The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Episode 6208 - The Prepper Broadcasting Network

Episode Date: March 1, 2025


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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Well good morning PBN members. Today we are talking homestead anywhere, self sufficiency any place. Now if you are particularly small in your capacity, right? So in other words if you're living in a place that is really small, please seek out the SoCal Preppers first two shows, okay? We did a couple shows with the SoCal Preppers. She will be a reoccurring guest here on the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:00:37 And you need to understand what she's done in her little space. And also the limitations, right? 120 square foot prepping, this show is called, and that's her room size, and she lives in a room. So, you know, this idea of 40 acres, okay, it's an idea, but it sure as hell ain't the only way to get it done, right? So, I have been homesteading on less than an acre for 10 years, right? And there are things that I do each year that I think are essential to self-reliance. And there are things that I try and have tried that are not as much. So if I were to establish it sort of the basis of an anywhere homestead
Starting point is 00:01:21 and anywhere homestead and everywhere homestead, there are things that I would have to have right off the bat. Okay? There are things that I'd have to have immediately for that level of self-sufficiency. So we're gonna kind of try to focus on, you know, production of your survival necessities with this exercise. I've said it for a very long time I will say it again all the gardening and permaculturing and you know whatever else you do with growing food everyone's first priority I think when you, because because what really changes you from a gardener to a homestead is protein, right? That's what it always felt like to me. Going from being a big old gardener, I
Starting point is 00:02:15 like to garden, going from that to something to actually feeling like I'm homesteading, was all about the addition of protein. And there is one way to add protein. There's only really one way to add protein that is as efficient and requires no butchering and that's eggs. You know, so the hyper efficient use of the eggs, the creation of the eggs, the raising of the hens for the eggs, though it is not sustainable long term because eventually your hens will age out. I think it's imperative. I think it's a step one in this whole process.
Starting point is 00:03:01 The other reason I think the hens are so important is because they don't have to be chickens. You might say to yourself, I don't got room for chickens, man. I can't do chickens. Okay. Well, that's okay. You can't do chickens. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:03:18 We've talked at great length about the capabilities of quail And quail lay eggs every day too. Carl B had a balloon of quail eggs for a while there, you know, and it's just, it's one of those things that can easily be achieved. Quail can be raised indoors. Quail can be raised in a shed. Quail can, as long as you have a food source for them, you can do quail and you can get eggs. If you've got water, water on property, little creek, little pond, whatever it is, you could even consider ducks. I hear they're messy. I don't have ducks. I hear they're messy little creatures,
Starting point is 00:04:01 but it is what it is. So honestly, your primary focus, if you're going to take a property, no matter how big or how small, and really forge toward a homestead, really start producing something that sets you apart from just a person with a garden or a big garden or whatever, start with eggs. Start with egg production. It's daily. All you got to do is feed in water. It's daily. You protect the flock. It's daily. Eggs. Protein. A powerful protein source each and every day. No butchering. No spoilage really to worry about. You have an easy item that you can hand off to other people for barter, for trade, for help, whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Eggs. okay? If you can't get eggs done in your area, fight! Okay? Fight so that you can get eggs done. I'm sorry, the world is exploding with conversation as soon as I press record. So, PBN family, when I started with my journey towards chickens here in Richmond, we weren't allowed to have them either. Well, we could have them, but we almost couldn't have them because of the stipulations. So we had to fight, you know, and we won that battle.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And you know, that was a battle, that was a battle that took some time and took some effort, but we got it done. You know we went to City Hall and we made our case and got some zoning laws changed and all. It's very possible. Okay, sometimes you got to do work on your end before you can have the things that you want. Don't depend on a representative. Don't depend on somebody who tells you they're going to do something for you. Sometimes it's got to be you. And that's a part of homesteading too now, this day and age, you know? So you may have to get some rules changed, some laws changed, some things, right? I think step number two, step number one, eggs, protein.
Starting point is 00:06:02 You could do them anywhere. If you have the boldness within you, you can do eggs anywhere. Second step is water. You want homestead? You should have access to a water source. My recommendation is rain barrels because we all got roofs and gutters. Then along with your rain barrel installation, you should also consider maybe some PVC pipe and running some of that pipe or having enough pipe that
Starting point is 00:06:36 you can run it in directions that you want to run it into. Or maybe soaker hoses or something along those lines, but ideally You know we have The rain barrels for emergency water, but the rain barrels can also as well as long As well as being for emergency water if you're depending on a garden On your in your self-reliant homestead...

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