The Prepper Broadcasting Network - DAC - Words Of Wisdom... Well It Works For Me! Lol

Episode Date: January 2, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello, hello, hello everyone out there on Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. How are you doing on the second day of the new year? Ah, with the new year comes new hope. New hope that China does not invade Taiwan. New hope that Russia withdraws from Ukraine. New hope that Iran doesn't invade Israel.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Or attack Israel. You know, whatever. Whatever. We're here. And we're doing all we can. Right? You want to look back on this time and say, I did all I possibly could.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Okay? Whether it's right or wrong, you don't know. Okay, that's the struggle preppers have. We don't know if we're doing the right thing at the right time. Okay? So, but we're doing the best we can. So you
Starting point is 00:01:38 establish a position and improve upon it daily. And I'm telling you, the Intrepid Commander show last night, I was supposed to be on. Things changed around with the families. I could not join. So, I think it was probably better that way
Starting point is 00:01:58 because it would have been a lot longer show. And it was straight and to the point, concise. Don't throw your oil away, even if it gets rancid, because you can burn it in lamps and things like that. We actually buy crap oil just to burn. You know, when we're saying prayers and stuff like that, we light a candle. That's Christian and Orthodox. Light a candle. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:02:31 the intrepid commander was right on. Right on. If you don't know where your preps are lacking, that's where you need a quiet mind. A quiet mind thinks better it's open
Starting point is 00:02:49 more clear and i'll give you an example if you ever lay down at night and you're relaxed and you're totally relaxed and you're about ready to drift off to sleep and you think of something to drift off to sleep and you think of something. That is the relaxed mind. The relaxed mind will tell you where your preps are lacking, what you need to do. It will also figure out complex things easily. Okay, so when I was teaching
Starting point is 00:03:28 nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare, and they were complex word problems. So if you did not like word problems in math, you would not like NBC training. So they were complex word problems that had many different steps. And I would tell jokes to relax people's minds. And it
Starting point is 00:03:55 helped the process of learning because once you tense up your mind, nothing else goes in. So you have to relax. Let the information flow both ways. In and out. Okay, so I highly recommend meditation. I am putting meditation on my goals for this year. I could give you an example of meditation
Starting point is 00:04:27 and how it works. Just know that I was working at Pennsylvania Emergency Management, state job, watch officer. I was making not good money, but adequate for Pennsylvania. And I meditated on an amount of money I wanted to make. And I meditated and meditated.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And I mean religiously. Every morning I'd wake up 15, 20 minutes, whatever I could handle. When my mind started wandering, that's when I knew it was time to quit. I could handle. When my mind started wandering, that's when I knew it was time to quit. So, and I focused on this amount of money and I got a call from NASA headquarters, NASA in Washington, D.C. and the job paid the exact amount of money that I was focusing on. I had many different calls, many different interviews. I was looking for something better. You know, I had a particular set of skills
Starting point is 00:05:34 that I had acquired over a long career. Liam Neeson. And I wanted to market them and I did. My first federal job was with NASA. So you can do this. You can relax your mind and focus on what needs to happen in your house, in your situation, in your job, in your life, in your relationships.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And if you meditate on it, an answer becomes clear. And it's almost like your brain is forming your reality. reality. If I could recommend one thing, even more than fitness, it's meditation. Meditation quiets the mind and it produces a reality that you want. Not a reality that you don't want or that you have to react to. A reality that you don't want or that you have to react to.
Starting point is 00:06:45 A reality that you actually want. So anyway, that's on my list. Yes, and I write the goals down in the front of my planner every year, just like the Intrepid Commander. And I've done this since the 1980s. So this is something that works. If you want to achieve a life that is beyond your expectations, you have to program the most powerful computer in the world,
Starting point is 00:07:19 which is your brain, and you have to do it by writing things down. There is a mechanics that goes with writing whereas your brain tells your fingers what to do and your brain formulates the words and the letters and the action that's going into what you're describing with a pen and a paper and your brain makes that real
Starting point is 00:07:51 if you have a, I don't know if there's some other method that works for you okay, but this is the only method and I have tried many things going back to the palm. For those of you tech people may remember the palm, it was the forerunner to the blackberry. Okay, so I go back a long ways, and nothing works as well as writing it
Starting point is 00:08:24 on a piece of paper. If you write it, they will come. So that's my second day of New Year's 2024. Oh my gosh. The world can catch on fire. But you know what? I have food, I have water I have shelter, I have security I have my peeps
Starting point is 00:08:53 more than just Larry and I think we're pretty good here. We just have to improve. So establish your position. Improve upon it daily. Two things you need to know about everything that you have in your prepper arsenal are the capabilities and the limitations.
Starting point is 00:09:22 When we built the greenhouse, we thought this would be a panacea of gardening. It is not. It is a tool, like a rake and a hoe and any other tool that you have. You have to learn it, use it, exercise it, figure out what it can do and what it can't do. So there you go. Capabilities and limitations.
Starting point is 00:09:54 You have to know that about every piece of equipment you have and every person in your group. person in your group. You never want to put a person in a situation for failure. You want to put them in a situation for success. Know their capabilities, know their limitations
Starting point is 00:10:18 and achieve success over and over and over again. And success breeds success. Dang, this is becoming a self-help week here at PBN. Okay, well that's where I am on the second day of this new year. I'm hoping and praying that things stay
Starting point is 00:10:44 copacetic. I'm hoping and praying that things stay copacetic I'm assuming they're not going to be so I'm continuing to prep and I suggest you do the same PBN family take care prep on Thank you.

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