The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Bankster Fraud - The Gamestop Story; Trump Pro Bitcoin??

Episode Date: November 1, 2024

*POWER TO THE PLAYERS*Luke O'Libre joins Ben "The Breaker of Banksters" to discuss GME and the outright fraudulent market manipulation that may have prevented the entire fiat system from collapsing in... January 2021.Meanwhile, Trump has endorsed Bitcoin and stated it needs to be 'made in America'. Is true financial revolution waiting in the wings or is it too little, too late?Is this just pandering, or a true revolution waiting in the wings? Follow Ben @BanksterBreaker on XFollow Luke @Luke_OLibre on X

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If crypto is going to define the future, I want to be mined, minted, and made in the USA. It's going to be. It's not going to be made anywhere else. And if Bitcoin is going to the moon, as we say, it's going to the moon, I want America to be the nation that leads the way, and that's what's going to happen. No, you're going to be very happy with me. Bitcoin is not threatening the dollar. The behavior of the current U.S. government is really threatening the dollar. Trump isn't elected. This country is going to go into a depression the likes of which you had in 1929. And I hope that's not true, but I can understand it and I can understand what
Starting point is 00:00:45 they're saying. The stock market gain, they think, is because it looks like we're going to win the election. And I don't know what's going to happen with the election. You know, they cheat like hell and I don't know what's going to happen. But if we win it, this country is going to be boomtown. It's going to be booming like it never boomed before. As the final part of my plan today, I am announcing that if I am elected, it will be the policy of my administration, United States of America, to keep 100% of all the Bitcoin the U.S. government currently holds or acquires into the future. We'll keep 100%. I hope you do well, please. into the future. We'll keep 100%. I hope you do well, please.
Starting point is 00:01:32 This will serve in effect as the core of the strategic national Bitcoin stockpile. Patriot Power Hour, special report, special episode. It's been the Breaker of Banksters. It's Bitcoin White Paper Day, Octoberober 31st some people call it halloween i really don't celebrate halloween too much anymore but if you guys do great i've had a lot of great halloweens in my time but got a lot of other more important things to focus on to be honest these days and i also avoid as much sugar and high fructose corn syrup as i can i know i'm old i'm a curmudgeon what can i say anyway got a special guest good friend never been on the show but he's saying he's thinking about starting a podcast i'm like yo man just do it the best time to start one is yesterday so without further ado let me bring on luke luke what's happening man awesome dude glad
Starting point is 00:02:20 to be here in the patriot power hour i've been listening to your show since we talked about it a few weeks ago, right? And yeah, I'm just excited, man. This whole general space of kind of, you know, you the breaker of banks, all that stuff, something I never really got into until, you know, three, four years ago. And now it's with Twitter doing what it's doing these days. I've really kind of peeled back the layers. You know, I've always had suspicions. But now you can see everything. It's all out on paper. And I'm happy to be talking to you about it. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yes, sir. I've been doing podcasts sometime probably about 10, 11 years. But I feel like it comes in waves. Like my wave to wake up was 2008 because mainly I got laid off. I was watching Kramer. I was watching CNBC trying to optimize my training portfolio. I was all in. Then I got laid off, went down the rabbit hole, and realized these banks are just scumbags.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Two decades later, 15 years later, here I am. I guess yours perhaps was the COVID bailouts and some of the manipulation i know and we might as well just start to get into it straight away the manipulation of hedge funds the whole game stop naked shorts and all that finagularies going on back then uh let's call it that so maybe you could even start talking about that but was that your main yeah man the reason you woke up yeah there is you know people like to use all sorts of phrases like red pilled woke whatever it definitely started um you know i've always been a more conservative person but i just kind of you know the news you don't think they would go to the lengths they go to for these things and i noticed it in the uh because you know uh i bought
Starting point is 00:04:05 my first game shop share on january 27th was it or 28th whatever day they turned off the buy button and i didn't you know you're like hey that's not fair but you don't understand how it's you know the people who are pulling those levers are uh deeply kind of embedded in the system and they can do these things pretty much up at free will because they have ties to the media and in a lot of ways control over what the media says so you talked about kramer i mean i remember seeing kramer as the game stop thing went on saying hey take your home run you already you don't need a grand slam you know you don't need the short squeeze you already made money and there's a logic to that but the same time when
Starting point is 00:04:43 you see advertisements coming out saying short sellers have covered time to move on it's like oh they're paying money on these networks to get people to sell that's kind of weird so yeah definitely GameStop and I mentioned it to you with regards all this because there is still a thriving GameStop community there's also a Bed Bath and Beyond community I think there's an AMC community. I'm not really so involved in that, but I could give you kind of a synopsis of how that, how those communities began and kind of what the state of it is, what their opinion is on the manipulation of wall street. And I, it sounds to me like the bankers are a good nexus for, you know, the bad guys,
Starting point is 00:05:22 but I'm sure as you know, it's the hedge funds, it's the market makers, it's the old wealthy families that are buying these, you know the bad guys but i'm sure as you know it's the hedge funds it's the market makers it's the old wealthy families that are buying these you know it's it's a conglomeration of horses but i think the banks are really the ones that when we talk about pulling levers they got a lot of levers great way to put it yeah we're gonna have a great podcast tonight i can tell already uh what when i've talked with uh my pal future dan on patriot power hour i mean we had episode 283 last night so we've been doing this almost seven years just he and i and when i talk about the banksters i've said many times i'm all about free market but we don't have free market right now. And the banksters, especially the primary dealers,
Starting point is 00:06:06 those that get the direct pipeline from the Federal Reserve for the 0% money over the last decade, and even now with a little bit higher rates, they're still getting that sweet honey. And they're able to use that in many ways to manipulate it. It's one of those situations where they'll make $100 billion dollars on fraud and then pay a four billion dollar fine and they're plus 96 billion and somehow they're able to also get away with paying almost no taxes now trust me i'm not one of those who's like we got to get all the wealthy to pay their fair shareless tax everyone eat the rich because
Starting point is 00:06:41 i think that's a real quick downhill slide. But, yeah, they're able to. It's more than just being part of the media or part of the government. They essentially are the owners at this point. So kind of a fascist state in that regard. But anyway, let me know if I got this right with the GME. It's pretty much the banksters were shorting the hell out of it and they got exposed had a knife to their throat and uh you know they needed a bailout in that regard and they pulled out all the stops including fraud is that right yeah definitely so uh kind of
Starting point is 00:07:18 one way to look at it is um there's definitely short interest right and it came from all sorts of angles that came at different times. The story that blew up at the time was the reported 130% short interest. And people are like, how can you be over 100% short interest? And as you know, there's a rehypothecation of shares. So in order to create liquidity so people can buy and sell shares, they make up fake ones and then they're supposed to settle those fake shares um within a day or two two days and now it's down to one and and some people hope it'll get down to same day settlement on trades but uh yeah so the big narrative that i think got pushed you know we
Starting point is 00:07:57 both talked about how we didn't watch the paul dano movie we don't know necessarily what uh what was the story in that movie but in the media and this is definitely true but i'll get into why it's only part of the story and why the community and gamestop still exists is that these hedge funds uh you know they they had a couple that they really put out there uh as the guys who got stuck but um andrew huang for example never got associated with gamestop but when he went to trial gamestop was very much involved with what he was doing. And so it was everybody. It was all of Wall Street, all the usual players.
Starting point is 00:08:31 They talk about how there was, at one point, GameStop was trading for cents, 20 cents, less than that. And they're still shorting it and rehypothecating it. And people have dug into the data. They've done really great work. They call it due diligence in the community DD. It's not always that. A lot of times it's tinfoil conspiracy theories. But there are some very brilliant people who have dug into the raw data and said, okay, on this day, there's no way they could have covered shorts. And so that was one of the really original things that got my interest because right after that squeeze happened, I wasn't an expert by any means, but I could just see the math that they presented and said, this isn't short covering.
Starting point is 00:09:13 The reason that the price rose that day of the initial short squeeze, January 27th, I think, or 28th, I should have looked that up. But anyway, it was people buying, buy pressure. And so if the short sellers are getting out of that, the price would have to go up. Now, obviously, the price would go down from selling from people. But the thing that really confirmed that initial theory that the shorts hadn't covered was when the congressional report came out. And they described that action that day. And they actually said that GameStop, they didn't say GameStop specifically, but they said there was one
Starting point is 00:09:48 idiosyncratic stock, that's their exact phrase, that posed a risk to the market. So when I think about that day that they stopped the buy button, I really do think that there is an argument to be made that you don't want to complete and utter destruction of the financial markets because of the short squeeze, right? Even if it's the right thing to do, I understand that decision. But the community really got alarmed to the media cover-up, the way that there was a coordination between different channels and different parties and different people on Twitter to really misrepresent what was happening at the time and who was doing what and whether it was retail selling or retail buying. And what we really discovered is that there's these cycles that go on that when these market maker algorithms come out and they say, hey, somebody's trying to buy a million shares
Starting point is 00:10:39 of GameStop. Ryan Cohen, for example, the CEO, kind of had done this in December before the January squeeze. And these algorithms is the theory. They take a while to actually process the buys because they want to try to get these shares at the lowest possible amount. So if the stock price goes up over that time, they'll have to do all these forced buys at the very end. And that's where you get these big jumps in price because they have all these obligations. So if that makes sense that that conspiracy spawned this community from gamestop and you know you had your reddit subreddits
Starting point is 00:11:12 a lot of it's really moved on to twitter now i know um 4chan had an element of the gamestop movement uh and then also you know youtube of course, has their people. And then now TikTok even is very aware in certain segments of this ongoing belief that there is, you know, still a hidden short interest. That the prevailing theory right now is through some kind of long-term swaps that puts the burden on specific banks that are carrying this burden. They know eventually the times that it come up and they're gonna have to answer for these unrealized purchases but yeah that's that's kind of why people are still you know watching this stock with a magnifying glass because they're thinking that uh the mother of all short squeezes is still around the corner and i i know i'm rambling here a bit but just quick, I want to say this is not financial advice. You know, if you're interested in something like this, anybody who's listening, understand that you need to do a lot of research and you have to really understand what financial risk means to you. Right. And I'm not a financial advisor.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Ben, I know you're not. So this is more about information, not about some kind of crazy opportunity that the world's not talking about. Sure, and really showing just one side of one scheme of what the banksters are doing. The way I look at it is they were way, way behind. They were right on the wrong side of the bed as far as it could be. side of the bed as far as it could be but then people smelled blood in the water and it was going to pile in so much that it really would have detonated the collapse of some of these hedge funds which then would have caused a chain reaction taking down more of the hedge funds maybe even some of the bigger banks so i mean that sums it up right and they had to they stopped the
Starting point is 00:13:03 bleeding though and they would just for my listeners who first off a good portion of them So, that sums it up, right? And they stopped the bleeding, though. Just for my listeners, first off, a good portion of them, this is Prepper Broadcasting Network, a good portion of them are like, of course it's all a scam. I don't even deal with any of that crap. So, to all those listeners, this is still super interesting and kind of can draw parallels to the entire financial system. But to those who may not know, what do you mean that they remove the buy button like what does that mean that they remove the buy button and what would have happened if they didn't remove the buy button yeah so going back to that january squeeze event now um roaring kitty is the keith gill deep deep effing value. This is the guy who was on Twitter and on Reddit
Starting point is 00:13:47 and kind of really driving a lot of the attention. And he was kind of, because he had made a bet months and months in advance when it was trading super low like we were talking about. And his attention on Reddit came to a head shortly before that. The week before or so, everyone on the Internet started paying attention to GameStop. So on this day, January 27th, the price shot up to, I think, $250-something. I mean, at certain points, it was up to $400 in pre-market on different days. But the idea was, as we talked about, these short sellers have an obligation to eventually buy the shares like they
Starting point is 00:14:25 made money selling the share with the promise that eventually they'll buy it so if the price gets higher they have to pay more per stock and that will drive the price higher again and again so in order to get out of this uh kind of rolling uh momentum gaining situation especially when it got out of control that january day and the price was shot up to a point that they could never even imagine covering. I mean, there's a thing called margin calls that happen where your position is so over the edge. Explain those. That's huge.
Starting point is 00:14:54 That's just the overall concept of margin call because on my show, I'm often talking about there could be a margin call on the dollar or just the government in general just at a high level. But could you describe more of what a margin call actually is in this context? Yeah. And maybe in this context, I'll definitely give you kind of the, the scenario they're dealing with.
Starting point is 00:15:16 So when they make this bet to that, they're going to sell some shares of GameStop when it's $2 and they're promising that they'll buy them back. What they're actually hoping is that GameStop will go bankrupt and they'll never have to buy shares again. But when they make this original deal, they make a deal that, hey, if the cost of covering this position of buying the shares of GameStop that I said I'll eventually buy, if that gets to a certain level if it becomes so expensive then uh basically you're allowed to use all my capital that I have or some portion of it and uh the position will be covered by default by the is it what's it do you know if it's like a mercy rule it's like you tap
Starting point is 00:15:59 out you're like all right man just like I lost it all just take it before i lose my underwear exactly and they'll take your underwear if you promised it you know exactly so basically all these hedge funds that were on the line here we're gonna go bankrupt and all that money was gonna get wiped off the table and these shares of gamestop would go higher until everybody was liquidated that was on the wrong side of the spet. And as we were kind of hypothesizing, it's probably more than just a few hedge funds. It was probably just about everyone. And there's a lot more reasons for that. We could circle back to that later. But basically,
Starting point is 00:16:33 the point at which this might happen is the point at which they called up their buddies, and Citadel's really heavily implicated in this. Ken Griffin, who's a famous billionaire, was possibly the mastermind i tend to think it's again everybody you know it was a mass crisis but uh he calls up robin hood and and there's clearing houses there's all sorts of financial you know institutions that
Starting point is 00:16:57 are part of this chain uh but basically he said the word down to hey don't let anybody buy any more of this stock which is you know it's I mean maybe you could describe how ridiculous that is. It's against the free market directly, but it's also – it's really the retail side of it, the people that took the brunt end of it because they're the ones who are going to get – none of them were getting margin calls. It was all institutions, all banks and hedge funds that were betting on it. I guess it's like the Robinhoods of the world. They're the ones that removed the buy button, right? What platforms did that, or how did that work even? Yeah, Robinhood wasn't the only one.
Starting point is 00:17:35 It was definitely the biggest one, but I think even Webull did it, and there were some other stocks that they also did it to. GameStop was just far and, 10 times more of a threat to what their balance sheets were sitting at. So their reason for it is that they needed to have a certain amount of capital, freestanding capital. And if they allowed these purchases to happen, they would fall below the requirements. So basically they're saying, hey, we're not big enough to support this kind of price action, this many people buying a stock, so we couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And that's what they told Congress, and they're still standing today as an institution. So it kind of worked. All the outrage did lead to some reform maybe in the financial district, but I think that reform was probably guided by the banksters. I mean, are you familiar with the cat system that came out good way to put it it was probably you know the banksters guided it no explain it a little bit more i didn't follow like the reforms or any of the any of that yeah so this is maybe just a good example there's some other small things but through this movement through these communities
Starting point is 00:18:41 uh activists got involved you know even people who didn't care or have any participation in what happened with GameStop and these other stocks. But they saw an opportunity to bring some change to Wall Street. And one of the really good ideas – I mean, I don't know. It could have been a bad idea, but it's getting a lot – it got a lot of opposition is this thing called the CAT system, which is basically just trying to get a crypto-esque accounting of each share being traded so you could see who had it what happened to it you know and and shares as you know they don't have a they're they're fungible they're you know that there's no identifier in this system so it's really just tracking trades that happened but um it got shut down it got introduced and then within a month it got shut
Starting point is 00:19:25 down that was earlier this year because the hedge funds were saying this is an invasion of privacy a court ruled in their favor yeah that's funny all the attacks on privacy these days but that was too far bridge too far now i mean i probably would agree with them actually he's probably not getting to track it that much but interesting um oh gosh. I got so many things we could talk about. Keep going, though, because I got some forks in the road. Let me just back up a little bit and give you kind of an interesting narrative on what I think happened here, what the community thinks happened here, and is more of a conspiratorial kind of attack on GameStop and these other shares. So it's a concept that we've come up with. I mean, certain people, I don't know who exactly to credit, but it's called seller
Starting point is 00:20:09 boxing. So if you think of like a basement seller just down in the dumps, that's kind of the image that is used to depict stocks that are bankrupt. Because when a stock goes to bankruptcy uh there's actually a way to still trade it uh you have to be a professional you have to have certain access but you can buy you know for a penny and then maybe try to flip it for three pennies and even though the company is effectively in bankruptcy you know it's not functioning you're still able to trade it and that's they think of it as a seller so So the goal was to bankrupt GameStop.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I had mentioned a little bit earlier how if you are short selling a stock, you never have to buy it back if it goes to bankruptcy. In fact, you actually don't have to pay taxes on your initial short sale. Oh, wow. So this is tax-free income if you can short a stock into bankruptcy. Okay. You can imagine why certain players in wall street would want to do this and so we've really identified a three-pronged attack i'd give credit to ian carroll on twitter uh if anyone's seen him great stuff but it's kind of uh the three prongs are the short selling and this can be done not only through legitimate short
Starting point is 00:21:20 selling but um massive fraudulent short selling where they're creating way more shares than actually exist and then selling them, which is an insane concept, but actually is pretty much how all short selling goes. And then they settle the score later. But if you do it, especially when you have algorithms doing it, you know, and by the thousands for 10 cents a share, they built quite the hole anyway. So there was that going on and it would probably have worked if ryan cohen the ceo of gamestop and he's the guy who built chewy he's a billionaire i'll get to him later he's an important character um but then there's also the media attack on it and one thing from gamestop in 2020 and i think you even caught some of this
Starting point is 00:22:02 is nobody was bullish on game stop in the media and the public everyone knew it's a dying brick and mortar company consoles aren't even using discs anymore people are buying games online right it's like the poster child for the death of an old store because of covid and digitization or whatnot 100 it was the covid death before covid was even around it was you know amazon was going to take it out. Yeah, true. Good point. And this was a fair analysis, but what Roaring Kitty looked at and why he got involved, I mean, according to his streams and stuff, was that he noticed that this voice, this criticism, this bearishness was actually relative to the balance sheet way over the top. That their free cash flow was still pretty good
Starting point is 00:22:45 that they had a lot of assets still that the end that they could make some pretty sensible moves and at least stay alive in the current business model for you know they're not going to go bankrupt in the next two years but that's of course the narrative that everyone wanted to say is that it's going to go near bankrupt so that may have been intentional i think it was um and then especially after the Squeeze event happened, then that was obviously the media very much wanted GameStop to go away. If you didn't see any articles saying forget about GameStop, I don't know if you saw any of that.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Oh, well, I always had a special place in my heart for GameStop because, like you, I'm a big-time gamer gamer and I was in a tournament with GameStop won a trip to Vegas and stuff when I like maybe 15 years ago so I loved GameStop and I was kind of sad to see it degrading and when this happened so I just looked it up January 28th 2021 just a few weeks after uh January 6th 2021 So pretty crazy time going on. That was the height of the GameStop stock frenzy. I see this happen. I guess there's two ways I see this happen. When they remove the buy button.
Starting point is 00:23:54 With Bitcoin, there's multiple times that Coinbase has shut down, collapsed, quote unquote failed. Maybe it truly has, but that is almost like a circuit breaker that has stopped many bitcoin rallies a little suspicious conversely there's always circuit breakers on the way down it seems like but on the way up there's fewer with regard to the stocks with with dow and nasdaq etc um but this was kind of uh i mean okay here's here's kind of what i'm trying to get at if they did not remove the buy button what was the maximum amount of damage that could have been done was it like 500 billion is it a trillion is it like unknown or could it truly have blown apart the financial system like what's
Starting point is 00:24:37 truly your opinion of of the magnitude of this i guess there was a congressional hearing shortly after uh all this happened i think a couple months or whatever it was one of the very first ones where one expert went on and this ended up being cut from the official broadcast it appeared in the live broadcast but when they aired it later on cnbc or whatever it was they actually removed it caused quite a bit of controversy and what this expert talked about was that if the buy button hadn't been turned off, Citadel would have been erased from the planet. It would have been liquidated. And for those of you, for your listeners who aren't familiar with Citadel's role, they're a market maker, a hedge fund.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I mean, Ken Griffin has bragged about essentially controlling the price of all the stocks on the market. You know, because their influence is so strong on the market. So a major institution at the very least would have been liquidated. And then from there, you can imagine a collapse, you know, 2008 style. Oh, exactly. Exactly. Because that's kind of what I was going to be pushing at. But I first wanted to say Ben Bernanke worked for Citadel a few years after he stepped down from federal federal reserve chair he wasn't there in 2020 or 2021 but this is yeah citadel is triple a level uh you know one of the the biggest and
Starting point is 00:25:59 best badass hedge funds they got the banksters working for them they got ben bernanke working for ken griffin okay so again it was only a few years and he probably got paid quite handsomely but um yeah it's not some rinky dink you know credit uh credit union in in iowa or something here yeah and i've been trying to think of the one that did go down it was um a couple have actually now hedge funds that collapsed kind of at the back end of this um it was one of them though got bailed out by citadel initially just that on that kind of as the squeeze happened they got bailed out and then they ended up collapsing a couple months later and citadel just ate the eight billion dollar loan or whatever and then said that's fine as long as
Starting point is 00:26:48 we're still standing and they went on to make a lot of money so they they ended up winning pretty good they don't mind that they just need a little bit of time to uh make things work that was what was so scary to them and required them to take that step that i mean i don't know if i've ever heard of uh them removing the buy button the price is going up too much so we must stop it today is i guess what did robin hood error screen say to save your ass because we think this is a scam we had to stop you from being able to buy this like is that their logic yeah dude it was due to heightened volatility you know yada yada, yada. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It was for our own good. I'm very glad that they were looking out for us. That's very nice of Vlad Tenev. That's really messed up. But the sell button was there, though. Oh, yeah, and people did take advantage of it. Because, I mean, here's the thing. I would have been freaked out.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I would have bailed out probably, too. Like, how are you supposed to hold them? Because everyone's kind of trusting. It's like the apes. Talk about the apes, right? They're all working together. But now there's no buy button. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:49 The apes are going to panic. Exactly. And how many of the apes are, you know, have half their life savings? You know what I mean? They've already made the extreme play and they've doubled up or whatever. So, yeah, of course it's going to work that way. Another thing they do, you mentioned circuit breakers earlier. There's been a lot of runs where they use those to effectively do the same thing
Starting point is 00:28:06 because a circuit breaker is where the stock is moving so fast that in order to avoid some kind of market collapse or whatever, they have this tool where they just stop trading on the stock. And it makes sense. I mean, it goes back to the original, was it Black Tuesday or whatever, the financial collapse in the 20s? Yeah, 1929. I think it was Black Tuesday. You're probably right. Who knows? Black Monday, Black Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I think it was Tuesday, though. But then you're able to enter short orders during that period. You know what I mean? So as soon as it resumes trading, it's going to go down, not up for the most part. It's just another tool. Turning off the buy button was an extreme one. trading it's going to go down not up for the most part and so yeah that's just another tool and then turning off the buy button was an extreme one um yeah and here's another good one and this is kind
Starting point is 00:28:50 of the third leg of that scheme i was talking about is they also if they're trying to destroy a company like gamestop you know they can get people onto the board or into the company um you know effectively as you know spies or moles or whatever you want to call them. Saboteurs. Yes, yes, exactly. One of the big storylines. Are you familiar with the Boston Consulting Group? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:29:18 So they're one of these. A consulting group is basically a corporate consultants brought in by a corporation, by the board, to consult and tell them how to run their business better, more efficiently, save money, you know, get their stock price better, whatever the goal is. Okay. Like, are they one of like the peers of McKinley or something? Probably. I'm not sure exactly what McKinley does, but if it sounds familiar, they're, they're like, yeah, the big four, but of like, not of auditing or one of those white shoe firms. This is where Bibi Netanyahu came from. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:50 There you go. They're players. Yes. All right. Easy money. Exactly. And so they had gone into GameStop in the months before Ryan Cohen got there, in the middle months of 2020. They had a $30 million contract.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And what people – and Ryan Cohen openly said, these guys are shit. He went to court with them, said we're not paying. Sorry for swearing. That's all right. Yeah. Said these guys are – they're just crap. They're not good. They don't actually help the company.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And people started doing research and found that a lot of these bankrupted companies – so I'm talking about Sears, Toys R Us, Blockbuster. They worked with Foss and and consulting group in the months before their bankruptcy and when people really looked into what decisions were made leading up that bankruptcy is clear sabotage i mean selling of assets way under value to friends of these hedge funds you know so they're really uh and the the big one is toys r us was the perfect example for i think toys r us set the stage for all this kind of behavior, for the seller boxing, these bankruptcy of companies. That was Mitt Romney and his hedge fund. I forget the name.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I was just thinking about that. Bain Capital, right? Yes. Vulture Capitalist. I was thinking Vulture Capitalist in the back of my head, but you tied them both. Exactly. So these Vulture Capital uh and then this method is really so you tie that in with the short selling and you know whatever else in in the media and
Starting point is 00:31:12 it's they're supposed to fail these companies are supposed to fail i'll add a fourth layer if you do you have a tinfoil hat nearby dude this is major power hour We're half tinfoil here, but we do try to prep in practical real world. But in terms of what's going on in the world, it's so screwed up these days. Like you need double tinfoil to protect yourself. Yeah. When it comes to these short selling schemes or whatever, one of the big ways to gain an advantage is to have prior information. And so the greatest brokers of information on earth are actually in the united states you know it's the intelligence uh communities so i i highly suspect
Starting point is 00:31:53 especially with covid being around the same time now the short selling on gamestop happened well before covid even if you believe covid started you know 2019 or whatever there was already crazy high short selling on gamestop but i think that once the the rumors and knowledge of what the plan would be to deal with it came around that they really doubled down on all this short selling which means that you know and the reason i think this uh it comes from eric weinstein he talks about how they he thinks wall street is used to generate a black budget for a lot of these intelligence agencies, because that's one of the biggest advantages you have. So when all this stuff starts happening on the wrong side of it,
Starting point is 00:32:32 I think that the intelligence agencies also weighed in and put their foot down and said, let's make sure things work out the right way here, because I think they were probably invested in the short end as well in some ways, either social capital, actual actual money who knows but it sure seems like you know it there was a uh concerted effort from the biden administration especially down the line to really never address some of the concern and then politicians will never you know go against the banks like that but um yeah so it really felt like everyone wanted this thing to fail and uh to this day, it's still standing. So, so far, so good.
Starting point is 00:33:07 That is not even close to tinfoil hat material. We talked about some aliens doing this. All right, maybe not. But I still might believe you there at this point, it seems like. All right, a question I had, and really I had this question before I even knew you were going to come on. I'd seen a couple of your tweets about GM and stuff, but not really much. I didn't know you knew so much about it. But the question I had after watching a couple of documentaries and looking into it,
Starting point is 00:33:35 seeing some of your tweets and stuff was, did they really not cover their short even now? And you made it sound like they may not have um i figured they would have somehow been able to roll it off even if they they hurt them really bad eventually they would have fully exited but is it really true that they may have a massive time bomb just you know deep in the heart of the banksters i already know that they have several of those whether it's the japanese yen carry trade just just the debt in general, all this other crap. When you throw this in there, any of these explode. The rest will.
Starting point is 00:34:10 So has the short really not been closed? And if not, has it been rolled off so it's a lot smaller than it used to be or is it still really, really big? Yeah. So the answer is nobody knows, right? really really big yeah so the answer is nobody knows right there's all sorts of um attempts at research and finding out how they would stash away this short interest rate and not have it reflected in the price and i'll go into a few of those i just want to it's funny you mentioned the yen carry trade i was going to bring that up when you're talking about the addiction to free money because it even put the interest rates going up you're not stopping so yes there is a derivative
Starting point is 00:34:44 it's a derivative it essentially no matter how they're not stopping so yes there is a the derivative it's a derivative it essentially no matter how they're doing it it's another part of this derivative bubble or you know several bubbles bubble bath yeah man it's the the poly crisis the poly bubble the super bubble i call it the black hole of debt because it's going to actually like implode on itself and bring that event horizon yeah yeah i i well i've been saying since probably since about covid just after the bailouts of covid i said they got one more in them so i think they can do another you know and every time it it's like an order of magnitude larger so the bailouts of 2007 2008 were like 800 billion and then you then maybe it was like $8 to $10 trillion of bailouts and overall
Starting point is 00:35:29 low interest rates and manipulation over a few years for the next phase. And then the next one, they're going to need like a $100 trillion bailout, which is essentially all global financial assets, more of a bail-in. I think they could do it one more time after that it's just too much too big to fail or that's kind of what i think that they're gonna at least be able to kick the can down a little bit longer but not only does the magnitude of the bailout required grow each time but the how long it lasts for it's like cut in half the half life is lasts for, it's like cut in half. The half-life is reduced almost. So it's like, okay, I think they can kick the can down the road one more time, and they're going to have to do that in the next year or two.
Starting point is 00:36:12 But instead of it lasting for a decade, instead of it lasting for five years, like the COVID one, this one's going to last like 18 months. So I'm expecting like about two, three years from now is really when everything's going to blow apart. That's just kind of my timeline. What do everything's going to blow apart that's just kind of my timeline what do you think and you know any thoughts that i just talked about there's a lot i'm sure no the can't kicking the cans definitely the narrative here uh and i think that that's so the the gamestop community and i will say the amc community to me is a uh either hedge fund
Starting point is 00:36:43 funded or intelligence funded attempt to recreate the gamestop community but without the same potency i have no idea yeah that's my opinion is that it was a distraction to be like see that these meme stocks they all can they all can go crazy but amc ultimately was controlled by uh adam erin who made a lot of decisions i mean they they diluted their shares at the really bad times you know it's gamestop's also diluted their shares to generate money so it's hard to you know maybe i would need to do more research to really say amc is not part of this but uh the general feeling from the game pretender compared to gamestop when it comes to a threat to the system at least exactly and so to get back to the you know
Starting point is 00:37:26 where is this short interest is it still out there and if it is how are they doing it there's a few things that really i mean we've we've looked at fail to delivers ftds uh report comes out it's always a month delayed for some reason i can't explain that but it does seem like like i was saying people buy a share and then the market maker instead of buying that share says hey, we're going to kick the can down the road for a month or so. And then we'll buy it when it's cheaper. And they do that through FTDs. And that seems to be an algorithmic process. So just little robots beeping and booping and making the system a lot more dangerous for everyone.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And then there's what's called the dark pools, which is an essential function. Citadel's got a massive dark pool, which is probably the size of the market. You know what I mean? They probably, for every stock or for every share that's on the market, they probably got another one in a dark pool so that they can push things around and move them and do all that. And essentially, it's just a place to hold your rehypothecated share so that you have it on your books, but the public can't see it or trade it. There may be some trading between dark pools, they think. There are some rumors that GameStop shares in the dark pool were going for thousands of dollars. Those are all kind of – it could be a glitch.
Starting point is 00:38:42 It could be whatever. But the big one is uh swaps so they think that there's some kind of mass swap trade that's you know basically the iceberg that shanked the Titanic just some massive you know dangerous things that nobody can see except for people that have access to swap data um and they think that is it ub or what is that swiss bank that's yeah ubs yeah yeah ubs they think that maybe they're the bag holders currently okay there's been some attempts at figuring out when that's coming up you know i really don't think that they'll ever get to that until you get to the point of margin calls uh and then you might see it you know then it'll
Starting point is 00:39:20 rear its ugly head and things will go real crazy real quick. But so, so those different methods, right. And so who knows if there's still decoupling between the dark pools and the actual share price, or if they've managed to, you know, hammer those out and people have paid a lot of money. Like I said,
Starting point is 00:39:37 a couple of hedge funds have gone bankrupt, but UBS is really probably, you know, if they go under, it'll be because of GameStop. That's the theory there. Well, I know they're like going back to the ticking time bomb analogy. They've papered over a lot of ticking time bombs.
Starting point is 00:39:55 So all it would take is one. I wouldn't be surprised if this is just hanging out there on some of those balance sheets. And one thing I really off balance sheet one thing that threw me for a loop i didn't even realize uh coming out of the 2008 recession and the financial crisis and all that garbage with credit default swaps and stuff is there was like a quadrillion dollars like that's the real number of derivatives and credit default swaps and all these other special instruments. And it's like for every actual dollar, there's just so many fake dollars out there. It would be bad enough if it was one-to-one ratio, but it's like 10-to-one, 100-to-1,000-to-one.
Starting point is 00:40:39 We don't even know. And that's like a big part of what you're going at here. Yeah. It's not as complicated, but that's what it breaks down to is like nuclear waste stored away and i don't know sorry yeah no that's a good metaphor is like you bury it in concrete and you're like we'll never see it again but there's some people with pickaxes trying to dig that out so yeah and so this community is stayed pretty active uh i just did i just this one thought i had about it is um it also extends to bed bath and beyond and you had mentioned that you were somewhat familiar with that are you familiar with the ties into ryan cohen and and
Starting point is 00:41:16 other parts of gamestop well no and this is really helpful for me and i'm going to be doing a lot of research off of this i just kind of fell for the the whitewashing or just glazing over of the meme stock so i knew gamestop was like the big one but i figured the others were the same thing but smaller but obviously may you know there's maybe some relations seems like but also like you said amc seems a little little shady a little weird so you know tell me what about bed bath and beyond yeah what's wrong with that one no i first of all i love that you're recognizing the something that i'm sure you've seen a thousand times now and i'm starting to recognize the pattern of the media's ability to create a word to create a narrative and then you don't even think about it because
Starting point is 00:42:00 it's just you know they're very good at that um but yeah so bed bath and beyond was also one of these companies that you know brick and mortar malls are dying all the stores are in malls and they're not doing great on sales and stuff but they also had this sub company called bye bye baby that's actually has been and it continues to do very well have you heard of it i've heard of it as related to the like the meme stocks which is overall i think but i know nothing about the details yeah i just i knew a friend who had a kid and they used it i was like oh yeah i got rid of them but anyway it's a catchy catchy name whoever came up with marketing yeah they were a holding under bedbath and beyond so that bedbath on own the whole
Starting point is 00:42:42 company so ryan cohen went in and there's no way to really know if this was his plan because it wasn't directly stated. But they have released court documents since this bankruptcy proceedings been going on. It's actually probably wrapping up in the next couple of weeks, which is interesting. But the bankruptcy court for Bed Bath & Beyond became very public because when Ryan Cohen tried, he bought a lot of Bed Bath & Beyond became very public because when Ryan Cohen tried, he bought a lot of Bed Bath & Beyond, that made waves. He wrote a letter to the board that was basically like his letter to the board at GameStop. And so people are like,
Starting point is 00:43:13 oh, he's taking on another shorted company. He's going to try to turn it around. And then if you're invested in it, eventually those short sellers will have to cover too and everyone wins. And this is not his unique strategy. This is actually Elonk is the best example of somebody doing this taking a shorted company making it appealing so that eventually
Starting point is 00:43:30 the short sellers have no choice but to get out of there and they're still working on that over time and tesla's you know on the moon now so good luck to them so ryan cohen did this with bed bath and beyond but the board actually uh strong-armed him. And there was some very, very shady things going on. One of the members, this you might remember, somebody actually committed suicide. And I have no speculation about why that happened, who's good or who's bad, just to say that some high-level corporate dealings were probably going on during this.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Some sharing of information, maybe the FBI was looking into it, who knows. There's definitely signs that there was some kind of fraud investigation, redactions in the court documents that were atypical of a bankruptcy court. Some people in suits appearing at, standing by as these proceedings are going on. So definitely some sketchy things going on. Ultimately, Ryan Cohen was strong-armed out of that. And a lot of people in the current bedbath and beyond community believe that the shares that they purchased and eventually the bond the bonds that they still hold they think will go up and the shares they hope will be you know they'll receive some kind of equity because of the fraud that occurred and nobody really knows if that'll happen it kind of doesn't
Starting point is 00:44:41 look like it will but the point is that this extended apparatus uh was fighting ryan cohen's moves on every end and ryan cohen interestingly was fighting them right he was targeting these companies that are short sold and there's all sorts of theories on what he's doing ultimately i know anybody who is thinking about buying game stop has to think themselves well is it really turning around as a company what are they going to do? And that big secret is Ryan Cohen's big plan, and people don't really know what it is.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Maybe this is a good thing to end on, you know, however much time we got, is the connection between this and crypto. Because GameStop actually opened up a crypto, you know, as an NFT trading market, but there isn't really a lot of reason for them to get involved with crypto, right? But they did immediately, and Ryan Cohen has been. And yeah, I got some theories on, one, why that is, what their next move is with relation to what GameStop does. And then, two, Ryan Cohen has been a huge advocate for donald trump especially this really here yeah okay yeah
Starting point is 00:45:46 let's do it let's finish on that i got another topic i want to hit on for like five minutes after that but let's hit on all this we just talked about for like another five or ten minutes and we'll call it a night yeah so ryan cohen's got some big plan right there's no reason to believe game stops gonna turn they may become right now right now they're barely profitable because they're investing all the money they've saved up. They have $4 billion, $5 billion cash on hand, and they're using that to invest, and that's making them profitable. But they're not really a great company. So there's some plan, you know, down the line.
Starting point is 00:46:16 And one tweet that Ryan, Ryan Cohen's like, he likes to tweet very cryptic things, you know, very like puzzles to solve. And one was, hey like puzzles to solve. And one was, hey, U.S. government, I wish you'd stop shooting down my balloons during you remember the Chinese balloon incident? Yeah. So basically you're saying the government shooting down my plans. Right. And that came at a time where GameStop turned off its NFT market because of regulatory uncertainty. So when I hear all this dialogue about Trump saying that he's going to end Kamala's crypto war or whatever, I'm thinking to myself, there may actually be a fire underneath that smoke. I think that there were some actions by the Biden
Starting point is 00:46:57 administration and the SEC, Gary Gensler, that probably ruined whatever plans ryan cohen had and it seems and my speculation is that it's nft backed gaming maybe music and movies as well where you have you know you know and there's practical reasons for that partnerships whatever you you get a pokemon card you like it unlocks the skin in fortnite cool stuff like that you know um who knows but whatever it is he's been all over twitter you know vote trump 2024 trump trump trump and because so many of the followers came from reddit it really has been a divisive thing for him to do and a lot of people like why would you turn away so many retail investors because game stocks completely owned by retail it's one of the few stocks on the market that doesn't really have institutional investors um right ryan cohen owns a large portion of it he doesn't take any salary he just
Starting point is 00:47:49 we're in shares so they're very much invested in okay the future and you know not only exposing things and and surviving but also coming up with a new game plan and actually becoming you know cash flow positive or you know growing organically as well as ferreting out the short squeezes. What do you call it? The mother of all short squeezes? M-O-A-S-S. Does he believe in that? Does Ryan believe that that's real or does he have to say he doesn't believe that because of his leadership or is that the cryptic tweets and stuff?
Starting point is 00:48:22 Yeah. So there was a point where the game stopped twitter account itself tweeted oops mo ass like a right they referenced it but you know i think that could have been just some kid who didn't know what it meant you know who knows but he is very active about tweeting like short sellers are bad bcg is bad you know the politics are not for the people the people need to rise up that kind kind of stuff. Power to the players. All that crap. So, yeah, I think he believes in Boas, but it may not, because it may also look like what Tesla's doing, where you just accumulate.
Starting point is 00:48:56 The short interest closes, and then your share price levels off, and then the next batch of shorts close, and you move on like that. I think that – so one attempt he did potentially to spring the mother of all short squeezes was a stock dividend he came about. And this is maybe a little high-level stuff, but I'll try to break it down pretty simple. A dividend is when you receive something because you own a share. A lot of times it's a cash dividend, a quarter, 50 cents. You're familiar, right yep so a share dividend was proposed uh and this is different than a stock split but it essentially functions the same way so everybody who had a share was supposed to receive three new shares so all the shares will be worth 25 of what they were worth before but you'll have you know four for every one.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And there's reasons for doing stock splits for various applications on the market, maybe making your stock price more attractive so people can buy whole shares, whatever it is. But what this specifically was intended to be was three new shares for every one share and now if the shares outstanding are far above what it's supposed to be this is going to cause a problem for the you know whoever is supposed to deliver these shares right because they there's more shares being given than are supposed to exist so then they have to buy the shares and this is supposed to cause the price to rise and this was in 2022 this was price to rise. And this was in 2022. This was planned to happen.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Following me so far? It'd be kind of like the bounce back or like the next attempt at the short squeeze, the mother of all short squeezes here. Yes. Which seems actually counterintuitive, but I'm probably missing something. But long story short, I felt that the price would go down because they diluted it. But maybe I'm missing that part. So the price would – yeah, yeah, sorry. So I missed the beginning step, and I didn't do a good job of explaining this earlier. So the theory is with all these – with the dark pool, the FTDs, the swaps, what you'll end up with is more people owning shares than are supposed to, because the price of the share is supposed
Starting point is 00:51:05 to reflect, you know, how many people have bought it and the price goes up and there's a set amount, right? But when people are buying the share and it's not going up because they're creating a new share so that they don't have to increase the price. And then eventually that process happens so many times that you end up with more people owning the stock that are supposed to. And so when you have, you amplify that multiple times over by this share dividend. Is that the plan? Sort of. What it is instead is the responsibility to give these shares to the people falls on the
Starting point is 00:51:36 broker. And if the broker is misrepresenting their data, and then there's this central group called the DTCC. That's the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, who's a huge villain in this whole saga. But they're essentially a private group that the government uses, that Wall Street uses to hold shares and distribute them in these kind of events. And what the DTCC was supposed to happen is know, three new shares for every share that's outstanding. And then those three shares go to a share. And that's the end of the story.
Starting point is 00:52:10 But if you have more shares outstanding than when the DTC releases those shares, brokers are going to have to buy new shares to account for the ones they didn't get for the. To actually true up. Yes. know to actually true up yes so it's supposed to create actual buy pressure on the market so that they have to buy uh the stock and that'll cause the price to rise but what the dtcc actually did is they said hey we have the legal right to not follow your instructions and just tell the brokers to split each share into four and so that's what they did so they sidestepped it by saying basically you gave us instructions but that will destroy the market. So we're not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:52:50 We have a clause or two in our contract or our service agreement or whatever it would be called. That's why I also tell people don't buy gold or silver ETFs because they'll just settle it in fiat currency whenever they want. You're not going to be able to get real gold out of it as an example most people know that but this obviously applies to other things like this as an example they can like ah force majeure or whatever lawyer speak they want to use like yeah we're not gonna do that sorry buddy you can't and it's almost like throwing you out of a casino for uh reading cards or whatever in blackjack but uh this at least that takes skill
Starting point is 00:53:28 in person this i guess this takes some fraudulent skill to get away with all this crap uh we only got a few minutes left to talk about this and i got a question for you any you know anything else you really need to yeah talk about or wrap up yeah i'll bring it home on one other crypto front um and this is something that may be coming up soon hopefully a lot of people are hopeful for it is another way and and after this happened ryan cohen you know there's a shareholder meeting he proposed this thing where now he has the ability to he he has all sorts of control over the shares he can actually recall them if he wants to and that you know to what end that that could be very bad for shareholders
Starting point is 00:54:03 it could lead to a lawsuit if he missandles it whatever um what people think he might be doing this is something that the overstock try to do they try to release a crypto dividend which is essentially going to try to do the same thing if you have more shares outstanding than they're supposed to exist then when you release this crypto dividend the people issuing it will have to buy extra copies of that dividend and that'll drive the price of the dividend up. And it worked. Their dividend went from about $2 to, I don't know, $18 or something like that. Really?
Starting point is 00:54:31 Holy shit. I did not know that. Yeah, but it was relative what the share price was. People didn't feel like they actually got a squeeze out of it. Instead of the share price squeezing, the dividend squeezed, right? So people think that there may be some attempt from ryan cone and gamestop to maybe move shares or somehow utilize this uh company t0 that's been getting a lot of government approval they can run now their own marketplace um and maybe it's a thing where your
Starting point is 00:55:00 shares will be registered in a fungible fashion. And so they can actually take an account of all retail shares or something like that. So some crypto method. And the belief is that he's waiting until the election's over to do that. And that's kind of hidden in the cryptic messages of Roy and Kitty and in Ryan Cohen. And so everyone's kind of, you know, you don't want to wait for dates because that leads you to disappointment. But everyone's kind of watching this election like, hey, are we actually going to see something happen now that the SEC is potentially on GameStop's side? Or at least to some extent under Trump. And, I mean, if people have been holding this long, they got diamond hands.
Starting point is 00:55:37 They ain't getting rid of it anytime soon. I got diamond hands with some things. Yeah, yeah, diamond hands is invaluable. All right, buddy. diamond hands with some things yeah yeah diamond hands is invaluable uh all right buddy this is the prepper broadcast and network so i'd be remiss if i didn't talk about one thing related to prepping if everything hits the fan and or an emp blows blows up and power goes out whatever calamity no matter how mad max you want to get to it do you consider yourself a prepper have you thought about being a prepper what's your your setup at a high level if you do have anything whether bug out bag or security ammo or you know food water you know yeah what's
Starting point is 00:56:19 your thoughts on prepping overall here on the prepper broadcast network good bad indifferent uh great it's it's a great thing i think there's a so first of all the general concept of buying gold or whatever else there that is echoed in the gamestop community people have their shares directly registered because they think if there's some kind of economic collapse that this hedge fund liquidation process could potentially mean that that asset gamestStop shares, would be more valuable. And so they have them directly registered with an agency. Anyway, it's another hedge against this.
Starting point is 00:56:51 And everyone does believe that that's going to happen. So that mentality, I definitely am not – I am very familiar with that. Within prepping, I always got the TV shows, the prepper stuff stuff and they depicted those people as loons and kind of goofy folk uh man it seems more it seems more normal to be a prepper now than to not be exactly doomsday prepper i remember like about 10 years ago 15 years ago uh some of them were relatively normal but you know they picked some on purpose to be extra crazy looking or whatever and uh but it's grown a lot first off i think uh more and more quote unquote normal people are doing it but also there's just a huge stigma that was bs so combining that more people get into it and it was just a bad stigma to start with i think a lot of people are coming around to it and
Starting point is 00:57:41 i really think covid was a big thing like oh damn like we might actually have to stay in your house for months at a time so you better be ready for at least that that was the exact anecdote i was anecdote i was going to give you it was i remember specifically when covid was happening when i had a prepper realization you know oh i should have had this in place i have this i can do this. I know this guy. And I know which friends I would go to, and Second Amendment's a great thing for personal protection. I've always believed it that way.
Starting point is 00:58:15 In terms of a post-societal collapse, definitely you've got to recognize the reality of the world we live in. It's going to be a lot more about what you the society provides insulation from violence right and to the point where some people don't even understand the world as it would naturally exist without that protection and i think uh you know that element of it i just i still am reliant on society in a lot of ways and uh yeah maybe i'll keep listening to your episodes pick up the the habits and make a little bit more effort on that end. But, yeah, I definitely have a bug-out bag.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I got some plans if stuff hit the fan. We should hit the fan on this. Don't worry. That's awesome. Honestly, I would suggest checking out some of the entire network, Prepper Broadcasting Network. In the archives, there's just so many standalone shows on specific topics. So you could spend a couple hours listening about first aid, medical, or different concerns from a doctor that's on this network that's been interviewed multiple times. And he even has the Prepper Medical Handbook.
Starting point is 00:59:24 I got a copy of it. It's super, super helpful. It's like, okay, here's what you need to stock before stuff hits the fan. But even if you don't have that stuff, here's what you can do if there's a compound fracture or there's a very serious burn or I don't know. And some people know this stuff. It's good to have it, though, in a book format. So anyway, that's a little shout-out to one of our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah. I think it's just – this is how I look at it. All of our ancestors, at least going back like 100 years ago and then all before that, they had to be preppers because one missed harvest or one – I don't know. A lot of bad things can happen. You'd be dead. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Like, you better be saving some stuff for winter or a broken ankle or, you know, a raid or who knows what the hell is coming over the mountain the next year. So, like, you better have multiple stashes, backup plans, stuff like that. Yeah. One last note on that, and this is something I was thinking about just when you gave me the invitation earlier, is the power of community. The way that, you know, there's so many people who understand this proper mindset and come together and have discussed these various topics. It's very widespread.
Starting point is 01:00:32 But since it is something that people are united on, that you're able to have these conversations. stop is that a lot of the things I learned as we talked about earlier are more about the general financial situation general political situation you know geopolitical situations and uh it's good to have communities that are situated in the real world that aren't afraid to you know really work out these problems without thinking about how it'll be looked at by the media or by you know know, safe society that doesn't want to believe this stuff is real. Perfect way to put it, man. Like in every day, more and more people are waking up and the more you talk about it, the more you find people that are interested in it.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Yeah. Some people don't give a crap or they're totally brainwashed about it, but long story short, you'll be surprised. There's a lot of people out there that are at least partially awake if you want to call it that anyway buddy gotta get out of here this is an awesome show we're gonna have to get you back on sometime in the future maybe even before end of the year if possible and if you get a show spun up i definitely want to be invited yeah absolutely i mean you know like i said uh on twitter luke olibre it'll be the luke olibre show i just gotta get setting up the studio has been a little difficult but this has been so fun dude we definitely have to do it again
Starting point is 01:01:50 hell yeah hey you sound great all you need is a microphone and a headset man unless you're gonna do video now that'd be awesome if you do do that i'll definitely tune in uh without getting too deep into it we're hoping to upgrade pbn prepper broadcasting network we got a couple ideas for early 2025 including maybe some video broadcasts from your favorite hosts anyway ladies and gents we got to get out of here be sure to tune in this saturday future dan and i will be holding our 2024 2024 election preparedness election analysis show. Then we're going to be live next Wednesday, the day after the election. And, uh, we're going to be keep grinding from there.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Of course. Catch you all later. Peace out.

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