The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Dearborn Says Death To America!

Episode Date: April 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Because it's the United States government that provides the funds for all of the atrocities that we just heard about. And this is why Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Day of Quds, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America. Al-Mawthi, America! Al-Mawthi, America! America. Malcolm X said, and I quote, we live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth. It's not genocide Joe that has to go. It's the entire system that has to go.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Any system that would allow such atrocities and such devilry to happen and would support it, such a system does not deserve to exist on God's earth. And so when these fools ask us if Israel has the right to exist, the chant, death to Israel
Starting point is 00:00:59 has become the most logical chant shouted across the world today. You're listening to PBM. Your path back to stability. The wonders of Dearborn, Michigan. The wonders of total integration and tolerance laid before you in our United States in Dearborn, Michigan. That's where that wonderful speech with that brilliant pig had his wonderful little shouting match. He had his wonderful time there in the sunlight, in the spotlight to you the the narrative that has been fed to you for so many years right the rotten united states of america's
Starting point is 00:02:13 got to go it's terrible you know whenever i see these people first of all let's just get right down to it if this guy is quoting kumainini Do you need to know anything else about him? Do you need to sit there and go Well, he might have a point about Israel He did kill a lot of people My source material comes from a guy Who is literally the epicenter of terrorism in the world Please, tell me more about morality who is literally the epicenter of terrorism in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Please tell me more about morality. Tell me more about how you like to practice your religion and why it's superior. So while the rest of the country is staring up at the sun, this is happening in your backyard. There are monsters like these. this is happening in your backyard. There are monsters like these. And they're growing. They're growing.
Starting point is 00:03:11 The ranks are swelling. They're having many children. And later on in that speech, his children come up and sing everyone's favorite chant of 2024 from the river to the sea. favorite chant of 2024 from the river to the sea. What the radical Muslims don't care about is you calling them racist. They don't care about you calling them ignorant.
Starting point is 00:03:39 They don't care what you say. What the radical Muslims do is procreate and indoctrinate their children to grow up to be the wonderful warriors of Allah like those from October, October 7th. This is the goal. He even says it at the end. Israel has to go. Israel has to – of all the problems in the world, this is the one that they are always hyper-focused on. Of all the problems that their people face across the world, which are numerous. You look at the amounts of Muslims killed in the Middle East and other places.
Starting point is 00:04:25 You look at what's happening in Pakistan to Muslims right now. But you never hear a peep. You never hear a peep from the wonderful citizenry of Dearborn, Michigan over what's happening to Muslims in China. You never hear a word. They have no issue. But the second they can get a dagger into Israel, they do it. They do their best. I'm really bored with the...
Starting point is 00:04:50 Look, I'm going to get a look up at the sun between 2 and 3 o'clock today, okay? But you've got to understand that people have been losing their minds for four weeks now. I did an interview like three weeks ago with a guy who literally asked me the question, what do you think is happening with the solar eclipse? What's going to happen? There's a lot of... Nothing's going to happen. And here's the fundamental issue.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Nothing's going to happen because everything's already happening. When I told you two, three years ago who SHTF is here, it's because I wanted you to stop searching for more and more and more and more. Stop waking up with the detective glasses on and stop waking up in the noir mindset. Right? We've figured it all out. Well, we haven't figured it all out, but we've figured enough out. Like, we've got it enough figured out. Okay?
Starting point is 00:06:01 There's no more magic. There's no more underneath the rock. There's another Epstein Island and the P. Diddy and solar eclipse. We know enough. You know enough by now. Don't you know enough? That you can be motivated to get your ass in gear, do what needs to be done each and every day, even if you hate it? Because that's the fundamental reality, right? You've got to wake up and do the things you have to do each and every day, even if you hate them.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You look at that PBN routine, if you remember, and you say to yourself, Oh, I don't want to do those 100 swings today. Oh, I don't know if I have time to do that dry fire training today. Wake up earlier, stay up later. I don't like to do that dry fire training today. Wake up earlier, stay up later. I don't like to do that thing. I'm not comfortable doing that thing. Well, figure it out. You mean, now is the time. The clouds are moving in. And the beautiful thing about it is there's a million things you can be doing.
Starting point is 00:07:15 There's literally a million things you can be doing to better prepare yourself and your family. There's a million choices that you can make. There's plans you can make. There's plans you can make. In five years, we're going to be here doing this. In 10 years, we're not. Right? We have given you so much to consider. I want you to stop wasting your time. Look, I'm really getting tired. And I know he's out there doing the right thing.
Starting point is 00:07:47 But I'm really getting tired of Glenn Beck's stupid news stories from the blaze that have nothing to do with anything. You know what I mean? They're just shock value stories. I know he's got to survive in a hyper sort of competitive world or whatever, but I don't need wife sexual encounters with Great Dane exposed after husband busted for more lewd acts, right? Glenn, I'm going to unsubscribe from you, buddy. I don't need that. Nobody needs that. Who needs that? I get these things from him all the time now in the emails.
Starting point is 00:08:36 The emails used to be good. Now they're shock value emails. Please open the email. Please. And I get it. He's doing good things. I'm not, you know, i watch him a lot of the time we have to be able to recognize distraction
Starting point is 00:08:54 well you know what i mean there's enough to do you are enough to keep yourself busy for the rest of your life. Literally. You, just you. You had some kids, you had a spouse. You're never bored. You're never bored. There's always something to do to better yourself. Of course, you have to face that though, right? And that's the struggle this day and age.
Starting point is 00:09:23 That's why so many groups and people are out there opining for one cause or another, standing in the streets with people who would murder them, right? That's the American left-wing gender insane. They're standing out there with people who literally murder their kind, you know what I mean? Standing in quote-unquote solidarity with Palestinians, headscarves on the whole nine yards, pretending this is some sort of relationship that's going to last, right? And that all comes back to one thing. The whole gender ideology thing, the whole free Palestine, Gaza,
Starting point is 00:10:11 The whole gender ideology thing, the whole free Palestine, Gaza, it all comes back to just I've got a bunch of shit that I've got to work on myself. And I'm too afraid to look at it. And I'm too afraid to admit to myself that I am this kind of person. You know what I mean? So better I look outward for the bad guys and for the things that need changing out there. It's what's going on, you know? I don't know if I've grown too simple for this podcasting thing anymore. I don't know if my simplified outlook on the world is not enough to carry a podcast anymore or not.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Sometimes I feel that way though. Sometimes I feel like I've reduced this life down to the essentials in such a way. And I've also been sort of numbed to the lunacy of the day that I don't know if it moves you anymore. I don't know if it moves me anymore. But of course, just like I said, there's duty in life. It's not all about happy. It's not all about what can I do today to make myself smile? What can I do today to be happy? I'm not happy anymore. I'm not a happy person. I used to be happy. I'm not happy anymore. I'm not a happy person. I used to be happy. Right? That's what has, what is it, 80% of America on a pill? This overemphasis on this ever-moving needle of happiness. Oh, I'm three-quarters happy today. It's a good day. We're overthinking everything, PBM family. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yesterday morning, I dug a giant hole in the ground. Well, it wasn't a giant hole. I dug a hole in the ground. And I filled it up with old rotten wood. Stumps and the like. And I made the hugelkultur bed that I've been threatening for like two years. And I filmed it all so you guys can get my take on it. The member side, I'll put the video up over there. But it was funny because I was digging the hole and I was thinking to myself like, you know, hugelkultur definition. A hole full of rotten shit to grow other shit. That's what kept going through my head as I was digging, as I was throwing the wood. I dumped a bunch of other half composted materials into the hole. And that's what came to
Starting point is 00:12:47 mind as a definition for hugelkultur. So put another small raised bed up, ripped out a dead peach tree, you know, just doing what happens in that vector of life, that vector of food production and whatever. It's just one piece of the puzzle. It's not everything. Don't get lost in that either. Don't get distracted by that completely. Just, you know, you have to understand we're on our way, all of us, here in the prepping world to becoming formidable again.
Starting point is 00:13:22 That's the only thing that stops people. From overtaking an entire. City like Dearborn. And turning it into a. Muslim stronghold. And pretending they love America. Until they have enough numbers and weapons. To show you otherwise. Right?
Starting point is 00:13:39 I mean. When you listen to a guy like that. What do you think is happening around there? Do you want to move there? For the most liberal and the most tolerant, I would say, hey, take your purple hair and move to Dearborn, Michigan and see how life is. And you can tell me how rotten America is. That's just the deal, guys. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:14:01 That's the reality. So, you know, get yourself in order. Get yourself some friends. That's the reality So You know Get yourself in order Get yourself some friends Get yourself some alliances If you have nothing If you have zero If you're sitting there right now
Starting point is 00:14:15 And you're like I have zero It's me My spouse And my two kids I've got I don't like anybody In my neighborhood
Starting point is 00:14:22 I don't like anything I don't like the people I work with. Do yourself a favor. Our subscription is so insanely cheap. It actually depresses me a little bit at times. Okay? That's my decision. It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And I feel like it gives accessibility to everyone. my decision it is what it is you know and i feel like it gives accessibility to everyone you know if you can't pull five dollars a month um then i don't know you better change some things about your life but we can we can give you an online community there's no doubt about it and from that online community you can find out much more about how to prepare, what to prepare, when to prepare, the people around you. I had members two months ago find out that they had been living like less than an hour away, a three-member group, just like less than an hour away from one another, you know, hanging out in chats, doing all those things, seeing each other in passing, probably communicating to some degree, and now boom.
Starting point is 00:15:29 That's how these things happen, you know? And I'm telling you right now, the truth about community and the truth about people and the truth about numbers, right, and the truth about all that stuff is it happens fast. It happens fast. It just takes any kind of effort. But it happens real fast. I'd recommend it. I'd recommend you become a member here at PBN.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I say it all the time and you go all the way in. You go all the way in. You do everything you can. You go all the way in, man. You know what I'm saying? When I tell people who are new members on my introductory email, I tell them, dig deep into this thing, man. Dig all the way in. I'll get you involved in all the chat rooms in Element. Come to the live show chats, all that kind of stuff. Get deep in at PBN because there are people here. I don't know where people are from. I have no idea where
Starting point is 00:16:31 all the members are from. Do you know what I mean? But in time, you build trust, conversation, you post what you're doing, you find out what others are doing. All this stuff starts to build. And then all of a sudden, real quick, you realize, I know a bunch of people. And then you start to find out, oh, maybe they're close by. Or maybe they're not. Or maybe they're far enough away that I'll go meet with them. Or maybe they know people in my area. And you meet two, three people with the same intentions as you locally, everything changes. You know what I mean? You go from being, I'm alone and this sucks to, oh, I got people now. What else can we figure out? What else can we do? You got to take that first step, PBN family. Okay. That doesn't mean that, you know, spending money on PBN is that first step. I think it's a good step.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Go to, become a member. You get a ton of information, so on and so forth. But you got to take some kind of step. You know what I mean? One thing you have to understand while you're looking at boats and bridges and railways and solar eclipses and wildfires and lasers on Hawaii and UFOs and all that kind of stuff. While you are looking at that stuff, okay, while you're trying to figure out where the hidden lizards are and what they're up to, people are building their ranks, okay?
Starting point is 00:18:05 Good people are building their ranks. Bad people are building their ranks. Okay? Good people are building their ranks. Bad people are building their ranks and their networks and their communities and their arsenals. I mean, it might sound scary, but it's exactly what's happening. So it's time to get moving. All right?
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's time to build your ranks. You don't need an incredibly formidable force. It's not like you need a special operations. Task force. To weather tough times. But it would be a hell of a lot better. If you've got you know. Four other families.
Starting point is 00:18:38 As opposed to just waking up in the dark at night. Alone. Alright. I'll see you guys soon. 9 p.m. tonight, Preppers Live. We'll be reporting live from the post-apocalyptic world following the solar eclipse.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I got plenty to report. I was mostly quiet over the weekend and I want to get into a bunch of different things with you. And who knows, I may grab somebody and drag them along into the darkness with me, all right? Talk to you soon, PBN family. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? down and highly affordable monthly payments. is your answer to bug out land,
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