The Pour Over Today - Monday, February 13, 2023

Episode Date: February 13, 2023

Today we’re talking about the Big Game, updates from Russia, more UFO’s, and other top news for Monday, February 13th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Sponsore...d by World Concern

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today, we're talking about the big game, updates from Russia, more UFOs, and other top news for Monday, February 13th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Here's the quote of the day. Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned. Romans chapter 5, verse 12. Let's get started with some espresso shots. Congrats to the Kansas City Chiefs, Super Bowl 57 champs. In an absolute nail-biter, the Kansas City Chiefs kicked a go-ahead field goal with 8 seconds left to win 38-35.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes played through an ankle injury to win his second Super Bowl MVP, while Eagles QB Jalen Hurts' performance broke multiple Super Bowl records. Others tuned in for the commercials. The star-studded lineup included Doritos and Pepsi, the usual suspects, and Jesus? A third of the Trinity was featured in two moving ads paid for by the He Gets Us campaign, and some tuned in just for Rihanna. She was the richest person on the field last night and the first performer to headline the halftime show as a billionaire in a 13-minute mashup that included her own product placement and a pregnancy announcement. Too often, we let eternally insignificant things like sports control our mood and behavior.
Starting point is 00:01:25 It's not wrong to enjoy these things, but remember that whether your team wins or loses, nothing of true importance has changed. Psalm chapter 19 verse 14 says, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer. A prominent American journalist is claiming the U.S. was responsible for blowing up part of the Nord Stream pipelines carrying gas from Russia to Germany. Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh says Navy divers planted remote-activated explosives under the guise of NATO exercises in June of 2022, before detonating them in September. The White House called the allegations complete fiction and claims Russia was responsible, which Russia denies. Moscow's also definitely not happy about the most recent energy sanctions from the West, announcing plans to cut its oil production by 5% next month in retaliation. Ukraine's neighbor, Moldova,
Starting point is 00:02:21 is also taking heat from Russia, including a missile passing through its airspace. Friday, Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilitsa resigned amid the heightened threat, an influx of Ukrainian refugees, inflation as high as 30%, and electricity shortages. There's nothing like the peace of God, which transcends understanding. Pray for the peace of God to reign in the parts of the world where there is no peace. James chapter 5 verse 16 says, the prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect. The aerial police have been hard at work. Yesterday, the U.S. military decommissioned an unidentified object over Lake Huron, Michigan. On Saturday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Biden jointly authorized fighter jets to mobilize, and a U.S. F-22 shot down an unidentified cylindrical object over the
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yukon in northwest Canada. Canadian authorities will lead the recovery and investigation efforts. It's unclear what either object was. Saturday, the FAA also had to close airspace over Montana and scramble fighter jets to investigate odd radar activity, but found nothing. On Friday, less than a week after the U.S. downed a suspected Chinese spy balloon, President Biden ordered an unidentified object in remote northern Alaskan airspace be shot down because it was flying at 40,000 feet, posing a reasonable threat to civilian aircraft. Our goal is to keep the big things big and the small things small. It's not that spy balloons and other mysterious aerial objects aren't important, they're just not God
Starting point is 00:03:57 of the Universe important. Stay focused on eternity, it changes everything. Colossians chapter 3 verses 2 through 4 say, set your minds on the things above, not on earthly things, for you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you will also appear with him in glory. This episode is sponsored by World Concern. The drop-off happened in 2020. No, we're not talking about our social lives or the economy, but the levels of rain in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia are experiencing their worst drought in 40 years. It's dried up water points and forced people and animals to migrate in search of water, but none can be found. Right now, there are around 22 million
Starting point is 00:04:42 people in the region at risk of hunger. The United Nations says 5.6 million people are acutely food insecure in Somalia alone. World Concern has boots on the ground, providing emergency water, food, and hygiene kits to help people survive this crisis. They are also helping construct water collection systems, restock herds, and plant crops for a more stable future. restock herds and plant crops for a more stable future. We're asking the Poor Over community to join us in partnering with World Concern to help get emergency nutrition packs of peanut paste fortified with nutrients, water, and hygiene products to those in most need. $12 feeds a child for a month. We're matching the first $1,200. Discover how you can help through the link in the show notes. James chapter 2 verses 15 through 16 say, If a brother or sister is without clothes and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them,
Starting point is 00:05:30 Go in peace, stay warm, and be well fed, but you do not give them what the body needs, what good is it? In other brews, here's a rapid round of updates. Police were out in force across France this weekend as almost one million demonstrators protested against one of President Macron's second-term legislative initiatives, raising the pension-eligible age of retirement from 62 to 64. Macron says the move is vital to ensuring the viability of the pension system, noting that the French people spend more years in retirement than most. of the pension system, noting that the French people spent more years in retirement than most.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Newly elected Senator John Fetterman was discharged from the hospital after being admitted for lightheadedness. Fetterman, who suffered a stroke in May, tested negative for another. The senator had discussed the difficulties adjusting, saying his stroke caused severe hearing impairment that makes people's voices sound like the teacher from the Peanuts cartoon. It's like an episode of Oprah. You have the classified documents. You have the classified documents. The FBI found one additional classified document at former Vice President Pence's Indiana home a few weeks after a small number were first found there. Separately, Pence was subpoenaed by Jack Smith, the special counsel overseeing multiple investigations into former President Trump. Although rescuers are still finding survivors six days after the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, the quake's horrific death toll has surpassed 33,000. Meanwhile, Turkey has vowed to investigate the individuals responsible
Starting point is 00:07:02 for cutting corners in the construction of the 25,000 collapsed buildings. They've already issued detention orders for 113 people. That's all we have for today. Thanks so much for listening. If you're listening on the Apple Podcasts app, give us a 5-star rating and drop a review. If you're listening on Spotify, give us a follow and hit the notification bell to never miss a new episode. We appreciate your support and hope you have a great day. We'll see you on Wednesday.

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