The Prepper Broadcasting Network - 1-5 (Remastered) Star
Episode Date: March 6, 2025Erika encounters a surprising ally as Swenson actively pursues information about the attackers from Hendersonville. Resolute in his mission to find LePier'e's family, Virgis sets off towards the west ...coast. Based onThe Changing Earth Series Novels, available at Get your signed copies at your Changing Earth Gear at Become a subscriber and help the Changing Earth world go around!Don’t forget to leave a review or like and Subscribe to the YouTube channel.
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She started her day at home in the mountains just like any other.
There was nothing unusual about making the familiar drive down to Sacramento to go to work.
Then, in a flash, Mother Nature decided it was time to create a new landscape.
Follow the journey of a dynamic young woman, mother and wife, Erica,
as she is thrust into a world turned upside
down by a series of natural disasters. Embark on a gripping journey with Erica
in Sarah F. Hathaway's Day After Disaster.
I think this is the old road.
Better not get too close to the road. But these freaking branches are going to knock my supplies off kit.
What the crap is that?
We really need to bring back some meat to the camp.
With all those people there, I don't know how they will keep feeding on them.
If those damn scavengers hadn't robbed the spline, we wouldn't be in this position.
We aren't going to trust anyone anymore.
They cannot die and go to hell for our life here.
We'll expand the cell with perimeter.
There's more out there.
Hey, Dave. Stop the truck.
What's up, Doug?
I thought I saw something in the bushes out there.
I'll forget it.
If it was a deer, we must have scared it out.
We'll send out a couple of honey of this way tomorrow.
Good idea.
Let's finish the perimeter sweep and get back.
Oh, our Taz. That was close. Let's make sure we stay away from that perimeter and get the heck out of here. I see that you're hurting I see that you're down I see how every dream returned came back to call you out
Was ready to rumble Was ready to fight
Got lost in the thunder Without alibis
Shout at the night Rage at the lies I'm so tired.
I need to find a spot to rest for the day.
This should work.
I can hide the horses. Slip in that little small space over there. deep within oh How are things progressing?
Lone Jack was a joke.
The leader of Bafoon.
Don't be arrogant TJ.
What about the group that's been attacking our border in the south?
That's the next focus.
We can't go any further north or east without peeing off the feds.
We need more supplies for the winter.
We're working on it, but I'm being very cautious.
Raymore is heavily fortified.
We believe they're being supplied by Hendersonville.
Whoever's in charge there has cast a wide web.
Keep sending the scouts.
Maybe if you take off the head of the leader, the whole web will fall with minimal casualties.
That's not a bad point.
Instead of chipping away on the outside, take it down from the inside.
You better guard yourself well, son.
They may be thinking the same thing.
No one can take me, Mr. Lee.
You train me.
I didn't train you to be arrogant.
That's for sure.
Anyway, I'm off to check on Yuri's progress.
Watch yourself, son.
I will, Mr. Lee. What are you looking for, scrub?
Do you think you could handle a girl like that? Maybe should we ask mr. Lee if you could have one no
Are you scared of me kid? No look at this kid Tim. He's fronting on you
You gonna step up kid? I'll step to anyone
I'm going to be the strongest fighter any of you has met and there's only one way to make that happen
David come show TJ his place.
Come on, right?
Really? Here you go then, kid.
TJ! Get in here!
What the hell was that, son?
He started it.
Don't you ever make excuses to me, son. We all make decisions. They all require a choice.
If you make the wrong choice, there will be consequences.
Yes sir, Mr. Lee.
Put your hand on my desk TJ.
The pain will be a reminder of what happens when you choose the wrong choice.
Go finish your work. Yes Mr. Lee. And TJ don't knock out any more of my fighters.
They pay me to be here. I won't. I always loved road trips. Major, which way we headed? I figured we'd go across
North Dakota into Montana, drop down through Idaho into Nevada. That way we
can scope out Grayson's operation ourselves. Sounds like a plan. They're putting the roads back together
but it's going to be a rough ride. We were bound to make mistakes We love, we thought
It was always on fire
Our house, our dreams
We were dancing on wire
Wreckless it seems
I never felt like this before
When I was trapped, you showed an open door
I had a reason to complain
Camp's set up, sir. Good.
Set up remember guards, switch them out halfway through the night.
You got it, sir.
Everything will be tight and right.
I'd expect nothing less. I have a reason to complain
I didn't have the words to explain I'm sorry. They want our food, sir. We can't leave men behind. We'll have to defend ourselves.
Kill them if you have to.
We can't take them to a camp with this small of a unit.
Hold the line, people! We aren't leaving without our crew!
Yes, sir.
Coming from the road. Look alive.
They just keep coming!
There's too many, sir!
Hold the line!
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What's that?
Ahh! Stay still.
What is that man doing?
Should I help her?
Gotta get home to Vance and Dex. Oh my God. I'm gonna ban some dacks.
Oh my god.
Oh, I can't take it anymore.
Well, looky here. It's a two-for-one special tonight. Not tonight.
They're both down. Now what do I do?
What are you doing to my mommy?
My horses are over there. We'll be safer. No one seemed to know how to get around
One said, we see what we are and we do what we teach
Let me preach in my words Oh, how it goes
Say something Anything We got one of their commanders.
It's about time. Let's see what you brought me.
Excellent work, Sergey.
I got him softened up for you, TJ.
Your team is getting double rations for a week.
Don't thank me yet.
This P is a stubborn one.
He's not talking.
Pain will solve that. Pain is the great equalizer son.
No matter how big a man is, he can only take so much pain.
If you can inflict more, faster than your opponent, you win. The pain has
to be your friend, your focus, your lover. Put your hands up and hit me son.
Good son.
What do you want me to do with him? Take him to my home.
You know how I love entertaining guests.
Okay DJ, I'll make sure he gets there safely.
Sergey, I wanna talk to you for a moment.
What's up DJ?
If we're planning to cut the head off the snake, they may be too.
I'm concerned about Mr. Lee.
I will make his safety my number one priority.
What about you?
No one's going to take me.
You just make sure Mr. Lee is safe. You are now in the presence of a
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Burgess, get in the truck, let's go. The road is blocked up ahead.
We can't leave the fighters behind anyway.
They could still be alive.
We came all the way out here, and he might be dead.
Well, I'll be damned.
Look at there, Major.
Are they friendlies? Well, I'll be damned. Looky there, Major.
Are they friendlies? Those 50 cows on those armored vehicles aren't firing in our truck.
Let's take them out, boys!
Well hey there, babyface. Heard you were in a pinch.
I had fighters out to the north. Hop in. My crew will watch over your men here.
Monroe, Chappie, stay here. I'm going after Lapierre's team.
Bring him back Major
I'm behind those rocks look they're still fighting. We'll get them out! Sergeant Higgs, we're caught PA.
He's here sir, he's been shot.
Give me some cover Gunner.
Get in the vehicle guys, Higgs help me with the law P.A. Just relax Elmendie, we'll get you there.
There's a good medic in Reno. It'll be safe there.
He needs help now.
Look, there's nothing out here anymore, Burgess. We have to get to Reno. I've got a medic in my group. We'll get there.
That's close to Cebu, but we'll just... I can make it.
Okay, let's get the boys and do this. But I can't lose it, can't lose it, can't lose it
See me
Her ribs are really bruised. It could be broken.
It doesn't look good, does it?
No, it doesn't. We'll have to wait and see how she does.
What's your name?
My name is Star.
How old are you, Star?
I'm eight.
Where's your you, Star? I'm eight. Where's your daddy, Star?
Daddy is dead.
He died when the house fell down.
Mommy and I have been hiding here for a long time.
We've always done a good job of hiding from the bad people.
Until tonight.
What bad people, Star?
The mean men that took all the food.
Are you hungry?
Here, eat this.
Don't eat too fast.
It may give you a tummy ache.
Here, have some water too.
Why don't you go get some sleep? I'm not gonna make it, am I?
Honestly, I don't think so.
Thank you.
Thank you for helping us.
No one else would. You and Star have to go.
Leave me.
I can't just leave you here.
The men, the men from the compound, they'll come.
You have to.
To save Star.
He'll never leave you here.
Then you must end it.
You must leave.
Kill me.
She'll go.
I can't do that.
You have to.
I'm gonna die.
Do you have children? Coughing Coughing
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for your dose of self-reliance and independence. You understand there's no end to your pain until you tell me what I want to know.
You can go to hell.
Wrong answer. I don't know. I
Don't know I haven't been to Hendersonville since the quake
He's passing out DJ. Oh, no, he's not
smelling salts Always not. Smelling salts.
No one said you could pass out, did they?
Did you tell him you could pass out, Yuri?
I sure didn't, TJ.
You wanna sleep? Tell me the name and his location.
I don't know. Don't look so worried Yuri, they all break. The fun part is seeing how long they last.
I'll give him... two more hours.
I disagree. This man here seems dedicated. I'm going to bet two days.
What are you willing to bet?
If you're right, you get two days off. If I'm right, you give me two bottles of that vodka you have saved up.
I'll take that bet. But you'll have to let me try.
Don't kill him.
I won't. But he'll wish he was.
Go for it. Oh
If you want Let's stay, let's get rid of the options Hey!
Get inside the line
So you're ready to run
Right behind
Let's see what we can find
What are we doing here? La Pierre needs help, not a woman.
Just wait.
Trust me.
Cassidy, interesting choice of friends you brought with you.
Are they interested in a good time?
No, Dolores.
We have a man in need at the medical facility.
Cassidy, that center is not for these type.
Burgess and his men are different. Trust me.
Bring him in.
Philip, drive the truck around back.
Help Monroe, Chappie and Higgs take him downstairs.
I can take care of that.
Here with me Major Burgess.
Yes ma'am. What's the story?
We're heading into California.
One of my men had family in Sacramento.
And how did you earn favor of Miss Cassidy?
You know she is not fighting in favor of the current government.
I am fully aware.
But your superiors fight for the feds?
Not all of them.
And not you?
We can't have chaos.
I just lost eight soldiers on the way here.
We need to have order, but we also need a legitimate check to that power.
A force that can make certain the feds don't abuse that power.
What about freedom for Americans? The landowners will have freedom.
And the refugees? Will be treated with dignity and respect, but
have to remain useful to get fed. And what about the West?
It's going to be under mercenary control, with little federal interference. If you can
survive, you can stay. We'll put a force in the city
to provide law enforcement if you want. I'm thankful for your help with my man.
I can see why you chose him, Cassidy. Honesty is a rare attribute.
See? I told you.
What about Lafayette?
Come with me. shitstorms is the day I was born. Oh, innocence left a door early on.
I accept what is, I let go of what was,
and I faith in what will be.
In a hundred years or so, the way you let go,
I'll want more, but you won't tell
No one is to know about this
My lips are sealed
I'm impressed
We'll do the best we can
No need to hold hands
One step right and one step left The Thank you for listening to the Changing Earth audio drama based off the novel series, The Changing Earth by author Sarah F Hathaway, available at Amazon or get your signed copies at www dot
changing earth series dot com. This content is copywritten in
2021 by author Sarah F Hathaway. For a list of
performers, music, and noise attributes, head on over to
www dot changing earth series dot com. Become a subscriber and and noise attributes head on over to
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Stay tuned for the next episode of the changing earth audio drama.