The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Walnuts Are The Answer!!

Episode Date: June 20, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights are created as stowed on in the United States Constitution. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello everyone out there in internet radio land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. How are you doing on this fine Thursday? Oh, it's hot. Still hot. No rain. Gosh, the grass is looking like it's August.
Starting point is 00:00:44 But that's the way it goes. What do you do about the weather? Nothing. Nothing. Hey, so it was funny because yesterday when I did the daily audio cache, I was about to text the Intrepid Commander. This is just to let you know how we are all in sync here at PBN. I was about to text him and he says, and ask him, what's up? You only do this when you're on vacation. And I noticed
Starting point is 00:01:14 he had posted something and he's on vacation. So there you go. That's pretty funny. that's pretty funny um let's see where where do i start my gosh we got so much going on here walnuts in your mouse trap use walnuts it worked better than peanut butter now i have put peanut butter on them and then stuck the walnut on top of the peanut butter, we have a mouse infestation here and I'm taking care of them. And they are becoming an extinct species here, at least in the house. The garage, that's a different story. That's where all the feed is.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Oh, man. It's tough. It's a never-ending battle. You know? You want to help and grow the things that you want to eat, and you want to kill the things that you don't want around. So, like raccoons and foxes and, gosh, all your predators. Yeah, never-ending battle.
Starting point is 00:02:22 So, let's see what's going on in the world. One week from today is the big debate. I do not believe that Biden's going to make it. He had three, I don't know what he's doing at Camp David, maybe getting a blood transfusion. He's getting something to try more oxygen to the brain. I don't know. I don't know. But he's frozen up like three times in this past week,
Starting point is 00:02:54 which it's not going to go well. And all Trump needs to do is just let this man talk. We're becoming, you know, I said Mad Max, because, you know, Venezuela opened up their prisons and just said, start walking north. And now the crime rate
Starting point is 00:03:18 in El Salvador, Venezuela, they've all dropped. The crime rate has dropped because we have got all their criminals so it's not time to load the magazines yet but it's getting closer every day closer every day to the election I don't know I think they're going to do a bait and switch with Biden.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Gavin Newsom. I told you my theory on that. Hang on. Hang on. It's going to be a wild ride. Hallelujah. My son got a job. He's complaining about taxes and I had to explain to him they tax every dollar more than once and then I said
Starting point is 00:04:15 so a person works and gets taxed on that money and if they pay me for cutting their grass I have to pay taxes on that money. And if I go buy gas to put in my lawnmower to cut the grass, I pay taxes on that money. Do you understand? Every dollar is taxed multiple, multiple times to where, you know, what is the dollar worth anymore? I recently offered to pay someone for services with ammunition, silver, cash. What else did I put in there?
Starting point is 00:05:04 Chickens. Chickens. Do you know what they said? They would accept cash or silver. So if you put the option out there, okay, now I want to hang on to my silver. I don't think I have enough, and silver's shit.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'm still doing the thing where I take scrap metal and I'm getting a load of scrap metal, but it buys less than it used to since silver is up to about 30 bucks an ounce now. So I will take scrap metal, you know, get 20, 30 bucks for scrap metal and then go buy an ounce of silver. And that way you know, get 20, 30 bucks for scrap metal and then go buy an ounce of silver. And that way you get, you turn scrap metal into precious metal.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Just a technique. When you're on a homestead like this, you accumulate scrap metal. I have two ceiling fans that I took down and I didn't want to, you know, so I'm going to take them in. You know, motors, copper, steel, they're very heavy. I'm going to take a whole load of heavy metal in and turn it into precious metal. So that's a technique. What can I tell you about... Oh, and ammunition.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I did sign up for Ammo Squared, one of our sponsors. And it is really, really good. You just set it, forget it, and your ammo gets shipped to you. Now, I mistakenly put all the calibers that I had, and I should have just put all the calibers that I need money, need bullets for. I mean, so I'm going to go in and adjust that.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Like, I put.357 Magnum, which I have won from when I was a police officer back in Alaska. And that is my, you know, my sentimental gun, Rick, Rick on the, on the walking dead at a Colt Python. So I have a model 66 Smith and Wesson stainless steel, a four inch barrel. It was the service revolver. And, uh, 4 inch barrel. It was the service revolver. And I put that in there. But I don't need a lot of rounds for that because, man, if I'm using that, we are down to hand-to-hand combat, I think. Yeah. Anyway, but AmmoSquared,
Starting point is 00:07:40 check it out. You get 75 rounds of 9mm free for just signing up. So sign up, 20 bucks a month, whatever. Whatever you can afford. You set it, forget it, and they'll ship it right to you. So that, you know, you get the free shipping, I think, at $200. $200 or $250, I'm not sure which. But set it for the free shipping. Let your ammo accumulate, and poof, it shows up at your door. You can't get better than that. I'm still fixated on shotguns.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm still fixated on shotguns. I want a double barrel shotgun. Yep. And I'm going to get one eventually. The ultimate street sweeper. Yeah. There were a couple things else I wanted to talk about. Something about the world, the way it is.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Who would you trust more, our government or the World Health Organization? That's a tough one. Who's the lesser of the two evils? That's funny. It's terrible that that is funny, but wow. In the history of the world, there's never been a government that could tax you into prosperity. tax you into prosperity.
Starting point is 00:09:28 There's never been a way to tax you into prosperity. And when you consider 50% of all the homeless in the country are in California, maybe it's time we just cut our losses and say, California, you're on your own. A third, a full third percent, 33% of all the recipients of welfare live in California. So at what point do we say, hey, you're a bigger suck on this country than you are a benefit? And just cut it loose.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Just saying. Just an idea. Just an idea. The country of California. Has anybody seen that Civil War movie? I have not. anybody seen that Civil War movie? I have not. I heard it got kind of stupid reviews in, you know, in the prepper sphere. So I didn't, I was excited about it. I wanted to see this. And I was curious how California and Texas ever got together. That seems like odd bedfellows there, but they said it culminated with them shooting Trump in the Oval Office.
Starting point is 00:10:53 That's what it was said. And gosh darn, they hate this man. It's not that they think he's wrong or they hate him. I hope the guy can make it to the election without, but he's got good security. I'm not sure. I'd be vetting a secret service heavily, I'll tell you that. I'd be vetting a secret service heavily, I'll tell you that. How many times in third world countries do the security forces take out the president?
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah, how many? So, gosh darn. Watch your back, man. Anyway, that's all I got to say about that. Take care and prep on.

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