The Prepper Broadcasting Network - もっと強く!!悟空の夢は超でっけえ A Tribute on I AM Liberty
Episode Date: March 14, 2024
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meme PBM Family, Challah He Challah, By Hironobu Kageyama
I want you to picture this real quick
This, well, let me just tell you that
This song
Was in my life
When I was 12, 13 years old
And this same song
Was in my 12 year old's life in the movies.
In the movie theater.
Brand new movie.
We just saw Dragon Ball Heroes.
Dragon Ball Z Heroes that came out last year.
But I want to tell you a story real quick.
First and foremost, you know, we don't need the hironobu anymore let's kill that
because we're going to go into the reminiscence now we are going to talk in dedication to akira
toriyama a guy who uh changed everything for everyone no really i guess he created what has to be the most successful manga slash anime of all time
in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon,
whatever the hell else I forgot, right, um, he died, he, he put this show out in 1989,
he died.
He put this show out in 1989,
way ahead of its time.
And it's important to,
well, actually, he put Dragon Ball Z out in 1989,
which is, that means Dragon Ball,
the beginning, sort of the original series
with Goku, who's the lead character as a kid,
came out earlier than that,
which is hard to believe didn't come to america
till much later but whatever we're gonna do some reminiscence because you have to understand why
am i doing a show like this dragon ball z has been a part of my life since i was probably 12 years old a big part, and it's never let loose of me, you understand, like, I don't remember when it was,
it was last, I think it was, where were we, we were in a hotel, it was last summer, okay,
this is, this is how you can understand this, last summer, we're in a hotel, my wife was having a,
at a hockey tournament. I don't
even know why I needed a shirt, but I needed a shirt for some reason. We were just staying
overnight at a hotel. She comes back, has clothes for the kids, has clothes for me,
and the shirt that she has for me is this Goku shirt from Target. Goku on the left side.
It's awesome. Super awesome shirt. I think it says Kakarot down the right side, I still wear it, I wore it the other day,
so this, this series, this character in particular, Goku and his life,
I don't know, it's been hooked into me for, you know, we're talking 26 years now, 20, and it's not letting loose,
you know, it's not gonna go anywhere, it's not gonna go anywhere, like, I watch it still,
I watch it still, and not, you know, just, like, bored, like, let's watch the Goku Frieza fight,
just like bored like let's watch the goku frieza fight and it's cool because now they have on youtube they have like cut out well we don't have to go into those details let's begin pardon me i
just ate a bunch of frozen yogurt before i came on which i desperately needed i did a three mile
trail run it felt like i ran a marathon i don't know what was wrong with me, but I was not feeling it.
Finished it anyway, but it was rough.
So the year is 80, I'm sorry, the year is 98, 99-ish.
I'm not sure when.
Probably 99-ish.
99 puts me at, 1996 I would have been 10, 98 98, 99 so I was probably 12, 13
Some along those lines
I have dogs here
So you're going to hear some crazy things in the background
Like that
If they decide to fight in the room
That I'm doing the podcast
Then we'll have to run some ads so I can kick them out.
So the year is 1999.
We'll go with that.
I guess I'm 13 years old.
I'm at a place called the Granite Run Mall.
The Granite Run Mall was the mall.
It was the place.
It was the Friday destination. It was where I saved up all my money for the week
and would go spend it.
We would be dropped off by a parent of some kind, a lot of us, you know, four or five of us.
And we would make our way through the mall and past most stores, and we would go to the wall to shop for music.
We would go to Spencer's to laugh at the funny stuff in the back and see what kind of cool T-shirts they had.
And then we would go to the big wig of the mall.
You see, because Concord Mall, which was a mall in Delaware,
granted, Run was in Pennsylvania,
Concord Mall had a small little shop, and it was a little nook,
and it was the place I ever got my first ever band T-shirt.
In fourth grade, what the... though in fourth grade my grandmother bought me
a corn shirt and it was so big that it came down to my knees i couldn't really wear it anywhere
you know i think i wore it one day to school i don't remember exactly it's hard for me in fourth
grades a long time ago but i know for a fact i had a plan to get a toy at KB Toys
and I said,
forget it,
I want the Korn shirt.
So I got the Korn.
What was I doing
listening to Korn
in fourth grade,
by the way?
What was going on?
Parents just were cool with that.
But they cursed like crazy too,
so maybe that was the deal.
they had Little Nook.
Hot Topic used to be
this Little Nook store. Nobody went in. You know, it was weirdos. Anyway, they had Little Nook. Hot Topic used to be this Little Nook store.
Nobody went in.
You know, it was weirdos.
Only weirdos go in there.
Just need this Little Nook.
Well, in Granite Run, the weirdos started getting,
started to be popular to be a freak.
That's what we were called, freaks.
So they built this monster Hot Topic, man,
that we'd go in there and just drool all over everything,
drool all over the merchandise,
drool all over the girls who were working there the girls who were shopping there you know what i mean
it was eighth grade ninth grade something like there was i had to be eighth grade actually
and uh yeah because i was still in middle school i'd met a kid named mike mike well let's just
call mike d for his his own personal uh privacy but i i met a kid named Mike D in eighth grade
who really changed my life.
And I had the same effect on his.
You know, we were good buddies for a really long time.
We're walking through this massive hot topic.
And I have one goal in mind, and it's to get a Goku shirt.
And I don't even really know who Goku is yet.
Mike keeps telling me about him,
telling me about Dragon Ball Z.
We watched a couple episodes on Toonami,
Cartoon Network, at his house.
We'd go to Mike's house after school
because Mike wasn't allowed to go nowhere, right,
after school.
So I'd go chill with him at his house
and we'd watch Toonami.
And I don't remember what came on before,
but we'd always watch it.
And then it would end and Dragon Ball Z would come on.
And Mike's seen a bunch of it, but he hadn't seen it all, but he'd seen a bunch of it. He was kind
of walking me through it. And I was there, man. I was there to get a shirt with Goku on it. I
didn't care. That was my one goal because this guy was like a, he was a weird thing for me at
the time because I was on my way out of popular culture.
Now, I was long out of popular culture by eighth grade, actually, but there were some things I was
holding on to, and strength was one of them. I remember in seventh grade, I was still lifting
weights. In about sixth grade, my dad bought some weights and a bench, and he taught me how to lift weights. And I used to do it a lot when I was
bored. Remember bored? Do you remember bored? I'd be bored and I'd be like, all right, let's go do
some bench press. Let's do some flies. I got like a big chest at a very young age from all the
lifting of weights. And I was even like drinking protein powder in seventh grade.
I remember.
I did no sports.
This was not for sports.
I don't even know why I was doing it.
I have no clue.
But Goku gave me a reason.
He was big, strong, jacked, monstrous.
You know, the guys in Dragon Ball Z are jacked.
Like, it doesn't even make sense.
Rising Dragon Ball Z or Jack doesn't even make sense.
Particularly in the Frieza saga on through the Android saga.
That's when the size of the Saiyans, it's incredible.
They kind of slim out and get more efficient as the series goes on,
more efficient for fighting. But in those series in particular,
there's an emphasis on the jacked, and there wasn't anything like that in my life, because I
was listening to a lot of heavy metal, I was, I was definitely in that freak culture, in my friends,
and, you know, I wanted a band, all that kind of stuff, the girls that I dated, all that was all,
you know, it was that, we were in that sort of social group.
There was no going around it.
There was no, you know, we didn't listen to rap.
Rap sucked, you know, all that kind of stuff.
We had this click, and that's what it was.
But for some reason, this series resonated with me.
You know what I mean?
And I was brought into this series
watching the Frieza saga take place.
I guess the best thing for me to do
to help you understand what the hell is going on a little bit
is to describe a little bit about
what the hell Dragon Ball Z even is.
Because some of you out there
might actually be trying to force yourself through an episode like this.
Hats off to you.
But largely it's a series centered around a guy who's kind of a ripoff of Superman.
And his name is Goku.
His birth name is Kakarot.
Just like Kal-El, his name is Kakarot. Just like Kal-El, his name is Kakarot. Now, the funny thing about his
race, Superman's race being the Kryptonians, Goku's race are named the Saiyans. And what Akira
Toriyama did with Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball, which made it so silly but so awesome was everybody's name, every collective had some sort of name that was tied to
a group of things. So the Saiyans were actually all named after vegetables. I know that sounds
crazy, but it's exactly what it is. They lived on the planet Vegeta.
The king was Vegeta.
Vegetable Vegeta, right?
Goku, the main character,
was his Earth name given to him by his grandfather of the same name.
His actual birth name was Kakarot.
He fights a much bigger,
much more powerful character later,
Saiyan named Broly,
who was just a play on the word broccoli.
And in the manga, I think his name was broccoli in Japanese.
His brother's Raditz.
Goku's brother comes to fight him too.
His name is Raditz, right?
Every Saiyan that shows up is named after a vegetable.
Broly's dad is named Paragus, like asparagus, right?
These guys are the biggest, strongest, world-destroying,
dominating creatures in the universe.
They transform into giant gorillas in the full moon.
It was the way they would take over warring planets, right?
Like the Saiyans were a race of people who showed up at your planet and took it over, killed everyone, took planet over.
And if they ran into trouble, they would show up when the moon was full and turn into something called an Uzaru, a giant gorilla monster, right?
So the idea that Akira Toriyama named all these guys after vegetables is just, it adds to the playfulness of what Dragon Ball Z was all about.
Because Dragon Ball Z was tremendously playful a series.
And I don't know, because of that, because it wasn't 24-7 serious, because you had a guy like a master of martial arts named Master Roshi who taught
Goku at a young age how to fight, really. I mean, really fight. How to use a lot of his techniques
and moves, if you will, that he used for the rest of the series, right? This guy was a brilliant
old martial artist who lived on a little island
but he was also a complete perv like he always had dirty magazines on him and
always that's that was his thing so there was always like this little tint of of sort of the
playful or the reality of life in dragon ball z outside of just the mere fighting, and it helped the series,
you know, because the series would get dark, you know, people die all the time in Dragon Ball Z,
main characters get axed, like, it's not a thing, you know, holes get blown through people that you care about in the series, and they're hacking up blood.
You know what I mean?
So any story that can kind of take you through all the different layers of life is magic.
You know, it really is magic.
And it was kind of the silliness of the Saiyans' names.
That's one of these sort of crazy collections of names tethered to interesting things.
One of the main human characters in the story is a woman named Boma, who is a brilliant
scientist inventor.
Now, mind you, this is why when I grew up and started hearing about the fact that there were no cool women, no cool women characters.
You remember, I was raised on Aliens.
I was raised on Terminator.
I was raised on horror movies.
I was raised on Dragon Ball Z.
Bulma is the essential character in the story because she literally invents the Dragon Radar.
The reason the story is called Dragon Ball Z is because there are seven Dragon Balls on the planet Earth,
and if you gather them all, you can make a wish for anything you want.
And Dragon Ball, the original series, is basically about Bulma and Goku running around finding those Dragon Balls.
But she's so brilliant that she creates a radar that can find them.
So they can always go find them when they need to.
Bring people back from the dead, whatever they need to do.
So she, you know, rich, smart, famous, pretty, everything.
The whole thing, right?
pretty, everything. The whole thing, right? The whole thing that like, through my adult years,
people were telling me, there's no representation for women like this. These women like this just don't exist in the limelight. And I'm like, have you seen the most popular anime of all time? You
never saw it? She's literally like the probably one of the second or third most important characters in the whole series.
She's so important, in fact, that her hair has changed over almost 20 times throughout the whole series. That's how much care and detail goes into her character. I mean, she's, you know,
super important. Anyway, her name is Bulma. Now, I didn't know it at the time, but Bulma is a word
for an undergarment. and her whole entire family,
including her children,
are all named after undergarments,
one of the coolest characters in the whole series,
is a guy named Trunks,
he's got a blonde bowl cut,
he's got a sword,
he wears like a denim jacket,
when he first shows up,
he kills Frieza in like two seconds,
who is one of the strongest people at the time,
and he's sweet, and his name's Trunks, Kills Frieza in like two seconds, who is one of the strongest people at the time.
And he's sweet.
And his name's Trunks.
And he, her father's name is Dr. Briefs.
Trunks has a daughter named Bra.
I mean, that's how these things play out. But again, it's more silliness.
Do you know what I mean?
It's silliness.
But it made the show what it was, man.
It made the show what it was,
and what the show really was fundamentally
and what it still is today,
it's something that you didn't have
in many action series.
The action series that had it
were things like X-Men and things like Spider-Man, the animated
series. And what they had were drama, right? But no one did drama like Dragon Ball Z did drama.
Dragon Ball Z, we used to joke and we used to call it the soap opera for men. Like that's what we,
in eighth grade, that's what we would call it. It's the soap opera for men.
That's what it was.
You could have two guys
jockeying back and forth
before they fight for five episodes.
You could have guys stare at each other
from across an empty battlefield,
like a wasteland with rocks and rubble,
stare at each other from across
and share a little bit of a dialogue
through like one to two episodes.
Now, there was other storyline going on, right,
that kept your interest kind of piqued,
but the tension, the way that Akira Toriyama did,
in the animated series anyway,
created the tension that kept you on board was like,
oh man, they're about to go at it. And that like, on a Monday, you're like, oh God, Mike,
they're getting ready to fight, man. This is going to be crazy.
By Friday, you're like, they're just about ready to fight any second now. And it was sweet.
You know what I mean? It was great how they did it.
I mean,
it was really one of the last,
it was one of the last shows
that existed
that was shamelessly masculine.
Do you know what I mean?
We're talking the year 2000
is when it really started to hit in America, maybe by like 2002. I don't know. It got increasingly popular as the 2000s went on.
Dragon Ball Z stuff being everywhere.
Like I remember seeing it in places I never saw before and all that kind of stuff.
We would roll up into another place we would go to
when we were mauling about was a movie store.
And I remember like the first time we showed up in that video store.
I can't remember what it was called, but it was upstairs.
We showed up in that video store and they had box sets of Dragon Ball Z and it was like, but it was upstairs. We showed up in that video store, and they had box sets of Dragon Ball Z, and it was like,
oh my god. And they were like,
It was something crazy.
They might have been $50.
And we were like, dude,
getting one of them for Christmas, that's
crazy. $50, but for
a whole series.
A whole
saga, is what they would call them. Delighted and raptured and
tranced, the whole deal. Look, let me collect myself here. I'm geeked out to the max. We'll
do a little bit of a commercial. We'll come back. I may talk about Dragon Ball Z
for the rest of the show. I'm not afraid. Okay. I may talk about other things. I'm not sure. We'll
see how it goes. If you're still here listening, I appreciate you. Do you know what I mean? It's,
you know, sometimes you just have to have these one-off shows, guys. Sometimes you have to put
the Putin to rest. You have to put the Biden to rest. You have to put the Biden to rest.
You have to put the Trump to rest and think about something else.
Do you know what I mean?
We'll be right back.
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Are they really going to ban TikTok?
I'm very interested to see if they wind up banning TikTok.
Are they going to ban TikTok?
Can they ban anything in America?
Are things able to be banned in America?
Make no mistake about it.
Our freedom is undoubtedly going to be taken advantage of if we have no ability to regulate with personal responsibility and discipline
right now there are people saying like it's my livelihood it's small businesses we sell on tiktok
you can you can sell anywhere you can sell on shopify you can sell on instagram
but tiktok i tell you
my son buys stuff on tiktok sometimes it's hilarious
you know he's a kid it is what it is but it's funny do you have to uh have a seizure right
next to the microphone my my man? Yeah?
Okay. That's good.
I bring these dogs over here, right?
When I have a busy day, I'll bring
them to this other location
where I do the show sometimes.
And I'm like, yeah, man,
I was busy today. They were
stuck in the house. Maybe they didn't get to play
as much.
And they'll just sit here.
You know what I mean?
There's a backyard.
The back door is wide open.
And this guy will just have a seizure right next to the microphone while I do this show.
It's funny.
I don't know.
What else?
Anybody else absolutely feeling disenfranchised over the whole american experience at the moment
that's yours truly okay that's how i feel today i have no desire to discuss anything
having to do with any political thing war world war three nuclear war i didn't get on instagram
today i didn't even want to go down that path.
I was writing a book about avoiding being kidnapped for a client,
and I just, no desire.
It was beautiful outside.
You know what I mean?
You get into that mind frame where it's like you see the bear trap for what it is.
Do you know what I mean?
Like, you ever see the bear trap when you wake up?
I don't know if that happens to people.
Most of us don't see it.
Most of us wind up foot in the bear trap,
screaming and yelling, hollering, right?
What I mean by the bear trap is you wake up and you get your day started
and maybe you forget to touch your cell phone, right?
Maybe you forget to touch your, your sickened cell phone. So you're like, maybe you wake up
and you turn on the side of the bed and you think, thank God for another day. I've been doing that a
lot lately. Thank God for another day. Put the Crocs on. I got to put the Crocs on and walk
around because I have this little dog and she's just,
she's just one of the most generous little creatures ever. You know,
she leaves little gifts about the house while we sleep at night. So I put the Crocs
and I head downstairs to get the day started. And sometimes I just leave the phone up there.
You know what I mean? I don't get into it into it and you know the day can start and the coffee can be brewed and I can start writing right away
and uh and before I know it I've gone hours and hours without falling into a breaking nose uh
witness number five has appeared on the Donald Trump hidden classified document case. Remember that? That was like big headline news for 25 seconds.
I seen that guy's face, and I couldn't,
I felt the whole of America within my spirit when I saw that.
I forget what they even called him, Juror 5, Worker 5,
whatever his name was.
I felt the whole of America.
Sometimes I see an issue online,
and I'll feel the entirety of the nation go,
I don't even care.
Do you know how little I care about this guy and his story?
That's what I felt like when I saw him.
And I think on the same day Liz Cheney came out, or she didn't come out,
but the story about Liz Cheney hiding the evidence over
Donald Trump being like, you know, just a little something. You haven't probably even heard about
it. I don't know if you've heard about it. I heard about it in passing twice. Not looking for it,
but heard of two different commentators talking about it. About the fact that Donald Trump was
like, hey, you want us to get 10,000 National Guard members down here just in case things get
hairy tomorrow? No, we don't need that. This is January 6th. I should look this up because this
is a wild story, man. This is a wild story you're not hearing anything about. Trump, 10,000 National Guard. Let's see if it comes up. Yep, comes up. 10,000 National Guard troops.
IJR, New York Times.
I can't even read New York Times.
They'll try to get money off me.
I'm looking for something fair and balanced.
That's funny.
What's just the news?
Let's go there.
This was never brought up when they did a show trial.
Remember the show trial?
They don't have it.
It's a video.
God, these news.
I think we need to do a news site.
I really do, guys.
I've been thinking a lot about doing an aggregator news site with with preparedness stuff and news you
know because the news sites suck independent journal review
i'm looking for what the part that matters after the colorado supreme port failed to unjustly keep
trump off the state ballot it came out on t Tuesday that the Democrat-controlled House January 6th committee intentionally suppressed a crucial testimony.
Because that's what you do when you are a Stalinist.
Which has been released by the committee on the House administration.
I can't say these words today.
These words are like a hole punch on my soul.
Do you understand?
These words nobody uses in real life.
Only when you talk about the shit pile government do you say,
The Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight
that proves Trump worked to control January 6, 2021, but was blocked.
The testimony revealed that the former president wanted to provide 10,000 troops for protection on that day to help in the city as needed.
Now, what do you think January 6 looks like with 10,000 troops?
A little different, right?
While Democrats have so vehemently used the events of the day to...
Trump actually made attempts to prevent anything from happening.
Remember Trump, the same guy who was...
You know, this was his whole plan.
His whole plan was...
His whole plan, according to these lunatics, was...
Break the windows and the doors down to the Capitol.
This is what I want you to do.
Per the report,
Trump asked for 10,000 national guards troops to be present in Washington,
but the Democrat DC mayor Muriel Bowser,
who sounds like a Mario brothers boss,
by the way,
kind of looks like a Mario Brothers boss, by the way, kind of looks like a Mario Brothers boss also, rejected the proposal.
I don't even know what she looks like.
Rejected the proposal, only approving 350 troops to control traffic.
Who messed up?
Imagine being one of these demons.
How do they live with themselves, PBN family?
How do they live with themselves?
I know the answer.
The answer is SSRIs, the anti-anxiety, anti-depressive medicines.
If you live an honest life, you look around and you go,
why are there so many fucking people on depressives?
Why are they on anti-depressive medicines?
What's with the medicines? What the medicines are for is when you're Mayor Muriel
Bowser and Donald Trump, a guy you hate more than anyone you've ever hated in your whole life,
you don't even know why you hate him. You just hate him. The people above you, the people below
you, the people around you said you should hate him. you, being, you know, a cloak, being like a sack of skin with no integrity, you're like, you know
what? You're right. I hate him. Yeah, I hate him. He goes, why don't we get like 10,000 National
Guard troops just in case Antifa shows up, the fights break out. You know, it's been kind of a weird couple years. You go, no, I got
350 troops for traffic. Get out of here. And then, see, that's bad enough, right? You're so far down
the road of screw up already, and nothing's even happened yet. Then January 6th happens,
and you're like, oh, I screwed up. I should have
listened to Donald Trump. People died. Just imagine being a Trump-hating D.C. Democrat mayor
and having to say, well, everything went bad, but you know what? Maybe we can flip it on him.
I should have listened to him. If I had 10,000
National Guard troops in D.C., this would have never happened. He was right. I was wrong. I still
hate him. You've screwed up so much already, right? If you're Mayor Muriel Bowser, you are You are already neck deep in your own shit.
Now, she's not even done yet, right?
Because now you're going to let an entire, because she's the mayor.
She could have raised her hand during this trial.
You know, she could have called reporters.
She could have said, you know, well, what a decent human being would do if all of this
started to pop up. Doesn't matter if you hate the person or not. If all of this stuff started to pop
off and all of a sudden you're Muriel, right? You're Muriel. You're living your life in the
most corrupt place in the world. All your friends are telling you we need to find out how we can
hang Donald Trump from the Golden Gate Bridge. And you're like, well, we'll get it figured out. Don't worry. A decent person would say, have they talked at all about the 10,000 National Guard
troops that he, because that doesn't seem to be making the headline. A lot of headlines.
I'm not seeing anything reflecting the Trump ask for 10,000 National Guard troops. I screwed that
up. People make mistakes. I, Muriel Bowser, right, of the Mushroom Kingdom, I screwed that up. People make mistakes. I, Muriel Bowser, right, of the Mushroom
Kingdom, I screwed that up. I'll take the blame for that. Donald Trump did ask for 10,000 National
Guard troops. Maybe I should call the New York Times and tell them, hey, before we put this man
on trial, before we've put his people in jail and, you know, smear their names, sully their name for a couple years,
and have a fake trial.
They could turn around and bite us in the ass, by the way,
especially if we don't show all the evidence.
I'd like to let the press know that Donald Trump did not have any plans for an insurrection.
He asked for 10,000 National Guard troops to be in D.C.
But she didn't do that. She didn't say shit. She just said,
I'm Mayor Muriel Bowser of the Mushroom Kingdom. That's who I am.
She didn't say I rejected the proposal. She didn't say I messed up. She didn't say I had a hand in
this. She didn't say it. And she said nothing. She just rocked. She probably sat home and watched a trial and said, I hope this MF burns. I hope we burn this bastard. We'll get him. This insurrection. I told you he was no good. That Donald Trump, that orange man.
That orange man.
So the way you wind up taking a handful of SSRIs in the morning is,
remember I told you I wake up, thank God, another day,
go down, water, a little sea salt, a little coffee, get the day going.
These people have to wake up and go, I live in a world of lies.
I have no integrity.
I've lied about everything.
The biggest news stories in all of the land are built around my lies.
The biggest cultural and social issues of the day
are things I don't even really believe in.
I just post about them.
When you wake up with zero integrity
and you look behind yourself,
metaphorically behind you, right?
You look behind you metaphorically
at the path you're on
and it looks like that scene in Twister
when Aunt May's house
and all the whole neighborhood is collapsed in. You look behind you and that's what it looks like.
It's just a collection of fires and smashed homes, wreckage.
That's the wake that you've left because you have no integrity.
no integrity. I mean, how, the real story here is, is that Muriel Bowser never raised her hand once and said, well, things are getting a little out of hand. We should at least talk about the
tech. She never said shit. She just was like, God, I hope they never bring that up.
I never hope they bring that up.
According to the withheld transcript of the interview,
White House Deputy Chief of Staff Ornato,
quote, Trump was on the phone with Mayor Bowser
and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed.
Now, this is interesting in and of itself.
I don't want to get into it.
Quote, I remember the number 10,000 coming up. You know, the president wants to make sure you have enough. You know,
he's willing to ask for 10,000. Renato testified. He then shared that Bowser turned down this offer.
So then I remember the chief saying, hey, I'm calling the secretary of defense to get that
quick reaction force in here, Renato said. Later, he testified. I remember the chief telling Miller,
get them in here, get them in here to secure the Capitol now.
I don't, it's interesting, you know.
This, these,
I can't do it.
I can't even like, it's
like a little hill that I have to
climb up to get on my high horse and bitch
about Democrats. I don't have it in me.
I just don't have it in me to talk about these people.
They don't even deserve to be talked about.
See, that's the problem.
I can't waste the time.
I'd rather talk about manga.
I'd rather talk about Japanese animation than I would talk about these loser louts with no integrity who have drugged and drunk themselves into oblivion
in order to live with the fact that they have wrecked the greatest nation on the planet by lying.
The good news is, for the next generation of Democrats,
the bar is so pitifully low. You know, you can really be
an incredible Democrat who really, you know, really stands for freedom and such,
because there's just none of that in their party anymore. It's wild.
Meanwhile, they're ready to hang you for being a Republican.
Are you a Republican?
Are you a Republican?
Get the gallows!
So, what do we want to do here
What to do with Fury
Winning over enemies
Being a protector
Fights to the death
Incredible feats of strength
One of the things Dragon Ball Z did so good man
And it was so important
And I don't know if they got it from Rocky or what
But there was an emphasis on training and the importance of training.
And they used the word training, too, which was a really weird word to use.
They would fight.
They would do crazy, different kind of crazy trainings and stuff.
But they used the word training, and that's an old word, you know?
Like, that's what my dad would call lifting weights.
How many times a week do you train?
Such a weird word, man.
But it was the word that you used.
And it was really cool to hear that word in Dragon Ball Z.
They used the concept of, like, weighted training and gravity training.
That just made a lot of sense.
And it always captivated you as a young guy because you're always doing the multiplication.
You know what I mean?
Like when Goku was traveling.
So Goku largely is just an insane martial artist guy
who happens to be the strongest guy on the planet.
And you know that because he fought all the strongest people on the planet and won right in the tenkaichi
um world tournament is that right i think that's right and then you know people from other planets
start coming to earth and he beats them, too.
Well, actually, when his brother shows up, he doesn't beat him.
His brother kills him.
No, I'm sorry.
Piccolo, his buddy, who's a Namekian, like a green alien with antennae.
He's like a bug kind of regeneration.
So he's one of the coolest characters.
But anyway, he winds up killing Goku, sacrificing Goku to kill raditz because they can't beat him they're too weak but anyway after a bunch
of stuff happens he winds up taking a spaceship that boma builds by the way you know just i'm
gonna build this spaceship that's gonna take you to deep space to a whole nother planet named namik and uh on the way
there he she installs this like gravity training device where you can multiply earth's gravity
so you can turn it up do you know what i mean you can turn it up two times four times the gravity
of the earth five times the gravity of the earth and by the time goku
gets to namik he's been training like such a maniac that he's training at 100 times earth's
gravity and that gives you an idea of like how how wild things get in dragon ball z from a strength
just a sheer strength you know strength is everything in that show.
They have these things, the Saiyans wear these things called scouters on their head.
It's like a one-glass headpiece.
And it measures people's power level.
Because it's all about power level.
You know, even as Saiyans are born, they measure their power level.
If their power level's too low, they can't be warriors.
They're just, you know, peasant class.
And of course, as fate would have it,
Goku is a peasant class warrior when he's measured at birth.
But he's sent away from the planet Vegeta before it blows up.
That's like Superman.
Because he's a total ripoff of Superman.
because he's a total ripoff of Superman.
And, yeah, one of his sort of... How do you describe Vegeta?
Vegeta is the old king of planet,
or the old prince of planet Vegeta.
His dad's killed when the planet blows up,
and he's basically left under the tyranny
of a character named frieza for
a long time until he rebels but he fights goku early on in the series and loses maybe i shouldn't
spoil all this for you i know you're gonna go watch dragon ball z tonight for sure and the rest
of the series him and vegeta have you know something of an off and on friendship but an a forever
competition for who's the strongest and vegeta's i mean 90 of vegeta's existence is to become
stronger than goku and defeat him i mean that's that's what his life becomes and uh
yeah it's a bit it's a big deal to him. I mean, it becomes everything for him.
And most of the Dragon Ball Z series, he is strong.
I mean, he gets so crazy that he has Bulma build the same,
the exact same machine, the same gravity device.
And he is training, by the time he finishes up his training to catch up to goku at 450 times
the gravity of earth so that you know whatever you weigh 450 times that he uh he fights this character. This is what makes Dragon Ball Z so awesome.
He fights this character named Poi Poi in the Boo saga.
The Boo saga, here's another one of those weird name things, right?
The most powerful enemy in Dragon Ball Z
is a character named Boo, who looks like bubblegum.
He's like a little kid made out of bubblegum.
He's so incredibly strong, it's unbelievable.
And he goes through several iterations.
Doesn't matter.
But he's being brought to life by a guy named Bobbity
when he was introduced into the series.
And Bobbity has a father who
is also a wizard. Bobbity's like this
little crunchy-looking,
roachy-looking wizard
has a father wizard who created
Boo, and his name is
Bibbity Bobbbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.
So, yeah.
So while you're dealing with the fact
that this Boo creature is killing everyone,
you have to also, in the back of your mind,
be like Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.
The dad's named Bibbidi, the son's named Bobbidi. They're both
dedicated to bringing this creature Boo to life to rain holy hell on the universe.
But bringing him back to life, well, I'm going to show you.
life. Well, I'm going to show you. Let's see. Let's run a quick commercial and I'll come back and I'll show you the clip. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly
affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah.
Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.
All right, let's do it.
Vegeta's fighting Poi Poi.
And Poi Poi is just a run-of-the-mill kind of fighter.
And he's losing.
And Babidi uses his magic to take him to Poi Poi's home planet
where he has a distinct advantage, okay?
He has a distinct advantage on his planet, all right?
This is one of the things that makes Dragon Ball Z so epic.
Welcome to my home planet.
I've won many great battles here.
And by now, you've noticed that my planet is very different from yours.
It's the gravity.
Ten times stronger than Earth.
Your hopes of winning are falling faster than that stone.
You won't leave here alive.
This is Vegeta now.
Maybe if this was 500 times gravity, you might have an advantage.
But Ted, I don't even feel it.
So he's been training.
And Poi Poi didn't know it.
Bobbidi didn't know it.
But he's been training at 450 times the gravity of the earth, right?
So if you weigh, what's that?
What's that even mean?
If you weigh, let's say Vegeta probably weighs like a buck 80 max.
If Vegeta normally weighs a buck 80 times 450,
that means when he's training, his body weighs 81,000 pounds
and he can move so fast that he disappears from sight.
So this guy Poi Poi gets him on his home planet, and he's like, the gravity's 10 times that of the earth.
And you hear it.
He drops a rock, and it smashes down into the ground because the gravity's so hard.
And Vegeta says, I can't even feel the gravity.
And it's those crazy feats of strength that happen all throughout this show
man where it's just like a character trains and this is what i mean by the when the age of hard
work and determination was dissipating before my very eyes even in my own life to some degree
dragon ball z was there and it was like,
you know, that's what the whole backbone of the show was. Evil alien creature,
android monster demon thing shows up, train harder and kill it.
Even when I was like super slacker and didn't want to lift it, I stopped lifting weights. I
stopped doing any and
all physical activity. I still watch Dragon Ball Z. And those things were still there. And this
was like peak. This had to be about peak emasculation of men, right? Because we were
probably talking early 2000s. You know what I mean? Early 2000s really was when it was inaction,
when it was like your whole routine as a guy with a girl
was to play it pretty soft, you know what I mean?
It really was.
I mean, it was kind of all the stuff that has come,
the reckoning that has come now really was taking place
when I was coming up,
coming of age with girls, you know, it's, it was the shaving off, it was the rounding of the sharp
edges of man, and, you know, that was one of the things that kept it alive, oh, I didn't even
mention the title of the show, the title of the show is in Japanese, and it's called
Even Stronger, Goku's Dream is Super Huge,
Slash Goku's Next Journey,
which is the title of the final episode of Dragon Ball Z.
I don't know. I thought I'd put that as the title just because it looked weird.
What the hell?
So those kinds of incredible interactions, man, really made Dragon Ball Z what it is for me.
There's another standout, and I can't show you the clip.
I could show you the clip of it, but it doesn't, you know, you have to watch it.
See, this is a drama. You know what I mean?
There are a lot of instances in the show that are clip worthy. And then there are a lot that the clips can't do it justice. You know, one of the amazing things when you realize how old this series is, Vegeta, I guess it would have been in the early 90s, fights an android and and vegeta is insanely strong at the time and the android doesn't know
it but he's totally outclassed you know what i mean and one of the things that vegeta is
uh bandying about in his head as he's staring across from this android who just kind of beat
goku pretty bad you know what i mean? The android... Goku is good.
He gets hit with a heart virus
that's supposed to kill him.
And it starts to kick in
when he's fighting this android
that they've trained and trained and trained to fight.
They knew he was coming.
Goku gets sick,
and the android kind of kicks his ass.
Vegeta shows up just in time.
They haven't seen Vegeta.
He's been gone in space training 400 times Earth's gravity,
you know what I mean, to catch up to Goku.
And one of the things that he says, which is such a crazy idea,
such a crazy thing, but this is what makes the show.
He says, let me ask you, does a machine like yourself ever experience fear?
And this becomes sort of the whole story of the battle.
You know, he trash talks this android and he beats the shit out of him.
And then he finally gets him cornered inside like a depression in the ground that he creates from and smashing him into the ground and uh that's what he wants to find out do androids experience fear and you
without the build-up like without the build-up it's hard to explain because again this is a
soap opera for for boys so you're talking about 20 episodes before this about this boy from
the future comes named Trunks and tells them all, everybody's going to die. These androids are so
strong, they're going to kill everybody. Okay? Goku's going to die from a heart disease. I
brought him the medication so he doesn't, but everybody else is going to get murked by these androids.
And then Vegeta shows up, and he's just unstoppable.
You know what I mean?
So all this time, you're like, oh, my God, the androids are so crazy.
Is Goku, did he get strong enough to beat the androids?
Oh, my God, the heart thing kicks in.
He's getting killed.
They're going to kill Goku.
Then Vegeta shows up and runs roughshod.
You know what I mean?
I could go on and on, PBN family.
But I think what's important is... Well, first and foremost,
I think it's very important for you to have
these kinds of things in your life.
Do you know what I mean? I have a lot of these things in my life. It's an issue of throttle.
It's an issue of throttle. You need to have things in your life that get you excited.
in your life that get you excited. But you need to be able to manage it, right?
In the society that I see, people have almost no control over their throttle anymore.
And it's a delicate little sumbitch, right? Like you have to, when your throttle's all the way up,
that's when you're yelling at people in your car, right when you're yelling at people in your car Right?
You're yelling at people in your car Why did you cut me off?
You're yelling at your dog
You're always in the damn way
You're yelling
You know what I mean?
You're losing it
When your throttle's all the way up
You're losing it
So you try to throttle down
You know what I mean?
And there's a delicate little stasis level where you can get through a lot of your day
and live a good life and still get excited and still get depressed and still be happy.
But it seems that we either throttle too far down or too far up, right?
Like if you throttle down too far, it's apathy. It's, you know,
I'm here to accomplish tasks A through B, go to sleep and wake up and complete tasks A through C
and go to sleep and wake up. And any emotion that occurs is just going to get in the way of
me accomplishing those tasks or it's going to make someone upset who I don't want to
deal with being upset.
Like that kind of level of apathy is just SSRI.
You throttle too low, you wind up with an SSRI, right?
Same thing if you throttle too high, right?
You see the over throttle.
And, you know, I think you also see a lot of people who just go all the way up, all the way down, all the way up, all the way down.
You know what I mean?
Like they're screaming at a protest.
They're so impassioned about, you know, saving the planet, and then before you know it, they get home, and then they throttle completely down.
You've got to find that.
You've got to find those middle gears, man.
Those middle gears where life really happens.
You've got to be able to get excited, and you You got to be able to get excited.
And you got to be able to fall into depression.
And you got to be able to climb out of it.
Fight your way out of it.
Things like this, you know, like tomorrow night.
Like if I haven't geeked you out enough, tomorrow night.
I'm so excited.
The second half of Invincible is out I cannot wait my kid taught me about
Invincible I didn't even know what Invincible I would have never watched my son was like dad
you should watch Invincible I've been watching clips of it on YouTube and I was like man I don't
have time to watch a new cartoon of superheroes that's probably woke.
And it is, but I can deal with it.
And really, it's an amazing show.
And I don't know if everybody can find a value in it that I find in it.
I will tell you that in that show, I won't spoil it, but in that show, Invincible, there is a father and son.
Oh, God.
There's an artistic depiction of the relationship between father and son that can be forgotten.
I mean, it's such a deep lesson that is so easily forgotten by father and son.
And you have to see it.
It's depraved and violent and bloody.
But it's one of these scenes in a story that, I don't know what your relationship with story is,
but there are things in story that resonate.
There are things in story that you can hardly explain
because they hit the nail on the head so, just so perfectly.
And this scene, both in the comic book and in the series of Invincible,
is there's nothing you can say to a dad. There's nothing I could say to the dads out there listening that could convey the lesson the
way that it is written and illustrated and animated. And the series may never get better than that. But I'm enjoying it.
Get weird.
PBN family.
Enjoy some weird stuff.
You know.
You don't just have to watch.
Fieldcraft for survival.
Every night.
You know what I mean.
It's all good.
Be you.
Be happy to be you too.
I'm happy to be me.
I don't care.
I just did like 45 minutes on Dragon Ball Z on a prepper network.
This is me.
And I want you to know,
one of the reasons I always do these kind of,
well, I often do these kind of shows, these one-offs that are just my passion, is because I want you to know that I am not here to be super prepper survivalist guru.
I'm here to be James Walton.
And whatever happens along the James Walton journey, I'll share with you.
Do you know what I mean?
But never forget that this is my journey.
I'm not manipulating it to impress you.
You know what I'm saying?
This is me.
And most importantly,
I hope to inspire you,
of course to prepare,
but more importantly to be you. To inspire you, of course, to prepare, but more importantly, to be you.
To be you, because being you is the most important.
And to wake up every day in battle, one foot in front of the other,
for whatever it is that means something to you.
And if you don't have anything that means something to you,
you better damn well find something that means something to you. And if you don't have anything that means something to you, you better damn well find something that means something to you. Talk to you soon, PBN family. Rest in peace, Akira.
I appreciate you, my man. You, uh, yeah. You changed my life and you'll largely be in my life
probably till my last days. I didn't even talk about chichi
my wife talk to you soon pbn family
don't sue me海に広がるパノラマ
チャラ ヘチャラ胸がバチバチするほど
騒ぐ 元気玉
ni落ちてゆくよ パニックの空へ
シャラッ ヘッドシャラッ