The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Dac- Big Score

Episode Date: January 28, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music
Starting point is 00:00:16 Music Music Music Music Music Music To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello, everyone out there in Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and we are your path back to stability.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Oh, my gosh. Listen, I'm going to put this in my pocket here hopefully it picks up just fine it's kind of a rainy sunday rainy rainy sunday and i'm i'm getting ready to go get my uh gasoline so i have the uh the gas points that's what I'm doing before they run out and I have less time to do these things now that I'm actually working as a history teacher but I felt compelled
Starting point is 00:01:17 to do a daily audio cache today not because of the gas but because of the we scored big... We scored big. Yeah, we scored big. And I wanted you guys to know about our score. Our haul. So we found an estate sale.
Starting point is 00:01:38 And apparently this guy was a real Renaissance man. I mean, he had a workshop, a woodworking workshop in his basement that I hadn't seen something like that since my high school shop class. He had planers, joiners, if you know anything about woodwork you know what I'm talking about. These things not everybody has. Not everybody has.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And they were, and the shop was big enough to have all this. It probably took up half his basement. And he had them placed right where they were supposed to be. You know, in the process of, and he had a drafting table, so whatever he was doing, he was fabricating, I mean, he had several circular saws, not circular saws, but table saws that could cut, oh, jeez, at least 12, could cut, oh, jeez, at least 12, 14-inch boards. I mean, this guy was a real renaissance man.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Because I went around the corner of the shop, and something that wasn't listed at all in the description, he had a little off room that he used for reloading. Yeah, you know where I'm going now right i got bullets i got primers and i got some gunpowder uh the casings that they had were were too expensive and i got a lot of casings anyways um so that was good that was a huge huge find and uh i scooped them up scooped it all up i think it was like uh 150 bucks for everything they had a press there but i i don't think i'm getting back into reloading i i was a huge reloader when I was in Alaska, and it's a great hobby.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I used to call it therapy, and it was. It was fantastic. So that's what I wanted to let you know, PBN family. Check out estate sales. Every once in a while, you can find some really great stuff. Oh, I found a piece of, uh, a piece of, uh, coal from the Titanic. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna, I got that that and I'm gonna take it to my history class and we're gonna talk about
Starting point is 00:04:28 the Titanic so an actual piece of coal which they can't do that anymore the international community decided hey you should leave that stuff down there so only when they first started bringing stuff up, that's it. They're not doing it anymore. It's illegal. So I think I scored big on that. They're not going to do it anymore. Anyway, I wanted to share success. Also, Carl B. says all of his books are on Audible right now.
Starting point is 00:05:08 So if you got some Audible credits, scoop up on Carl B.'s books. They're fantastic. Yeah, and you can listen to them while you're working, where you're driving. Okay, PBN family, I'm going to wrap it up because I've got to go get some gas. Take care and prep on.

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