The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Behind the Curtain

Episode Date: March 1, 2025

Feelin happy be the Commander...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score and be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. PBN Family, your garden is the resistance. PBN Family, over the years we have persevered through a variety of challenges here at PBN, really. Some challenges you've seen, some you haven't seen. But I just wanted to come on Saturday. I got some announcements to make. I got some behind the curtain sort of news for you guys.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Things that happen and they're happening and some of you know but some of you don't know and it's just a piece of the puzzle worth mentioning. I want to thank everybody for the support here at PBN. I wanna thank everybody who downloads the podcast, shares the podcasts, you know, all of you folks who are new, who are listening to the podcasts, you know, we've once again entered into the casino, the, the, we've entered into the Mandalay Bay that is YouTube.
Starting point is 00:01:22 We put all of our podcasts up on YouTube. We have garnered some followers from it. We've had a bunch of shows blocked completely already from actually from copyright situations with with music choices not mute not songs but like audio that I chose that apparently was not on the up-and-up even though it was said to be on the up-and-up even though it was Said to be on the up-and-up, but anyhow nothing major nothing really major, but
Starting point is 00:01:52 You know everybody who Supports us in any way, but you guys are the reason that this whole thing happens week after week You know what I mean? What I will tell you is we're just getting started. I mean really like truly just getting started here at PBN. You know I am just there's just so much I want to do. So and it's and of course I am nothing in the grand scheme. You know Dave Jones, Ben the Breaker of the Banksters, myself and Future Dan are about to unleash a whole new
Starting point is 00:02:37 event on you guys that you really should probably participate in. It's our sort of our survival challenge for the year and personal right? Like Gotham Get Out last year. Dave Jones I do have Gotham Get Out all downloaded on my computer and I'm gonna I'm gonna put it all together maybe maybe by the end of next week and we're gonna put it out the entirety of Gotham get out because it was Gotham get out probably was the coolest survival event ever you know I know there's like a lone and there's like well you would I don't know I don't to be honest I don't watch any of those shows I watch none of them I mean I have watched clips of them I watch none of them I don't watch the new one isn't there a new one like a special forces kind of hanging off helicopters thing I don't watch any of it there's one where
Starting point is 00:03:35 you can like send your your family member home or I don't know Gotham get out beat them all Gotham Get Out beat them all. Gotham Get Out took... it just beat them all. It took a really serious wide range of skills to accomplish what we accomplished. You know, it was a... maybe you could say that it really was... the risk wasn't really there. You know, not nobody was in harm's way we could have been you know I guess I also take for granted the level of preparedness that everybody had going into it so we didn't wind up in harm's way but yeah yeah we're gonna get that all together behind the curtain there's entirely... it's a really weird world. It's the disaster coffee world.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Monday the week starts off with the Matter of Fact podcast. You listen to Phil Rabelais, do his thing. And then I'm on after him. All of that stuff is happening right you have the the rest of the hosts and all the above but then what you also have going on is behind the scenes Phil Andrew Bobo former host of the matter of fact podcast myself for all running disaster coffee calm and I'm proud to announce that today released K cups today we have forward flavors in K cup and yeah man it's it's a big deal it's really cool it
Starting point is 00:05:15 is I never would have gone what one of the things about business partners one of the things about collaboration having multiple hosts having like I said business partners in this endeavor disaster disaster coffee, is these people take you places you wouldn't rather, you wouldn't go otherwise. You know what I mean? These are places you would not otherwise go. And that's important to understand, man. That's really important to understand because we talk about the value of people. We talk about the value of people in security. We talk about the value of people in your prepping network and all that kind of stuff. But there's a...
Starting point is 00:05:59 Because I'm telling you with 100% certainty, I don't have a K-cup maker. It never would have been a product I would have released on my own. And there's a big, you know, there's power in that. There's something there. And a lot of hosts and a lot, well, we just, I just had a very important call with a man named Austin, great guy, military, active military in Germany he's running a new website called comms depot comms depot check it out you'll hear a lot more about comms depot in the time to come and we're also putting something together
Starting point is 00:06:36 for all of you out there who are sort of you know level one neo fight with the emergency comms mesh-tastic thing that myself and Chin and Jordan have been talking about. A real to the point easy starter guide. Because as I mentioned, you know, this emergency comms thing, particularly with text, was one of my big goals for the network this year. I wanted to make sure that we stayed focused on this and that we definitely got people who wanted to be prepared prepared in that way and you know what I don't know that's what's happening those a bunch of things
Starting point is 00:07:17 happening you know what I mean that I don't yak about all the time I don't get to have these sort of this is why I do I try to do Friday audio only podcast but even better than a Friday audio only podcast is a Saturday one-off podcast where I can just talk to you about everything that's going on or whatever you know or the fact that I revamped the whole backyard and moved everything around this morning in preparation for garden and, uh, created a really silly little bed from scrap wood. I'll show it to you. I don't know, you know, it's, it's sort of the day to day.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's the life goes on type of thing. You know what I mean? It's, it's what it is PB and family is it's a blessing You know many of you out there have literally Imparted blessings onto my life and don't think that means because you pay me money to be a member right the members are a blessing Don't get me wrong but I've had conversations and been sent gifts and all that kind of stuff and just I Don't know. You know, it's a good time
Starting point is 00:08:27 to be alive. What can I say? It's good to be the intrepid commander at PBN, all right? That's what it is. March routine will hit the airwaves either today or tomorrow. This is a very simple routine. It's mind body soul for spring. This will be a members only routine so if you want to continue on your routine path with us your day to day routines to get yourself prepared in shape and I don't know better on a better spiritual path Join join if you got next to nothing you can join for five bucks
Starting point is 00:09:15 You can join for five bucks per month You don't have to join for the big upfront. What's not really that big of an upfronts? But I understand at some points it can be a big upfront. It's not really that big of an upfront, but I understand at some points it can be a big upfront, 60 bucks. And then I'll get that, it'll probably come via members email, be posted in the members website, and then also be posted in the element chat for members. And then we'll go over it. We'll go over it. Spoiler alert, it's yoga heavy. At least the fitness part okay well actually I'll give you something to chew on for this month it because it may turn some people off completely the only fitness is a 30-day yoga challenge by by someone that
Starting point is 00:09:56 I have watched for a long time well it's a channel I've watched for a long time the dark side of that channel is that the lady I used to watch died Just out of nowhere who was so crazy But they continued on this tradition of doing 30 days of yoga in a row to start the year We're just doing it two months later. Okay All right, PB and family always a pleasure. I am humbled and It's just a Saturday afternoon.. Alright, I'll talk to you.

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