The Prepper Broadcasting Network - FEBRUARY Prep Routine: Calm Within Chaos on I AM Liberty

Episode Date: February 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. Forbid it, almighty God. I know not what course others may take. As for me, give me liberty or give me death. Good evening, PBN family. What is up?
Starting point is 00:01:20 I am Liberty. I am terribly sorry to do this to you, but I have just this tiny little wad of a rustic garlic bread in my mouth. And I thought I could chew it before we got to the show. I'm drinking a steeplechase Merlot. Very rarely do you catch me with a wine glass in hand, but I've made it a sort of rule of life, a rule of drinking,
Starting point is 00:02:02 that you drink to celebrate only. a rule of drinking that you drink to celebrate only. If there's no other reason, then you don't drink. But we have much to celebrate. I have much to celebrate personally, professionally. But tonight in particular
Starting point is 00:02:19 is an exciting night because we have our our big master class going on at 9 p.m. I'll be with you guys for a little bit. It's not going to be a full show, probably about 45 minutes, something along those lines. We're going to heavily be reviewing the February routine. Everybody is invited to join us for the February routine. Everybody is invited to join us for the February routine.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It's titled Calm Within Chaos, thanks to Jay Ferg. Calm Within Chaos. You'll get your first taste. If you're not a member, you'll get your first taste of our alternate days A and B through the month of February, essentially. These things are amazing. You know, I'll tell you, this is what I'll tell you. Aside from my intermittent fasting, typically when February rolls around,
Starting point is 00:03:24 I tell you guys Look now's the time To take down The commander Like if you were gonna If you were gonna do it End of January February's the month to do it right
Starting point is 00:03:39 Cause I you know For Christmas I go off the rails man Way off the reservation, decadence and decadence and decadence. And a lot of times it will take me every bit of January to get back in line. I'm a big outside workout person. Do you know what I mean? Like 50% of my physical fitness in the spring, summer,
Starting point is 00:04:08 fall happens outside. Maybe more. It's depending on like, nah, that's probably about right. So when the cold pushes me in more, the cold makes me weak. The cold makes me say like, The cold makes me weak. The cold makes me say, like, I ain't running today. When those things happen, they happen January, February. I don't know. I always feel lackadaisical through January. But doing the routine that we did last month really made me feel great.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I mean, I feel good going into February, I feel good going into February. I feel good going into February, and I barely made it to the gym in January, you know, with kids being off and, I don't know, just a bunch of stuff. My wife got pretty sick these last couple, not sick. She gets these, you know, head cold type things that, I don't know, it just sits in there. Gets trapped, something like that, amidst all that stuff, I still feel really good, man, I feel good about where I'm at physically, I feel good about
Starting point is 00:05:14 where I'm at, you know, professionally, and we're rocking, I got more work than I can handle, to be honest with you, that's the truth of the matter. So, yeah, we are here. You know, we are here and we are... We're going to talk about Con Within Chaos tonight primarily. I'll give you the lay down, the low down, the layout. And then if you want it,
Starting point is 00:05:39 sign up for the newsletter if you're not a member of the newsletter. If you're not in Element, sign up in Element. That's where it's coming. That's the way you're going you're gonna i'm gonna put it out on social media too this one february's march almost guarantee of march's schedule routine rather will be a members only diddy okay okay? On the prep side of things, I ordered some rock wool. If you're not familiar with rock wool,
Starting point is 00:06:13 it's a great seed starting substrate, if you will. And we're going to do hydroponic greens indoors. That's the game plan. Hydroponic greens in the house. Grow lights. I've got tremendous grow lights. And I'd recommend you have them too, you know. The moment you realize you can't grow outside
Starting point is 00:06:41 or maybe you don't want to grow outside because people are casing the neighborhood or whatever the situation is. Yeah, grow lights. There's some weird news. The State Department considers recognition of Palestinian state. Reviewing options for possible Palestinian state.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I don't know what that means. The Biden administration linking possible normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia to the creation of a pathway for the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of its post-war strategy. Nobody, I think, has a problem with a Palestinian state. It just has to be void of Hamas. I mean, the true victory, the true victory in all of this, you know, would be a Palestinian
Starting point is 00:07:34 state and an Israeli state that could be, you know, osmotic, if you will, right? Could be a place where Jews go to Palestine for X and Palestinians come to Israel for Y. I mean, it's not crazy. I really, I don't think it's crazy. I think if you can get Hamas out of there and keep the pressure on the Palestinian people, if we can convince the Palestinian people to, really, because they're probably the ones that have to do it. They're probably the ones that have to go out there and do it. And they probably need to put together
Starting point is 00:08:18 some sort of a security force, police force, whatever it is, in the Palestinian side of things that doesn't get bought off by Iranian dollars that we, for some reason, keep sending them and kicks those people out of the country. We've got to make sure that Hamas is not the number one employer of the Palestinian people. We know for a fact that Jews Are not against having Palestinians around Like they wouldn't have Been giving them food and giving them electricity What would be the point of that?
Starting point is 00:08:55 Right? So I'll tell you the story that really has intrigued me Is the dude out of Pennsylvania You cut his dad's head off on on YouTube. I don't I was too busy to really get into it. But this guy, Justin Mon in Levittown. I don't I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:09:21 There are some things that don't add up. You know what I mean? And there's some connections that don't add up. You know what I mean? And there's some connections that just don't work. I don't know if you heard about it. I read it this morning. I just didn't. I'm too busy with real life and good things to spend my time mulling over Justin Mon. On his social media, he describes himself as a musician, producer, author of seven books available on Amazon,
Starting point is 00:09:50 He describes himself as a musician, producer, author of seven books available on Amazon, the commander of America's nationwide network of militias, acting president of the United States, and maybe the messiah. Pretty impressive. Pretty impressive resume. Bucks County Law Enforcement. Why do you have to use the word commander? You know what I mean? Why do you got to use the word? Why do you got to sully? But you're no intrepid commander, okay?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Let's just go. Bucks County law enforcement added a new title to the list, murder suspect. Mon, 32, was charged Wednesday in the death of his 68-year-old father, Michael Mon, whose decapitated body was found in the bathroom of his Middletown home Tuesday evening. According to court documents, Justin used a machete and a large kitchen knife, both found in a bathtub by the police, who also recovered the victim's head wrapped in plastic in a large cooking pot.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Police, I mean, he looks like a nut. He's got a CD. What's the CD say? The Story of Humanity. Wowee, man. Mons Militia YouTube video, A Call to Arms, in a 14-and-a-half-minute rant against the federal government posted on YouTube Tuesday,
Starting point is 00:10:52 Justin displayed that he said what he said was the severed head of his father, describing the victim as a 20-year federal employee. It's a wild story, man. Through the video, which appeared to be filmed in a bedroom, Moen railed against what he described as far-left, woke, pro-immigrant, pro-Black Lives Matter, and pro-LGBT deep state labor racketeers and tax evading big tech companies. Influences in the federal government that he said are destroying America. You know, he got the high level points Right Before he cut
Starting point is 00:11:26 Dad's head off So what's going on with this What the hell happened here On his Facebook page Justin Mon Music Which has 71 followers Tuesday promoted two of his albums A Story of Humanity and Color Funk and Rado
Starting point is 00:11:42 Which he said was released In 2017-2018. Rock, funk, hip-hop, life story is unbelievable, and there may not be enough words to describe him, but one may begin to understand his complexity and experiences through his art. How? How does this happen? How do you rail about the Biden administration letting illegal immigrants, whom of which are radical Muslims, who behead people into your nation and talk about how it's destroying the nation? Then you go ahead and behead dad. It's wild It doesn't make sense to me
Starting point is 00:12:28 And was he living with dad? See, this is the problem You know what I mean? You have to get married Men don't understand it Because they buy into the lie Can I tell you something, men? You have to get married
Starting point is 00:12:43 Okay? Period something, man. You have to get married, okay? Period. At the very least, you have to live with a woman. You cannot live by yourself and be only concerned with your own needs and desires. You're not built for that. You're not built to handle that. Okay? I'm just telling you. I mean, this is just what it is. I'm not saying this was Mr. Bond's problem or only problem.
Starting point is 00:13:18 He clearly had some problems, but what I'm telling you is, you know, there's something about Waking up and saying What are the responsibilities of the day That really make a dude You know what I mean Like how many days
Starting point is 00:13:37 Can you wake up in a row and say What do I want to do for me Today and all day Without it turning you into something like a monster, something crazy? And one of my least favorite types of people in the world are those in their 40s who have never been married and live alone, and they're men. I can say that I probably don't even know a woman like that, but I do know some men like that, and they're the worst, usually. I mean, I'm sure there's exception, but usually they're the worst.
Starting point is 00:14:12 You know what I mean? I'm sure there's people out there who are very mindful and very careful and, you know, really work hard to be a good person. But again, if you're going to do those things, you're already not falling into the toxic sludge of sort of perpetual infantilization of yourself. Right? I mean, when you have an infant, what do you do? When you have an infant, the infant says, and you give it what it wants, right?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Like, oh God, what do I it what it wants, right? Like, oh, God, what's it want? What do I do? Is it the diaper? The bottle? What is it? Stomach hurt? We got to rock the legs? What do we have?
Starting point is 00:14:55 Shut it up. And you give it what it wants. You know what I mean? When a man lives alone, you revert back to that. You know what I mean You go back to that What do I want to do today I think I want six
Starting point is 00:15:13 Sticky buns for breakfast It's not good It's not good For most people But this story is wild This story is wild This story sounds like they'll say things along the lines of SSRIs in the very near future. This story also strikes me as one that will, if I had to, this is all speculation, none of it, I don't know anything. I just read
Starting point is 00:15:40 the most that I read about this thing all day. This story also strikes me, particularly with his artistic background and music background, the type of story where you will find that Mr. Mann was a convert to the Trump MAGA thing. You know what I mean? In other words, there's a good chance that this dude was probably a left winger for a long time and only recently made the jump. a left winger for a long time and only recently made the jump. I've seen this stuff, you know, play out before depressed and saying no woman and there's no woman. I don't care. I can guarantee you that there's no woman in the picture. The man is not having sex at all. The man is not, you know what I'm saying? The things that a dude needs to be normal to some degree He's not participating in any of that stuff That's my diagnosis
Starting point is 00:16:30 Okay So what? Who cares, right? At the end of the day Sucks I mean, for the father, you feel terrible, right? Well, it could be worse You make this kid
Starting point is 00:16:42 You raise him up to the best of your ability and he winds up being the one to dispatch you cut your head off and put it on youtube god you know you got you got things that you're scared of you got things that you're nervous about that's up there baby that is up there you know that's up there what are the other great fears right like uh other great fears is something along the lines of, you know, you like, you catch the wife with one of your son's friends, like, that's another one of those way up there, like, oh my goodness God, I knew a woman like that growing up at the diner I worked at, crazy, you know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:17:23 wow, what more, you know, the only the only thing worse than that is like marvin gaye right marvin gaye's dad killed him whoa look where are you in the mental sphere if you decided the next course of action and the best course of action is to having had raised a kid who was so tremendously talented and then the best course of action is to take him out wow that is wild that's it's so dark all right i guess i'm done uh ranting for now let us kick off some commercials, grab another Merlot, and we're going to talk about the February routine, okay? It's a good one. It's a lot of challenging stuff, a lot of good stuff. I'm telling you right now, you follow this thing, come end of February, you're going to be like, whoa, things have changed. We'll be right back. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly
Starting point is 00:18:27 affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll
Starting point is 00:19:19 even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score. And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. Demian family, your garden is the resistance. Enjoy today's show. Be me and family.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Your garden is the resistance. Welcome back to the I Am Liberty show. What is up? What is up the night draws in and draws on? The garden is the resistance, man. We're going to talk about a lot of stuff tonight. Oh, man. It's crazy when you really wrap your head around all the different ways that you can bring food into the home.
Starting point is 00:20:31 That's what we're discussing tonight on the Masterclass. It takes this. I'm all about eliminating fear. You guys know that, right? I don't got no time for that. I don't got no time for that. I don't got no time for it. I don't want the American people to be whittled down to nothing but a fearsome, anxiety-ridden, compulsive little thing. You know, I see that. I see that. I see that in a lot of Americans' eyes. You know,
Starting point is 00:21:00 it's a fearful, anxiety-ridden, just compulsively staring at phone, playing with phone, twiddling with phone, twiddling with device in order to deal with what it is I have inherited as an American. I'm not a big fan. No, not in the least. Let me make sure my mic is unmuted. Okay. All right. Hey, look, if you're an element, you already got it. You can bring it up.
Starting point is 00:21:33 If you're a member, you already got it. You can bring it up. The Calm Within Chaos routine is available now in element chat. It will go out in an email tomorrow, and I'll post it in some social media locations tomorrow as well. And you can get started with us. If you're lucky, and I'm feeling good, and I probably will be feeling good because I'm drinking a little red wine, and it's wintertime, and that's nice. You know, this is one of those nice things.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I always tell you living well is the best revenge. It really truly is the best revenge, too, by the way. Eating, think about it. When you got lizards sitting up on high, convincing you that you should eat crickets and stop driving your car and never fly again, sitting down with a T-bone steak and a red wine, I didn't have T-bone steak tonight. I probably had something much worse actually, but for the planet, something that I'm not even a fan of eating a lot, which is fish, particularly things like tuna. But anyway, don't get me started on tuna. Anyway, so
Starting point is 00:22:38 you want to talk about like living well is the best revenge. Like a fine glass of red wine, big steak, happy, family, married, children, good food, good times. Talking about liberty in the evening in a home that's heated and lit with hot water and amenities. It's just one of those things, man. They hate all that stuff. I mean, they love all that stuff. They just don't want you to have it. So the problem is a great majority, or maybe not a majority, but a great many of us have been inclined to chaos, right?
Starting point is 00:23:24 Back in 2020, I saw exactly what was coming. I knew it was going to be tough, personally tough, right? I saw that the schools are going to close down. The schools are terrified. I saw my wife is going to be home from work. Everybody's shutting everything down. They're terrified. They don't know what to do. I'm talking to Dave Jones. We're doing episodes every Monday. We're figuring this thing out. We're figuring this thing out. We were crisis management. We were ahead of the game, so far ahead of the game. And we all lived good for that. I particularly lived well in 2020. I particularly remember a trip to Legoland rapidly.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Not rapidly. Probably more along the lines of, like, insanely reduced flights and ticket prices to get us to Legoland. Because nobody was going. There was nobody there hardly. I mean, there was nobody there. We went in June of 2020. We had the park to ourself.
Starting point is 00:24:40 We had the hotel largely to ourself. It was phenomenal. It was an amazing trip while the rest of the world was shaking and quivering and masking and injecting and fighting, fist fighting over toilet paper. You know what I mean? Now, they had weird rules, too, but whatever. All of that aside, before it all kicked off, I knew inherently that I needed to become more in this moment. You know, everybody's going to be home all the time. This is not, you know, I always talk about marriage. I always talk about family.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I think they're essential to society. That don't mean that it ain't hard. That don't mean that it ain't hard when everybody's home all the time. Two parents are trying to work. You got a kid who's trying to learn, who's trying to learn, what would he have been in, second or third grade, something along those lines, virtually. You know what I mean? And virtual school was amazing to watch. That was crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And then, you know, you got the little one, too, running been, he would have been five years old, you know, running around. He started preschool, I mean, kindergarten late, luckily for us and for him, because he got to hang out at preschool another year. And preschool was like one of the only things that was open, you know, which was amazing. You know Which was amazing So Seeing all that coming down the pike I created the concept of calm within chaos Calm within chaos
Starting point is 00:26:12 Became my modus operandi And You know I could go into that in more detail But I don't want to waste the time Nothing fit February More perfectly See February like I said It's my weakest time.
Starting point is 00:26:27 It's where I'm at my lowest in the year. Just is, you know. I'm tired of the winter. I'm tired of the cold. I'm ready to go fishing. I'm ready to go running out in the heat. I'm ready for the humid heat of Virginia to return and all that goes along with it.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And it's the hardest month. You know what I mean? That's what it is mentally. So typically what I do through the month of February is the commander's challenge. And the commander's challenge is a list of things that I do every February to stay afloat. Do you know what I mean? So for those of you who don't, you know, who haven't participated in the routine in January, I thought about a bunch of different ways to do it. This is not the only way we're going to do it. This is just the way we're starting.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Okay? It's an alternating routine. It's an alternating routine. It's an alternating days routine. So we have a day A and we have a day B. Okay. Day A. And well, so let's go over the high level stuff real quick. So you know exactly what this is all about. Let's see here. I just want to check the chat room real quick. Chat's quiet, and I have a feeling it's going to remain quiet because most people who chat are probably going to come to the event tonight. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:00 So the way these are set up, we have an alternate A and B. We oftentimes have a daily. We oftentimes have a weekly and a monthly family activity as well. Okay, so in one routine, you usually have a daily task to meet. Then you will have your day A and B tasks, which will alternate by the day, right? So if you start on Monday, you make Monday A. Well, you'll start tomorrow, which will be Thursday. So Thursday will be day A. Friday will be day B. You could take a day off. You could take two days off. I don't care. It's your routine. And then you'll have weekly activities, right? And then you'll
Starting point is 00:28:46 have a family activity for the month also. I know, right? Sweet. I mean, how much sweeter does it get than that? Probably should be charging money for these things. Well, fundamentally, I am from a membership standpoint, but I don't know. I would, you know, I, you almost feel like that, but then again, the things that I'm going to do and the benefits that are going to come from it, you know, are going to extend to me as well and share it, you know, share it, tell people, tell people where it comes from. I probably should have nothing that marks this thing as a prepper broadcasting network resource. I don't know. You know, you get to this point in life where it's like, for 37, 38 years of my life,
Starting point is 00:29:33 I've been coming up with great ideas that have paid off. You know what I mean? And you start to build a confidence in yourself and you start to come to realize, you know, they're going to keep coming. The good ideas are always going to come. realize, you know, they're going to keep coming. The good ideas are always going to come. Like, I'm not a one idea guy. I didn't I'm not like the my pillow guy. You know what I mean? Like I make the my pillow and get rich.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And and that's my idea. I could hit with him every day, daily. Anyhow. Day A. Let's go through it. OK, so tomorrow, tomorrow morning, you wake up tomorrow, what is part of this thing, so what you're going to start, you can't really start it tomorrow, but the daily is intermittent fasting, okay, daily intermittent fast, I'll tell you how I do mine,
Starting point is 00:30:20 stop eating at 7 p.m., don't eat again until 9 a.m. That's how I do mine. A lot of times I'll stop earlier. A lot of times I won't eat like after 5 or 6. And then I don't eat breakfast until 9. And I eat a serious breakfast at 9. You know, usually four eggs, jalapenos, meat of some kind. Serious. Like the most serious meal of my day comes at breakfast.
Starting point is 00:30:47 But that daily intermittent fast is a big deal, man. That is not A or B. That's every day of February. You know, try to give yourself, what is it? Seven to seven would be 12, 13, 14. 14 hours off of eating. And in that 14 hours You're gonna sleep You're probably gonna sleep better And your body's gonna be able to Fix stuff You know what I mean
Starting point is 00:31:13 It's gonna be able to take care of things Like instead of it being like Now we gotta digest the cheese steak That that guy ate at midnight And then you're up at 8 anyway Back to it Eating again, you give your body time. So that's a daily, that's just a daily initiative, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:31 carry on with that daily initiative. I didn't screw up that bad. I ate the bread at eight o'clock, you know, I don't know if wine even counts. I guess it probably does. But then again, from a digestion standpoint, bread and wine, they rock pretty quick. But anyway, number one is the most confusing of all the things that you will be tasked to do all month. And that is threat slash resource mapping. And I'll do a video on this. Threat slash resource mapping is kind of what it sounds like. You know, Google Maps provides you with amazing satellite pictures of your neighborhood, town, city. One of the most important things you can do as a prepper is figure out where
Starting point is 00:32:25 the resources are and where the threats lie. Okay? So, rather than force... See, I know that... See, what people say in the prepping parlance is, sit down and do this. This is like area study type stuff. Hold on one second. I need to look and see something.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Wait on! How? Hold on one second I need to look and see something What are you doing? Sorry my uh My little French bulldog Is molesting a baby Yoda Christmas baby Yoda too It's a bad move on her part Hey take it easy What's the problem? Go to bed. Go to bed, Biff.
Starting point is 00:33:09 She's so cute. She's such a monster. She's an absolute demon from hell. Shit's all over the house. Destroys everything. But she's so cute. Anyway. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Pan out on the Google map and get an idea of okay you know hospitals, office buildings I wouldn't go so much with retail shops, supermarkets that's fodder for you know the people who are going to go crazy early on
Starting point is 00:33:40 and then look into police reports try to figure out, it's not that hard. You can look up gang activity in your area pretty simply through Google. You can look at police reports very easily and find out where, you know, where's it all go down at. Do a little bit of reconnaissance, if necessary, via vehicle and begin. So you'll be doing this, you know, via vehicle, and begin. So you'll be doing this, you know, potentially 15 times you'll touch this map through the month of February, right?
Starting point is 00:34:11 And in touching it 15 times, you'll be able to sit down for 5, 10 minutes, maybe 15, 20 minutes, and figure out, okay, here's a new resource, here's a new threat. And by the end of the month, you're going to have something very valuable. All right, cold exposure is also part of day A. So you do your threat resource,
Starting point is 00:34:32 threat resource mapping, you do your cold exposure, however you want to do it. It's up to you. The way that I get mine in particular is in the mornings out in the backyard with the dogs. that I get mine in particular is in the mornings out in the backyard with the dogs. No shirt, cold as hell, terrible, miserable. I do have to get into cold water this month. I had my brother from another mother, you guys might remember him, the militant hippie. The militant hippie has been pushing me to get into the cold water, that's something I have to do on a consistent basis, okay? And I've got the vessel now to do it. So cold exposure, whatever, cold showers, cold plunge, get out in the cold. I think getting out in the cold first thing in the morning is the best way to wake up. You wake right up, boom, up. Then we're going to move into the 50,
Starting point is 00:35:22 okay? The 50 is something that I do on a regular basis, not typically in February, which is why I put it on the routine. But the 50 is just what it sounds like. It's 50 reps of any three exercises you want. You pick them, whatever you want to do. You want to do 50 pull-ups and 50 sit-ups and 50 push-ups? Fine, do it. It's a great workout. I mean, you could probably do that and be done for the day.
Starting point is 00:35:44 reps fine do it it's a great workout i mean you could probably do that and be done for the day um you want to take it even do 50 50 where you're working on the washboard abs you do 50 different types of setups three different types of sit-ups right or or you know whatever 50 reps three different exercises that day that's what you do. Girl, what are you doing? Sorry. This doesn't usually happen. These dogs are usually up in bed with my wife right now. I'm not sure why they're hanging out down here. One of the most important...
Starting point is 00:36:19 Linky. You're going to have to go take care of her, man. And now Link comes over, my beautiful pit bull. He's coming over to Dad. He's walking over here saying, Please, keep cool, Dad. Don't get crazy. We know you're live.
Starting point is 00:36:43 We know there's nothing you can do right now to deal with this little monster. The final piece of the puzzle for day A is probably my favorite part. I do this almost nightly. I can't say that I do it every night. I'm not that disciplined to do it. But it's fundamentally my sleeping pill. My sleeping pill is the gratitude prayer. And gratitude is essential in times like these too, by the way.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Don't kid yourself. You better have a healthy dose of gratitude in your life or this world will destroy who you are. Okay? The things that are happening in the world will literally destroy who you are because it's rough out there right now, man. It's crazy the things that are happening. There's corruption all over the place. Bad guys getting away with things all the time. Good guys getting raked over the coals. What the gratitude prayer does is gives you a chance to reflect after a crazy day. I do mine at night on the pillow in the dark.
Starting point is 00:37:48 It's my favorite. No sound. Everybody's asleep. Everything's turned off. It's silent. It's pitch black. And I just lay there, and I thank God for everything in life. Whatever comes up.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I don't have a list. I don't have a particular order, I don't say that I need to say my wife, and then my kids, or my kids, and then my wife, or God, and kids, and there's none of that hierarchical stuff, it's whatever comes to mind, whatever, you know, whatever pops up, like, oh my God, this pillow, God, thank you for this pillow, this cover, oh, Link, my buddy Link, my little pit bull buddy, man. He curls up with me every night. Sometimes I'm just so happy in the winter that my little pit bull is with me.
Starting point is 00:38:32 You know what I mean? So whatever it is, whatever you're grateful for in that moment, okay? And that fills out day A. Day A is pretty much over then. You know, you got your threat resource mapping, cold exposure, the 50, and your gratitude prayer, and you're done. Okay? That's February 1st, 2024. February 2nd, day B now, right?
Starting point is 00:38:57 Because we're alternating between A and B routines. We're going to do something called a kettlebell clean. Many of you might not know what a kettlebell clean is. So I'll make a video of that. Many of you might not have kettlebells. That's okay. You can still do a clean with a dumbbell. You can do a clean with a can of soup.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Okay? Don't give me any excuses. I don't have kettlebells. I'm not doing it. That's fine, but you're the one that's going to regret it. you know that's fine but you're the one that's gonna you know you're the one that's gonna regret it um so we're gonna start the day off our physical fitness portion of day b is gonna be 50 kettlebell cleans which is tough okay that's a tough one that ain't easy but that's all the fitness we got for that day 50 kettlebell cleans you could do 25 on one side 25 on the other i'll
Starting point is 00:39:44 show you how to do them it's a powerhouse of an exercise though the kettlebell cleans You can do 25 on one side 25 on the other I'll show you how to do them It's a powerhouse of an exercise though The kettlebell is essential If you don't have a kettlebell You're crazy You know Like people spend Thousands of dollars
Starting point is 00:39:55 To put a gym into their house Or build a dish and put a gym in Put a gym in the basement Put a you know Everything That a gym can do for you Aside from a pull up You can get done gym can do for you aside from a pull-up, you can get done with a kettlebell. Maybe aside from a pull-up and a bench press, right? You can
Starting point is 00:40:13 do with a kettlebell. The kettlebell is everything. It's everything. It's amazing. 50 kettlebell cleans. Okay. First shot dry fire is next. Okay, dry fire practice, we're probably going to do the whole year. We're probably going to do dry fire practice every single month from now till the end of the year. And now that I've seen how effective it can be, yeah, we're going to do it every single month, okay? And the first shot drill's simple. In fact, I i think i linked to it not on this one but well maybe i didn't link to it first shot is just what it sounds like right unholstering the weapon taking aim dry fire holster the weapon that's it you decide you know do it more than once it's my only stipulation Do it more than once. It's my only stipulation.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Do it more than once. I'll be using the iTarget Pro. They're not a sponsor. I don't even, I probably should reach out to them. Yeah, maybe I should reach out to them, huh? Considering the fact that, and this is not by design. I'll tell you how much this was not by design. My wife's brother bought her the iTarget Pro.
Starting point is 00:41:28 It just so happens that his brother-in-law is going to be using it a lot more than his sister. That's all. But we're going to be using it all year, so I might as well reach out to him. Okay, so you're going to do your first shot dry fire practice on day B. Then you're going to go to Proverbs in the Bible. I know, we're all over the place. Kettlebell cleans, dry fire practice. We're going to go to Proverbs in the Bible. I know, we're all over the place. Kettlebell cleans, dry fire practice. We're going to go to Proverbs in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:41:49 You're going to read one page of Proverbs, which is around 30 pages. You're going to read one page. You know what? Maybe we should put it as two pages because I forgot we're going to be alternating days. One to two pages, okay, of Proverbs. And then we're going to round that day out with meditation.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Meditation is hard. Meditation sucks. The reason people say meditation is stupid is because they can't do it, okay? You're not summoning the demons if you just sit Indian style and close your eyes for five minutes, okay? You're not.
Starting point is 00:42:26 There's nothing wrong with that. Jesus Christ is not going to be upset with you if you sit Indian style with your eyes closed for five minutes. I promise you that you probably won't even be able to sit Indian style with your eyes closed for five minutes. The reason people knock meditation is because it's hard and they can't do it. That's all. I just gave you the hardest of the hard facts on meditation right there. I've heard all the excuses. I've heard everything that you could say about it. I can tell you right now it works. I can tell you right now it will kill compulsive behavior. I can tell you right now it will, it will, see what it really does is it
Starting point is 00:43:05 trains you to shut your stupid yap and, and, and sit still with quietly, which for a guy like me, who's been yapping now for 46 minutes, obviously I need work, you know? So that's it. Day B, done. So you got your day A, you got your day B. Now your day b now your weekly is is interesting your weekly is very interesting okay only i don't want to say only a guy like me because that's not true but only in an in an on a podcast network like ours could you do something like this now weekly your weekly activity is to contact congress local politics contact congress local politics what do i mean by that i mean reach out to someone and tell them they're doing a damn good job so long as you can
Starting point is 00:43:55 find someone who's doing a damn good job that's what i want you to do i don't mean call congress and say i'm a pro second amendment and you better not come after my guns. You better. That doesn't work. What I do think the American people should do is find the people who are doing the good work and thank them. You will be better for it. Okay?
Starting point is 00:44:18 So that's a weekly. One time a week. Friday, you send an email. You know, whatever. Tell somebody in local politics they're doing a good job. I just believe it has an effect, okay? Now, also on the weekly, you're going to review the preparedness master schedule if you're a member, okay? The preparedness master schedule is essential.
Starting point is 00:44:43 It is a year routine rather than a week-to-week, right, or a month routine. The only other thing left is the family activity, and I think it's a good time to review your medical stuff. I think it's a good time to hip the children and maybe even the spouse to medical gear, medical equipment, medicines, where things are, what they do, and how to use them. I think it's a good time to sit down and do that. You do that, that can be a monthly.
Starting point is 00:45:13 That can be for the month. That doesn't have to be a weekly. You can make it a weekly if your family can stand it. But I think they'll benefit a lot from sitting down with your medical kit, your medical caches, your tourniquets. How do you put a tourniquet on, son? Show me. You know what I mean? What is this medicine for? Where are the antibiotics? How do you know how many antibiotics to take? You know, if you have a Jace case like I do, then that's what you do. You go open the Jace case up. There's five different antibiotics in it. There's instruction booklet in there. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:47 You cannot be the sole proprietor of all prepping information because you could die. And if you die, then what? So that's Calm Within Chaos, PBN family. That is the routine for the month
Starting point is 00:46:04 of February. This kicks off tomorrow. Do your best. Give me your best. Give you your best. That's what's important. Give you your best. Because, yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:46:18 This is all I can promise you. This is the only thing that I can do. This is the best thing that I can do. This is the best thing that I can do. This is the best way that I can affect you. I can sell you things. I can sell you great coffee. I can sell you a membership full of videos and stuff to read and do. I can introduce you to the PBN family, and you can play on Element, talk about the things that you want to do,
Starting point is 00:46:43 plan the things that you want to do. plan the things that you want to do. I can do a lot of that fun stuff. I can put a podcast up that will get you so upset and so riled up. But the difference with the routines is if you can find the will, if you can find the will and the discipline within you to follow along with these routines, you'll be completely changed. You'll be 50 to 100% better than you were at the start of February. It's a guarantee. it's an absolute guarantee but you gotta find the discipline and the will to do it
Starting point is 00:47:27 I can't give you that there's not an amount of money you can give me that will assure that you can do that because I'm never gonna lay beside you at night in the dark and say hey did you do your gratitude prayer yet dude listen find the, find the will, okay? Find the will. It really all comes
Starting point is 00:47:51 down to this. There's no mystery. There's no magic. There's no special thing you're going to buy or tactic you're going to figure out. It comes down to this, okay? You are what you do every day. So do what we do every day. Do this routine. And you will see improvement. I'll talk to you soon, guys. For all of you who are joining me for the Incredible Master Class, go find that Rumble link.
Starting point is 00:48:24 It's kicking off here in about 10 minutes. I'll talk to you soon. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at What if you could pack American-made shelf-stable protein into your food storage? When Say Grace Plant Protein approached me, I was on the fence. They taught me their product is not TVP. TVP is actually a byproduct of the soybean oil industry. This is phytoestrogen-free, shelf-stable, plant-based protein. For your health today or doomsday.
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