The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Duty to Protect One's Life, Family, Community and National Liberties
Episode Date: January 9, 2024
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The abysmal news coverage.
Holy mackerel, PBN.
Is it time? Is it time? Oh, my.
It is a time of great action. It is a time for great action.
But you have to split hairs. You have to spend time thinking about what that great action is.
One of the things that we're missing in this country right here and now, this is not a PBN Daily News, by the way.
I was, you know, look, here's the deal with PBN Daily News.
Some days that format works.
Some days, for me, don't forget.
Some days that format works for me.
Some days it doesn't.
Today it doesn't.
What's on my mind, what's on my heart for you today doesn't fit within the confines of PBN Daily News.
When it does, I'll do it.
When it doesn't, we'll do this.
We need better reporters.
We need better reporters.
We need reporters.
We need a network of reporters that are better than the people who just hold their cell phones up.
You know what I mean?
It's almost like we should start a—well, see, but that wouldn't work either.
I don't know.
Anyhow, it is a time for great action.
It is a time for great action.
It is a time that we'll look back on in history and ask, you know, you will be asked and the people around you will be asked, what were you doing at a time like this?
You know, like what was your day to day life like?
And we'll all have to answer to it.
We will all have to answer to it.
That's the scary part you know the part that particularly people on the right conservatives religious
people you know right wingers the part that we forget about is that in our day-to-day
delight of telling the rest of the world how terrible the other side is, we're still stuck holding the bag
because we're all responsible for the nation.
We're all responsible for our towns and our cities.
We're all responsible.
And you might say to yourself, I'm not responsible.
I had nothing to do with it.
That's good.
That's all good and well.
While you're here to
plead your case or while you're young and vital and full of vitality and able to plead your case.
But history will look at this situation differently. I really do believe that.
I mean, how do you look at Nazi Germany? When you look at Nazi Germany, do you go,
well, it was all the fault of the one party
and the other party tried to stop them, but they didn't do a good enough job? No. You look back on
and go, man, that devolved into an absolute hellscape. And you blame the Germans of their time,
right? And maybe if you're a little more nuanced, you ponder the lashing that Germany took beforehand.
Just because we complain about it doesn't mean we're responsible for it.
In the same way that climate deniers, climate, not climate deniers, climate activists will hop on their cell phone and complain about climate change.
You know what I mean?
Knowing that this thing was, you know, probably assembled by some form of slave.
The components within probably dug out of the earth by some kind of slave.
Well, certainly dug out of the earth by some kind of person who was either a slave or maybe worse.
How do you say, how do you get worse than a slave? Well, I mean, in many cases, slaves at least had homes.
You know what I mean?
Some people in these cobalt mines.
Is that what it is? Yeah, cobalt.
You know, who knows where their next drink's coming from?
Meal, kids, medicine.
I mean, it's a whole nightmare, right?
And in the same that we can get on them
and be like, hey, man, you're silly. We're silly too. We're silly too. And even though you might
not think you're silly, looking back on it, people are going to say, why didn't anybody do anything?
All this happened, nobody did anything?
It is what it is. It's time of action. You have to be smart about it, right? You have to
be, you have to have morality, you have to have core values, you have to have, and you have to
have a brain to pick it apart and figure out what does that look like. You know what I mean?
What does your protest look like? What does it look like? Now, I think we're at the point,
I mean, we've long been at the point.
And look, I'm guilty.
I have a microphone.
I have the ears of lots of people.
I'm as guilty as anybody for not rallying the American people at least to stand against, I don't know, one of any number of issues.
One of any number of issues.
You know, the president's asleep.
The border's wide open, you know, we're fighting a war in Ukraine, we're dumping money into the pockets of the most corrupt country in the world as it falls apart with no hopes of winning.
Losing billions of dollars while the American people are struggling and suffering, right?
while the American people are struggling and suffering, right?
Don't even get me started on the veterans.
Don't even get me started on the actual people in need here in the United States.
And I'm not talking about the people who've decided to live on the streets.
I'm talking about the people who are doing everything they can not to wind up on the streets,
who are living in cars until they can get themselves back on their feet.
And we just, you know, here's what it is, right?
I want to read you something.
The whole reason that this is gone the way that it is gone, well, it's two reasons, and they're both from hosts.
They're both from hosts.
In our back channel chat room, I woke up to a video of three wonderful migrants detailing their methods for raping French girls.
I think it was France. I'm pretty sure it was. It might have been Spain.
These three black migrants, Muslim, were talking about how they do it.
And I'm not even going to go into it because it's a lot.
It's heavy.
And I know not all of you want to hear it.
Back in the day when I used to watch videos like this,
I used to get a rush of adrenaline.
Like sort of a fight or flight response type of thing, you know?
And it would be like a little scared.
You know, a little scared of these men.
I'd look at these men and I'd be like,
oh, three men with knives.
Scary and I hope doesn't happen.
I think I prefer that.
I prefer that reaction to the reaction that I have now, right?
Which is, I'm just going to tell you how it is, okay?
There's no wrong with violence.
There's nothing wrong with violent thoughts.
And in fact, had it not been for violence and violent American men,
we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now, right?
My grandfather would have either been killed in Iwo Jima—
well, he would have been killed in the Pacific, probably—or he would have goose-stepped his way into a different kind of life, right?
So, I want to feel the stubble of their throats on my fingertips and my palm of my hand, right?
Violence, PBN fam.
You know what I mean?
That's the turn that these things are taking.
The evil that I see on a regular basis in this country and the world, it's not the evil.
I'll tell you that.
I knew the evils always existed.
I'm no fool.
I've known things about life from a very young age because of experience.
it's the unanswered evil that turns me from the guy that I am into a much more, a greater contemplator of violence.
Let's go with that.
That's the honest take.
That's the 100% honest take.
Never really been one for confrontation,
never really been one for threat of know threat of violence those kinds of
things it's not my really my gig but i'm getting to the age maybe i'm getting to the competency
level too with all the training and everything where it just seems like
it just feels like there's something we're supposed to do with people
there's something supposed to be done with three grown men who like to
corner women and rape them that's not being done. And in that vacuum,
in that vacuum, the tiny cells of violent repercussion and vigilantism reproduce rapidly.
and vigilantism reproduce rapidly.
And I know I'm not the only person feeling this way.
And I know there's people out there,
I've mentioned this for years now,
that are going to take matters in their own hands,
that are in a different position than I am,
that are in a different mind frame than I am, and probably have a much, much more intimate relationship
with the ins and outs of violent behavior.
And I find it very hard to
believe that we're going to continue on in the 21st century with roving bands of illegal migrant
monsters raping women at will. I find that very hard to believe. And I will tell you this,
And I will tell you this. The way of the police, the way of the military defense is not the American way, at least in its inception. It just is what it is. So I get that video and I'm going to explain in detail here and now. I'm going to explain in detail here
and now. Don't get me wrong. Love police. I would much prefer a world where the police showed up and
people behaved. I don't know. I'm not asking for a world where no one ever breaks the law. Right.
But I am asking for a world where the police have sort of, they have sort of that sacred and
intimidating feel that they had when I was younger. Do you know what I mean? That's like
sacrilege. You can't say that on either side. The police have been demonized almost on both
sides. You know, it's really tough for them. I'm going to read something from me from the
American Patriots Bible that was sent to me by Chin
From the Changing Earth podcast
I'm going to start at paragraph 2
No, paragraph 1
A little history
Paragraph 2
Having fled persecution in Great Britain
The Puritans had laws requiring every family to own a gun
To carry it in public places And to train children in the use of firearms Persecution in Great Britain, the Puritans had laws requiring every family to own a gun,
to carry it in public places, and to train children in the use of firearms.
In 16—that's wild, right?
Don't you dare show me a sliver of your ankle or I'll burn you at the stake.
Take your musket and let's go.
It's funny.
In 1619, the colony of Virginia had statutes that required everyone to bear arms.
Statutes, I'm sorry.
Connecticut law 1650 required every man above the age of 16 to possess a good musket or other gun fit for service.
The early laws... Why do you think this is?
You think this is because they were criminals?
Why do you think this is?
Did you ever see one of my favorite movies of all times fences fences is a absolute masterpiece with denzel washington
one of my favorite actors and viola davis probably one of the most underrated actresses ever viola
davis is probably one of the most under and her performance in Fences is one of my favorite female performances in any movie ever.
Anyhow, why do you think that is?
Connecticut law in 1650 required, so why do you think that they did that?
There were threats.
There were threats.
There were Indians.
There were Indians.
There were who knows who's going to wash ashore next, what warring country, what warring faction, who knows? There also might be opportunity for food. Have your gun on you. You know what I mean in those days?
The people were responsible for their own defense and freedoms.
The people were responsible for their own defense and freedoms.
Do you hear me?
And needed to be prepared to fight.
Thomas Jefferson said, Thomas Jefferson, you know, that evil racist monster whose statues we need to take down,
who wrote likely the most important document in the history of the world.
He likely sat down by candlelight with a feather and wrote likely the most important document the world has ever seen.
Certainly, the pathway to the most peaceful times that have ever existed
came from the pen of Thomas Jefferson.
We push his statue over.
We take his statue out of places.
We try to figure out who's the bad guy.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms
is, comma, as a last resort to protect themselves
against tyranny in government.
What do you think that would look like,
tyranny in government?
Would that be like requiring you to do things
that you don't want to do?
Would that be like stomping on your first, second, third, fourth,
fifth amendment rights?
Would that be like spying on you?
Would that be like punishing your success through insane taxes?
Would that be like punishing you for your political uh preferences would that be like removing an
individual an embattled individual no matter how flawed from the ballot not giving you
the right or even the capability to vote for the man or to not vote for the man.
Tyranny in government.
At the time, there was no concept of a professional army created and paid to defend the colonies.
George Mason, called the father of the Bill of Rights, said,
What is the militia? It is the whole people.
To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.
With the approach of the American Revolution,
the natural rights philosophers had established a foundation for self-defense.
Every man's life, they said, belongs to God.
And to allow one's life to be taken because one failed to defend it was wrong.
Let's read that again, shall we, class?
Every man's life, they said, belongs to God,
and to allow one's life to be taken because one failed to defend it was wrong.
You are not to be cattle herded out into your day-to-day life and wait for another man,
woman, robot to come and save you.
This natural law to the right of self-defense was also applied to the duty to protect one's family, community, and national liberties.
For the colonists at the heart of their religion was liberty, a sacred gift from God.
This sums up the entirety of what has been stolen, what has been forfeited, what has been run from, and what has happened to the United States of America.
It all really comes down to this.
It all really comes down to this one thing.
And it's not, the one thing is not carry guns and shoot bad guys with them.
That's not what I mean.
I mean it's waking up every day of your life and understanding that your allegiance is not to Donald Trump.
Your allegiance is not to climate change and Nancy Pelosi or AOC.
First and foremost, your allegiance is to God.
And you have a duty to protect your family.
You have a duty to protect your family, you have a duty to protect your community,
and your national liberties.
Man, that's powerful.
If that don't wake you up on a Tuesday, I don't think anything can.
Final paragraph.
For the most part, the colonial churches, particularly New England's congressional congregations, Final paragraph. and it remains a belief that continues to influence Americans' views about the right to bear arms today.
This is what people get upset about when we talk about limiting the Second Amendment,
when we talk about you can carry what I tell you you can carry.
You can own what I tell you you can own.
Because the very conversation is tyrannical, right?
The very conversation of you can't have a gun here is tyrannical.
And beyond the tyranny of it, it's absolutely insane in a time like this.
In other words, we've decided that the best course of action is peace by all outcomes, by any means necessary, if you will. We've decided that
we will take the American male, right? We'll take the American male, turn him into a capon.
You guys might not know what that is We might castrate the American male
Make him docile
Give him video games
Give him porn
To make him nice and calm and relaxed
And make sure that nothing happens
And make sure he doesn't get too upset over anything
And give him plenty of social media to scroll
To titillate his mind
And give him all the things,
cheap fast food filled with chemicals that destroy his testosterone and so on.
And we've decided that that's a good way of doing business
because I guess it's supposed to create a population that's more peaceful.
All it has done is allowed the barbarians in, and now they're having their way with the world.
You look to Europe, you can't believe the things that you see.
If you don't think it's going to happen or is happening in America, you're out of your mind.
The good news is there's a lot— want you to know this okay because i know some of you can
get trapped in a bubble some of you can get trapped in isolation and you start to think
that the world is incapable of changing but the world is already changing the world is already
changing and there's a lot of people who have already recognized the fact that we have
chosen the worst path. Okay? I mean, nobody summed it up better than Patrick Henry. It's why it's the
intro to the I Am Liberty show. He asked the fundamental question of liberty at large. The fundamental question, is life so dear or peace so sweet?
You have to understand this in the world of social media,
in the world of vacations,
in the world of Ferraris,
in the world of whatever,
cheap and easy everything.
Is life so dear or peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
That's the question.
Is DoorDash so good that we all just shut up, do what we're told,
no matter what we're told, we do it?
Because life is so dear and peace is so sweet.
See, but the illusion is, and I think what Patrick Henry knew,
was that you can have peace that way.
You can only have slavery that way, right?
In other words, a cheap and easy life,
where everything is cushy and wonderful,
creates cushy and miserable people it creates cushy and ineffective people and on the outside the people who are hungry the people
to whom uh you know they still have the edge they still have the animal
they're just out there waiting for the opportunity
I really like this angle of people understanding
their rights and responsibilities
to God and country
you don't see this anywhere
there's not a history book with this in it
imagine what a difference the public school system would be
and what a difference it would make on this nation.
With all the anti-bullying and all the anti-mean, mean, mean,
nobody can be mean, everybody needs to be nice,
and we've got to be very careful,
and we've got to talk to people appropriately
and use the correct vocabulation.
Imagine what a difference the world would be if rather than teaching about bullying
and teaching about pronouns and teaching about non-binary.
If we just said, listen, it's your duty to protect yourself.
You need to know how.
That's why we're going to have self-defense
courses in school. It's your duty to teach to be able to protect yourself, your family,
your community, and your nation's liberties. What's so hard about that? What would be so
hard to reinforce that? Put it on the walls of every school everywhere. And not to protect yourself is wrong. To allow some third world monster entry into your nation, give him checks, give him hotel rooms that you could never imagine affording in New York City, and then allow him to run roughshod over you in the streets is wrong.
What a nice rant.
Right up to breakfast.
Thanks, Chin.
Thanks, Jay Ferg.
I appreciate the inspiration this morning.
Never forget what an amazing nation you live in. Never forget that no matter how calculated
the left's plot to destroy America is, the lizard's plot to destroy America is, never forget
they haven't done, they haven't done a half of a percentage of the thinking, writing, planning, and the
action that our founding fathers took.
Not to make sure that white people were rich and oppressive.
Not to make sure that taxes were collected on time.
Not to make sure that their were collected on time, not to make sure that their legacy would
go on forever, not to make sure that they would wind up in statue all over the country.
You read stuff like that, you can't tell me, because I've heard people make this sort of
assumption, you can't tell me that their number one motive was not to honor the fact
that your rights have been given to you by God. And they set up the framework to help people
keep those rights and honor God in doing so. Those rights belong to God.
so. Those rights belong to God. When you're born on this planet, it doesn't matter like,
woe is me. Someone owes me something. You still have an honor to God. You still have a responsibility to make the most of your life. But I didn't want to be born. I never asked to be born.
I never asked to be born.
Good to know.
Don't really care.
You now have a responsibility to the universe.
Your responsibility to the universe is not to superglue your hands to a car dealership floor.
It's not to block traffic.
You don't understand what I'm saying?
The better we can understand these things And I know I'm preaching to the choir
The better we can understand things
We have to indoctrinate the people
Coming across the border
To understand this is what America is about
America is not about
Checks from the government
And doing what they say
And putting your mask on They have to understand that this is what it's about. The criminals in this nation
and abroad and the evil of the world has to understand that this is what it's about too.
Because right now, what we are to the world, what the Western world is in terms of their response to violence,
we are one giant film crew.
That's who we are, primarily.
That's what our enemies look at us as.
Imagine you could invade a nation
and the only thing they would do
is film it on their phone.
Imagine you're sitting there with a general of another nation,
and you're a different person, right?
You're like, we're going to invade this country.
And you go recon it, right?
You'll see what's going on over there.
We sent some guys in there to raise some hell.
You wouldn't believe it.
You wouldn't believe it, But what happens with most of the
population when things get unhinged, they start filming on their phones.
A flash mob is to be feared when all people do is film it. But if a flash mob of, say, 20 kids, or 20 adults probably, to be honest, crashes into a
store and starts stealing stuff, and then the 15 or 20 shoppers start swinging, you know, those
little metal racks that the clothes hang on, they start throwing them at the people who are...
Pick stuff up and throw it at them.
Sorry. That'll shake some people. They might not want to go steal Nikes and hoodies
in the evenings if they know that when they show up,
heavy objects are going to be thrown in their general direction.
They show up.
Heavy objects are going to be thrown in their general direction.
But if we pick up our phone and film it for documentation purposes,
then the chaos will reign.
Talk to you soon, PBN family. Hey, listen to my man L. Douglas Hogan today.
I love this guy.
I'm so glad he's doing the Rising Republic here on
the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Don't miss Preppers Live from last night with Dave Jones
and I. We answered questions off the Reddit forum. A lot of great questions, a lot of great answers.
There's a lot at stake here. That's why I get the way I get when I talk about this kind of stuff,
because I can see what's at stake for me, for my kids, for you and yours, for the generations unborn.
And I still fundamentally believe that there's no force greater than the American people.
And that I don't care how corrupt or ruined everything you think everything is or how powerful you think individuals are, you know, lizards, we can make it.
We can make it.
We can change it.
We can make it happen.
Right now we're just barbless.
We have no stinger.
And the evil understands that.
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