The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Commander LIVE: Give Thanks
Episode Date: November 21, 2023 Credits:Peculate - Opium of the PeopleChecky Brown - City WalkKeiLoKaz - Dar Saltos d...e AlegriaKeLoKaz - Rainy NightsMeluran - Vanilla There are affiliate links up there! ^^^
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We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness, starting at
a very young age and filtering all the way up.
This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you,
that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.
Now choose life so that you and your children may live
and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.
For the Lord is your life,
and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
That is Deuteronomy 30, 19, and 20.
30 19 and 20
And uh
I never knew that the Lord commanded us
To choose life at a time like this
I don't know what to tell you guys
It feels like
This is what it's all about
Life and death
Every day
The more you look at this
The struggles of the day
The more you come to realize like
You know we're always trying to identify the enemy
We want to know who the good guys are
Who the bad guys are
Is it the communists? Is it the socialists?
Is it the Nazis? Is it Hamas?
Is it the Muslim radicals?
Is it the
Who's the good guys?
Who's the bad guys?
You know
With the things that
Come out of this certain,
and it's not one group either.
You know, that's what makes it the most interesting
and in my mind makes it the most valid,
is that it's not one American political group, right,
that is the bad guys.
But it's a much larger conversation. It's a much larger conversation.
It's a much larger issue.
It's the good and evil issue.
It's the life and death issue.
If you look at these radical Muslims
in the Middle East, they worship death, only death.
That's the goal. The goal is death.
The goal is death, the removal of Israel through force,
the beheading, the raping, you know, their menu, the full menu.
And then beyond that, it's also death and destruction to bring on, you know,
to bring Muhammad back.
And how much different is that to...
How much different is that to...
State-organized euthanasia?
And the battle for it.
Now trust me, listen.
I was just talking about this before the show came on.
I lost two loved ones in six or so years
to this nightmare, you know?
I watched them die slowly, and I wished that we could.
But there is something far more sinister than that afoot.
The worship of death is everywhere, man.
This is the battle.
This is the last...
What did Dante Gabriel Rossetti call love?
The last...
The last relay.
Is that what it was?
No, the sonnet is the last relay.
Let me look it up.
Now I want to look it up.
My computer's about to die.
I've got to plug it in.
Welcome in, everyone.
I appreciate you.
I am grateful for you all here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
It's been an amazing, amazing ride here at PBN.
And I thought tonight we'd talk
About Thanksgiving
About gratitude and so on
Dante Gabriel Rosetti said
Love is the last relay
And the ultimate outpost of eternity
My man was... He was somewhere.
All right, so...
We got to talk about this catalog.
I'm going to beat you to death about the head and neck
over the Black Friday catalog from now until Black Friday.
It's coming through email.
It's coming through social.
It's coming through... I It's coming through social. It's coming through.
I'm pushing this thing hard.
So get used to hearing about it for the next few days.
Because it's beautiful.
The contents are tremendous.
Amazing deals.
Amazing products.
We've got 12 days of safety.
With Mira Safety in that catalog.
25% off gas masks.
30% off filters.
Their tremendous Geiger 2.
30% off the Geiger 2.
Ooh, I might get one of those.
20% off body armor.
The Geiger 2, if you don't know, is like this little...
It's a pen size.
A little larger than a pen.
Geiger counter.
It's sweet, man. But anyway, wrapped up in the catalog. We got Black Friday deals for Refuge Medical in here. We got a great deal
on the EMP shield. If you haven't outfitted your home with an EMP shield. My home is outfitted with an EMP shield. I did that many years ago.
Black Friday sale, rather, tickets on sale for Prepper Camp. That's in the book, too.
I mean, it's all kind of, we have an incredible PBN deal, like a PBN deal for Black Friday.
Hang on a minute. Hang on one second. I got to plug this thing in or the whole show is going to die.
I'm doing it.
All right. We got power.
We got power.
I did an Instagram live before I got on.
I had a great time.
Hanging with those folks.
You know what I need to do?
Let me just check my sound real quick.
I've got to do this show with the headphones off.
You know that?
Let me gather this thing closer.
God, this Shure microphone is so good.
Shure, what a microphone.
Phil Rabelais from the Matter of Facts podcast,
thank you so much for telling me about this microphone.
You know, I used to run a Shure SM58 back in the garage band days. I used to scream into.
And it's so funny to be here now with you.
Still Shuren.
I don't think anybody's in chat. I didn't even mention this show today. I've been so busy. Oh, God, it's been busy. We're doing it all, man. We're
trying to do it all here at PBN, if you haven't noticed. And it's getting better and better all
the time. Oh, we do got people in there. What's up, JB? What's up, Garden Girl? Thank you so much,
We do got people in there.
What's up, JB?
What's up, Garden Girl?
Thank you so much, guys.
I was late.
I was all of the above.
I didn't expect anybody to be in here.
I thank you guys for joining us.
So let's do some of the reminiscence.
Let's talk Thanksgiving.
Let's talk the loveliness of the times that are these that we are gifted.
Actually, I want to talk about my ignorance first, to be quite honest with you.
I want to talk about my ignorance about the holiday.
You see, coming up, the holiday was, you know, pilgrims and Indians gathering together.
Everybody getting along.
Sharing the corn.
Sharing the pudding.
Sharing the biscuits.
You know what I mean?
Sharing knowledge.
Hanging out.
When you're young, it is what it is.
It's enough.
It's enough.
You wake up early.
You got the Ninja Turtle pajamas on.
As you wake up, you smell, right?
I remember waking up in the little tiny little row home and smelling.
Oh, God, Mom's got the turkey in the oven.
And you see my mother, she is a tremendous cook.
I mean, it was next level for nothing.
Next level for nothing. Next level for nothing. Like,
there are things that I do that are really good and taste really good and are really exceptional.
And it requires ingredients, you know? They require ingredients. They require techniques
and all that kind of stuff. My mother, she would make amazing food with peppers and onions in it.
You know what I mean? Like maximum peppers and onions
and ground, not even ground pepper, like dust pepper that's been in the cabinet for months.
It's amazing. And you'd wake up and it'd be Thanksgiving. Oh my God, here we go. That was
in the days, that was in the days after what I'm going to tell you about, which were the—they were such epic Thanksgiving meals at my grandmother's house that if I didn't have a sister, I would think that I dreamt them, okay?
Because there's a level of family that existed back then that is just impossible to achieve nowadays. It's literally
impossible. I mean, maybe it's possible in certain places, but, you know, it's almost impossible to
wrap your head around it. And then as I got older, you know, I started to understand that this was a
part of American culture. Thanksgiving, cowboys and Indians, I'm sorry, pilgrims and Indians
nonetheless. Then I started to see, you know, the motivations. Oh, I bet she is JB. Those Italian
women are no joke. Is your mother Italian? Or is it like your dad Italian and you're something else?
It's outstanding. You run into an Italian woman who can cook
And it's like
When you get a fishing hook in your skin past the barb
I'm going to be here for a while
I don't know if I can get away from this or not
It's like Hellraiser. Anyway,
as I started to get into high school, something to that effect, you know, everything started
changing and Thanksgiving came to be this day where we looked at it as like, have a good time But don't have too good a time
You white monster
You know what I mean
Those kind of thoughts started drifting in the head
Have a good time
Be thankful
And most certainly be thankful you're not a Native American
And that whole
Sort of you know the tearing down of all that
Is American culture which they've done such A good job at, you know what I mean?
Like, you ask yourself, what is American culture?
It's hard, right?
It's a hard thing.
Like, what is American culture?
There's a lot of examples.
Until recently, like, I didn't even know what the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the States were all about.
I had no clue till like four or five nights ago.
Four or five nights ago, Dave Jones sends me an address from George Washington.
Basically declaring Thanksgiving, right?
And on Wednesday, I'm going to read you it.
I'm going to read it to you on Wednesday.
I'm not doing a live show,
but I am going to read you this on Wednesday.
And it's going to blow your mind.
It's going to blow your mind,
the point and the purpose of Thanksgiving.
And when you listen to it, if you don't know, like I didn't know, if you already know, then you know.
When you read what Washington, and it's not just Washington, he sent me five of these from five successive presidents.
When you read what you're supposed to do on Thanksgiving and what Thanksgiving is all about, you're going to go,
oh, no wonder they turned it into pilgrims and Indians, and no wonder they turned it into eat and buy holiday, and no wonder they turned it into what it's become today.
And you really start to understand, whoa, okay.
You start to—all the time, I see this ever-growing, like, forged-in-the-hell-fires wedge that is being driven between God and us all.
It's glowing hot, you know what I mean? And there's a giant sledgehammer that keeps pounding this wedge between us,
between you and God, between me and God.
It's everywhere.
I see it everywhere now.
I see it all the time, everywhere, with everything.
And you can only see it so much and watch the world degrade so much before you go like,
are we just not going to try, God? You know what I mean? Like, what have we tried
in the last three years? We've tried damn near everything you could try.
Let me get the chakras aligned.
Let's worship George Floyd.
Let's see how that works.
That didn't go over well.
Let's worship Donald Trump.
Nope, that didn't get it done.
Let's worship Black Lives Matter.
Nope, that's not it.
Let's worship science.
Let's see where science will take us.
That was corrupted. All I'm asking next year,
starting now, like now through next year, let's just try God for 365 days.
Try God all through the most divisive and terrifying election that we could ever imagine. That's what we're about to go through.
Let's try God. Let's try humility. Let's try love thy neighbor.
Let's try choose life.
Let's try to whom as much is given, much is required.
Let's try these things, man.
Let's not try past judgment on everybody who walks by.
Let's not try, dig out my victimhood or my historical victimhood from the depths of hell to share with everyone and proclaim that I am deserved something for it.
Let's try it. Let's try it.
Let's try God in 24.
I'm going to play some ads.
We'll come back.
I'm going to talk to you about picnic tables
in the living room
and a Thanksgiving feast that was...
It's gone.
I don't think it could ever be again.
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Traynor, Pennsylvania
was a place,
what is that,
north of Markasook, PA,
where I grew up.
On Wednesday,
the 22ndnd by the way
if you want to learn about Marcus Hook
Pennsylvania which is a wild place
with some really interesting
we're going to be
giving away the Christmas Hook in Kindle
version okay at Amazon
just go look it up
you don't need a special link you don't need a
promo code.
It's in the Black Friday catalog, which is linked down below in the show description.
But, you know, you can just go to Amazon.
It'll be free.
It's going to be free for five days starting Wednesday.
Kindle edition.
Incredible Christmas story.
A great thing to read to kids.
A great thing to just, you know.
What the Christmas
hook is, is my life growing up at Christmas, you know what I mean, with some fictitious story
added to it, but it's largely my life as a youth, you know, young, young, eight-year-old, and what
it meant, and what it was, and all those kinds of things, and then, of course, the sort of paranormal,
kinds of things. And then, of course, the sort of paranormal, the paranormal aspect of it all in dealing with this mysterious Christmas hook that the children find.
Enjoy it. It's one of the, it's one, it may be my favorite book I've ever written. Maybe. It may be,
may very well be my favorite. I am working on Fishing for the Answers
Which I hope to have out by spring
Which is going to be
The fishing legacy
Leave that one
I left you the Christmas legacy
The community legacy
Now it'll be the fishing legacy
Maybe by the time I'm dead
I'll have said enough
And written enough.
I don't know, maybe not.
Maybe like Ecclesiastes said, right?
Of the writing of many books, there is no end.
Is that what it is, or the reading?
Is it the reading or the writing?
For me, it's the writing.
Of the writing of many books, there is no end.
There's no doubt about that, King.
He said it.
So, Traynor was a place that was just north of Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, and I only had to step just a few paces into Traynor to be at my Mamaw's house. My Mamaw's house, my boppy's house.
Mamaw and boppy, that's what we called our grandparents on my mother's side.
I don't know how it started.
I'm sure it was a baby noise that somebody said,
that's their name from now on.
They didn't care. They couldn't care less.
They were grandparents, you know what I mean?
They were grandparents in every sense of the word.
They were grandparents in all those mysterious ways that made grandparents so great.
A grandparent in the way that I hope to be one day.
You know, they had that, they had that, God, they loved you.
They loved you so much.
I mean, it just oozed out of them.
You know what I mean?
Like the way they would look at you, you know, they looked at you.
I don't know.
It's hard to if you had great grandparents and you understand, but they loved you.
You know what I mean?
And when you were there, it was about you.
And I don't know, man.
But and then what was amazing about those grandparents was that they also were terrifying when they had to be.
You know, you listened to them.
You listened to them out of respect,
but you were also like, oh, God, I don't really want to get it from Mamaw, man.
That can't be good.
Those people are dead and gone.
It's so tremendous to me sometimes.
The older I get, the more I feel like it'd be really nice to go back to Mamaw's house
But it's occupied by a drug addict right now
A lunatic fucking drug addict
That I can't even believe is part of this story
But it is
But that's because drugs are interwoven into all of my family life
Particularly on that side
You know, drugs and addiction, that's the whole nine.
But in that house before it was burnt to the ground,
before it was rebuilt, before it was occupied by my cousin,
who should be in a mental institution,
before all of that,
it was this magical place on Thanksgiving.
I don't know who did it.
I don't know how it was set up.
I was too young to know.
But when we would come to Mamaw's house,
a tiny, another tiny little row home,
you know, tiny.
We grew up with so little, man.
I almost regret it sometimes.
Not that we're rich or anything,
but like, you know,
the way that we're rich or anything but like you know we live in a the way that we live
in our life is different than the way that my kids are growing up and i don't even think it's
a money thing so much as it is the way the world is nowadays you know what i mean like like you
don't even have to be rich to have the kids have access to and and know, it's a digital life, too, so everything's digital. It's just
different. But in this tiny little row home, there would be two picnic tables that were
covered with tablecloths. And in my head, it didn't, none of it mattered. I mean, it wasn't,
it wasn't even a thing. It was just things, that's what Thanksgiving was. You'd show up to
Mamaw's house
It'd be warm in there
You'd be like wow it's so warm
It smells good
And you'd walk in
Who's here yet?
Are we here early mom?
Are we here late?
Because I want my cousins to be there
I hope Lauren's there
So we can get into trouble
And we would walk around
And there'd be a little bit of food
Out on the table early on
And people from the family Would bring things would walk around, and there'd be a little bit of food out on the table early on.
And people from the family would bring things, so you would walk through the living room,
which was basically balixed up completely by two picnic tables. And I think she even had a Christmas tree up at that time. They had one of those old big screen televisions, you know,
like the original big screen televisions that weighed about, you know, two and a half tons. And they had knickknacks and kids pictures on top of them, but they were big
screen and the men would watch the NFL while the food was, you know, cooking and so on. And
the spread that would come, you know, the whole family would be there. When I say the whole
family, my mother had five. What did she have, five?
Or was she one of five?
Yeah, she was one of five.
Four sisters, one brother.
All had kids.
And some had many kids.
My mother had two.
My Aunt Donna had two.
My Aunt Judy had four.
And it was kids everywhere family everywhere we'd all sit down together on these picnic tables i don't even remember the
feeling of the picnic table like under my butt but i remember sitting there i remember the food
going around pass the corn jim gravy you. Pass the gravy. Jim, did you get
some beets? Did you get some... You know what I mean? And the whole thing and set it up and eat
it and all that. Out in the dining room, the family, the women of the family and Mamaw too
would create desserts. You know what I mean? It's the chocolate mousse. Everybody wanted Mamaw to
make chocolate mousse. Oh, did she make chocolate mousse this what I mean? It's the chocolate mousse. Everybody wanted Mamaw to make chocolate mousse.
Oh, did she make chocolate mousse this year?
I hope she made the chocolate mousse.
They would make the, what was that salad?
The ambrosia salad, the craziest dessert ever, right?
The ambrosia salad would be out there in this big giant,
wasn't like a martini glass, it was like a bell-shaped glass,
this crazy-ass dish that never came out.
You never saw it. I never knew what happened to it, but it would appear like a mythical,
like some kind of... It would appear only on Thanksgiving and sometimes on Christmas,
like some relic with mythical powers, right? From whence came the craziest dessert of all time
that was like miracle whip, almonds, pineapples, coconut.
What are those things called?
Maraschino cherries all whipped up together
in this thing that I wouldn't even eat.
I'd look at it and be like, what?
I don't want to eat that.
That was horrible.
But it was always there. You know, the people loved it they ate it and uh you know afterwards me and my littler
cousins would crawl underneath the tables you'd run around outside and come back in
everybody's watching football then you know what i mean watching football the men are, you know, half in the bag, having a good time, fat and happy.
And my, and, and the grand finale, my, my mamaw, she would put out like pickles and nuts and
crudités and stuff like that on the table. You know, like the men, like if we hadn't feasted
enough, we'd have these little things we could pick on that sat out on the table as well.
And I don't think I ever thanked her once.
How depressing.
I don't think I, I mean, I hugged her and love you and I'll see you next time.
But I don't think I ever walked out there like, you know, like in a film or something like that where a little eight-year-old boy walks out and then you see these mammals out there on this four burner just whipping it all
together finishing it all up and uh and you know just go hug her around the back or whatever with
the apron on and say thank you mamaw Wow That got a hold of me
That got a hold of me right there
That got a hold of me
But those are the days man
Those are the days that we live for
The days that we love
The days that we what?
What do we do now?
What do we do now at our age?
We hope to recreate those days
We hope to be happy and fortunate enough
Do you know what I mean?
To be in a position where you can recreate something similar
Something along those lines
Families are so much smaller
Families are exploded.
They're exploded all over the country.
You know what I mean?
It's not like,
Ma, I bought the house on the block over.
You won't believe it.
You know what I mean?
And my sister bought the house right down the street from me.
We all live in the same town.
It ain't like that anymore, man.
You know?
It's different. It ain't like that anymore, man. You know, it's different.
It's different and you feel how different it is more than ever during the holidays.
You know what I mean? If you don't make the trek, if you don't make the travel.
We used to do the travel for the holidays. We used to eat it at my mom's house, you know, sometimes.
And I started, you know, you have kids, you have a couple of kids, you start, you have family down here. We started eating here. This year, we're going to have a pretty intimate affair. It'll be
myself and my kids, my sister's coming down with her boyfriend and, and we will, uh, we may have a
few other people, but that'll largely be it. You know, it won't be, I can't give my kids what I had growing up.
You know, I can't give them the gangs of cousins hanging.
I don't have gangs of cousins.
We may one day, but unfortunately for my kids, they're going to be grown up.
The cousins are building, but they're young.
You know what I mean?
They're young.
So hopefully they'll be good guides, you know, like my older cousins were for me sometimes
When you talk about
Gratitude in this nation
You know, it's
It's very clear that it's
One of the biggest things that's missing
I mean, you look at the crowds in the streets,
you look at the losers in the universities,
you look at the foot soldiers that they're cranking out each and every year,
the people who get the jobs working for the city,
the people who hate everything that America is,
the people who hate whiteness,
the people who, you know what I mean?
These people who are absolutely out of their mind,
they're resentful and they're filled with hate like nothing I've ever seen.
And the thing that they lack most of all, I think, and the thing that Americans lack most of all
right now is what this holiday is all about, right? It's about the gratitude. It's like, whoa,
It's about the gratitude.
It's like, whoa, have you no shame?
Do you understand what kind of a world we are living in?
You know, this is why it's so important to study the oldest peoples.
You have to study.
You don't even have to study Paleolithic man.
You don't even have to study Neolithic.
You have to study the 1700s.
Just study that.
Just a day in the life of a person in the 1700s.
Well, hell, you can look at impoverished India right here and now.
You can look at Africa.
You can look at places on this planet right now that are just,
you can't even understand a day in the life.
Do you know what I mean?
We're living in the land of milk and honey,
and all we have to do is complain.
That's all we can do.
These people in particular, they complain about everything.
They complain about the whole history of the nation.
Judge every book that was ever written,
every word that was ever said,
every tweet that was ever typed.
It's all a big judgment day.
Doing the Lord's work.
And wondering why they can't, you know,
they can't find his favor.
They're like canes, all of them.
You know, they're like little army of canes ready to bash Abel's head in with a rock.
Choose life.
Imagine what this world could be. Imagine what this world could be. Well, imagine what this nation could be if we would just spend time being grateful for what we have. I told you this before,
man. And we've done it. We've done it as a group when we run our Commander's Challenge. A lot of times we run this thing
called the Commander's Challenge, and we do a variety of things. But one of the things that
we always do is a gratitude prayer, or at least I include that. I don't know if you do it.
I do it a lot. I probably do it five times a week. I've never finished a gratitude prayer once.
week. I've never finished a gratitude prayer once. A gratitude prayer is like an ambient,
by the way. Like, it almost feels like you're wringing your soul clean of anything bad.
It's a wild thing. And all a gratitude prayer is is very simple, man. It's when the world is at rest around you and your day is done and you're laying your head down for sleep. In no particular order at all, whatever comes to you,
you just start thanking God for what you have. I'm talking piece by piece. It can be anything.
It can be as rudimentary as my wife and my kids and my dog and my car and, you know,
my wife and my kids and my dog and my car, you know?
Or it could be my health and my wellness and, you know, whatever it is.
Just work your way down the line.
And I promise you, you will get put so at ease doing this gratitude prayer that you'll never finish.
You'll never make it, particularly if you work hard
and work out and, you know, do all the things that I tell you to do.
Then you're already tired when you hit the bed and you sit there and you lay there and you, oh, my God, this pillow.
God, thank you for this pillow.
This pillow is tremendous.
The sheets, the covers.
Oh, my God.
Who made these covers?
These covers are from God.
Thank you for little Link.
Thank you for my little pit bull Link
who's curled up against my stomach right now
and there is no place else in the world
that this little pit bull would want to be but right here.
And he's warm and he's curled up
and we're going to sleep soundly through the night
in this heated home.
Thank you for the insulation in the walls, each shred of, I mean, you could go on and on.
You know what I mean? You could go on and on.
Try it. Try the gratitude prayer out. I'm telling you right now. You know, we have too much.
In all honesty, we have too much.
Too much good in our life.
We can't even focus on it all.
We can't be grateful for it all.
It's a mess, in all honesty.
But it is what it is, you know.
It's the reality of it.
You get a day.
There's a day coming.
You can be off work, hopefully. You know,
focus on things. Be grateful for things. Enjoy them. More so than anything, because before
you know it, man, before you know it, you'll be finished, too. Before you know it, your story will come to an end too.
You'll be on the last few pages of that book.
Do you know what I mean?
The last few pages of that book, you'll be on them.
You'll be saying to yourself, God, what happened to the time?
I can't believe there's so much more to do, so much more to see.
You know, the children are having children,
and their children are growing up and doing things,
and I want to see it.
And God will be saying, well, it's time to come home.
Short dance in the sun, PBN family.
That's all we get.
That's it.
So What will I be cooking this holiday?
We'll finish on that
How about we finish on that?
We'll talk about what's on the menu
We'll talk about some of the things that I do
In my household
Yeah, let's do that
That sounds like a good time.
You know, we tray food a lot. It's an all-day affair, fundamentally. I rarely, rarely,
rarely drink, but I always drink at Thanksgiving. So that'll be a thing. You know, there's really
like, last Christmas I didn't't drink i didn't even take
a drink in july on july 4th last year because things like beer and things like whiskey um
i find myself not wanting them as much even when it's you know not that i even drink them, but when I have the opportunity to drink them, I feel like,
nah, I don't know.
I don't even know if they move me the way that they used to, you know?
It's a health thing. I know what it is.
I know exactly what it is.
It's this thing where it's like, I make multitudes of decisions all the time and take multitudes of actions all the time to make sure that I'm healthy.
You know, and then you dump poison in your body and feel like crap.
And it just doesn't work.
But Thanksgiving always.
For some reason, I start the day, you know, I have great cheese,
we have, we always have great cheese, we always have great cured meats, we always have tons of
vegetable crudités around early, this is early, this is like 10 o'clock, you know what I mean,
11 o'clock, we'll have the crudités, we'll have the cheese out, we'll have the meats out,
we may have some cookies out, whatever.
Breads, you know, all that kind of stuff to get it going.
The kids are full.
The kids almost never even eat the meal.
They eat themselves absolutely sick of vegetable crudités and pepperoni.
You know what I mean?
I don't care.
When I was younger, I cared.
I would be upset.
You know, I'd be like, you don't want to eat no turkey, man.
Now I don't even care.
Whatever happens.
You know what I mean?
How could you care?
This is another thing people have to understand, particularly parents, right?
Parents always get this wrong.
They always do.
They always get this wrong.
They'll be surrounded by everything they could ever want. It happens on vacations, too.
Surrounded by everything they could ever want. It happens on vacations too. Surrounded by everything you could
ever want. But the kids aren't doing
exactly what you want them to do so you
get crazy. You know, what do you mean?
You don't want mashed potatoes?
Oh, Jesus Christ, honey. He doesn't want to
eat my mashed potatoes.
You step outside of that for five
seconds and you're like,
oh my God, this is bananas.
Like what, what am I doing here?
Like here we are enveloped in food of all kinds, right?
Happy, healthy, fire in the fireplace, Disney, Christmas, movies on, whatever.
Family together, everybody's happy, healthy, nobody's got cancer.
You know what I'm saying,
and I'm yelling at my kid over a mashed potato, it's insane, you know, let it be,
let it be whatever it is, just let it be, so we'll have the early, the early bar of foods out,
whatever it is, right, and, and it's amazing, you know what I mean?
Just that there.
I've got some amazing cheeses.
I've got some truffle-laced creme de bourguer.
I don't even know how to pronounce it.
We've got a great little young Gouda this year.
I always get a good high-quality blue cheese.
Nobody eats it but me, no,
my family's like, there's no way I'm putting mold in my mouth, dude, but I get that blue cheese,
and I put it on, I don't know what I'll put it on this year, maybe a crack, or maybe a little,
maybe a little bread toasted, you know, one of those little, what do we used to call those,
you know one of those little uh what do we used to call those crostini that's it a little crostini and i'll put a little bit of that crostini smear some of that blue cheese on a little honey
take a little honey on top of that blue cheese and you'll just be like
next level a sip of red wine. Awesome. I'll always boil down fresh cranberries. I buy cranberry in the can
because that is something I have to have, but I always boil down some fresh cranberries with a
little red wine, some cinnamon, some orange juice, orange zest, you know, make an incredible little,
uh, cause I think think that not only is that
Homemade cranberry sauce great with the turkey
That homemade cranberry sauce
Is also great with the cheese
I don't know what side
We're making sushi this year
That's a new thing
That's a first
My youngest is into sushi.
And I said, you know what? Let's make sushi. Let's roll some sushi rolls for everybody this
year. Who cares? Let's just have fun, you know, whatever. The Indians aren't actually coming to
dinner. Nobody's going to be offended if we have a little tecamaki on the table.
Takamaki on the table.
I got an enormous turkey.
I'll probably have a duck as well.
We usually do a turkey and a duck.
My oldest son loves duck.
And, you know, we'll do the mashed potatoes and the stuffings.
I keep it simple.
I don't get too crazy with the stuffing. I don't do, like, you know, the summer sausage stuffing with apples and whatever.
I usually keep it pretty simple, truly.
I'll get a good chicken stock, a good old bread,
peppers, onions sauteed, celery maybe.
No, I don't ever put celery in my stuffing.
Actually, I should.
My mother used to,
but peppers, onions, fresh thyme always, you know, and salt and pepper, that's it,
whip it all up, bake it, I don't know, man, you know, I'm losing the, and it's so, it's, it's, it's simultaneously pleasant and not, but I'm losing the desire for's so It's It's Simultaneously pleasant
And not
But I'm losing the desire
For everything to be fancy
And you know
Like sometimes
If it's just good
It's good enough
I will make
I will make
I'll take the Yukon gold potato
And I will make
The palm
De Robuchon Yoel Robuchon, Joe Robuchon,
one of my heroes from back in the day. And he made a potatoes de Robuchon or a pomme de Robuchon.
And that potatoes de Robuchon was essentially, well, it's really my favorite preparation with a potato, which is saying a lot because potato is an amazing ingredient.
But basically take these Yukon gold potatoes, boil until soft, steam, not steam, but you know, put them in a colander and let them really, really, really steam.
Like there's two, there's three ingredients in this recipe.
And it's very important that it remain that way.
Palms de Robuchon, you put in a bowl while the potatoes are still nice and hot.
You take all the butter you have, basically. I mean, you may need
a pound of butter to make this recipe just for the potatoes because what you're going to do is
you're going to cut that butter up into pieces, you know, maybe a couple inches thick each piece,
you know, along a stick of butter. And then you're going to start mashing these potatoes with a potato masher,
and you're going to add butter, a little bit at a time.
You know, this is called menthe au beurre by the French when you add it to sauce, right?
You take a delicious sauce, and I need you to menthe au beurre this sauce.
In other words, finish it with copious amounts of butter. Make it delicious. Take it
off the heat so the butter doesn't separate. Do the same thing with the potatoes, right?
And you mash these potatoes up and you add butter a little bit at a time until you put
so much butter in it that it hardly can hold it. You know, start to seep out a little bit.
And then you season with salt.
And what you have is a three-ingredient mashed potato that is out of this world.
It's butter.
It's salt.
It's Yukon Gold potatoes.
And I make those every year because I think they're the best.
They just blow me away.
They're so good.
They're outrageous.
They're outlandish.
You know what I mean?
It's not something you could eat every night kill you but when you eat it you feel like if i go up to bed right now i'm gonna fall asleep
and have dreams of things that no one could ever explain you know that's the kind of hardiness
we may do some sweet potato.
I'm not sure what my sister's going to bring.
I'm sure she'll do something up real nice too.
But we don't go too crazy, you know, with a variety of sides. I'll do a cheese-covered, you know, the cheese-covered broccoli and cauliflower.
That's always a popular one.
I don't do the green bean casserole.
I used to make it.
I used to make it real good too. I don't do the green bean casserole. I used to make it. I used to make it real good,
too. I used to take the mushrooms. See, oh, man, one of my favorite dishes of all time we used to
make at a restaurant called Rue 3. And Rue 3, we would have this mushroom, truffled mushroom puree inside of a fresh rolled ravioli. It had a different name,
though. I can't remember what it was. It was a tubular type ravioli, but you could do it in a
ravioli. And the way we would make this amazing filling, as French as can be, is we'd take, you know, five pounds of button mushrooms,
and we would put them in the pan with butter, and we would cook them for two hours on the lowest
heat possible, and stir them, and stir them, and stir them, and stir them, and stir them,
and the liquid would come out and go away, and they would shrink, and shrink, and shrink,
until they were just these little packages
of mushroom flavor you know what i mean then we take the butter and take the mushrooms
buzz them in a blender salt that was it you know what i mean and and that was it and we'd roll that
filling up into our ravioli and we'd serve it with a delicious butter sauce finished with black truffle oil. It
was unbelievable. But anyway, I'd make a bechamel sauce like that. So I would make a, you know,
make a bechamel sauce, which is a thickened milk sauce, essentially. I would add the mushroom
puree to it, coat the green beans, fry my own onions up. And then I'd eat it myself. And that's it.
No one else would touch it. So again, it's one of those humbling moments where you make this
thing and you're like, look what a good job I did. And everybody's like, where's the apple pie?
I don't know what we'll do for desserts, to be honest with you. I'm not sure. I may make something.
I don't know.
We'll see.
I haven't gotten that far yet.
I haven't gotten that far yet, but when we get there, we'll get there.
PBN family, it's been a hell of a day.
A long day.
Don't forget to check out that Black Friday catalog.
Share it around, man.
Put it on your Instagram.
Put it on your Facebook. catalog. Share it around, man. Put it on your Instagram. Put it on your Facebook, whatever.
Share it with people.
There are more people into prepping now than ever before.
What has most surprised me
is the amount of conversation I've had
about the Mira page
and the gas masks for sale
in the catalog.
I mean, it's great.
The deals are great and so on, but that has really blown me away.
I did not expect so many people to say, oh, man, I want to check those gas masks out.
So it lets you know where people's minds are, you know what I mean?
We're not going to have a tremendous show on Wednesday, so for some of you, this might
be the last time I talk to you before the holiday.
I'm grateful because, you know, it's easy, in all honesty.
I mean, I would be grateful, and I am grateful even when it's not easy.
But one of the reasons I can get up and be so grateful every day
is because it's easy
like it's easy for a guy like me to be grateful it's easy for a guy like me to go to bed at night
because I get to wake up and do something amazing every single day of my life I get to broadcast to
you I get to write I get to write about what I want to write about I get to broadcast to you. I get to write. I get to write about what I want to write about.
I get to do all these things.
And fundamentally, PBN family,
I get to do them all because you have stuck with me
over all these years.
You know, you stuck with me as the I Am Liberty guy.
And then the I Am Liberty guy tried to operate
the Prepper Broadcasting Network, and you
stuck with me through all of that, and you're still here, man.
And you need to understand, like, none of this works without you guys.
You know, none of this works without you.
None of this works without the members.
I mean, it just doesn't work.
And I'd be the first casualty. You know what I mean?
Yet here I am all these years later, we're still growing. And I don't know.
I can't thank you enough. There's nothing I can ever do to thank you enough.
I mean, we have 5,000 free podcasts and I don't feel like that's
halfway enough. You know what I'm saying? Because this is life, man. You know what I mean?
Do you ever have that overwhelming feeling like this is life? You get wrapped up sometimes in
this idea that something bigger is coming, something better is coming, a better moment is just on the horizon.
But for me, this has been life for the last, what?
How long have I been at this now? Six, seven years.
I've been working for myself at podcasting, and this is life. It's not about what will come next.
It's not about, whoa, maybe we'll make more money next year.
Who cares about next year?
Like, this is life right now, baby.
It is happening.
And I understand that there are a lot of people, probably most, who wake up in this country
and say to themselves, geez, I don't want to go to work today. God, if anything could themselves Geez I don't want to go to work today
God if anything could happen
I don't want to go to work
I hope my boss ain't at the job today
You know what I mean
And I wake up man
And it's just a whole different kind of thing
And it's all your fault
You know so I am grateful for many things, but this audience, like this, you have to understand.
When I thought about marriage growing up, I need to shut up after this, too.
When I thought about marriage growing up, I always used to think like, you know, even if you don't make a lot of money, Jim,
even if you wind up, you know, living like your parents in Marcuseau or whatever the situation is, no matter who you are as a man, you have the ability, right, to wake up every day and try to make your woman's life an epic.
Do you know what I mean?
And you could do that, right? If you have a pen and paper,
you can do that. You don't need 30 dozen roses and, you know what I mean? With your words and
with your actions and with your commitments and all that kind of thing, you can literally
make one person's life damn near a dream. And I always thought about that.
I always thought, like, if you're going to be a husband, why not, right?
Like, if you're going to commit to a woman, you might as well make it crazy in a good way.
You know, because you have the ability to make at least one person's life an incredible journey.
And why do anything else?
Like, other than that, why do anything else?
Other than that, why do anything other than that?
You know what I'm saying?
You guys have done that same exact thing for me.
Like when you choose the prep or broadcast,
when you wake up and you get in the car or you wake up and you start your daily tasks,
whatever it is that you do,
and you choose the prep or broadcasting network, that's exactly what you do for me you say to yourself look i can
take somebody and i can give them a life that is incredible to live right and i can do that through
my patronage of a podcast and you've chosen this podcast and the person's life who you've made amazing is mine like higher higher
than the greater than any dreams that i could have dreamt why because there are paths of great fame
and great fortune that would lead me across the nation. Possibly across the world.
And at this moment in my life guys.
I'm right where I want to be.
You know so in other words.
If I were so popular.
That people were like.
Oh we want you to come on this TV show.
Or we want you to come to this event.
Or we want you to come do this.
Across the nation or across the world.
I might have more money, but I wouldn't be happier than I am now.
There's no way I'd be happier than I am now.
You know, when I turn this microphone off,
I get to go back to James Walton, dad, husband.
I appreciate you.
I mean that.
If nothing else, you've given one man just a mesmerizing life.
And I'm grateful for it.
So happy Thanksgiving, PBN family.
And look Wednesday for the reading I'm going to do for you.
You're really going to appreciate it. It's going to rock your world.
All right?
I'll talk to you guys soon, okay?
Good night.
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Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence.
Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at
Thank you.