The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Dually Audio Cache w/ Dave and James
Episode Date: February 19, 2024
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You're playing back the stability here. pbn family it's the first of its kind it's the dually audio cash never before have dave jones
and i uh co-opted a daily audio cache before, but we were,
I was tempted to take the night off. Dave gave me a ring.
Well, I gave Dave a ring actually, prescripted by Dave. And then we got on a few tangents and said, here we go again,
putting that prepper gold out for nobody to listen to, nobody to hear.
And I think you were right, Dave.
So we're going to give you about 15 minutes,
yakety yak, and get you back to your President's Day
because I know you're all watching the biopics
of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, right?
Oh, absolutely.
And Barack Obama.
Oh, yeah.
I like the Bill Clinton one myself.
It's a little bit spicy.
So, you know, I'm feeling pretty good post mission yeah and that that was my text in the beginning because I kept looking at PBN waiting for daily audio cash maybe
there's going to be a preppers live tonight so then I text James and I said, hey, are you OK?
Because it was like radio silence. And he said, yeah, I'm fine. No Preppers Live tonight?
Well, I hadn't planned on it. Well, then I said, give me a call. And we got to talking and it was mainly I wanted to express to him that I felt
the intrepid commander took more
stealth and did the things
that you would do to stay away from people
because he wasn't familiar with the area.
It was a big deal, definitely.
Dan and Ben, they were familiar with the area.
So it was like, you know, no big deal, blah, blah, blah.
Whereas James was staying away from people, staying away from cameras.
It took him longer to get to the final spot. And I got to
thinking about that, that when we would do vulnerability assessments on different fortifications
throughout the Middle East, and I had Sergeant First Class E7s, and they were exactly the same rank as the guy they were evaluating.
And I said, look, it's like the spot on the wall of a freshly painted house or a new house.
And you get that spot and it is your focus of attention until you either fix it or you become used to it and you
don't even see it anymore and i would tell these guys they the other security people live there
24 7 and they just don't see what you see because you you have new eyes coming into it and i think that was part of it then what
we we got talking about uh defending your position with new people that have never done this before
and i said well new people will do one of two things they'll either fall asleep or they'll be hyper focused and calling you every 15 minutes.
I see. I see movement. It's movement.
And it's and it's a raccoon. OK, so then I said, well, you should pair, you know, a guy that's done this before and a guy that hasn't done this before.
a guy that's done this before and a guy that hasn't done this before.
And then James said,
what about rotating them around to the different spots?
Yeah. And the reason I said it,
which is important is because we were talking about this,
like ideal types of people compared to, you know,
having people at all. And there's sort of the value of even having somebody untrained and i said you know the the people in my neighborhood most of them aren't
going to have military training most of them aren't going to have any security training whatsoever
um so i always have thought in a in a situation where we were defending the neighborhood as a whole, that I would post people in position for shorter periods of time and then move them and then rotate.
You know, say there's five positions, one person on each.
All five of those people rotate to the next position in the perimeter.
After I said 30 minutes to Dave he said that was too
short so maybe now I'm thinking maybe an hour two hours and that takes people who don't know what
they're doing and are likely going to get bored and kind of gives them something new to look at
so that was my thought process there yeah and I said you'll get far more better feedback for doing something like that because if you send a guy to the same post every day
at the same time all the time,
you're not going to get any kind of feedback.
But if you change it up on him,
he's going to say, hey, that bush right there,
that's covering my field of fire.
We need to take that bush out.
And you'll get valuable feedback not to mention if if you want if while you're rotating these people are rotating and
they're kind of on a patrol as they rotate so you're getting eyes and ears out there where you wouldn't normally, you know, back and forth straight to the command post or wherever the relief is.
And that's all you see within the perimeter.
But if you rotate them around the perimeter, you're going to pick up on things you would never see.
Yeah, I like that.
I like that people in motion business.
That's always how I managed when I was a manager was always in motion.
And I just feel like you see so much more.
You see things when people don't even know you're seeing things.
And I think applying it to the security would work really well, too.
Yeah. really well too. Yep. You know, you might, I would even consider a single person to patrol all five locations
while the five are on their watch, you know?
Well, absolutely.
You have a sergeant of the guard.
Okay, there you go.
And that person is his job to go and check on the people that are on the watch.
So he goes there, make sure they're not sleeping, make sure they have the water that they need, you know, maybe even relieve one of them to go pee, you know.
Get out of the position, go back, take a leave, you know.
This is important from a, probably from a, from the standpoint of, what I worry about would be from the standpoint of like bribery or, what's the word I'm looking for?
You know, somebody who's playing both sides.
Oh, yeah. Who's getting food from this group. And he says, I will. I'm on watch position to at 8pm. You come by. I look the other
way because you gave me money, food, water, medical seeds, whatever. I look the other way,
then I'll tell you where to go from there so having that having that watch guard or
guard of watch gives you the ability to say this guy's doing weird shit because i'm far enough
away from him that he can't see me but i can see him and he's doing something weird over there yeah
and and whoever the sergeant of the guard is he's looking out for those guys that are on the perimeter and and he's his schedule you know if
he shows up every night at 605 you know that that's not good he should be coming in unannounced
uh you know all hours whatever more at night when when guys would naturally fall asleep.
And, you know, that kind of stuff.
You got to change it all up.
You know what this is leading to, Dave?
This should be our next exercise.
We need more people.
But we should definitely have a guard.
Choose an area.
Choose a perimeter sure not have maybe two to three guys who are going to breach it you know what i mean that would be that would be really we would learn
a ton of stuff it would be help to do it in a neighborhood you know what i mean or something
like that where we could sort of translate the information to the audience. Yeah, if we don't get arrested.
Well, I mean, you know, we'd have to, I don't know,
we might have to simulate firearms.
Of course, of course.
Well, and this is all coming off the back of Gotham Get Out.
Oh, for sure, yeah.
So PBN family, if you haven't heard all the episodes of Gotham Get Out, start with kickoff and go all the way through. Listen to them in order. And wow. Wow. This is this was just I'm telling you, it was the best exercise yet.
I'm telling you, it was the best exercise yet.
Oh, I got to give a shout out real quick too.
Hold on one second.
Let me bring this up.
I posted a picture on Instagram today.
You'll get a kick out of this.
I posted the picture that you took, Dave, when you walked up on us, which is blue tarps.
Ben the breaker is wrapped up like a mummy dan is is down in bed mode in a sleeping bag and
i'm standing there with a hood on and you know it's cold as hell out fire's going still and i
posted this and the the words on the picture says eight miles 30 hours three hidden caches 22 degrees
to sort of give a sort of a rapid digest of what we were
doing. Yeah. And a guy, this has nothing to do with prepping. It's just hilarious. A guy named
blue horseshoe 007 said, I thought this was a listing in Vancouver. It's just comic gold. I
don't know. It's just absolute gold. I said that it was just absolute gold i said it was it made my day
with that one buddy i sent that to uh tim oh yeah i knew he'd get a kick out of that one
but uh yeah it was it was a great time it was amazing you know and what made it i'll tell you
what the biggest thing was for me dave was was, and I've told everybody this, this is not like secret intelligence on the commander.
February is the worst.
It's my worst mental state period.
And one of the reasons is because cold is my weakness.
It is the thing that kills me the quickest.
because cold is my weakness.
It is the thing that kills me the quickest.
And I knew, and the reason I signed up for this mess is because I knew all that.
I knew going into it that this is you at your worst,
in your worst environment,
so either you're going to make it and add value to it,
and that's going to be incredibly valuable,
or you're not.
So coming away from it was uh coming
away from it was a huge booster it was addressing a weakness of my own you know what i mean yeah
and up until that time you had no clue and now you have a like a baseline frame of reference
that hey i can do this yeah oh, definitely. Even if it's February,
And if people listen to your podcast,
that's the massage chair, Deanna.
It's not me backing up.
She's getting massaged. It's giving her a warning. She's getting a massage.
It's giving her a warning that it's going to put her in medical.
But anyway, if you listen to your podcast that you did on the way up and you were describing, you know, cold being your kryptonite oh yeah and you could you can hear the uh just the tone of your
voice is saying oh man this is gonna suck so bad yeah yeah i mean that was my whole in my head all
week yeah i was dreaming about it the night before you you know, because the, that part of me, which is the,
the, the, it's the brightest all through February, the weak part of me is strong in February, man.
And it's like, you know, it's, that's exactly what was in my head was think of a reason,
any reason to not do this. You know what I mean? that was what was really driving me but i knew
you know on the other side of it would have been okay now you have something to be excited about
for in this terrible month and you know it's well worth it yeah yeah i think man uh, and then I got to thinking, how many preppers, not just people, okay, how many preppers in just the prepper community would do something like this?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
And everybody who's heard about it has said it's fun.
Even Chin was like, I'm jealous.
I want to do it.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah. on even chin was like i'm jealous i want to do it yeah exactly yeah well i tell you it could be the
this this is a huge this stuff that you guys come up with is that it could be the next level
of prepper quote-unquote prepper show you know like the reason yeah prepper Camp is so sweet is because you camp. But what would be cooler than that would be we've got to bug out from this neighboring town to the event.
You know what I mean?
And it's a three-day trip.
So plan accordingly.
We're a national forest, so maybe you can camp anywhere you want.
But it's a three-day trip or something along those lines you know part challenge part show yeah the prepper olympics
yeah but then you show up and there's a show and there's a you know camping areas and all like i
said the possibilities are limitless but what i really like about the gotham get out and the way
you guys set it up and and the cash system and all that is you can, anybody can replicate it.
You know, as long as you have some people.
And that's,
this was all future Dan. I was just kind of along for the ride.
I understood the concept of the operation and I,
I knew the challenges you guys were going to face.
And then all Marie and I did was pack the boxes.
You packed the boxes, but you were also integral in, you know what, let's take that third box and put it at the site, which made it.
I mean, I don't know if you understand how much of a difference that made.
That would have been a game changer for the whole event if we had three boxes to kick it would have changed my whole situation
i was running out of room fast yeah to be able to carry this stuff exactly yeah yeah yeah but
i have a question it was great oh marie has a question oh sure, sure, anything. He goes to crap. So you are training to be able to walk, you know, and go to a location.
And all you guys are going to go to Pima to where?
And, you know, it's not going to be that easy because you're not going to have someone to give you those boxes.
You know, everything might be, you know, gone.
Oh, for sure. everything might be gone. Yeah. But the boxes
were a simulation of you
putting a
cache someplace
along your bug out route.
Or having people
Do you have a bug out location?
Oh, yeah.
I have more than one bug out location.
I'm a firm believer in north, south, east, and west bug out.
Now, the western, I'll divulge this much from an opsec,
the western location in comparison to the southern location is day and night.
Okay. Do you know what I mean mean so they're not all on par well they're not all up to snuff or anything but it's a lot better than
laying inside of three tarps with a fire i can tell you that much well you know our plan b is fortitude ranch so oh yeah that's ours and and it's within
hiking distance from my house now it's it's gonna be tough but we can do it yeah i look at the i
look at the uh leaving leaving my location a bunch of ways you know what i mean i look at the end and you created this layer which
is the short-term bug out short distance bug out locations then there's the bug out locations where
you you know designate resources and then beyond that there's the you know never coming back sort to bug out of locations right but yeah i mean i think but i think to have a one in one direction
um sets you up for trouble unless you i like yours because yours is heading west
yeah and and it's it's totally established right and you know you're going to a place where you can survive it's not a question
well see you're in a if i go the amount of time that you go west to get there if i go that same
amount of time west we're in two totally different realms and and actually the West End of Richmond could be a spot that gets messed up.
You know what I mean?
By a number of things.
Whereas, like, you're going through woods and mountains.
So the likelihood that someone's going to do something crazy there, other than Mother Nature, you know, you probably got a pretty clear shot.
What else, Dave Jones?
We said 15 minutes.
We're at 20.
I think we summed it up pretty well, right?
Oh, my gosh.
If PBN listeners don't listen to this Gotham get out,
They are missing such a great, informative and entertaining series of podcasts because, man, this is this was just.
I can't even describe it.
Yeah, I'll tell you are saying, this is something we want to do.
But you want to do it somewhere other than your area or something like that.
I think, look, where we were was good.
But I almost think that where I live, Richmond, might be even cooler an area because the weird thing about where i live is it's really just uh a few blocks that
separate major not major city but skyscraper style cityscape yeah uh and something like urban
wilderness so we could make that trek and we can make it over a number of different bridges see the
other thing about it is if we were doing the race thing through richmond richmond has like seven bridges or something that are pretty close
to each other yeah so well maybe maybe the next gotham get out we could bring ben and dan
to that location and you be you know the version of Dan and they have to do like you did for them.
Yeah. I mean, that could be cool. That could be cool.
I think that the, I think that just doing it,
even if it's not competitively though, the competition did add something to it.
So that's probably worth doing, but I would like to see like a, you know,
several two-man teams
conduct this thing together that would be pretty fun many listeners of the prepper broadcasting
network but i also really like the security overwatch sort of concept too as an exercise
man there's a lot to learn from that oh yeah we could definitely do that here at the jones homestead
for sure yeah oh yeah we could do it there I'd like to figure out what kind of a.
I don't know. I mean, I guess I could ask my neighbors.
Could we do it here and have random people traipsing through the yard?
Yeah. Well, you'd have to you'd have to figure out what was real and what was simulated you'd be
some guy out walking his dog and you're
i guess we could just report one thing's for sure if you were reporting security measures
in in a fan fantasy way in my neighborhood you'd have a lot to talk about everybody in my
neighborhood has a dog literally and. And they all walk them.
So there's always somebody out.
So you'd be able to say
Black Lab and
Pretty Young Girl
But yeah, man.
I think we did it for a short President's Day
Dually Audio Cash with Dave Jones
and D.I.C.
There you go. I appreciate the motivation dave sure sure i'm i'm a fan and i'm a contributor so yep we appreciate you and thanks for the uh
you know what did they call you the what in controller what you call oh observer controller observer
controller that's it yeah that's what he observed then thanks to maria too man oh absolutely she
likely saved the whole operation with those i agree i agree now now that I look back on it, you guys would have been at, wow, the suck factor with my cash box would have been way bigger than Murray is.
I would not be where I am right now. I certainly would have been, would not have been the man I was yesterday. Yesterday, I did take a nap midday, but I was at my son's basketball game. we went out to eat that night and all that kind of
stuff and I felt I felt good I don't think that would have been the case if I was doing push-ups
all night long and walking up and down that stupid pathway just to stay warm yeah well
tvn listeners you don't know but Ben had a bottle of water and it actually had frozen ice in it.
That's how old it was the night they were there.
So, and it was sitting next to him in the tent.
It wasn't like we put it in the wall area.
It wasn't like he put it out somewhere, you know,
it was sitting next to him.
But yeah, man, it was real.
It was fun. And I'm glad that i did it i'm super glad that i
didn't find a way not to do it there you go all right pbm family we're out of here just a short
one supposed to be 15 minutes 25 we'll talk to you soon, guys. Take care.
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