The Pour Over Today - Monday, June 6, 2022

Episode Date: June 6, 2022

Today, we’re talking about Russia’s war in Ukraine turning 100 days old, the Justice Department’s latest indictment, the U.S. economy’s latest report card, and other top news for Monday, June ...6th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Sponsored by Hiya. Get 50% off your first order with code POUROVER when you try it today:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today we're talking about Russia's war in Ukraine turning 100 days old, the Justice Department's latest indictment, the U.S. economy's latest report card, and other top news for Monday, June 6th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Here's the quote of the day. If you're not confident in the authority of the scriptures, you'll be a slave to what sounds right. Matt Chandler.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Let's get started with some espresso shots. Today marks day 103 of Russia's war in Ukraine. Russia now controls roughly 75% of the long disputed Donbass region, the area that became a primary target after Russia narrowed its goals. Sunday, Russia launched airstrikes on Ukraine's capital city of Kiev for the first time in five weeks. Moscow claimed the strikes were to destroy Western-supplied tanks and warned they'd do it again if more deliveries show up. President Biden suggested a, quote, negotiated settlement may be needed to end the war in Ukraine, but Ukrainian President Zelensky remains resolute, saying, we have defended Ukraine for 100 days already. Victory will be ours. The human toll of the war
Starting point is 00:01:03 is hard to accurately determine, but both countries have suffered casualties likely numbering in the tens of thousands. Be quick to point to God and give him the credit for your hope, strength, and love during times dominated by uncertainty and fear. Even in the midst of wars and rumors of wars, our eternity is secure. Psalm 105, 1 and 2 says, Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, proclaim his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praise to the Lord, call on his name, proclaim his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praise to him, tell about all his wondrous works. The Justice Department has indicted Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Navarro, a former advisor to then-President Trump and an early supporter of election fraud claims, defied a subpoena from the January 6th House Committee. Navarro was not the first to refuse a subpoena callata, though the House Committee also recommended that Mark Meadows, he's Trump's former chief of staff, and Dan Scavino, he's the former deputy chief of staff, be charged with contempt. The DOJ disagreed. Both Meadows and Scavino also defied subpoenas, but unlike Navarro, both made attempts to comply. Meadows voluntarily handed over thousands of pages of documents before ending his cooperation. Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon was indicted on
Starting point is 00:02:10 similar charges last year, and he and Navarro each face up to two years in jail. But convictions on contempt charges are very rare. Our goal is to keep the big things big and the small things small. These charges may be big political news in the U.S., but that doesn't mean they're important to the kingdom of God. Colossians 3, 2 through 4 says, set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you will also appear with him in glory. The U.S. economy's report card just arrived, and in May, 390,000 jobs were added. That's better than expected. Unemployment stayed at 3.6 percent. That's historically very low, and wage growth
Starting point is 00:02:51 began to slow, a sign the labor shortage might be easing up. You'd think this would all be good news, but J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon says he sees storm clouds and is preparing the country's biggest bank for a, quote, hurricane. He's not the only wary business leader. Elon Musk told executives he had a, quote, super bad feeling about the economy and announced that Tesla would be laying off 10% of its salaried employees on Friday. It's no secret inflation is causing a lot of the queasiness, but the state's 8.3% doesn't seem so bad compared to Turkey, where inflation just hit 73.5%. Our hope is never contingent on an economic outcome. It's much more secure than that. Regardless of whether things get better or worse during your lifetime, everything eventually ends well for followers of Christ. Philippians 4, 6 says, don't worry about anything, but in
Starting point is 00:03:36 everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. This podcast is brought to you by Haya. While Fred Flintstone may have been fun to watch, his vitamins were surprisingly unnutritious. As with almost every children's vitamin, Mr. Flintstone's vitamin continues to be candy in disguise, filled with sugar, weird dyes, and other gummy junk growing kids should never eat. Enter Haya, the number one fastest growing children's vitamin, made with 12 organic fruits and vegetables and naturally sweetened with zero sugar and zero gummy junk, all with a taste kids love. And it's not just healthy and yummy, Haya is also eco-friendly, coming in a refillable glass bottle that your kids can decorate. Get 50% off your first order
Starting point is 00:04:13 with code POUROVER when you try it today. You can check out the link in our show notes. In other brews, we've got a rapid round of updates. With the recount largely finished, businessman David McCormick conceded to celebrity physician Dr. Mehmet Oz in the contested Pennsylvania Republican Senate primary. Past the first hurdle, Democratic-endorsed Dr. Oz will head down his own yellow brick road to face Democratic nominee and current Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman in November. Monkeypox cases are climbing higher, but remain small in absolute terms. Cases outside of Central and West Africa, where it's more commonly found, tripled from 257 to 780 in the past week, and that includes 20 in the United States. Most cases have been linked to international travel, and a majority of patients have been homosexual men.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Shootings in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and South Carolina left six dead and dozens injured over the weekend. Thursday night, a shooter killed two people before taking his own life at Cornerstone Church in Iowa. Gun Violence Archive reports there have been 245 mass shootings so far this year. Rafael Nadal served himself a quick victory over Norway's Kasper Ruud to win his 14th French Open title and extend his own record for most men's Grand Slam titles. Nadal's French Open championship is his 22nd Grand Slam win, and his rivals Federer and Djokovic have 20 Grand Slam victories each. The National Script's Spelling Bee made H-I-S-T-O-R-Y with a spell-off needed to determine the championship. 14-year-old Harini Logan of Texas took home the title and $50,000 in cold hard C-A-S-H after correctly spelling 22 words in 90 seconds to beat 12-year-old Vikram Raju's 15 words.
Starting point is 00:05:58 That's all we have for today. Thanks so much for listening. If you're thinking, I want to help more Christians stay informed while remaining focused on Christ, here's a breakdown on how you can best support us. If you're listening on the Apple Podcast app, you can give us a five-star rating and drop a review. If you're listening on Spotify, give us a follow and hit the notification bell to never miss a new episode. And finally, the simplest way to help us grow is to send this episode to a friend. We hope you have a great rest of your day, and we'll see you back here on Wednesday, June 8th.

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