The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Belts, Pants, and Boots

Episode Date: August 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets. Own nothing. And love it. Belts, pants, and boots, PBN family. What is up on a Saturday?
Starting point is 00:00:40 No, I'm sorry. It's Sunday. Sunday afternoon. It's been one of those weekends. You know, those kind of weekends that evaporate in your hands. And you're like, wow, there was a weekend and now it's a Sunday night. That's what we were dealing with. Let me crack the grill here.
Starting point is 00:00:57 So we had our annual test your might paintball birthday party for my son, which, you know, is so much fun. Really, I mean, if you got a little boy, don't be afraid of the paintballs. It's, it's a blast. We started doing it when he was about 10, I think, and now it's like tradition, you know, he just, he loves it. His friends love it. His friends' parents come and they don't necessarily play, but they love that their kids are doing it. You know, their little boys are doing it, doing something like that this day and age. And now we do have a different group of parents than a lot of people, particularly those in, you know, public schools and cities and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:01:46 But it is what it is. I always look at it as a great opportunity to see sort of where I'm at in a number of realms, you know, not the least of which tactically speaking. Which is important, right? I mean, if you're not measuring it, then you have no idea. And it doesn't matter who you were or what you've done in the past. It matters what you are. Don't get me wrong. There's tools and things like that that you can carry over.
Starting point is 00:02:13 But the cool thing about that is it's like, you know, it's that little force on force sort of situation. A lot of lessons, a lot of things I could go on and on about from the day, aside from the fact that it was a lot of fun. What it did remind me of, though, and what was very clear to me, I'm not like a super fancy dresser. And the fancy, nice stuff that I do wear is all from thrift shops. No lie. Like, I don't spend money on clothes. When I was little, well, when I was in my late teens, I was really into spending money on clothes.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Like, I did a lot of spending a lot of money on clothes. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars when I was trying to impress people. I mean, I couldn't care less now. I buy things because I like the way they look. I can't even fathom worrying about a brand name. And there is three exceptions to that rule. And there are three exceptions to that rule. And there are three exceptions to that rule that I think are important for you to know. And that's pants, boots, and belts. So while I don't wear boots every day,
Starting point is 00:03:38 I have a pair of Wolverine boots that are exceptional. And they're about two or three years old, something like that. I've got another pair of boots. I don't know what brand they are, actually. Oh, they're 5.11s, actually. Yeah, they're 5.11s. They're a little beat up. If it's going to be a knock-down, drag-out, destruction kind of, digging massive muddy holes or something like that kind of day,
Starting point is 00:04:06 then I'll break them out. Otherwise, we're doing the wolverines for the hikes and for the fishing and for the hunting and for all that kind of fun stuff that needs to happen. And as I said, you know, this is one of those situations where it's like, if I'm going to spend the money on articles, boots are a big deal. I'll drop some cash on some good boots. I don't have tactical pants for seven days of the week. I got tactical pants for when I need tactical pants. Today, I ran those LA Police gear cargo pants, and these are my most affordable tactical pants, and I was a little concerned
Starting point is 00:04:57 because they're a little starchy. They're a little tighter than the 511s that I have, tighter than the 511s that I have. And, you know, I have over the years basically moved to the 511 tactical pen as my go-to. Yeah, they're fundamentally my go-to. I got a pair of, well, I don't need to bore you with all the different ones that I have, but suffice it to say, like, what I've come to realize is the stretch fabric of the 5.11 pant is, uh, it's superior. The pocket layouts, the, I really like the 5.11 pants, uh, AR magazine pockets on the pockets in the back pocket. They're just good. They just, you know, I don't know if you guys make decisions like this, but I've reached a point in my life where if it does what I want it to do, it's good. That's the number one thing.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Like I have these shorts. These shorts I got from Sam's Club. And they were like 10 bucks and uh they have this little left they've got a cargo pocket on the left then they got this little mini cargo pocket underneath of them and it is absolutely the perfect pocket for the fire uh the handgun reload. Perfect. On the left side too. It's just perfect. But I spend money on 5.11 pants. I do. That's one of the rare articles of clothing I spend money on.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And then belts. Belts also. The belt is a big deal to me. You know, today I almost ran out the house without the belt is a big deal to me you know today i almost ran out the house without the belt because these la police gear pants are a little tight and then i said you know what man the last thing that you want to be worried about especially if you're pinned down today which could happen is your pants are coming down or what you know And I wear those seatbelt style belts. Those tactical style belts. They hold my gun perfect.
Starting point is 00:07:12 They hold my pants perfect. You know what? They do it all. They do everything. I need them to do. And it wouldn't pay me to spend almost anything on a belt. I probably wouldn't spend like spend almost anything on a belt. I probably wouldn't spend like $100 on a belt. Only because...
Starting point is 00:07:28 Here's why. I'm sure there are some belts that are epic. $98, whatever. The material that I wear, which is like the seat belt material. It's so strong and so durable. And does what it's supposed to do so well that whether I get one of those belts for $30 or $130, it's like, what am I getting here? You know what I mean? But I will spend the money to get that material and to get those metal buckles.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I like the metal buckle that clips sort of like the male into the female clip right up front. I don't know. When there's business to be done, the business gets done by boots, belts, and pants. It really does. Boots, belts, and pants gets it done. Whatever goes on top is almost irrelevant. t-shirt tank top long sleeve hoodie whatever you throw on over top and what's funny is that's the thing that has the cool designs on it you know what i mean that's the one that has all the cool designs but that is hardly the uh that's hardly what i what matters to me when i get work done. You know, when there's things to be done. If I'm running the mountain with Dave Jones,
Starting point is 00:08:49 getting pigs or slaughtering or picking up meat or whatever we do, Azure Highland and whatever it is. I mean, those are like my first parts of my EDC. Boots, and I guess it's more uniform than anything else right it's the boots the belts and the pants man so I the other reason this came into play because I was doing the paintball situation today and having a blast and uh it also came into mind because yesterday my my little son and I were thrift shopping. We're shopping at the thrift store.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And this time of year I go to the thrift store and I start buying button downs. You know what I mean? Like, what are they called? I mean they're button down long sleeve shirts. Not dress shirts, but the comfy kind. You know, and I'm looking for Christmas colors. I'm looking for fall colors, that kind of stuff. And that is where I do the majority of my shopping. Honestly, there are enough people. There are so many people. Here's the secret. There are so many people out there buying super nice clothes that they don't even want.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Many people out there buying super nice clothes that they don't even want. Super nice brands. High end stuff that they don't even want. And then they just give it away to Goodwill because they get tired of it. And then I show up and get it for $5.99. I do it all the time. I do it all the time. I get buttoned down, pants, all kinds of nice stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:27 There was a hoodie. My son found a hoodie with little baby Goku on it. I think we paid $5.99 for it. It was probably about a $50, $60 hoodie. Somebody bought, liked for a minute, didn't like it anymore, gave it away. Goodwill is so full. When you go to these thrift shops even if it's not like a goodwill but somewhere around you what you come what what gets even more glaring is when the prices start to go up on stuff like when you when you're like this thing costs
Starting point is 00:11:00 forty dollars and here it costs $4. And that's the way it is right now. You go get a nice button-down shirt, it's a lot of money. Depending on the brand, it could be close to $100. You go to Google, you get them for $7.99. And you know what else is crazy about going to thrift shops? Is that you don't wind up with the same button-down shirt everybody else has like if you're shopping if you're shopping shirts and stuff at walmart or target i always feel like they have the same thing in every store they're like the mcdonald's of fashion
Starting point is 00:11:39 you know what i mean so you wind up with this shirt that there's a highly likelihood i realize it's from my kids because my kids would come home and be like, three of the kids in my grade have the same coat. And that's because we bought our coat at Target. You know what I mean? And so did like 100 other people locally. Go to the thrift shop, you never know what you'll find. You'll find some shirt that's 20 years old.
Starting point is 00:12:01 One of them flannel button downs that's like 20 years old. Perfect color scheme. It's like a copper and a dark blue and a navy blue. Checkered, beautiful. It's going to be wonderful when the weather breaks, man. But like I said, thrift shop, up top,
Starting point is 00:12:20 quality gear from the waist down. That's the way I do it. Enjoy the Changing Earth podcast, folks. We will be back next week in full force. I mean, we're always in full force, but Monday starts another week in full force. Let's go with that. All right. I appreciate you all.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Listen, I want you to go to This is a new sponsor. They do something that I don't know if anybody else does. But if you've got comms gear in a big way, if you've got electronics in a big way, they might be able to do exactly what you need. work boxes that are completely EMP proof and what they also do. Now, this is not in everybody's budget, but if you're a person listening and it is in your budget, you might have been looking for these people or you might know someone who's been looking for these people. If I were a homesteader and needed a tractor, I would go for their 20-foot connex they're 20-foot shipping container that is completely emp proof i mean you can pull yard care equipment into one of these shipping containers lock it up and everything's emp proof and if you're on a homestead and you know how important them tractors can be on a homestead
Starting point is 00:13:40 especially those ones you can change the front of them and do everything you need a safe place to park that thing man and one of these shipping containers might just be the answer you've been looking for all right folks check them out i do appreciate you and uh we'll talk soon

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