The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Nukes In The US???

Episode Date: December 7, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello, everyone out there in Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, with a special report. Hello, everyone out there in Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. Look, I started this last night during our special report. The intrepid commander gave me a call, so we went on the air live last night about Romania.
Starting point is 00:00:58 So this morning, Chin, co-host of the Changing Earth podcast on Sunday nights with Sarah Hathaway, sends me a guy that he follows. See, you don't have to follow everyone because we do it for you. Um, and it's a, he, this guy is, um, let me see if I can get a YouTube handle, something Hogwarts or something like that. Uh, let me see here. Let me see. Whoops. I clicked on the ad. Uh, monkey wards, monkey wards.
Starting point is 00:01:41 And he follows a lot of flights that of flights that are all around the country. So he's giving information about different transponders, different airplanes and flights and things like that, and he is painting an interesting picture. First of all, let me tell you, I'm on the road. I'm going to pick up a pig from the Amish guy that we used to get the pig from before we found the Amish butcher, who has since moved back to Pennsylvania. So we lost that contact, but're establishing uh an old contact so that's why I'm out and about today I didn't want you to you know correlate the one what what do I
Starting point is 00:02:38 do on a daily basis I prep I prep on I keep an eye on what's going on, you know, to make sure that my preps are aligned with the current threat situation. Like during COVID, I changed my prepper dollars and my prepper focus to a pandemic. So there you go. That's what I do. what do you do on a daily basis? establish a position and improve upon it daily so Jin sends me this and he wants to get my take on all this and I've said this a bunch of times that there's a reason why they're flying illegal aliens into all these different cities.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And the Monkey Warts guy quotes 74,000 a month. And I think it was 50 different cities around the United States, and they're all military age men, and let me first by saying, you know, I'm with future Dan on this, a false flag do you understand that the United States is in a position we are the world's police force and yeah can we get surprise attacked yeah we can but there has to be in the current situation of the world, at the very least, there has to be complacency.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Complacent. And at the very worst, assistance. So our current government is, number one, complacent and compliant and not doing anything. Yeah, they lost the election. They lost. And you think when they play the game, if they're losing, they won't tip over the board? Yes, they will. If they can't control it, they want to destroy it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 So, because they expect to be in charge of whatever's left. They expect that if the United States is in ashes, whatever's left, they're going to be the ones that will emerge, you know, the ones in charge. So this is a viable game plan to them, that if they snuck a nuke into this country, because part of this report is about nuke sniffers, planes that fly over and try and detect the presence of, you know, atomic munitions, that they would use this. Let me tell you, if a nuke goes off anywhere in this country, it will be positively chaos.
Starting point is 00:06:11 country, it will be positively chaos. It will be, and I'm confident that that's what they want when Donald Trump takes over is the most amount of problems and chaos in the world as possible. in the world as possible. And what better time to do this than during, you know, a transition. So there you go. I mean, 9-11 happened, and we were, what, six months into Bush's presidency. So all of this, everything that led up to 9-11 happened during the previous administration. And the planning, the preparation, the training, those guys were in the country long before the attack happened.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Some say over a year. So these military flights and their transponders are military that are coming in from Central America and coincidentally bringing only military-age men into these different cities. No women, no children, military age men. It has to be a false flag, an attack from within. You know, just these are my thoughts. And this is why Chin gave this to me.
Starting point is 00:07:49 He wants to know, what do you think? Well, I think it's no good. I think there can't be a positive spin put on this any way you look at it. any way you look at it. And the, what is it, Hogwarts, Monkey Wars guy, he says they're flying over the Rockies with these sniffers, these nuke sniffers. You know, that could be many different reasons, but he thinks it's because of the amount of Afghan
Starting point is 00:08:26 fighters that they brought into this country who are used to high altitude, mountainous terrain and things like that. He thinks that they're camping out in there. That may or may not be true, but if you're bringing in a massive military force, okay, to do battle with your military, domestic military and police, you want to bring them into the population centers. You don't want to put them in the Rockies, okay? And what effect would a nuke have if it went off in the Rockies somewhere?
Starting point is 00:09:08 Very little, but if it goes off in New York, Washington, you know, Los Angeles, yeah, that's going to have a major, major effect and throw this country into, you know, positive chaos. I mean, I doubt if the inauguration would even occur if that happened. I doubt it. People can't imagine this would be like 9-11 times 100, whatever that they say on that World Police, that crazy movie that they made after 9-11 with the puppets. I can't remember who made it, but America were police or something like that. Anyway, it would be just crazy,
Starting point is 00:10:14 crazy in this country. There would be massive lockdowns, massive military presence, just everybody knee-jerk reaction to the situation on hand. And, you know, with the Airborne Command Center, yes, yes. When 9-11 happened, Cheney was flown to an undisclosed location.
Starting point is 00:10:43 The President was flown somewhere else. We have a location. The president was flown somewhere else. We have a mile. Turn left to Virginia 127 West. Okay, I got to mute that because you know what? I don't want you to know my location, especially of my Amish meat supplier. my Amish meat supplier. So traditionally with Christmas coming, Maria has grown up with fresh pork. I think I've told this story many times in the past where she came into this country and her first Christmas here, she says to me, oh, I missed to kill the pig. And I'm like, what? We're not killing anything around here. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:11:33 It's a family thing and it's a traditional Romanian thing where the families get together and butcher a pig before Christmas and during Christmas and New Year you smoke the meat, you make sausages and it was a big family memory for her. So we try and do that over Christmas and New Year's so that's what I'm doing. Christmas and New Year's, so that's what I'm doing. Not only that, it'll put about 150 pounds of pork in our freezer. And we're activating the freeze dryer because it's cold enough now. The pump creates a huge amount of heat.
Starting point is 00:12:24 So if you're looking at a freeze dryer, it is not, first of all, it's a tool, just like any other tool, okay? And it's not the answer, the end-all be-all to everything. So don't think that a freeze dryer is going to answer all your food problems. It's not. to answer all your food problems. It's not. It's just one more tool in your prepper arsenal. So think long and hard and do your research before you get a freeze dryer because, man, I got to tell you, that's probably been since Ron Paul was selling them, a harvest right and we got a scratch and dent model and it's working fine but it's it takes up a lot of electricity and it creates a lot of heat so those are two planning factors you know you should think about so where was I yeah we're getting the pork
Starting point is 00:13:26 we're going to add some protein we didn't do meat birds this year or our turkey this is the first time in many years I haven't raised my own turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas so but we're planning to get
Starting point is 00:13:42 more meat birds if the world don't catch on fire before Donald Trump is elected. I mean, inaugurated before he takes office. So getting back to what I think the plan is, I think it's going to be a massive military attack on the United States, which cannot be accomplished without assistance. Assistance of our own government. assistance, assistance of our own government, or complacency, or, you know, we have to be actively asleep for this to take place. So that's my view on this. And I really, really, really think that they're flying these military age men into these cities for an absolute purpose. And the purpose cannot be good. So
Starting point is 00:15:01 there you go. And if you want to check out the cities that they're flying them into you can go to this YouTube guy what did I say his name was Monkey Warts and check out his latest video he lays it out pretty good so there you go That is my special report on the
Starting point is 00:15:28 way to pick up the pork. And it is 24 degrees out. So we are going to, that's another thing, when you're doing the butchering and we're doing it outside, you want it cold enough that the meat does not spoil. So that's part of your planning process is when you're going to do the butchering and all that kind of stuff. And I'm going to smoke a lot of it. I have a big old smoker that I built about a year ago. Yeah, a little over a year ago.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And we're going to freeze it. We're going to can it. We're going to freeze dry some of it. The great thing about freeze drying is you can actually go through all the preparation, make you a big old pot of soup, and then freeze dry the whole thing. And I told Maria, I said, you could make a pot of soup, we could freeze dry it,
Starting point is 00:16:36 and Deanna could feed that to her kids 25 years from now and say, your grandmother made this soup for you. Isn't that something? So that's that's that's pretty impressive. So okay PBN family all I got to say is hang on buckle up and prep on because I I think this is far from over and they're about ready to tip over the chessboard because they know they're losing at the game. And that tipping over of the chessboard at the very least is World War III. I think at this point World War III
Starting point is 00:17:24 is pretty much inevitable. And the sides are, you know, the battle lines are being drawn. The sides are being divided up. And you're either with freedom or you're with tyranny. And that's pretty much it. So, gosh, this is really bleak. The best outcome is World War III. I don't have to tell you what the worst outcome is, right? So prep on, take care.

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