The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - NBC Guy Checks In

Episode Date: March 23, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our Creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution. We are the Pre Pepper Broadcasting Network. Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land and thank you so much for the applause. I am back. The NBC guy is back. Well, the NBC guy never went anywhere. I just haven't been on PBN very much. And that's because of my new career as a teacher.
Starting point is 00:00:55 History teacher. Yeah, I chuckle. I chuckle because the 8th grade is during American history and we have reached the point of where I chuckle. I chuckle because the eighth grade is doing American history and we have reached the point of where I was young in American history. Yeah. We're doing the Kennedy assassination and I remember that quite well.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I was in first grade and a teacher came into the classroom to talk to our teacher and she didn't really even knock she just came in walked in walked up to our teacher and whispered something in her ear and then she started crying our teacher started crying and all the kids are like oh my gosh why is our started crying and all the kids are like, oh my gosh, why is our teacher crying? And we got dismissed early from school that day.
Starting point is 00:01:51 We were sent home and it wasn't even a snow day. And I remember asking my mom, what's going on? And she says, well, someone shot the president. Someone killed him. And that was pretty shocking. And we watched the funeral on TV. I saw Lee Harvey Oswald get shot by Jack Ruby because they were broadcasting it live on TV.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And as he was being brought out, Jack Ruby walked up, pulled the gun out, and shot him right in the stomach. And I saw all that. So, yeah. History. Who knew? Well, if you live long enough, you're going to see a lot of history. So, that's that. Well, if you live long enough, you're going to see a lot of history. So that's that.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Anyway, I want to ask, what are you doing? What are you doing today? I mean, the world is on fire. This world is on fire. This world is on fire. a huge attack in Russia supposedly ISIS did it I don't know I don't know
Starting point is 00:03:14 you know you can't trust any news media they're going to spin it you know oh Putin did it Putin did it to blame it, you know, oh, Putin did it. Putin did it to blame Ukraine and expand the war and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'll tell you this, whatever is going to happen in the United States is going to happen
Starting point is 00:03:35 between now and the election. And the reason I'm asking you, what are you doing? Man, we are prepping our butts off here at Jones Homestead. I have done two daily audio caches, deleted them both because it was just mainly, you know, what we're doing. But there's going to be massive craziness between now and the election. Just stuff you never thought you'd see. Like the video of the illegal aliens rushing the border. Now, if that's not an invasion. What is? We are being invaded and our government is doing nothing to stop it. Nothing. The opposition party
Starting point is 00:04:36 is being persecuted and prosecuted so they can put their number one opposition in jail. So we have reached the point where we're a third world country, and that's a fact. And I'm sorry, but this is not the United States that I grew up in. but this is not the United States that I grew up in. It hardly resembles the same country. And it's the international left that is destroying.
Starting point is 00:05:21 If they cannot control the United States, they will destroy it. So they're attempting control, and it's not working out well for them so they're destroying us. So this is what we're living in. Some people may run away but where do you run to? The world is on fire. There's no place to run. World War III is going to affect every human on this planet.
Starting point is 00:05:49 So, there's no place to run. So, you need to establish your position and improve upon it daily. And that's what we've been doing here. We're getting more chickens. We have eggs in the incubator we're getting quail we're back into rabbits uh and we're getting some turkeys uh we're gonna we're securing our position here uh and we're gonna continue to do what we're doing i'm moving the dogs what we're doing. I'm moving the dogs, moving them up back. That way I can use their pens that you're right now for, for more chickens, for more meat birds, for turkeys. I'm building an aviar,
Starting point is 00:06:38 aviar, you know, that thing that birds live in because the pigeons are laying eggs and hatching them and making babies and we're getting more and more pigeons. It's kind of like automatic food. You don't have to feed pigeons very much. They fly, they're wild, they forage and they lay two eggs and when they grow them up one's a male one's a female they just keep going so get you a couple pigeons
Starting point is 00:07:16 and let them go let them do their thing they form like a little female colony with other pigeons. They'll share, you know, keeping the eggs warm. Now we did have some of them, we had a cold snap and some of them got too cold. So they didn't make it. So, you know, they're not, but they're like wild birds
Starting point is 00:07:48 that you can raise pretty easy. And of course everything's growing sprouted in the basement, grow lights, they're going around here, you're really not safe until the beginning of May end of April to put things in the garden because we can have one of those wild frosts and so we're just going to keep growing them
Starting point is 00:08:17 in the basement until about the end of April beginning of May which reminds me it's soon mushroom time. So we're ready to go start hunting mushrooms. We get a couple warm, humid days and they'll just be popping out. So you got to know these kind of things and you got to adjust, adapt, overcome. You know, adjust, adapt, overcome.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I'm chuckling because of what a saying of overcoming. The Collapse Survival app is going into a nuclear scenario where terrorists detonate a nuclear device in the United States. And I'm going to be a part of that because, wow, if you've ever been to any of my talks, that's the number one probability of a nuclear attack. It still is number one, even though Putin keeps threatening nuclear war every other day. It's still the number one possibility of a nuclear strike. And the chaos that would ensue from that, no matter where it is in the country,
Starting point is 00:09:35 it's going to unleash crazy amounts of chaos. It's going to be, what did they say in that movie? It's like 9-11 times 100 or times 1,000, whatever they said. Vague reference to a movie. What is it? America World Police, something like that. It's one of those comedy things.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I think they used actual puppets and stuff and did this. America, world, police. Anyway, I digress. It would be chaos because all of those special teams that they have for a nuclear attack, they don't go into ground zero. They don't go where the bomb went off. They go to other cities looking for a second or third device because they just assume that there's going to be another detonation. So that is what kind of chaos will ensue, especially in big cities. Let's say there was a scenario a few years back, this is when I was working at NASA, that they were going to detonate a nuclear device in Las Vegas. And they ended up canceling that exercise
Starting point is 00:10:58 because they didn't want problems with tourism. It was a whole bunch of political problems. problems with tourism. It was a whole bunch of political problems. But if they detonate a bomb in any city in the United States, the chaos in the other cities, people trying to leave the cities, people just trying to... Well, you saw what happened during COVID, right? And that wasn't a nuclear detonation.
Starting point is 00:11:27 That was a cold. People got a bad cold. Wow. Yeah, it's going to be crazy, crazy for everybody. And, you know, World War III, what's that going to be like? World War III.
Starting point is 00:11:53 There won't be a human being on the planet that will not be affected by World War III. I mean, this thing in Russia right now, if you believe any of the news, you shouldn't, because none of them. It's all propaganda. Even Fox. I mean, I think CNN was saying,
Starting point is 00:12:15 Well, Putin did it to his own people to justify escalations in Ukraine. Okay, that's crazy. But you know what they said about the North Stream 2 pipeline and all that. It's just crazy. The world is on fire. And what are you going to do? Are you going to leave the United States? Where are you going to go? I mean, this is what Alex, my son, my 27-year-old, keeps saying.
Starting point is 00:12:47 We've got to get out of this country. Alex, where are you going to go that's better than this? You know, at least here, so far, we can have weapons to protect ourselves. I mean, we can raise our own food. There's a lot you can do. And where are you going to go that's better? No place. So, here you are.
Starting point is 00:13:13 You just need to prep on. Right? Establish a position and improve upon it daily. That's what I always say. So, that's what I always say. So. That's what we're doing here at the Jones Homestead. Doing all that. All at once.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I did a couple daily audio caches. And deleted them. Just because that's. You know I just went over the myriad of things we're doing. I mean spring break's coming up. I'm probably going to go back to school on crutches because we got so much planned. I'll kill myself. Or break me. It will break me. I will break you. Rocky.
Starting point is 00:13:59 What was it? Rocky 3? Where he fights the Russian? I will break you. What was it, Rocky III? Where he fights the Russians? I will break you. Anyway, we're getting turkeys. We have chicken eggs in the incubator. We're getting more chickens.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I'm going to move the dogs up back so I can, and I'm going to build an avi, avi, avi-ish something, avian something, to keep pigeons. You know, pigeons, they're, they're kind of like automatic. They're, they forage for their own food. You, you don't have to feed them much. They, they lay two eggs. One's a boy, one's a girl. It's pretty much automatic. So if you're, you know, you want to easy, you know, get pigeons. They're a source of protein, you know, and we're doing rabbits again. We got rabbits ready to breed them. I'm fixing up the rabbit cages so we can get more rabbits and and we're getting quails so we're we're prepping our butts off here we got everything's growing in the basement got everything sprouting we don't want to put anything out until
Starting point is 00:15:20 i like the last week in april first week in, because you can get one of those wild frosts that kill everything. And mushrooms are about ready to pop out. Get a couple good hot, humid days. They'll pop right out. So, we're getting ready to hunt mushrooms. We're doing all that. And all I can say is, PBN family, circle the wagons. You know? They're going to attack.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yep. So take care, prep on, don't stop, and stay tuned to PBN. Take care.

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