The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Random Nuclear War Thoughts. 🤔

Episode Date: July 11, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights of the native Estadus in the United States Constitution. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello everyone out there on Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, coming to you on this nice Thursday. My gosh, we had the first time that the weather is normal. I mean, compared to the days we've had, today is beautiful. The humidity is way lower. The heat is going to be around 85, I think. So a normal summer day compared to
Starting point is 00:01:08 what we had. Sorry about all the fans in the background. No air conditioning here in the office. But that does bring up a question. Where are all the news reports? If we suffered such a great heat wave, where are all the news reports about the massive blackouts, the brownouts, the problems, you know, with the electric grid? I assumed that that would happen.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Or do they just cover this up because it's an election year? I mean, what is going on? Chris Plant always says the most powerful tool in the media's arsenal is the ability to ignore something. And I'm sure there has been, you know how the power lines when they get hot and they're using more electricity and they bow and that's what causes all these fires? What happened? Supposedly we just had one of the hottest weeks on record. You know, if you're
Starting point is 00:02:22 going to do part of the narrative, you've got to do all of the narrative. Where are all the blackouts? Just saying. And I'm halfway through a three-hour podcast that James sent me. The Joe Rogan Experience did an interview with an investigative reporter who wrote a book, said, Nuclear War, colon, a scenario. Something like that was the name of the book. And she wanted to know, you know, what it would be like. And she interviewed a bunch of people. Leon Panetta, who, you know, I don't,
Starting point is 00:03:17 I can't tell if she's a lefty or not, but she has a particular, what can I say? I'm halfway through this podcast, and the stuff she's saying is true, but it's taken from a layman's term, layman's point of view. A person that doesn't understand anything about nuclear war, atomic bombs, missiles, and goes in and gets the information. And I think what she's doing is not looking at it factual. Because one of the first things she says to Joe is, we have 1,700 nuclear weapons at the ready. And that is not true.
Starting point is 00:04:07 That is not true. And then she goes over Russian status. You know, they have all these nuclear weapons. And maybe I'm a little slanted because I lived through the 80s and I was an NBC guy and I truly believed that there was going to be a nuclear war between us and the Soviet Union. I mean, every war game scenario that we played back then ended in the fold of gap with Russia launching a tactical nuke. And that was the end of the exercise.
Starting point is 00:04:49 So I have a particular mindset because I grew up during that time and I was in that field and we just assumed that that's what was going on. She also parrots a lot of the stuff about nuclear winter, and she says it's going to be far worse now. Okay, well, we have less nuclear weapons. We've drawn down, both sides have drawn down the amount of destructive power they have. I don't know. I'm going to get through the rest of it. Maybe it'll be a Preppers Live.
Starting point is 00:05:36 James sent it to me with lots of exclamation points. Yeah. No matter what happens. Okay, first of all, this is what I think will happen. They will use nuclear weapons eventually. They've never invented a weapon that they never used. Okay?
Starting point is 00:06:00 They are going to be used. And I don't count Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We were the only ones that had them then, and we didn't obliterate the Japanese with them. Okay? So, they will use them. Now, and it will be terrible. Okay? terrible. Whether it's a small tactical attack or whether
Starting point is 00:06:27 it's all out global thermal nuclear war it's going to be terrible. It's going to be terrible for the people that get attacked and it's going to be terrible for everybody else because once that genie is out of the bottle you know, we live in a whole other world once that happens. So there will be things that will happen after that event that I can't even wrap my head around. my head around. When I was with NASA in emergency management, there was a huge exercise that was being planned and it was
Starting point is 00:07:11 supposed to be a nuclear bomb going off in Las Vegas. And I can't remember what happened. H1N1 something. Something happened and Vegas said, no, we're not going to play the game because we don't want tourism. You know, we don't want even the tourists to even hear this exercise coming up. So for over a year, they took the money on the exercise program and then at the last minute decided, no, we're not going to do this. So I think they shifted it to Los Angeles or something like that. Anyway, I remember being around the table with all these federal agencies
Starting point is 00:07:51 and they're talking about the limited effect that it would have if it was in Los Angeles or Las Vegas. And I told them that no matter where that bomb goes off in the United States, the rest of the country is going to be in chaos. And I reminded them about 9-11, and I said, they're going to be looking for secondary bombs. Do you really think that there's only going to be one bomb that goes off? And I don't know why they picked Vegas. I don't know why. You know, and then Port of Los Angeles, I think, is the first or second largest population center in the United States.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And, you know, it will be obliterated. Everything that is in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley and all of that, just obliterated. So it will cripple the country, the rest of the country. And can you imagine the martial law that will be imposed on everybody? And you thought the Patriot Act was something?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. I mean, think about it. A nuclear bomb just goes off. And it doesn't matter if it was launched from a cargo ship, you know, hauled in what was it, some of all fears to Tom Clancy where they bring it in and put it in a stadium in a vending machine. Yeah, yeah. My scenario in the class that I give is a 200 pound nuclear projectile. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:02 nuclear projectile. Okay? And, anyway, I am, oh, hey, if you're listening out there, and I know you are, I won't say your first name,
Starting point is 00:10:18 but we'll just call you Leroy. I am wrapping up your thing, and thank you so much for the $25. I really appreciate it, and I will be mailing it out later today. I have a couple things I've got to drop off at the post office. So, just to let you know, and, you know, let's go Brandon. Where was I?
Starting point is 00:10:46 Oh, well, maybe I should tell you a little more about the conversation. So, I have these sticks. There, I'm opening up my desk drawer and I'm pulling out one of the sticks. I have a big, old, very old wooden desk. And I have these sticks. And on one stick, it's professionally done. It's my presentation given to three different prepper groups. It's over 90 minutes.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Each presentation is 90 minutes long. Question and answers from preppers. And then when Ebola came to the United States, it was a Friday before Christmas. And I had 55 preppers in a fire hall that wanted to hear my thoughts on biological warfare. Can you imagine that? 55 people, a little small town, but, and boy, I nailed it. I nailed it, and I didn't even know I nailed it, because I had no idea there was going to be a pandemic just a few years later.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Anyway, if you're interested in something like that, NBCGuy at Send me an email. I'll tell you how much it is. You know, shipping, handling. I'll give you a great deal. I just, you know, a great deal on both of them and how I have another stick.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And I have bonus features on it. I had extra room. Okay, years back I was doing DVDs and someone said, no one has a DVD player anymore. You've got to get a stick. And I'm like, a stick? And they explained memory sticks to me. And I said, okay. So I found a company that does it and they said, hey I found a company that does it and they said hey you got a lot of extra room here on your stick is there anything else you want to put on there and at the time I had a file folder on my desktop and it was called prepper stuff it was all kinds of e-books and PDFs
Starting point is 00:13:07 and my PowerPoint slides are in there for all of my presentations to include tactical movement. And I just put that on the stick. So you get all volumes of prepper-related books and pamphlets, PDFs. You get all my slides, all kinds of stuff. You get extra.
Starting point is 00:13:33 You know, it's what the NBC guy had on his desktop. You know, as you come across things, I had a file folder. I just cut and paste it and stick it in there and anyway on both sticks you get these bonus features okay so both sticks
Starting point is 00:13:55 have a file folder on them anyway that's my sales pitch if you're going to be at Prepper Camp come to Prepper Camp get your sticks there. That way I don't have to charge your shipping and handling. Oh, man, where was I?
Starting point is 00:14:11 I got off on this nuclear, this reporter that did this book. She talks about the way things were. Oh, the movie The Day After. Jason Robart. John Lithgow is in it too. A very young John Lithgow. Anyway, it was a movie done back in the 80s. It's super, super accurate
Starting point is 00:14:46 with the way they portray the war. And it's dated. You know, it's for the 80s. And it's probably the best representation of global thermal nuclear war there is so if you want to check that out and of course on Monday night we said check out American Blackout or something like that man what a week of shows on PBN man James he
Starting point is 00:15:23 has been doing this week in the news, prepper news for James. If you just listen to those, it's worth the price of admission. But every show this week has been just phenomenal. And not because I was on Monday night. But I was thinking back of all the, man, great shows. I'm in Patriot Power Hour, guys, right now. They are great. Okay, I never miss their shows. And like I said,
Starting point is 00:16:06 when there isn't a reliance, I miss that. But the Patriot Power Hour guys, I never miss their show. They're the closest thing we have to an actual news show. And boy, do they give some really great in-depth analysis on what's going on in the world right now. Right now. So Patriot Power, our guys, a must listen to. If you have never heard them, listen to this past show because it's great. And then I'm rocking on to I Am Liberty. I'm doing stuff around the
Starting point is 00:16:44 house here, of course, always, right? And while I'm cutting, trimming, yeah, we had our kitchen floor done professionally. And it's very nice. But now I'm doing all the trim work. Yeah. Anyway. all the trim work. Yeah. Anyway, I'm just thankful that the weather is cooperating and that I'm not dying going out
Starting point is 00:17:15 cutting the trim and measuring and all that, just sweating. The animals are doing good. Hopefully we're going to put some animals in the freezer camp. I pick up the lamb tomorrow from the Amish butcher. And we're prepping on here at the Jones Homestead. Cranking out eggs. Securing our protein. Harvesting from our garden.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Every day Maria makes a salad from everything that's growing in the garden. Nothing came from downtown for our garden. So that's great. And boy, it's going to be harvest time here soon. We've been keeping the plants alive because it's been awful dry. It's been a drought, a drought. An actual drought here. And we've been saving the water, the bath water from the kids.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah, it's about three buckets of water. And if you put a cup of water on each plant, you know, rationing the water out, they stay alive. So, didn't have any rain last night. Hopefully we get some this weekend. It's still in the forecast, but gosh, I can't even remember when it rained last year. So that's the update. If you want to know more about this Joe Rogan thing,
Starting point is 00:18:46 I guess I'll do an actual review of it. The whole thing, I should probably take notes. I was listening to it while I was working. Yes, yes, if a missile is launched from Moscow to Washington, D.C. it will take about 30 minutes okay and if one is launched from a sub offshore it will be about 10 minutes 10-12 minutes depending upon how far away it is
Starting point is 00:19:22 you know nothing has changed since the 80s. Well, I can't say that. We have way less nuclear devices. Way less. We have satellites, GPS, better targeting, laser guided, you know, you can you know, that Poseidon torpedo that they have, that, that right there is a game changer. I mean, when you think it can take out, it can go lay at the bottom of the ocean, wait, okay, and it's, it's a drone, it's like an underwater drone
Starting point is 00:20:06 with a nuclear warhead it will take out a port facility you know, like Norfolk dang, dang yeah, so I got off again I'm just going to have to take notes and actually do a show
Starting point is 00:20:26 and I'll do a deep dive maybe I'll even buy the book see what she says I would like to be more up to date on things ok so PBN family
Starting point is 00:20:43 take care and prep on and keep listening to PBN.

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