The Prepper Broadcasting Network - 30 Million Reasons to Secure the Border

Episode Date: November 21, 2023 Credits:Peculate - Opium of the PeopleChecky Brown - City WalkKeiLoKaz - Dar Saltos de AlegriaKeLoKaz - Rainy NightsMeluran - Vanilla There are affiliate links up there...! ^^^Black Friday Catalog

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't want to set the world because I learned about kids jumping on my lap and I've loved kids jumping on my lap to chase at least for a moment Trump and the maggots off the stage. The fact is, we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Wow. Would you believe it? It's been two weeks since I last put up a podcast episode, and I'm sorry about that. Life has been truly busy, but hey, I'm here now, right? I'm here right now in this moment, joining you at home, in your garden, in your car, in your truck, what have you. Hello, everybody out there in Cyberverse. This is your boy, L. Douglas Hogan.
Starting point is 00:01:20 So glad you could join me today. I just want to say that, here's what's been going on in my life, okay? You all know, and if I can't, I haven't shared it yet. I retired. I retired September 1st, 2023 from 25 years of service as a state employee. In that 10 years, I mean, in that 25 years,
Starting point is 00:01:41 in the middle of that 25 years, there's a 10-year segment where I did law enforcement. Seven years straight through, and then I left for that 25 years in the middle of that 25 years, there's a 10 year segment where I did law enforcement seven years straight through. And then I left for a couple of years and then I came back for a couple of years. So, uh, there's a 10 years in there between 2006, 2007, when I became a police officer until about 2017, when I stopped policing. Um, I don't, I really enjoyed that work, but there came a point when I retired that I was just pretty much done with law enforcement because I took a promotion at my state job. And in that promotion, well, you all know if you've ever supervised before, there's a lot of irons you put in the fire. And a person that is supervising,
Starting point is 00:02:28 put in the fire. And a person that is supervising, especially if you're on day shift, in a day shift position, and there's just the go, go, go, and the hustle, you're constantly hustling and bustling all day long, and not just for yourself, but you're supervising a couple hundred employees at the same time, and making sure that the workplace is just logistically and security-wise just functioning properly. And you go home at the end of the day, and you're just burned out. And that's one of the reasons why I stopped the policing thing because I was policing after that kind of a shift. And I did it when I was on second shift. I was doing that policing on day shift.
Starting point is 00:03:01 And when I was supervising on day shift, I was policing on second shift. And I also would place on the weekends well after a while excuse me after a while I just I just became burned out I had too many logs in the fire so I stopped well in 2023 uh just this last September I retired from 25 years of state service and I left about a month and a half I put in for some jobs I turned out four four jobs that weren't offering me what I wanted. I was looking for part-time employment. I wanted to take days off. Whenever I wanted to take off, I wanted to set my own schedule.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And so some opportunities came, and I turned them down because they weren't quite what I wanted. Were they work? Yes. Were they good jobs? For the most part, but I don't want a job where I'm working straight seconds, being retired for 10-hour shifts or straight seconds with Mondays and Tuesdays off. It's just not what I was looking for. So I went to the area, one of the local police departments here close to where I live, and I applied. And I got a notice right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And wouldn't you know it, it's a laid-back community. You know, the people I've met have been good. They've been sociable, really get along. I feel like I really click with the employees that are there. Get along quite nicely with them. So I hired on with the police department. And when you've been out of policing in Illinois for any number, I think more than two years,
Starting point is 00:04:26 there's a lot of retrainings you have to do, a lot of recertifications you have to take. And for the past month, I've been grilling myself. I mean, absolutely going at it hardcore, grilling myself, trying to get in there and get my recertifications taken care of. And it's grueling, absolutely grueling. And so I've been doing that. And I spent a lot of my weekends this last weekend, I put probably five hours into some trainings. And then for the most part, I just been I went I went to the movies, you know, I sit around on my recliner, I watched some some some stuff on on the TV, and we went out. We went to Olive Garden.
Starting point is 00:05:08 We went to see the new Hunger Games movie. It was pretty good. I liked it. But that's where I've been, and so that's why I didn't put anything out last week. I'm just grinding the millstone, and I'm happy to say that I'm almost there. After I get my trainings done, there's a two-week solid that I have to do. I have to go back to the police academy for two more weeks. It's a refresher course.
Starting point is 00:05:31 It's not the police academy per se, but it's at the police academy location. So because I was only a part-time officer, anybody, any part-time officer in Illinois that wants to go and be a full-time officer has to go through this two-week transition course. To do that is kind of like a refresher. To go over new laws, to go over anything that has changed, any of the laws that have changed. And there's been a lot of changes in Illinois. Trust me, there's been a lot of changes in Illinois. And I'm soaking all that in. I've been riding the last three days with my FTO, my field training officer. And he's been showing me the ropes around my
Starting point is 00:06:05 community and re-familiarizing me with the laws that I already knew and acquainting me with the laws that have changed. So kudos to him. He's a really good dude. I like him. He's a jujitsu guy. And hopefully, maybe someday we can get him on the show. We spend a lot of time talking and we're like-minded. He's into jiu-jitsu, and he's wanting to open up his own business. So I've got to give him a promo. If I ever get him on the show, we'll figure out a topic and talk about that. Maybe we can talk about the Constitution, Constitutionality, and Constitutionality in Law Enforcement.
Starting point is 00:06:40 We'll find out a good topic that we can both talk about and get that out to you guys because it's just really exciting. But I'm almost through that, and I think when I get through that, I'll be able to work. Because you can't work by yourself. The new Illinois law, part-time officers cannot work by themselves. Only full-time officers can. Am I going to be a full-time officer? No. But once I go through this two-week transition course, I will be certified as a full-time officer and therefore I will be able to work by myself. So that's the plan right now. Otherwise I have to work a shift with somebody else and I'm not,
Starting point is 00:07:12 I don't have a problem with working shifts with somebody else, but sometimes, I mean, I can get more hours if I have that two-week transition under my belt, because that way, if there's an opening on a shift by itself i could take it i'll be able to work it and so that's my goal right now anyway so there's i hear that donald trump is uh is uh is going to be on the 2024 ballot there was a big movement to try to keep him off of the ballot and you all know that the conspiracies, the hoaxes and everything that they were trying to push through on the Don and it didn't pan out the way that they were hoping. And unfortunately, the people who lie and steal and cheat and do what they got to do to fabricate evidence are not held accountable generally because liberals in general are never held accountable. And I think the reason for that primarily is because they have very low standards.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Nobody expects somebody with no moral standards to be held to any kind of higher standard. And that's why conservatives who value themselves as having ethics and morals are so widely held accountable for things because they have standards, something to hold them to. And I was talking to my field training officer today, and we kind of agreed on some of that stuff. But I don't want to get too much into the weeds on that and the stuff we talked about in the field. But just know this, that not all police officers are tyrants. Not all police officers are unconstitutional. The ones that I've, most of the guys I've worked with and had the privilege of working with, they value their freedom and they value your freedom.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So I just want to throw that out there. And if you've never read my book, Oath Takers, I talk about this kind of stuff, law enforcement and tyranny. And I have a high standard and I would expect that anybody that is policing or sworn an oath in any kind of manner, whether you're a judge, whether you're in the military, in law enforcement, you're practicing law. If you sworn an oath, you're an oath taker. And I would hope that you honor that oath because just because there's laws on the book doesn't mean it's a constitutional law. There is a difference between constitutional law and unconstitutional laws. There's a difference between lawful and unlawful.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So for me, what it boils down to is public safety. If you're doing something that might be against the law where you live and it's not hurting anybody and there's no potential for it to hurt anybody. I don't see a problem there. There might be some examples that you could give me that you could probably walk me through. I'm like, okay, well, I can agree with that. But off the cups, I can't think of anything. The line for me is public safety. For example, people like to complain about the constitutionality of driver's licenses
Starting point is 00:10:27 because vehicles are not in the constitution, they say. Well, that's true. But the constitution also says that any rights that are not here, that are not listed here, go to the states, you see? So the states have made their own driving laws because driving is not in the constitution. Yes, you have a right to free travel. Does it mean you can drive 90 miles an hour in a 25 something as opposed to 25, 30, 55 mile an hour? It does not because therein is the problem.
Starting point is 00:10:54 There's a public safety now. If you're driving too fast for conditions, if you're driving in a zone where there's businesses and somebody could get hurt because you're placing some other people or the community in substantial risk of harm, it's perfectly constitutional for me to protect them. I wouldn't care personally if you're by yourself in a desert flying, you know, whatever. But I have a duty and a job to uphold the law and to protect citizens. And that's where I kind of where I draw the line. In my book, Oath Takers, I talk about seatbelts. If you can argue with me how it's harmful to the public that you don't
Starting point is 00:11:31 wear a seatbelt as an adult, I'll jump on board with you. I personally don't see, if you're not wearing a seatbelt, how that can cause harm to somebody else. If you're driving at a high rate of speed and you hit something and fly through the windshield and die, that's on you. I don't see how seatbelt laws, for example, pose at public health. Now, if the state is covering your medical bill, because this is one of the reasons why I don't like state-sponsored or any kind of dating programs for public health or free health care, I don't want to pay your medical bills. I don't want to. However, if I am paying your medical bills, let's use that for an example.
Starting point is 00:12:08 If I'm paying your medical bills, let's say I'm taxed and they have a public health system and you're not wearing your seatbelt, that's my business because now if you're in an accident and you get hurt and I'm paying your bills, I can see then why seatbelts are important.
Starting point is 00:12:22 But we don't have a public health system. We don't have free healthcare. When I say public health system, I'm talking about state sponsored. I'm not talking about something, you know, the competitive stuff, which I do promote. I do promote competitive healthcare, but that's where I'm at on it. Anyway, so there's been a lot going on. I've been noticing a lot of craziness in the with the in the united states with the whole palestinian israel um climate for war that's going on over there and i can't believe the silence that is currently going on with the left-leaning wing of the media and which pretty much everybody because
Starting point is 00:13:00 right now i i feel that the left wing and the right wing you know it's all the same bird in my opinion and i don't they're all owned by the same groups i whatever the same people i can't believe that that some of the pro-palestinian protests that are happening in the united states are being allowed to happen and it's just it's you know you we can see them going to the new york city um uh suburbs suburbs or the train stations. I'm trying to remember where some of these protests happened at. And they were trying to kick down the doors. How is that peaceful protest? It takes me back to the crazy days after Ferguson and all that stuff with the mostly peaceful protests
Starting point is 00:13:41 where the buildings behind them are burning down, where Ma and Paul's stores are being robbed. How is that okay? How is that mostly peaceful protests where the buildings behind them are burning down, where Ma and Paul stores are being robbed. How is that okay? How is that mostly peaceful? And then something less devastating with people that are let into, the gates are open for people in the January 6th event, allowed into the Capitol grounds and by and large escorted through the Capitol, fist bumping, friendly, before stuff really starts getting crazy. And we found out, we know now that there was instigators in there that were not within the civilian groups, but people who are planted to start riots, to start problems. It's been factuated. If that's even a word, I'll take credit for it. Webster, factuated. If it's not in there, I lay credit for it Webster factuated if it's not in there I lay
Starting point is 00:14:26 claim to it if factuated means something that has been proven through fact or truth okay thank you anyway so I just want to take a moment here and listen to a little news reel real quick and take it for what it's worth this is from Fox
Starting point is 00:14:41 you know I got problems my own problems in nitpicks with Fox. I'm not a big fan of any news media because I think that they lie and they spin. They all do it. Some are worse than others. But let's take a second here to listen to this little news brief
Starting point is 00:14:56 because it's very interesting to me how some of this is panning out. In particular, I want to take a moment to... Can I ask you what about... Hold on a second, lady. Listen to this guy. His name is Elon Levy, and that's E-Y-L-O-N Levy. And this is not Fox.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I'm actually not sure where this is at, but this is a lady that is interviewing. I think this is actually... Where is this at? See if I can zoom in on it, because I got it picked out on my phone. I think it's a foreign i think it's a foreign um media group but they're talking to this guy that that was he's speaking on behalf of israel just listen to this real quick
Starting point is 00:15:35 here and we'll talk about the children of gaza because more than 4 000 of them have been killed as a result of the israeli response the suffering in the Gaza Strip as a result of Hamas's decision to declare war on us on October 7th is heartbreaking. None of us want to be in this situation. This isn't a war that Israel started. It's not a war that we wanted. It's not a war that we even expected. It's a war that Hamas declared on us with the October 7th massacre, with that spectacular cruelty when they invaded and tortured
Starting point is 00:16:05 and mutilated children in front of their parents before executing them, burning whole families alive. And we are doing everything we can inside the Gaza Strip to get civilians out of harm's way. That's why we've been warning them for three weeks to get out of northern Gaza temporarily for their own safety. The Israeli army has placed over 20,000 individual phone calls urging people to leave, and today facilitating another humanitarian corridor so the people of northern Gaza can get out of the way until the fighting is over,
Starting point is 00:16:32 and we proceed to destroy the terrorist perpetrators. More than 10,000 people killed in Gaza. Our Taoiseach here said that what's happening looks like something approaching revenge. No, no, no, no. What Israel is pursuing is its legitimate right of self-defense. Okay, I paused that right there because, listen, this lady I looked it up, she's an Irish, quote-unquote, journalist, okay, that's interviewing this man.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And she seems to, she's putting her own spin on it. For whatever media organization she's representing, she's putting her own spin on it for whatever media organization she's representing she's putting her own spin on it completely forgetting what happened on october 7th and for those of you that don't know let me tell you that on october 7th palestinians under the guys hamas okay the terrorist organization broke through into the israel borders into israel in israelites homes and murdered decapitated raped women men and children some of the most heinous and burdens a lot of them and some of the most heinous things that i heard were were pregnant women their stomachs being cut open and the babies being brought out and killed the mother being decapitated and raped. Disgusting, vile evil.
Starting point is 00:17:48 These people are absolute, pure evil. And if you're standing in any protest talking about pro-Palestine, shame on you. This cannot be good. This cannot be in any way spun so that people think, oh, well, Palestinians have a right to a state. They have a state. The Palestinians have their own little area there, but they decided to start a war with Israel
Starting point is 00:18:11 by breaking into Israeli land, into their Israeli homes, and murdering women, children, and men. And you want to protest some kind of Palestinian rights? Stand with Palestine? Really? This woman, this Irish lady, is completely forgetting all that.
Starting point is 00:18:31 She's trying to get this man to answer for the 10,000. And these are numbers that could be, for all we know, completely fabricated. Because they're talking about 10,000 people in Gaza that have been killed by the Israelis. Who do you think is reporting those numbers? Israelis? Who do you think is reporting those numbers? Israelis? Who do you think's reporting those numbers? Think about it for a second. Where would those numbers come from from inside Gaza at this time when this report was happening? It would be Hamas, the terrorist organization. I'm going to unpause it here. You listen to the rest of this it's ridiculous, Spin she's trying to catch him up I got you, but it doesn't work, this guy's really sharp
Starting point is 00:19:09 ...governments have accepted to defeat the terror organisation that perpetrated October 7th so it can never do it again But was there not another way to do that? This response has been unprecedented, more than 10,000 people killed I hear and understand your concern. I wish we could send an email to Hamas and make it disappear, but unfortunately that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's a genocidal jihadi group that is openly vowing in English to do a second October 7th, a third, a fourth, until they kill every man, woman, child in the country. Our response is proportionate to that threat, to the threat to annihilate the Jewish people and the state of Israel. We're doing everything we can to get civilians out of harm's way. But when Hamas embeds itself within the civilian population, using them
Starting point is 00:19:53 as human shields, it is recklessly endangering them. And we think that the international community is right to be outraged and that that outrage should be directed at Hamas inside Gaza and not at the army that has been doing everything it can, I would say, more than any army in the history of warfare, to get civilians out of harm's way. I'm going to pause it right there again because she's about ready to make me mad. She's going back again. Those 10,000, those 10,000, she cannot stop. She's obsessed with the 10,000.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Israel at this point, what they have done since this October 7th event was first declared war, all right, of giving the Palestinian people time to get out of their country, to flee. They know what's coming. And I'm not saying all Palestinians are bad, not even remotely, but Hamas is pure evil. And anybody who aligns with Hamas is pure evil. If you're supporting Hamas and protesting for Hamas, you're pure evil. And I can't help it's not my fault if you don't know what's going on
Starting point is 00:20:54 and you're just aligning with people that are evil. That's on you. You're ignorant. But this woman, and also, so time passes, Hamas drops tens of thousands of pamphlets over Gaza, telling them, evacuate. Evacuate your home. War is coming. Evacuate. Trying to get them to leave.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Meanwhile, Hamas is blocking the borders, not allowing anybody to flee. And then they go and they use use these the women and children in the palestinian women children as human shields as if that's not enough they house up inside of hospitals and then they claim that israel is bombing hospitals which we later found out to be was a complete fabrication all right going back to this i wasn't dead they are not all hamas militants are they so first of all i would urge caution about quoting numbers that are being distributed by hamas well the world health organization has also said the world health organization is quoting hamas there there are no independent organizations that are getting their numbers from anywhere other than the terror organization that
Starting point is 00:22:01 on 7th of october beheaded again where did she think this 10,000 number was coming from? That the World Health Organization has people that are inside there taking their own personal tally? No, we got idiots inside. We got Hamas terrorists that are inside Gaza feeding these numbers out. And they're saying it, and she's saying, well, the World Health Organization said, well, yes, well, the World Health Organization, WHO, got their information from Hamas. God, she's stupid. Let's listen to more.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Burned whole families and then lied about it to the international media. Thousands have died. Would you agree that thousands have died? I do not know the exact number. I'm saying, as we saw just the other week, when an Islamic Jihad rocket hit a hospital and Hamas immediately blamed Israel, that the world should treat anything Hamas is saying with a huge pinch of salt because Hamas is deliberately spreading disinformation to attract international sympathy and
Starting point is 00:22:53 stop Israel from exercising its legitimate right to dismantle the terror organisation that perpetrated the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. UN agencies and charities have also called for a ceasefire, However, they say the humanitarian situation on the ground is unbearable, that civilians are bearing
Starting point is 00:23:10 the brunt of this. Will Israel call a ceasefire at some point soon? No, there will be no ceasefire that leaves our hostages inside Gaza and that leaves Hamas in power. Hamas, there was a ceasefire on the 6th of October.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Hamas broke it and brutally massacred 1,400 people. Hamas doesn't get to ask for a ceasefire just because it's being clobbered. There was a ceasefire. And another ceasefire now would literally let Hamas get away with murder. And it would leave it free to do it again with a military machine and with 240 hostages in Gaza. And even worse, it would send the message that democratic states that come under such a violent attack have no right to defend themselves.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So how long will it take for Israel to defend itself? How long will it take to destroy Hamas? And if Hamas were destroyed, what would Gaza look like afterwards? Who would govern it? I'm not going to speculate on the timetable, but unfortunately, the road ahead is going to be long and it is going to be difficult you know for many years okay i would have said right there something different i would have said as long as it takes how long will it she's like how long will
Starting point is 00:24:13 it take to i was as long as it takes to to neutralize hamas period point blank they cannot exist they are a terrorist organization they must be annihilated wiped off the face of the planet and they cannot exist because they're they are they're like i said pure evil it's not even an ideology this is evil continuing on is israel avoided this sort of ground operation because we didn't want to see the scenes that we're seeing now but the october 7th massacre left us no choice now we're exploring several contingencies for what can happen the day after Hamas. The common denominator among all of them is that the Gaza Strip must be demilitarized so it can't be used as a base for terror attacks against Israel. What I can say is the day after Hamas, the Gaza Strip will be such that
Starting point is 00:24:57 it no longer presents a security threat to the south of Israel, will give security to Israel's people, and will give new opportunities for the Palestinians. And do you believe that what Israel... Do you believe what Israel is now doing to the Gaza Strip, destroying infrastructure, killing thousands of people, leaving children orphaned, will make Israel a more secure state? I wish we had another choice
Starting point is 00:25:20 other than to destroy the terror organisation that perpetrated the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. I wish we could ask Hamas nicely to leave us alone and they would leave us in peace. But they are openly vowing to perpetrate another October 7th again and again and again until they have destroyed our state. That was from an interview with Razi Hamad, the Hamas spokesman to Lebanese TV on the 24th of October, a threat that he since repeated in subsequent interviews. This is the threat we are facing,
Starting point is 00:25:47 a jihadi group that openly says it wants to destroy our country and murder every man, woman and child. And in order to defend ourselves, we have to eliminate that threat. And I know the scenes in the Gaza Strip are very, very difficult to watch. And we hold Hamas entirely accountable for all civilian deaths and suffering that result from its decision to declare war against our people sending thousands of rockets at us brutally massacring people and embedding themselves in a the most cowardly fashion among civilians elon levy who's
Starting point is 00:26:16 spokesperson for the israeli government thank you so much for joining us on this okay so that and that's my thought on it you can you can disagree you want to, but the only disagreement I would have with this gentleman, this spokesperson for Israel, was that they must be utterly destroyed, wiped off the face of the planet. And the ones who are again and again constantly saying that Israel must cease to exist, nobody's saying anything about it to those groups that are threatening to annihilate an entire engine you know and we're talking about genocide they must be put down because israel has a right to exist and i agree with this guy you know they have a right to exist and they cannot be threatened they are a sovereign country and they cannot be threatened to be annihilated or destroyed the face of the earth what we're seeing now it's it's worse it's more it's well we could argue probably just i can agree that it's just it's maybe as bad as the holocaust
Starting point is 00:27:10 the numbers are not there but the savagery is is in excess and so i i'm sorry if you hear noise in the background but i'm in a bunker my studio is um close to my machine. I got a load going. But that's where I'm at on that situation. So that being said, let me see what other topic do I have here I want to talk about today. Let me see here. Let's talk about some of the illegals. We got some illegals. Now, this is a Fox News here. And it was, I guess, the subtitle, the caption on the news was flood of migrant spills across California border. And this is Biden's border crisis that we have going on here.
Starting point is 00:27:55 This is yet another thing that this administration has left unchecked. So let's listen to this. So many of these sanctuary cities now unable to keep up in chicago for example a group of people who came out of venezuela all the way from venezuela with hopes of a better life they've been living on the streets they say we're going back home one of them declaring the american dream doesn't exist chicago alderman Raymond Lopez with me now. Sir, how you doing? Good morning. I saw this story. This is wacky. How many people are we talking about? Chicago has seen 20,000 migrants appear on our streets since August of last year. We've got
Starting point is 00:28:38 nearly 3,000 living in police stations, 800 living at O'Hare Airport, and thousands more just floating around in between shelter to shelter. And I'm sorry that they don't like our weather. I'm sorry that they feel that we're not doing enough to give them jobs, housing, vehicles, cars, food, shelter, clothing, and everything else that they were promised by social media. But the system works if you do it the right way. And declaring asylum because you need a job isn't the right way, and they're learning that reality the hard way now. Well, the truth is our law does not offer asylum if it's if the question is economic. You know, the question are you are in a hardship? Are you being persecuted? Are you being religiously persecuted? I don't know how many coming across
Starting point is 00:29:20 the border can check all those boxes. Anyway, number of migrants bused to Chicago out of Texas alone per Governor Greg Abbott as of November 11th, so a couple days ago, more than 18,400. Here's the money Illinois has spent on humanitarian aid for migrants. You're over 330 million, which by the way, is cheap compared to New York. I'm going to read you a quote from one of the Venezuelans saying, how many more months of living in the streets will it take? No more. It's better that I leave. Well, again, I'm sorry that they feel that way, but Chicago taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for paying these bills. And that $330 million bill, that's just what the state of Illinois is paying. The city of Chicago
Starting point is 00:30:03 is committed to paying $255 million this year alone, on top of all the other amenities that other layers of government are providing, including our schools. It's simply not sustainable. And the fact of the matter is this. The federal government has failed in this moment to not only secure the border, to address the asylum seekers, and to provide for their well-being since they're putting cases six years away. You're exactly right. That is the point. You shouldn't have to apologize for people who aren't happy with the treatment they're getting in Chicago. They made a decision to leave their homes.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And unfortunately, they're still not happy. In the meantime, the people who live in your state are paying millions, if not billions of dollars eventually. You don't need to apologize. No, I think you're absolutely correct, Bill. I think it's in my nature, just as a good Christian, to try to help people. But at the end of the day, I'm not responsible for this failure. We've seen our president and our vice president come to our city numerous times. They're hosting the Democratic National Convention here in several months, and yet they still allow us to be the guinea pig for this failed policy of
Starting point is 00:31:08 allowing individuals to come here for asylum with no support, to allow sanctuary cities to be the magnet that sends them here, not only from people like Abbott, but from Democratic states as well, who have all jettisoned their sanctuary city policies while we hold steadfast to ours. Our voters have said they want enough, have had enough, and they want to vote on that topic in this city, and hopefully we can give them that chance. I just want to read this. Governor Pritzker, the governor of Illinois, his letter to President Biden in October, the humanitarian crisis overwhelming our ability to provide aid to the refugee population.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Unfortunately, the welcome and aid Illinois has been providing to these asylum seekers has not been matched with support by the federal government. So he's asking for more money. Just last comment, then we got to roll. You know, the sad part is I think many, many in my party are viewing the migrant crisis as their next COVID to money grab. You know, we've seen a lot of money come to Democratic cities to help cover the cost of COVID. And now the big $5 billion ask is now we need more money to help cover the migrant crisis. Crisis to crisis, the federal government is keeping, they keep asking for more money to help cover our costs. It's simply not sustainable. Raymond Lopez, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So, several things there. First, I wrote a book called Acts of Def defiance which you're not going to find in paperback or i don't think on kindle anymore but it is available on audible what i did with that book was i took it and i i re-rolled it into book one of my tyrant my first fiction novel called tyrant the rise i rolled it into that and wrote a segue from that because it was originally wrote as a prequel acts of defiance was a prequel to the tyrant trilogy but now it is if you buy the paperback or kindle it is the same it's it's all in one book now but in in that in that fictitious story and i call it fact factual because it's fact-based um in that story we have a problem similar to this where migrants illegal immigrants are are flooding the united
Starting point is 00:33:07 states border and it's becoming so bad and not only just we're assuming that all these are venezuelans you know but the truth is we don't know because hamas could be coming over isis could be coming over the taliban could be coming over any number we know cartels are coming over for sure but any number of thousands of these guys are probably coming over all right in with them and in my story this escalates all right in the bombing start and um the government does what they do best and they take the patriots and they label them as the bad guys so the patriots, the patriotic freedom lovers, they become the domestic terrorists, right? Because they're the good guys. And they blame all this stuff right here that the evil people are doing on the real good guys. And so the evil becomes good and the
Starting point is 00:33:53 good becomes evil kind of a thing, which is biblical, by the way. And so that's just one thing I wanted to talk about right there, that this cannot go good. Not only is it a burden on the taxpayer, but this Governor Pritzker they're talking about, or the Prickster as I call him, $330 million. My state forked over $330 million to these guys. So I'm taking care of them. My tax dollars, and anybody else lives in Illinois, paying for these people who have been dumped off in chicago i disagree i don't i don't i don't like them being dumped into my state because i'm bearing the burden of that but here's what we got is is people chicago for example becoming a sanctuary city or or illinois becoming a sanctuary state and then we got these other communities, these other states who don't, I don't agree with that either.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And I side with the states who don't like the sanctuary thing. Not like this anyway. There's no such thing as a bill said for sanctuary for economic reasons. All right. I can see if there's a Holocaust, a genocide, something, you know, you you need to come. I get that these guys are coming because they're not happy with the economic system of their own country. And so they're coming over. And so now we, they're living on our streets, tearing up our buildings, tearing up our roads, making ours, making us look like a dump site, literally a dump site. I've seen some of these areas and they're,
Starting point is 00:35:20 they're disgusting. They're gross. It looked like 10 cities and there's garbage everywhere. It's gross. And we're bearing the burden of it financially for it and that's not right and so while i i like the cynicism and the thought behind what some of these um conservative governors are doing and saying well let's ship them to illinois they're they're uh or chicago the problem with that is there's other, Illinois is not predominantly blue. It's predominantly red, but we have problems like Chicago, Cook County, Lake County, some of these other counties in Illinois that control the entire ecosystem for the state. But if you look on the map, most of Illinois is red by and large, But Illinois, every single voting cycle goes blue for the presidential nominee.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And it flip-flops back and forth for the gubernatorial races. But the second issue is not just the whole terrorism thing, but it's the burden thing. So anybody can be coming across as very unsecure. And there's an economic crisis but it's not for these migrants. If you don't like it here, go back. Nobody asks you to come anyway. There's a legal process.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Please go back and do it the legal way. It might take time but you're going to be patient. You're going to have to wait. And the American dream is not to come here and live free of charge. To have money given to you. Get free phones. Free healthcare. That's not the American dream is not to come here and live free of charge, to have money given to you, get free phones, free health care. That's not the American dream. The American dream is going to America the legal way, to go through the immigration process, right, and to work hard like Americans do, at least like you should be doing, and make a living.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Because every person has the potential to be and do anything they want to do. If you apply yourself to that. If you've got the mental aptitude and you're a hard worker. You can do anything in America. That's the dream here. It's not just to come here and be lazy and get free stuff. Which is unfortunately where the United States has gone. And unfortunately it's where this generation that is coming up right now. That's going to be the next leaders of America.
Starting point is 00:37:24 It's where they are. And it's a this generation that is coming up right now that's going to be the next leaders of America, it's where they are. And it's a sad, sad state of affairs. But I got probably one more soundbite I want to go over, but I think I'm going to cover that after this commercial break. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties,
Starting point is 00:38:06 use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Okay, welcome back. So now what I got here is a little clip from Pierce Morgan. So this is Pierce Morgan Uncensored, and it's exclusive. He's interviewing a man from Palestine. I guess he is former Hamas. And his name is Mosab Hassan Youssef. You can go and do some research on yourself. I'm going to play this audio clip from the Piers Morgan show. And you tell me what you think. Do you buy into any of that?
Starting point is 00:38:41 I mean, do you think that Israel has overreacted already to what happened to them? Their argument is, what is proportion when you have a terror attack like that on your people? Look, since my childhood, and I am hearing the stories from pro-Palestine and from those who are using what's so-called the Palestinian cause, they care the least for the Palestinian children and their future. You know, I am the legitimate representative of the Palestinian children. The child within me speaks. I don't want somebody coming from London or somebody coming from the other side of the world to tell me what is the struggle of the Palestinian children.
Starting point is 00:39:26 The Palestinian children, the Palestinian society has been hijacked by these criminals, and anybody who takes their side is participating in their crime. This is my answer to those people. And for the civilian casualties, et cetera, you know, first of all, Hamas is using, and it's very clearly, it's a fact that Hamas use civilians as human shields. It's a fact. Then it's a fact that Israel call and warn civilians to evacuate buildings before they strike them. But in the meantime, Hamas put roadblocks to stop civilians from evacuating to safe zones. Hamas' single misfire killed hundreds of refugees taking shelter at a hospital, and they blamed Israel. What are we talking about here?
Starting point is 00:40:20 Israel is a democracy. Israel is accountable. Israel is not thirsty for the Palestinian blood. In the meantime, Israel is capable of wiping out Arab capitals in seconds. Why Israel does not attempt to abuse its power? But why, when the Arabs have just a little bit of power, a couple of missiles, they misuse power by launching them at civilians and kill them in their living rooms. We have a fundamental problem and we need to stop blaming Israel. We invited this upon our heads and the rest of the world.
Starting point is 00:40:55 If they don't know the reality on the ground, it's better that they shut up. Mossab Hassan Youssef is right. Mossab Hassan Youssef is right. Israel could completely annihilate, lay waste, completely lay waste to Palestine if they wanted to. They have the power. But instead, they have erred on the side of caution, and they have given everybody within the Gaza Strip access to leave. The problem is Hamas. Hamas is blocking, they're stopping the people from leaving,
Starting point is 00:41:31 choosing instead to use women and children as human shields. They, to start this, on October 7th, went into Israel and started this conflict. And they have vowed to do it again and again, and we've all heard it. We can go all the way back to Yasser Arafat days in the 1980s and 90s. This has been going on for a long time. They do not want Israel, the people, to exist. They want them gone. And after that, America.
Starting point is 00:42:11 So I agree with Mossad and Hassan Youssef. If you're standing with them in support, then you're guilty of their atrocities. I agree. You're listening to The Rising Republic. Thank you so much for joining.

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