular and it's do they yeah it's a real
weird yeah it's um and like so you said like being cool would be like
smoking or you know maybe taking illegal substances but now it could be like they're
really good at sport that seems to make people really cool so it's just uh an eternal truth of
teenagers there's always going to be somebody cooler than you it's just yeah it's just part of
life but i was kind of happy that I wasn't really cool
if either I think because I'm like the kind of person that I don't want to be like center of
attention do you know what I mean yeah I was quite happy just cruising along yeah just keeping you
down having a nice time um what kind of clothes did you wear do you have any fashion faux pas oh so many fashion faux pas I think like I remember
loving shopping even then like so going on the bus and going to buy clothes on my own with my
friends was oh I was like I just thought oh brilliant like I can buy whatever I want with you know my three pound
20 an hour wages that I'd saved up from working all the hours um but yeah like so fashion faux
pars I mean I absolutely used to love a bootleg trouser. Bootleg trouser.
Erin's got a few pair of them.
I think they're coming back. I've got bootlegs, yeah.
I'm so happy that they're back now.
She's got bootleg leggings, which I could not pull off,
but she looks great in them.
I love a bootleg.
I remember feeling so...
I felt like a new woman when my mum let me have bootleg trousers for school.
So were they like the black, black kind of slightly flammable material?
Yeah, they were like black sort of stretchy.
Yeah, nice.
And I was like, oh, yes.
And she let me have some kickers shoes as well.
This was this was year nine, though.
So year seven and eight, I like my clark's bootleg
trout um shoes do you remember that yeah yeah yeah um and they hardly had any heel or anything
and i just thought oh i just feel like a boy do you know what i mean and then you put your leg
trousers but then you put your kickers on you felt like a girl i put my kickers on with a heel
they had a heel and the heel was
higher than it was allowed to be because in our school i think what it looked like a kickers with
a heel i'll send you a pic send me a pic yeah yeah so in your school did you yeah yeah send me a pic
so yeah the the heel height could be the maximum heel height you could have was three centimeters. Three centimeters is tiny.
But no one got in trouble for wearing a higher heel.
So it took me two solid years of persuading my mom that I wasn't going to get in trouble for having a higher heel.
And that's when I got my kickers and I was like, yes, right.
Laura has arrived.
Laura has arrived. I think there comes a point in every mom's life and i've reached
reached that with mine where you can't continue fighting with your children and you just have to
say right wear what you want but if you get into trouble that's your that's on you that's not on me
now like i've told you if you want to wear that and i know in the
rules you're not supposed to wear a sports top with a nike logo but if you want to try and sneak
it in if you get in trouble that's on you and then like they'll kind of stand there and they'll
be like oh i don't know if to do it or not and then if they do it i'm like right it's not up to
me now you just have to kind of let them make their own decisions because you're sick of fighting
with them about the same topic over and over again
and with teenagers you're pushing boundaries aren't you you're trying to get in your kickers
or high heels or whatever it's just um it's part of growing up isn't it so did you have anything
that you wore then that you'd wear now i would wear the bootleg trousers in fact i've got some
recently that are pretty much the same identical yeah yeah yeah and i'm thinking
14 year old self would be proud oh i feel like i have bootleg jeans you know i think i might have
had a real dark denim bootleg i remember getting a levi and having to lie on the floor because
they were so tight to like shoehorn myself into them did you I had
some of the bootleg jeans that do you remember they had like the laces like at the waist it was
like a lace to to tie it up rather than a button they were quite untrained at that time I do
remember that I think I think I was kind of 21 by then, so I was probably going to work
and that probably wouldn't have gone down well at my job.
Like my gut popping out of like lace-up jeans.
But, yeah, I do remember then.
There was some great fashion, wasn't it?
It's all coming back again.
It's all coming back.
Okay, I want to hear first snogs.
I love it.
Please discuss.
You can use their real
name if you want or give them a pseudonym so yeah do you know what when so i was in year nine
at school and i just got train tracks on my teeth because my teeth are so like wonky and whatever and
needed train tracks so i was thinking oh wow you know how long am i
gonna have these on for but yeah had my first kiss with these bloody train tracks so it didn't
stop him he was like she's still gorgeous with the bass on yeah i i don't know how on earth that happened, to be honest with you. Was it at school or was it a disco?
No, it was at the park after school.
Classic, classic park.
Classic, yeah.
And it was, I don't really know how it came about, to be honest with you.
We were going out with each other.
But it was very much like, you know, when you're going out with each other then,
it was like you'd go on a walk're going out with each other then it was like
you'd go on a walk after school with your mates and their mates and you'd walk down to the park
or do you know what I mean it was you'd go out on a bike ride and you'd all be on your bikes
so it was quite different I think wasn't it um but yeah I don't really know how it came about
were you glad it was over was it just like tick
that's it I've done now snog somebody and we can all move on with our lives yeah yeah I was kind
of like well that was a bit underwhelming so weird isn't it I do think films have got a lot
well since you haven't seen the John Hughes films if you saw the John Hughes films like if you're
trying to live up to the expectations in those films it's not what snogging teenage boys is like oh but you know what he was like one of my best mates
oh and we and we stayed like we didn't stay as boyfriend and girlfriend for probably more than
a couple of weeks after that yeah do you see him now have you found him on facebook or anything no i don't really go on
facebook to be honest with you um but yeah no i haven't seen him for years and years yeah it's it
is it's a funny old thing i'm still facebook friends with the person i in fact the person
i first kissed because i didn't well i didn't kiss anybody till i was 18 laura here is this
is the thing i was like an adult and he actually came to
my wedding oh that is so cute is it cute or is it weird i don't know if it's cute or if it's
like at the time it seemed normal but now now i'm thinking why did steven not just go
no but you're still friends with him.
Yeah, he's a nice lad.
He moved to Australia.
I don't know if he's moved back now,
but yeah, we're still Facebook friends
and seems to be thriving.
But yeah, I don't know why I had him at the wedding.
That was a real bold move of mine.
Okay, have you got any teenage flops?
Is there something you do when you're a teenager
that you really regret?
I don't know, actually.
I've really not prepared very well for this podcast, have I?
It's absolutely fine because we're going to pull it out from the back
and the depths of your memory.
No, but I'm literally right in the depths of my memory here.
I think I probably gave my parents too much stress like it's only really now that I think
I definitely you really trusted me and I pushed you to the boundaries oh what were you doing were
you not coming home when they wanted you to and stuff like that I think I was just very sociable so do you remember nappy nights did
you ever go to a nappy night no what's a nappy night oh my goodness I wonder if any of your
listeners will have been to a nappy night so we used to have these nights at the local night clubs
that were called nappy nights and it was for under 18s okay so on they were like they were typically in the holidays so
easter or summer holidays and i guess it was it was a good idea really because it was to encourage
you to go out in a safe environment um but you weren't allowed to drink obviously yeah so it
was always for under 18s um and in southampton there was this nightclub complex I think they've knocked
it down now called Leisure World and there was Icon and Diva and they oh they're great names
Icon and Diva classic classic club names aren't they oh gosh many a good night in Icon and Diva
but yes they used to hold these nappy nights and yeah at 14 me and my friends would be
going to these nappy nights and the things that we were wearing honestly if I had a daughter I
would be looking at her and going why the hell are you going dressed looking like that like I was
wearing such a short skirt and like a not a crop top because I wasn't a crop top kind of girl,
but the skirt was literally just covering the bum cheeks, the heels,
us walking through the streets of Southampton. Well, no,
no wonder Craig David didn't want to marry me at that point because I could
barely even walk in these heels.
Like I remember having
these heels that were like wooden yeah really really high wooden heels with like a plastic
strap going across them my feet would be absolutely torn to shreds afterwards um we'd get off the bus
and then toddle down to the nappy night.
And that was when people could still smoke in nightclubs.
When you think about it, that is so weird, isn't it? I used to.
Yeah, it is really weird.
I've got a scar from a cigarette burn when I was dancing with a boy
and it burnt into my skin.
It is a very, very strange phenomenon, smoking in clubs.
I used to get home and you'd stink, wouldn't you?
Oh, God.
Like your parents must come in your bedroom and think,
oh, you absolutely reek.
Like not of alcohol, just of cigarettes.
So at the nappy nights, people weren't allowed to drink,
but they were allowed to smoke.
I suppose you can smoke when you're 16, couldn't you?
Yeah, so they could smoke. You can't now, can you? Don't you have to be older? I don't know. I don't allowed to drink, but they were allowed to smoke. I suppose you can smoke when you're 16, couldn't you? Yeah, so they could smoke.
You can't now, can you? Don't you have to be older?
I don't know. I don't know much about smoking.
You'd be vaping now, wouldn't you?
Everybody would be vaping.
Yeah, so I just remember, like, I probably didn't really care too much,
to be honest with you, but my parents were probably thinking,
what the hell is she up to
yeah coming back stinking fast I think the um in that 99 was like the height of do you ever have a
backless top which is just yes yeah which was just like a piece of material at the front and then a
bit of a string around the bottom and your whole or was it my whole back was out and I didn't have a bra on or anything yeah I didn't wear a
crop top but I've had many a backless top and it was I remember having this one that was like a I
think it was like a pinky purpley kind of color and it was almost like sequins yeah and that that
was just you know covering the front and then there was like a strip as my skirt.
So we didn't have any tip tape or anything.
We were just like, no, this is going to go out.
I mean, there probably wasn't really that much there at that point in time,
to be honest.
If I wore a backless top now, my boobs would be poking at the bottom of it.
Mine would be too at the bottom of it. Yeah, mine would be too.
Or like outside.
At the sides or just nipples just hanging out the bottom like that
whilst I'm walking into town.
Yeah, we did have under 18 clubs,
but because I'm a bit older than you,
when I was 14, we were just going to clubs.
So there was just like with our fake id just like popping it it's
just like absolutely wild okay is there anything you did when you're a teenager that you're really
really proud of uh what things was i really proud of um do you know what i am proud of the fact that
i think i did a good job at juggling my school work but still having fun at the same time um so I did
knuckle down when I needed to knuckle down but then I did also you know get involved you know
yeah you had like a social life I had a good social life yeah um and yeah I would say that
would be what I'd be proud of it's a bit boring isn't it but it's not
boring I think it's a lot easier then to have because we didn't have mobile phones or any
distractions when you were home you pretty much could just focus on being at home couldn't you
you weren't like watching YouTube or looking at TikTok or whatever it was either the telly
or you did your work or you might phone your mate there was like a bit of separation
um there was no like wondering oh where's so and so or what you just didn't know
where everybody was or what anyone was doing did you it was just no and you weren't you weren't
really that like bothered about it either like when you're at home you were like you were at
home weren't you you were having your family time or you know you might have been chatting to your friend on the phone
but yeah you wouldn't have been really bothered about what other people were doing no I do think
gosh do you know what and I said this to someone the other day do you feel really lucky that we
were almost like the last generation that grew up without phones and social media I really really
do yeah I I well it's kind of like because I talk about this a lot on the podcast on one hand I'm
really glad there's no evidence of the stupid tomfoolery I got up to I would have really
struggled knowing that like knowing where my boyfriend was or what he was doing I think I
would have become a bit obsessed
or oh no we've broken up oh is he snogging whether I just didn't know what anybody was doing or where
anybody was yeah but I will say I think that with social media it's easier to find more like-minded
people um so that would have been a good aspect and it opens your mind up to different like
cultures and stuff but I'm glad I didn't have social media yeah me too because I think it would have there'd have
been so much more FOMO wouldn't there like you'd have been thinking oh you know I'm at home studying
and they're all out having fun yeah I get FOMO now as an adult with events and stuff do you get
for like for even now as we're adults I don't know
how I would have coped when I was little no I don't at all I really don't I maybe that makes
me weird but yeah I'm just kind of like oh yeah they're doing that but I think it's because I
like being at home you're homebodying yeah I do really like being at home and don't get me wrong
I am still sociable and I like going out and I like doing things and stuff but when I see other people out I'm just thinking oh I'm just glad I'm
at home. One of the other people at home is that I'm just like glad I'm in bed sometimes like
like I'll organise to do so in somebody and then they'll message me like you know in the morning
go oh I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it tonight I'm like oh that so in somebody and then they'll message me like, you know, in the morning, go, oh,
I don't think I'm going to be able to make it tonight.
I'm like, oh, that's a shame.
And then I'm like, Stephen, yes.
We don't have to just stay in.
Oh, it's so funny.
Get your pyjamas on.
Emma's not getting dressed.
Take my bra off and everything.
Yeah, it's funny, isn't it?
So you're glad you grew up then and not now.
If you could go back and tell little laurice and think what
would it be i would say to her like don't wish your life away because i feel like when i was 14
i was i was just wanting to grow up like i wanted to start working i wanted to earn my own money
like i wanted to have my own house do you know what I mean you almost feel like you're wishing your life away so I wish I could I really wish I could go back and go
like these are such incredible years don't wish them away yeah don't you run into yeah I was the
same I like moved in with like moved in with a boy and I was like 21 and he was like 90 oh it's
just crazy like I had my first house and I was like 21 and he was like 90 oh it's just crazy like I had my first
house and I was like 22 well people wouldn't be able to do that nowadays with their houses
so expensive it's so it's it's wild how much houses are and how much older people are getting
on the property ladder like I was really like I was really good at like saving my money and I
worked so many hours because I had a part time
job at a hotel, local hotel from like 14 years old. And it was really fun because there was
a few of us that all worked there on, you know, on the £3.20 an hour, we were literally thinking
that we were like rolling in it, making so much money, polishing the cutlery and doing the breakfast shifts and
like serving at the weddings and stuff like that so it was it was good fun um but did an awful lot
of hours like I remember once my dad phoned up because I still wasn't home because it was like
two o'clock in the morning and I still wasn't home from work like I'm sure that wouldn't be allowed
now really would it no not when you were 14 it'd be like child labor laws um yeah I like I love my
little part-time jobs and you had your little mates and you go on nights out and you yeah um
I worked on Broad Street which is like a street in Birmingham that's just it's still now like full
of clubs and stuff yeah it's a right laugh and you're getting all the other bars for free and stuff yeah that was that was fun fun
days well Laura thanks so much for coming on the podcast oh thank you so much for having me Emma
everybody I really want you to watch John Hughes films okay well I'm writing this down writing it
down write it down John Hughes so what we'll do is
on the phone box podcast um instagram account we'll do the best songs and films and stuff of
1999 and then on the spotify there's always like um you can do a quiz on spotify we'll do i'm going
to put john hughes films and people can just simply tick the john hughes films that they've
seen so whichever one your listeners vote for,
that's the first one that I'm going to watch.
And then I will report back to you as to my verdict for the film.
I think, I'm guessing Pretty in Pink is going to win
because it's an absolute classic.
And I was watching it with Erin and she was baffled by the fashion.
She was baffled a little bit by their faces,
because young people in the 80s look very different.
There's no Botox.
Their teeth are all a little bit wonky.
Everything's just a little bit wonky.
It was, yeah, she weren't that impressed.
And I was going, look what she's wearing.
No, I was like, look what she's wearing.
And she's just like, she just looks weird.
And I was like, you don't know anything.
You don't even know you were born.
So yeah, we didn't finish it off.
I think we watched about 45 minutes
and she's like, oh, this is rubbish.
But yes, I'll put John Hughes films on.
Right, guys, thank you very much for listening to this week's episode of the Phone Box Podcast.
Go and follow me on Brummie Mummy of Two for more kind of like family life, mum life.
And also I've got a YouTube channel with all sorts of homey vlogs.
And when this goes up, I'll be in the depths of the summer holidays.
So definitely go and check out some of the stuff that we've been getting up to.
Laura, I will see you very soon.
Thank you so much for having me
and thank you so much for listening, guys.
Yeah, and be sure to go and check out Laura's podcast.
And thanks, Laura.
See you later.
See you later, lovely.
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