The Prepper Broadcasting Network - A Different Kind of Preservation on I AM Liberty

Episode Date: April 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability here. What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. Forbid it, almighty God. I know not what course others may take. As for me, give me liberty or give me death. So it starts with a Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Could have been coffee, but I went Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola. Could have been coffee, but I went Coca-Cola. These little sugar bombs. 7.5 fluid ounce, 90 calorie per can. 25 grams of sugar. Half the daily recommended amount of sugar. Problem is, I've been drinking coffee the last I don't know how many nights
Starting point is 00:01:46 And not sleeping Not sleeping a wink PBN family Join the live chat Go to Where do you gotta go to join the live chat? Who knows? And while you're there,
Starting point is 00:02:09 go to the live show chat. I mean, live show... What is it? Live show? I think it just says live shows, right? Something like that. I don't know. Come join us.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Come join us. I'm throwing something up on Instagram right now. Luring people in. Luring. Orange looks good. Sure, we'll go with that. Anyhow, what is up, PBM family? Thanks for enduring me.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I was watching the end of The Equalizer, the first one, and it happened to run into showtime. And I had that decision to make. I said, should I go live at nine, turn the movie off, wonder about the movie the whole time I did the show, or should I just watch the movie and do the show late and drink a Coca-Cola and enjoy the night and enjoy the audience and enjoy the network and so on and so forth. Denzel and the Coke won. So I'm a little late, but whatever. It is what it is. Most people listen to this thing tomorrow anyway, I think. I want to talk about preservation tonight, PBN family.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Amongst many other things, amongst many other things, I want to talk about preservation tonight, PBN family. Amongst many other things. Amongst many other things, I want to talk about preservation. I want to talk about what types of things we should be considering preserving. Beyond food, right? So this is not a food preservation show. food, right? So this is not a food preservation show. I don't want to say it's bigger than that, but in some ways, yeah, in some ways I think so. Maybe, maybe a little bigger. I thought some big news was happening in the world. What did I see?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Biden beating Trump in majority of polls. How? Everyone is losing their mind over abortion, the greatest issue of our time. There is no greater issue, greater concern in the world right now than, apparently, than ladies being able to get an abortion. It's one of those issues that, at face value, like if you weren't from this planet and you came down onto this planet, you would be like, so these people are diverse and varied and they really get along well. You know, there's many different species. I'm saying if you were looking, just looking, right, at America and the American situation. And you would say to yourself, like, the fundamental issues on which this society stands are whether or not you're a boy or a girl, or if you feel like being a boy or a girl,
Starting point is 00:05:06 and your right to kill the unborn baby in your womb. And if we could just shore that up for this civilization, there would be no more wars, there would be no more trouble. You know, those two seminal issues of our day, or of these human beings' day, that's what the aliens would think. The aliens would look around and go, wow, they really like to kill their babies. It's so weird. Why so many people...
Starting point is 00:05:35 I don't know. I don't want to get into abortion. It's a big ball of nonsense. It's a big ball of nonsense. You know, it falls into the category of a bunch of other things that are problematic in the country right now, which are people need to make the right decisions. The government doesn't need to make the right and responsible decisions. People do. You know, like how many, how many in a lot of cases, not every case, but how many decisions do you have to make that probably go against even just what your parents told you? Oh, I know some parents can be bad. I get that. But how many decisions, how many bad decisions does it take before you wind up at an abortion clinic?
Starting point is 00:06:26 I don't know. You know? I don't understand. Not really what I want to talk about tonight. Too much going on. Too much good going on. To swaddle myself in that nonsense. I thought I saw something about Twitter Files Part 2 released. I was kind of interested in that. Twitter Files 6? Oh man, I don't know what's going on. Forget it. We'll move on from
Starting point is 00:06:58 that. So in the name of preservation, how did I get on this? Oh, okay. Because I have so much free time, I decided to take on the reading of the 100 classics. Why'd I do that? If you saw The Equalizer, you would know why. It's really not that deep. I never saw the movie. I wasn't watching the movie for, like, the fifth time, I never watched it, I started watching it last night, you know, I love Denzel,
Starting point is 00:07:32 man, I don't care what it is, he's great, he's, he's so great to watch, and, uh, I just happened by it, I was staying up late, happened by it, put it on, you it on you know i seen like the third one or something like that but anyway in my in my heart of hearts uh i always understood the value of reading the classics right classic lit and that's dying off right that whole concept is dying off right it's better you read like like, Where the Crawdads Sing than Pride and Prejudice or something. I don't know if that's a good book or not. I've never read it.
Starting point is 00:08:15 But in the movie, Denzel's wife was on this quest to read, you know, the 100 best books of all time. And, you know, I'm looking to read The Class. I think it's cool. I think it's a cool undertaking. best books of all time. I'm looking to read the class. I think it's cool. I think it's a cool undertaking. So I ordered the first book. I'm just following a list.
Starting point is 00:08:32 If you're interested, I'll send you the list that I'm following. Because I have so much free time to sit around and read books, right? When I go to bed at night, it's like a lights-off switch. My days are so full and so insane. But, you know, why not?
Starting point is 00:08:54 I always say what one can do, one must do. We got to at least go for it. We got to at least try it, right? The first book on the list is Pride and Prejudice. Why else do I want to do it? I like the idea. I saw the idea in the in the movie. I said, you know, it's probably something I should do. And plus, truth be told, there's several books on there I've already done read. One of them sitting on my desk right now, The Art of War.
Starting point is 00:09:24 That got me thinking. So in order to read these hundred books, that got me thinking. I said, well, in order to read these, I could read these hundred books on hoopla. For those of you who don't know what hoopla is, it's one of the great gifts of the cell phone. There's a lot of bullshit on a cell phone. There's a lot of stuff on a cell phone that is not worth your time or energy. But hoopla. Brought to you by my man Chin, by the way, from the Changing Earth podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:54 He told me about hoopla. Because I love the library, you know. I go to the library. I love the library. I think if I were around In Egypt The Muslims never would have burned down The What was the library called? Alexandria
Starting point is 00:10:14 Right? I'd have been pleading with Pharaoh Dude, we need way more people Outside the library with simtars Isn't that what they're called? The swords? We need elephants out front We need it all way more people outside the library with with simtars isn't that what they're called the swords we need elephants out front we need it all we need to protect the library this app hoopla basically puts the library on your phone your library so it so it it operates
Starting point is 00:10:41 off your library card number half the audience doesn doesn't even, they're like, what? Who has a library card number anymore? They shut the library down in COVID. I gave up on reading altogether. Get a library card. Seriously. Get Hoopla on your phone. You can read anything that's in your library.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Any movie, any, by the way, any movie, any TV show that they have at your library, you can watch. And it's 100% free. Really, it makes me feel kind of stupid because if I could mirror, if I mirrored my phone onto my television, I could probably watch movies for free through Hoopla. Rather than have like a streaming service. Anyhow, Hoopla, I could go through Hoopla. I could read them all through Hoopla. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:39 And then I started thinking. I looked over at my bookshelf and I said, man, my bookshelf is too small already. I started thinking, I looked over at my bookshelf and I said, man, my bookshelf is too small already. But I started thinking, you know, there's a hundred great books. And this list of a hundred great books people have agreed
Starting point is 00:11:54 upon. More than one. And when you go down to the comment section of this article, it's not Gaza and Israel down there. You know what I mean? There's no war. I mean, I don't even remember seeing comments now that I think about it. But, you know, it's not a big battle to sit around and say, read The Wind in the Willows.
Starting point is 00:12:22 You know what I'm saying? Brave New World's a great book. You should read it. You don't have a Saturday afternoon protest over that. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, right? And that's special. I mean, there's something special. This day and age, we should appreciate how special that is. and age, we should appreciate how special that is. This list was put together by Penguin Books, a publisher that I used to dream about publishing one of my cookbooks back in the day.
Starting point is 00:12:59 One day I'm gonna have a cookbook published by Penguin, just like Thomas Keller. Never happened. But, you know, far from finished. Far from finished, PBN family. So I started looking through these books. You know, I started looking at Jane Eyre and Crime and Punishment and The Persuasion by Jane Austen. And my man Herman Melville and his masterpiece, Moby Dick. And I said to myself, you know, this website and this list is here now. And there's probably similar lists and websites like this elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:13:40 But does it really matter if something terrifying or terrible happens? If hackers destroy the grid? If a nuclear war destroys more than just the power grid? society where we decide that electricity has brought on this level of technology which has become the great oppressor and has to go you know wi-fi and electricity are going to deliver the tyranny of our age they already are to some degree i have a hard time believing that some contingent of humans even americans aren't going to get to the point when enough people are neural linked and enough people are married to sex robots that they're not going to be like, this all has to end. We have to just shut the power down forever and start over. And when that happens, you know, these brilliant lists put together by, let's give credit where credit's due. Who wrote it? Who's the author? Sarah McKenna. These great lists of books will only be, you know, whispers in history, whispers of a time long
Starting point is 00:14:59 past. And of course, the difference being If you own the books You get the knowledge if you read the books There's no way you're going to like them all There's no way I'm going to like them all I started reading a lot of these books I started Crime and Punishment Bored, put it down I started Pride and Prejudice, put it down I started Moby Dick, loved the beginning, put it down. I started Pride and Prejudice. Put it down. I started Moby Dick. Loved the beginning. Put it down. So a lot of them I've started I haven't read completely. I have read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I have read Bram Stoker's Dracula. Of course.
Starting point is 00:15:51 of course. So this ignited in me this whole idea of, okay, if there's a hundred great books that the people at Penguin agree on, Penguin Publishing, and it's not the kind of list of books that draws the ire of the majority of people, there's something there. There's something there worth preserving. And there's only one way I can preserve it, and that's to buy the books and read them, keep them. And that got me on this whole idea of what else, you know? What else? You go to Williamsburg, Virginia, you can buy one of those crinkly Declaration of Independence. You laugh at that, right? And you think, something happens to our society
Starting point is 00:16:46 and the digital version of the Declaration of Independence becomes the one that most people have read? Bible? Now there are a lot of Bibles out there. And there's a lot of physical copies of the Declaration of Independence too. But I think it's high time we decide at a personal level. Now, I'm not here to tell you what it is you should preserve, but I think it's time to consider. You know what I mean? It's time to sit down and consider,
Starting point is 00:17:18 what do I put up? We've been lulled into a digital storage for our entire lives. You know? Before Google Photos came out, before Google Drive came out, and started holding onto all your photos like a good friend, only to come up to you in a year's time and say, Oops, you took too many pictures. Delete your memories or pay us money. Right?
Starting point is 00:17:48 That's what Google did. I guess the iPhone probably does the same thing somehow, but Google did something very... Sorry. Google did something very sneaky where they decided, we're going to auto-save all your photos for you. So if you have an Android, it's Samsung. You take a picture of your kid, it gets put into your gallery, and then unless you turn the feature off, it gets automatically uploaded into the cloud, into Google Photos. And it's nice.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's indexed. It's in there by date. You can go look it up you can search things that are in it you know like remember that picture of of you and mom by the big oak tree yeah i remember it you can search big oak tree and it'll you know likely bring it up and then as you continue to build on all these memories years go by you have another kid you start really filling things out maybe maybe you purchase a podcast network start making videos for people then google comes to you and says hey buddy uh remember all those memories they're gonna cost you 100 bucks a year i'm just saying but
Starting point is 00:19:01 anyway before all that happened i used to think that was going to happen with Facebook. When I was doing my thing on Facebook more regularly, I'd get memory updates and all this kind of stuff. And I'd be like, wow, that stuff's so cool. It's so cool to see, you know, my son when he was this age, my wife when we were this age, whatever, pop up. And I always was worried about that. That was something that always popped into my head. When are they going to come to me and say, well, you can keep your profile, but it's not going to be free anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Now it's going to be $20 a month. And if you don't pay the $20 a month, then we have to close your whole account down, and you lose all those memories. Sorry. Sorry. Because those are the consequences of living in the digital world, right? Look, we face the stark consequences of digitizing everything. I worry about it to this day because PBN is fundamentally digitized. I do have a master, but it's old now. It's probably three years old. I need to make a new one.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I got a gigantic hard drive with the majority of shows on it. You know what I mean? At the end of the day, we're a digital enterprise fundamentally. Which enterprise isn't anymore? So your business itself could require a preservation plan, right? I think about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I think about it all the time. But we're not popular enough and we're not big enough to travel. If we had a big enough following that I could travel and do live shows with the hosts, it would be a no-brainer. We're just not there yet. Not to say we won't ever get there. But we are not there yet, folks. So let's do a little sponsorship.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Let's do a little ad situation. And we'll come back and get into more trouble what if i told you you could own land for 200 down and highly affordable monthly payments is your answer to bug out land hunting recreation and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency. This is the Intrepid Commander and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how
Starting point is 00:21:53 to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy. Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead. It's a good thing you found us.
Starting point is 00:22:31 We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Newer path, act of stability. Doomsday Prepper mums in the UK. Fork out 100K on nuke shelters. Buy up apocalypse-proof suits and keep cupboards full of loo roll. I don't know what loo roll is, but I have a feeling we'll find out. I guess we could call this Preppers in the News. This came out a couple days ago.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I opened it in the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail website is so bad that it hit me with 65 pop-ups in a matter of five seconds. It had me downloading and signing up for a mail, some kind of mail thing. I don't know what it was. I had to get out of there. But I love this story.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Dr. Sarita Robinson, a mom of two, is so concerned about the end of the world that she has a full bug-out plan and rendezvous point agreed with by her kids. We got, who else we got here? We got longtime prepper Leslie Tither. Hither and Tither. She's like in front of a bake Alaska in this picture.
Starting point is 00:23:53 71 years old, she's noticing influx in Brits interested in gearing up for the worst. I like this, man. 48-year-old from Preston. I like this, man. 48-year-old from Preston. Lanks told Mail, plus there's also what I call my go bag containing a bit of cash, some self-heating meals from Amazon,
Starting point is 00:24:12 Kendall mint cake to keep the sugar levels up. It won't melt like chocolate. A blanket and a change of clothes. The war in Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East, unpredictable weather patterns, and AI taking over are some of the reasons Brits are prepping. I don't have a bunker in my garden, though I would quite like one, nor a collection of weapons.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Lincolnshire-based UK nuke shelters says they've seen 300% to 400% increase in inquiries in the past couple years. Everybody's ready to dive into a bunker. Don't do it, PBN family. Don't do it. Listen to me. The bunker idea is not great. Migrate.
Starting point is 00:25:03 It will boast a portable power station. What is this thing? It's like a mobile bug-out vehicle. For two adults, two kids, you get a bathroom. Oh, no. This is for the bunkers. I don't want to read it, but why does everybody always do it? Whenever they do a prepper article, they want to talk about the bunker.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Where's your bunker? We see your bunker. I want to go in your bunker. Can we go in your bunker? Can we go in your bunker? Can we go in your bunker? Can we go in your bunker? What see your bunker. I want to go in your bunker. Can we go in your bunker? I want to go in your bunker. I want to go in your bunker. Can I have a bunker? What is the deal with that?
Starting point is 00:25:29 If anyone had a bunker, who in their right mind would tell anyone? Do you know what I mean? I could have the biggest bunker in the world. I wouldn't even give a hint that I had one. Why would I tell you guys? You know what I'm saying? No, nothing personal. Just isn't the whole point of this thing to ride out the worst case scenario?
Starting point is 00:25:53 Like if you're going to invest $100,000 in a bunker, well, if you're going to do it right, it's going to be closer to a million. And you're going to be like, eh, man, I got a bunker. and you're going to be like, eh, man, I got a monger. Sgt. Pepper's hazmat suits for adults and children start at $95 with brass rabbit snares, flogged.
Starting point is 00:26:12 What the? I don't even know. I guess they're talking about literal brass rabbit snares, like snares for rabbits. Flogged for $395. Look, it's a beautiful thing. It's great, wonderful. You know, I love it.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I love when the ladies go, what's going on around here? I love that. I don't think it's a knock on the men. I really don't. I don't think, you know, there's plenty to knock men for, but... I don't think when a woman's intuition perks up and she acts on it that it's it says anything about the man in her
Starting point is 00:26:52 life i think i think it's probably i mean intuition is part of the feminine superpower right you know so it's it's one of those, it was beautiful in 2020 when the female intuition kicked up. It was wonderful to see. We got to do more. We got to do this. We got to do that.
Starting point is 00:27:14 We got to move out, you know. I loved it. Keep it going. Keep it going. So what other things What other hard copies What other hard things Are worth preserving
Starting point is 00:27:31 I'd say that you know American history itself To whatever degree you can Attain it However many pieces and parts And parcels you can attain There's a lot of value in that There's a lot of value in Attain it. However many pieces and parts and parcels you can attain. There's a lot of value in that.
Starting point is 00:27:53 There's a lot of value in the preservation of this nation and its ideals and its history. Do you know what I mean? There's definitely value in preserving the American experience, American history, the American way. I don't know, PBN family, how we wind up back here. You know what I'm saying? I have no idea how we wind up back here if we lose grips with America. You know, who in their right mind would go back. To the founding documents. I can't think of a person that would go back to the founding documents. And say you know what.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Let's give all these crazy people all the power. And you know. We'll just do our little bit of time. I want to keep reading things. You know that? I'm in the mood for that. I'm over at the I'm going to give you nightmares, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:56 I don't know why. I just feel like reading some news at the moment. I used to read from this site so much. I don't hardly visit it anymore. You get to the point where you can only take so much abuse. You know what I mean? There's only so much abuse you can take. That's why I can't talk about Joe Biden and everything that's happening on the political side of things. There's only so much abuse you can take. You know, how many times can you go on a website or on a web browser and you have blatant lies in your face about, well, Biden is winning polls everywhere, all over the world and all over the galaxy. The Moon men were polled and even they want Biden back.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Like Democrats don't even want Biden. Inflation jumped in March as prices. Let me tell you the title of the article. I cannot afford to live, quote-unquote. Americans get emotional as the U.S. economy goes off the rails. Inflation jumped in March as prices for consumer staples—oh, I want to thank Are You Feeling Lucky for posting the consumer price index. In our Element chat room. You're in Element, right?
Starting point is 00:30:10 Sloan, I didn't get you into Element today. I do apologize. But I did get your message. Matter of fact, let's pause this show for a minute. We're going to do something special for one of our members, Sloan. Sloan left a comment on the podcast the other night. I really appreciate that. Anybody listening on Spreaker can leave comments. Comments are fun. They're nice. They make my day.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Reviews are even better. Thursday, Sloan to Element. Okay. Sloan, you've made it into the big book. That means whatever makes it into the big book happens Okay, in most cases So, we'll get you into Element Anybody out there Who's hungry for interaction With other preppers, who's hungry for community
Starting point is 00:30:58 In some sense, even if it's only digital You have got to Become a member at PBN And join us in Element If you can to become a member at PBN and join us in Element. If you can't become a member, right, we're talking about $5 a month you can sign up to be a member. Or you can go $60 for the whole year. However you want to do it, your call. You can get in to our, I don't even know how many, 20 plus chat rooms
Starting point is 00:31:27 and meet incredible people, you know. But you got to bring it. You got to bring it when you come to Element. You have got to bring it. You got to be on your best behavior and you got to bring it because right now our Element chat is filled with the best people. And it'll always be that way. Because if somebody comes in who is not the best people, then, you know, adios. So, if you're looking for connection, interaction, you know, you don't want to go on Twitter and fall into that hellhole or whatever. Go to and become a member, and I'll get you pumped into all the different element chats.
Starting point is 00:32:14 You know, join the fun. The Consumer Price Index, a key inflation gauge, rose 3.5% in March from a year ago. The U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday that's up from 3.2%. Garden Girl says, best behavior. You know what I mean. I'm not looking for people to be magicians in here or to be priests.
Starting point is 00:32:44 But I don't want stupidity, you know? I don't want people to come in and start fighting. In order to get a realistic idea of prices are rising, we need to look at specific categories. For example, Fox Business is reporting that the cost of energy is actually up 36.9%. Tuesday's inflation numbers punctuate what has been a dreadful three years for energy consumers.
Starting point is 00:33:09 The overall cost of energy in March is up 36.9%. Holy! From where it was in January 2021, according to the Department of Labor Bureau of... the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. And that makes perfect sense, right? That makes perfect sense. Of course energy's up.
Starting point is 00:33:30 You have a nation, you have a world attacking fossil fuels and wars everywhere. 171-year-old retiree in South Dakota says that his home insurance payment went up by 110% in one year. Oh my God. Ken Brown in Rapid City, South Dakota. What the hell is going on, South Dakota? Seen an annual cover with the American family skyrocket almost 110% this year from $1,665 to $3,490.
Starting point is 00:34:12 71-year-old Ken's on a fixed retirement income. His wife Valeria, 68, still working to help cover the insurance bill. Can you imagine? Her wife's 70 years old. She goes, honey, just stick it out. Just stick it out, honey.
Starting point is 00:34:31 At one California location, a 40-piece order of chicken McNuggets and two orders of large fries, and I'll set you back more than $25. $25? A 40-piece nugget and two fries.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Two large fries. $25 at McDonald's. $25.39 to be exact. Going back to Cali. Going to get my $20 an hour. With everything that's going on, they've really ruined things over there, haven't they? How did California make this decision?
Starting point is 00:35:09 There's one thing that AI can never give us. There's one thing that we'll never have with all the superpowers of artificial intel, whatever. And maybe it wouldn't even be as entertaining as I hope. And maybe it wouldn't even be as entertaining as I hope. And, you know, if anybody has the balls out there in the Daily Wire, in the resources or something like that to make a film like this, please. What happens in the boardrooms? What happens in the town hall meetings? What happens in these meetings where they propose such lunacy?
Starting point is 00:35:45 Like the people in Oregon, right? The people who run Oregon, what is it over there? It's getting late, man. I'm just dead on my feet, right? I'm like round 16 Joe Lewis right now. I can't think of it. I can't think of the hell hole in Oregon where they had the takeover of Antifa.
Starting point is 00:36:15 The fascist takeover of anti-fascist. Anyway, they made all drugs legal and they thought that was going to work out. And it didn't work out. So now they're backing out of that stupid idea. You know what's funny? One of the first real arguments I ever heard about making all drugs legal was from a guest on the Joe Rogan podcast,
Starting point is 00:36:43 who is now considered a right-winger. He had an hour-long conversation with a Dr. Baker, I think, and it was all about this idea of, like, maybe we should just make everything legal. And they sat there and they bandied about, and now I look at the world today and I'm like, people look at this guy, Joe Rogan, as a right-winger. He's like a conservative fella it's so crazy I can't even tell you I have this story in the chamber for I don't even know why I would wind up on the Joe Rogan show but
Starting point is 00:37:22 I'd like to tell him the story of the first time I ever saw Joe Rogan. And I could tell that story right now, but it would ruin the whole show. It's so vulgar that it would ruin the whole show, to be honest with you. But it's funny. Last week, a TikTok user posted an anger rant about the cost of living that's since been viewed five million times. I make over three times the federal minimum wage and I cannot afford to live, he shouts into the camera. It's embarrassing to come out and say that it is a struggle to survive right now, but I know so many people are struggling. And then he says my most hated phrase, the American dream is dead.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yep. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. So in the face of all that, what's worth keeping? What's worth getting rid of? What's worth keeping? How many pictures of your family do you have? Do you have the real thing?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Do you have videos? Do you have DVDs? Is everything digitized? Do you have anything hard? Pictures are a big one, man. Pictures, even I have failed to collect nice, especially recent, most recent pictures. If it all went away tomorrow, it wouldn't be good.
Starting point is 00:38:43 It wouldn't be good in the preservation of our family memories you know that's a problem that's a real problem not that families didn't get along forever without having a picture of every other step they took and every vacation
Starting point is 00:38:59 but still there are things worth preserving but still, all right, there are things worth preserving. Books. What kind of books do you like? I may have a preservation list for you, and I think I'll end the show on this.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah, let's end the show on this. Before I, this is the funny part. This is the real funny part that I didn't even put together in my own head. Before last night, when I saw Denzel's character talking about reading the 100 great books, I had already started something like months ago called 100 must read books to survive doomsday and I'd been working on it working on it working on 100 books is a lot um it may be 75 I'm not sure the working title is 100 must read books and it's not going to be it's going to be free. I'm going to give it to everybody. It's going to be awesome. It's got the it's the real deal.
Starting point is 00:40:12 You know, it really is the real deal reading list for preppers and survivalists. And it's my unique list. You know, it's not like the SAS survival manual. And, you know, it's the books that I've read, the books that I read, the books that I keep on my shelf. It's not like the SAS survival manual. It's the books that I've read, the books that I read, the books that I keep on my shelves, and the books that I want you to consider keeping on yours. So I don't know when that will be out. I'm doing two books per page.
Starting point is 00:40:42 That's 50 pages. I have like five or six done or something like that. But once it's finished, it's going to be cool. I'm linking to every book. You can go to Amazon, you can buy the e-book, you can buy the hard copy, whatever you want to do. The idea came to me, I was reading, well, I'll just be 100% honest with you, because you might want to do something similar, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:09 I was reading the 50 essential books to read by Chris Williamson. And I really liked the layout of this little PDF that he created. I saw that he was pushing people towards Kindles and pushing people towards, you know, this kind of stuff. And I realized, oh, this guy's building his mailing list and making money off of Kindle and Amazon purchases with this thing, along with providing an awesome list of books. And I said, you know, we need one of those. We need something like that. Never forget I'm in business, folks. You know what I mean? The beginning of each month, the middle of each month,
Starting point is 00:41:49 and the end of each month, I get bills. I get bills. They show up. Hey, you want to keep this podcast thing going on? You better pay out, son. And it's not cheap to have an archive of 5,000 podcasts. That's where we're at. We have over 5,000 podcasts. That's where we're at. We have over 5,000 podcasts.
Starting point is 00:42:09 It's an amazing thing. It's actually a national treasure, in all honesty. It really is at this point. At this point, the PBN Archive is something of a national treasure. It's a journal. It's a red journal through so many different moments in time and history. And of course, it's something no one values quite yet. It's the collection of preppers' thoughts, actions, programs, plans through the years,
Starting point is 00:42:42 the building of that infrastructure to share with the rest of the world, you know? What else? What else are we doing? Whatever. What else are we doing? I woke up at 6 o'clock today. I slept in. But then again, I stayed up late. I don't know. I'm sweating as we speak. I was like, I'm going to do yoga today, take it easy, you know? I was outside all day, took the dogs on a long walk through the creeks and through the woods. Then I went and did a big run. I don't know. Any more when I say, hey, take it easy today, recover a little.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Any more when I do those things, the opposite happens. Now, we do have the power within. The power within is this month's routine. I am woefully behind on the weekly off-grid build. Well, actually, I'm not too far off, because I'm going to do it tomorrow. But we did some things. Today, day A is a one-mile run, weekly off-grid build,
Starting point is 00:43:57 play around in the Collapse Survivor app, which is pretty fun, you know, and Commander Yoga. That's why I had yoga on my heart. But in some ways I did, in some ways I did. I played Beat That. It's a really fun game for families, Beat That. I think Sarah Hathaway pointed me towards it last Prepper Cam. Beat That is this really fun wager game that you can't not like.
Starting point is 00:44:24 You know, it's a betting game. It's a weird physical challenge game. Like the box comes with chopsticks, dice, six solo cups, six ping pong balls, like an hourglass, 30 second hourglass. I mean, it's the things they can figure out how to get you to do and to try with just those little bit of ingredients. It's a blast, you know, and you can wager on each one of these things. Me and my son, my little son, we played it. We ended at the chopsticks, used chopsticks to get four dice out of a cup, then into a cup in 30 seconds. Use chopsticks to get four dice out of a cup, then into a cup in 30 seconds. He's good with chopsticks.
Starting point is 00:45:08 He wasn't good at this. And when he didn't do as good as he'd like, he threw the cup and the dice across the room. Game over. Game over. Get up in your room. PBN family, I think that's it for me folks listen go to the pbn links link tree down there in the description support the sponsor support the show all that kind of stuff leave us a review whatever primarily i say those things because other people say those things and say
Starting point is 00:45:40 they're the right things to say to grow your podcast. What I really think matters is that you share. Share it with somebody who needs it and definitely consider membership. Yes, membership is great. Membership financially really helps. But even better than that, it really helps you. I mean, that's just what it is. And it's going to help you on a number of different levels.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Today, for my members, I'm not sure if you checked out the Hoogle Culture video. Simple, straightforward. My first shot at building one of these Hoogle Culture beds. It's a small little mound. I'm going to put some cantaloupe seeds in it. But the process was easy. The process was helpful. The process eliminated some serious yard waste,
Starting point is 00:46:30 which was one of the reasons I went into it. And now we'll get to see how she cranks, right? All right, folks. It is the time to be prepping and prepping hard. Like, it is the time. So get on it, man. No point in wasting time. Live your life.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Enjoy your life. And, well, it's like I said with the 100 books. Do I have time to read 100 books? Do I have time to read at all during the day? The truth of the matter is, yeah, I do. Yeah, I can cut things out of my life that are not reading the best books ever written and find a little time to read.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Will I read all 100 books? Probably not. I don't know. Who knows? You know how easily I distract that I am. I'm amazed I can do an hour-long show twice a week. But this is your life. Do you know what I mean? Like, this is your life. Get a little manic, like the intrepid commander, okay? Get a little manic. Get excited about some
Starting point is 00:47:37 things. Try some things. Fail at some things. You know, if I read 25 books out of the 100 best books list of all time list, that's still really awesome. If I take 25 of those books and put them on a bookshelf to preserve them for my kids, their kids, so on and so forth before they get banned and reworded and, you know, what are they called in 1984? What's something speak? Can't think. Wrong speak, false speak, something like that. Anyway, group speak? No, I can't remember. Before all that happens, you know, put those things on the shelf.
Starting point is 00:48:16 But what one can do, one must do. What one can do, one must do. You notice that quote has nothing to do with doing things well, doing things perfect, doing things perfect, finishing things you started. No, it's just what one can do, one must do. You got to go for things. You got to go for it.
Starting point is 00:48:33 You learn just as much when you go for it, you know, even if you fail. All right, folks. I'll see you in dreamland, somewhere in dreamland tonight. Does anybody know that cartoon? Oh, my God, I love that cartoon so much. Christmas time. Got to watch it. Talk to you guys soon, all right?
Starting point is 00:48:56 See you. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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