The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!

Episode Date: November 22, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello, everyone out there in the Internet radio land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, coming to you semi-live from a Sheetz. I'm getting the car inspected. Yeah, I figured out that this was the last day I had to do this because I'm going back to school on Monday. Oh no, Monday. Yeah, Monday's coming too quick. Anyway, it's Thanksgiving Eve and that is truly a thing because, you know, a lot of people start cooking before Thanksgiving Day or their stuff just doesn't get done.
Starting point is 00:01:12 So Thanksgiving Eve, today is the day for sweets, breads, and pastries. So Maria is getting help this year from Deanna. Deanna insisted that she wants to learn this stuff. Now, whether or not Maria has the patience to teach her, that's a different story. We'll see. Hey, and today is another big day. Alex, my 27-year-old, that came to live with us about four and a half years ago, right when COVID struck. So how long ago has that been? Anyway, he's graduated college, software engineer, top of his class, Strayer University, and he's getting called back for an interview today. And I'm pretty sure they're going to offer him the job. He's nervous.
Starting point is 00:02:18 The only job he's ever had was the Air Force, and that's not a job, that's an adventure. he's ever had was the Air Force. And that's not a job, that's an adventure. I think that was the Navy slogan a long time ago. Not just a job, it's an adventure. So, if you would, everybody out there in the sound of my radio listening voice, just say a small prayer for Alex. Help him get this job. I pray that if it's God's will, this be the catalyst that gets him started in computer software engineering. because it seems experience counts more than college.
Starting point is 00:03:08 It just seems that way. The poor guy's been applying for every job under the sun, and this is the first callback interview. He's had other interviews, but never hears a word from them. And this one, they actually want him to come into the office. So I said, Alex, they want to see you, and they want to give you a chance to see them, and they're going to sell you on this job. So I'm pretty confident he's going to get it.
Starting point is 00:03:36 But any prayers you can give to help Alex, that would be great. And consequently, help all of us. To help Alex, that would be great. And consequently help all of us. It's been a bit of a struggle, as you might, you know, understandably see that 27-year-old sharing the same house, three bedrooms, you know, he's taken up one.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Anyway, PBN family, if you could help me out with just a short prayer. Please help Alex get this job. That would be great. Or help him not be nervous. He's freaking out. He couldn't sleep last night. I said, Alex, you just got to relax. They want you or they wouldn't be calling you in. Anyway, what's going on in the Jones homestead?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Maria's getting sick and tired of these ducks. So I'm pretty sure we're going to be putting some ducks up in the freezer. Maybe this weekend. Saturday's looking nice. Cold, but nice. So, we'll let you know. And like I said, Monday, back to work. I have to, oh, I should have brought my laptop with me. I have to do some grading of papers and post some grades.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Because when we get back, it's like three weeks. Three weeks and then there's midterms and we're breaking for Christmas. So it's going to be a quick, quick three weeks. So I want to get all my grades posted so I don't have to do any of that. That's the teacherdom in me. That's the teacherdom in me. Yeah, high school history. Who knew?
Starting point is 00:05:32 Ah, but it's coming in handy. You're going to get a little history lesson that I sent to James. We actually read the Thanksgiving Day Proclamation by President Washington. Yep. It's fantastic. It's fantastic. So you'll get to hear it. And understand that that's the kind of school I'm teaching at. It's not some woke
Starting point is 00:06:00 transgender Israel-hating school. It's 100% Christian. It's a great place to teach. I couldn't teach anywhere else. I could not. I would not. could not. I would not. I would not sacrifice my time to try and change people's minds like this. Anybody that can be for Hamas, I wonder which side they'd be on when 9-11 happened.
Starting point is 00:06:40 9-11 happened. Oh, Bin Laden. Bin Laden has a point. Yeah. He made his point. It's just crazy how the minds of the young people in this country are so easily swayed. And the government wants to, wants to try and regulate misinformation on the internet. And it's like, they are the purveyors of misinformation. I mean, just look at COVID. The vaccine is safe and effective. If you get the vaccine, you won't get COVID. Kids might get COVID by going to school. You got to wear a mask. A mask will protect you. Just the litany of false information
Starting point is 00:07:37 from this one single event. It's just mind-boggling. Not just misinformation, absolutely positively wrong. 100% wrong. 180 degrees wrong. There was a time during COVID, I said, if you believe the opposite of what's being reported, you will be closer to the truth. And that was never more evident than during COVID. It was just crazy, crazy. you know I said masks would work but what I was talking about is N95 masks okay actual masks not a paper diaper that you throw across your face N95s work because that's what they use in laboratories and hospitals and, you know, research facilities. They use N95s and eye protection. You can't have one without the other. So maybe people misunderstood me when I said masks work. me when I said masks work. Not paper cloth diapers that you, they do not work. But actual masks that are masks work. Oh boy. Speaking of masks, did you see the super specials on Mira safety products?
Starting point is 00:09:22 Yeah. Unfortunately, dealers don't get those specials. Only people placing orders. So, if you were thinking about getting a protecting mask, now is the time. Because, man, they have never been lower with that discount. Check it out. Check it out. So there you go. NBC guy approved.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Check it out. It's the flyer, the catalog. Get the holiday catalog. Even the NBC guy stuff is in there. How about that? I have a lot of those memory sticks because I didn't go to prepper camp. I bought them in April, assuming I would be able to go to prepper camp, and then I could not go.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I have it on strong authority that I'll be at prepper camp next year, because I don't think I'll be teaching next year. This is really kicking my butt. And I think I'm going to do it for one year, one year only. It's just, wow, wow. I tell James it's like doing prepper camp every day, five days a week. And prepper camp is exhausting. But it's for a great cause.
Starting point is 00:10:55 All the kids seem to like me and most of the teachers. The teachers that don't like me, you know, it's because I'm new and I'm always making mistakes. You know, the kids say, can I text my dad to see what time he's going to pick me up? Sure. Okay, go ahead. No, you're not allowed to text anybody. How do you know they're texting their dad? They could be texting anybody. And I'm like, well, good point. You got to use the school phone to text, to send messages or make calls. So now I learned. I was just trying to be a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:11:39 So what the kids have been doing is they'll ask a teacher. And if they get a no then they'll ask me hang on PBN family oh PBN family that was my daughter Deanna she thought I was in the house
Starting point is 00:11:56 she thought I was in the house but she couldn't find me she's putting her Christmas list together yeah it's kind of funny she's but she couldn't find me. She's putting her Christmas list together. Yeah, it's kind of funny. She's intermingling things that she wants with Christmas wishes for all of us. Alex to get a job and move to Japan. That's his goal.
Starting point is 00:12:20 He wants to move back to Japan. Anyway, I think I'm going to call it a daily audio cache. PBN family, if you have anything, any questions, any NBC or Homestead questions, you can email me. NBCguy at NBC guy at If you have any questions at all, you know, I read the emails quickly. I respond kind of slowly. So if you email me, just know that I've read it.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Sometimes I have to ponder the question a while. But I will give you my honest opinion. There you go. In the meantime, happy Thanksgiving. Take care and prep on.

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