The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Peaceful Transfer Of Power!?
Episode Date: November 16, 2024...
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To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our Creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution.
and fight for the rights our Creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution.
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land.
This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy.
I am just checking in.
Just checking in.
You know, I've been on the past couple Prepper's lives, but I haven't been doing many daily audio caches, mainly because of school.
Well, and mainly because we're very busy here at the Jones Homestead prepping.
I don't know about you guys, but I am feeling uneasy.
I am feeling uneasy, just uneasy, because they keep saying they, meaning the people in power right now,
there will be a peaceful transition of power.
It's almost like they passed out these talking points and said, every time you do a press conference, you've got to say this.
All in the while, they're fortifying Washington, D.C.
It's just been crazy.
And of course, the same stuff's going on right now that went on before.
Every time Trump picks a cabinet member, the press comes out and just lambasts whoever he picks to try and hold up the confirmation process.
Now, I don't think Trump's going to have any problem.
He's got the House and the Senate, even though some people say,
hey, he's robbing from the House, and that's going to erode the selection process.
But I have to think that behind the scenes,
he's talking to these Republican governors
that will backfill with a good Republican.
And, you know, we don't lose what we have.
But it, you know, in the history of mankind,
the left has never given up power voluntarily.
And they have, since they got Barack Obama elected,
have just been all in on taking over the country or destroying it.
If they can't take it over, they're going to destroy it.
It's like a kid that you play a game with and
he knows he can't win, so he tips the board over.
That's what's going on right now in our country.
It's an interesting time to be
alive. There have been
presidential elections
just, you know, when we first adopted the Constitution
and make no mistake, that was an incredible feat
all in itself because it's the first time a government
has changed, first time in history that a government
completely changed and no one died.
So we operated under the Articles of Confederation for like 13 years, and it was not good.
And when they got together and adopted the Constitution that we're living under today,
and adopted the Constitution that we're living under today,
although in some ways,
founding fathers could not even fathom what we're living under today,
but it's because of bloated government.
And it will be great.
The yoke of oppression,
financial oppression,
that will be lifted off of the people of the United States will be incredible
if Trump gets to do everything he wants to do.
And it will not degrade from our military.
It will not degrade from anything at all.
Anything at all.
And you remember when they wanted to destroy the coal mining industry
and I think it was Joe Biden or
Barack Obama. I can't remember. They
said, well, the coal miners got to learn coding.
Coding. Well, the federal employees that are going
to be furloughed, laid off, downsized,
they got to learn coding.
There you go. I'm all for it.
100%. The general board,
the general board that he is proposing
where you set up a few retired generals on a board.
Yeah, in the military, as an officer, you're never really retired.
They can call you back for things like this.
And they serve on the board.
They serve on the board.
You see, I said that Trump should ask for every general officer's resignation the day he takes office. Just submit your resignation, and then we go through the packet and we decide who stays, who leaves.
But this board thing, it has happened in the past where they look at your record.
General officers look at other general officers.
They look at the record and they say, these are the guys that should stay.
These are the guys that should go.
And this has happened in the past, you know, after World War II, after Korea, you know, a huge downsizing of the military.
And so there's precedence on this.
But, you know, the news media and everybody on the left
will tell you that he's becoming a dictator
and that this has never been done, but that's not true.
It has been done.
And general officers serve at the discretion of the president
So there you go
I think it's wonderful
If we get to
Get to do the thing
You know
You lose the house
You lose the senate You you lose the Senate,
you no longer have the courts.
The only thing left is the military.
And that kind of got me concerned.
What is their plan?
If you remember, this is the exact time when Barack Obama got together
with the director of the FBI and they plotted and conspired
on how to get Donald Trump impeached
so this is the exact time I don't think Biden's conspiring
with anybody I don't think Biden wouldn't even be left
into any of those kind of meetings. But I know there's
something going on in the background.
So, on Monday night, we went
in and out.
My connection went in and out a few times.
And one of the listeners talked about how do you get water out of your well if you have no power and no generator.
And it was Flow Jack.
So check out Flow Jack.
Not a sponsor.
It's a hand pump.
They're even better now than when I bought them.
Bought one. I bought them. Bought one.
I bought one, oh my, maybe 10 years ago, 11 years ago, something like that.
They're expensive, but they're the answer to get water up out of your well,
if you have a deep well, okay?
And they're designed to do that.
Now I am also going to be drilling a hand well
at the lower part of my property. There is, I am convinced,
a stream. I live on a mountain. There are streams
up here. So I'm going to
my neighbor has a, a hole drill and we're going to drill a hole
as deep as he can go and see how much water comes in that hole. And if it doesn't, doesn't come in,
then I'm going to try and get a, a hand auger and dig down as far as I can. But I'm pretty sure that we get down there five, six feet, it's going to fill up with water.
That's my alternate, alternate, alternate plan
for water. Here on the Jones Homestead.
Ooh, a squeaky chair.
What else can I tell you?
Well, a little over a year ago, we had some extra cash,
trying to spend down the cash that we had on hand because, you know,
the dollar's worth less and less every day as long as Joe Biden's in the office.
And they had a scratch and dent sale at Harvest Right.
And we got this freeze dryer for right around $1,000.
I mean, delivered medium is the optimum size.
So they have a large, extra large.
they have a large, extra large. Medium has the trays that have the most
square inch for the money. And we went
and got the oil-free pump, which is twice as much as
the pump that uses oil,
vegetable oil. So
that came highly recommended from Ryan
Buford, the co-host of
The Rising Republic. Man, those guys are doing great.
I can't talk enough good about the shows that are on
PBN. If you are not listening to one or two of these
shows a week, you are missing out. And just pick your favorites.
I mean, holy cow.
We got everything Saturday morning.
Phoenix Survival is probably on right now.
And I don't even know it.
I don't know how to do that live stream stuff.
But when I do,
man, you're going to see all kinds of stuff.
If I can take my phone out there
and show you what I'm doing, you're going to get all kinds of live stuff from the Jones homestead.
So once we figure this out. Anyway, where was I? Oh, Harvest Rite. So we have eggs. We have
chickens. We have lots of chickens. Too many chickens. Maria wants to butcher some. And they're popping out like
20 eggs a day. So we only have two people
that buy eggs off of us. And even all that
we have too many eggs. So we started freeze drying
eggs. And I must say, it's working.
It is working. In a quart bag I can
put 10 freeze dried eggs.
It's amazing. So we're doing that.
We're experimenting with the freeze dryer. We are
by no means got this thing down.
As a matter of fact it took us a year to get it up, get it situated,
put it where it's going to be. Freeze dryers are not the end-all
be-all. You'll hear me say this about a lot of
things in prepping. A greenhouse
is not the end-all be-all. It is a tool, just
like a chainsaw. You have to know how to use it.
And freeze dryer is the same.
It's a lot of money and we waited a lot of years
before we pulled the trigger on this one.
It's interesting. We're still working it out.
We've done eggs, the vegetables. We did like a
soup type vegetable mix. We're about ready to do apples. We get deer apples for $2 a bag.
Now, some of these have little spots on them and stuff like that.
But we're going to peel them, core them, and freeze dry them.
Because why not?
And these eggs, you know, 20 years from now we can eat these eggs.
20 years from now we'll probably not be able to keep chickens anymore.
But we will have eggs.
So it's pretty fantastic
in that respect.
We have all different kinds of food. We have
fresh food. We still have salad growing.
Even though we've had some frosts, we still have
salad growing.
So, freeze-drying is not the answer to everything.
It is a portion of an answer to the bigger thing, food preservation.
So, we have it all.
Stored food, mylar food, canned food, fresh food, freezer, we have
freezers, so we have a little of every type of food.
There you go.
Freeze dryers create a lot of heat, they use
a lot of electricity, so it's not
something, you do your research and think on it.
I'm telling you, we probably, oh my, a long time we looked at these.
A long time.
Ever since Rand Paul was peddling them on the internet.
Anyway, PBN family, I just thought I'd check in
this past week in the back channel.
I hope Chin talks about it on his show on Sunday night.
But he did a test with a Meshtastic
that he got a text from Salt Lake City.
I mean, pretty impressive.
Pretty impressive. And he has a
system set up
in his area for the next time
the floods happen. Hopefully never again.
Man, they're still
it's still unbelievable in those areas.
And then to find out FEMA was not going, had a directive, a departmental directive,
because this supervisor that got fired, she said she was just following orders.
So, yeah, it does not surprise me
because that's what the Biden administration
has been doing since day one.
Targeting Trump supporters,
the other side of the political spectrum.
They have been prosecuting, persecuting,
intimidating their political opponents.
Yeah, it's just like communism.
Anyway, PBN family, I rattled on enough.
That's what's going on here at the Jones Homestead.
Still building the aviary.
I know, that's a project.
Oh, sorry.
That's a project that just seems to keep going.
I only have a little bit of time.
And I'll get her done.
I'll send pictures.
I've been sending pictures in the back channel.
So take care. And don't forget to prep on.