The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Back From The Dead

Episode Date: January 2, 2025

PackFreshUSA Giveaway Bore Sight

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. You're paying back the stability here. Well, cheers. Happy New Year, folks. I'm back from the dead. Back to life. Back from an enhanced Gates-Fauci cocktail respiratory smackdown that was, wow. It was something. It was an impressive little, I don't think I've ever had a fever for so long in my whole life.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And, you know, can't keep a good man down, I'll tell you. No, it's good to be back, honestly. It's hard when you are used to broadcasting, talking to the audience all the time, and you're stifled. I mean, you know, like nothing. I just had no energy for anything. I was just perpetually under fever. The hunter is with us. The hunter is with us over on x hunter while you're there if you don't have it pick up that uh 50 must read books to survive doomsday i posted it up on x today it's not an email sign up it's a
Starting point is 00:01:39 direct link to it um that that's an incredible reference that's a that's an amazing reference yeah yeah definitely i gotta drop the new firewolf forge for on our membership side for uh hammer talk 2025 baby we're gonna be back with Hammer Talk in 2025. That is so huge. I got to get you, Hunter. Yeah, we'll get all squared away off air. Sorry, I'm excited. There's a lot of people I see on a weekly basis. I ain't seen them in a long time.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Holidays plus illness. Rough. But I busted a workout yesterday with Lady Liberty. The new routine is out. Did you get the new routine? How are you going to get better in 2025? It's one word answer. Routine. No, not what is the other thing people do? Not the other R word. Resolution. Not what is the other thing people do? Not the other R word resolution. Forget about resolution.
Starting point is 00:02:50 All you need to think about is routine. What are you going to do every day? Jay Ferg, what is up? I'm stirring. I'm stirring. I can't say I'm back, but I'm stirring. Well, I know I'm back. It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:03:25 We may be on later tonight, Dave Jones and I. Uncle Joe's army is here. That's all that's been going through my head. There's a narrative that runs through my head when I read headlines, like when I'm reading a headline, I'm reading it and taking information in but then there's headlines that are being written in my head too and when i seen the tesla go up in flames when i seen the uh the bourbon street situation uh that's all that i could think about uncle joe's army is here and that's exactly what i think we're going to see for the rest of this year. Except I don't think it'll be lone wolf exclusive attacks. I think we're going to see multi-man, better coordinated, better trained attacks in the United States this year. And, you know, I always said this is the thing to fear and this is the thing to be prepared for because, you know, it's a lot. Now look, I have a virus in my lungs, which means I get all excited and start talking real fast like that. I get out of breath. I don't know. It just is what it is. I might have to take it slower or easier this afternoon But right at that point, I got all excited
Starting point is 00:04:28 And I started to get out of breath Not a problem, just sounds funny Just start panting, you know what I mean? But I'm back There's a lot for us to get into, man We got a whole brand new year here You know man. We got a whole brand new year here. We've got a whole brand new year. We've got comms to cover.
Starting point is 00:04:50 We've got the Homeland Attack 2025 to prepare for, which may already be underway. The preparation phase may be over. We might just be simply surviving that. It may not be a matter of preparations anymore. And a slow sort of rising tide of overwhelm for the American people. Attacks each and every day, every other day. Lone wolves here, coordinated there.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Infrastructure here. D drones attacking infrastructure there right i mean it wouldn't i i don't know we'll see what i do know is getting sick like this really did teach me a lot about the importance of rest. And you look at the routine for January 2025 and you see the things that will stand out to you will be physical fitness stuff. But this year, like never before in my life, I am going to pen in rest. And that's because this was a crazy year this was a crazy year physically mentally uh here at the network but also in real life like crazy year listen to the year in review if you haven't heard it and you haven't heard't heard it if you're part of the live streaming audience, because I didn't post it on X or Rumble. Well, it did go up to X.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You got to listen to it. It's two four-hour shows from January 1st on. Some of the best of the best, some of the craziest highlights of the year. And it's a reminder of like, wow, what a year it was. You know what I mean? What a year it was. I think 2025 in terms of what we accomplish here at PBN and as preppers will probably make 2024 pale in comparison.
Starting point is 00:07:03 It's been that way year over year for us, really. And now we're part of this whole video situation. So God only knows what we'll see. How else do I get you that? Well, we'll get into that later. I'm not going to dawdle too much today because I really am on borrowed time. At any moment, I could hit a cough and send a phlegm. You know what I mean? An ending phlegm. Pretty cool. It's called Inside the Cache, and Inside the Cache is all about cool stuff from Inside the Cache. Sometimes it'll be gear, sometimes it'll be books, sometimes it'll be – there's a lot of cool people doing really cool planner and PDF stuff out there in the prepping world now that I found out about. and PDF stuff out there in the prepping world now that I found out about.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Inside the Cache will really be all about that kind of stuff. So for the video, well, for the listening audience, there's a really cool animation behind this music. And for the rest of you, check out Inside the Cache. cash. So we're going to take a look at this crazy little turkey baster, a device today that I don't know how many people have one of these things. I know, though, that a common problem, the reason I bought this, by the way, a common problem, and this time of year is a good time to use this thing or a good time to own one of these.
Starting point is 00:08:49 What is it? Who's got a laser bore sight? Hmm? If you don't have a ton of time for range, if you don't have a ton of money for range, if you know you're sitting, and I know some of you are, sitting on an AR-15, a 9mm, something along those lines, and you have no idea if that gun's sighted or not, I know you.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Somebody out there is guilty. Somebody got a really cool AR-15. They have never sighted that rifle in. It looks great. Maybe they put it somewhere really cool in hidden storage, and they have no idea what they point that thing at, if it's going to shoot it or not. Like I said, if you don't have the time, if you live in an urban, suburban area, and you want to sight in a weapon, this guy goes into your bore. This guy goes into your bore. And this one in particular, which I have linked in the show description, comes with all kinds of attachments for this part that hold this thin bore steady in any caliber weapon. So this works for any caliber weapon. You turn this laser on. You point it at the intended target. And then you can adjust your sights to line up with the laser. It's a very important tool, man, because it gives you the ability to sight something in.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Now, you can't test it in terms of if you're in a suburban backyard, you can't test it like firing off rounds. can't test it like firing off rounds but if you have a weapon that's not sighted in and you know your weapons need to be sighted in the laser bore sight is awesome comes with a bunch of attachments like i said and these things are like 29 bucks so for 29 bucks you could stick this in any weapon you have and just take a look at it just take a look down range turn the laser on look through your iron sights look through your sniper scope you, whatever kind of cool thing you have on it. Right. Your red dot site, whatever it is. And you'll know at the very least they're lined up. You know, distance will change depending on, you know, how far down you want to cite it in.
Starting point is 00:11:01 There's nothing better than than this guy for twenty nine bucks. OK, get your hands on it the links down below it's a laser bore site like i said the model that i've pointed you to has uh this model in particular is you know it'll it'll do any gun you got basically so that's Inside the Cash. Quick review of something that I use for my preparedness lifestyle on a regular basis. What you're going to see is a bunch of new and cool stuff. ran into i don't know 20 30 companies that all have amazing stuff to showcase you know and i have a ton of stuff that you guys have never seen because i've never been review guy i don't want to be review guy by the way but i also know that there's a lot of information i keep under lock and key from this audience another big thing we're going to focus on in 2025 is cooking.
Starting point is 00:12:09 SHTF chefing, because that's another thing I keep under lock and key from everyone. So it's good to be back, folks. I'm sure I'm missing something. I don't know what it is. I don't want to go on and on today, though. Suffice it to say that I have returned. You'll see me more often. I didn't take a long holiday. I got a Fauci flu. I don't know what. I got a gain of function respiratory thing that gave me a fever for, no lie, like seven days of fever. And, uh, now I'm just at the point where
Starting point is 00:12:47 I'm just hocking up my whole lung. Like this whole lung is just coming up in pieces. And once I get all that out, I'll be good to go, but no fever for 24 hours. So I feel great. Like I said, yesterday hit a workout, pretty challenging. I did low weights, but it was pretty challenging i did low weights but it's pretty challenging workout with my wife and uh i survived that that was good but i spent the whole night coughing and hacking so we're not there yet the reason this is a big deal folks i know some of you probably like yeah yeah yeah uh i don't get sick like that you know like I couldn't tell you the last time I had a fever for three days, let alone seven days. I just don't remember. So it's a standout thing, you know. But hey, what it is always a great reminder of what do you got in the house?
Starting point is 00:13:40 What kind of first aid do you got? Oh, you want to hear a funny story? What kind of first aid do you got? Oh, you want to hear a funny story? So the day after I get sick, like I get the fever in the night, I go through the whole fever thing all night and then wake up feeling like crap. I rush out my back door to go open up the shed to get the quail's water and all that kind of stuff, and fall down the back steps. That's funny enough, right?
Starting point is 00:14:11 Because I already feel like crap. Fall down the back steps. I reach this hand out to grab the railing, and my hand slides down the railing and catches a screw, like the of the the sharp end of a screw you can't really see it's pretty well healed now but um and the like the head of the screw just goes up under some flesh and just slice gives me a nice fillet of finger and uh yeah nice nice Yeah, nice. Nice.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Firewolf Forge, I'm completely ignoring all your questions, and I'm sorry about that. Firewolf Forge says, What do you suggest for 036 yards? ACAG, lol, I wish. Hail the conquering hero. Two more vids coming your way before before we light the fires anvils and then so right on i'm telling you guys if you're into blacksmithing this is the year to uh get into hammer talk if you're a member if not consider membership um yeah i think fire Yeah, I think Firewolf Forge depends on what kind of weapon, right? I like to use real-life things to zero my weapons.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So in other words, you can use a laser boresight to zero weapons around your house. And there's places in my backyard where deer walk all the time. So that area, in particular the big oak tree, is what I use. I use the same oak tree and the same boresight, by the way, use the same oak tree and the same boresight by the way for uh my uh 30 odd six you know that's not to say we don't go shoot these things at the range but if you're gonna use it you suddenly have the ability to point a weapon at places that make sense for you anyway you know uh obviously you do it in an unloaded weapon do i have to tell this audience that yes i do because we're live streaming now to people i don't know see back in the day we podcast only to my audience everybody's squared
Starting point is 00:16:40 away right but you go into youtube you have no idea who you're talking to some idiot will take this thing stick it into a loaded weapon shoot it out blow this up put a hole in the wall and say james made me do it um so yeah if you're using the laser bore sight really when you're sighting in your weapons though at large, like for pistol, I'd say you want to be 25 yards, something like that. That's a long way away. But if you're going to sight the gun in, the pistol, if you have an optic on it or something, or even if you want to make sure that the iron sights are doing
Starting point is 00:17:23 what they're supposed to be doing, 25 yards makes sense to me. There's no gray area, you know what I mean, when it comes to the pistol, in my opinion. It's like I'm either going to be close enough to a person from a self-defense perspective where you're not missing, you what i mean because the threat has to be incoming i have to have no means of escape and then the firearm comes out and at that point you know you're probably not even aiming the gun i mean the idea that you're going to have that kind of room is probably not even going to happen. But anyway, as opposed to a situation like in New Orleans where you see something like that from afar and you want to affect that situation and you have the skill and the training to affect that situation and you are in a position where you might not get shot trying to affect that situation all that comes into play by the way it's a guy shooting people in a crowd you pull out a gun it's not
Starting point is 00:18:30 like everybody looks at you and goes oh that's the good guy don't shoot him you know um so yeah all right i gotta run I'm out of breath. It's weird. It's weird because certain things like talking get you out of breath. Walking up hills gets you out of breath. But some of the movements that I'm used to doing that include weights, none issue. Really strange, but all right. I'm on borrowed time, folks. I'm back. Okay. PBN is back. We'll all be back. The holidays are over, babe.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And yeah, tell your friends. Every day that goes by this year, people are going to say, I should have started. I should. I got a text from, I got going to say, I should have started. I should, I got to eat text from, I got a, uh, Jay Ferg text the other day message from a buddy. I don't know how you've,
Starting point is 00:19:32 he said, I don't know how you've done what you've done or, or congrats on all you've done as a prepper. I wish I could do the things that you've done. Like this is a pattern. You're going to see a lot of this. Okay. I'm out of here, folks.
Starting point is 00:19:45 There's a link to the Pack Fresh USA giveaway. Get your food storage right in 2025, man. Go to Use the link in the giveaway, and you'll get some free stuff, goodies from me, goodies from them. All right? I will see you guys soon. I do appreciate you, and look for us tonight, possibly at 8 p.m.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Be live, okay? Talk to you soon, folks. Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, PacFreshUSA, features made-in-America products. I shop for mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of mylar bags and oxygen absorbers.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It's a 7-mil 100-pack of mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide. Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, PacFreshUSA, features made-in-America products. I shop for Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers.
Starting point is 00:21:09 It's a 7-mil 100-pack of Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide. Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, PackFreshUSA, features heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, Pack Fresh USA, features made-in-America products. I shop for mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage, but they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a seven

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