The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Prepper Camp Tickets Now!!

Episode Date: November 24, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello everyone out there in internet radio land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. Oh, I am out and about on Black Friday. I got to get the oil changed in the car so I have no other choice. I have stopped going out on Black Friday decades ago. It used to be an event that my mom and I and brothers, we would take part of. But not anymore not anymore
Starting point is 00:01:07 yeah anyway i played the tyranny one because we're suffering from uh tyranny from uh the internet the people that control our first Amendment rights on the Internet. Yeah. Apparently, they don't want you going to prepper camp. I don't understand this at all. But the emails are being shot down, flagged, held up. I noticed something like this in the catalog, and I can only access it through the text that James sent me.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So there is something strange going on that that catalog did not transmit. Okay. So the Black Friday, I don't know. I don't know all the details. The intrepid commander will most likely get on and fill you in because I think this is terrible because if you're planning to go to Prepper Camp, you'll never get a better deal on tickets than right now. If you don't know from years past and us talking about Prepper Camp so much. First of all, it's awesome. Prepper Camp itself is an experience that anybody that calls themselves a prepper should have at least once in a lifetime. Because, wow, wow.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I call it exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time. It's amazing. You know, I think it was 80 classes he had last year. I did not make last Prepper Camp because of my new job, career as history teacher. And it's good I didn't because there were problems here at home that I needed to I needed to take care of and I would have no sooner got set up than I'd have to hurry back because anyway that's my thing but I
Starting point is 00:03:40 did not make it and I'm still lamenting over it I am I'm still lamenting over it. I am. I am still kicking myself in the butt, but it was all for the better, and God knew what he was doing when he said, nope. So, anyway, Prepper Camp is awesome. That's number one. It's like nothing you've ever seen before, nothing you've ever experienced before. It is the largest outdoor prepper event in the country and possibly the world.
Starting point is 00:04:21 It's amazing. And you'll see all these people, like-minded people, coming together. It's just fantastic. It will lift your heart Okay. Two, you get to meet a whole bunch of Prepper Broadcasting hosts. It is the single biggest gathering of Prepper broadcast hosts in one spot at one time. Hopefully we can get, you know, future Dan and maybe Ben to come down. You know, if you're listening, I'm going next year.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Chances are I won't be a history teacher next year. Don't tell the school. It's kicking my butt. So if I'm not teaching, I will, and even if I am teaching, you know, I'm going to figure this substitute teaching thing out and get a substitute. I'm going to plan this out. Yeah. We get like seven days off, seven paid days off during the school year. So if you have a vacation, you know, if you have a day that you got to go, whatever. But the thing is, you got to line up your own substitute. own substitute, so, okay, so number two, you get to meet a whole bunch of PBN hosts, Sarah Hathaway,
Starting point is 00:06:28 right, Jay Fergie, the Intrepid Commander, I am, I have been there for eight out of the past 10 years, and I will be there next year. So that's a plus. Number three, they have what they call vendors row. And this is a row of people that are selling unique prepper items. Okay. These are things you won't find anywhere else. Uh, was it three years ago? The medical supply guy was selling ivermectin and he sold out on Friday. Yes. He sold his entire stock on Friday. So you can get stuff there that you can't get anywhere else. And it's cash and carry. There's no, you know, Amazon trail or, or, uh, you know what I mean? So that's three. Number four, it's in a campground. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:07:30 You want to go camping? You want to test out your bug out bag? You want to see what your gear is like? This is an opportunity. This is a huge opportunity. We have tested many different types of gear over the years. Ryan tested his single man shelter, which I say was pretty awesome. I hope that's in production. It was a prototype at the time, but it was fantastic. Light, backpackable, single man shelter.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Or woman, single woman shelter. Single person, there you go. Yeah. And, I don't know. Just the experience alone. So, it's fantastic. just the experience alone. So it's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Anyway, if you even inkling of a consideration of possibility of going, get your tickets now. If it turns out you can't go, you can sell those tickets. Someone will buy them from you because you're getting them at the lowest price there'll be ever. They keep going up as time goes on.
Starting point is 00:08:50 So get them now. Okay, I think I hammered Prepper Camp into the dirt. Hope this gets out to as many people as possible because I don't know what the email thing... I don't know what it was, but it was about Prepper Camp. It was some kind of a, the image of Prepper Camp, I don't know what you could possibly, I don't know. I don't know the whole details.
Starting point is 00:09:23 The Intrepid Commander sent out an email and said, can you please email this out far and wide? And I know Sarah Hathaway has a huge mailing database. You know, there's the Matter Facts guys. They got a huge mailing list, email. So it's going to get out there. But it's interesting that the internet tyrants stopped us. That's interesting. Okay, so what else is going on here Black Friday?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Well, we're still prepping. We had a harvest of cabbage. I got some pictures. I'll put them in the back channel. Maria is putting them in salt water, a brine. And it will make like a sa um, like a sauerkraut kind of, uh, but you can pull these cabbage out. She cut them in half and you can pull these cabbage out and, uh, and use them and it doesn't have to be refrigerated and we're keeping it in the garage. Uh, we
Starting point is 00:10:44 had a really good, this is the most cabbage we've ever gotten and I think it's because we planted them late in the year and the bugs didn't have a chance to eat them because usually the cabbage just gets destroyed. So that was good. And, uh, we're going to do, um, Thanksgiving, uh, probably Saturday because, uh, we didn't do it yesterday. Uh, yeah, we didn't do it yesterday. Yeah, we didn't do it yesterday. So, a few years back, we were in Romania around this time. And it was funny because I saw on many signs, Black Friday sales. And I'm like, this was something that was made because of Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I mean, don't you need Thanksgiving to have a Black Friday? And it just struck me as funny that they adopted the capitalist holiday Black Friday that was created in America. That's interesting. But, you know, I'm not superstitious. I'm just kinda stitious. Not super. I'm not super. I'm just kinda stitious. That's a joke. Anyway, PBN family, what are you doing? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I'm reading this biblical prophecy book that Maria got. And, man, it was written in 1980. And the stuff that's in there is going on right now. is going on right now. So I see the new year as being, wow, something incredible. Something that is going to rock the planet, so to speak. So all I can say is prep on, man, prep on. I chuckle because if your stuff isn't together, you know, I mean, at any given time, do you ever think that, you know, your next trip into town could
Starting point is 00:13:15 be your last? Yeah, like I said to the class, you know, I say this, once the mushroom cloud goes off, you realize that yesterday was your last day to prep. When are you going to wake up and find out that yesterday was your last day to prep? Yeah. Yeah. So I was on my way in to pay my car tax, the dreaded car tax that they have here in Virginia. I'll tell you, I thought Pennsylvania was bad with taxes, but Virginia's got them beat, beat hands down.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And there's this tax on your car. And as your car gets older, the tax gets less and less, but it never goes away. And geez, it's just, if you have a registered car, you pay the county a tax. Well, the county offices are closed today. Go figure. Black Friday, they're not open? Uh, yeah. Craziness. So, PBN family, I am here at Sheetz, and I'm going to upload this right now. I hope I covered everything, but if I didn't, I'll do another Daily Audio Cash. Take care and prep on.

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