The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Disaster Coffee is BACK!!

Episode Date: September 17, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 December 2019, my family and I strewn across the couch watching Home Alone. 2019, my family and I strewn across the couch watching Home Alone. When I get a notification on my phone that the first bag of disaster coffee has been delivered to my mailbox. Supply drop, our breakfast blend had arrived, the start of the company was upon us just before Christmas. That led to a journey that turned into a mission and became our way of putting out the best coffee in the world for a good cause, making money, creating our own sponsor for the Prepper Broadcasting Network when no one else would sponsor us. And now it's bloomed into much more. Now it's bloomed into much more. What you're going to hear in the podcast to come is all kinds of stuff, really.
Starting point is 00:01:14 You're going to hear talk about the future of Disaster Coffee, the new ownership. You're going to hear about our new coffees that are set to hit the market. And since the recording of the podcast, two of them are already for sale. You can go to right now and get the Black Pumpkin. You can go to and get F5, our new Ethiopian Natural. Powerful, powerful coffees. Great for this time of year. Check them out.
Starting point is 00:01:47 All right? You can hear from Phil Rabelais and Andrew Bobo as we discuss how the three-way ownership of Disaster Coffee came to be. How they stepped into the fold and have become partial owners of the business now. And what we envision for the future. We got big plans, folks. We got much more to deliver to you. But listen to our conversation and we're back. Okay?
Starting point is 00:02:16 So visit Well, let's start with that. Let's start with, you know, when I approached you guys about joining the business becoming a part of the business and in a big way you know through a third of the ownership between the three of us what what was what was the motivation was it the fact that it's damn good coffee that you had a matter of facts blend already or was it something more than that um what going ahead and rage poor beauty yeah so basically i know i think i know i i meant i approached you james um i know we james and i you and i talked quite a bit um about the coffee company and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And I don't remember exactly the conversation that we were having, but I know I pitched the idea of, hey, let's team up. Let's see what you, you know, basically, hey, Disaster Coffee, we love coffee, being part of PBN, being part of the network, being part of the preparedness community, Disaster Coffee fits right there with our values of just the type of preparedness. Because, again, it goes with like Uncle Randy's thing of what's your zombie? We have all these different coffees that are multiple different zombies. And so I just like that idea of that and so when james
Starting point is 00:03:48 and i went back and forth uh on the idea and we're like hey this is kind of cool and then i was like well phil's a coffee nerd uh bigger coffee nerd than i am uh and i feel like it's only right would only be right to include him uh and james that you're all on board with that too and so that's then i pitched the idea to i believe phil about hey what do you think about doing this and uh yeah and so i don't know it's been i don't know how many months now a couple months at least three months or so of back and forth and figuring stuff out and yeah i mean it's definitely been a full court press for the last few months to to down the website, do a massive overhaul on it for me to rip apart all of James' sales reports and everything and try to see where everything was. Because I mean like when the two of you all approached me, like my history with coffee goes back to like being eight years old when I started drinking coffee.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, wow. For me, it is, yeah, coffee for me is not a, it's not a casual acquaintance. It's more like mandatory, you know, a mandatory chemical to get me out of bed in the morning. But that's also the reason why, you know, the idea, like the idea of disaster coffee for me has always been synonymous with comfort. Like, you know, I can remember working 55 hours a week, going to school full-time when I was still in college, and coffee was a comfort to me. Because, you know, when you're working night shifts
Starting point is 00:05:13 and you're working overnight and you're falling asleep on your feet, a cup of coffee can just put a little bit of wind in your sails to get you through the shift. Or when you're up late at night doing homework after you've already worked, you know, 20 hours, that coffee can get you through. And even in military deployments, coffee for me has been my ever-present comfort in hard times.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And I see it the same way when we're talking about natural disasters or preparedness. There's a reason we don't plan to run out of coffee if there's a hurricane or a tornado or a flood because coffee is my comfort i like to have my comfort i like my wife to have her comfort so for me coffee goes hand in hand with any kind of preparedness because it's a comfort to me and you cannot put a price on comfort when you're having a bad day. But as far as getting into Disaster Coffee, James, I've always loved the mission statement. I've always loved the fact that y'all try to cut loose some of the profits to go back to disaster, prepare to disaster response. I've always appreciated
Starting point is 00:06:17 kind of like the tongue-in-cheek humor involved with naming some of these products. Oh, yeah. And the whole company, everything about it from image to the way it's run just appealed to me. So when the two of y'all came to me and said, Hey, what do you think? I was, I was all in at that point. It was really just, uh, you know, my heart was in it. I just had to do the usual cold hearted business guy thing and look at, okay, what's the business doing?
Starting point is 00:06:45 Where does it need to go? What can I offer? Which turned into me interrogating you about all the nerdy backroom business stuff. But I feel like at this point, the three of us, well, but I feel like the three of us have come up with a good plan to move the company forward. I think the three of us each offer something that the other two don't for sure and that's that's the key for a partnership it's not for one person to wear all the hats it's for each person to do what they're really good at and all of our efforts contribute you know to work towards the common good yeah and you guys i i hope you appreciate the fact that like one of my biggest goals this year was, overall things that I oversee was, I want to ask for help.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And because I don't know if this is the way it is for you guys, but people are nice, mostly, who I deal with. And they want to help. I don't necessarily want them to help a lot of times because i know how busy they are you know what i mean so it's like i get what you're doing and i appreciate it but this year i really wanted to like get help like the way that a proper entrepreneur should you know what i mean and um you guys are uh just you know you made that goal come true for me by joining forces with me and i really appreciate that because now we're going to be able to do so much more with this company than I was able to do solo. And that's
Starting point is 00:08:09 huge. That's huge for me. Yeah. Well, that, you know, that, that entrepreneurial spirit and that spirit of self-reliance can be a double-edged sword sometimes because you, you want to do it all by yourself. You don't want to have to ask for help. But when I was young and I was still working through as an auto mechanic, my dad told me, he said, the difference between a good mechanic and a great mechanic, and this holds true for a lot of things, a good mechanic can fix almost anything. A great mechanic knows when he's in over his head and asks for help. So that's the difference between good and great to me, is when you know, like, hey, this is outside of my skill level. I don't have this skill set. I need a partner. I need a fellow sociopath in the yard to help me get through this. And that's what you did. It wasn't like
Starting point is 00:09:03 throwing the white flag and mission a failure. It was a a you two both know stuff I don't. Let's the three of us pool our resources. Yeah, and I could see the glimmer in your guys' eyes with Disaster Coffee for years now. You know what I mean? You with the bunker beans, Phil, you spearheaded that and turned that into a thing I didn't even know it was going to become before you were a part of the company. And, Andrew, you've always been pushing to create these new coffees. You've been on the backside of things talking about getting this Uncle Randy coffee going. And you guys, you know, the matter of fact, is one of the best. That French roast is one of the best coffees we have period so it's so you're always lingering there in my mind like you know what what's the next thing to do these guys i think might be the next thing to do so it was it was cool to see it all come come together yeah no i agree and uh it i'm glad that it's finally coming together after
Starting point is 00:10:02 just the you know like the few months of i don't want to say rebranding, but the few months of pulling the website down, bouncing ideas with you guys. What do we want to do for logos? What all do we want to do? And just trying to take the company to the next step and making it a better coffee company. I mean, it's already a great coffee company because like i the coffee tastes great i just finished the i just finished a bag of the dark humor and i just opened up a bag of pandemic uh so uh that was actually what was in my cup this morning and so yeah just i you know what can we do more so you know more okay so different coffee so we got i think we have three new coffees in the
Starting point is 00:10:48 works right now not including the one that i'm trying to work with uncle randy on uh and we're actually expanding into tea yeah a couple flavors of tea so we're just gotta get those that stuff finalized as far as uh labels and stuff like that. And then merch. We've teamed up with Southern Gales merch that helps with the Matter of Facts and Raising Values podcast. We teamed up with them to do some merch. Now, I'm working on getting
Starting point is 00:11:17 some mugs made by them to hopefully have at Prepper Camp. But hopefully we can get... I know it's been kind of short notice. I'm hoping they can, we can finalize everything and then they can get me the mugs before I leave on the 25th. But still though, having that idea of having merch,
Starting point is 00:11:33 I mean, merch is something that can definitely push. I, like I've told you guys multiple times, I think is like the, the brand imaging is, is key. And I love the disaster coffee look i love the parachute
Starting point is 00:11:47 with the coffee mug and i want that to be known worldwide that uh when people see even if it's just the parachute with the coffee mug i want people to think disaster coffee uh and and that kind of goes into our future plans of wanting to be able to drop ship a pallet, I guess not a pallet of coffee, uh, but if a crap ton of coffee to a disaster zone of, uh, whether it's with Bear Independent, when he takes, you know, the Grindstone Ministries, uh, when they, when they go into a disaster, if we can supply them with coffee, if we can supply other things with coffee, I mean, that's on our radar, like what we would like to do. I know, and it's, it right now, it might not be something that we can do, but I think we can get there. And so I'm hoping we can, you know, do that, you know, between the three of us having some promotional stuff. I have ideas of like some little mini commercials that I'd like to maybe we can knock them out during prepper camp. I think that would be fun to try to work on. But, yeah, I mean, I think between the three, with our powers combined,
Starting point is 00:12:52 we are Captain Planet. Do we need power rings? Yeah, right. I guess I can make that happen. You know, so I have big things with the company, so I'm kind of curious. It's going to be fun. It's something more that I just want to get into, and it's another hobby that sparks my interest.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yeah, and with you talking about all the new products that are coming online, what I really want to do, because I'm apparently the home coffee roasting nerd in the bunch. And at this point, i've taken bunker beans and i've roasted them everything from like literally what they call white coffee which is incredibly light all the way to basically looking like it crawled out of hell like on the verge of burnt and i've burnt a couple of batches trying to figure out where the limitations are but like what i really want to do is I want to try to encourage the customers out there to not think of bunker beans as I buy a couple of bags, I stick it in a bucket, and I leave it there until the apocalypse. But to really consider the fact that much like most things in preparedness, you have to roast the coffee to be able to consume it.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Coffee roasting is a skill set. If you don't practice it a little here and there, you're never going the coffee to be able to consume it. Coffee roasting is a skill set. If you don't practice it a little here and there, you're never going to get good at it, and you're going to wind up, from personal experience, burning a whole bunch of beans trying to figure out how. So I would like to see if I can convert some of those bunker beans customers into people that roast their own coffee at home. It is not rocket surgery. I mean, I've got a setup that, you know, it's the side burner on a gas grill and a $50 pot and off Amazon. And it, it makes perfectly respectable coffee. I drink it every day. I hate to say James, but like I haven't bought a bag of ground coffee from disaster in over a year. I buy bunker beans
Starting point is 00:14:43 every time I need them. And I've got three bags sitting back there on the shelf behind me and I just keep on bulking up. But, you know, to me, like coffee roasting, it's, it's a way to make the absolute freshest coffee you can get at home for Folgers price. It is a way to practice that skill set you're going to need if you ever want to turn those bunker beans into something drinkable. And it's a fun hobby. I mean, just something to – it's not a huge time investment. It's not a huge money investment.
Starting point is 00:15:12 It just takes time and the willingness to learn how to do it. articles we can find some place to host the website. Maybe we can get people to look at Bunker Beans as something more than just stick it in a Mylar bag in the garage and forget about it. Well, but the other thing too is, going off of that, one of the things we talked about was educational content. And that's the one thing that we do have a little bit of a thing on the bottom of the page. Eventually I wouldn't mind making like having a full page dedicated to different video,
Starting point is 00:15:50 uh, whatever it is, but having a place, not just a coffee company, but somewhere where people can come here, can that they go to the disaster coffee website and they are interested in, uh, in, uh, roasting coffee at home. I mean, not many places. I mean, yeah, YouTube here and there, but not many. I don't see coffee companies doing roast my own coffee. They don't offer that content. So having the ability to come to our website, and eventually I would like it to see it get once we do more experimenting and be nice to actually have maybe some products that we can find either local made that we can put on the website or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:30 But having that ability to where we can sit there and say, OK, here's a website or here's a video of Phil. OK. This is these are the products you need right from Amazon. Here you go. This is what you want. If you want something a little bit more, this is what you can get. And eventually build it up to where it can go from just a beginner intro to, hey, you need these just to get started to, all right, this is a little bit more advanced, but here you go, to doing your coffee. And so having that ability to have that educational
Starting point is 00:17:01 content, I think, is also huge. And I hope that helps people out in the long range, especially not just disaster relief or disaster. If something happens and your power goes out and you want coffee and you're like, well, crap, I can't. But having the ability to show different ways of roasting coffee, different ways of grinding coffee, different ways of then brewing the coffee. I mean, there's a ton of different ways of doing the coffee. So having all that in one spot so people can come and see it, I think is great. And that kind of throws it out there with the Prepper Camp. If anybody's listening to this and you're going to Prepper Camp,
Starting point is 00:17:37 keep, I guess, in tune, but there might be a class or two that Phil's going to be doing for showing off doing that so uh not to put him on the spot but uh that's where the educational starts so but yeah i mean if you're coming to prepper camp come uh come see us and hopefully uh and we'll talk about possibly the class or something so so yeah it won't be one of like the sanctioned prepper camp classes. It'll probably be the disaster coffee booth, but that's what we've discussed is I'm going to bring my home roasting setup and see if I can wrangle somebody from the audience to be my assistant. Because if I try to do and talk at the same time, one or the other is going to stop. My ADHD is really good at doing one thing really really you know really impressively
Starting point is 00:18:26 at a time not doing two things equally well what i'm hoping to do too is just have i mean you had so the idea is to have you doing you know maybe around noon or so uh each all three days having uh to do like a small little class or a small something just to get somebody interested and hopefully get people interested in doing this, doing the home roasting. But I'm going to bring some of my own bunker beans. And, I mean, while we're sitting there talking to public, talking to whoever, I might actually kind of throw in and try to see if I can't roast, you know, hey, I want a cup of coffee and just maybe roast something up and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And, you know, so we'll see. I mean, but that's the thing though, is like the educational side of this is really to what, uh, kind of got me interested in doing this. Cause when we, when we first did the website and then Phil had the, he has a video of doing some, uh, roasting already. Like that was one key thing that we kind of all agreed on, agreed on was educational content. So hopefully, you know, more of that to come too. So, but I mean, if anybody, if you have any ideas of what you'd
Starting point is 00:19:30 like to see as far as educational content or whatever, let us know and we'll definitely try to make it happen. So why don't we go over some of the new stuff and then you guys give me sort of your thoughts on it or anything along those lines because I'm sure the people listening want to know what's coming that's new. And it looks like what will hit first and hopefully will hit by Monday the 9th will be two coffees.
Starting point is 00:20:00 One was a recommendation from you, Bobo. You really enjoyed the Ethiopian Harar which sounds so fancy and we called the Ethiopian Harar our F5 and created a great label for it people are going to dig it, people are going to appreciate it and according to you man, this thing hits like a freight train, right?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah. I mean, I don't know. Maybe it was the fact that I made the entire sample pack into one small pot of coffee is what it did. But just, yeah, it hit hard. And honestly, like, I didn't even drink the whole thing i mean i drank the whole pot basically over time but uh yeah i mean the first cup of coffee like it hit hard it was good it tasted great um i'm actually trying to look up the uh uh what the notes on it were well when i tasted it the strangest part of it to me, and I like strange coffees for sure,
Starting point is 00:21:06 but the strangest part of it for me was sort of, and I didn't realize it was berry. Berry is one of the, you know, one of the flavor profiles. What I got more, which is basically a berry, was almost like tomato-y, which is really, I mean, I don't think I've ever tasted that in a coffee before. which is really, I mean, I don't think I've ever tasted that in a coffee before. And it was, it's just, it reminded me of the first time I drank our Category 6, which was a single origin from Sumatra. And it was that same kind of like, I don't know if I've ever had a coffee that tastes like this before.
Starting point is 00:21:38 It was definitely like that. So, question, because I wasn't intimately involved with that coffee. Was that a light roast? The Ethiopian is a medium to light. Light roasts generally have more caffeine. For you and for the listeners, I think what you're tasting when you said you tasted tomato is probably the acidity, and that's going to be characteristic of a medium-light roast. Maybe that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:22:10 That could have been it. So yeah, it's bulk. It's a mix or a single origin how darkly you roast it has an enormous effect on the flavor and you will you will do things like you'll taste oh this tastes kind of tomato wheat even though it's the acidity hitting like the back of your tongue or you'll get more into like the smoky bitterness if you dark roast it so that's i'm not going to be the coffee nerd on this episode, but that just jumped – as soon as you said tomato weed, it jumped out at me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:52 No, I'm sorry. So it is – the Ethiopian Har Har is a medium roast, but it's berry, honey, and chocolate is the profile on it. Yeah. So – but, I mean, being a medium medium roast though, it does hit pretty hard. And so when James and I were kind of going back and forth on names, it was just, we, we settled on F5 just because it, I mean, it was, it hit hard. I mean, I, my heart, I could feel the caffeine hit. I feel like, I mean, my, my heart rate escalated. Uh, so yeah, it was, uh, it was good.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Um, I really, uh, I really really enjoyed it so that's a powerful one for sure yeah so you said the brazilian yeah the brazilian i like the brazilian a lot man that's uh that's a great region for coffee that that south somebody calling me that's not phil's number it's a random person calling calling in probably uh anyway yeah the brazilian was great the idea for the name was great with the brazilian i really dug that if you want to unveil that andrew because that was kind of your baby um uh mudslide was uh is the brazilian uh coffee title um and i at first i at first we were uh i was thinking mudslide is the Brazilian coffee title. And at first, I was thinking mudslide. I had mudslide settled for the name of the Ethiopian.
Starting point is 00:24:18 But I don't know, F5 just seemed more fitting with the Ethiopian, just how hard it hit. And then obviously, natural disasters, the F5 tornadoes, I the largest tornado on the on the scale so the way it hits and how powerful it is but yeah mudslide uh just yeah the i you know it's just one of those things where i mean if you want to go too graphic with it uh you know the what coffee does the human body and what's what makes you but mudslide i mean it's uh the profile on it is a smooth cup with a cocoa with cocoa notes um elegant media it's another medium roast uh but uh to me it just was smooth uh it was it it like to me it was like you you know obviously mudslides you if you watch them they're they're kind of elegant in a way uh the way if you watch them you know kind of take out trees and stuff and how it happens it's pretty crazy nature is but it's pretty elegant to if you watch it uh and then just
Starting point is 00:25:15 brazil uh we kind of decided to stick because there were some mudslides that happened in brazil and obviously they happened worldwide but uh it was kind of fitting too uh but uh yeah no the i i just like the idea for some reason i mean when you and i were talking like f5 popped up and then uh and then the mudslide like the way they kind of were like hey this is you know a good idea and everything so but yeah those are the two uh the two titles of the of the two new coffee flavors. We have one more. Yeah, we're doing a seasonal number, another seasonal. So now we've got our 4th of July coffee. It's one of our seasonals.
Starting point is 00:25:57 We've got a Christmas coffee, the Christmas hook, of course, to match the book. And now we've got our Halloween coffee. We bent the knee to pumpkin spice. Let's call it what it is. I'm so disappointed in you too well here's the thing though that i'm interested in and it didn't really occur to me until after we were far down the path so it's not like i was like aha i figured it all out we're calling it the black pumpkin and it is a pumpkin spiced coffee but it's just the coffee and And in my head, when I think of pumpkin spiced things, I think of whipped cream and foam and powder on top. So fundamentally, I guess what's within it
Starting point is 00:26:37 is probably the pumpkin spice, just black coffee. Because I don't drink a lot of flavored coffees. I don't know a ton about flavored black coffees. Like I'll drink a crazy Starbucks sugar cookie latte with my wife at Christmas time. I like that. But I don't drink a lot of flavored coffees. But the pumpkin spice seems to be like something that I would want to work with this time of year. work with um this time of year because of the fact that like i said it's not a it's not an 1100 calorie drink it's still just coffee with spices and i don't know it's uh it's not something i thought i'd ever do until i really wrapped my head around the fact that it's you know we're dealing with something that isn't it isn't a uh what do you call it you know like a frappe it's still just it's still just a cup of black coffee. I'm sure we got people who like this pumpkin spice. Let's learn about it, actually. I'm going to see what Temecula has to say about the actual...
Starting point is 00:27:40 I'm sure it's a mix. It's a medium roast. You're in there already. It's a medium roast. Oh, you're in there already. Yeah, it's a medium roast, and it just says flavored coffee, all natural flavoring. I don't know exactly what more they might have on their website. But Temecula, and that's another thing, too, is kind of like wanting to go is Temecula has been really good to us. They've got some really great coffee notes, coffee flavors. It seems like they're always trying to expand their coffee that they provide to us. But, I mean, down the road, I wouldn't mind looking around and pairing with another company.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Like, stay with Temecula, but try to pair with another one if possible. But, I mean, eventually, I have dreams of wanting to get big enough to where we start roasting our own coffee. That'd be awesome, but that's way, way, way, way down the road. But, no, so the pumpkin spice, which, so pumpkin spice, the pumpkin spice and the Ethiopian blend
Starting point is 00:28:39 will be the two at launch. Brazil, the Brazilian blend, the Brazilian coffee actually will probably be shortly after and then obviously the the coffee that we decided because i don't know we've we're all big fans of uncle andy and i really uh it's been talked about for ever since we started this conversation really we were like james i mean you were all on i mean before the conversation started actually like you were all about uh I mean, before the conversation started, actually, like you were all about doing a. It was last Prepper Camp, really, where all great ideas are born.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah, right. When we really started talking about it. Yeah, no, exactly. So I so I know I got the I know he had a sample pack delivered to him the other day. I'm going to touch base with him and figure out what flavor he liked. And we'll kind of go off of there. But hopefully by Prepper Camp, we'll have his flavor ready to go, and hopefully maybe I can try to get a bag or two to bring with me. But yeah, so, and then tea.
Starting point is 00:29:39 We've been hounded by, I believe it's Miss Jordan there. Oh, yeah. She's been hounding you for a long time. A long time. And so we actually settled on two teas. One of them is an Earl Grey tea, and then another one is a Jasmine tea. Do we want to say the name of the Jasmine tea on here? You know what?
Starting point is 00:30:02 I already said it on the podcast a couple days ago because i was having some in the morning and it is phenomenal man i mean that jasmine tea is outrageous yeah it's good uh it's kind of funny that you had it in the morning since it's more it's kind of uh but uh so the the jasmine tea we are naming, we're kind of going a different route with the teas. We want to still stick with kind of like disasters, but we're thinking maybe like man-made disasters possibly. But the one that we settled with the jasmine tea is EMP just because it knocks your butt out. That's it. It's out from those jasmine tea is emp uh just because it knocks your butt out so that's it you know it's out from those
Starting point is 00:30:45 jasmine blossoms uh but yeah i i used to drink tea long before i drank coffee uh you wouldn't believe it but there was a time when i wouldn't touch coffee i wouldn't touch it i wouldn't take a free coffee off you um but kids had an effect and uh and then, I used to drink tea. I used to fancy myself a Chinatown trekking Philadelphia boy who drank tea like he got in the restaurants there. And this one is a standout, man. Well, and I shouldn't be surprised because the coffee's a standout, so of course they have to match it with the tea. Earl Grey is one of my favorite.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I haven't tried it yet, and we gonna offer the earl grey too i can't even imagine you know how good that's gonna be that could that could divide my coffee drinking into some tea drinking because i to be honest i what i like most about tea this is so homosexual but what i like most about tea is like the uh the accoutrement. You know what I mean? I like the cool teapots, and I like the teacups, and I like the... So maybe we'll have a tea party one day, boys. I mean, I probably bring my tea stuff to Prepper Camp and just try to boil some water. And I mean, the tea is loose leaf, so they do not offer it in bags as of right now, but, uh, uh, that's something other, that's something on the website also that
Starting point is 00:32:12 we're trying to figure out is how to offer. Uh, so basically if you come to the website, our goal is to, if you buy some of the loose leaf tea, um, if you're a first time buyer and you're not familiar with loose leaf, uh, again, having some educational content on there, uh, possibly about it, uh, or, uh, or, and, uh, under some of the merchant stuff is maybe having some mugs available, um, like the, or the teacups or the tea, the, you know, how to brew them, uh, the cages that you can get and stuff like that. It'd be nice. One stop shop.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Yeah. One stop shop. So you buy the tea and cause that's the thing is like, I've never, drank some tea in the past but i mean but it's mostly just tea bags so loose leaf was very different for me uh i like the taste a lot better of loose leaf than uh the tea bags but uh the idea that you know i had to go online and do some do some searching around and yeah i found some stuff that i liked but having the idea that if we can get something that uh is and i kind of like the idea of like amazon yeah it's great but everything is china so i would really like to uh try if i you know if one of us three can find
Starting point is 00:33:17 somebody local uh to where we can make some custom uh teaugs or something like that, I think that would be really cool. So now future goals is kind of like what we want. But, yeah, so the Earl Grey name is still pending, trying to figure out what we want to do with that. But that's a good morning blend. I've had that in the morning quite a few times, and it definitely kickstarts the day. It's good. Yeah, and we've got several other tea opportunities,
Starting point is 00:33:47 so we'll probably keep growing the tea inventory. They've got a chai. I think they've got a straight-up green tea, if I'm not mistaken. The jasmine is mixed with green tea, and it's done really well. So tons of stuff, man. It's just, you know, we've got the team now. So tons of stuff, man. It's just, you know, we've got the team now.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And, you know, it's just the grind, you know, the daily grind from here on out. But, yeah, it's going to be sweet. There's no doubt about it. And I really appreciate you guys jumping on board this thing with me because I just don't know. You know, I have no idea how far disaster coffee can go. If I have it my way, we will be parachuting a pallet of coffee into a disaster area. I mean, that would be a milestone for me, is to be able to see one of these hurricanes rip through a community, and the way that we do our part is to kick one of these things out of a small biplane
Starting point is 00:34:45 with a parachute attached to it. People go, oh, look, there's a disaster coffee and hand it out by emergency management or whatever. Yeah, for sure. No big plans. So, I mean, the biggest thing is just stick around. Hopefully we can keep moving forward and just keep growing the company because i would
Starting point is 00:35:06 definitely like to see uh disaster coffee grow uh to something bigger than what we're doing now i mean obviously everything has to start somewhere uh i mean if you look at every coffee company they've all started somewhere i mean every company has but uh the coffee companies and i just want us to do something different than just sell coffee in a t-shirt uh so I definitely that's why I'm all on board with especially the disaster relief uh is let's if I would love to get to the the point where we can provide coffee uh to first responders and stuff so well just bear in mind apple apple started in a garage so and now they're in 40% of pockets worldwide. So I guess what I'm saying is I have no doubt we'll get there because I feel like we have the right team in place.
Starting point is 00:35:51 We have the will and the vision, and really at this point, it really is just I feel like we have the product line. We just have to educate our customer base and explain to them why throw your dollars into this hat instead of one of quite a few other hats that they could but i think i think once we can get like one sip of that coffee into their mouth that's it we we don't have we don't have to sell them anything it's just here yeah agreed and you know you don't even got to get it in their mouth you get it in the mailbox and it's that was one of the first things that blew me away when i was tasting coffees from various roasters to figure out what i was going to do with disaster coffee when temeculous coffee came i smelled it on my way to the box and then i opened it up and i said oh it broke i thought the packaging broke i was like well this company
Starting point is 00:36:41 ain't gonna do good because their package must be shit. And then I opened it up and I said, oh, this is just insane. Oh, and here's another. I mentioned this many times before, but it's worth mentioning. I put the coffee in the top of the cupboard next to some open almonds. So I just got it, didn't even open it, put it up there next to the almonds. The almonds tasted like coffee the next day or a couple days after, whatever it was. The sliced almonds had been perfumed with the coffee. That's how
Starting point is 00:37:09 strong this stuff is. It's crazy, the smell on it. But that's what makes it so damn good, I guess. Yeah, I agree. All right, gentlemen. Everybody feel good? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Like I said, I'm looking forward to Prepper Camp.
Starting point is 00:37:25 I'm looking forward to seeing how a captive audience responds to a couple of classes on how to roast coffee, how they respond to the new products that are coming out. I'm looking forward to it, man. I think the next couple of months is going to be a lot of boot leather smack in the pavement, but I'm looking forward to it. You and me both, man. And I really appreciate you guys. It's a big deal. You know what I mean? We're taking the next step with a business that was started right here.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And now it becomes a part of your life. And that's what life is all about. That's the things that you remember. So September 9th, folks. This will drop, at least on my end before then. So September 9th, go to Check out the things that you remember. So September 9th, folks, this will drop at least on my end before then. So September 9th, go to, check out the new website and dig in.

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