The Prepper Broadcasting Network - 5 Preps You're Lacking in 2024 on Preppers LIVE

Episode Date: January 2, 2024 Credits:Peculate - Opium of the PeopleChecky Brown - City WalkKeiLoKaz - Dar Saltos de AlegriaKeLoKaz - Rainy NightsMeluran - Vanilla There are affiliate links up there...! ^^^

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up. New Year met Somewhat sad Old year leaves me tired Stripped of favorite things I had Balked of much desired Yet farther on my road Today stripped of favorite things I had, balked of much desired. Yet farther on my road, today, God willing, farther on my way.
Starting point is 00:01:17 New year coming on apace. What have you to give me? Bring you scathe or bring you grace? Face me with an honest face You shall not deceive me Be it good or ill Be it what you will It needs, shall help me on my road My rugged way to heaven
Starting point is 00:01:42 Please God Christina Rossetti The sister of Dante Gabriel Rossetti And New Years and New Diddles Diddies? What is it? I don't know the name of this poem Old and New Year Diddies That's it, Old anddles. Diddies? What is it? I don't know the name of this poem. Old and New Year Diddies. That's it. Old and New Year Diddies by the great poet Christina Rossetti, sister
Starting point is 00:02:12 of the dizzyingly talented Dante Gabriel Rossetti. I'm a big fan. So welcome in, PBN family. This is going to be a short, sweet, and to-the-point podcast. I feel like I'm with you right now, and in some ways, I feel like I'm not with you. And that's a weird feeling. That's a feeling I don't usually get when doing a live show. I don't know if it's the break. It might be my son. My son upstairs wanted me not to do this show tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:52 He said, just hang out with me. And, you know, that's always hard. But I told him, don't worry, buddy. It's going to be a short one. The information I have for you tonight is important, okay? The preps that I have for you are most likely overlooked If they're not overlooked A couple things Number one, bravo
Starting point is 00:03:18 Number two, let me know Reach out and let me know I would be very interested in the fact that you guys have already thought of these five things. These are five things. This is not like a clickbait title. We wouldn't win the clickbait game. We don't promote that way. We're not on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:03:43 We don't make thumbnails. You know what I mean? That's not how we do business here at PBN. I may make a thumbnail, though, for Rumble and see how that goes. I don't know. I won't. But these five things are important. They're very important. The year that's coming, I think they're going to be very important. I do want to ask you one question, and it's a very serious question, and some of you are going to get seriously offended by it. But I got to put my feelers out there to my audience and see what the deal is. Because, listen, 2024, pray for a good year, prepare for hell, but also understand the opportunity.
Starting point is 00:04:31 You know, that's something that we can miss in this community. Understand that there's always an opportunity, no matter how bad things are, no matter how crazy things get, there's always some kind of opportunity, right? The billionaires buying, you know, like multi-millionaire, multi-level bunkers right now, they understand. This is a lesson that they understand. There's always an opportunity. I'm not the right guy to sniff out the money-making opportunities, let alone chase the money-making opportunities. So that's not really what gets my goat or what really even moves me a little bit. To the behest of my family, probably. I don't know, though. We live a good life.
Starting point is 00:05:18 There is an opportunity here for the nation. And it's an opportunity that I think we could get a massive amount of people to take part in. Because the will of the people is important. And what if we decided as a people, as a nation, that our will was to, at the time the nominations for the next president are chosen, what if the majority of the nation decided via whatever, you know, crypto voting, I don't know. We'd have to talk about that later down the line. But what if the majority of the nation, I'm talking majority, I'm not talking half, I'm talking more than half, decided that, you know, there's a lot on the line here, not just in this election, but for the world and for the nation. What if we decided we could, because I've been thinking about how do we dodge the nightmare that's going to come from Biden being reelected or Trump being reelected, right? And what if we decided that, you know what, instead of either of them, we're going to do something new in the country.
Starting point is 00:06:40 We're going to do something, maybe it's new, I don't know, it could have happened before. in the country. We're going to do something. Maybe it's new. I don't know. It could have happened before. We're going to take the top two candidates off of the deck and put them in the discard pile. Would you be in favor of that? Would you consider that? In other words, would you consider, in a month's time, the people of the United States signing some petition or doing something or whatever. And then this making its way up to the representatives in Congress and them saying, well, it seems like the people don't want Biden or Trump. So we're just going to we're just going to play a whole different game. So we're just going to play a whole different game. And the game is going to be that those two guys are in the discard pile and the rest of the candidates can go with it.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And I guess the Democrats would have to produce some candidates. There's an age thing there. There's like a stain there. There is repercussion there. There's like a stain there. There is repercussion there that's wild. Right? There's all these different things that are wrapped up in these two candidates right now, man. And I do think it's also a time, not only would it be a really good way to sort of parry or slip the oncoming crash that will be the 2024 election and the lead up,
Starting point is 00:08:12 but it would be nice to see the will of the people be done, even in a way that is unorthodox. And it probably should be, in this age of hyper-corruption, it probably should be In this age of hyper-corruption, it probably should be the people's ability and the people's capacity to say, you know what, these two candidates who are winning in these polls, whoever takes these polls, or these two candidates that are the front runners uh we don't like either of them we want new front runners so we're going to kick both of them to you know and it would come from it would come from some sort of across the aisle deal some sort of crossing the aisle um bipartisan effort right not just in the government but a people. As a people collectively saying the conservative right and the liberal left or whatever you want to say. The people of America together coming together and say, you know, I don't like either of them. Or maybe I do like one of them, but I'll take them both off the board no problem. Let's see what else we can do.
Starting point is 00:09:22 But I'll take them both off the board, no problem. Let's see what else we can do. Think that over. I'm not saying we have the ability to even get traction with something like that, but I'm telling you this much, I'll go for it. It can start here, and we can make it happen. I think we can put in a good effort to make. We can reach out to larger entities. I don't know if the left is tied up enough in their deep, dark plan to keep Biden in there for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:09:50 That reason will be revealed come his second term, though you can bet on that. And I don't know if the conservative right is too entrenched in MAGA to say, we're not giving up on Donald Trump. We want him in there again. I myself wouldn't be that hurt if we had Ron DeSantis as president. I would not be that upset. You know, I wouldn't be like, oh, man. I mean, even though Nikki Haley's a war hawk,
Starting point is 00:10:17 I wouldn't be that terribly upset with her in either. I'm not sure about Vivek. I liked him a lot in the early stages. I don't know. He seems to be real good at lip service, and it makes me nervous. He's better than knowing how to run the nation. He seems better at saying what people want to hear. You know what I mean? So that makes me kind of nervous, but I don't know. Should we take the top two cards off the deck and put them in the discard pile, PBN family? Think about it. All right. We'll be right back with our five preps you need for payments. is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Every year at Prepper Camp, I talk to Steve from This is a guy who's been prepping since before Y2K. is his favorite stuff. It's one prepper's curated experience, and let me tell you, it's awesome. You want an exothermic under barrel ubf flamethrower you want a two-way satellite communicator and a long-standing friend of the prepper broadcasting network and the next generation wolverine tough bottles the best bottles on the planet for water storage water
Starting point is 00:12:03 carrying find them at We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. All right, PBN family, we are back in it. Support our sponsors, please. Give them love. Both of those guys are incredible. Those are two amazing opportunities for you. I'm sitting here with the deed.
Starting point is 00:12:24 are incredible. Those are two amazing opportunities for you. I'm sitting here with the deed, the deed to the first piece of raw land that we've invested in through I'm going to tell you what, man, having money in land feels a hell of a lot better than having money in a bank. I'll tell you that much. You don't need to put a lot in. That's the beauty of Let's get to it. Let's get to it, PBN family. First one out of the cannon, okay? And these are all preps that you should have for 2024 that I think you're not thinking about. Like I said, you can tell me if I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:13:04 You need cooking oils and cooking fats. Cooking oils, cooking fats. I spent a better part of 2023 using rendered lard to do a lot of cooking. And I'll tell you what, it's probably changed me forever. I think it stores better than regular cooking oils. I'm sure it's better for you, especially if your options are grass-fed beef tallow or really high-quality pork fat rendered lard or canola oil, because canola oil is cheap. You can buy a lot of it cheap, right?
Starting point is 00:13:50 It's night and day as far as nutrition is concerned. It's night and day. So that's important to understand. But beyond that, we're also talking about the flavor. And when canola oil goes rancid, it's over. You know, you can't cook with it. You can't eat it.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Everything tastes like it. Vegetable oil, canola oil, any of those crappy oils, sunflower oil, they're the ones that you can buy for cheap and put a lot of them away. You know what I mean? Put a lot of it away.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And I would. I would buy those. I'd buy olive oils, and I still buy olive oils and I still buy olive oils. Um, but I'm telling you right now, the, uh, the lard, man, the lard is where it's at. Um, you have to have, we're going to focus on cooking the first two items because, you know, this is something you're going to do three or more times a day whether the world's collapsed or not. Right?
Starting point is 00:14:50 And if you have a limited amount of resources to get it done, you're going to pay for it. Your family's going to pay for it. So this is something that you've got to shore up. You don't want to find out. You don't want to run out of cooking oil the first week into the trouble. You can't really do, I mean, it's really hard to replicate. If you're not raising pigs or some kind of animal that's fatty and can be rendered, animal that's fatty and can be rendered um you're not rendering fat off of a white tail you know what i mean you're not getting anything off a white tail that's going to be worthwhile you're not rendering the likelihood that you out there are going to bow and arrow or shotgun a bear
Starting point is 00:15:40 and carve it up and render all the fat out of it. I don't know. I mean, maybe you will, but for the vast majority of you in suburbia and places like that, even if you're planning on taking out white-tailed deer and rabbits and squirrels and all that kind of stuff to eat, or even if you're raising animals, like if you're raising goats and chickens,
Starting point is 00:16:03 it's not a lot of fat in that either. I always tell you the pig is the ultimate survival livestock um there's nothing on the planet like unfortunately like a like a little piglet like a 40 50 pound piglet there's nothing like it i mean a bigger hog obviously going to yield more meat but but I don't know. They're magic, those little things. A bigger hog probably is the better survival option, and they grow up pretty quick. You can feed them almost anything, and they become everything from hams to bacons to cooking fat to, you know what I mean, to everything. I've actually got a really nice pig liver I've got to tear into starting this week. Eat your organs, PBN family. They make you wholesome. They make you hearty. So cooking oils, number one. What are you going to cook all this food in? If you, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:01 your survival food, you'll cook in water. But if you're out there trapping if you plan on trapping animals shooting game crossbowing deer whatever your game plan is or even if you're raising animals livestock to kill and eat you gotta have some cooking medium you know what i mean to fry them in to sear them in to marinate them in you need cooking fats okay this next one may be more important than the first one and it is and this is a newer one to me like this is one that i have prepared for and and had prepared for not um not on purpose in this way. And because of my lifestyle and also because of my background, I didn't quite understand what a detriment most people are in this category. And it's off-grid cooking fuel.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Okay, so cooking oil, fat for cooking the food in, that's one thing. Most of what you're going to do, see, this is the big, big thing. If you pay attention to nothing else in tonight's show, please pay attention to this. Most of what preppers are going to do is bring water to a boil and maybe sustain a simmer, right? No matter what kind of prepper you are, if you're the ready-wise buy-in type and you've got 72-hour kits or years' worth of food stockpiled from ready-wise,
Starting point is 00:18:35 from emergency essentials, the ready hour, whoever, if you're that kind of prepper, right, and you've got that stuff and that's how you're going to eat and how you're going to live through chaos, good on you, okay? But if chaos involves no electric stove, then you're going to have, you're going to have to boil water probably multiple times a day, right? And you're probably going to have to simmer a lot of that food, that survival food, that dehydrated stuff. It's a 15 minute simmer. So you bring the water to a boil, you of that food, that survival food, that dehydrated stuff, it's a 15-minute simmer.
Starting point is 00:19:07 So you bring the water to a boil, you add the food, you simmer it for 15 minutes. How are you going to do that? If your electric stove don't work, or even if you've got a gas stove and the gas is turned off, how are you going to do that? How are you going to bring water to a boil, simmer it for 15 minutes, and then repeat three times a day for the rest of your life? So having cooking fuel is such a big deal. If you're going to store propane or something like that, that's okay. It's a good start, I think. You know, if there's no resupply on the propane source, then it's a very limited and probably a very short-lived fuel source. Though you can get a lot of boiling done with a 25-pound tank of propane, that's for sure, if you have a Coleman
Starting point is 00:20:02 stove with an adapter. Or, you know, something along those lines, right? But eventually your propane will run out. You know, charcoal is an easy one to store. But if we're talking about long, long term, then eventually, you know, you're going to be cooking over with wood. Most likely you'll be cooking with wood. So that's a big deal, you know? Most likely you'll be cooking with wood. So that's a big deal. You know, do you know how to do that? Do you even have wood?
Starting point is 00:20:32 Like people don't even have fireplaces anymore. I don't even think fireplaces are built in new homes anymore. Like they get a fireplace, but it's a it's a play school fireplace. Right. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Come enjoy our new play school fireplace, complete with fake logs and the little turny thing that's not really a flame, but it sure as hell looks like one. I mean, houses are outfitted with these things now, right? Because God forbid now, right? Because God forbid the ash and the soot from sulfur into miles high into the atmosphere from volcanic eruptions.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Right. But whatever you do, be a good citizen of this earth. And please do not burn wood because burning wood is the end of all things. Burning wood is right up there with farting cows. You know, you can be very careful. End of civilization as we know it. Get your cook and fuel PBN found, whatever that looks like, okay? If you're not a wood chopping, splitting, storing faction, if you're not part of that faction of society because you don't have a fireplace or you don't even have like a camping wood stove, no need for it. There's no need for me to have a a half cord of wood sitting in the backyard right for my fire pit or
Starting point is 00:22:09 whatever get some wood buy a fire pit my wife bought me a beautiful fire pit ring for christmas this year it's uh you know it's just a black ring the american flag cut into it all around the whole thing get one of those. Get yourself a quart of wood, half quart of wood, whatever, depending on how, you know, the size of your yard and what makes sense for you. And then start boiling water over it. Boiling water in the old fire pit. What's that look like?
Starting point is 00:22:39 You know, what's that take? You've got to learn these skills. Most importantly, you've got to have the fuel. Most importantly, you've got to have the fuel. The worst thing that could happen to you is that you have a year's worth of food, the water to cook the year's worth of food, and no fuel to cook the food, right? You don't have no electricity. You don't have no gas because we're in an off-grid situation. So now you're like, okay, I've got a couple one-pound camping propane tanks.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And once they're done, we're done. Cooking fuel, okay? We're all going to be cooking. There's no getting around it. We're all going to be cooking. Number three, polish up that get-home plan polish up that get everybody home plan this year it's a big deal it's a very big deal because we there's too much up in the air there's too much with protests there's too much with road blocking. There's too much with international affairs.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Like, if the phones go out and you can't drive, how do you get to the person that's furthest away from everyone? How does that person get back home? You know what I mean? How's that going to work? What if that person that's the most furthest away from home is a child? So you got to have a plan for this stuff, man. You don't want to wake up tomorrow and say,
Starting point is 00:24:13 oh my God, the unthinkable has happened. And I don't know what I should do. They don't know what they should do. Right? So we got to sure that up. I'm in that boat with you. You know, we've got changes that we need to make that have not been made yet. So, um, trust me, I'm as scared as you are right now, but we'll take care of it. So, so sure up your get home plan, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:39 no matter what happens with bug out, long-term survival, no matter what the hell happens, if your home is not in direct path of the threat, you're going to want everybody there. You know, that's going to be step one. Get everybody home so we can figure out what's next. Okay? So that's priority. That's priority. A process that I learned in 2020, and I guess I'll have to go over in detail,
Starting point is 00:25:21 is local intelligence gathering for crime events, big crime events, big protests, big riot events. There is most certainly a process for gathering this information that includes the Broadcastify app, which I think everyone should have on their phone, the use of social media, and a little bit of understanding the hashtags that you're after. You know, if you can combine those those things you can start to paint a picture of the chaos in or around your area and uh this because we're going to have a year of civil we're having we're already having a year of civil unrest you know know what I mean? I think there was a, what was it, a DC airport thing today, right? We had the Palestinian supporters, whatever the good, let's just call it what it is. We had the domestic terrorists out there, the real ones, not the white people with the American
Starting point is 00:26:18 flags tattooed on their arms. We had the real domestic terrorists out there who are trying to block people from flying or getting on airplanes or taking air whatever they were at the airport at least there was a game plan for it i don't know if they followed through it i heard about it the day before from chin he's my uh big picture intel source most of the time but uh this is what's happening you know so you got to be able to say if there's some craziness going on in your neck of the woods you got to know how to deal with it most importantly you got to know where it is you got to pinpoint it on a map and say this is what's happening and what direction is it going and what's the sort of attitude of it all.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Where are we at with the overall feels? And you can find all these things out pretty easily. Until people realize they shouldn't videotape everything with their cell phone, we can take a lot of advantage just of that. And we're a long ways away from people putting their cell phones down. Let's keep right on rolling, guys. Let's keep right on rolling because I did want to end at 8.30, even though it's already 8.30.
Starting point is 00:27:40 That's not happening. Here's a prep that's really tough on a lot of people. And it's something that is often missed on the prepping community. And it's hard goals. Establish those hard goals, establish those par levels, establish those performance levels and stick to them. I write them in the front of a book, my planner every year, you know, write them down now, right? While you have no, um, ability to fudge your, you know, three months down the road, you might say, well, let me pare that back a little bit. But I write all kinds of goals down in my little planner, how much money I want to make this year, how much, you know, I would like
Starting point is 00:28:21 to see the audience grow, how many coffee sales I'd like to do in a month, all that kind of stuff. But also hard prepper goals. You know, how much food do you want to put away this year? Pounds, servings per person, whatever, however you want to measure it, right? How much ammunition do you want to stockpile this year? How many times do you want to go train? What trainings do you want to do? How about physical fitness goals? How about strength goals? Right? It's a lot. There's a lot of stuff out there. And if you don't write it down, then you're just
Starting point is 00:28:56 going to say, I'm pretty sure I got better. The year's going to come to an end. You're going to say, I'm pretty sure I got better. I'm pretty sure I got stronger. I'm pretty sure we're more prepared than we were at the beginning of the year. Get them hard goals written down, okay? That's the only way you can remain accountable. That's the only way you can really quantify your improvement. But it's scary. It's very scary, especially when you get about six months in and you're like I don't know if I'm going to make it and guess what if you don't make it you're still going to be better
Starting point is 00:29:32 right you're going to be way better than if you just say I want to be more prepared and that's the totality of what you do it just is what it is. Okay? So, in closing, look, we're back. The Prepper Broadcasting Network is, we're firing on all fours.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I mean, that's just what the deal is. That's what we'll be doing all fours. I mean, that's just what the deal is. That's what we'll be doing all through 2024. We are adding much more by way of routine to your daily life. PBN Daily News will be back. I'm going to get these routines to you, the listener, right? You, the listener, you're a very important person, okay? And you're vital to this network and you should be clued in on these routines as well um but we're always going to give we have to add value to the membership experience okay so i can't promise you that we'll give them
Starting point is 00:30:40 give you all the routines i can't promise that we'll give you the routines right off the bat. But you will have them. You will be able to take advantage of them. What I'm talking about, for those of you who don't know, is we are committing to training health and fitness routines for the entire year. Every month a different routine. And I've got the layout hammered down now. And it's a beautiful thing.
Starting point is 00:31:08 So keep an eye out for it. And, yeah, what you do every day defines you. What you do every day is what you are. You are what you do every day. You want to be prepared, then it takes a focus on that every single day. You want to be healthy, you want to be fit, it takes a focus on that every single day. And that might sound scary, but that's why we're going to do it together. That's why we're going to do it together.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I know somebody out there listening on the membership side today did 100 bodyweight squats and 100 push-ups like me. They went through that, right? For some people, that's the end of the day for them. That's it. For some people, that's a warm-up. And it doesn't matter. We're not measuring each other here. What we're here to do is to give you that sense of I'm struggling, but I'm struggling with the PBN family. And we're improving together. All right. I'm out of here, folks. Visit if you want to become a member.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And please check out the PBN links in the show description. Support our incredible sponsors, man. Like I said, sponsorship for us is twofold. Everything we do here is twofold. Pay the bills and get you as prepared as possible, you know, and have as much integrity in that balance as humanly possible. That's my day-to-day struggle. You know what I mean? I got bills that I need to pay, and I got an audience that needs to be better prepared, and the great war of integrity and balance in all of that is to try and bring you the best of the best,
Starting point is 00:32:57 support them, give them their show time without driving you crazy with ads, but also making sure that we serve them as well and serve you with their products. So check them out. It's Tuesday, the Rising Republic. Manana. Always good to be live.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I'll talk to you guys soon. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network network where we promote self-reliance

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