The Pour Over Today - Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Episode Date: August 10, 2022

Today we’re talking about a Mar-a-Lago raid, murders in New Mexico, updates on the war in Ukraine, and other top news for Wednesday, August 10th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with... The Pour Over. Sponsored by Faithful Counseling

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today, we're talking about a Mar-a-Lago raid, murders in New Mexico, updates on the war in Ukraine, and other top news for Wednesday, August 10th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Here's the quote of the day. To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul's paradox of love. A.W. Tozer On Monday, a group of FBI agents conducted a raid at Mar-a-Lago as a part of an investigation into how 15 boxes of documents, at least some of which were classified, ended up in former President Trump's Florida residence after he left the White House. Trump broke the news himself in a statement saying Mar-a-Lago is, quote, currently under siege and raided and occupied
Starting point is 00:00:45 by a large group of FBI agents, adding, they even broke into my safe. The raid of a former president's home is unprecedented and Republicans are accusing Democrats of, quote, weaponizing the Justice Department, promising to investigate this investigation if they regain control of Congress in November. Democrats want to see Trump held accountable for any potential crimes, noting the raid required a federal judge to believe there was probable cause of criminal evidence on the premises. Something being big world news does not make it eternally significant. Regardless of what comes from this FBI raid, our eternities remain secure, and our mission remains the same—love God and love others. We shouldn't ignore major events, but neither
Starting point is 00:01:24 should we allow them to consume us. Colossians chapter 3, verse 2-3 says, remains the same, love God and love others. We shouldn't ignore major events, but neither should we allow them to consume us. Colossians chapter 3 verse 2 through 3 says, set your mind on things above, not on earthly things, for you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Yesterday, police arrested the primary suspect in the killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The suspect was driving the vehicle believed to have been involved in the murder of Niame Hussain, who was ambushed, shot, and killed last Friday night. Two other men, who were also Pakistani and members of the same mosque as Niame, were killed in similar ambush shootings on July 26th and August 1st. These killings had drawn comparisons to an unsolved murder of a Muslim
Starting point is 00:02:04 man back in November. In response to the string of murders, Albuquerque police have stationed outside mosques. Muslims have avoided leaving their homes unless absolutely necessary, and some have even left town. Police provided few details following the suspect's arrest, but plan on releasing more information soon. We live in a sinful, broken, and unfair world that is marred by sin. Even as we work for peace and justice here on earth, broken, and unfair world that is marred by sin. Even as we work for peace and justice here on earth, we can take comfort knowing that this is not our home, and through Christ, all things will ultimately be made right.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Romans 12, verse 12 says, Rejoice in hope, be patient in affliction, be persistent in prayer. It's day 166 of the war in Ukraine, and choruses of Kumbaya seem out of reach as ever. Artillery strikes damaged a Ukrainian nuclear plant twice the size of Chernobyl on Monday, sparking international concern. As for who is responsible, Russia and Ukraine are, once again, pointing fingers at each other. Meanwhile, Turkey, a member of NATO, has stopped giving Russia the cold shoulder. Five Turkish banks have started using Russia's payment system, and the Turkish government has agreed to pay for Russian natural gas in rubles. The show of camaraderie has Western countries feeling uneasy. Also getting paid is Ukraine. Again, the Biden administration is sending another
Starting point is 00:03:19 $5.5 billion to the war-torn country. Roughly 80% of the latest check will fund Ukrainian government programs, with the rest being military aid. It's easy to become angry and indignant over world events, but much more difficult to live with the tension of desiring change while simultaneously loving everyone involved. Followers of Christ are called to live in that tension, loving the very people they work against. Matthew 5, verse 44 says,
Starting point is 00:03:45 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so you may be children of your Father in heaven. We'd say it's been a tough couple of years, but let's be real. Life was hard even before the pandemic, and families were divided before modern politics. We believe investing in your mental health is a good idea. And now Faithful Counseling is making that super simple. Faithful Counseling is not a crisis line and it's not self-help. It's professional counseling done securely online. This means you can log in anytime and send a message to your counselor. No driving, no waiting rooms, no delay.
Starting point is 00:04:17 You'll be paired with a Christian mental health professional. And if you don't click with them, just switch to someone new. No awkward breakup required. Intrigued? And if you don't click with them, just switch to someone new. No awkward breakup required. Intrigued? Visit slash T-P-O-P-O-D to get 10% off your first month.
Starting point is 00:04:34 That's slash T-P-O-P-O-D. In other brews, here's a rapid round of updates. Travis and Gregory McMichael, convicted of killing 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery while he was running in Georgia, received additional life sentences on Monday. They'd already received life sentences on state murder convictions, making this second life sentence for federal hate crimes largely symbolic. Their accomplice, William Roddy Brain, received a 35-year sentence. William Roddy Brain received a 35-year sentence. Olivia Newton-John, the Australian singer and actress, died Monday at 73. The Grease star became an outspoken advocate for cancer research after contracting breast cancer in the 90s and was diagnosed with spinal cancer in 2018. Tributes from John Travolta, the Australian Prime Minister, and many others have poured in.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Serena Williams served up some big news. She will be evolving away from tennis after this year's U.S. Open. The 23-time Grand Slam champ said she doesn't like the word retirement but wants to focus on growing her family and her business interests. Tech stocks have had a rough year, and that translated into $23.4 billion lost last quarter for the Japanese tech investing behemoth SoftBank. Masayoshi Son, SoftBank's CEO and founder of its iconic $100 billion Vision Fund, said he must humbly and honestly acknowledge things are really bad. Top Gun Maverick is still Tom cruising through the charts. This week, it passed both Jurassic World and Titanic to become the seventh highest grossing domestic film of all time.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Still ahead of it, four Marvel movies, Avatar, and Star Wars Episode VII, The Force Awakens. Now it's time for the pour-over's pick of the week. This week, it's the Serve Strong, Finish Strong podcast. It hits everyone eventually. You aren't where you thought you would be by your age. Maybe it's your career, your relationships, your spiritual life, finances, your body, or all of the above. But eventually, you awaken to the general dissatisfaction in life and morality. This podcast features interviews with people in their third quarter, 40s and 50s, who are pivoting careers, shunning retirement, and making the most of their lives and having the time of their lives.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Don't just leave a legacy, live it. If you want to have an excellent fourth quarter, check out the podcast, Serve Strong, Finish Strong, anywhere you listen to podcasts. That's all we have for today. Thanks so much for listening. If you're listening on the Apple Podcast app, give us a five-star rating and drop a review. If you're listening on Spotify, give us a follow and hit the notification bell to never miss an episode. We appreciate your support and hope you have a great day. We'll see you on Friday.

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