The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Doom Soup & Starmer
Episode Date: March 3, 2025PackFresh USA Giveaway Security Superstore TANGO Grey Kit
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more. Good day, PBN family. What is up? Monday. Man, I was so excited. I wanted to start 15
minutes ago. No lie. I wanted to get rolling on this show 15 minutes ago.
Uh, I took one of those weekends where it's like, you
forget about everything, right?
You just forget about it all.
And, uh, I looked at statistics this morning for the first time, all that
kind of stuff I just took days off of, and that makes me want to get back.
You know what I mean?
It's so weird. Most people, they despise the Monday, get back. You know what I mean Monday. It's so weird most people
They despise the Monday, but getting back to you guys on a Monday
It's nice
Today's podcast brought to you by pack fresh USA. We're gonna be talking about World War 3
We're gonna be talking about Keir Starmer two brilliant minds in geopolitics right now Voldemort Zelensky and Keir Starmer. We're gonna talk
Pack fresh USA is the best there is in the nation in terms of mylar,
in terms of oxygen absorbers, in terms of food preservation.
Link in the description down below.
You use that link and you will give us, PPN, the credit that we deserve for spreading the word about pack fresh USA. Okay, I this week. I'm gonna show you a side-by-side
Maybe I'll do it on the show actually I could do it on the show that'd be easy to do
I'm getting better at all this fancy background and front round and foreground and his ground and her ground
But I'm gonna show you that the difference between the Mylar bags
I've used in the past and the 7 mil high quality Mylar from PacFresh USA. Okay?
War equals off-grid.
War equals resource problems, right?
Store food, man. And no, you don't have enough. You might think you don't have enough food yet.
Keep on going, Mike. It's a running joke in my house
It's a running joke in my house about five gallon buckets in my kids closets and they make fun of me now
they've gotten to the age where like
They can measure the things that the dad does, you know, it's no longer like this is how everybody lives
It becomes like why is there five gallon buckets in every closet? What's what's up?
Morning jay far fire with fire wolf forge what's happening?
Let's get into it. Let's just get right into the meat of the show
I'm also gonna show you doom soup today on shtf chef. It's a go-to of mine
it is well, if you want to really like pack the pantry, we'll talk about it later.
I'll go off on a tangent.
I want to talk about what's happening with Ukraine and Europe and the United States,
because, you know, you look at it in one way and it looks to be making some sense.
You look at it the other way and you can tell we might be dealing with an idiot.
And it kind of might worry.
You know what I mean?
So the most up-to-date news on the issue now, everybody I hope watched Donald Trump and
Voldemort do their talk in the White House.
They did their talk in the White House and it was a beautiful thing. I posted a whole breakdown of it.
Well, my thoughts on it for the members on Friday, I think it was. It might have been Saturday morning.
And it was just, I don't know. I don't want to gush over it and all that kind of stuff.
I just want to say that it was really beautiful to see people. It's beautiful to see people standing up for things that matter in their life
That's all
And it's particularly nice to see an American president
Understand the value of this great nation and stand up for it
But Keir Starmer pledges British boots on the ground to secure peace in Ukraine.
Now that should, everyone should look at that and do not, right? Everyone should look at that and go this is uh,
some tells me this won't end well. This might not end well. Born to brat, into chat, what's up?
Garden Girl's got a day off to listen all the way. Oh, cool. Welcome. Welcome.
I bet your kids are, uh, your school kids are probably heartbroken today.
Without Mrs.
Garden girl.
Oh, by the way, what are you drinking this morning?
Black rifle coffee.
Get yourself some disaster coffee, man.
We're even selling K cups now.
So, uh, born to perhaps his JD Vance, 20, man. We're even selling K-Cups now. So Bourne de Brab says JD Vance, 2028.
Yeah, he took the stage for a moment in that conversation.
So the idea, where do we start?
I think we have to start with the information that I got.
See, I'm a little overwhelmed now,
because there's actually just brand new breaking news that is so crazy. You won't even believe it. We'll start with the news
I got from Carl B. Because Carl B set the stage for this whole thing by sending me over
an article from the New York Post, disaster in the Oval Office. This is post argument
and everybody's like, and you knew what everybody was gonna do right there
Oh my god, no, it's not so mean. That's a Lenski. He was so mean. He's such a mean dictator
Yeah, I don't know hours after Carl B
Sends this Carl B is we've got a ton of look I never need to look at a news website
I bring the drudge report up out of habit and it's a waste of my time
Because between you guys listening between the incredible hosts of the prepper broadcasting network all the news
I need ever comes from you guys, right?
Disaster in the Oval Office is by Michael Goodwin Dems lead Zelensky, Ukraine off a cliff with
pressure to reject the mineral deal. I don't know if you've heard of this Chris
Murphy guy on the Democrat side but he's the latest form of abomination that is
going to probably wind up doing much more damage to the Democrat Party but he
seems to be kind of like I don don't know him, maybe you know politics better than me.
Doesn't seem like the type of guy with the type of brain that's going to make a competitive
Democratic Party in the face of what everyone's seeing with Donald Trump now.
But before meeting, so I read this article.
First of all, I looked at Voldemort in the meeting and I said to myself
I don't know
If this guy's cut out for this job
Nobody's really felt super confident
He put the work boots on and the shirt on pretty early and got Hollywood to rah rah and invite him to the Oscars or whatever
it was
How did dude win best actress at the Oscars It's the only thing I saw about the Oscars or whatever it was. How did dude win best actress at the Oscars?
It's the only thing I saw about the Oscars.
Or whatever it was.
Some dude beat out Demi Moore for best actress.
I didn't even know we were allowed to say actress anymore.
The Warp.
The Warp.
Whispers it from the warp.
A common criticism, no, no, I don't need to read.
I want to talk.
So I watched Voldemort and I started thinking to myself, maybe this guy's not that smart.
Not like, you know, stupid on all things in life, but maybe just not cut out for this gig.
And people have said that in the past and I just haven't paid that much attention to them.
To me, the war got long, too many people dying,
the idea that your whole military sort of campaign
is held up by other nations' money and weapons.
Eventually, you have to sit down and say,
so what's the upper limits of Ukrainian people
that we're going to conscript and murder on the battlefield
to do what?
To get into NATO, to start a wider war that involves Europe,
to take Russian territory, to take back the territory
that we've lost.
So I try to get into his head and figure all that out.
And I don't know that he's had those thoughts.
What I do know though, is that he went into a meeting with this Chris Murphy
and a bunch of other Democrats before meeting with Donald Trump.
He's already aligned with Democrats in the past and it didn't go well for him.
And, and he goes to this preemptive meeting where they tell him,
don't take the deal. Donald Trump's gonna screw you, whatever the situation is.
I'm sure in that conversation they said, Donald Trump is basically Putin's brother.
And you know, that probably doesn't go well over with Zelensk. So I started thinking about them and saying to myself,
all right, and a lot of people have said this already, my father also brought it up the
other day, and it makes perfect sense. You do a mineral deal with the United States,
you get engineers over there, geological engineers, whatever, who are Americans working in Ukraine and overseeing the whole operation?
You think that we're going to be fine with Russia launching rockets in the middle of
the workday towards American people who are working there?
Probably not, right?
It's probably not going to go well, especially if it's Trump's big deal.
He can't seem to wrap his head around that.
I don't understand why he can't seem to wrap his head around that. I don't understand why he can't seem to wrap his head around that strategy other than the
fact that he doesn't want to give any money back to the United States.
You know what I mean?
So they fight it out whatever.
It doesn't look good, but you never know what you're looking at when it doesn't look good
because Donald Trump really kind of has that guy in a corner.
And it's already come out that he said, yeah, he wants to sign the deal and all that.
Now we jump from the US across the pond into the UK, where Keir Starmer has, I guess, been inspired by Donald Trump to actually be a leader
with some strength behind him,
to actually be a leader with force against someone
other than his own people.
Keir's sort of, to date, his biggest and baddest of actions
was to throw all the Brits in jail after they got upset
because little girls were stabbed to death
by a
Muslim in the country, right?
So That's what I've seen from this guy. He's the weirdest looking dude. I've ever seen I think here
I think here should grow his beard out. He looks
mannequin like
He looked
I'm looking at a crazy picture of you want to see the picture I'm looking?
I would bring them up.
Let's bring them up.
Cause the picture I'm looking at looks like,
what was that movie that Robin Williams was in
when he was like, had like that sheen and people,
was it babes in Toyland?
I don't know.
They were, I don't know what it is,
but he looks something like a mannequin. We'll bring it up real quick. You guys can look at Kier while we talk about him
And look, you know the over the thing that's above all of this is
That I love the fact that Donald Trump has said hey guys
Maybe it's time you take care of your own military situation in Europe
Because by us pulling back I really do believe it makes Europe stronger I do think Europe was kind of like oh daddy's got it
You know what I mean for a long time and they got weak and they got taken over by Muslims and that you know
That is their real problem
Check out here. I don't know man
You know what? He's like the guy that you like
like you ever like been at a restaurant or at a cafe or something like that and
you feel eyes on you and you turn your head and Kier's starmer's back there
staring at you with that look. Ladies it's like a probably a horror movie turn around and see that guy staring at you
Whatever we don't have to make fun of them
That easy enough right but
He's basically come out and said I gotta get rid of this thing
I gotta stop sharing it because it goes it has an epileptic seizure for some reason when I share it through stream yard
I can't even read it
He's basically come out and said he's gonna give a 1.6 billion pound loan basically
for missiles from Belfast. So the money's coming from the UK the missiles
are being made in Belfast. This author spelled the word buy wrong that's crazy
to me. In export finance to the country so it can be why not be you why 5,000 air
defense missiles to be made in Belfast.
The prime minister said, we are at a crossroads in history.
This is not a moment for more talk.
It is a time to act time to step up and lead and unite around a new plan
for adjusting enduring peace.
I hear that and I get excited a little, little.
You know what I mean?
I'm like, okay, people are paying attention.
People, you know, Europe understands some things.
But then they call it something that's like kind of a jab to Donald Trump and they use
words that are, they've got that like woke aura and
It takes all the air out of the whole movement. They he says he's gonna create a coalition of the willing a
Coalition of the willing to defend a deal in Ukraine and to guarantee peace a
Coalition of the willing now remember the key the key to this whole UK giving money and the
US giving money and how come the US is acting like this when Europe is acting like that.
Loan. UK is giving a 1.6 billion dollar loan, right? We've just gave them everything. Nope. It's like Afghanistan all over again.
Take whatever you need.
Take it.
Leave it there.
We just gave all that money away.
It's our fault.
We elected the, you know, the sleeping bag, Joe Biden, and we gave all that money away.
And Donald Trump's just saying, all right, well, we need a little back pay, right?
You got minerals, we've got people, we can harvest those minerals.
We'll split everything 50-50, and you'll pay us back, and you'll have Americans in your
country for protection, and we'll have money coming back into the nation in rare earth
minerals, something that China has cornered the market on, also a process
that is absolutely never going to work in the United States because it's super dirty
and pollutes and it's not a thing that ecological people would be excited about popping up as
industry here in the United States.
What does Chris Williams say?
Chris Williams and I watch a lot.
You guys should check him out.
Some of his shows are like right on the money.
And then some guests are kind of like boring, but he has a quote that he always
said, I don't know if he took it from somebody or not.
I'm pretty sure it's there are no solutions.
They're only trade-offs.
Well, compromise is something to that effect.
And, uh, I think when you get this big nation to nation, I think or compromise, there's something to that effect.
And I think when you get this big nation to nation, I think that's the reality of it.
So Keir comes out and he says, we're going to give you more money because mean old Donald
Trump won't.
We're going to create a coalition of the willing.
And I guess America is not a part of the willing right now because we don't want to pay for
Okay. America's not a part of the willing right now because we don't want to pay for everything.
Then, after that we get word that Zelensky says, no, we're going to sign the deal. We're going to sign the deal with the Americans.
We're going to do the deal. I kid you not.
I'll bring it up real quick just as proof of purchase.
Because there's still more, even after after, even after we're ready to sign
the deal, there's still more.
I just got, just got it from my incredible ground news app.
You guys do ground news ever?
Ground news is interesting.
Ground news shows you the political bias of an article not the writer and the content
But where it's showing up on the map like who who's publishing it who's reading it who's not reading it? You know what I mean?
pretty cool
Pretty cool no doubt about it
You guys see this you see the giant shoe. This is why I love news so much. There's a headline
But above the headline, there's a giant shoe ad that's so big you can't even wrap your head around how big the ad is
I'm gonna have to get that pie. There's all these girls yelling at me to get pie on YouTube. Oh
No fire wolf Forge terrible
so Oh no, Firewolf Forge, terrible. So Ukraine still ready to sign a mineral deal despite Trump's spat, Zelensky says.
Ukraine's ready to sign the mineral deal with Washington despite the heated argument between
him and the US.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told reporters
last Sunday.
Mere days after the blablabla, I just want the Ukraine position to be heard. We want
our partners to remember who is the aggressor in this war.
I don't think there's any dispute about that, right? I don't think there's any dispute
about that. No one's going gonna look back on this and be like
Russia did a good thing
You know what I mean? But it's reached a point everybody messed up everybody screwed up
That's what that's what Donald Trump should come out and say the administration's beforehand
Screwed up so bad by putting Russia in such a bad position
and screwed up so bad by putting Russia in such a bad position.
And then Russia decided that their best
course of action was rather than, you know, deliberation was just invade.
I think they saw it as an opportunity, truly.
I think they saw Joe Biden as an opportunity.
I really do. I think they're like, you know, what's he going to do?
What's he going to do? He sent enough money to Ukraine.
We're going to, the Russians are probably thinking we're going to get some of that
money somehow.
We'll get it.
Uh, so what happens today then just now?
Let me go to ground news.
Cause you won't believe it.
This, this led me to the statement that I think Voldemort is maybe an idiot,
like legitimately an idiot.
Breaking news.
Actually, this came out March 2nd, but I only heard about it till now.
1.4 million views.
The leading report.
No, this is not on ground news.
This is on Twitter.
What's the source here?
Is this, is this true?
I get this leading report news.
I'd never I don't think I followed them ever. Well, anyway. Now I lost it does it not even
exist? What the purported news was, was that Zelensky came out with a deal that is better
than every deal we've discussed on so far. And it was Zelensky came out with a deal that is better than every deal we've discussed on so far and it was
Zelensky will resign if Ukraine can become NATO become members of NATO. I kid you not I'm gonna bring it up
If you want to talk stop attacking us Zelensky tells Russia after airstrikes
Ukraine Zelensky says the end of war with Russia is very
very far away oh this might have been nonsense
Zelensky resign let's look it up
Zelensky says will not be simple okay I got it I got to make sure that these losers from this leading
Senator's resignation.
What? So did they send me a headline that was totally bullshit?
I thought it was coming from ground news,
but it's coming from this Twitter channel
that's clearly sending out stuff that's not true.
Anybody else in chat?
You guys heard about this resign? Zelensky sayski says he's ready here we go here we go
Okay, nope sorry sorry leading news or whatever you called my apologies you weren't you weren't peddling BS
Let's take a look at this one though. I you look
We've got to get into it right. We've had such a beautiful
Animation set up for this. And I didn't even play it. We're going to play it. We're going to play
it right here and now. Okay. We're going to play it right here and now because it was
great. And I just got so deep into it talking to you guys that I totally blew it.
Let's get into the breaking news.
Zelensky wishing to resign.
News that I had planned for you today about Ukraine, which is all the buzz right?
The Dems fail again. They pulled him in they said hey, man. Come on in here Don't take a deal with that Donald Trump. Obviously that fell through that failed
Starmers funding missiles and Zelensky is ready to sign the deal despite Chris Murphy who is apparently the you know
The guy who's gonna fail the Democrats once again
So Zelensky is ready to resign as president in exchange for Ukraine's NATO membership the guy who's gonna fail the Democrats once again.
So Zelensky's ready to resign as president in exchange for Ukraine's NATO membership.
He's got the good old, he's rocking the, we can't do nothing because ads are on every,
you wanna hear something terrible about ads?
This is so terrible.
I'm watching a movie trailer and they put an ad in the middle of it.
Like movie trailers used to be ads. They would take me something to come on TV
and you'd be kind of excited about like oh this is cool. So Zelensky says I'll quit
if we can if Ukraine can be basically I'll quit if we can start World War III
because that there's currently a war in Ukraine.
So, if we say Ukraine is now part of NATO, we're at war with Russia.
NATO is at war with Russia. Nuclear weapons are flying, right?
Bad plan. So, look, I'm calculating all this up in my head.
Not too smart, the guy.
In my opinion. Not too smart, old Voldemort.
I bet we get into something fun.
Enough talk about Ukraine and Russia and Europe.
But you know, I do think that Europe will come out on the other side at least a little more prepared.
You know?
What makes me most nervous though, think that Europe will come out on the other side at least a little more prepared.
What makes me most nervous though is Starmer's lack of focus.
It's his lack of focus on the real problem in England.
We're not going to go into it in detail, but what Keir needs to understand is that if he doesn't get the takeover of his country under control,
then he's going to have to go to war with the United States of America.
I know that sounds absolutely insane, but believe me when I tell you, if the UK does not get the Muslim problem under control,
and it starts to filter up into politics as it has a little bit already, and it starts
to filter into the military, and it starts to filter into that nuclear weapons program,
then you're going to go to war with the United States.
If in 10 years, 20 years, there's a radical Muslim regime, it might not even take that
long, that has taken the leadership positions of the country and is like, we love Western
culture, but we're going to do a little Sharia law from time to time, it's going to be okay.
And we know that they're in the military and we know that all of the sudden the the the UK
Unbelievably enough has become the first
Radicalized Muslim nation with a nuclear weapon, you know, assuming we stop Iran
The United States will have no choice we'll have to go in there and take them nukes
You can't have an island off the coast of mainland Europe with a nuclear weapon run by, you know, Allahu Akbar.
So they gotta get that under control and they've got a much tougher time in the United States.
Much tougher time.
You know, when you don't have an armed population moving, all the stuff that hap- well, let's
get into SHTF Chef. Doom Soup!
Doom Soup, PBN family.
You know, when I first talked about SHTF Chef, a lot of you assumed that it was going to
be this thing where we talk about food storage stuff.
And sometimes it will be, but what I'm holding here is truly our first peek into
sort of that shelf stable prepper, SHTF chef kind of stuff.
Now I can give you a bit, if you know how to cook, if you know how to prepare beans,
you can do this, you can do this on your own and figure out the whole shebang here.
If not, you may need to go to the SHTF Chef membership link to this recipe.
Every recipe that I put up goes to the SHTF Chef for our members.
So in other words, we do anhtf chef a couple times a week
Every recipe goes into the archive over there. So our members
$5 a month. What are you waiting for?
PBN family calm our members
Get to look at these recipes
Infinitum and I mean you basically what I'm doing is building a cookbook for the members
Fundamentally and it's not all this kind of stuff. sometimes it's just a delicious Alfredo right shipwreck Alfredo I may have to publish the whole thing one day I don't know
this one has a few steps it like I said if you're familiar with cooking beans
and stuff like that you can figure it out if you're not then you're you may
struggle with it and you may need the full if over over at SHTF chef, I'm going to give the
full directions on how to do it all.
But suffice it to say what we have is a, is a bean mix, right?
We've got a bean mix here.
We've got a spice mix in a Ziploc bag.
See on the top there.
Spice mix.
It's really, it's a spice and bullion mix is what it is.
And really those two things stored up you could throw an ox
I may
Yeah, I got it, I don't know if I have an oxygen absorber in there or not to be honest with you
But I eat this stuff like cook it and eat it
You know, I don't put things on the shelf to die and I wouldn't recommend you do it either.
But this soup is not going to die.
This is probably outlast you might not taste as good, but you're probably outlast you.
It's good.
It's really good.
And for those of you out there who are still like somehow playing around with the vegan idea and stuff like that. You could do this vegan
Prep and Patriot in the house. What is up, man? I owe you a phone call
Sorry about that busy weekend
But so we have our spice mix spice mix and bouillon makes pretty straightforward here, right?
You got bouillon you got dried onion, you got paprika, turmeric, ground ginger. Awesome ingredients by the tasty, but also really good for you.
All right.
Black pepper, sea salt, the whole nine.
Um, you're going to cook the beans first, add the water to the cooked beans.
Then the spice mix, right?
If you put the spice mix in with the beans and cook it all together
It's too much salt too much sodium the beans are never gonna get soft, right? So
Fundamentally got two things. Hmm
Firewolf Forge says what made the wealth in the pages of history one word spices
I don't know what that's from but that's pretty damn good. That's pretty damn good. That was a serious trade for a while. The East India Trading Company,
right? Wasn't that the big the big one? So yeah, this guy right here is sort of a
prepper's dream for and you could do whatever, right? Like remember you you
once you lock in on this look how good Johnny 5 is.
Johnny 5, my camera, is going to find my face with the soup here.
Should give him a raise.
I gave him googly eyes like you guys recommended.
But anyway, the thing about that right there,
you've got a freeze dryer, and you're like,
well, I freeze dry a bunch of stuff.
You could still make this. It's so cheap
It's so cheap to make the bean mix
The way we do it is we make the bean mix in a large bowl, right?
You don't make enough bean mix for one jar
You sit down with a case of jars you make a gigantic amount of bean mix, right?
and then you make a gigantic amount of spice mix and
Boom you you do your ziploc, bum, bum, bum, bum,
and then you do your jars, bum, bum, bum, bum,
and then, boom, on the shelf.
I don't know what the nutrition is.
I don't know what the calories are, right?
No idea.
What I do know is it's a very simple and awesome recipe.
And if you can cook beans and you understand that process,
you're going to have something delicious.
I tear a little basil in it in the summertime.
It's a good summer soup, spring, you know, tear fresh basil in there.
Maybe you could probably also get away with like what would make it pretty good.
I bet is if you did.
Here's a couple of modifications.
Number one, you could do a little sour cream and lime and cilantro.
Right? A little dollop of that on top of your soup. When it's done, that would be delicious.
You could also do a little poached egg. Remember we talked about poached egg?
So in other words, you're coming off the shelf in a bad situation with your dry stuff and you're
like, I don't really want dried. I'd like to have something with the dry stuff.
You know, because it is what it is. you put poached egg on top boom right now
You got this incredible bean soup. You got the nutrition from the poached egg the protein and you go
Doom soup telling you put it on the shelf. It's easy. It's cheap
He's on a roll ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate you fire will forge for real
All right, folks. What else do I have to talk about? Oh, I do have something to talk about today
Let me throw this in the chat. How do I throw this in the chat without it going haywire?
Control copy. I did not put this into our into our show
notes and I should have but our good man that nub over at L2 survive in the chat
I just put a YouTube link if you don't got time to watch it watch it later but
it's it's a video on creating nutrient dense soil for your garden because it's
that time folks you know what I mean there's your garden. Because it's that time, folks.
You know what I mean?
There's no doubt about it.
It is that time.
Like, it's seeds time, it's soils time, it's seed soils and sunlight time.
And before you know it, man, we'll be doing it.
We'll be doing that thing.
Instead of just thinking about bean soup, we'll be pulling out zucchinis and we'll
be slicing them up into that recipe right there and garlic and onions and the whole thing so yeah.
I spent some time this this weekend rather reevaluating moving things around removing fencing gathering up the collection of.
Gathering up the collection of potted soil that I have all around the yard. The amount of pots I collected that have soil in them and the amount of pots that I collected
that did not have soil in them, it was a little scary.
It was a little hoardy.
It was like, good, okay, throw a bunch of these away.
They're falling apart.
You get a pot that you can stick soil and seeds in
You never want to get rid of it
Garden girl, I will throw it in the rumble chat. I can do that for you
Let me do that before we go before we get out of here today
Um, but that's pretty much it folks
You know, that's pretty much it while I do this. I'm gonna take my face off the uh thing because i'm doing
That's pretty much it while I do this. I'm gonna take my face off the thing cuz I'm doing
You know double duty and all that kind of stuff show you guys the Lima tango act cuz it's such a pretty little thing
Let me make sure I'm not muted. No, I'm good and we'll just talk while I go in here. I'm just trying to throw this
Trying to throw this link in here for you guys
To L to survives YouTube channel look Rumble is where it's going man Rumble is where it is all
Alright folks leave the tango survival life's tough get a helmet or get yourself an EDC bag from Lima tango man
They got great stuff. They got great stuff. I'm telling you right now
alright folks
L2 survived we're just talking about you buddy, but that's okay. No big deal. Thanks for the back to Eden video and
We will see you guys tomorrow man Tuesday matter of facts is up today. Oh three days ago
I didn't even know this such a bad commander three days ago the tool man rose like like
Three days ago, the tool man rose like a giant bass.
You know what I mean? In springtime, like you have one of those days where you're fishing and
catching nothing all day, right?
And then all of a sudden out of nowhere, the white whale rises, the tool man.
I guess he's back.
I don't know.
I can't get ahold of the guy.
I call him, I text him.
He's gone far beyond us, I guess.
He's out there somewhere else but uh he did
post the show here the other day it looks pretty good I didn't even know it until today and uh I'll
check it out so lots to catch up on lots to Steven Menking this weekend Jay Ferg with the
hey Ferg you weren't on right you were live on Instagram I watched you a bunch this weekend
You weren't on right you were live on Instagram. I watched you a bunch this weekend, but great stuff. All right
Yeah, it's PB. Yeah, you guys know the deal. I'll talk to you soon folks