The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Infrastructure, CDL, Rabbits And Stuff
Episode Date: March 2, 2025...
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To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our Creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution.
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Hello everyone out there on Internet Radio Land.
This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy.
How are you doing on this sunny Sunday?
Yes, sunny Sunday.
Oh gosh.
I guess the meeting with Zelinsky did not go well.
Not exactly sure what the deal was there, but you should watch the whole thing.
Don't just watch these little clips here and there.
Just watch the whole thing form your own opinion.
I think Zelinsky was, I don't know, not feeling well or sleep deprived or something.
If you look at him during the meeting, he was not with it or something.
I don't know what was going on there.
Of course, the news from Romania is that Zelensky was on drugs.
Okay? So I don't, so I don't know.
I don't know.
But Romania is going crazy too.
The people are going in the streets.
There may be some kind of a revolution there.
It's pretty crazy.
They did schedule another vote,
the same vote that happened in November, and apparently
the same people are going to run.
So I don't know.
It's interesting.
And my gosh, the world affairs is just, you know, and then there's a report out that the Democrats met
with Zelensky before he went in the Oval Office and they told him not to agree to the deal.
And I don't know if that's true, but you know, he's been getting gobs and gobs and gobs of money
gobs of money when the Democrats were in. Okay, with no, you know, quid pro quo, no way, how you gonna pay me back, nothing, no
strings attached.
So maybe he thought that's the side his bread was buttered on.
I'm not sure.
But that's not the reason for this little daily audio cache I'm gonna try
and check in at least once a week if I don't do a show or something you know
like preppers live or something like that I'm still here still alive in the
back channel I found some ghee at Costco first time they ever had it organic ghee
and I'm tell you if you're new to prepping
and you don't know what ghee is you got to check it out it is the ultimate it is the
the thing that will survive
just check out ghee you'll be impressed and uh man it's organic very tasty it's it is definitely the way
to go so yeah I wanted to talk about prepper infrastructure and how
important it is to kind of get your infrastructure in place just to make tasks easier.
And I thought of this last night
because we got home about three in the afternoon
and these rabbits that we bred
are long past time being butchered
and they're eating us out of house and home.
I mean, we were going through
Rabbit pellets like two or three bags a week because we had so many rabbits and
They were just just
Waiting to be butchered. So Maria said okay. This is it. We're butchering them now now
so Butchering them now, now. So in about 20 minutes, I was able to set everything up
because I had the infrastructure in place.
The table that you need, you know, you'll need a table,
one that you can stand up to you know it's just there's a
special table that we use that it has it like a sink attached not attached but
like molded into the table and the knives the butcher knives I keep them
all in one case one bin along with the sharpener.
I have one of them sharp, smart sharp little wheels that sharpen things really nice.
They have three different grades of grit for these belts and you know three or four passes on any any
knife will bring it right back up to
being able to shave it's pretty quick pretty slick and I sharpen them all at once
and then the cage
we have cages that are already small cages that are made for rabbits
because I put the rabbits in there to dispatch them and with rabbits it's a
little different it's a you know 22 so that's how that works and if you put one
rabbit in the cage at a time,
they just sit there, put some lettuce in there, they'll hold their head still,
and it makes it pretty easy.
Just this whole infrastructure,
and we were able to do them, all nine of of them in about an hour and a half.
Now that didn't include the 20-30 minutes of setup but you know 20-30 minutes and in that time that
I was setting up I fed the dogs, fed the other rabbits you know and Maria brought this up last night she said
do you realize that we feed our animals before we feed ourselves and I said well yeah that
kind of makes sense I mean you know we eat late we. So, here's the squeaky chair.
PBN family, her point was,
don't start raising animals.
If you're not willing to commit to feeding, watering,
because it is a commitment and it's not something that you know is like a pet,
a dog or a cat. It's uh you're raising them for protein for for a purpose and
there's also a learning curve that goes along with that. And the reason I say that is we are getting back into quail.
How about that?
Yeah, the giant quail.
These were the ones that we first started with and we liked them the best.
So we found a guy in West Virginia.
And we went up there on Friday and got you know a like ten I think ten females and two
males something like that.
I think that's going to be a little too many males.
She also wants to raise these up for meat.
So we'll see how this goes. They were very good when we when we had them. We had
them for full I don't know two years maybe and it went well. Eggs bloop bloop bloop every
day. You know quail eggs are five times the nutrition of regular eggs and also they you know
three quail, three to four quail eggs equal one egg so if we get a lot of
quail eggs we may be freeze-drying those. Yeah we're freeze-drying we we stepped
our game up we went from to soup and stews and things so we're getting different things freeze-drying
other than eggs I think the last time I talked to you we were only doing eggs
but we're expanding you know there was rice and beans that you seal up well
you can you can cook them up and then freeze dry them and they last even longer.
So there you go.
And they're ready to eat.
That's a big plus. Big plus.
And they weigh so much less.
If you think you're going out of your house with those buckets of rice and beans.
Yeah. You think you're going out of your house with those buckets of rice and beans? Yeah, but you know, packs of freeze-dried, those are easy to carry and you can carry a lot of them
and that's a lot of nutrition. I mean it's like over 90% of the nutrition is saved in freeze-drying so I think our operation for freeze-drying is gonna go
better because we're getting an extra set of trays you know you do a stew in
there and then you got to clean the trays well we can we can rotate trays
and keep that thing going so I think that's what we're gonna do. And Sarah
Hathaway is releasing the the beginnings of the audio drama, the Changing Earth
audio drama, which I'm having a great time listening to, revisiting, remembering. remembering that's great wonderful chin is in the back channel showing us deals
spending money he had a he said that he had a Leatherman knockoff and I'm very
impressed with this thing as you know I always I always carry a multi tool with me because it saves me a trip or going back to the
garage. Most of the time, I can tighten things up I can, you
know, you know what a multi tool does. So this this was very
impressive for $29. I know now everybody's gonna say, Hey, which
one is it? If it impressed the NBC guy, what is it for $29? We
should get an affiliate link. It's a it's a knockoff. But you
know, I, I have good ones. You know, Gerber Leatherman, I have good ones, Gerber, Leatherman, I have them.
I also have Walmart.
And they work the same.
I've only ever broken one.
So, you know, that's saying something.
You're far more likely to lose your multi-tool than you are to break it.
But they can break.
So that's my pitch for get the prepper infrastructure in place.
And then you can execute on something far more easier and
Less setup less time less headaches. It's it's just I grab the cage
You know down I keep the cages down below there at the bottom end of my property. I grabbed that brought it up
Got the 22. I have a specific 22
it's a Ruger 2245 with a bull barrel
very accurate very very good mechanism
and it made quick work of nine rabbits and they are we're gonna have rabbit
tonight rabbit tonight so anyway I've rambled on enough for this daily audio
cache prepper tip prepper tip well this whole thing's been a tip. Yeah, the whole thing. Um, gosh, and, and just because Trump's in office, doesn't mean
things are going to go great.
So you got to prep on people.
Let's not remember the first time he got elected.
We called that the Trump effect and he destroyed the prepper industry.
Everybody just threw back and said, well, everything's wonderful.
It's always going to be wonderful.
And yeah, prepper con stopped.
I mean, everything stopped in the prepper world.
Most everything.
PBN did not.
And I did not stop prepping.
Cause after four years of craziness, remember his first presidency was just one allegation after
another, one impeachment after another, just craziness, Biden got in. So there you
go. If that isn't enough reason to prep on I don't know what to tell you and
Gosh, if you're part of the federal government if you're working for the federal government and you're not prepping
I have to say what's wrong with you. I
Mean if if your money whatever do, comes from the federal government, you know, prep.
What if tomorrow Doge says, hey, we don't need you anymore.
Bang, you're done. I mean, I have sympathy for anybody that's losing their job for any reason.
You know, it's their livelihood, it's how they pay their bills, it's how they raise
their kids.
But have skills, have something to fall back on
You know if I had to if there's a young person out there
Ready to graduate high school and they don't know what they're doing. They don't know where they want to go
They don't know if they should go to college and spend that money
Hey, go to your local community college and get you a CDL.
Get you a commercial driver's license, CDL.
And it's, what is it, four or six weeks of training, very inexpensive, probably around
$1500 to $2000
it's not like four years of college and you will be hired
you will have a job, a good paying job
and they are in big demand
and it doesn't mean you have to be a truck driver
the rest of your life. It means you have to be a truck driver right now, see what truck driving is like.
Know the ins and outs of all that, because that's a skill that you can bank on.
If something would happen later in life, you know once you found your calling, you could
always go back to being
a truck driver.
That CDL is worth a lot of money.
It's worth a lot of money.
And you can have it in just a few weeks and be making good money.
They recruit right out of the school.
Companies will come to the school and say who do you got ready
to graduate we want to you know give them a packet to see they want to come
work for us. I mean it's a it's a it's a way to go. Okay I've rambled enough take
care and prep on!