The Prepper Broadcasting Network - After the Storm

Episode Date: November 17, 2024

Hurricane Helen updates with co-host Chin Gibson. Helene might be out of the news, but the cleanup will continue....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth Podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson, blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now here's your host, Sarah F. Hathaway and Chin Gibson. Hello and welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast. This is episode number 471. I know we're in season 16, but I have no idea what episode we're on in 16. It's just been a wild ride lately hey jim what's up hey jim's up y'all oh man yeah it's been scramble sauce ever since like helene and then we and then we uh finished up virgus and so yeah how you doing over there? I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Like I said in that text, I feel like I'm a pinball in the pinball machine, just bouncing from one thing to the next. Oh, man. Welcome to my world. I just have too many projects and not enough time, for sure. Yeah. For sure. We're finally getting some rain, though, which is nice.
Starting point is 00:01:26 We had a really dry Septemberember and october so uh yeah yeah it's nice to get some storms back through which i never thought i would say after the june we had literally was like crazy down here so and then right into helene and all that. Speaking of Helene, Changing Earth books, the novels are on sale. I only have 16 of those sets left, guys. So if you want in on it, use Helene,
Starting point is 00:01:56 all capital H-E-L-E-N-E. And you're basically getting them at cost. It's just kind of my... Are these watermark copies from Helene? Yeah. Actually, they are not watermarked. That's one part of our trailer that stayed really, really dry. But they were in Hurricane Helene.
Starting point is 00:02:19 So you can... They are survivors of the storm. Yes, sir. You have that added to your list of coolness for them. Yeah. So I only have, I think, 16 left. Oh, you know what we should – It might have been left.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I'm going to put this on the idea list for next year. We should have had the characters signed one copy or one set. Oh, like from the audio drama yeah like this year we we were a little short but it would be cool to have a set that like when we get the whole crew there that's so legit yeah if we had like all the yeah that would be really cool actually i'm glad you thought of that i will definitely do that that's what i'm here for yeah oh all right garden girls in the chat room we're just uh having kind of a chill episode we're doing a catch-up because i feel like um every every show we've done since helene has just been kind of a craziness and we had so much important stuff
Starting point is 00:03:26 going on and now amen, Trump got in office and it seems like everybody's just taking a deep breath like wow, I can't believe the weight that seems like it's been lifted off the United States already and he's not even in office
Starting point is 00:03:42 yet. It's crazy. Crazy crazy. Every day it seems like who's he picking next the crew yeah the team is quite extensive and I'm really happy to see that because I mean let's not sugarcoat it at all
Starting point is 00:04:02 Trump's getting up there in years you know he got so hog tied in his first go around. Yep. Fair with that as well. But I was really worried about who's coming next. Where's the leadership to really take the reins after? And I think he's...
Starting point is 00:04:21 And all these people are going to be in there working, figuring out how to work together and everything so go for you know into the future we should be yeah go team yeah i'm excited about this no income tax that would be excellent excellent man we can finally work overtime and not have uncle sam take like half of it i'm like what is the point you know um when i make like money with commissions and whatnot i only claim a certain amount um like i'll only put a certain amount through each pay period or else i've given it like gee i'm so glad i made all those sales i just gave the government half my money i know right yeah that's what we kind of
Starting point is 00:05:00 said well i might as well just stay retired retired and just do stuff for ourselves instead of paying other people to do it. Yeah, that's legit. It's, you know, it's a major. That's one of the things I noticed really about California. They have so many social programs in place, which, you know, whatever, however you feel about that. But, for example, with health care, if you're poor enough, you get state health care, which means like anything that's a necessity is going to get taken care of by the state. Great. As soon as you move up into that just above poor class, then you're like this middle class person who now you don't qualify for that state funded program. But you still don't have the money to actually pay for healthcare or use it.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And so you're just hanging out there in the wind, you know, in that like. And your paycheck is getting pulled into that pot that's paying for the people to have all the. Right. It encourages people honestly to like, hey, my wife's going to quit working or my husband's going to quit working so that we can make less money so we can get state funded for our health care. Well, it's math that you really have to do. It is. I mean, we literally did the math that it was like, you know, we can live off of one paycheck and we'll just. And every time I do something, it's like, well, I just like the door handle broke off my wife's car.
Starting point is 00:06:25 So I went to YouTube, figured out how to fix it or the part fix that I said well there you go honey that's like 200 bucks I made today right yeah yeah yeah what would they cost at the dealership to put a new handle on right yeah we kind of have a running joke about whenever I do something like that I'm earning my salary it's true that's true I I'm only stumbling on that because I just had like a recent claim of somebody who took their um car to uh their buddy who owns a car dealership and the kid jumped in there um the son of the car owner jumped in there and threw it in reverse and he was rear-ended and so it all comes down to like whose insurance is covering that what are the
Starting point is 00:07:05 technicalities of it yeah it's been a hot topic in my brain it's late so for you to pick it out i was like oh yeah exactly um let's say let's get some business done uh before we do more chit chat Changing Earth Audio Drama, episode 9 is up. Members, episode 10 is up, but I may have forgotten to put it up, so I will go ahead and make sure I do that after the show. I've been too many projects and not enough time. So 10 should be up for members. And then I'm digitally recrafting um episode one just because uh or season one just because it wasn't quite up to my snuff so um we're gonna have a big release uh to make sure that everything sounds beautiful and um yeah bringing all up to speed that's a great little show i'm
Starting point is 00:08:02 so excited to be building out where we are because you know it's really good stuff but i was like well the beginning still needs to have that pop that season four has so off to work we go right because you know i needed more work i think i felt doug smack me through the phone when I told him what I was doing you know you're watching too many reruns of Dallas or whatever the Jersey Shore even though it's been off the air forever I'm trying to get caught up on my
Starting point is 00:08:33 my Yellowstone and I never got I think I watched the first first show yeah is that a Netflix or something? No, it's on one of the cable channels.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I don't know. My husband, he takes care of that. I just sit there and watch it while I'm working on other stuff. So, yeah. We have Prime and we have over-the-air antennas. That's it. Oh, got you. Yeah, we're old school. we like to stick with our cable
Starting point is 00:09:06 we're like you know if we got the the we do have netflix too but um if we we got you know the hulu and the this and the that and everything by the time you add it all up it's what cable costs you anyway so yeah we're just old school it's okay yeah so yeah change of earth clearance sale 16 left they're going fast guys like hot cakes so get yours while they last make a great gift
Starting point is 00:09:37 still have time for Christmas make a great Christmas gift yeah and then the new episodes of the changer with audio drama season four is you know are getting posted the other thing is i've been working on non-fiction book and a lot of that just started because i wanted to make sure that you know i have a lot of material for everybody to read on my website. And with all of the censorship stuff that we were very frightened about, gosh, it looks like Trump has come out and said so many great things about reversing all of that and allowing our free speech.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And we'll be able to discuss topics again as educated people without fear of having our shows shut down which is amazing but uh so that kind of started my mission just to make sure that all that great content was saved somewhere and so I started really categorizing things out together and going through our flood content and natural disaster content i can't tell you how many times we talked about in shows don't rely on fema to be your savior after a disaster and you brought out charts on like how long it takes fema to actually get around to like doing this stuff and so yeah and as much so i'm not i'm not speaking one way or another for what was done or what's being done in north carolina i'm i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:11:17 not i'm not speaking anywhere to that um i'm just saying like people need to understand that that is not like your superman who's gonna fly in with cape to help you out when stuff goes wrong yeah you know you got to be ready you have to be prepared yourself to handle that and everybody i know that was prepared short of having their house you know mud slided down the hill, which that sucks. You're not going to be able to do it. But for everybody I know that was prepared, yeah, it was crummy. Yeah, you had limited power resources, things like that.
Starting point is 00:11:56 But it wasn't the amount of devastation that would make you think, wow, we don't have any food. Maybe we should go loot the neighbors. And that was happening there. would make you think, wow, we don't have any food. Maybe we should go loot the neighbors. You know? And that was happening there. So, yeah, so that was really my, ugh. Even when Butch came out, FEMA is not a long-term solution. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:19 FEMA is like, even if they're firing on all cylinders, they're just the quick fix for the moment not for the not for the month down the road or the year done they're just for that like okay give me a hot cup of coffee and a blanket kind of thing you know yeah and not even that like uh we're gonna make sure that the major highways are open and that we get the most amount of electricity back on for the most amount of people that we can. You know, these major services that they can do. I mean, you've been up here, so you know the area. I mean, not visited me yet, but you've been up in the general area.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And the problem is, like what happened at my place is the people at the bottom of the hill right by, like, the paved road, they had power a week before we got it because just that final little mile or so was enough to stall the power company. Right. Yeah. Yeah, so they're going to try and, like, do the— So there's a lot of people like that that are just outside the reach of the clusters of population that they're not seeing the help. Well, and honestly, like, that's not FEMA's job to— No, but I would say that's what's happening here. Yep. It's not like—one town—like, the town to the east of us, they were out for a couple days. They had power right back.
Starting point is 00:13:46 But then, you know, you see Lake Lure and Chimney Rock, they're like, they're not even there. And most of the time, like, FEMA shouldn't even be involved unless, because this is a federal emergency management association. So if you have a big wildfire in California and it never jumps state lines, that's California's problem. They should be the ones having resources to be able to get their utilities back online, assist their insurance companies.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Once it goes catastrophic, then it does tap into federal funds for disaster management. But, you know, and of course Helene did do that, went into Tennessee, went into multiple states, obviously. But this reliance, I had to kind of chuckle because, like I say, I'm not saying that they should have done more or they should have done less. I'm just saying the understanding should be that they're not there to assist you on that level.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I think there's a big misunderstanding in our country over that right now. It's just not going to happen. So what else does cleanup look like after Helene? It's so out of the news, you know, and short of like scouring YouTube for information, they kind of just wanted to sweep that under the rug that that ever even happened. Yeah, there's a lot of talk now of like what got washed away, like what got washed away what got washed chemicals and stuff got washed downhill
Starting point is 00:15:27 downstream so like people are starting to hear we were in the dentist you know for our checkup and one of the girl that was cleaning my wife's teeth was saying that
Starting point is 00:15:43 they had like I think she said like four or so of mud or whatever on the fields that got washed up into her fields and when they were out there trying to do cleanup um her and her husband were both getting rashes from whatever whatever was because like all everything upstream of us is getting washed down right and even if it's not like a chemical plant it could just be you know that's one of the scenarios of manufacturing yeah whatever you know you know what did they use to make whatever you know yep and even just supplies in people's houses and stuff like um in their garages and whatnot that all slurries together as well i was talking to another nurse
Starting point is 00:16:34 um this weekend and she would say well like so everything washed into the mud now the mud dries out turns into dust and becomes airborne so it's just so there's a whole not like a what do we do with all this debris there's like tons of the bottles yeah and now and then what we with um you know people are starting to worry about like lake lure we were all excited to go uh The wife had just bought a kayak and stuff. So we were like, yeah, maybe next summer we'll go, you know, go kayaking and stuff. And I'm like, maybe not. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I don't want to be swimming in there. Wetsuit? Yeah. Cellophane and duct tape? You know, somebody should write a story about that. I know, right? Yeah. You know, it would be cool if it started out write a story about that. I know, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:28 You know what would be cool if it started out in a wine cellar? You got it. My favorite start. Your favorite? Got me getting hammered. Yeah. A weakly glitter with a splitting headache. Yes, you did, too, in in the book i couldn't do that in the audio drama but you know yeah yeah you got to get a hold of an original book for that uh
Starting point is 00:17:54 for that story first edition but yeah very crazy um it's amazing how fast they try to sweep those the stories under the the rug and like spain got absolutely annihilated as well and their people in valencia are just out in the street man because of the mismanagement of the disaster i kind of feel yeah italy just got hit as well that'll be in our changing earth news um there's definitely a theme going and it'll make for an interesting winter as well because if some of those storms just start turning to snow precipitation then that's gonna be rather interesting um going on the weather patterns have been absolutely crazy um i don't know if you've been watching like pow ponder or that but they show like what the jet streams look like and they're just insanity um if you don't know if you've been watching like Pau Ponder or that, but they show like what the jet streams look like.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And they're just insanity. If you don't believe that the poles are on the move and it is affecting our planet, then I don't know what to tell you. I've got some information where you can go research it and make up your own mind. But it's definitely making for some very, very crazy weather patterns. So, you know, that's where I always get off on that stuff. So, what else have you been up to? You've been doing a ton with your Republican Party, which I love getting more involved. Yeah, so I've just had this uneasy feeling where you had said at the beginning of the show,
Starting point is 00:19:30 it was like, yeah, we won, right? Take a breath, enjoy the moment. But I'm like, you know what? I just feel like we have midterms. And I felt like for 2024, towards the end, we were fighting. They were fighting court cases and all this stuff right at the end. And they were trying to get ballots, voter registration and all this stuff confirmed. Or dead people off the ballot, the rolls, the voter rolls. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:20:07 so this happens every two years, four years, right? It's a cycle. It happens. Why? So I literally, I showed Sarah the emails that I've been sending the head of my county emails saying we have to not, you know, yay us,
Starting point is 00:20:24 enjoy the moment, but we have to not you know yay us enjoy the moment but we have to stay we have to find ways to get in front of people that aren't participating in the in like the elections and get them more engaged and it can't be something that we do like two weeks before early voting you know it has to be something that we do now for you know 26 well it's i just i had this feeling like right after the right after the election i was like yeah we won but i just don't feel part of it was because we can't go back to sleep too yeah so many people woke up like i gotta actually care about this i subscribe to like the ford observer you know that newsletter that i yep and they're always talking about how the left is so organized and they're like a freaking
Starting point is 00:21:17 machine and they're always doing like a break light checks you know come check you know come to our little thing in the parking lot we'll check you and they're always doing this like stuff to get the community involved with them and i'm like you know what let's use the playbook let's do it yeah i literally said that to to the guy that you know i mean i know him and you know we talk on the phone and stuff so you know i've kind of networked into this and I said, we got to do this. We have, you know, we have to do, you know, well, the toy drive and the clothes drive and the food drive and all this stuff to get people to say, you know, those people are good
Starting point is 00:21:57 people. They helped us out, you know, with all that kind of stuff. Yeah. Not just the, oh, there's a, you know, there's a Republican party. know there's a republican coming now we need you to vote for us we're back my vote no if we're we're good stewards inside of our own community you know think about your town or you know your city town whatever you live in and your county those are the you focus your energy on that and find ways to do good for your community through that organization it's gonna be chan on city council no i don't want to they'll get you in there i know it i know it no you're right and uh we really do have to stay involved yeah it did it did encourage me to um
Starting point is 00:22:49 you know check it out see what's going on um i'm always just up against the wall with so many different projects but it's time it's time to to wake up to stay awake and get involved um and what's going on and the cert groups you know just a piece of that we're really fond with because of the preparedness level of it but actually you know do some kind of cert group or even doing the um these um political stuff it's a great way to network and you'll find a lot of people you'll you'll you know the key words and phrases that people use right in conversations yeah you'll you'll you know sniff out the other like-minded people and it's a great way to do it in a in a non um threatening way right so you get
Starting point is 00:23:42 to meet people and you see them two three months in a row and then you start helping out volunteering on these little like t-shirt sales or whatever the fundraiser is and then you see them you know a couple times a month and then you say hey let's let's get together for coffee or and it's not hard to find. And not help you program your radio. Yeah, you just need to look up your county and then the Republican Party. And it's not hard to find, guys. They typically meet, yeah, like once a month. And they have, like, ours has a little pizza party or whatever. They meet, they talk about whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:18 It's a good place to learn who the people are. A lot of times the politicians are business owners. So you can either if you like the guy go make sure that you know go to their business and you know help them yep and then you can figure out stuff you know if you if you have a concern that's a great place to air it and work towards a positive outcome yeah and one of the big like uh things you know is like oh well only old people go do that they're the only ones who care whatnot that's what's wrong that's that's what's wrong so
Starting point is 00:24:52 yeah it's time it's funny but my one neighbor literally my neighbor just just down the street she was like you know we need to find a meeting place that has daycare. I was like, that's brilliant. Because then you get young families in because they can come and they can, you know, they can have their kids like Sunday school when parents go to church and they bring their children to Sunday school. Well, if you had a meeting and the kids could all play together, supervised, and the parents can actually focus on the meeting and they get a break. And I thought that was a great idea. You know, I'm all for that. I think it's like you say, not lose the momentum because you can bet they're out there planning like people with power. They don't want to give that up.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And yeah, they're figuring out how to get their claws back in everything. And if you watched what the Democratic Party really did, well, specifically Mr. Soros, he started funding like all of the little smaller elections and being able to get- For like judges and stuff. Right. He was funding that, you know, like the circuit judge and stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:04 So, you know, he was getting people that were, like, aligned with him into positions that could actually force things. And, like, small. He wasn't just worried about, like, the big. So that lets you know there's a lot of power there. Yeah. And what's the most effective way to create change where you live? It's to get involved in where you live. It is to get involved in where you live. It's to get involved in where you live, right, your local county.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Just where the red bag is getting it done. You know, you got to get involved in your town or your city or your county. You know, it depends. Like in rural, we think counties, right, because of all these little towns. Right. But, you know, if you live outside a big city, well, you might think the city council. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm just on a thing about this. It's just we got to use the energy that was generated, that Trump and his whole gang generated, and push that forward. it going don't let it die out so the other thing we've been talking about is um doing a mesh tastic class yeah um i gotta i gotta tell you honestly um a lot of people don't know where to find them and then um like when i turned mine on i had a hard time like figuring out where the other ones were that kind of stuff like the only ones i saw was so i wouldn't even mind having some kind of
Starting point is 00:27:31 class like that yeah that so it's it's touchy because it's it's like either you're in a place that's loaded with them or you're just gonna get your family it's like kind of having walkie talkies right because you'll just get your family that or you know well you said there was that big group in austin so i was like trying to find that and well yeah but i don't know if i was doing it right though you know me with my tech i suck so if yeah did you drive to austin to try to find them? No. Of course not. Austin's like three hours away. I told you. The radio, the notes have like a one to five mile, something like that radius. Well, yeah, but I uploaded the one program, the other program that you could do to be able to see them on the map.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Mm-hmm. And, yeah, I don't know if I did I don't know you know but so I think so the cool thing here in the mountains in the mountains we have they put the nodes up on the top of the mountain so you get much better coverage and that the other
Starting point is 00:28:38 thing that I that I found out they're doing is you can hook them into the internet which yeah okay so if the if the internet goes down right you're not going to be able to use it but um what we did find out is starlink is an amazing you know force multiplier right right so if you get people with starlink strategically placed in like town to town to town to town and then you you hook the the nodes into the internet through that starlink so mine could go to yours and yours could be one of the ones
Starting point is 00:29:15 that's hooked to the internet through a starlink then we get to go to the next town over or the next county over or like i was i was inside the grocery store with my node literally in my pocket no big fancy antennas or stuff and I went on the the the state mesh tastic and somebody on travel business was in salt lake city utah replied back to me because he was on the internet and i had made it into an internet connection and we got so that was amazing that blew my mind and that fact and the fact that um starlink is becoming more and more prevalent so you can make it like private or like, yeah, it's private. Yeah. So only anybody in that group could, could have seen it. It wasn't,
Starting point is 00:30:10 Oh, but he was traveling. Yep. He was traveling. He was here from, he was here from North Carolina. He had joined that group and then, um, he was on travel and he, his node was hooked up to an Internet and we could actually talk. So like people have family out of state or out of town or, you know, kids away. You could do that right especially if they had starlink because that's not that's not dependent
Starting point is 00:30:47 on internet through like cables and stuff right on the ground oh there it's through the satellite now if you have this like stupid emp thing or whatever that's not gonna work but well that's that that negates the whole game that's those satellites are going to be gone anyway. So layers of communication, of planning. It's just like you carry Band-Aids, but a Band-Aid might not be big enough for everything. Or it might be too big. Mesh-tastic isn't going to do everything. I mean, I literally carry a cell phone a GMRS walkie talkie
Starting point is 00:31:25 and a mesh tastic node with me pretty much EDC the other cool thing is if you want to jump onto walkie talkies GMRS I found a repeater that's in my county on top of a mountain I was
Starting point is 00:31:40 I was down in South Carolina we went to a Costco and the closest one's like an hour away in South Carolina. Yeah. I was in the parking lot getting ready to get out of the car and the repeater pinged off. Because they have a little announcement with the repeater's name and stuff. It goes off every so often. And it pinged off. I'm like, holy crap. crap Wow that's an hour away crazy
Starting point is 00:32:08 so I mean I tested it from here into my little town where I do all my shopping and stuff and it worked I could because I wasn't talking right to my house I was talking up to the repeater and then the repeater was shooting back down to my house so but that's not as secure i kept trying farther and further away and i got out to 26 it worked there and then you know i was like i just left it on in the car and i was like holy smokes that's pretty so repeaters are the one you don't need the licensing for correct or it's like a little cheap one it's it's it's a 35 dollars for the 10 years entire family and you don't have to take a test you basically just give uncle sam
Starting point is 00:32:54 his money to let you talk on your walkie talkie because you know that's so fair fair it uses this similar um frequencies as um frs family radio services which is the ones the little walkie talkies all the kids run around in the backyard with right but those are only like half watt to two watts depending on which channel you talk on and gmrs is five watts to 50 watts okay so it lets you use like if you have one in your car or your house, walkie-talkies are usually only up to 5, sometimes 10 watts. But the ones in a car are, like, 20, 25 watts, and then the ones in the house are usually 50 watts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Because it's a power draw. You don't want all that power next to your head. And the draw on the, just kill it. But my little walkie talkie inside the car, which is the worst scenario. I didn't have a magnet on top of the car antenna. It was just a little antenna inside the car. It was picking up. It was an hour away. because it's up on top
Starting point is 00:34:07 that's pretty cool that was amazing gmrs is like i would say absolutely gmrs gotta do it gotta do that's why we have to get you teaching this class because i have no idea that's gonna be um mesh tastic so it's kind of like you have your your phone cell phone number one gmrs walkie talkie number two mesh tastic number three and we were like i was in i was in the store and and my wife would say where are you and i got that beep off of mesh tastic so that was kind of funny so i get get a text for mesh-tastic. That's cool. I'll have to throw mine on the internet because then it would give me an excuse to have it on at least because I'm like, well, nobody else has them.
Starting point is 00:34:53 So I'm just basically leaving mine off. You have a couple of them, right? No. I only have the one that I got from. Oh, you only have one. Yeah. from... Oh, you only had one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And then I never got a response back from the winner of the contest. Yeah, I reached out and everything. Maybe I'll have you reach out. I don't know. But yeah, so I mean, I have that other one.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I'd rather give it away to one of our listeners though. I think next time it away to one of our listeners, though. I think next time we do a family feud, we're going to do a listener, throw out some listener questions and do some giveaways. It's the holidays. We got to have some fun. The guy, Simon, who did the radios for Prepper Camp. Yeah. Easy Works.
Starting point is 00:35:49 He's got some even better radios. Notes. So, yeah, check out his site. He's got some cool stuff. Okay. Yeah, and I put that up. I believe I put that up up all the information you gave me um on the mesh tastic page on changing our if you go to changing our
Starting point is 00:36:13 uh there's actually a mesh tastic page now and uh um nice i yeah i should give you access to that um so that you can go in and update it um it's pretty easy yeah i mean after the storm i got right on to simon and then um there's matt over at altavox which is another distributor and then uh rack, which is a manufacturer, Rockland. Okay. Those are like my contacts. And everybody was really good. I got some equipment sent to us using with the county to help give them some backup.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Beautiful. Yep. Now, I know, you're going to have to. So, see, that's why we're perfect yin and yang because you got to stay on me about those things and uh i'll stay on you and i told you about the success story that nurse that i was telling you about that i talked about with the dust so her little yeah yeah yeah with the you know it's off the group. And those ladies used it. And I told her how I've used her as my little success story because I got them involved and I got them to buy radios and they got their other neighbors involved.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And they used it. They should do that in retirement communities too. It's just – it's a good thing it is it is i would definitely love to have it now just because there's times you know krish is getting older i hate to do any kind of like a tracking or that i mean we were like the last rogue generation i just don't believe in tracking my children everywhere they go but don't get me wrong i am you know i've taught him a lot of self-defense but i'm still just freaked out by you know some of the people that exist out there we get amber alerts all the time we get them in texas we get them on our telephone every time a
Starting point is 00:38:20 kid goes missing and it breaks my heart every time I have to, you know, turn that alert off because I know that we could have helped. But also it makes me scared for Krish, and it would be nice to have kind of a foolproof form of communication that didn't depend on the Internet always working or something like that. You know, if we were separated when something happened. So the distance is the thing that's the challenge.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah. Well, it's, I think it's getting better and better. It's still kind of a new technology. So it's not like just pick your cell phone. You got to work a little bit. so it's not like just pick your cell phone you gotta you gotta work a little bit but it's not i mean it's not cutting edge anymore it's kind of just new yeah all righty well that's actually perfect timing let's go ahead and jump into some changing earth news um i am having a pretty big rainstorm here so hopefully you know i'm just so everything
Starting point is 00:39:27 stays online um but so let's go ahead and and that kind of kicks off the changing earth news right there all right hold on Dream. Survive. Thrive. This is Changing Earth News. So as far as the sun goes for the Changing Earth News, we've had a lot of huge plasma filaments on our sun. Always a little spooky because those can rip off just like uh you know an x-class flare and do some major damage to our planet so we've been watching that we've had some kernel holes up taking earthquake activity um although it seems to have chilled out a little bit because right now it's all uh basically those plasma filaments some big sunspots turning in to view um ben over at suspicious observers had an interesting paper today on like how severe
Starting point is 00:40:34 the cme would have to be to produce aurora at the equators which the last solar uh event that we had produced aurora down in the Caribbean. So that is insane, first of all, and it should never have happened without a weakened planetary shield because that was, it should have to be like a Carrington event, something like that. So for it to cause damage, to make the auroras all the way down there that that's a little scary so all righty um today is 11 17 on the 11th of november there was 378 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a
Starting point is 00:41:26 6.8 in cuba the electrical grid down there took a hard hit um two quakes big quakes happened within 60 minutes so that was a pretty big event cuba is the site of the or chile sorry is the site of the, or Chile, sorry, is the site of the other major earthquake that's happened on our planet, one of the biggest we ever recorded. So for it to happen in Cuba is actually a little bit odd. It's not a normal area for us to see those big types of quakes. And with the amount of volcanic activity that we've been seeing around the world and it leaving the United States out of the picture, it makes me wonder if it's moving up further.
Starting point is 00:42:11 So again, I wouldn't take my eyes off volcanoes if I was up on the Pacific Northwest in the United States right about now just because I'm not sold. I don't understand why it's the one area in the world or on the Pacific Rim of Ring of Fire that's not erupting. It just doesn't make sense. So we'll have to just keep eyes on that. South Africa was hit with some severe storms and hail, damaging vehicles, lots of property damage. hail um damaging vehicles lots of property damage saudi arabia was blanketed out in their desert with so much hail it looked like it snowed so you're literally watching the camels walk around
Starting point is 00:42:53 and what looks like snow but it was actually hail and that was out um towards the north northern end of saudi saudi arabia their area around mecca there on the red sea i believe it is they've been getting a tons of floods so this is on the other side of the mountains from there november 12 2024 there was 333 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.5 north of ascension island so where is ascension ascension island on the west side of africa northwest side of africa it's you know how it's kind of circular on the edge it's right below there so big earthquake happening there 4.1 in um yeah i had no idea where ascension island was i was like where is that place um 4.1 earthquake in muswell brook australia oregon coast had a possible tornado touchdown they had lots of wind big wind events coming through
Starting point is 00:43:55 and also uh fergus ontario they confirmed a tornado touchdown 85 mile an hour winds. It's awful odd time of the year to have those tornadoes touching down, so that's what's kind of interesting. Massive dust storm, same time, came through central California with that high wind event. So it was just the jet stream just pushing air off of the Pacific inwards. And in Fuego, Guatemala, there was an explosive volcanic eruption there at fuego november 13th 2024 there was 326 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.3 earthquake that jolted pakistan and islamabad queensland aust, Australia was hit by hail, thunder, and wind.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Hundreds of flights were canceled in Australia due to the volcanic eruption in Bali. And Luwetobi erupted again in Indonesia, forcing thousands of evacuations. So that was the volcano that was on the major eruption screen, which was another thing I'd never seen before. It's not up there this week, but it is still making noise. November 14th, 2024, there was 298 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.2 in the Bering Sea. Malaga and Marbella in Spain were absolutely swamped by a storm.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Tornadoes off the Costa del Sol accompanied by giant hail over there. So it's just not relenting up on Spain as far as precipitation coming down. There was an explosive mud volcano that erupted in Colombia. It created a 25, 000 plus foot fireball that accompanied it yeah there's one that happens over in taiwan as well um that happens pretty regularly but the pictures of what happened over in columbia are pretty incredible you should check it out and for some reason when these mud volcanoes erupt, they always bring a lot of methane out of the ground,
Starting point is 00:46:08 and so usually fire accompanies them. Massive wildfires. We're still straining local fire departments in Massachusetts. So big ones, you know, I lived a long time in California. So a big wildfire in California is quite a different thing from a big fire on the East Coast. So they're still burning throughout the week, last week, but they're getting them under really good control. When I was looking at the wildfire numbers today, I was really, really pleased with what I saw. November 15th, 2024, there was 358 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger
Starting point is 00:46:48 biggest of which was um a 6.6 in Papua New Guinea right off the coast there the Canary Islands in by Spain also saw a large earthquake swarm they have a lot of people that live on those islands so you know just eyes on that always anytime you live on an island it's uh i would not live on an island we'll just say that fire crews continue to battle wildfires across new jersey and new york we just talked about that was about 5 000 acres on november 15th novemberth, 363 earthquakes that are 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.4 in the Coral Sea. I said there wasn't a lot of earthquake activity last week. When I see them over like 400, 2.0 or bigger a day,
Starting point is 00:47:40 I would consider that like some good earthquake activity happening. We've been riding mostly in, you know, the mid 300s. I think I even saw a 200 number this week. So, you know, it's not anything extreme. 3.4 in Fontana, California. There was flooding in Honduras due to
Starting point is 00:47:59 Tropical Storm Sarah. Yeah, they named it after me. At least they spelled it right i'm just saying like you know if you're gonna have a hurricane named after you then at least they spelled it right but it is bringing lots of rain to honduras to the um caribbean islands right now so and that's one that they still have eyes on because i think it might turn around and come up potentially towards louisiana so we're just keep our eye on that maybe to florida that kind of thing florida definitely doesn't need any more storms coming through but that's kind of what they're predicting have you noticed that the seasons are kind of slipping a little bit later, you know, like coming a little bit later, usually peak.
Starting point is 00:48:47 You know, hurricane season is a little bit sooner and we've been getting them a little bit longer. I don't know. It's just something I've been noticing. I could be totally wrong, but it just seems that way to me. My neighbor has watermelon. What's that? My neighbor has watermelon what's that my neighbor has watermelon right now right yeah i mean it's like way late it's way late i told i told they're gonna have christmas watermelons that's what i'm saying like you need to write a children's book about the christmas
Starting point is 00:49:22 watermelon i mean we had more storms, like, into June. It didn't seem like, you know, summer really started till, like, September, October. Usually when we're getting ready to go to prepper camp, we're, like, sweatshirts on and stuff. But the last couple years, it's just been hot right up to it. And I know it's Texas and everything. Oh, you live in Texas. And I haven't lived here for decades to be able to track weather so that's why i have to ask you know does anybody else notice
Starting point is 00:49:51 that happening or is it just because i'm in a different region and i'm not used to weather down here but also um winter seems to be further pushed as well. There's only a couple winter months in Texas where it's cold, cold. And it seems to be getting pushed into February, March. My tree comes into bloom, and then we get that ice storm. It's like, what? This just all seems weird. I don't know. I could be totally wrong, though.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Thousands of vehicles destroyed in Valencia, Italyaly they were not immune from the rain they got hit as well big time flooding just turns those roads into streams and then boom all the vehicles pile up choctaw oklahoma hit with an ef3 tornado um there was a really you know heartbreaking story about a brand new newlywed couple and their home got completely wiped out so more of that is just is expected to be coming through so everybody stay ready stay prepped up there oh garden girl says my tomato plant and peppers are going crazy like it yeah that's that's insane i should have planted more at the end of the season but i figured i was too late and i would have done just fine just pissing me off trying to time
Starting point is 00:51:11 this stuff these days november 17th 2024 323 earthquakes are 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 6.1 in the philippine sea Japan. Sarah's hitting Central America along with Belize. Like I said, I was eyes on to see if that is going to turn up towards the United States. Flash flooding hit Philippines. They got hit with the fifth typhoon they've been hit with this month. That's like one a week and sometimes two in a week that is just insanity i feel so bad for those people you can just watch them lined up out in
Starting point is 00:51:53 the pacific just wham wham wham coming through and it's been like all summer they've been getting hit so prayers for everybody over there again living on an island jennings creek new york um over 100 families had to be evacuated from there due to wildfires um northeastern united states the drought conditions are continuing keeping the wildfire risk high i even saw stuff about water restrictions like you guys are crazy um but they should be getting some rain here coming in pretty quick so i don't know james isn't on in the chat tonight to say you know tell us how the that part is doing with the precipitation up there but um you know new york massachusetts new jersey even up to Maine, they were showing like some of the drought conditions. I'm like, I thought they were just getting hammered by rain like a couple months ago.
Starting point is 00:52:53 So I don't know how lengthy those drought conditions could have been. As far as volcanoes, guys, we are not slowing down on the volcano numbers i'm telling you this is nutso nutso nutso something is definitely going on with our planet that's why i say we have to keep an eye on these volcanoes uh don't worry about global warming if this continues because and more storms and whatnot because if that puts all the water vapor up into the atmosphere, we're going to see more rain coming down. We have 36 volcanoes erupting. So we don't have the one counted as the major eruption this week, but still 36 volcanoes actively erupting on our planet. It was like unheard of a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I know I say it every time. Not even a couple of years ago. A a few months ago 36 erupting 34 showing minor activity so they're actually ramping up not cooling down they're ramping up we added one more to that list uh 25 still showing unrest that's the same as it was before and these are the ones that are monitored and being reported right 95 volcanoes making noise on our planet at this time which is insane the uh most of them are going to be indonesia and then the Kural Islands to the Philippines on that section of the Ring of Fire. A lot of activity. So I don't know. Honestly, I don't know why we're not seeing the type of activity. They see it in Central America. Why is it not coming up into North America? I do not know.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So we should really keep our eyes on it. As far as wildfires in the United States, we're at a preparedness level of one. There are two new fires, five active fires for a total of 238,989 acres. Five of those fires are contained. So on the website that I go to, they only report active fires. So a lot of that acreage that's on fire is in minor fires. Number one state on fire is still California. They only have one fire though, but it is 19,904 acres. So you can see why when they're reporting these fires in New Jersey and they're like oh it's a thousand acres I'm like well whoopee do you know because I've seen a million acre fire in California before so I know that Massachusetts and those states don't have that kind of land mass but
Starting point is 00:55:38 still it's hard to put it in perspective that way. Massachusetts is number two on the list. They have two fires, one new fire for a total of 555 acres. So you can see they've gotten a lot of that under control. Number three on the list is West Virginia. They have one fire, a total of 210 acres. And number four is actually North Carolina with one fire fire 175 acres on fire so there's our numbers i bet you didn't even know you had a fire going or he's out of here he's like i'm gone oh there i got you now that was weird see i told you the tech
Starting point is 00:56:30 hopefully everything's still broadcasting properly because we are having like a big storm out there yeah yeah it's headed your way pappy from what i saw of the maps um looks like it's gonna head that direction it's gonna be a squall line that heads east so the storm um north of us is getting hit much harder than uh we are we're always like the bottom tail of the storms, which is fine because we get plenty of storm as it is. But, yeah, I feel for the people up north and then it heads that way. And I'm always looking at Louisiana because they seem to just get hit so hard.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And I'm like, oh, because Phil's over there, too. I'm like, well, it's not a good day for Phil, but we missed it. So. All righty, guys. Well, hopefully you enjoyed the show tonight. good day for Phil but we missed it so alrighty guys well hopefully you enjoyed the show tonight we wanted to do a little bit of a catch up with what's been going on with Chin and after Helene because like you live right there and all
Starting point is 00:57:36 of that excitement yeah with elections right on top of it like it got thrown right in there and oh my gosh, just so crazy. We did it, though. Art County came out and voted. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I was impressed. Yeah. Like, walking out of the woods to go vote, which is great, you know? Yeah. So, I couldn't ask for... You saw the map, the voting map. voting map it was just yeah people are just fed up and uh the silent majority certainly spoke up on voting day what's funny too when is when you overlaid the map with like where they allow illegals to vote those are like all the blue
Starting point is 00:58:20 areas which is there's a little blue there huh yeah which is just crazy so um the other one that was really interesting is it's like 15 cities basically trying to tell the rest of the united states what they should do yeah so that's why we're a republic a democracy right well and we won the popular vote this time too well i'm all for like just make them city states you know i'll say like i just say jokingly wall it up but you know all all funniness aside like be a city state because what happens in those areas is a lot different than what happens outside of those areas and you guys need stuff to take care of like what's going on in your communities and those requirements are different than what's going on in your communities and those requirements are
Starting point is 00:59:05 different than what's going on in the communities elsewhere in the rural areas and that kind of thing so i think some eventually there's gonna have to be some kind of reckoning between like just the massive numbers in the city compared to yeah it should be like the states do their thing and the federal government needs to pull back to do its thing. The way it was all designed. I mean. Yeah, there was a reason they designed it. Either end of the country can't be the ones that say y'all do have to do everything we want to do. Now, if you want to live like a Californian, go live like a Californian.
Starting point is 00:59:42 If you want to live like a Texan, live like a Texan. I mean, you want to live like a Texan live like a Texan I mean you want to live like a Appalachian North Carolina guy well then go there and live but don't like think that the Appalachian lifestyle is going to work in Texas it you know there's going to be things that'll work but then there's things that aren't going to work and it's a homogenization too when you do that it's a homogenization of our world you know you go to you go to other locations you want to experience like the culture there and the food there and the experience and when you're just like nope here's one size fits all everybody's doing the same thing
Starting point is 01:00:19 and like for example i went to puerto vallarta for my honeymoon we get down there and it's all you know domino's pizza and hooters and i was like where's like the experience of being in puerto vallarta and not right yeah so that was really really um disappointing and it would be nice to allow you know the cultures to exist without worldwide branding basically so all righty well there we go we'll be back next week um we are going to start pulling apart um season three of the change in earth audio drama tons of survival nuggets just buried all over the place in there i always wanted to do like you know when they do the show of like how your show was made or whatever um like they do those shows that are like
Starting point is 01:01:19 have little notes about the production of it and everything. I always wanted to do one for the Change the Earth audio drama where it's like, oh-ho, bing-bing, survival lesson. So we'll pull some of that out, have some fun with it, and go from there. Alrighty, well, time for Chan to get back to work. Time for Sarah to get back to work. Alrighty, until next time remember dream survive thrive

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