The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Across the Radical Multiverse

Episode Date: November 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. today. I let my son stay home from school. He's off tomorrow. It's a rainy day, no recess. You know what I mean? One of those things. Around midday, my wife came home and surprised us all with Chick-fil-A for lunch. That was nice. That was a pleasure. And, you know, to live in a house like that with the family, doing the family things and, you know, all that, you get, I, when I head out into the real world, especially when I head out to places that I used to go, certain types of places with certain clientele, if you will, and certain ownership. The de-evolution that is happening is astounding. I told my wife around one o'clock, I'm going to run out and get some stuff for dinner and some stuff for Thanksgiving and just go out for a little while. You know what I mean? The house was full of people. I had thought that my kids were going to sleep in much later than the youngest did. And in my head, I had set aside, I had compartmentalized a place for quiet, lonely time, right? Quiet time to myself, which I need.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And it just didn't turn out. And then the house became full and, you know, the whole thing. And it just didn't turn out. And then the house became full. And you know, the whole thing. So I said, you know, I'm going to go out to a place I hadn't gone in a while. It's a time to seek out fine things. You know, fine wines, fine cheeses, that kind of stuff. And you never know what you'll happen upon.
Starting point is 00:02:02 So I set out to this hippie market called Elwood Thompson's. And it's a really cool place. It has been in years past. And I used to go there a lot. I used to, they had a great collection of kombucha there. They got good cheese, good produce, local, all local stuff, great meats, usually good fish, some vegan desserts. My wife's lactose intolerant, so it's easy to go to the vegan desserts
Starting point is 00:02:22 and get something good for everybody. So, you know, it's you know, it's happening. You know, there's a I'm sorry, the lady I just dealt with at the comic, the whole collection of of phantoms that I just dealt with at the local comic book shop I don't go to because the staff is so brutal has left me so, I mean, I feel bad. I don't go into these places and feel bad for me. Like, I don't leave these places like, oh man, I go and I leave and my heart is heavy for whatever type of a human being it is that exists in that shell of a person that once was human. And I feel terrible for them. You know, when I tell you that the left is built on cynicism and hypocrisy and, you know, resentment being the biggest one and misery. I never seen a better display.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I get out of the truck at Elwoods to market, right? So I went to the market first, comic book store second. I go to the market first, all right? I pull up to a white hatchback of some kind. I'm not a car guy. White hatchback of some kind. Great parking spot. Couldn't figure out why it was open.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I pull up. I say, oh, look at this. Look at this. Great parking spot. Okay, good. We're off to a good start here. As soon as I get out, I look in the backseat of the hatchback. There's a sign, you know, like a piece of wood taped to a foam board. And on the foam board says,
Starting point is 00:04:15 Palestine will be free. It's sitting in the backyard, like, I mean, in the backseat, like, like sports gear. You know what I mean? Like some something that you would do like a hobby you would undertake, you know, like I keep my fishing rods in the back of the truck and in a four inch PVC pipe, whatever. It was it was sitting back there. And I said to myself, you shouldn't even go inside. I mean, if mean if you need a better sign Mr. Walton It's a literal sign But you know I'm here I drove across town I might as well go in and see what's up
Starting point is 00:04:54 I walk in The guy at the door I got this problem lately With situational awareness I think everybody's gonna shoot the buildings up that i'm in i'm like counter sniper in all these buildings anymore it's it's really wacky um but you know it is what it is i told you security posture upgrade right um i walk in the building i run by i don't know how many. This is a telltale condition of a business run by these resentful monsters. This is a telltale, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:33 And I didn't realize it. I walk in. I'm nodding at people. I see a guy from far away looking at me like I have a hood on. Like I walked in the door and he peeks out from the corner and then stops and looks at me and keeps staring at me as I walk through the door. I've got a furry flannel jacket on, a thermal shirt, blue pants with a lot of pockets and some Wolverine work boots. Like that's the whole lot. I don't have a MAGA hat on.
Starting point is 00:06:01 But he's giving me the eyeball. First of all, number one one like he thinks something's up number two like he could ever stop me if something was up right like this this like oh we'll take care of this problem he looked like he weighed about 110 pounds and lived on a diet of tempeh so anyway i get in there i start walking around and looking around and I'm looking at the meat. I found a piece of salmon for $15.98. I'm not even kidding you. No, not a side of salmon. I found a single piece of salmon for $15.98. I started thinking to myself, where, where could you get a slice of salmon that has been caught, shipped to Virginia, butchered, cut from a side, then cut into a piece?
Starting point is 00:06:57 What type of a fish would I have to know about? What type of a salmon would I have to know about in order to actually spend this money 15 on a piece of salmon 16 actually 17 with tax one piece so already i'm getting kind of mad right because i know people pay it and i'm thinking these people are taking advantage. And I'm walking around. You know, it's a cool market. It's got like a health supplements, pills, and potions section.
Starting point is 00:07:34 It usually has a pretty decent produce section. But I walked through the produce section. It was kind of, wasn't a lot going on. And the produce itself wasn't that great. I was kind of surprised. I was in Wegmans yesterday. And the produce was top notch, man. This place, not so much. I'm walking by constantly. There's a thousand people that work there. There's 20 times more people working there than there are shopping there, right? Everybody's walking. They're getting in your way. They're walking down aisles. They're stocking shelves. They don't say excuse me.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I bought a beet juice with ginger in it because it's one of my things. I do love a love a beet juice. I know it's weird, but it is what it is. I buy a beet juice, a six pack of holla rolls, a baguette and leave. Frankly, I looked at the wine the i couldn't understand the wine i said look if i find a cabernet sauvignon i'm gonna get it and and scratch that off the list you know what i mean they got wines from all over the world georgian wines italy france oregon none of them say none of them say Cabernet Sauvignon. I'm getting pissed. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Then I go to checkout. And I had an epiphany at checkout. Because the checkout lady was as apathetic as the rest of the crew. Right? I mean, they're like zombies. Do you know what I mean? Like, I wonder what gets them excited other than protesting. like zombies. Do you know what I mean? Like, I wonder what gets them excited other than protesting.
Starting point is 00:09:10 She has on the biggest pink mask I've ever seen anybody wear. I mean, she looked like Melina from Mortal Kombat. You know what I mean? It was an enormous pink mask. I mean, it almost covered her eyes up. And that's when I had the epiphany. I'm talking to her. She's, you know, she's as happy as everybody else there. And it's not that they're outright miserable. It's not, it's, they're not there. They're just, just droning.
Starting point is 00:09:41 You know what I mean? What do you like? What do you like? Groaning, you know what I mean? Would you like a receipt? Would you like a receipt? And you look at it and I'm like, what do you like? What gets you going? But I'm looking at her and as I left the store, I realized two things. The first thing I realized is that the liberal women are evolving, particularly the mask wearers.
Starting point is 00:10:09 They're evolving into the burka. That's the evolution. They're going to go from wearing the little mask to wearing these full lower mandible, lower half of the face, face coverings, right? They're going to go from boom to boom. Then slowly it's going to creep up over the head until only the eyes are visible. Because what, and this is the line in my head that made me laugh out loud while I was driving like a lunatic. What is more equal?
Starting point is 00:10:41 How better can you showcase equality than a burqa? Right? A really strong, hefty, black, trash bag style burqa that covers up every discernible feature about you. There's no better way. There's no better way to promote equality amongst women if they're all in black hefty trash bags with only the eyes showing i mean i guess you could you know have your preference between brown eyes blue eyes you know that whole thing but outside of that i mean it doesn't get no better right how could it get any better
Starting point is 00:11:20 so i leave there laughing about that and I'm thinking to myself on the whole ride To the comic book store To the comic book store now I'm thinking to myself Not one person in there said Hi, welcome to Elwood Thompson's Hey, how you, nobody I said how you doing to seven different people
Starting point is 00:11:41 I think and they said They had like a Like a Tourette's convulsion and i leave that place and i'm thinking to myself god it stinks and i look at the sign one more time and laugh right and before i took off towards the comic shop actually i texted my wife and said so i'm at elwood's i get out and I'm immediately. The car next to me has a sign. In it that says free. Palestine will be free.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Written in marker. You know. It's the boring. It's the very worst thing. That could happen to people like this, because you look at them all. They all look like the same. They all look like somewhere in life. They were unique, like someplace in life.
Starting point is 00:12:33 They were unique. And somehow they all cobbled together to work at this hippie grocer. And they've all been corralled together. And none of them look unique. Now, they all look the same. They all have the same dejected looks on their faces because they let their dreams die in the name of equality and you know their true dreams and their true passions they had to set aside so they could make sure that that darker skinned people would prevail or something to that if whatever the hell
Starting point is 00:12:59 their crazy ideology is and they all look the same and they're all so damn predictable and they're all incredibly boring, man. I want you to think about this. You know, these types of people or the people that these people originated from, like the creators of the Elwood Thompson's market,
Starting point is 00:13:21 were incredible people. Always the liberals were the ones to bring the high-quality, high-class food to an area. They were the ones to bring the top-notch, high-class bread to an area. You want good, crusty, well-baked bread, sourdough, whatever the hell you want. You know what I mean? Good quality bread always requires liberals. You go to an area that is dominated by conservative right-wing people, the bread is all soft. It's all soft. It's all white. The rolls are soft. There's no crust on the outside.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I understand. I came from a place that was incredibly liberal. And, you know, the food is tremendous. Same with the coffee. You go to a place, right? The health foods, all that kind of stuff was derived from brilliant, real liberals who got outside the box and brought to the community something unique and were passionate about it. And they were beautiful people to be around. They were interesting and exciting. And you said to yourself, you know, I understand why, number one,
Starting point is 00:14:38 this is alluring and number two, they're successful and I can appreciate it. and I can appreciate it. This new crop is bullshit. They are just there. I don't know why they're there. I don't know why they come out of their houses. So anyway, let's get to the second nightmare of, you know, what is it? What is it?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Dealing with liberals who want your money. That's the funny thing about it all right it's like you're paying them so i roll up into this comic shop i knew exactly what i was coming to get and i got it and and you know that was the best part of the whole experience was me finding what i wanted and staying there for about five minutes to look at some Punisher comics. I stepped through the doors of this place, which is going to fail. I mean, this is a comic shop that if it has a year left, I'd be surprised. I drive by it a lot. It's always empty. There's always five people working there, like any failing liberal establishment. There's 25 people working there. Nobody's doing anything. They're probably not even businesses anymore.
Starting point is 00:15:47 They're probably just like Hamas, Amero Hamas locations for terrorism. Where they command and conquer the streets from these locations. But anyway. I walk into the place. there's four people behind there's two people in front of a counter and two people behind a counter right they they look at me as quickly as a person can look at a person hey and turn their heads right back just like that They're over there You know
Starting point is 00:16:26 Laughing and doing whatever And talking about iPhones And they turn their head And go Like goats And then And then they're right back to To talking
Starting point is 00:16:38 You know like they're hanging out there And they were just being polite Like the store owner's in the back He'll be out in a minute to actually greet you we're just gonna go at you real quick you uh go ahead and wander aimlessly around the store we won't talk to you or or even pretend you exist give us your money you know what i mean and if i didn't want what I was there to get so bad, I probably would have left the place. I probably should have, to be honest, because I have a comic book store on the other side of town that I should have spent the money with.
Starting point is 00:17:12 But going forward, I will. Because this is a three book set and they're expensive. So I'll apologize to her, too. I'll tell her I was over there at the Paper Tiger and those people were dicks. So then I check out and the lady that checks me out is the most nonchalant lady i've ever run into in my whole life she won't look at me in the eyes she's trying to act cool and chill you want a seat now okay and then like before i even go through the motions, she hands me the product. My card is in. Before I even get to like the cash back thing, she's already gone.
Starting point is 00:17:55 She's already left. She didn't care if it approved or declined. And just let me sit there and finish tapping. And then, okay, guys, have a good day. And they don't say anything and I leave. And I get in my car and I say to myself, you know, I hear all the time. I listen to the youth a lot. I listen to podcasts of people who are young trying to find love or trying to be in relationships.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And I listen to what they say and they say crazy things. Like, just crazy they say crazy things about people about dating people they're like what is wrong with people anymore and I'm always like man maybe they're being a little you know maybe they got their own issues maybe they're being a little bit extreme whatever the situation is and then I go out in the real world and i see these creatures of the black lagoon and i say to myself you know what thank god thank god for lady liberty that's all i could say because if i had to deal with these if i was out in the world right now trying to find a mate i don't know it'd be very hard i'd go i guess i'd probably go right to the uh
Starting point is 00:19:08 be very hard i'd go i guess i'd probably go right to the uh deepest darkest corners of right wing mania to try and find somebody before i ever dealt with whatever jack-in-the-box emotional damage i'd have to deal with you know falling in love with a woman that is of that kind. I don't know. It was an amazing day, PBN fans. It was a span of an hour. In one hour, I had my face shoved into the hearts and minds of the liberal establishments. And I'm telling you right now, it ain't pretty. It ain't pretty at all. And I hope they have a good Thanksgiving for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And I hope they turn things around in 2024. Because they all looked about... You know, they looked like a parking ticket away from suicide. All of them. Now I'm going to go into this other supermarket. With real people in it. And get the things that i need okay you enjoy yourself only a few days till the holiday all right listen to uh douglas l douglas
Starting point is 00:20:12 hogan today three 30 million reasons to secure the border you're gonna love it if you didn't hear it already i'll talk to you soon p family. Thanks for everything. protecting recreation and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up has properties in texas new mexico colorado oklahoma arizona utah go to check out the properties use the promo code pbn and get a hundred dollars off your purchase

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