The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Public Service Announcement

Episode Date: January 5, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land, this is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. And my public service announcement last night did not upload and I did not know it. I thought it was on its way, but it didn't go anywhere. So I'm doing it this morning because I want to make everybody situationally aware. The intrepid commander did a fine job of telling you guys what we talked about last night. Yeah, that was another thing. We talked for like 20 minutes and it was my...
Starting point is 00:00:52 I was recording it. You will not get the behind the scenes for that. But it was kind of funny. Anyway, if you know Larry from any of the exercises we've done, you know, Azra Highland, Azra Force, and now
Starting point is 00:01:19 Gotham Get Out is coming up, but Larry frequents Loudon Guns and he's been going there for years and he calls them like family and they were robbed so there seems to be this standard operating procedure that's going on. You take a stolen car and you ram it into a business,
Starting point is 00:01:50 and the interesting thing is they stole shotguns and long guns. They did not steal handguns. not steal handguns. Now, this is concerning to me because the number one thing that's easily fenced in a theft operation is a handgun. It's the number one thing used in violent crime. It's the number one thing gangs use. And whoever did this robbery, burglary, whatever, did not want handguns, which leads me to think there was something else here. Maybe this is a terrorist cell arming itself.
Starting point is 00:02:54 A terrorist cell that wants to just cause mayhem and damage and kill as many people as possible because this is what they were targeting. And it's right outside the Capitol. You know, terrorists, when they come across the border, they don't have to bring guns with them. We have enough guns here. So this got my spider sense tingling,
Starting point is 00:03:26 and that's what I was going to do last night, was let everybody know about this robbery. Well, I guess it was more, it was a burglary, because no one was there at the time. But it was a stolen Camry, which, man, if I was going to steal something, I think I'd steal a four-wheel drive pickup truck. Camry might not be enough to do the job, but that's just me.
Starting point is 00:03:52 So, this seems to be a mode of operation. So, be on the lookout. You know, if it happened in your area and you've heard no other reports you would think oh well this is a one off kind of a thing but if it's happening all over the country and it's targeting gun stores or things like that then the alarm bell should start ringing
Starting point is 00:04:22 like the intrepid commander said then the alarm bell should start ringing. Like the intrepid commander said, that when it's local, when it's first-hand reported by a friend, then you should start taking notice. And yeah, maybe carry 24-7 you know maybe strap it on around your house your your property you have to be in a higher state of readiness in this time so there you go
Starting point is 00:05:00 that is my public service announcement PBN family it it is Friday! And we go back to school on Monday! The kids are not happy, but truthfully, I'm kind of looking forward to it. I want to get the other half of the year done. Done. Get in there, get her done. So for whatever it's worth,
Starting point is 00:05:25 be on the lookout for stolen Camrys. PBN family, take care and prep on.

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