The Pour Over Today - Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Episode Date: June 22, 2022

Today we’re talking about Episode 4 of the Jan 6th hearings, gas prices coming down for the first time in weeks, international elections, and other top news for Wednesday, June 22nd. Stay informed w...hile remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. This episode is sponsored by Morning Brew.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today we're talking about Episode 4 of the January 6th hearings, gas prices coming down for the first time in weeks, international elections, and other top news for Wednesday, June 22nd. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Here's the quote of the day. Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter. Francis Chan.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Let's start with some espresso shots. Yesterday was episode four of the January 6th committee's public hearings. The day focused on former President Trump's pressure on state officials and election workers, including hearing testimony about plans to swap electoral college votes with those from, quote, fake electors in seven key states. The committee cannot bring criminal charges and are instead working to convince the public, and they're not the only ones. The former president said committee members are, quote, liars and con artists,
Starting point is 00:00:54 accused them of using doctored videos and falsified depositions, and demanded he get, quote, equal time to tell his side. The Texas Republican Party is in his corner. Over the weekend, they made it their official stance that President Biden was illegitimately elected and that Texas must vote on whether to secede. Followers of Christ are not identified by their political affiliation, but by their love for one another. And yes, that means loving people that you believe have unloving beliefs and stances. John 13, verse 35 says, By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Check the sky for pigs. For the first time in nine weeks,
Starting point is 00:01:35 gas prices are falling. Prices dropped below $5 a gallon on Monday, and President Biden is reportedly weighing giving prices a further nudge in the right direction by declaring a gas tax holiday, which would lower prices by 18 cents per gallon. But that may exacerbate inflation. It would also require congressional approval. It's not just cars. High oil prices plus pilot shortage equals rising airline ticket prices and lots of canceled flights. Oh, and some cancellations are permanent. American Airlines has announced it'll no longer fly to Ithaca, New York, or Toledo, Ohio. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg met with airline execs to say they'd face fines if they don't start fixing their flight schedules and hiring more aggressively. The next day, his flight was canceled. Here's a verse to consider when talking to Spirit Airlines customer support. No foul language should come from your mouth, but only
Starting point is 00:02:23 what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4, verse 29. French President Emmanuel Macron may have recently won re-election, but he's going to struggle to get much done after his party lost its majority in Parliament. If he can't form a governing coalition with another party, he's expected to dissolve Parliament and call for new elections in 12 months. Still, France has a long way to go before catching up to Israel's apparent love of elections. The Israeli Parliament voted to dissolve the government after the ruling party lost its majority due to defections. The vote sets up another round of elections in October, the country's fifth in four years. Meanwhile, young voters drove former rebel
Starting point is 00:03:05 guerrilla leader Gustavo Petro to victory in Colombia. Petro is the country's first leftist president and has promised to focus on the environment and rebuild ties with Venezuela. Elections may be very important to the country, France, Israel, Colombia, or even the United States, but will likely have little impact on the kingdom of God, which remains unshakable even as individuals, political parties, and countries rise and fall. On Christ, the solid rock, I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. Edward Mote, 1863. Morning Brew is to business newsletters what Costco is to buying in bulk. The Brew now has a big old portfolio of podcasts and newsletters, but it all started in a dorm room with their flagship newsletter,
Starting point is 00:03:48 which explains and entertains you through the biggest business news of the day. If you like witty, thoughtful newsletters, we have a hunch you do, and wish the pour over dove deeper into business, tech, and the economy, then you'll love Morning Brew's flagship newsletter. Try it today. It's free. Check out the link in our show notes. flagship newsletter. Try it today. It's free. Check out the link in our show notes. In other brews, here's a rapid round of updates.
Starting point is 00:04:16 While testifying before the state Senate, the head of the Texas State Police called the Uvalde police response an abject failure. He also revealed that the door to the classroom was unlocked and the police could have entered at any time during the 74-minute standoff. World Swimming's governing body voted to prohibit transgender athletes from competing in women's events unless they transitioned before age 12, saying puberty creates a, quote, performance gap. It's been a hot issue since Leah Thomas splashed into the scene. Leah transitioned during college, going from being competitive on the men's team to dominant on the women's. Russia has captured two Americans
Starting point is 00:04:50 who are fighting in Ukraine and claims they are not protected by the rules of war laid out in the Geneva Conventions because they are, quote, soldiers of fortune. Both men are veterans who volunteered for the Ukrainian military. The U.S. State Department is closely monitoring the situation.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson has reached settlements with 20 of the 24 women who have accused him of sexual misconduct during massage sessions. Watson has repeatedly denied the allegations and has not been punished by the NFL, though a league investigation is ongoing. BTS is going out on top. The K-pop powerhouse's Proof became their sixth consecutive album to top the charts days after the seven performers announced a temporary group hiatus to pursue solo projects. Speaking of singers with the Midas touch, Beyonce released her new single Break My Soul on Monday. And now the pour-over's pick of the week, a recommendation of something someone on the TPO
Starting point is 00:05:45 team uses and loves. This week, it's Super Coffee. A few years ago, Nate, who handles TPO's financial stuff, had his first kid and was looking for some quick and easy caffeine, but didn't want the 52 grams of sugar in a Frappuccino. Eventually, he found Super Coffee. It's got zero grams of sugar, a good start, 10 grams of protein, a nice bonus. Zero artificial sweeteners, awesome. And 200 milligrams of caffeine. Good morning. Then the final test. Yes, it tasted amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You can see for yourself. Follow the link in our show notes to get a free trial pack of their best-selling flavors. Just cover shipping. That's all we have for today. Thanks so much for listening. If you're listening on the Apple Podcast app, give us a five-star rating and drop a review. If you're listening on Spotify, give us a follow and hit the notification bell to never miss a new episode. We'll see you on Friday.

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