The Pour Over Today - Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Episode Date: January 26, 2022

Stocks have had a wild week, things in Ukraine aren’t getting better, Mark Cuban launches a pharmacy, and other top news for Wednesday, January 26th. Stay informed, while remaining focused on Christ..., with The Pour Over.Sponsored by His Productions:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stocks have had a wild week, things in Ukraine aren't getting better, Mark Cuban launches a pharmacy, and other top news for Wednesday, January 26th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Thanks so much for joining us. Here's the quote of the day. We often think, I'm important because I accomplished this or because I make this money, but God says you're important because I love you. Period. Justin Kendrick. Let's jump right in with some espresso shots.
Starting point is 00:00:35 It was a wild week for stonks. Did we use that right, Gen Z? Stock markets staged their biggest intraday comeback in over a decade on Monday, with the Nasdaq closing 0.3% up after being down as much as 4.9% midday. The Dow saw 1,000-plus point swings on both Monday and Tuesday. Everyone's favorite crypto isn't immune. Bitcoin is about 50% down from its November peak. Though the market's swings have largely leveled out, investors still have a laundry list of reasons to feel shaky. The Fed is announcing measures to combat inflation today. Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla are reporting
Starting point is 00:01:10 earnings this week. Investors worry the potential Russian invasion of Ukraine could heavily impact energy prices. And in case you forgot, we're still in a pandemic. Be quick to point to God and give him the credit for your hope, strength, and love during times dominated by uncertainty and fear. Your eternal security is in no way impacted by the stock market. I lift my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalms 121, 1-2 Just like when you end up packing 25 pairs of underwear for a three-day trip, the situation in Eastern Europe has reached the prepare for the worst, hope for the best stage.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Russia maintains they have no plans to invade neighboring Ukraine, and only sanctions have been threatened against them if they do invade. But for a diplomatic standoff, there are lots of troops and weapons moving around. Russia has 120,000 troops on Ukraine's northern, eastern, and western borders. The U.S. has put 8,500 troops on standby. Denmark and the Netherlands sent fighter jets. Spain sent ships. And France is sending troops. Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but its EU allies like the Netherlands, Spain, and France are, and they seem prepared to support. While you likely have no control over the Russia-Ukraine situation, you can control how you speak about it. Leave others with no doubt of
Starting point is 00:02:37 love for everyone involved, even for those whose actions you do not support. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven. For he causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Matthew 5, 44-45. A few weeks ago, Martin PharmaBroSkreli was banned for life from the pharmaceutical industry and forced to pay a $64.6 million fine, ending a years-long lawsuit brought against Shkreli for raising the price of a life-saving drug 5,000% overnight. Now, another PharmaBro, with a slightly different approach, is stepping up.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, launched an online pharmacy,, to much fanfare this week. Cost Plus works directly with manufacturers and sells everything at a flat 15% markup, meaning a 30-day supply of the leukemia medication imatinib will cost $47.40 compared to $9,657.40 at other pharmacies. Today, Cost Plus sells 100 generic drugs, but they're constructing an $11 million plant in Dallas in hopes of expanding into injectable drugs. Averse to consider whether you're selling drugs for Mark Cuban or, equally as cool, recording a news podcast, whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people. Colossians 3.23.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Today's episode is sponsored by His Productions. The story of Jesus has been told for thousands of years, but how are you telling His story? I bet you've had some podcast ideas yourself, but don't know where to start. the team at His Productions can help. With over 21 years of post-production experience in radio, podcast, and TV, they can get you started quicker than you think. His Productions is a team of believers committed to helping you tell the story of Jesus. Don't wait. Check out or click the link in the show notes where ministry meets media. In other brews, here's a rapid round of updates. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an affirmative action case.
Starting point is 00:04:54 The Students for Fair Admissions claim Asian American applicants to Harvard and UNC are held to higher standards than their Black and Latino peers. The schools say their policies are lawful. Hopefully you aren't too intrigued. A decision is not expected until summer of 2023. After a nail-biting 29 days of travel and ultra-precise deployment maneuvers, the James Webb Space Telescope found parking where nobody will sideswipe it, a million miles away.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Webb, the $10 billion successor to the revolutionary Hubble telescope, is scheduled to begin transmitting images this summer. Burkina Faso's military staged a successful coup Monday, ousting the president and legislator. The military says the coup was needed to combat al-Qaeda and ISIS-linked Islamist militants who've ravaged the countryside. Burkina Faso is the third West African government, following Mali and Guinea, to be toppled by coups in the past 18 months. An exercise in the South China Sea left seven U.S. military personnel injured
Starting point is 00:06:00 after an F-35 made an emergency crash landing on an aircraft carrier. Everyone is now in stable condition. The U.S. has two aircraft carriers in the region, which has provoked China to run exercises with 39 warplanes near Taiwan. President Biden was caught on a live mic calling Fox News reporter Peter Doocy, a stupid son of a, insert non-TPO approved word here, in response to Doocy asking whether or not inflation was a political liability. The president called Doocy to apologize later that day. And that is all we have for today. Thank you so much for listening. And if you're thinking, wow, I love this podcast, and I want to see them reach more Christians,
Starting point is 00:06:42 here's a breakdown on how you can best support us. If you're listening on the Apple Podcast app, give us a five-star rating and drop a review. We do actually read these and take them to heart. Like this review from username amw2239. Short, sweet, and to the point. A balanced report of current headlines sprinkled with light humor and encouragement for believers in the extreme world of news
Starting point is 00:07:03 we struggle with today. Refreshing and informative. Thanks so much for leaving that review. We love to hear that our corny little jokes bring a smile to your face. If you're listening on Spotify, give us a follow and hit the notification bell to never miss a new episode. There is also an option to leave a 5-star rating, but it's a newer feature and it's only doable on your phone, not desktop or browser yet. We sincerely appreciate all your support. We hope you have a great day, and we will only doable on your phone, not desktop or browser yet. We sincerely appreciate all your support. We hope you have a great day and we will see you on Friday.

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