The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Cash, Gold And Silver

Episode Date: March 9, 2025


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution. Music We are the United States Constitution. We are the proper broadcasting network. Hello everyone out there in internet radio land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. How you doin' on this sunny Sunday? Man, I think winter may be over. May be over.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I don't know. That groundhog in Pennsylvania, I'm gonna start a new movie. Kill Phil. Kill Phil. Get rid of that groundhog. Man, this has been some winter. They say the the temperatures this week are gonna climb high that it hasn't been since November. So that's how cold for how long we've been here. That's pretty rough. But I just thought I'd come to you on this Sunday because I heard a little bit of snippet on my way to Home Depot, of my favorite stores probably second favorite Costco but and I pick I pick it up the thing for running a wire it's it's just
Starting point is 00:01:37 too complicated to explain on this daily audio cache but just know that the Jones homestead is continuing to march forward because you know what Trump can't solve everything ladies and gentlemen if you stopped prepping because Trump got elected you are sorely mistaken and I'm gonna tell you what's going on in between Jones's ears here. So I've increased the amount of cash I have on hand. I do this whenever there's higher levels of instability. And gold went nuts and Ukraine went nuts and consequently the Democrats went nuts. Wait, they've been nuts for a long time, so that don't count.
Starting point is 00:02:35 But you know, I like to, here's the rule of thumb, have a thousand dollars in cash set aside a thousand dollars usually you can solve most everyday emergencies with that $1,000 cash and before you get to 1,000 you know keep keep some money tucked back in your wallet in case the ATMs go down while you're out and about And you don't have some so I keep a couple 50s and maybe a hundred Just tucked in my wallet in case of emergencies Okay We used to call that mad money back in the day
Starting point is 00:03:23 And it was a 20 back in the day and that mad money was to be able to call that mad money back in the day. And it was a 20 back in the day. And that mad money was to be able to call a cab. If your boyfriend made you mad, you could get out of his car and go call a cab. So keep some mad money tucked away. And now let's talk about gold and silver. If you're not trading like pounds and pounds of gold and silver, you're never going to get rich. Okay, gold and silver will never make you rich, but it will keep you from being poor. Okay, think of it that way. You're not gonna get rich on the amount of gold and silver
Starting point is 00:04:11 you're gonna sock away, but it will keep you from being poor. So if you have gold and silver, physical gold and silver, as a backup to the backup you you have something that you can then deal with so that's my view on gold and silver how much I have I don't have a lot of gold anymore because I sold it off about 20 years ago wish I wish I didn't but you know it was trips to Romania things like that and you know you don't want to charge every time you
Starting point is 00:04:53 fly to Romania so that's just the way that went. But I have a lot of silver I don't know if it's a lot but I I have some, and I have some junk silver, you know, coins, old coins, silver coins, but I keep that on hand just in case. Okay, so if the dollar goes to crap and you can't, you know, it's not worth anything anymore and Grover Cleveland is on the $500 bill yes and we also have a thousand dollar bill these were bank notes that banks would use to exchange money back in the day before the internet.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And they would actually transfer these big notes between banks. It wasn't something that people carried on them. And they're, you know, tracked and serial numbered and that kind of stuff. So yeah, it's Grover Cleveland and who's the other one? It's another weird president like Millard Fillmore but I don't think it's Millard Fillmore. I'd have to Google that but I actually saw these banknotes in the Smithsonian one time and I wrote down, this is when I was 16, when I was in high school, and I wrote those presidents down because I thought, wow, how often do
Starting point is 00:06:34 you see a 500 or a thousand dollar bill? But it's Grover Cleveland, I think on the 500 or the thousand dollar and then there's another president that's not So that's my idea of gold and silver just for what it's and my idea of keeping a little cash on hand You know a thousand bucks anymore. Don't don't buy what it used to buy but if you had a thousand dollars cash and the ATMs and electricity and all that went down, you could do some stuff. What else? I've noticed chicken disappearing from Costco. People are going crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:25 If you remember, and I'm not sure why, is it the, is it the Trump talk of tariffs? Is it the idea that there's no eggs? So soon there'll be no chicken. I don't know. I don't know, but gosh, I'm glad I'm a prepper. I have no worries. No worries. It worries me about other people though. If they're this crazy buying all the chicken and stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:57 But I don't worry about our food supply. Although we're down quite a bit. We've been freeze drying too. Yeah, we have quite a bit of freeze dried different things. Now, we were freeze drying eggs just because we had so many of them, but we have some stew and some beans and stuff that Maria made and we wanted to see what it was like to freeze dry it. So there you go. And I think the Patriot Power hour guys, oh my gosh, did you listen to their show this past week? It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Those guys are amazing. And the chicken biologist, James Hathaway. And of course, Sarah Hathaway has redone the first season, remastered it and re-released it. That's really good. That's a blast from the past right there. Anyway, stay tuned to PBN. That's my thoughts. Hey, if you ever want to send me an email, nbcguy at
Starting point is 00:09:15 And my website is also So, check it out. Thanks, take care, and prep on!

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