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To oppose tyranny and fight for the rights our Creator bestowed us in the United States Constitution.
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Hello everyone out there in Internet Radioland.
This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy.
I just had to come on here and rant a little.
So if you're not in the mood for a rant, jump off now.
Listen to the other shows on PBN and you'll learn something.
Oh my gosh.
The reason I titled this what it is, is I have to say WTF.
say WTF.
The Biden administration was exposed
through a Freedom of Information Act
that says they flew
over 300,000
illegal aliens to different
spots on this
in this country.
Now, why?
Why is that?
Why has the open borders been going the way they've been going?
Now, I'm going to propose a far out, probably conspiratorial theory, but in my mind, it's the only thing that makes sense.
Yes, yes, yes, they'll vote Democrat.
Yes, yes, blah, blah, blah.
They'll stay in power.
But in keeping with my saying, the left either wants to control the United States or destroy it.
The steps that have been taken over the past 12 to 15 years have been the steps to control the U.S. public
and smash this country to the ground.
If you are going to create a war
that you do not have to declare,
not one country against another country,
but a war, nonetheless.
No, you know, real lines drawn,
no, you know, battlefield, things like that.
The first thing you do is destroy the police, the first line of defense.
And you do this by defunding them, demoralizing them, and decreasing their ranks.
ranks. Okay? So the police have never been smaller, more vulnerable, and less
able to respond to anything ever.
The next thing you do is you recruit your warriors.
The people that are going to carry out your bidding.
And you get them from all over the place. Every country.
Every walk of life.
And once the signal is given, and the signal is an election that doesn't go the way they want it to go.
The only reason they're running Joe Biden is because they know he can't make it across the finish line.
They know it.
Tonight is the State of the Union, and I can't wait to see. He'll probably drop dead tonight
on national television. I don't know. I don't know. But there's a reason they're putting Joe
Biden up tonight when they bypassed the Super Bowl interview.
Which could have been edited to his benefit.
They bypassed.
What was the other thing?
His acceptance speech because he defeated the one other Democrat.
I don't know what it was.
In the primaries.
They bypassed that.
Why are they putting him up tonight?
State of the Union, 9 o'clock at night, which is about two hours past his bedtime.
And as for the force that you have in this country right now, ladies and gentlemen, the amount of people that came in under Biden's watch is more people came into this country than they did during the 60 years Ellis Island was open.
was open. More illegal aliens came in in the past three years
than the entire 60 years of Ellis
Island. The amount of people
outnumbers the population of
30 U.S. states. Over 30.
Over 30 states. So there's your force.
And the trigger will be Trump's election.
And that trigger means nothing but
chaos, anarchy, everything that you
could possibly imagine. More cyber attacks. More
everything to cripple us. that you could possibly imagine, more cyber attacks, more everything,
to cripple us,
to bring us to our knees.
And the UN is not friendly.
They are not on our side.
They are on the world government's side,
and they want the United States brought down
so that they can take over.
And God help us.
God help us.
I see UN peacekeeping forces from China
coming into this country
and trying to keep peace
from people that were born radicals.
You can't keep peace.
There'll be no peace.
And the cherry on top of the cake is why.
Why, why, why are we sending combat troops
to the Middle East?
Not to Israel.
Not to Jordan.
Not to Egypt.
Any of the other friendly countries to us.
Saudi Arabia.
No, no, no.
We're sending them to Gaza.
To that little strip of land to provide humanitarian aid.
Give me a break.
I can't believe, listen, PBN family, if you are not prepping your butt off right now,
I have to say, you're just asleep.
You are asleep at the wheel.
There's so many indicators, so many red flags going off, I can't even tell you.
In Romania, huge internet and cell phone outage in Europe. You did not hear this. It came about a week after our huge internet and cell phone outage.
They claim that some cable was cut in the Black Sea or something, you know, due to the
war in Ukraine.
But PBN family, come on.
Come on.
This is all a setup.
That Chinese balloon,
if you want more Chinese balloons
flying over your country,
vote for Joe Biden.
That Chinese balloon collected so much data,
so much data, so much intelligence, and the mainstream media and the Biden administration, who's a total sellout to China, want you to believe they could have got more information off of Google.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
Why are there so many Chinese nationals coming across our southern border?
You know, you don't leave China without them knowing you left China.
It's purposeful.
It's deliberate. It's purposeful. It's deliberate.
It's planned.
You got to wake up, people.
You got to wake up.
Everybody's prepper sense should be tingling right now.
And if it's not,
well, then you need a tune-up.
I'll tell you, Maria, she's
prepping. I mean, she's killing me prepping.
We're getting rabbits back. We're getting more
birds. We're producing 20 to 21 eggs
every day. We're going to start freeze drying eggs.
The rabbits, you know, meat, meat.
We need to fill these freezers up. We need to make some freeze dried
She actually even said
that this summer she wants all the kids to go through weapons training. So I got the laser bullet that the intrepid commander was talking about because I figure that's a good place to start.
place to start and we'll see. We'll see. We'll go from there. But gosh, gosh, these
next few months, it's like 200 and some days
until the election. It's going to be nuts.
Nuts. And if you remember what they did
after Trump was elected the first time,
that is going to be a teaspoon in the ocean
of what they're going to do this time.
And it's already shaping up.
It's already getting in place.
They know they can't cheat enough
to get Biden over the finish line.
They know that.
So they're putting their troops in place
for when Trump takes office.
And God help us.
Just a historical reminder.
The Democrats started the last Civil War.
Just saying.
Take care, PBN family, and prep on.