The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Snow Day! 😂

Episode Date: February 13, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our Creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and I'm highly caffeinated and over-medicated right now. We had some snow and I had a snow day. Yes, I think the teachers are more excited than the kids. But I just got done finishing shoveling the driveway and we got maybe, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:00:57 two or three inches of really wet, heavy snow. So I don't know, it's supposed to freeze tonight, so I wanted to get it off the driveway before it froze up and became an ice rink. Anyway, hey, did you see that Butler County Sheriff give his take on his sheriff's meeting in Washington, D.C.? I thought that was pretty impressive how many people speak out like he did. And then what's going on? What is going on? Well, oh, Biden gets off and Trump gets prosecuted. It's crazy, crazy world we're living in.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And Biden had those since the 1970s. Classified documents going back to the 1970s. And they were not unclassified. And there's proof that he shared classified information with uncleared people. And make no mistake, he stole them. He stole them out of a skiff. That was theft.
Starting point is 00:02:18 And it was absolute, whether he did it, you know, he took those documents out of a secure facility. And, yeah, yeah. Anyway, in 1974, when he did it, he had cognitive, he knew exactly what he was doing, and he broke the law anyways. So yeah, he's a doctoring old fool now that can't remember what color socks he put on in the morning. But back then, he knew exactly what he was doing. Theft. Anyway, I'm on a bit of a rant here.
Starting point is 00:03:01 And what are you doing to prep on? Because, man, we get news from Romania and it's not good. Apparently we're moving U.S. troops into Romania. Yeah. I don't know what's going on, but the family left in Romania are worried. And Tucker Carlson shouldn't interview Putin.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Should not be allowed. You know what gets me? Back when it was, and you should watch this. It was a very good display of the way things were for the Spanish-American War. And you can look this up on YouTube and watch it for free. TNT produced a thing on the Rough Riders, and how the news media controlled the public and the narrative, because, you know, they had total control. Now they don't, because of the internet, and alternative, not ulterior, alternative media,
Starting point is 00:04:24 like PBN, you know, as long as the internet is on, they can't shut us up. But the chatter in the back channels of Prepperdom is as soon as World War III kicks off and whatever happens, happens, they're going to limit access to the internet maybe just the military will have internet capabilities and then what?
Starting point is 00:04:54 PBN family you should be planning accordingly we are downloading as much as we can and putting it on memory sticks all our prepper documents and books that are PDF and we're creating backups and I have a computer that I told you about before I got it for like 300 bucks and it's one of those tough box computers
Starting point is 00:05:27 and it's recycled but it works great and it has a DVD player in it so as long as I got enough juice to make the thing run we'll be in good shape and speaking of juice as far as I can tell, they still haven't sold out of the clearance model of the Titan. Once Maria saw that I had one,
Starting point is 00:05:59 she said, well, maybe you should get another one. And I said, well, I'm still figuring out the application for the first one. So why would we get another one? But yeah, they're half price, 895 bucks. I mean, you can't get a Super Duty Jackery for that. And this thing is, wow, it's a monster. And, uh, this thing is, wow, it's a monster. And, um, if you know what you're doing, you can hook up any type of battery to it.
Starting point is 00:06:34 They have their own batteries, which hook into it. Um, but you can hook any type of battery, any type of solar panel, and it will be the, you know, power distribution, charge controlling station that you need. So that's the backbone of the system. Batteries and solar panels, you know, those are the accessories. So if you want a really good deal on a solar generator that is, wow, just incredible. $895 Titan. That's my commercial for today. We did a couple other prepper things like
Starting point is 00:07:13 bought a harvest-right freeze dryer. We're going to be freeze drying some eggs because, man, we got 20 birds of land and that's 20 eggs a day and um you know so far ben the breaker bankster is the only one buying eggs off of us i got a couple people interested at school but nothing serious so and uh it's been warm around here. Now it's supposed to get cold again. I hope the trees didn't bud. Or we're going to have another year without fruit. That happened a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And I'll tell you, I would be remiss if I did not mention Gotham Get Out. This weekend, the Patriot Power Hour guys and the Intrepid Commander are joining forces to see if their bug out plan is all that it's cracked up to be. Now if you want to hear the good the bad and the ugly you got to stay tuned this weekend. I'm packing the boxes today and what I mean by boxes is there's going to be caches along the way of the Gotham Get Out route. And there's going to be things in these boxes. And it's just basically things you might need, things you could need, things you definitely need, and then things that you have to put with other things to even make them work.
Starting point is 00:08:44 And things that you have to put with other things to even make them work. So it's going to be a kind of a puzzle. And I don't want to say anything more about the boxes. But there's going to be some stuff that is absolutely positively needed. And it will be pretty obvious. Okay. And then there will be some other stuff that's like questionable. And of course there'll be absolutely garbage in some of the boxes that, that nothing, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:22 you couldn't use it for anything, but I'm going to keep that to a minimum just to see, just to see what these guys bring with them. with them and uh then it's going to be cold weather they're going to build their own hooch they're going to make their own fire they're going to find you know create their own shelter and fire and i'm going to have a couple other tasks which i'm not mentioning because they may be listening and they know they have to build their shelter and build a fire. But they don't know the other stuff. And it's all survival related and bushcraft related. It's not something stupid. But we'll see how it goes. Hopefully the ground
Starting point is 00:10:03 will be nice and frozen and they get the sub-zero temperatures they want. Don't worry, we have backup plans and safety in place but boy, boy it's going to be tough. And they're going into this, have fasted for 24 hours before they go in. Now, we've talked about this before in, you know, how fasting and sleep deprivation.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Wow, that's a big one. 50% of your mental reasoning capabilities are just wiped out the first 24 hours without sleep. But only 10% of your physical capabilities. So the people that are making decisions are the ones that really, really need to stay caught up on their sleep or they'll be making poor decisions. Sleep deprivation is no joke. It can kill you. It can kill you. Okay, PBN family, I ranted on enough, but stay tuned this weekend for a lot of unbelievable content. Gotham Get Out, Patriot Power, our guys
Starting point is 00:11:27 in the Intrepid Commander. It's going to be like the Prepper Games. Take care and prep on. Thank you.

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