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To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our Creator bestowed us in the United States
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land.
This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy.
Happy Memorial Day!
Woo! Three day weekend!
You can't beat it.
Hey, are you celebrating? I hope you are. I hope you are because
well, how Memorial Day got started was
family members, widows, moms
would start decorating the graves
and monuments of the fallen soldiers
of the Civil War.
And a lady that lost five of her six sons
fighting for the North
wrote a letter to President Abraham Lincoln and said,
Wouldn't it be nice if we had a national holiday
to remember all those who have fought and died. And
that started. It was originally called Decoration Day.
That's my history lesson for today. There you go
class. What do you think?
Oh my gosh. Yep, we're coming down on finals next week.
And then the week after that, we clean up the classrooms and I'm
done, done, done until September.
Yeah, well they liked what I did, so they
asked me to stay on for another year. They gave me a raise,
which was nice. Now I think I make
$12 an hour.
No, I'm joking.
I don't know.
I really don't know how much I make.
I bought pizza for everybody
that did not have to take the history final.
If you get an A average,
you don't have to take the history final.
So I bought pizzas for everyone in every class that did not have to take it.
And this one kid came up to me and says, are you rich?
And I said, no, I'm not rich.
And he says, oh, come on, I bet you got millions.
I said, well, I'm not rich, but when Donald Trump needs a loan, he calls me.
I'm joking.
You know, I said, no, that's not true. I said,
I'm not rich. But I don't have to work. So that's, you know, to a lot of people, that
is being rich. Not having to work. Anyway, I digress.
Where was I going with this?
You know, China is conducting a huge military operation,
you know, kind of testing Taiwan again,
and they say it's a military exercise.
Well, you know what?
Russia said the same thing before they invaded Ukraine.
So we got to keep an eye on that.
And like I said, they got to do something before Biden leaves office.
And Biden's going to leave office one way or the other because that guy,
either Trump's going to take him out or the Grim Reaper is.
I mean, just look, facts, facts.
Biden is so old that when he was born,
he was closer to Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration than he was to his own.
That's how old he is.
I mean,
what's keeping him up?
Adderall? I don't know.
And to think of four more years, look how he deteriorated
in these four years. Holy cow.
Anyway, that's the state of the situation right now.
I mean, what more do you want?
Well, let's see.
27,000 Chinese nationals have come into the country that we know of.
That's the equivalent of two divisions.
And the thing about Chinese nationals,
you don't go to Mexico
unless they want to let you go to Mexico.
You understand?
They have over a million and a half people in concentration camps.
Well, re-education camps right now.
It's interesting.
One of my 7th graders.
I do this thing where I'm,
half a year,
they do a term paper at the halfway mark
and then a term paper at the end of the year.
And they pick a bad guy or a good guy.
And if they pick a good guy the first time,
they got to pick a bad guy second time.
Well, she picked a good guy the first go around, so she needed a good guy the first time, they've got to pick a bad guy the second time. Well, she picked a good guy the first go-around, so she needed a bad guy.
So I gave her Xi Jinping, okay?
And I told her he's a bad guy.
And she came to me a few weeks before the assignment was due.
She says, you told me he was a bad guy guy and all I can get is good stuff on him.
I said, well, that means you got to dig a little deeper
because that is the propaganda.
And man, she produced a video for her presentation
that I showed everyone.
I showed the rest of the class.
That was amazing.
How she learned how propaganda can prop someone up who is really, really terrible.
And then she found where he's destroying Christian churches and the re-education camps.
Part of the re-education is rape.
Yeah, and she found all this out.
And man, when I showed the video to the other classes,
you could have heard silence
because she did such a good job of showing the propaganda and then showing the truth.
It was really, really great.
So, yeah, Xi Jinping, bad guy.
And what's going on in Israel?
Well, Israel's doing what Israel does.
And the thing about that is,
what's the next?
What's the next thing?
And why has the Obama administration
and now the Biden administration
supported Iran,
the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.
The last time we had the biggest state sponsor of terrorism was Saddam Hussein.
And you know how that went.
You know how that went.
Anyway, I often wonder what would happen in the United States if we were dealt a catastrophic blow,
like an EMP attack or a first strike of a nuclear.
Would the Obama administration surrender the United States?
And what would we do then?
What would you do?
Anyway, I wanted to let you know
I am always here
you may not hear from me
on a regular basis like before
but I am always here I'm always in the back channel
I am always commenting and
prepping and doing things
maybe this summer I'll get a show going
you know just for the summer.
And just to let you know where I'm at and what my headspace is going on
and what latest preps Maria's got me doing.
She's killing me right now. We figured it up.
We have 88 birds. 88.
And we have quail,
geese, turkey, chickens.
What am I missing?
We have all these different kinds of birds.
Pigeons. Gosh, we didn't even count the pigeons in the 88 the pigeons are kind of automatic
we're just kind of leaving them do their thing and they just keep the flock just keeps growing
okay so uh yeah things and then she gets information from Romanian news where I guess England told its citizens to start stockpiling food and water in case.
And they went, you know, as the normal population of an island nation would do, they went berserk.
they went berserk and gosh
you have to wonder about
the world leadership
at this moment in time
you just have to wonder
but it was the same way
you know we have this
as the intrepid commander likes to coin
generational amnesia. We have this thing where one generation dies off
and we forget what they said to us or what happened.
And we're going down the exact same path.
You know, World War I,
it was the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand
and that started a chain reaction that led to World War I
with alliances that were made
and here we got the Iranian president
thousands of people mourned him
we sent condolences? what the heck is up with that?
Iranians are celebrating here in the United States and we send condolences.
What's wrong with this picture?
But on this Memorial Day weekend,
which I thought would be a great time for an attack, any kind of a holiday.
If you remember, Pearl Harbor took place on a Sunday when all of the sailors were either
hung over in town or, you know, at church.
I mean, it was Sunday morning.
The surprise attack occurred.
And to think our enemy doesn't know, you know,
that holidays, there's less readiness than, you know, Monday morning during the week.
They know exactly when we're least prepared.
And you got to think that's when it's going to kick off. You know, a holiday at night, when there's at least people ready to respond.
I think that's what happened in Israel, right? October 7th was some kind of a holiday. There
was a music festival going on. The only one that was able to respond,
the military was caught really flat-footed.
The police responded.
And that was it.
Boy, if I was a policeman today,
I would probably be carrying an AR in my trunk
with ammunition,
extra body armor,
definitely smoke or CS grenades or both,
you never know what you're going to roll into.
I mean mean in Alaska
it was not uncommon to have an AR-15
in your trunk
as a state trooper
you could come across
a situation where you have to dispatch
an animal
yeah anyway an animal. And, um, yeah.
you just never know these days.
But PBN family, I mainly
got on here to wish you a happy Memorial Day
and just tell you
I am always in the back channel.
That the NBC guy
is always here for you and I will always in the back channel. That the NBC guy is always here for you,
and I will chime in when I think it's time.
And the crazy thing this weekend,
I kept thinking about when I was recalled to active duty,
and I remember thinking to myself,
holy cow, they're calling up retirees.
The next thing that's going to happen
is the draft. I just knew that by the fall, they were going to activate, you know, the draft
and start bringing people into the military because this was calling up retirees. what's next, you know? Now, Russia has been calling up people for over a year.
So they have their, their war footing is in place.
And of course, China has mandatory service obligations for all the males.
So it's, it's, you know, where we're trying to meet
minimum standards,
everybody else is gearing up
for all-out war.
And it's the same way it was
in World War II.
We were, man,
there was a bill before Congress
and it almost passed
that was going to eliminate our standing army
and put all units in Guard or Reserve status.
And this was to limit the defense budget, okay?
You know, the reason we lost so much in the South Pacific
is they had old leftover stuff from World War I.
One out of every five hand grenades would actually explode.
They had ammunition that couldn't fire.
I mean, everybody else on the planet was gearing up for World War II.
The Japanese, the Germans, Italy had
invaded Ethiopia for Christ's sake. I mean,
and what are we doing? Letting our army
deteriorate. So naturally
the Japanese think, hey, if we sink the Pacific fleet, which they
essentially did, the United States won't get into the war. And it had the exact opposite
effect. But up until we got the war production going, we were stumbling and tripping like a drunken sailor.
Probably not a good metaphor, but you get the idea.
The nation was staggering.
We were losing in the Pacific.
Man, and it took us a while. We were losing in the Pacific. Man.
And it took us a while.
It took a while to get this country mobilized.
And I question whether we could even do it today.
I don't know.
I don't know.
And what's going to go on here at the home front? Because this World War III is going to be so different.
There's not going to be battle lines.
And war extends now into space, which it never did before.
into space, which it never did before.
The oceans that protected us during World War II will not protect us anymore.
This is a global war, a global phenomenon.
You think about the technology that we have today that we didn't have in World War II.
And that's, I talk about this when we study World War II, that the massive technology, technological jump between World War I and World War II, you know, with the use of aircraft carriers and projecting powers. Up until that time, it was the battleship, which now is, you know, not even considered
to be the right way to project power.
Air power is it.
And air power with missiles, with drones, with aircraft, even satellites.
So, yeah.
They're softening us up right now.
And they'll soften us up more before they actually, you know.
I said over the weekend,
is anybody connecting these dots?
Is there anybody out there saying,
hey, look at all these things that are happening.
Why are they happening? Who is causing them?
And it seems like the news media and the current regime are covering up the truth for the enemy.
And that leads me to believe that the United States will surrender.
will surrender.
Such a shock.
Such a trauma that we must surrender.
That's just my opinion.
I don't know.
Worries me.
And know that the left
has never given up power
There has always been bloodshed.
So the left, you know, I said this during Barack Obama,
for whatever reason, the left, the international left,
thinks now is the time to take over the United States.
And if it can't take over the United States, it will destroy it.
Because we are the last bastion
of freedom on the planet.
And if they can't control us,
they have to destroy us.
just the track record of the left,
there's always bloodshed.
The only thing is how much.
Boy, I'm just a wonderful...
Maybe I shouldn't get on here from time to time, because when I do, it's pretty dark.
It's pretty dark.
I just want to let you know,
it's not time to load the magazines yet.
But it's getting close.
Take care and prep on. Thank you.