The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Biden's Sickness? He Can't Stop Putin! Lol
Episode Date: June 19, 2024...
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A person who advocates and practices preparedness.
One ready for any event that would disrupt their daily routine.
That is a prepper.
That is a prep-off.
Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land.
This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy.
It is Juneteenth.
Oh, I have to laugh.
I have to laugh.
They have to make up holidays to try and get the black vote. Yeah, so happy
Juneteenth. You know, when Ronald Reagan created Martin Luther King Day, he didn't add a holiday.
He moved one. He knew that all the unions and all the people that have contracts with the government,
he was actually against Martin Luther King Day at first.
But we had two holidays in February.
So he made one holiday President's Day, honoring all presidents,
presidents and moved the other one over to, I think it was Lincoln's birthday, over to January.
But some people are, how do you celebrate Juneteenth?
What do you do?
Do you free your dog?
free your dog?
I mean,
so if you don't know about the holiday,
it was the last democratic bastion
after the Civil War was won.
The Emancipation Proclamation
was read in a town in Texas
and the last slaves that were being held captive were free.
Because the Civil War was already over.
That was already decided.
And two years earlier was the Emancipation Proclamation.
That happened during the Civil War.
So there's your history lesson for today
on Juneteenth.
What are we doing here at the Jones Homestead?
Oh my gosh, we are prepping on,
even though the heat wave has hit,
we processed like, I don't know,
10 or 12 chickens yesterday.
I caught them with a fishing net.
You got to have a fishing net, okay?
You don't want to chase chickens all around.
Or, you know, you could leave them in the coop, leave the door shut,
but you're still going to chase them inside the coop.
So that's my prepper tip have a fishing net to where you can corner them and just net them and scoop them right up it's much easier
than trying to catch them with your hands anyway we process those and they are in the freezer.
So we're securing our protein.
These were the ones that Maria said were stupid.
So we're only processing the stupid chickens right now.
We have other chickens that are growing up, and it's going to take their place. So we're rotating, refreshing our flock, so to speak.
And today we're going to run in town for a little bit.
So we're taking it a little easy today.
What can I tell you?
Joe Biden has froze up three times now in the past two weeks.
I don't think he's going to make it to the debate. That is just my opinion. I have no clue.
I did know some people that worked at Camp David, but they have long since moved on.
know some people that worked at Camp David, but they have long since moved on.
But if he does make it to the debate, I am highly confident that he will screw up so many times it will be terrible.
And the news media will try and cover for him, but I think it's going to be Joe Biden's
signal for replacement.
And then they're going to bring in one of two people.
Well, maybe three.
They may rerun Hillary, but Trump beat her once.
And they may bring in Gavin Newsom.
Yeah, and then Kamala Harris will replace him as governor.
So there you go.
The dumbing down of California.
And then the other person is Michelle Obama.
But I think that's too close to being, you know, oh, it's her husband.
You know, that would be the total third worlding of the United States because that's what they do in Brazil and Argentina.
They run their wives once they can't run anymore.
Or their wives take over.
So, yep. Yep.
That's where we are in this country.
Did you hear their Patriot Power Hour, guys? They did their season finale, and it was fantastic. I always like
their predictions, and they are really
good at it. Really good. So
I'd check that out. And the Intrepid Commander I think will be on
tonight because it's Wednesday, Juneteenth. I'm
pretty sure he's going to have something. The back
channel has been amazingly quiet.
So I can't say anything there.
It's not like we're looking for a Russian sub.
Oh wait, they found that.
It's in Cuba.
Ay yi yi.
The state of the world.
And the Axis powers are being shored up.
Vladimir Putin went into Pyongyang.
And, you know, it's everybody that hates America.
Or Europe, or the Western world.
They're lining up.
And World War III,
like the intrepid commander says all the time,
World War III equals off-grid.
There's going to be, do you really think
they're going to allow the electrical system
to manufacture war machines
when they have the ability to take it out?
Yeah. Just saying. when they have the ability to take it out?
Just saying.
This is going to be nothing like World War II.
The only similarities is people are dying.
That is the only... I mean, when you think about it,
aircraft carriers were brand new back then.
Air power was just coming into its own. And now
we have satellites, missiles, computers.
We had none of that during World War II.
It's, wow, submarines with intercontinental
ballistic missiles on them.
Who knows?
Who knows?
Well, only God knows.
So there you go.
Prayers, PBN family.
Take care and prep on.