The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - NBC Guy Says Amen!

Episode Date: August 2, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights of the United States Constitution, we are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. And I am sitting down to take a break. Man, is it hot outside. Another third or fourth day of heat advisory. We're supposed to get a little rain this weekend, so badly needed rain. I'm afraid our garden is stunted. We've been watering just enough to
Starting point is 00:00:53 keep it going, and I don't think that's been enough to produce fruit, so to speak. But that's not why I'm doing my daily audio cache. Oh, and I just opened up a package from Amazon. I got one of these adapters. $9.99. And it takes a 5-gallon or a 20-gallon propane tank and adapts it to one of those little 1-pound cylinders. So you can fill those little one pound syllable cylinders from your five gallon and save money and uh also you know it increases your versatility if you have something
Starting point is 00:01:35 like this so i got one with a valve and one without i'm going to try them both and maybe send one back or maybe just keep it. Maybe just keep them both. You know, two is one, and one is none, as they say in the prepper sphere. Now, the reason I'm doing this daily audio cast is to give a shout out to James
Starting point is 00:02:00 and say amen, amen. What a daily news he did today. I listened to it twice and made notes. There was a lot in there, a lot. And it was a lot to comprehend and unpack. So, and I'm so glad he did it because, yeah, yeah, this question is on everybody's mind. And I appreciate all the feedback we're getting from the listeners. You know, I talked about it this past couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I've been getting emails from two different listeners. And it's been great. Now James, you know, he gets all the ones from Prepper Broadcasting but mine is NBCGuy at So if you want to talk to me, ask me what this is all about or what
Starting point is 00:02:58 that is all about or what you're doing and all that kind of stuff. I did answer one of the listeners' questions about what am I planting for the winter, and that is mainly stuff that's in the ground, like potatoes, any kind of roots or tubers or anything that's in the ground. ground. We planted horse radish like 12 years ago, and now we have fresh horse radish wherever we want. And you don't have to dig it up. Let it keep growing. Let it keep multiplying. And same thing with ginger. So if you want fresh ginger, plant some now for the future.
Starting point is 00:03:43 plant some now for the future. Anyway, back to James's. Yes, I agree. Israel is the one most likely to use a weapon. And if you believe in Bible prophecy, it will be at Armageddon. Armageddon is a place, not a time. it is an actual field
Starting point is 00:04:07 in the north east of Israel and it says that the armies of the world will gather there for the final battle and if Israel is going to be invaded it's a very flat level plane that all the armies in the world could gather to invade Israel and Israel uses a nuke. Now that's just my idea. Okay, so, yeah, but I agree.
Starting point is 00:04:42 If Israel, and they have said it many times, if they are threatened, they will do it. And I have notes, they're not in any particular order because I was scratching them on an instruction sheet to put a rocking chair together. It was what I was doing at the time I was listening. And yes yeah civil unrest big time big time
Starting point is 00:05:10 no matter who wins and what if the vice president who is Kamala Harris who is running for president does not certify the election do you remember back when Trump was trying to say to Pence don't certify the election. Do you remember back when Trump was trying to say to Pence,
Starting point is 00:05:27 don't certify the votes? And yeah, it's easy to vote the easy way out. If you want less turmoil, less problems, less civil unrest, vote Harris. But you're going to have more problems all over the world.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Yeah, more debt in the United States. You got to fix the problem. And Harris is not going to fix the problem. She's going to magnify the problem. Leaders around the world, all over the place, they don't take her seriously. They know that this is a puppet government right now, and we are descending further and further into third world them. And if she doesn't certify the vote, if she says it's supposed to be in Congress, you remember, then what? If she says Trump is not legitimate, then what? Or if the Democrats pull the same shenanigans they pulled to put Biden over the top. Then what? I mean, we saw this movie before and we know how it played out.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Biden got just enough votes to beat Trump, which happened to be more votes than the first black man ever running and the first woman to ever run for president. And you can't tell me an octogenarian campaigning from his basement pulled that off. I don't care. You know, prima facie evidence on the face of it, it don't seem right. So, civil unrest, absolutely. Problems, absolutely. Problems, absolutely. And one thing James didn't touch on was,
Starting point is 00:07:31 what about the brigades of bad guys? Divisions. Enough Chinese nationals to fill two divisions. What are their orders? Is it the election? Is it the inauguration? Because if you want to simultaneously attack a government, you set it to be at an instant that you know will happen and that everybody knows, you know, like you synchronize your watches.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Okay? will happen and that everybody knows, you know, like you synchronize your watches. Okay. So when Trump raises his hand to take the oath of office and it's nationally televised, bang, that's when you initiate your attack. Simultaneously, all over the country, different time zones, synchronized. Just saying. And let me pause here because I probably should have started with this. Never underestimate the intrepid commander's ability to see the 50,000 foot view. I can give you example after example.
Starting point is 00:08:46 The very first election preparedness campaign, when he first talked to me about this, this was way before Prepper Camp, and he was going to start this a year out. And I thought to myself, well, we've been having elections for years and years. I mean, there's never been any problems. Why is this one different? I did not know. I could not see what he was seeing.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And sure enough, it was. Trump got elected. Washington, some businesses closed down and never reopened from that day. So that's just one thing. COVID, he got on the phone to me. He says, what do you think? I said, well, the deaths aren't there yet. Then he broadcast Doc Bones and Nurse Amy's thing on COVID.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And I think it was the very next week we started Medical Monday. No, that was Medical Mondays. We started the COVID cast. And the Patriot Power Hour guys, they picked up on it. And I think they were the first ones. I don't know. We're going to have to go back through the history and see what host was the first one to say there's a new
Starting point is 00:10:15 unknown not flu but pneumonia in China that has sprung up. But anyway, and don't blame the Patriot Power Hour guys for getting you knocked off YouTube. It could have been any one of us because we were all thinking it. I mean, the night we stayed up and watched the election returns and when Pennsylvania stopped counting and Arizona stopped counting at the same time, that was a dead giveaway that the fix was in. And the easy way out, you know, voting for Harris, the Supreme Court did that last time.
Starting point is 00:10:59 They told Trump he did not have standing. And how can that be? He's the other guy. There's two did not have standing. And how can that be? He's the other guy. There's two people that have standing. Biden and Trump. They did not want the United States to explode into chaos by stopping the election or halting it, examining it.
Starting point is 00:11:31 They did not want to hear the case. So consequently, Trump stepped down. But now they are saying exactly what they are going to do. They are not going to step down. When has the left ever given up power voluntarily? It has never happened in the history of the world. So if you think they're going to step down, and then the war.
Starting point is 00:12:02 You know, what better time to strike at the United States than during the transition of two administrations? Our Constitution sets up a transitional time. And some people say it's not enough. Some people say it's too much. Some people say it's too much. But between November and January, when two administrations completely changing personnel, what a better time, right? Anyway, PBN family, I totally agree. If you listen to my voice and you judge, you know, you value my opinion, then you have got to listen to the intrepid commander when he says three months, three months.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And, you know, that's really what you should strive for. Because when we did COVID, we locked down for six weeks. We did not go downtown. We didn't go anywhere for any reason. Six weeks. And, you know, three months. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And examine your plans at what point will you start carrying around your property 24-7 mine is power failures if I'm without power for more than 2 or 3 days I start carrying because the information is out there they know you're without power. So how are you going to call for help or is your alarm going to work?
Starting point is 00:13:49 You know, so bad guys can come and try and steal you blind and help is not coming. So examine what are your trigger points. What are your trigger points? See, the intrepid commander is the 50,000 foot guy. And I am the tactical guy. I am down in the trenches. And I'm the one that tells you, you know, this man. When are you going to pre-position stuff? What is the triggers that are going to start you implementing your plans?
Starting point is 00:14:29 And do you have degrees? You should have degrees of implementation. We used to call them RAMs, random access measures. And they're all different things that you could do to trip up the bad guys inside your perimeter, like stopping cars, and I'm talking about in the Middle East, and threat protection. Random access measures are things that you can do
Starting point is 00:14:58 to increase your level of readiness and stop any, you know, threat. So what are they and what are the trigger points? What are you going to do? And I mean spell them out. If I'm going to put a shotgun in the closet next to the front door at this point, then that's what you do, you know. at this point, then that's what you do.
Starting point is 00:15:29 You know, if you're going to run blackout at night, you know, turn off all the lights in your house. Listen. See what's going on. See what goes on in your neighborhood. I mean, put the cameras up. If you have game cameras, things like that, what point do you do all that? And you should be practicing all this right now.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Practice every one of your measures so that when the time comes and you're having to think about 50 million things, you've done that one thing once. And you know what that is. So you can do it again. This is the bell. It's ringing now.
Starting point is 00:16:15 The bell is ringing to get ready. Okay? So, we have three months. And you should be ready to buckle down for three months. Like I said just yesterday, I increased my energy independence, and I got to rotate some gas out. I know I got some bad gas. I treat all my gas and diesel. I treat it, and I'm trying to keep all my gas and diesel. I treat it.
Starting point is 00:16:45 And I'm trying to keep all my propane tanks full. You know, I'm even, every time my tank gets to half tank in my car, I fill it up. I'm doing the thing that you do in the wintertime, so you, but I'm doing it all the time now. So, wintertime so you but I'm doing it all the time now so we used to call it leaning forward we're leaning forward in the foxhole so we're leaning forward right now because at any time
Starting point is 00:17:19 you know yesterday could be your last day to prep. So I just wanted to say amen to what the commander was talking about. Throw these couple other things out there. You know, the bad guys that are already in the country from the open borders. Was this part of the plan all along to keep Biden and Harris in office? You know, were they going to cause election chaos? Is that the plan so that the election can be thrown out? I don't know. But I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Chaos is coming. is coming. I chuckle because man, it will be on a level I don't think seen in the United States since the firing on Fort Sumter.
Starting point is 00:18:17 So PBN family, get her done. Get her done. Prep on. Take care.

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