The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Are you doing IT? Phoenix Survival

Episode Date: April 6, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PDN. You're playing back the stability. I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. March until it's over. And just like a soldier I keep on moving forward Always getting closer I'm marching till it's over
Starting point is 00:00:54 And just like a soldier I keep on moving forward Always getting closer Marching till it's over And just like a soldier Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. That's right, April 6th, this beautiful Saturday morning. I think we're going to hit a balmy 66 today, which, truth be told, down here in Myrtle Beach, it's still a bit chilly. All right, so here we are. and I tell you what, my Saturday mornings have seemed to turn into quite a bit of a rant at times, but I'm just going to ask, are you doing it? And what is this it, right? Prepping.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Have you, or whatever your goal was, have you already started your garden? It. Have you started putting food away? It. Have you started looking at having things put together for certain situations? It. It is whatever it needs to be to fit your goal, right? So there's been a lot going on and there is a lot to still to come. going on and there is a lot to still to come. So yesterday, New Jersey had an earthquake and it affected both New Jersey and New York. It was a 4.8 magnitude. Now I'm not trying to take anything away from Sarah and Shin shows by any means. They are still the change in earth podcast and have all the news. But the only reason I bring it up is because I work for New Jersey. I have co-workers who live there.
Starting point is 00:03:00 And watching how they were shook up from it, you know, I felt for that. Because of the fact I have been through an earthquake before. And I've slept through one. I've been through an earthquake before, and I've slept through one. I've been through two. And I understood their emotional, you know, how they would feel the vulnerability. And as Chris would say, it is the closest thing to experiencing the direct hand of God, because no matter what you do, you cannot stop it. So me being me, I talked to two individuals and I asked them, hey, do you have emergency bags? Do you have this? I asked one coworker, what did you do in this situation? And what did you do, you know, with, with your child? And I was told how they handled it. And I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:54 So I grew up in Arkansas. We went through all of the drills in school, tornado, school tornado earthquake again new new madrid fault line so i you know i told her i'm glad everyone's safe i'm glad everyone's okay but next time because that here's the thing they've even announced they're gonna have shock waves our aftershocks sorry for 24 to 72 hours after something like that and yes it garden girl it definitely was a surprise for them no pun intended but they were literally shook up bad dad joke sorry and so I went as far as to find in the the banners from similar to what we learned in school you know assess take cover hold tight you know hide under a table desk anything of some sort of support keep your head down if debris falls use your shirt to cover your nose and mouth so I sent it to two of them with the simple basic steps where it's listed I sent with the diagram in the back
Starting point is 00:05:13 and I was thanked for it and I and I told him I know this is doesn't help you for what you just went through but it will help you better to handle the next one should there be another one which new jersey does get earthquakes now i think their last earthquake was two years ago and it was like a 2.2 so this was probably this was a much bigger one than that area is accustomed to. And right now, the world seems to be going absolutely crazy. You've got three major earthquakes that hit in the, I'd say it was almost like a triangle area, but it was across all the fault lines. Taiwan, Japan, and somewhere else. And then there was an earthquake not too long ago in Mexico that it was so intense that the devil's hole in California had shockwaves and ocean coming
Starting point is 00:06:18 back up out of its cave. So there's a lot going on in the world and it's a mad world out there it really is and it's only going to get madder so that's why i am always so adamant to people have an emergency bag get ready because you know what we cannot control things we cannot control things. We cannot control the weather, especially. We can't. Big government may be able to. Probably. Yeah, we know they have a weather season. But I digress.
Starting point is 00:06:56 What we can control is how we react and how we handle that situation. how we handle that situation. We can choose to handle it with our head up, shoulders squared, and a level mind of how we're going to handle it. Even in the most stressful situations, we can be that bit of peace. Or we can be like the masses and run and cry and scream and ask why it's happening to us and why weren't we warned and why weren't we prepared but that's not who we are if you're listening to bbn if you come across phoenix survival my podcast and you're still listening, then you already have a bit of a mindset to want to change things. We can't change the world, right? But we can change how we respond to the stress around us.
Starting point is 00:07:58 You control that. You can decide whether or not you're going to let this chaos break you down and gut you. Or you can choose to stand up, take the punches and keep going. It's that simple. So last weekend, what was that last weekend? Was Easter weekend? Garden girl. I'm so off time. Was it last weekend, what was that last weekend? Was Easter weekend? Garden girl. I'm so off time.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Was it last weekend? Yes. I'm going to say it was because I didn't air and there was a lot going on. And so I breastfeed my son. I breastfed all of my children. I think it's the best thing. But being in and out of the hospital has significantly hurt my supply. My son has now eaten baby foods and meats. And we decided we would pick up more formula. And I have to have some formula in the house. And I've mentioned that in the past that we were going to go look into that because before. No, right after we had him, a friend gave us a little box with stuff in it and had a box of formula, which came in a pinch. So we decided we were going to keep some formula in the house to be able to offset or
Starting point is 00:09:26 supplement however we needed to. I've never given any of my children formula before, but you do what you have to not knock in the moms who do. So when I went, Chris and I read every container on that shelf in Walmart, every single container. And I'm going to share this in the group in the live chat. So I apologize. I didn't realize it was on. Um, so this is what we ran into. Even the stuff that said it was soy-free was not soy-free. I have a soy allergy. We don't necessarily think he will. My oldest son, he has the same soy and dairy allergy. So we are choosing to completely eliminate anything with soy in the house, which is removed a lot. But it has also been a learning moment of, okay, I can do this.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I'll just make my own mayonnaise because they use soybean oil and what you buy in the store. So I found some, we found some after reading every single container on those shelves. And when I say every single container, I mean every single container. And I shared it in the group, and yes, it cost $41 for a 14-ounce can. For anyone who knows how much a baby goes through just in a day, let alone a week, a 14-ounce can doesn't last very long. So what we noticed, I found two cans with absolutely no soy in it. In the second picture, if you're in Element, take a look. When you click on that second picture on the back, the first ingredient is corn syrup solids, 54%.
Starting point is 00:11:32 ingredient is corn syrup solids, 54%. I'm going to be honest with you. I have no clue what that is. It doesn't even sound right. I mean, reading everything else is terrifying too, but I know for a fact, this is probably their way of saying high fructose corn syrup. You can hear my baby in the distance. Sorry about that. But it is, it's just interesting to know that this is what they're putting in our children's food. Yeah, it really is. And Garden Girl, it's even gotten more expensive so some of your main name brand stuff when i was in there was around 54 i could take a picture and it's terrifying um i know phil in the group i was talking about this with all of the host and he said there for a while um when prices had definitely started to jump, or a few years back or something, I forgot when it was, he mentioned there are recipes for making your own home formula, which I am going to look into.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I saw that Target carries a gook-based baby formula with absolutely no soy in it. Because I've gone online, I even had one of my co-workers show me all these different things and one that said it was supposed to be soy-free, you look down, there's soy lectin in it. So it's just one of those things. Right. And Garden Girl, I was lucky. My it's, it's just one of those things. Right. And Garden Girl, I was lucky. My, my older three, I breastfed all of them with him. I'm still nursing, but it just gives that little bit of support. So I'm not stressing over my own milk supply,
Starting point is 00:13:18 even though I'm doing what I can to increase it. I'm doing what I can to make sure I put some up. to increase it. I'm doing what I can to make sure I put some up. You know, it's hard. I, you know, I didn't expect my health to take a kick at me so hard that it would affect my milk supply. But it was just a point to show that that is something that moms, you need to think about. If you are a young woman who wants to have children or of that age, be mindful in an emergency situation, do you have what you need for your child? You know, that's, that comes down to number one is always my children. But remember, you have to make sure you keep yourself alive to keep your children alive. And that's, that's something that I always looked at is I want to be prepared. I want my children to be prepared, but I have to make sure I am there to teach them all these moments.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And I have to make sure if I'm not there, they know enough to be able to keep going. It's always been my mindset. I had another point. So the weather's crazy. Food prices are crazy. a good food source, it is something that children enjoy, then I've owned chickens in the past. I love it. So we have planted seeds and pretty sure my seeds are old enough that they're not viable anymore. But we're still attempting to see if we can get the seeds that we have to sprout.
Starting point is 00:15:37 But I've already placed some orders for more seeds. I should check to see when those are coming in. Because why not? Keep your seeds, keep your growth, because what it is, is what we plant, then we harvest, What we plant, then we harvest. We take a few seeds from that harvest and replant and cycles. Rabbits are easy protein too. Absolutely. I loved keeping my rabbits. I miss having my rabbits. I had, I was raising, for those of you who are new, before I was a podcaster on a family affair, and I raised Angora rabbits. I used their fiber to spin. And even those rabbits, even though they're typically a fiber only rabbit, they still ate really well. And when I mean ate well, they still ate really well. And when I mean ate well, I mean like they were delicious, which for the bleeding hearts out there, unfortunately, that's the way of the world.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Your food that comes packaged in the store was once on a live animal. Sorry. So I loved it. I loved having my rabbits. are quite easy but if you're gonna keep them outside make sure you have them well fortified because did not realize until it happened firsthand that coyotes can rip through certain types of wiring and will continue until they can get to what they want and i had them tear open a bottom of one of my pins and rip one of my rabbits out i actually lost two rabbits that way and then um someone let one of my rabbits out and when she fell she broke her neck yeah so you've got to be mindful because people people and animals and things want what you have which segues straight into what are you doing about self-defense
Starting point is 00:17:58 yep that's right. Self-defense. You've seen how mad out there it is. You've seen what's going up on in the northern states. You hear about the things that are going on down here. You need to be safe. You need to be able to protect what's yours and yourself. If that is as simple as putting fencing around your stuff, then do it. If it's as simple as putting solar sensor lights to go off if someone approaches the house or approaches your stuff, then do it. If it's as simple as putting cameras up, then do it.
Starting point is 00:18:44 If it's as simple as putting cameras up, then do it. If it's as simple as making sure that you can protect yourself no matter where you are, then do it. Buy that gun. Take the classes. If you've never owned a gun, if you've never shot a gun, take the classes. I understand it's eight hours of your day. You know what? But it's eight hours of a day that you are going to leave with something that could save your ass. Oh, no, I don't have the time for it. Do you? You don't have the time, Miss Betty. Really? Really? Yeah, you want to... I could list 20 different things, right? I don't know. I miss
Starting point is 00:19:29 Betty. I just threw it out there, but come on. We, we can make time if it is worth learning or doing. You make time for it. Do you not? You make time to go sit on the couch for four hours to binge watch a show. You make time to go start some sort of craft. You can make time to benefit yourself and your family and learn some skills. Oh, see, I love that. Oh, so Garden Girl has stated, hubby just started getting back into jujitsu. I love that. Exactly. And he makes time for it.
Starting point is 00:20:12 He doesn't. You don't have to sacrifice everything else that's going on in the house to make time for something. You don't. You don't. Oh, hot water, tea. Being well-rounded is not a bad thing. I had one of my coworkers ask me, well, mentioned, wanted to get into Canon and preservation and a few other things, but didn't know where to start. I said, okay, call me and we can talk through it. And they're like, well, tell me where.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I'm like, no, no, no. What is it that you're unsure of? I'm starting. Is it the Canon? Okay. Well, you have to get supplies first. Simple. If you're new to canon, go ahead and get that, uh, the one book, the canon book. It's got some great recipes in there. Good start. watch YouTube tutorials. If you're one of those who wants to just look into it first, then do, do your homework that simple,
Starting point is 00:21:32 do your homework and then make moves. You know, it's not that hard. You can definitely do it. Sorry, I'm checking. Alright, sorry, I was checking. I was trying to see if there was any... I'm trying to see which seats are coming in, because I'm going to be honest, I order between three different sites. So for those of you,
Starting point is 00:22:08 I order from I also order from And I also order from the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, which if you're curious, it's All three places are phenomenal. You can find heirloom, organic, hold on. So on the Southern Seed Exposure, they also lift on here, certified organic, heirloom, especially well-suited to the Southeast, and S stands for small farms. They have it listed, so you know exactly what types of seeds you're buying. On one, there's another one, it'll tell you the percentage of the germination and how many seeds are coming in with that based on that germination person. I mean, these, these people are amazing. I'm trying to see if there's any idea. And these seeds are going to be in because
Starting point is 00:23:26 I ordered some lettuce seeds because it's great when I have that I have them put in my stacked containers with some of my herbs because you can continue to clip and let them keep growing I love my glass germ corn it's just
Starting point is 00:23:44 it's a poppin It's like a popcorn. It's, but it's beautiful. Amaranth seeds, because I did grow giant amaranth one year, but the storms got us. So I wanted to try that again. Let's see. Hot peppers. I do some of my own pickled hot peppers in which I make, I make some to can and I make some to be able to keep in the refrigerator for sandwiches, burgers, you name it. They go like candy in this house. Let's see. I'm also looking into passionflower. Passionflower was a native in Mississippi,
Starting point is 00:24:29 but passionflower has amazing uses for teas, as sedatives, to calm someone. It works really well, and it also helps. I have some teas in which there's a little bit of passion flower, just to help you relax, to be able to sleep. Then I have, for me, these are what I like to grow. Yes, I went back to the garden. I don't feel like ranting as hard as I did the last time. Small sugar pumpkins. I do a lot of pumpkin pies.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I love cooking those from scratch. I have the Carolina gold rice, which there's another one I need to double check on. I have the straight neck. I have summer squash in here. Straight neck, summer squash, butternut winter squash, cucumbers, sweet corn. I love the Amish snap, tall snap peas, green beans, wild lettuce mix. Like, you can't go wrong. Now, I have a partner who I'm, I'm probably the only one who actually eats squash in the house, other than my older children, but I'm okay with with that I always just make sure if I'm making something I know he doesn't care for then I'm going to make something that I know he'll eat and vice versa so let's see you know what um garden girl since you're the one in here you're gonna be on the hot seat with me
Starting point is 00:26:14 what is um what is something that you like to grow i want to see what they have on here something that you like to grow. I want to see what they have on here. I keep adding more stuff to my carts. I can't help it. I like growing stuff. Speaking of which, after today's show, I am going to stock up on groceries. If you haven't done so, you need to go ahead and do so. Our eclipse is Monday, which I'm hearing all sorts of different things. You don't know what is what. Could be absolutely nothing. Please, folks, do not look at the sun while the eclipse is going without some sort of protection. while the eclipse is going without some sort of protection.
Starting point is 00:27:11 It is not safe, even if it seems like it because the moon is covering it. It is not safe. Get your food in your house. Get your supplies. Make sure you're at where you need to, you know, make sure you're going to, you have things where you would like them. So for me is once I leave here, I'm going to pick up a few containers. We have decided because the, the one side of our house gets the most sun that I am going to put some containers there and plant my plants in individual containers along the side of the house, just to make it a bit easier to be able to contain and
Starting point is 00:27:53 see exactly what it is I have. I have the trellis set over by my porch for the cucumber and beans to grow up. So, sorry, my son. Um, so it's, it's just getting things where we want them, you know, I'm, oh, so something did happen. All right. So for those of you who don't know, and I know a garden girl knows, and Joe Raitt and Jay Pendi. So James does a live on Instagram, whether it be in the morning, whether it be midday, whether it be in the evening, just as a daily life. And if I'm able to chime in or pop in, I typically do. And one, what was the weekend, right? Garden? No, it was, yeah, I had, I had that Friday off. It was the, it was Friday before Easter. And I have been working on some things I planned on bringing to Prepper Camp and I'm making some dump pouches and right now I'm in the process of using old BDUs and military surplus items and they're turning out great I love. And I was showing them on there with James.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And I guess when I had him pushed forward on selling them, I mean, they were literally something I was just building up a, you know, a larger quantity to take with me to prepper camp. And I sold one and sent it out to the new owner. So he should be getting it any day now. And I'm excited. It's going to be interesting. I think it looks great.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I am going along with what James has said, and eventually I am going to be able to offer different features. But yeah, so I've got my dump pouches now going right. Now I have all the smaller ones, which are still good sizes, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Because he asked measurements on point. So, my smaller pouches are 10.5 inches long by 8 inches wide. The larger pouches at the bottom are about that same size as far as eight wide, but the mount, the lip of the wider ones go up to 12 inches. Um, they are wider mounts. I do put a stitch in those just so you can, if you have to, you can remove that stitch and expand the bag to fit whatever you're trying to put in it. But yeah, it's, it's, it's going, it's coming along. I think they look great. Uh, the few people who saw them before I put them, I'm trying to see when...
Starting point is 00:31:25 Before I had even started sharing them, he said they really liked him, and they're turning out. I'm pretty happy with him. Okay, so he'll get his bag Monday. What? what why did they do that sorry so for whatever reason
Starting point is 00:31:56 it should it was in a state and then it got shipped back to okay so it won't be there Monday I'm sorry man it'll probably be there Tuesday or Wednesday but yeah I'll have to post some pictures in the group see what y'all think I'm looking at trying to make some dump pouches for kids and some fun colors and bright camos
Starting point is 00:32:22 and you know for those individuals who don't like the whole military print. It's not for everybody. No biggie. Let's see. I am going to play a couple commercials real quick. And then I'll be right back. If I can find him. Hello. Welcome to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score and be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. PBN family, your garden is the resistance. Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead. It's a good thing you found us. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. On the brink of blackouts again, as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight,
Starting point is 00:33:39 slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness. Tom says he expects to continue with stage six. He's scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest, with a removable, expandable lithium-ion battery, 2,000-watt hour, 3,000-watt high-efficiency inverter.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So what does all that mean to you? It means the Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours, your laptop for 35 hours, a CPAP for 108 hours, your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Your laptop for 35 hours. A CPAP for 108 hours. Your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power. Alright. Thank you all for that. You know what?
Starting point is 00:34:45 I can say I take every moment as a networking possibility. Everybody I meet, I tell them I'm a prepper. I fill them out to see if they're interested. I tell them about or Prepper Broadcast Network. Oh, have fun. Let me know how that game goes. I won't be on here too much longer. I don't try to take too much away from y'all's Saturdays.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I know as a individual myself, I enjoy to have a little bit of time in the morning. That's why I feel like Saturday mornings are actually probably a bit easier for listeners than Saturday evening. But if you tell me elsewise, I can always switch things around. It's not a big deal. So, yeah. Kind of like how I started. Are you doing it? Are you prepping?
Starting point is 00:35:45 What are you prepping? Oh, speaking of which, I started. Are you doing it? Are you prepping? What are you prepping? Oh, speaking of which, I'm going to give a shout out to JB Bondi and Garden Girl because these two women are absolute badasses. They just are. Sorry, ladies. I'm putting you in the hot seat. So if you're not a part of our chat on element you need to become a part of it because we have all sorts of different rooms in here we have the
Starting point is 00:36:12 live chat open chat prep and projects let's see um a garden and homesteading group group. I mean, the cupcakes, those look delicious. I don't eat sugar, but I do think those look delicious. The things that people are doing of just getting things going. The homemade pizza pockets for school lunches, Garden Girl. I need your recipe, please. Uh, and then the homemade protein bars for the family. I mean, come on folks. Yes. I understand it's going to take time. It's going to get messy, but you know what? Being able to know how to do that stuff, to be able to feed your family in the long run, actually, it's a lot cheaper to cook and get the ingredients for all of this stuff than to just go out and buy it. And that's the problem. We have become a society of just convenience.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Oh, well, why would I go through all that trouble to make it when I can just buy it? Ugh. I hear that a lot. Well, why would you do that? You can just go to the store and pick it up. Okay. Do you know what is all in your food on that label? Do you know what additives or other things have been put in there? Do you know the percentage of bugs per million that is allowed in your food by the FDA on the daily? Come on now.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Do you realize how much high fructose corn syrup and soy is in everything? Even your bread. There's probably only two brands of bread that I can eat from the store that do not have any type of soy in it. So what have we done? Supposed to go out today, go get a bread pan, make my own bread. I make my own rolls. Yeah. Mayonnaise. I'm going to make my own mayonnaise because of the soybean oil. What's another one? I cannot eat store brand chicken nuggets because the breading has soy in it. And folks, I keep saying this, and for those of you who don't know, I have a terrible soy allergy that has only gotten worse over the years. It's only gotten worse, unfortunately. So, I mean, do you really want to be feeding your family that much soy anyways with all the studies about it? I mean, it's definitely not great for you. They are pretty easy and quick because it doesn't have all the extra shit.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Exactly. Yes, garden girl, I'm going to have to hit you up for some of your recipes because those look great. And I like to cook. I love to cook. And that was something as when I've told someone, oh, I have a soy allergy. And they go, oh, then you don't get to eat much. No, I cook everything I eat. A lot of places, restaurants will go out.
Starting point is 00:39:34 We have to ask them, what kind of oil are y'all frying with? What is in the bread? Or is it 100% beef? You know how many restaurants actually do not have 100% beef? It has soy protein added to it as an additive so they can cut back on the percentage of beef that is being served. I shit you not. And people don't realize they go to these restaurants thinking that what they're eating is perfectly safe and healthy. You're not even getting full beef. You're not.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Ooh. Okay. Check in. Check out homesteading with the Zimmermans on YouTube. She has an amazing recipe. She was Mennonite. You know what? I think I may have seen her stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I may have seen her stuff. I may have pulled that up. Hmm. So if anyone can hear my little one in the other room, I actually set him down in the spare room in his little play area. And got Miss Rachel on in the background. And he's eating it up. Alright. I'm gonna set him with the Zimmermans.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Alright, I subscribed. I'm definitely gonna check them out. I think that's awesome. Show stable pasta i didn't mean to hit play all right see look thank you garden girl i appreciate that but but yeah no i mean literally pick up any item that you typically buy off the shelf and read the ingredients. Did you know most peanut butters have soy in it? Yeah, most peanut butter has soy in it. I have found the naturals, the organics, um, are the only ones that don't. Jiffy, Peter Pan. I know Jiff for sure has soy in it.
Starting point is 00:41:55 So, I mean, and it just goes to show people want plant-based, right? How good is that plant-based for you? I mean it, folks. Just look up what soy does. It increases estrogen levels and melts. We've got enough chaos in our world. Let's not poison our children with food that could alter them. I mean, I feel like it's, to me, it's like the, almost the, the new Montesant, hold on. What was that? We were spraying with our, uh, the pesticide. You know what I mean though? Just, just look at what you're eating though. Look, look at what is being put in your food. And tell me honestly, you don't have to have that same feeling about soy like I do.
Starting point is 00:42:50 You don't have that allergy. I hope you don't. But look at what's in your food. Look at what's in your chewing gum. I can't even chew gum anymore. Because I realized, man, why am I having these issues? And then we realized how much just things I never thought about, how much it's in that or why I'm having these reactions or yeah, we had to sit through and purge a lot of stuff out of our house. No, not purge out of our house. We had to be more cognizant as to
Starting point is 00:43:28 what we were bringing into our home. And we do. We check all of the labels of everything we buy. Everything. So yes, there are going to be nights where I just don't, I would love to be able to pull a frozen lasagna out of the freezer and just pop it into the oven, but I can't. So that means I have to take the extra time to prep. Yep. Even with my food. Uh, if I don't feel like making something super easy, I've, I know I'm going to have a night one week where I just don't want to cook and Chris doesn't want to cook and that's okay. So what do I do when I make meatloaf? I make two loaves, back and still and freeze one, you know, pre-prep meals that I can throw in the freezer, pull out and pop into the oven. It really is that simple. Same with Canon. I think Jay Bondi was Canon
Starting point is 00:44:22 stews or was that you garden Girl? I don't know. Both of these women are phenomenal in everything that they're doing. And hey, Mad Dog, I see you hiding back in the back. But these women and these people and men are doing stuff. They're putting away stews and soups and food and it makes life easier. It really does. If you're able to pressure can several cans of beef stew, guess what? There you go. There's one less meal you have to worry about because it's already made. And guess what? It's real. That's right. It's real because the food you get in the can from the store, I'm not saying it's not real, but you know, when it goes through the can process,
Starting point is 00:45:15 they actually have to inject the beef with certain things to make it still look and taste like beef from what I've heard in the processes of it. Yeah, I think you both do, honestly. I mean, you're both badasses is just what it is. And I love it. And it's inspirational because, oh, okay. See, so J Bondi says in here, J JB Bondi says in here, I do it with whatever is left in the pot. So she puts up anything that's left in the pot and puts it away. That's great. I do what I call two day soup. Um, one day I will make a vegetable beef stew. We'll eat on it. I am a soup fanatic. And the next day, you know, there's still a bit in the pot because I make jumbo pots. The next day I add a whole different amount of different kinds of vegetables,
Starting point is 00:46:10 which kind of changes it just a little bit. There's your second day soup and we eat it. And usually it's gone. JB Bonnie, have you done? Cabbage soup is a big one in our house. We love cabbage soup. But I don't mean cabbage water. I mean, I will take chicken thighs and quarters and I'll boil them down. Pull the chicken out. Pull them off the bone. Use that same water to cook down carrots.
Starting point is 00:46:43 I do Italian roasted tomatoes, and then I put in my cabbage and then my seasoning. So we like ours with a little bit of a kick, and then we add the chicken back and everything. So my cabbage soup has cabbage, chicken, carrots, and there is some roasted tomatoes in there as well. I mean, why not? What is the point in prepping and having food if it's not going to be flavorful and delicious? And that's another thing. We call it vegetable soup. I mean, I don't call mine vegetable soup essentially just because I always put a protein in there, whether it's beef or chicken or whatever. Okay, she calls it vegetable soup with chicken.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I love it. Love it. But yeah, I mean, it's... Oh, okay. So, Garden Girl, the way I make my cabbage soup is probably closer to like stuffed cabbage. My only thing is, is I don't care for the ground meat texture. And I think that's why I buy such a super lean meat. I buy the Laura's brand from Kroger. I can get it at the meat counter for $2 less than what it is on the shelf.
Starting point is 00:48:07 I buy out their full amount and I find it's less gristly. I mean, it is so much better and it cooks down so well. Well, rephrase, it doesn't have all that extra fat, right? So, and people are like, oh, the fat gives it flavor. No, the fat causes you to lose quantity of the meat. So, I find that one pound of the extra lean meat makes twice as many patties, if I'm making hamburgers, than your basic 80-20 and so on and so forth because there's less fat to cook down. So I can make four or five patties from a one pound amount versus if I make the same
Starting point is 00:48:54 four or five patties with the 80-20, I am going to have some very tiny burgers because they shrink quite a bit. Yeah, you know what, ladies? I will, and for any of the listeners, I will be more than happy to share how I make certain things if y'all want to know. I can always share in the group. I have no problem with that. But it's cost effective for us. Cabbage is relatively cheap. If you're growing cabbage, then it's definitely great. My walking onions are doing amazing, looking great, very prolific, or not prolific. I'm still so tired, I'm not going to lie. But that's the point.
Starting point is 00:49:43 There are certain things that, yes yes buying from the store is convenient but it's easier just to make it yourself and I don't mean easier as in less time but the taste the flavor it's it's it's better it honestly is better homemade pizza uh in our house we've done simple things as homemade pizza bites. Literally sticking biscuit, making my biscuits, taking them and sticking them in the bottom of cupcake tins. And you fill it with what you want. A little sauce, covered with cheese. Ta-da!
Starting point is 00:50:19 Pizza bites. It's not that hard, folks. It's not that hard, folks. It's not. All it takes on your end is a little bit of effort. If you can take that much effort to take the time out of your day to watch the newest show, then you can take a little time. You can make that effort to take a little time to do something that's going to benefit you and your family. Guess what? You can multitask. You can cook and listen to a book at the same time. You can cook. And if you really want to see that show,
Starting point is 00:50:55 if you have your TV set and write, great. Okay. If you're that worried about losing your four hours of that show, please get your priorities straight, but you can multitask. You should be able to provide for your family. You should be able to provide for yourself. Because when it comes down to it, you have to look out for you. You have to look out for your family and your community and the people that you deem as a part of that. The world's only getting crazier. We're watching it happen every day. Every minute, there's always something else. So do it.
Starting point is 00:51:53 You're thinking about prepping. Do it. You're thinking about learning to can. Do it. You want to start gardening. Do it. I mean, literally, just go out there and just do it. I mean, literally just go out there and just, just, just do it. I mean, why aren't you already?
Starting point is 00:52:11 You don't know where to start. I think is usually the biggest thing I hear is, I don't know where to start from the beginning. Not trying to be an ass, from the beginning, not trying to be an ass, but literally from the beginning, look into what it is you need for what it is you're wanting to do. You're wanting a garden. Okay. What do you need to start that garden? Look it up. If you're not sure, ask somebody, go to the tractor supply or the garden center and talk to someone. Do your own research. Understand that gardening is not something you get right off the bat. You don't. It is trial and error. I have been doing gardens for years. For years. And guess what? Some years it's great. Other years, I completely screwed the whole thing up because the weather is not controllable.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Because a tropical storm wanted to soak my entire garden under two feet of water. It happens. And you learn that you cannot put certain plants together. And you learn that something works one way for one plant, but it doesn't for another. It's what it is. Exactly. J.B. Bondi, you said it. Action is key.
Starting point is 00:53:35 You cannot be idle in your own life. You cannot be idle in your own life. You cannot be idle in preparedness. I understand where people outside of the prepping community see it as a job or a task, but prepping is a way of life. It is a balance. It is sustainable. It is, it really is who we are. I'm, I'm still Jordan. I'm still Jayfer gone here, but I'm the same person on air with you as I am off air. I still take the time to sew and sit with my family and feed my family and crochet and garden and what have you. It is a part of my life. And once you figure out how to fix, fit that into everything you're doing, it becomes second nature, just like Garden Girl, just like garden girl just like jb beyondy they both live and breathe this
Starting point is 00:54:50 because it is their life it is our life and the sooner you start start doing it now the sooner you'll get down into a cycle a routine routine, a way of living, which makes it as simple as getting up every morning. It makes it simple as taking a breath. Yes, it takes work, but anything worth doing is worth the hard work, is worth the time and the studies. It's that simple. All right, folks, I don't want to get onto too hard of a rant, so I'm probably going to wrap it up here, but start doing stuff. Seriously, you want to learn canon, like I said, start reading on it. Get some supplies.
Starting point is 00:55:42 See what it is that you need first and foremost. Make that list. Go get those things. Yes, the first year of Canon is a financial investment, but it is an investment that pays off. That may not seem it right now, It may not seem it right now, may not seem it the first few times you can, but over time it pays for itself. It really does. So yes, those 20 to 30 cans of pickles you've got on the shelf, it will pay for itself because that's something I miss. And I told Chris that I miss my homemade pickles.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I miss being able to make my own fried pickles. And that's the whole point. That's why we garden is the excess does not go to waste. The excess gets put up and which you can have the entire year. Who says you have to have something just at one part of the year? No, you can have it year long. Realize that, folks. What you're doing is an investment throughout the entire year, which is less money you have to spend and more money you can put up or put towards something else. It is an investment in yourself.
Starting point is 00:57:04 It's an investment in your family. And it's an investment in yourself. It's an investment in your family. And it's an investment for the future. It's that simple. With anything you look at and prep in, it is an investment. And you can't say someone didn't let you do it because you are capable. You are. So I appreciate it, everyone. I hope you have an amazing weekend. Keep your head on the swivel.
Starting point is 00:57:38 There's a lot going on. Please be aware of what's going on around you, above you, below you. Just be there. Oh, okay, hold on. I'm gonna, I started off with jams and OU jars and wick. Oh, okay. So see, JB, she started out with simple things, nothing fancy, just little, or isn't that the. OU jars. Aren't those the. The jelly. Yeah. Those are the. See she was just recycling what she had.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And you know what. It works. It's simple. And it was inexpensive. Exactly. But when you are committed to doing something. It is worth that investment. It really is. Yeah. I mean, it's, it really does pay for itself for me. I think you really see the benefits of it.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I'd say year three. I'm not going to say you don't benefit from it through from year one to year three, but that's when you really see it coming back. Oh, it's yogurt. Okay. That's what I thought. It's yogurt. I said jelly, but, but that works and water bath safe. Yes. Whoa. That's even better. I like that. Okay. See folks, you don't have to kill yourself financially to do it, but when you're ready, it is worth the investment. So I appreciate anyone who's tuned in this morning live. I appreciate anyone who's listening to me on the replay and I hope everyone has an amazing weekend. Get out there and do what you need to do to protect your family. Start that garden. start, you know, just start, just, you, you've got to get up and do it. So I hope everyone has an amazing weekend and amazing time and enjoy the rest of the day. Take care. And I will talk to you later. And it's left, left, left, right, left
Starting point is 00:59:45 So put your hands up, put your hands up If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough Put your hands up, put your hands up The lines on the walls ain't ever gonna stop Put your hands up, put your hands up If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough Put your hands up, put your hands up Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at prepper

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