The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Did You Make The List?

Episode Date: January 19, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello everyone out there in internet radio land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. I'm getting all kinds of messages in the back channel. I'm telling you. Is the intrepid commander on fire? He is on fire.
Starting point is 00:00:48 This guy is on fire. Oh man, what a week of shows. I told you I predicted this. I predicted this would be the week of shows. Did you hear Dane D? And of course Mr. Hogan is playing Died Suddenly. Okay, so if you have, I saw that documentary when it first came out, and it is fantastic. If
Starting point is 00:01:17 you have not seen it, you have got to check it out, And just know that that is still going on. And it is true. Okay? And it's insane that no one's talking about it. So, what a week of shows. Man, this has been great. You know, Sunday kicked it off for me. Well, another snow day.
Starting point is 00:01:51 We went back to school one day this week. And now, it's really, really snowing now. I mean, we probably got a good five inches, I think, so far. And it's still snowing. Gosh, I wish I would have put the chains on the tractor when I wanted to. But, hey, I need to work out. I need to work out. We're going to get out there.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Three shovels. Shovel away. Yeah. It does a heart good to get out there and sweat a little bit. I'm needing it. Hey, let's talk about the lists. They're making a list and checking it twice. That is the FBI.
Starting point is 00:02:42 It's a, what is it? It's a database system that federal law enforcement uses. Okay, and apparently the Justice Department wanted to identify Christians. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, the message of Jesus' love can't get out there. What is up with this country? Christians, if you bought a Bible, well, I'm on the list. I bought three Bibles at the beginning of the school year because the kids needed a Bible to attend the Christian school. I thought I'd get an updated version. I mean, mine's from 1975
Starting point is 00:03:27 when I graduated high school, so it's a little dog-eared. So I got a really nice leather-bound Bible. What is up? I just can't believe what is going on in this country. And, you know, what is a prepper anyways? And I think the average person doesn't understand the prepper mindset. the prepper mindset.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Because I've been interviewed, I think three or four times for shows, TV shows. And it always comes around to what are you afraid of? And preppers don't have fear. Okay, it's not fear that makes us prep. Okay?
Starting point is 00:04:29 We're prepared. We're not scared. Yeah, there you go. That's the name of the book. Right? When Russia went into Ukraine, what now, two years ago? Has it been two years? Anyway, we wrote a, James and I together wrote a
Starting point is 00:04:51 little 20 page book on yeah, everybody's chiming in. They're all on the list, I'll tell you. To PBN hosts, I'm proud to be on that list with them. I am proud. I'm telling you, a better group of people, I don't think I can think of right now. That is a great group of people right there. Okay, I'm turning this down. This is going to go crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Sometimes you just throw a hand grenade in the back channel and then just let it go, right? Yeah. Well, I said, you know, the FBI is looking for me because I bought three Bibles this year. And that was the start. That was the start.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah. We're prepared. We're not start. Yeah, we're prepared. We're not scared. They ask, what are you afraid of? And, you know, even when the pandemic hit, and I thought this was the big one. I thought this was, you know, COVID was it. Oh, my gosh. We're going to have a new time.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Was that B.C. before COVID? Before the COVID lockdowns? You know, gosh. You know, it used to be after 9-11. You know, before 9-11, the world was this way. After 9-11, the world changed. Not necessarily for the better. So, now it's COVID. B.C. before COVID. Yeah, so, I think the prepper mindset, you know, is solving a problem. You know, like Apollo 13, that movie, and the true story behind it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 It's like figuring out a problem and solving it. You do the research, and you have solutions. That is the prepper mindset in a nutshell. have solutions. That is the prepper mindset in a nutshell. Here at PBN, I think we always need to be reaching out because there's going to be a constant supply of new preppers.
Starting point is 00:07:20 So I think we need to constantly reach out because people come to the realization that they need help, that they need to ask opinions and figure this out and they don't want to do it alone, especially if someone has already done the legwork. So why reinvent the wheel?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Go to Prepper Broadcasting where you have all these people trying all different things and the learning curve you don't have to experience yourself so that's that's kind of like you know setting people on the path. And also some people prep for a time frame and then they stop prepping. They stop prepping for a while. Then they come back into it. I know over the past, well now almost 13 years that we lived here. Yeah. I think August will be 13 years.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I have been in and out of prepping. But it's like if you grafted it out, it would be a jagged line going up. So it's like a continual... Yeah, I just bought a wood stove. I have a wood stove. Works great. Heats the house. I live in a forest. I have practically an endless supply of fuel. So, this wood stove, you can actually cook on. So, it's a cooking wood stove.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And it heats. It will heat the whole upstairs. So we're having that. So there, I mean, I could cook on the wood stove that we have, but it's not made for cooking. I mean, I could heat up probably boil water, but it's not made for that. This one is.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And as soon as we get a warm spell, I'm going to switch those out. So, you know, you just keep improving. I got another generator this past year. I got another generator this past year same size but the new generator can also run off of propane so I'm going to keep the old generator
Starting point is 00:09:55 you know, service it, maintenance it and keep it as a spare so, you know, if we have long power outage, I can shut one down, let it cool off, you know, all that kind of stuff. It doesn't have to run continuously, which is optimum. Gosh, I'm just rambling on and on and on. Hey, what did the one terrorist mom say to the other terrorist mom?
Starting point is 00:10:27 They blow up so quick. Yeah, they blow up so quick. Anyway, PBN family, I think I'm going to wrap this up because, man, I've got to get out there and start shoveling. It's still snowing. I think I'll give it a little bit yet. I don't want to shovel it and then have to go out and do it again, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:58 School, school's going good. We're doing the term papers. Okay. So here's what I did. At the beginning of the school year, I said, you're going to pick a good guy or a bad guy. So I had names written down on three by five cards, turned upside down. A good guy pile and a bad guy pile. And you pick. And you're going to do a term paper on that person. Well, the
Starting point is 00:11:32 second half of the year, if you picked a good guy the first time, you have to pick a bad guy for the second half. So a lot of people pick bad guys to start off with, and they were rooting for Hitler, you know, because he has a lot of material written about him. But, you know, I put people in there like Genghis Khan and Pol Pot and Ivan the Terrible. Man, I didn't know how terrible Ivan was, but boy, he is really terrible. That guy, the first czar of Russia. Anyway, that's going well at school. The kids are really getting into it.
Starting point is 00:12:23 They're doing the research. The paper is part of the grade, but I have them do a presentation for the class. I said we all want to learn. I said if you do a paper and turn it into me I learn about the guy, but nothing else. No one else does. So a presentation. It's really good. I told them I want them to use their imagination on this presentation. Some of them said, can I do slides? Yes, you can do slides. Can I do a video? Yes, you can do a video. And then
Starting point is 00:12:59 I said, it can be as simple as standing up and reading your paper in front of the class. But, you know, I want you to use your imagination. So one person is going to dress up like Henry Ford's wife. Okay? And talk about Henry Ford like she is his wife. And, you know, 1920s looking clothes. It's going to be fantastic. One kid said, can I do a sculpture of my guy? I'm like, yeah, you could do
Starting point is 00:13:32 a sculpture. Holy cow. So they're really getting into it. And that was supposed to be this week. But since we only went to school one day, it's going to carry on into next week. And another thing, I said three to five minutes. I said three to five minutes, that's enough. Well, these kids are really, I mean, they're doing 15, 20 minutes on their guy. And then I usually ask a couple questions, you know, like if he's a bad guy, I said, And then I usually ask a couple questions.
Starting point is 00:14:06 If he's a bad guy, I said, what's his body count? And they like that. What's his body count? Mao Zedong. Yeah. Stalin. They all have really big body counts. They put Hitler to shame. I mean, Hitler, yeah. Anyway, PBN family, that's where I'm going to leave this daily audio cash. Check out all the shows this week. Holy cow, were they great. Every show this week. This is a
Starting point is 00:14:40 week, if the Intrepid Commander is looking for archive shows, this is a week he needs to put a star beside. Because there's tons of good shows. Take care and prep on.

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