The Phonebox Podcast With Emma Conway - PJ & Duncan, The Spice Girls & Tammy Girl: Kelly Taylor (Kids And The Commute)
Episode Date: January 13, 2025Who had a personal vendetta against Posh Spice? Was madly in love with Dean Caine? And was convinced she was going to be a footballers wife? Kelly Taylor that's who! The funny lady joins The Phonebox ...Podcast to chat about Tammy Girl, partying in a sparkly waistcoat and the teenage urge to fit in.Watch us on YouTube here.Follow Kelly on Instagram here and TikTok here.For more of me follow @brummymummyof2 on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and TikTok and follow the @phoneboxpodcast account on Instagram for polls and nostalgic fun.If you have any guest suggestions, topics you would like me to cover email and be sure to tag so I can see where you are listening!#90s #90smusic Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Hello, and welcome to this week's episode
of the Phone Box Con.
I'm going to leave it in.
I can't wait. We were just talking about perimenopause
okay i'm gonna start again hello and welcome to this week's episode of the phone box con what
of the phone box podcast with me emma conway what the hell just happened
just talking about perimenopause forgetting words and yes this is another episode where
i talk about perimenopause um and i just really really messed up the introduction but welcome to
the podcast and kelly welcome to the podcast thank you very much for having me it's wonderful to have
a fellow perimenopausal woman you're the age you're the age range we are looking for now guys
if you are listening to this on like your streaming platforms don't forget we are over on youtube so you can see our beautiful faces
if you so wish to we we're looking hot kelly's in the bikini i'm i'm just naked so come and check
that out yeah definitely definitely nice bats there m's by the way okay kelly welcome to the
phone box podcast where can the people find you
people can find me on tiktok and instagram under the handle kids in the commute and what kind of
stuff you do you do parental comedy yeah it's fun skit sketches little sing songs poems every now
and again i think it's just about finding those absolutely ridiculous moments
in parenting where we're pulling our hair out and actually finding the funny I think we all need to
find the funny and we all need to find the light in those dark moments and that's basically what
I try and do it's very school-based as well if you've got kids in primary school especially
those special busy times so special very and there's a lot of busy times in prime school I'm
going to leave um links
to all of kelly's stuff in the description box on youtube and also on um you know you can find it in
the bottom if you go on to spotify or whatever you're listening on you can always go and click
on the links to find the people in the podcast okay now i just said how youthful and beautiful
in fact i said have you had botox you look about flipping good no no I tell you what I think it's
genetics gorgeous so what year were you 14 I was 14 in 1996 1996 so Kelly I'm gonna ask you some
questions because 1996 was a great year we've had a few on here from 1996 and I want you to kind of
guess oh I don't I'm gonna be honest I't think you're going to guess any of these right.
But I could be, you know, I could be wrong.
Bring it.
Let's have a go.
See if my brain, my foggy brain can do this.
The top TV shows in 1996.
Have a guess of some of them.
Oh, top TV shows.
I would have thought things like EastEnders is in there.
What else? I'm saying the Euro in there. Okay, EastEnders. What else?
I'm saying the Euro 96 final.
It was the Euro 96.
I'm going to say Euro 96 final is in there.
That's number eight.
What are we eight?
England v Germany.
And you're going to be shook up at the stuff that is above the World Cup.
Euro final.
Okay, if I'm going to be shook up.
What, 96?
What was I watching in 96? EastEnders is number four. Okay, if I'm going to be shooketh. What, 96? What was I watching in 96?
EastEnders is number four.
Okay, I've got EastEnders as well.
Okay, I'm going to go for Top of the Pops Christmas Special.
No, but you know what?
That should be number one because I flip in.
Why is that not there?
I loved, I went, I was in the audience twice for Top of the Pops.
Who was on?
Who was on?
Who was on?
Louise Redknapp
and I think she was doing Naked
and I remember
I showed up
in a gold sequined boob tube
and I kid you not
her dancers were also wearing
gold sequined boob tubes.
Oh, what?
That's kismet.
You should have got on the stage.
Nobody would have noticed.
Oh, they would.
Honest, my God.
The security there is ridiculous.
You absolutely can't do anything like that.
I'm such a good girl.
Louise and who else? I just remember Louise because i remember the gold boo tube incident i can't
remember anybody else my brain is i mean we've discussed the perimenopause and how our brains
are behaving at the moment i wanted to be louise redknapp so much because of jamie or because of
the music or a little bit of both she actually this is real like deep dive because i love my boy band she actually was dating somebody from a boy band called worlds apart he might not
remember and i was very jealous of her so from louise nerd i've got a picture with me in all
of eternal i'll try and find it she was always nerding wasn't she yeah of course um so i was
very envious of that but we've got east enders number four number three casualty. Behave. Really? Number two, Corrie.
And number one, only fools and horses.
Fools and horses.
I nearly said only fools and horses because that was the...
Was it the Batman year?
No, no, no, no, no.
It wasn't Batman year.
Wasn't that the year when they became...
That was the millionaire one. Maybe. I swear millionaires? That was the millionaire one.
I swear to God, that was the millionaire one.
I nearly said only fools and horses.
So I will put up on the screen on YouTube if that was the episode,
because the classic episodes were the Batman and Robin episodes.
Yes, obviously.
They became millionaires.
And also when he lent on the bar.
On the bar and fell through.
No, because I think those were earlier.
I think those...
It's going to come up saying disclaimer. Kelly was absolutely wrong. Fucking crap. the bar and fell through yeah no i think because i think those were earlier i think those it's
gonna come up saying disclaimer kelly was absolutely wrong fucking crap i miss only
falls and horses at christmas oh i just love it so much okay just but go on i do think they should
i do and i don't i just think sometimes when they made the millionaires controversial opinion
when they made the millionaires leave it let them go off into the sunset and be millionaires
they then kept going last ever episode last ever episode it was like oh it's really sad I felt like
I'd said goodbye and I'd grieved and then it was like oh actually no sorry we're gonna bring it
back again I was like stop it Kelly I don't remember anything past the millionaires I don't
remember them bringing it back I I did they did my brain just gone
yes they brought another christmas special and they made them poor again
i can't remember 20 years ago yeah i feel like that in my life because i forget so many things
everything feels like a spoiler alert oh yeah i forgot about that no they um i swear to god they
brought it back again and i don't know emma they brought it back so many times now I'm like I don't know what's
going on anymore okay we're gonna keep it in the past where were you growing up when you were 14
you told me a little bit before we started the podcast sounds lovely I was in um I was near
Macclesfield for most people that's probably the nearest biggest town Macclesfield I was in a little
town called Titherington which is near Macclesfield in cheshire um it's very lovely it was very um
yeah i always say it was like midsummer murders without them murders um it was it was nice it
was really nice it was um yeah just they were just pleasant it was just i really enjoyed it
lovely people and it was one of those where there was this massive road in our kind of town, village, whatever you want to call it.
And everyone basically lived on that road.
And it was one of those where you get up at the weekends and you'd be off on your bikes at God knows what time in the morning after you've had your breakfast.
And you disappear off for the entire day.
Nobody knew where you were.
No one probably cared either.
And then you just come back for your tea.
But you were playing on the rugby field
or you were playing a little bit by the river
or you'd gone round to your mate's house.
But it was just this one massive road
and everyone was just in and out of each other's houses.
Your parents found you by the fact that your bike was parked outside
that particular house.
You always asked to leave your bikes in the front garden
so that your parents could see which house you were at.
That was quite, yeah.
It sounds lovely.
But what also sounded lovely to me then was that you use
the word tea oh you have tea because you have your tea you see a lot of people online don't get they
get very confused when i say you have your tea oh do you think we mean afternoon tea or something
no they because we would well i would say your breakfast, your dinner, your tea. But people say breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Oh, you see, I'm just going to throw a third one in.
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I'd say breakfast. So you're half posh.
I'm half posh. which one's the posh one
people don't say tig people say your dinner people say and if you're super posh after you
say dinner you say supper afterwards don't you yeah supper no we don't have supper in this house
um yeah so t i've done like ad campaigns online and I've talked about and
people are like what she no I did an ad campaign it was for soup for dinner and then they were
confused because it was I was eating at lunchtime they were like when it's you're supposed to be
having it later in the day and I was like yeah but that's my tea so hang on a minute somebody
says to you Emma do you fancy going out for dinner? You'd think it's lunchtime.
I would have thought it was lunchtime if I was talking to another Brummie and they went,
should we go out for dinner time? I'd think it was lunchtime.
Because I'm chronically online, I know that means six, half six at night now.
So do people invite you for brunch or brinner?
Because I'm very confused by all of this now because you can't go
for brunch because it's the combination of breakfast and lunch which i live i live in
birmingham who's inviting me for brunch we're not having brunch in birmingham well i'm sorry
it's not like i'm tootling off for brunch every day i'm just generally like generally like you
no one would invite me for but i don't think we'd have brunch i don't think anybody i don't think
i've ever been invited for brunch unless it was from somebody who wasn't from Birmingham.
Emma, let's take maybe breakfast.
Let's take maybe breakfast.
Let's go to London.
Should we go for some brinner?
Should we go for brinner?
Let's go for some brinner.
Let's go for a bottomless brinner.
A brinner.
And also I,
I spell,
so in Birmingham,
we spell mom different.
So I get a lot of criticism that my, my account is brummy mummy, but in Birmingham, we spell mom different. So I get a lot of criticism that my account is Brummie Mummy.
But in Birmingham, that's not how we spell it.
It's Mommy.
That's the U.S. spelling.
Yeah, which I did not know.
So when I was younger, you couldn't get any cards with mom on.
And I'd be like, why can't we get any cards with mom on?
Everybody, your cards from your kids,
come back from your kids' school.
Happy Mother's Day, mom, M-O-M.
We spell it mom.
I did not know.
Well, I feel educated.
Thank you very much.
I did not know this.
So my face goes, what?
I do get a lot of DMs from the Brummies going,
you mean mom?
Mom in my phone, my mom in my phone is M-O-M.
But I'll get a lot of, if I say mom, they're like, you mean mom? And they get quite mom in my phone is mom but i'll get a lot of if i say mom
they're like you mean mom they get quite quite uh any bummies out there let me know in the comments
or you know direct message me on the phone box podcast but yeah we say mom anyway i did not know
i'm very distracted your bedroom at 14 describe it to me and did you have posters up and if so
who were the posters of oh okay so my bedroom I shared with my sister
um and it was I remember when we first decorated it um and the reason that's important is because
that leads on to the poster question um I wasn't allowed to put posters on my bedroom wall
because we had been to be in queue and we had gone and bought some very lovely wallpaper
which had rainbows and clouds on
it and they were puffy clouds so you can kind of push your I discovered you could push your
fingernail in them and you could spell words and things mum was really happy that I did that by the
way um all over the new wallpaper but I wasn't allowed to put posters up um but we were allowed
to put posters in the inside of our wardrobe doors secret loves secret loves uh loves with Blu-Tack, not sellotape
because the sellotape could potentially pull off the...
I'm on your mum's side of that.
I am now.
Now I'm a mum, I'm on their side.
I can tell you that I wasn't particularly happy about it.
As for my posters,
I had the biggest, biggest crush
on Dean Cain,
New Adventures of Superman.
Kelly, you're the first person. You you are you wouldn't here's an award I'm handing it over to you you're the first person to have mentioned Dean Cain on
the podcast and when somebody brings back something to my brain that I've not thought about since 1996
welcome I'm giving you that okay Dean Cain so did you prefer him as Superman or did you prefer him as Clark Kent?
That's a tough question.
A bit of both, really, I think.
I don't think I was fussy at that point.
I was just slightly obsessed with him, to be honest.
And he used to have a magazine.
Do you remember Big Magazine?
Of course.
Yeah, I had Big.
All my posters came from Big Magazine
and they seemed to have a bit of a thing about
Dean Cain as well so every week there was a bit of a you know I mean there was always the back
street boys and there was this and there was that and there was the other but to be fair
I did like the boy bands don't get me wrong did fancy the boy bands but for me it was all about
it was all about Dean Cain so the big magazine if anybody you know can you remember they had like
the big poster it would be like one that would be huge four it would be four a four pieces of paper together roll out and you could roll out so that of dean kane i remember
i had one of jason priestly luke perry and brian austin green or i think they were all like
kind of peeking around something like oh get the right layout yeah and i think i also had one of
liam gallagher and noel gallowich was it so Cain um what's Dean Cain up to is he alive has he been cancelled do you know
uh he has okay he has slightly been cancelled due to um who he decided to vote for in the US
and was very vocal Dean very vocal and at that point I was like oh do you know what I think is I think
I've actually got a thing for Superman I think I'm just going to call it out now I've realized
that because I moved very quickly from Dean Cain to Henry Cavill and I've realized there is a little
bit of a you know a link there um I think it's actually a Superman thing I think Superman thing
has he been cancelled as well no he hasn't been
cancelled don't cancel henry cavill for me he has not been cancelled ever okay i i i am gonna i'm
gonna sit on the fence because i feel like i've seen think about him as well we can all the only
one we can rely on is who is the original superman he was my christopher reeves christopher reeves
calm down he was no one's no one's gonna beat christopher reeves he is he is just he was superman like it wasn't that
he was playing superman he was superman end of and everybody else basically come along and been
good all right me all fit all hot all fit i mean don't get me wrong but also pretty i think it was a knock at the door
and i'm not i'm gonna i'm gonna discount dean actually for his political opinions
knock at the door go now now and henry is at the door dressed as i'm gonna say clark
because i find that more tried would, would your heart flutter?
It would just be my heart.
But yeah, yeah.
I mean, you know, the man gives me fizzy knickers.
I'm not going to lie about that.
I don't know.
I don't know what that's about.
Well, we're on the same page.
To be clear, to be clear, my husband knows this well on.
I mean, literally gets to the point where we watch things like The Witcher.
He's like, oh, do you want to watch the programme with your boyfriend in?
I'm like, yeah.
Can we watch The Witcher, please?
Did you see on TikTok the dog that was obsessed with Henry Cavill?
And then it ended up going to the premiere.
Oh, you must go later when you get off.
There was a pug, I think, that was obsessed with The Witcher
and had loads of pictures of The Witcher.
And then it ended up at The Witcher premiere. It was very cute go and check that out it was really i'm literally as soon as
this podcast finishes i am going to pick up dog obsessed okay so what kind of music were you
listening to what kind of music were you into pop it was it was completely pop um it was also the
anton deck era was it p just think it started started as PJ and Duncan at first, didn't it?
And then they moved when they're in the Biker Grove era,
Love Biker Grove.
Um, and they moved from that to the Anton Deck era and I had their album.
Of course you did.
I did.
I used to listen to Stepping Stone.
Do you know,
one ever seems to remember Stepping Stone?
I remember the Stepping Stone and also I've got the Monkees albums.
It's an old Monkees song,
isn't it?
it is.
But they covered quite a few of the Monkees tracks, actually.
So, yeah, I absolutely love that.
I remember Stepping Stone.
I just loved their music.
I genuinely did.
It wasn't just like,
it wasn't just jumping on the Let's Get Ready to Rumble
kind of bandwagon.
That might have drew me in.
But then I was like, no, no, I'm getting the album too.
So I had that.
You're quite passionate about...
I love it.
You got quite passionate then about,
you wanted to be seen as like a real hardcore fan but like
of PJ and Duncan you're like you know it wasn't just it was you know I really write their music
I do I did I really could you know what I remember dancing around in my bedroom singing to it
honestly I absolutely loved the thing is if I loved a band back then I loved a band like I it became a thing um and obviously
you can't not talk about 96 without mentioning the Spice Girls that for me I mean god that was
I grew up in a very um I'm gonna say I'm gonna get told off for this thing a very northern
household it was very jobs for the girls jobs for the boys it was you know and then when you have five incredible women coming out
and talking about girl power I was like hang on a minute hang on this is quite exciting um I love
their music I loved everything about them they would come on the radio it would lift my mood
they were just an absolute force to be reckoned with and even now 42 42 i love them absolutely adore them who's your fave
i've gone through phases um victoria will always be one of my faves because i am a staunch man
united fan okay um i didn't like her at first when i found out if i will admit this now for
the first time publicly when i discovered that vict and David were engaged I may have cried um why because you thought it was going to
be you I genuinely Emma I thought it was going to be me um I was a massive Man United fan always
went to Old Trafford I was obsessed with David Beckham I had his 24 shirt like I always kind of
felt I felt he was mine because I knew him before everybody
else jumped on the bandwagon yeah I was like no no what is what is this everyone's saying oh have
you heard about this David Beckham I'd heard about him I'm obsessed with him for years um there's
still time divorces happen I know I know I kind of like the one I've got to be honest oh well you
know what hang on this is a positive you're rejecting david beckham that's
how i see this okay i like that let's let's go with that narrative let's go with that i'm in my
in my warped head let's go with that now i've rejected david beckham um but the thing is i
didn't we didn't live that far from them either i think that was what it was so we really weren't
too far from them so you know we we kind of lived in kind of footballer county that was where it was in cheshire so everyone um you
know your your kind of aspirations were travel agent or footballer's wife that was kind of your
two career points really and i was obsessed i was convinced i was going to become a footballer's
wife more importantly i was going to become david beckham's wife that was never going to happen i
realize that now i've i've had that even when he wore us the wrong did you still
like him when he wore us the wrong yeah I did I did because the other thing we'll probably come
into is the kind of things we were into the fashion side of things that we were into and
I liked I like people who tried to break the mold I always thought it was really fascinating when
people kind of went their own way and I really liked I liked I even liked it when Brittany and
Justin Timberlake did the double denim. Do you know what I mean?
that was it,
you know,
I was like,
I respect you,
I respect you for doing that,
I respect Brittany for making him do that,
quite frankly,
because we all know.
we spit on your name now.
if you're listening.
We do now.
Turn off,
I don't want to,
I'm happy to lose you as a listener,
but if you wanted to come on the podcast,
I'd probably still,
I'd probably still.
I need to remember,
I need to remember to record it as well, which is is really clever I have forgotten to record a couple of podcasts
right so let's talk about fashion I want to hear your fashion faux pas and what you loved wearing
that you'd wear now they're the same thing they're the same thing I yes so I say fashion faux pas because I had the most beautiful Emma black velvet glittery
waistcoat it was a thing of utter utter beauty I mean I look back now and I look a bit like a
snooker player but I absolutely loved it what was it paired with what was it paired with first white shirt white shirt of
white shirt oh my god it's giving magician yeah I mean it gave magician it gave snooker player
it gave absolutely everything but my god did I love love and it was from Tammy girl cool
it was cool um and I remember I turned up to my mate's house we were going to a party
party loose terms I was 14 uh and I got my waistcoat and I got dressed got my little my um white blouse on
probably a skirt or something I don't know um and I put on my waistcoat and my mate Claire I still
remember this turned around to me and went you're not you're not going in that are you
and I was like what's wrong with this and then my other mates who were there turned around they were
like no no you're no I mean they were also laughing they're like you're not wearing that
and I was obsessed with this waistcoat but you're just no way god's great if you're wearing that
not a chance um and I wasn't allowed to wear it to the party people said that that's an embarrassment
that is an embarrassment you are not wearing that and that was that's kind of my whole narrative
with fashion I would find items that I absolutely
adored and I didn't care what anyone thought until they told me what they thought and then
I kind of bowed down to them I was like oh I'm not allowed to wear that okay fair enough I feel
a waistcoat now people wear waistcoats without anything underneath you'd rock that now oh I would
absolutely I mean I'll be honest I wouldn't ever wear it without anything underneath you'd rock that now oh I would absolutely I mean I'll be honest
I wouldn't ever wear it without anything underneath because you know no one has to see that but I
you could get away with it I would I want I want my waistcoat again but I am but that's that's the
person I am now I will wear bright clothes and glittery clothes and stuff that makes me feel
have what they call dopamine dressing I was very much dopamine dressing when I was 14 but I was a
little bit ahead of my time there because you weren't supposed to dopamine dressing when I was 14, but I was a little bit ahead of my time there
because you weren't supposed to dopamine dress when you were 14.
You were supposed to fit in with everybody else.
God forbid you stand out and you were supposed to kind of toe the line.
It was supposed to be very kind of what your mates were wearing
and what the cool kids were wearing.
It wasn't a colourful era, really, was it?
No, it wasn't.
I seem to remember like beiges, muted colours.
Cargo pants.
It was all saints as well, wasn't it?
Like around that time.
Yeah, like a white vest top.
White vest top and like your khaki pants and that kind of stuff.
That was what you were wearing.
Or Natalie Imbruglia with a hoodie and her jeans and her little short hair.
Oh, you got quite similar hair as well, if it was just a little bit shorter.
I don't realise that now you're saying that.
I think I'm embodying Natalie Imbrugliaette right now it's my in her torn in her torn era
there was color with naff naff and you got united colors of benetton but i didn't have enough money
for either of those brands no no neither did i and if we were even to shop in something like river
island it or cook i i'm really posh though that was that was christmas time only and even then
you were allowed to choose a top and a skirt or something like that you wouldn't or a dress yeah kukai was
a lot of black and white as well i think and morgan was a lot of black and white oh morgan i
loved morgan but all you wanted let's be frank all we really wanted were the plastic bags that
when we had pe you could go in with your really cool plastic bag and you could be like oh it's
my river island plastic bag or here's my kukai plastic bag with my pinky because i'm really cool yeah um or the i have mentioned this
before but not many people seem to do you remember like they were i would have called them a record
bag they were like a black kind of like school bag and it would have like morgan on it or kukai
i did because i had one i had the kukai won because I remember the um oh my god I remember
the almost like the bubble writing on the bag because I used to do the bubble writing didn't
it and it was kind of squishy another squishy thing yeah the only thing I ever had from there
was I got a prom dress it wasn't any kind of prom dress it was just a black and white dress and I
wore it with no bra imagine doing doing that now. Jeez Louise.
On my knees.
Couldn't ever. Kicking them.
Kicking them as you go in, like dancing with your prom date.
Keep your piece.
Yeah, keep your piece with my boobs.
No, no bra.
I don't, I don't, I don't know what I was thinking.
I would look great.
If I could go back one and just one day I'd just wear that outfit down on the school run.
Would you go back, wouldn't you?
I mean, I look back at how insecure I was about how I looked and what I wore and all of that.
And I just want to go back and gently give myself a bit of a slap.
Yeah, I had one.
You had everything.
I had a boyfriend.
My first boyfriend said, oh, your belly's a a squishy cushion or something and I was like and then I just did like
250 sit-ups every night for about a year I know you look back I think also our era then had a lot
to answer for because as a 14 year old I was I was a sensible Sally but I was also incredibly
dramatic and that was absolutely about all the TV I was watching,
all the, I don't think Dawson's Creek back in 96?
I feel like Dawson's Creek might be a little bit older,
but I recently started to re-watch it with my daughter and stopped
because it's so desperately inappropriate.
My so-called life was definitely around that time
because I remember I had a TV in my room.
I don't know if you can, I've hung up.
I've got the, you can't let me get it.
I've got the DVD here. I loved my so-called life.
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Oh, Emma, can I come round to your house and watch you?
Oh, Claire Daneses you goddess on earth
oh I love it um yeah my sister bought me My So-Called Life and it's a tragedy because there
was only ever one season and you never ever got yeah there was only ever one oh oh god I thought
there was some sort of poster in there then I was gonna like a Gerard letter poster but he also is a bit strange isn't he um there was only ever one season
so there was 19 episodes and we never really knew what happened that was it oh in my head
they absolutely got together and stayed together and are married now with children in my head
he was so gorgeous wasn't he I think that might have been my awakening, to be honest,
watching things like My So-Called Life.
I think...
Him in a lumberjack shirt.
Oh, lovely.
I mean, him in anything.
I mean, I remember I got a TV in my room
and it was almost like...
God, do you remember Eurotrash?
That's probably...
Oh, God, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.
The boobies.
Yeah, but that was kind of around the same...
I know that was kind of in the air as well,
but I think it was more like...
It felt like I was almost watching an episode
I shouldn't be watching
when I was watching My So-Called Life.
Because if you think back, actually,
that was pretty inappropriate as well, actually.
Well, yeah, it says it's 12,
but I feel...
I feel that...
I feel it was quite sexualised in some places.
Like, I look back now and go,
ooh, I'm not quite sure
I should technically have been watching that, unless I'm remembering it completely differently and that's no I think you're right and
what I did really like about it it was kind of like my first introduction to like a gay character
yes yeah yeah yeah no I completely agree with you I think I mean I loved it I loved it was an
absolute education in so so many ways but I think the reason I think the TV back then did us dirty was because it seemed
especially with girls it was either you needed to be popular and cool you weren't allowed to be
different I think my so-called life was slightly different because it allowed you to be different
whereas all the other ones were very clueless-esque they were very kind of like you had to be
blonde and pretty and popular and in order to be popular you had to be attractive to boys and I
think that goes back to this whole need as a 14 year old girl to be fancied or to have a boyfriend
and just you know because that was where my self-worth sat because I was watching all these
programs where all the popular girls who've got friends and were you know what everyone wanted
to be they were always fancied and they always had boyfriends I'm like well then I need a boyfriend because that's what you do right
all of that you couldn't just be yourself and wear what you wanted and do what you want which
again I think is why I like my so-called life so much it was like there was finally a main
character that was do you know what I might re-watch it with because i my daughter um so she's just turned 14 but she she spoke to me a couple
of weeks ago and she went mommy we watched romeo and juliet with leonardo dicaprio and she said
when he came on screen all the girls screamed yeah but that oh my god that was around that time wasn't it yeah it's a universal
experience and we actually went to an event recently and one of the people who works for
disney was i mean we're just having a chat who would you like to interview well to the kids or
whatever i don't know and erin was like leonardo dicaprio and me and this girl both went no we're not letting you in so many reasons now but she went
no no specifically in Romeo and Juliet and I was like right okay so I may introduce Erin too
because it's a 12 and she's brought in to Gerard Leto in my so-called life
all the blokes we've spoken about that we were obsessed with pretty much when we were younger
they've all been cancelled or should have been cancelled because you've now found out about them
and you're just like because you know what I mean I know you're a massive Take That fan I know that
and again it was like the Robbie documentary when I watched that um it broke me it broke me in so
many ways because just thinking about how obsessed I was with them and how incredible they were are but how much fun I
thought they were having like how much I wanted to be them and now I mean I haven't watched it yet
but I know the BBC's brought out the the boy band documentary which I've not watched yet and I know
that's going to break me as well oh yeah that's all that's awful so if you don't know what we're
talking about on the BBC there's um it some iPlayer, there's three stories.
It's like a boy band.
You've got Robbie Williams is on it, 9-1-1, Westlife, yeah, Five.
A couple of other smaller bands basically just saying
how they had the most horrendous time.
It sounds awful.
Like I heard an extract from Sean from Five talking
and he said he was literally having a panic attack.
He didn't want to go on.
He didn't want to go on anymore.
He was at the lowest he could be.
And Robbie Williams actually came up to him and was like,
mate, you were right.
I don't even think I answered him because I just,
there was this incredible person.
But he didn't realise what struggles that Robbie Williams was having at the time.
No one was allowed to talk to each other.
No one, everyone was supposed to to they were living the dream but they were being told to sell the dream
I think by these massive music moguls was like sell the dream sell the dream sell the dream so
us as being 14 and being really impressionable you're looking going that's the dream yeah that's
what you want to be you want to be adored by people and everyone doing things for you and
now all of a sudden the stories are coming out and i'm like oh my god they were so manipulated and they were so used and it was yeah it was a real
it was a real shame but they all seem to like come back to it so like 9-1-1 when you watch it
they're really huge i don't know if it's malaysia but they're still massively popular in another country like huge like views and everything it's
really strange they're all i mean i love i love i love obviously i love to take that but um
i'm definitely i've not seen the robbie williams film but i'll definitely be going to see the
robbie williams film have you seen the advertising he plays uh he's played by a chim i did because i
went to see wicked and apparently this was the trailer that was played before wicked and everyone saw it and i literally i was like it's either genius or it's going to
crash and burn and i'm not quite sure which one of those is going to be quite good reviews i saw
on the news and by the new whenever i reference i saw on the news i mean tiktok so let's just
embrace the news yeah yeah i saw on the news one of my favourite Real Housewives of New York.
This is getting even more, even more unreliable. I'm not judging, but keep going.
She went to see, she said, I went to see this film the other day and, you know, my friend said, come and see it.
And it's got Robbie Williams's and she went, I actually didn't know who Robbie Williams was.
And she said it was absolutely amazing she was really amazing
yeah and she said she cried and then the lights came on and robert williams was sat next to her
i thought that happens to me when i go i feel like what is that what we all get because that'll be
awesome is that part of the experience um so yeah i hope anyway we've been distracted fashion
faux pas we've touched on sorry yeah. I want to talk first snog.
Oh, now, first snog.
I was pretty early for my first snog.
I think I was 10, actually.
I know.
I think I was about 10.
I was in primary school, first snog.
Like, with tongues.
Oh, God, I can't remember that.
Fat, far back. Maybe. I fat far back maybe I don't know
I don't know I mean to be fair it was then another three or four years before I had another one
um I think so I think so I was pretty I was pretty early on the snogs it was all those
dare things that you were doing and I had a boyfriend when I was 10 I mean as you do as you
do um but there was someone at school that I wanted to snog who didn't want to
snog me and it was it was unrequited love and again actually I think I like the unrequited
love bit because again everything had to be dramatic you know nothing nothing could ever
be just straightforward and happy and lovely no it had to be dramatic did he have floppy hair
because a lot of blonde he had blonde floppy hair Emma and he had bright blue eyes and he looked a little bit like Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys and that kind of was my type yeah
that and that was my type and I was kind of obsessed with him um if I remember once I mean
I mean I'm talking years obsession I'm talking from the moment I saw him in year seven up until
like probably probably year 11 actually maybe going into year 11 this was a proper
obsession I remember I was about to go into science class and you had to walk up some stairs
and I've been trying to um it's about year nine so I've kind of been around 14 actually yeah and
I've been wanting to ask him out and I remember I walked past him on the stairs because he was in
a different science class to me and walked down the stairs and I was just like do you know what
I'm feeling confident today Emma I'm gonna go and ask. And I walked down the stairs and I was just like, do you know what? I'm feeling confident today, Emma.
I'm going to go and ask him out.
And I remember going up and I was like,
hi, so I just wondered if you'd like to go out with me?
And he just looked at me and just went,
thanks, but no thanks.
And the funny thing is, Emma,
I look back thinking at least he was polite.
I genuinely thought he was.
He was the bare minimum.
At least he didn't.
Yeah, I thought he said thanks, but no thanks. I was like, well, at least he was polite about it. Okay, so he was the bare minimum. At least he didn't. Yeah, I thought he said thanks, but no thanks.
I was like, well, at least he was polite about it.
Okay, so he was like, was it?
Okay, there's two different scenarios.
Was it?
Should I be lying down?
Am I on a therapist's couch now?
Was it?
Was it thanks, but no thanks?
Or was it thanks, but no thanks?
Which way was it?
No, it was absolutely the first one.
It was absolutely the first one. Absolutely the first one. I look back now and there's no doubt in my brain it was
it was it was the um go away like thank but no thanks oh no what was his name I imagine it to
be like a mark or like that was a real 90s name or Darren I'm gonna I'm gonna give him his full
name now it should be quite funny it was David. I was obsessed with the guy. David is a classic 90s name.
It was a David.
It was a David.
I'm absolutely obsessed.
Do you know what he's up to?
Do you know what he's up to?
No idea.
I have no idea.
I have no idea.
But no, I was obsessed.
Like, the problem is I think I tended to get fixated on things,
not just people, but things.
And he just happened to be that person that I was obsessed with.
And the more I was rejected, Emma, because I loved the drama.
I loved the drama.
The yearning.
The more I was rejected, the yearning, the unrequited love.
The more I got suckered in, to be honest.
And so it just continued.
It was ridiculous when I looked back.
Did it stop after the rejection or did it just carry on?
No, of course it didn't stop after the rejection.
This was an eternal flame, Emma, that just carried on burning.
I wonder what he's up to now.
I wonder if he ever, like, he's scrolling
and he sees one of your reels or something.
I don't know.
I think I look very different to how I look back then. I think people might go, no, you don't. You look exactly the same. Stop being weird something i don't know i look i think i look very different to how i look
back though i think i might go no you don't you look exactly the same stop being weird um i don't
know i finally got back to my original hair color actually so maybe i do look a bit more different
now uh similar now brain's not working i look exactly this i look like this i've looked like
the same since i was i came out the womb so i think it people just like i do i do wonder what
what what they might think if they scroll and they see me braless in my dressing gown with Marmite down the front.
I think they'll be proud of you.
Do you know what, we'll take that.
I think they'll be proud of you.
And I think, I know, I've had people actually message me back from my school days just saying, oh my God.
I just got sent like a reel of yours via our whatsapp i
didn't know this is what you were doing this is amazing um and actually it's little boos like that
they go actually yeah because as we were saying earlier before we uh we started recording content
creator just wasn't a job back then it didn't exist and we're now doing a job that didn't exist
um and i like it when i get little messages but it's actually really quite nice when you get
chatting to people they've not seen in donkey's years um and it's lovely to find out what they're
getting up to and you know find out if people did end up with that person you were convinced they
were going to end up what are you doing i know i know it's so funny isn't it looking back looking
back um but yeah he was he was my blonde haired blue-eyed obsession there's unrequited love it's
a rite of passage it makes us who we are today everybody does it and i had to i you know you
cry by the window you'd wait till it rained then you'd run up to the window and you're just kind
of like friends oh my god you know what it was you remember that kate winslet song that she brought
out for christmas what what if I never let you
go it's one of those where you kind of like put your face up against the window look oh my god
that singing was really good it wasn't but it was it was just but it was one of those it was one of
those moments where I was up against a window just just having a moment window looking out
has to be raining, though.
If it's sunny, I mean, for a start, you can get a light.
Yeah, raining on a winter's night, a little bit dark.
A little bit dark.
Crying at your window, looking out,
seeing your neighbour going to the loo, that kind of thing.
And then you remember quite a bit of love, really.
He's just watching telly at home with his mum,
not giving a second thought.
Yes, but you say that do you remember like
every time the phone would ring if you were if you're the phone would ring in the hallway
yeah because you didn't have mobile phones back then did you and the phone ring in the hallway
and you'd be like could it be for me is it a boy are they calling me no no no I don't think a boy
but the point no oh boys called me boys called me but then it was like the i know i did get boys
calling me yeah i did never the ones i wanted though but they would they would call me but
yeah that was the thing wasn't it like you'd have to have private conversations and you're flipping
hallway with your entire family yeah as your mom's coming up trying to take the water trying to put
the washing away what's trying to and you go i'm just trying to get past or she's like my mom used
to brush the stairs because she's trying to listen to just trying to get past or she's like my mum used to brush the stairs
because she's trying
to listen to your
conversation all of a sudden
it's like
you've had it all day
and you've literally
waited for the moment
I'm on the flipping phone
or my favourite
was when you heard
the click
because someone
had lifted the phone
and you were like
get off the phone
it would always be
my sister
it's my turn
what was your
biggest success from your teenage years, do you think?
Oh, my God.
Biggest success in what way?
I don't know.
Okay, it can be something stupid.
We've had people who go, I've got to be in drama.
We had people who drank over alcohol.
We had people snog somebody particularly fit.
So something that you just look back and you go, do you know what?
That was great.
Yes, do you know what? I had a she's all that moment I actually had my she's all that moment and I will
never forget it I was um it might not come as a surprise to most people I was in an amateur
dramatics when I was younger I was um and I'd not done it I think for one particular year so I'd
kind of skipped a year for whatever
reason and there was um there was kind of like a get together reunion thing and I've been invited
along so I was going to join again and I remember I got there and there was no one there that I knew
so I thought oh this is a bit weird my friends aren't here yet I'm just gonna sit on the side
and just kind of wait and then there was this guy that I kind of also really fancied and he came up and he was just like um I'm really sorry but see me who are you
and I was like Scott it's me Kelly and he just went oh my god you look so different
and then all of a sudden I was cool and I that was my she that is probably my
proudest moment that was my she's all that moment
sat there
and the boy that I fancied another one
there's quite a few
came and asked me who I was
because he didn't recognise me
did it go any further
no Emma I thought I was a good girl
no it didn't but it could have done
I mean maybe in my head but the thing is No, Emma, I thought I was a good girl. No, it didn't. But it could have done.
I mean, maybe in my head.
But the thing is, I was such a good girl,
I didn't even think about, like,
I might have thought about kissing him.
I never would have done.
But I was just like, yeah, yeah.
All I wanted was self-validation.
I mean, if you have me on a flipping therapist couch now,
I could go for days.
I think it was just self-validation.
I just needed someone to be like, you look good.
That's, yeah.
Oh, lovely.
In your Netflix film of your life, who's playing you? Yes, that'll be my shoes all that moment.
Who's playing you and who's playing the boy that approaches you?
Oh, Emma, that's the question.
I'm going to go, who's playing me right now
claire danes is playing me but no but claire danes looks like claire danes is our age now if she's playing you young you claire can't play young you in the netflix documentary film can she
god all right i haven't got my time machine.
Oh, now?
Now who's playing me?
I've got one.
I've got one.
Can I have Selena Gomez?
You can.
Or I was going to say Daisy Edgar Jones.
Oh, I could.
Yes, all right.
I'll go with Daisy Edgar Jones.
And the boy is going to be Paul Mescal.
That's what it's going to be like.
No, not Paul Mescal.
I need something a bit more clean cut.
Oh, sugar.
Who's clean cut?
More like a Tom Holland, maybe.
I don't know.
I'd watch that film.
I'd watch that film.
No, I'm taking it back.
Timothee Chalamet.
I'd watch that film.
Okay, there we go.
There it is. There it will be.
Daisy Edgar Jones and Timothee Chalamet
starring in The Life of Kelly Taylor.
The title needs work, I admit this.
Kelly Taylor and I.
Kelly Taylor and I, but from Timothee Chalamet's perspective
and he has always loved you.
Tinker Taylor, The Life of a Content Creator.
Again, I think we need to workshop this.
But you know what?
Kastin's great.
Tinker, Taylor, Soldier and I.
I don't know.
I won't go now.
I don't know.
I've had too much coffee.
I don't know what I'd call the film.
Do you know what?
It's fine.
It's fine.
We've got the film.
We've got the acting.
It's great.
If you were looking at a teenage flop what do you regret I regret that I care too much that people thought if I'm honest with you I know that's probably a
deep answer and I'm supposed to say something like I regret the time I tried to dye my hair purple
lots of people have said that I regret caring too much what other people thought because I made some decisions that did not make me happy
because I was so worried that I would be considered uncool I went against who I was
for a long time like the waistcoat is a very small but prime example of I wanted to wear that
waistcoat so much I thought it was lovely but because I cared so much about what people thought I didn't and I went along too much with the crowd that is one of my biggest regrets
I was I was I was definitely I was part of the crowd that sometimes I was leading the crowd
but I was doing it in such a sheepy way I just wanted to be this the mold of everybody I think
I also I'm annoyed at how much value I placed on being fancied by boys
I'm really annoyed at how much time I spent obsessing over boys
and not doing my homework I know that's a really silly thing to say but I look back and go you
I remember I got like a C in my English because I wasn't concentrating. And I know why,
because I was too busy trying to flirt with David Cooper rather than do my
bloody work.
What was I doing?
I was too obsessed with boys.
They defined me too much.
But you still passed.
I still passed and I'm still doing what I did now.
But I look back and just think,
you shouldn't have cared so much about what people think because a lot of
people are very stupid. And also a lot of people are very stupid
and also a lot of people are still trying to work it out themselves like you were following I was
following people that I thought got it worked out and so I should be doing what they were doing when
actually looking back and going they haven't got a clue oh god no these girls had no clue no
no they just had a bit probably a little bit more confidence than us um are you glad you grew up then or do you wish you were growing up now I am so glad I grew up then I I know I'm a content
creator but good god I am so glad social media did not exist back then um I'm not gonna go to
my soapbox about what I think social media is for kids but I just know I know I'm so so glad I had a cassette player that I would record the radio off
um and didn't have any of the technology I'm so glad I spent so much of my time
playing outside and making up dances with my mates that weren't going on TikTok
just because we just wanted to make up dances and form bands and write songs and wear stupid clothes.
And no, there's no photo evidence of this.
There's very little photo evidence of all of this.
I think there was a freedom back then that kids nowadays don't have.
There's a freedom to make mistakes and not have them recorded or thrown back in your face for years to come.
I am so glad I don't have that.
I felt a little bit freer just to do what I wanted to do to an extent,
even though I was a little bit of a sheep.
But even so, I still did what I wanted to do.
Yeah, thank God there's no social media. I look back and I had a, I'm very privileged.
I had a lovely childhood.
I really did.
There were no real, there was angst and drama. Of course, there was angst and drama, real there were there was angst and drama of
course there was angst and drama but there was no real angst and drama it was just all
kid stuff oh ultimately good well thanks so much for coming on the podcast guys be sure to go and
check Kelly out on social media as I said I'll leave all of the links in the description below
um we put up a poll on the phone box podcast insta stories what's your poll i might do a call
to action and just say could you send people can send in a program just with somebody hot in and
we'll just do a vote on what was the hottest program might be so my so-called life might be
saved by the bell might be dawson's creek might. Might be Superman. Could be any of them.
Just a hot programme that we liked with people in that we fancied.
Real hard-hitting content.
That's what we want, right?
Give the people what they want.
Give the people what they want.
What we want is Gerard Leto, but then not now, because, again... I mean, let's always make sure, you know, in the poll it's quite clear.
We're talking about back then.
We're not talking about now and the cancel-ness of it all.
Can you think of one heartthrob then that is still okay now?
Adam Brody.
Adam Brody's allowed.
Seth Cohen.
Adam Brody is perfectly allowed.
Oh, my God.
Adam Brody.
And then who's the other one that's Penn Badgley from Gossip Girl?
I know that was a bit after.
Still Perfectly Aloud.
Still Perfectly Aloud.
Those two are Perfectly Aloud.
They're nice and they're lovely and they are allowed.
But there's a lot of others that sadly are not now.
So God bless them.
We know things.
Thanks so much.
Have a lovely week, guys.
I will see you next week for another episode of the Phone Box Podcast.
Don't forget to go and check out on YouTube if you want to watch and see our faces or just listen
and our pants and me what was it I say I was naked you were naked you were naked
you're in a bikini right guys I will see you soon bye Kelly thanks for coming on bye We'll be right back. Winner by 11 p.m. every day. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600.
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